HomeMy WebLinkAbout45 Sopris Mesa Pl - 239128103004INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1876-99 BP NO. 12583 OWNER: TIM AND CHERIE ADAMS PHONE: 970-963-6673 MAILING ADDRESS: 16611 HWY 82, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 45 SOPRIS MESA PLACE, CARBONDALE TAX PARCEL NO. 2391-281-03-004 LICENSED INSTALLER: ZAMORA EXCAVATING, JOE ZAMORA LICENSE NO. 10-99 PHONE: 970-963-1389 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, INC., TIM PETZ PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 1194 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 56 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 6/14/99. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: HEATHER SAVALOX DATE: JUNE 22, 1999 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1194 SQUARE FEET (VIA 56 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRETESEPTIC TANK: 1250 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET FROM SEE SITE PLAN FOR SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATIONS COMMENTS: ENGINEER FINAL CERTIFICATION RECEIVED AUGUST 8, 1999. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. } ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL ° DATE: AUGUST 12, 1999 Sent bjiENVIR9NMENTAL HEALTH May-24-99 12e41r,M, from 32803493970 963+6673 Fage 2% 6 (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEwAax DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, Co a1631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST * FtE $200.00 * • -MAKE ' ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: ' rM EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS APPLICANT/ RPERSON! hM � �C MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: IC �. LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: EAAA.A-'i�A Eyt%APr ... L�-l� COMPANY/DBA: '�OVA t YG� ►tyt� r ADDRESS: y—j PRONE: `7`7`� �2s? PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (,\-i New Installation { ) Alteration**�*�**��,>•�,�,r.��***����;�******,��r*****�r�rt**�*�c�*�r�k**�c**�**�t�r**x*x**�tt*Rpair ***t LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SkSTEM� Building Permit # ('if known) Legal Description: Subdivision; E��Fi.ling:_Block: Lot No.�O Tax Parcel Number: Lot Size:_, Street Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (k) Residential/single. Family Number of Bedrooms � ( ? Residential/Multi-Famijy* Number of Bedrooms ( } COmmercial/Industrial* Type — TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) '� aP lI ( ) spring ( ) Surface ()6 Public Name of Supplier: _•�N j'hptlj�iJ y#��,9 fc,�yp21�.5��.�_ 116L�i0�,1 *These systems require design by a Registered Professional` Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY _ AMOUNT PAID: � � � '� RECEIPT R: �/ �J�_ DATE; �qq CHECK 0: 5.a( CASHIER: _ �.�t bU.� Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO August 12, 1999 Tim and Cherie Adams 16611 Hiway 82 Carbondale, CO 81623 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1879-99, Tax Parcel #2391-281-03-004. Property location: 45 sopris Mesa Place, Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Adams: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: June 22, 4 999 TO: Zamora Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1876-99. Tax Parcel # 239.1-281-03-004. Property Location: 45 Sopris Mesa Place, Carbondale, CO., Adams residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1876-99. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the.permit unless otherwise approved. .Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Church and Associates, Inc., Tim Petz CHURCH & Associates. Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS June 14, 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Adams 16611 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Subject: OWS Design, Proposed Residence Lot 10, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 11136 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Adams, As requested, we have evaluated subsurface conditions at the site and designed an onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed residence. Subsurface conditions were investigated by Nelson Environmental & Wastewater Solutions, Ltd. (NEWS) on March 28, 1999. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed drain field area has a gentle slope of l 0%. There is a thick cover of native grass in the proposed field area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A four -bedroom residence is proposed at the location presented on Figure 1. In accordance with the Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) regulations, a 4-bedroom residence is estimated at 600 Gallons Per Day (GPD) average. The sewage loading with a peaking factor of 1.5 is 900 GPD. This loading in- cludes a dishwasher, garbage grinder, and washing machine. The residence will be served water by a community well not located on the property. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS NEWS Ltd., performed a subsurface investigation by digging 3 percolation holes, 35 to 44 inches deep, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface conditions in Profile 1 consisted of 16 inches of topsoil underlain by a calcareous clayey, silt with fragments of basalt to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered. Percolation tests indicate percolation rates of 40 to 53 minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 44 MPI. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend the installation of 125n, two -compartment septic tank with an effluent filter, and four chambered trenches at the locations presented on Figure 2. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 900 GPD and a percolation rate of 44 MPI. z 111�(fk DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 OWS Design Job No. 11136 Page 2 Movement over the drain field trench bottom during construction should be kept at a minimum to prevent compaction of the receiving soils. We recommend the bottom of each trench be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of dispersal gravel. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service, and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tanks pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, we recommend the septic tank be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LIMITATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its ;-installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the APEHD ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are any questions or if we can be of further service, please call. The project manager is Tim Petz. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates Roger J. Shafer, P.E. RJS/trp 2 copies sent 1 copy to: Eagle County Health Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle County, Colorado 81631 ADAMS RESIDENCE LOT 10, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SCALE I" = 200' PROPOSED FOUR BEDROOM RESIDENCE BUILDING ENVELOPE PROFILE P-2 -3 -1 SITE PLAN AND LOCATION OF PROFILE AND PERCOLATION HOLES JOB NO_ 11136 FIGURE I ADAMS RESIDENCE SCALE LOT 10, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION I" = 100' EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROPOSED FOUR BEDROOM RESIDE BUILDING ENVELOPE 1250 GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH EFFLUENT FILTER ON OUTLET FOUR 3' X 8 TRENCHES WITH CHAMBERS USING SERIAL DI NOTE: Nv WATER LINE MUST BE 10' FROM SEPTIC TANK AND 25' FROM DRAIN FIELD TRENCHES LOCATION OF OWS JOB NO_ 11136 FIGURE 2 n 1 k ; § � § � § �k §§ )§ pis a§ i5 2 � f § 2.� � ■ a � §§i k§ &P,�aZL - m a / 489 ■� � � § §§§ _ 2 LLJ ■ �cis 7K \§ � §u 2 � ¢ ® '•® � �His §§. E §�jj is a.a e § § R� . ofMWO is� § � V) k < _ � o 0 0 0 ƒ b � P O z z aw §R§'x � § § o . �.b-§ t § .�§ �Ir-* z z \ § k ..G n k §2�E2w§� « a _ �§��■tee z k co rcts V LO N T 1 W W w �CD U z � o_ w °� I-- cd Q Q U - O d' CD •� Chd T F- CC Q 4m U W ^ y y E W O G O Y00 N 'O U V W C9 Y 3 0 O O O y 0 O U a1! C1 IA y. 'O ►. G 'C ••� r O_ N t a p Of •p✓ E U 0 Q O 0 0 Ii N Nersa� n n taI & >t�arir�cesvat®r Salto UA E May 18, its Mr. ,and Mrs, Tim Adams it361 i Highway 62 Cwbandeis, CO 01623 Re: Lot 10, Sopris M*sa 9wbdlvlsion, F_Ogle County, CoWado located at the end of sopris Moon PIN* As regwestsd, Nelson Environmental and Westevvliter Solutions, Ltd., performed molls Ws study and percolation teats to design a tl000 s4Mm Or trio P Pctwd conducted this study &Q=ding to Ssotkmw 4.04 and 4.06. ChaleK IM i 1(111 We of the eagle County Code on Septem have based our recommendations on the subsurface Conditions encourterod during our Bita Vl!ltii►. The plans for the resldatwe we for a three bedro6 t. two bathroom, N4-story house. The IocaUon of the proposed rniderres and the area for the sewage disposal field ere shown on Figuro i . Without water consenrfnq toilets, the ultimate wastewater flow fMM this rssidenos Is estimated to everape 460 gallons per day (GPD), as specified in the E4016 CoLN'ltY Coda, The Invsatipsted site is a kA of approximately 7.22 &ores in the now SOPHI Mesa Subdivision on MISSW i Heigftta. The prop" is served by subdivision well, The ground srn no, whioh appealrs natural in the proposed seta of the aibwptlon field, slopes to the South bit about a 15% grade In the ores of the proposed absorption field. There was a typical vegetation paittsrn of sagebrush, presses and some woods over the undietud)*d eras of the property. A soil pM llt pit, within 15 feet of the propoW absorption area, was exoevatsd to a depth of sight Teat. No ground water was enowi tUmW in the profile excavation. Bedrock ails not present within profile pit. The soil textures encountered vvere ai silly Cjtay 0#1 ww #lxtaAn Inanaw of topRoil, And a CIIIQa Sous, *A108h NKVtsn silt and Ghey to the depth of the soil pr+ofllb on the sits, Loess basalt rook in the soil mAtrix WAMO more prevalent at a ipproxartetely five feat below the surfoos and to the bottom of the profile hole. P,O, box o9613nowmass V111ASt, CO 616113 Neleta� Elevltrlu>grrnent� � W'ar�wahr saisu>K Property Addrem: Wg MW PIa W Legal pelK Wton: Property • Nams u KW AWW.rt t► Addrm 16611 141abW 02 CIAMM111112,e Ph" 05 - lion snorm"AW11 a Sanwa trattlt m iomwod -XAQ/ 9 heaver Added , X Xd to A *MUM o L1W No Tim gi a- wwr t"d Q=2W ab 4,30 gw o AptAaut of ptt'ootlic woter added 10 pum AV* n 1Nttmr tm�ledtyi in hake tzMt Dso�o�? twit t: �Y� X Nn flub 2: Ya X No Nola 3. _,,,,,Ya ravel "11tW mmar"eat Hole 1: S3 atlnukol"At Wo1: 40bnmw APA H* 3: 40 WAWAot I=b AMMAW 4f atttaltc ArA i`N11t111tl+wtllia. O Nd BatoOtu>tered to s Il. o ERtmtt od 4V6 0 high na mal wsm ifra.uao Mw*O.2u rau o is am bdkwd 49 bo wtaoat to moral Rut w4m which could ft* Iu a wco W water OW Yet _, No stw M mmm >*I $% to tk south D1#Wk Q NctlLwattatttt.tl a &dratted d*b if mat arcmoted-!W R. 0 7ype of GadtoGk: seadttotte Ol"One - F*CWM watituad 9 Is bWWA It i7md t9 be perro Abttf .X- Yes —No I mt* ft 1t19 ebow Inkrrnoda t I* cm., of grid comp" to ft busk *(my kmMedge WWI mat cat 1"m W" ylrlrtr>nmm In ermr+r"We WIM' Yff�'m�. tlfmr "m of F0912 cdg" IrAvIdmi Irvmvu b6pumW Luy yulum Au6dwom, luulknt 4.156AI Uuvuyli d.t1rv.00. rlrl�lllA F Nahm Ptwahont F.O. Box 6961 SttowcUoe 'VtUr gs, CO $1618 Office (970) 923.9299 )edit & Fix (970) 923+2766 .I Ty%1711 ?�ta> iAdlflgY & i�"Q.416�Qif1:�1�/'.SQ ulf0� MA �� E. W TABU i S Hole H& depth Lepgttt of Itttervtii DeptU •t stin of lutwvW Daptb a Mid of li torval Drop in Wda Lovoi ,Average pardOltttlott No. (in.) ("Mtes) (Mchat) (Ives) (InaAo4) Mto(Min./lnch) 1 35 14 4119 311/16 7/16 to 311116 3 in 3116 10 3 1/2 3 5/16 3/16 10 3 5/16 3 1/8 3/16 14 31/6 2 7/9 114 to 2 7/8 211116 3116 53 2 42 10 5 iM 5 3/16. 5/16 . 10 5 3/16 5 3116 t0 5 4 5/9 3/8 10 4 5/9 4 1/4 318 10 419 3 15/16 5116 10 315/16 311/16 IA A0 3 44 10 4 515 4 3/8 114 t0 4 3/9 4 18 10 4 3 3/4 114 10 3 3/4 3 1/2 114 to 3 1/2 3 $116 3/16 10 3 3/36 3 1/16 114 40 Tito Ad"" Property Lot to, Sopris Mew Subdivision Date orPowlation Test: 3128/99 .0, Box 6%, S.nowmass VIU&xk Co 91615 Office (970) 923,S289 Home & Pax (970) 928.27it6 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS August 6, 1999 Tim Adams 16611 Highway 82 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Subject: OWS Observation, Proposed Residence Lot 10, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 11136 Dear Mr. Adams, As requested, we observed the installation of the onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the subject site on July 27, 1999. The system was designed under our Job No. 11136, dated June 14, 1999. The installationincluded one 1250-g4llon two -compartment tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and four 3 feet x 87.5 feet gravelless trenches with infiltrators using serial distribution for 4 total area of 836 square feet (SF), The observed components of the OWS were installed in conformance with the plans and specifications. If you have any questions concerning this project, or if we can be of further service, please call. Very truly yours, 0p REG/O CHURCH & Associat T E ward O. Church, P. (/k EOC/trp 2 copies sent copy to Eagle County Health Department copy to Zamora Excavating, Inc. P.O. box 754 Carbondale, CO 81623 DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 Received May-26-99 09:20am FRL71 : TIM ADAMS PAINTING ftet; _- Fax Note 7672 l'l from 97e 963+6673 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page FAX NO. : 970 963+6673 May. 25 1999 09:27Ah1 P1 rw. of No / T'slay's oats J 6q� 5 f_ 1 hnv,• From 3/ (�L�ydt '%mac 'f COtap'li �Y L{ Ww 00-Gher Q 5'i.4.73 $pn0 pytliiVYll9H146h TR1. HiAi.7k MaYy-29-'?`i 12 tAirh,,. ,,.., f�alR 33B@S s84370 9i3�4E 73 ag9.R 2� h f8lt* Plan MVST be 8ttached) ISO$ Permit J'VPLtC,A'VION FOR TUDIVIDUAL SIVAOX 0109 1;Ali SVST=M VZMZT ENViR+;yH'KMAL "FA,L'TH OFFICE • EACLE COUNTY RAC'LE, Co 4ad31 v.rw�*st*x�►*Nvr,a�M�1>Ert,ef*�*�e3*w8-8M�rt8t#**7A3*8t*t*(El w*asak�e t)tY*�r*t�i+4�ic*�r,t+tiexk**,t+r��► * PRUIT APPLICATION r8T $150.00 PLRCOLATrON. T£ST PEES 40.00 w x . -M&KE ' ALL R£MZ'i'TANCE PAYABLr To,- "EAGLE UNTYn **irrb>w�*Awa>ti*i�ti*whir**+e*sr*tew,r,r,►re*wF*�t�,�rstxklrrt**�**���,t�R�Aw�rw,k*:sx PROPERTY OWNERS, �^ i MAILING ADDRESS: ��t� �itv.i�s�a� n.ri.� _ . HHortl : MO-1 4PPLIOANTiCONTACT MAILING ADDRESS;. LICLIfSEO ,TSOS CONTRACTOR- COMPANYjpBA: MS3i G PSMIT (APPLICATION IS PCRt 00 New Installation Alteration !) Ropair M*i**iY4ilh,lir�eaY�4*.tai.+t,r*,►#w>t,t:ei xxk7e*�4ww* kk*k*+h+41t*+4R#�e*�te�ra•*,t,k***+►xtY*efy►ri+wwkdrA LOCATION OF PROPOSID INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DI3POS&L SYSTEM! 8uildinq Pcrzit # -= _.r (if known) legal bescriptiont Subdivision: Tax Parcel Number: ,( Lot sizo: Street Address: x*+r*,►*a�wi��rxi���ew�,*,t*,�.►*w:re*�*arsvw�rxre�rcx**,�xatn,tie,►xw�r*ar*�c�:of**tr,t+�r*,�i,rxw,��.x,r+r�.*. StITLDING 'TYPEt (ChOc7k Wli cable category) ReBieers ial /single Family N"zu).Ar of Sodrooma Ree3dp»tfali)Kulei�i*amt2y* Number of Sedroome ( ) Cammsx'CiallYnduatx.ial+t Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Chack applicable category) t ) Well ( ) Sprinq ( ) Surface { Public (dame of Supplia'r. ,c1SP€N YlMAIA 1 *Theses *ySteza require design by a )'*9t$t9rQd Professional Engiriodr SIGNATURE: gate: N+r�ewYr*r,a�►wswwwk+Y*eNww#*#w*w***�xx��eveW�lrk#>r:ewwxa*xx><*true**x**t.�r*aY$r*#f,kYr6+r*+hi TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: RRCEIprr �i DATE., CHECK CASHIEIiz Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 3 �.� 05125/1999 15:15 970-923-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS, LTD PAGE 03 Netsvn vnviron& Wast*Iwasw Sbtutkon4 to E May i8,1999 s Mr, and Mrs, Tim Adams 16611 Highway 62 Carbondale, CO 01823 Re: Lot 10, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado located at the and of Sopris Mesa Placer As requested, Nelson Environmental and Wastewater Solutions, Ltd., performed a soils study and percolation tests to design a septic system for the proposed residence, We conducted this study wording to Sections 4,04 and 4.05, QbpgWE IV (Ingj,Xiidual �e 1211pgi SYSMMM, of the Eagle County Code on September 10, 1995. We have based our recommendations on the subsurface conditions encountered during our site visits, The plans for the residence are for a three bedroom, two bathroom, tm o-story house. The location of the proposed residence and the area for the sewage disposal field are shown on Figure 1. Without water conserving toilets, the ultimate wastewater flow from this residence is estimated to average 460 gallons per day (GPD), as specified in the E906 Ctx,trrty Code. The investigated site is a lot of approximately 7.22 acres in the now Sopris. Mesa Subdivision on Missouri Heights. The property is served by subdivision well, The ground surfacer, which appears natural In the proposed area of the . absorp#Ion field, slopes to the South at about a 1 S% grade in the area of the proposed absorption field, There was a typical vegetation pattem of sagebrush, grasses and some woods over the undisturbx9d areas of the property, A soil profile pit, within 15 feet of the proposed absorption area, vas excavated to a depth of eight feat. No ground water was encountered in the profile excavation. Bedrock was not present within profile pit. The soil textures encountered were a silty slaty below sixteen inches of topsoil, and a calcareous, whitish reedlton silt and clay to the depth of the soil profile on the site. Loose basalt rook in the soil matrix became more prevalent at approximately five feet below the surface and to the bottom of the profile hole, P.O. Box 6961 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 Post -it" Fax Note 7671 Date 5 pages 8 To 7 From (/ �tx� Co./Dept. o Co. Phone # Phone # 9 v n „3� C,917- 5—� Fax # 03 — 4 13 Fax # GRID "f�'0� 3 q I Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 4 05/25/1999 15:15 970-92$-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS:LTD PAGE 04 Adams Property Septic System Site Evaluation May 21, 1 "9 Page I i-r The subsurface soil conditions were evaluated with the standard percolation test procedures st the approximate location shown on Figure 1. The test holes were hand dug in the bottom of shallow baeMoe excavations. The subsoil in which the percolation testing was run, consisted of silty clay. This soil was well consolidated, and showed only a little tendency to swell. No smearing or compaction was observed in the backhoe excavations but was seen in the soil profile hole dug with the batckhoe. pvjvvlsti,�lh tisting wets "t+fnrmod in tho pfol:Mid >pb2orptinn AraR fintdh of She building site. i no percolation lulus ymi a I ieii id vu� 16 the ie611tian of 0lu i roposad absorption field at the bottom of backhos excavations prepared earlier. Foul inches of gravel were placed In the bottom of each hale. The holes were dug to a toted depth of betmmin 35 and 44 inches. The percolation holes were pre-soaked the evsning before the percolation tasting by ,adding six gallons of water to each hole. Water was then added twice the following day before beginning the percolation test measurements. The results of the percolation testing are presented In Table I. These results indicate the clay loam actin hove an averago percolation rate of 45 minutes per inch and are acceptabio for an intittriatton aesign for the on -site iaev+► 9w uyatar!!. Thn rninimi im rii7pio rni inter ren iirw ient'ii ft thiti initaiwinn mm nwa flit i iiyofm loaded at an average of 450 gallons per day. This float► would require a aeptic tank o at least 9 DOD gallons and a minimum of approwimatoly 1200 square foot of standard nhimrPhrim trnnrh or tilt;? square feet If "infiltrotore''° gravvlvvw IvwJ'iit'iQ ► harriber vvutiut iv. Eadi trench should be connseted to the tranoh above with serial distribution ire >!v[ii � ii ► !� iQ �rrt�ii'iR�r i!�;d44l�tt�i't- Umi ai. This report has boon prepared according to gionoroiily accepted prectirr n In this aim* for uss fw ierrwm0ar! r,iarvmaf rfoi%ion ru imniaax Tho rmncluslons and re+cammei,ndativi is subiiiittW ii i this i**Ix r't are based i iMn eintri Alritainfid frm our situ visits at the location Indicated There Is some pwovikfility tl tat tl`io !•+aturo and extent of variations in the subsurtace sail ftrosa the site may not haive beeri evidw it apt ti io W10 of this inw!►stigatleri, and may need additional ovcluntion If further excavation reveals • • turns differant fmm thi4.iia AasarlMd. Thlo of loo should bo adviaa e d of *AV unusual viti.imlii itim a-t w u ii! evi 1,iiwiihIA ► n VGA n1,iy t9iii alurft our maI'rmetlde ign vvi.'c+.r�aaa iti, sa 3ro-Diu'-;Grow BUB NELSON, ht",LTD PAGE 05 Adams Property Septic System Site Evaluation May 21, 1999 Page 3 if your have questions or if we may be of further assistance, please tali the office. SincerelyA�f: Robert F. Nelsen President Attachments Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 6 05/25/11999 15.15 970-923-276E BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTD PAGE 05 1 j do Aso r 0 �'' jyl lam) t:j,.•.:.ti.4.' � .00r"1001 14. 14 �f tt f filli a.y+w Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 7 05/25/1999 15:15 970-923-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTD PAGE 137 FROM T t M ;4DRMS P4 [ NT 1 NG FAX NV. 3'o 96 t6673 %ta r, 27 1939 11: 09AM P2 irr t 1. •t t , �r r • `may, 1 . ,,,�.^ 1 � \ ,tip' err+�'^~•• u • tiy�� �` • . • •�i," ; \� � • � � ..�"'w•'^,++w+ram+ "�r� , �`, 1. .lye + n.�.r�...i •..—�_•n.+. �• � \ i Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 8 05/25/1999 15:15 970-923-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTID PAGE 08 Nelson Environmmta & wastewaw soiution4 Ltd E w S TABLE i PI;RCOL�AT +DIY IM.USULT MM wi ��w���•w Hole Hole Depth No. (in,) ue• �„w Length of Interval (Minutes) wuw Depth at Start of Interval (Inches) i • r.rrww�wvi.�r.�•ww•�w••nww+w.+nrw��w,wrw�+w�wwt Depth at End of Interval (Inches) Drop in Water :Level (Incites) Average Percolation Rate(Mindlnch) 1 3.5 10 4118 311/16 7/16 10 311116 31/2 3/16 10 3 1/2 3 5/16. 3116 10 3 5/16 3 1/8 3/16 10 31/8 2 7/9 1/4 10 2 7/9 2 11/16 3/16 53 2 42 10 5 1/2 5 3/16 5/16 10 5 3/16 5 3/16 10 5 4 5/8 318 IQ 4 5/8 4 1/4 3/8 10 41/4 315/16 5/16 10 315/16 311/16 1/4 40 3 44 10 4 518 4 3/8 1/4 10 4 3/8 4 3/8 10 4 3 3/4 1/4 10 3 3/4 3 1/2 1/4 10 3 1/2 3 5/16 3/16 10 3 5/16 3 1/16 1/4 40 Tim Adam Property Lot 10, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Date of Percolation Test: 3/29/99 P.O. Box 6961 Snowmass Village, CO 81615 Office (970) 923*3289 Horne & Fax (970) 923*2766 Received May-25-99 03:15pm from 970 923 2766 i ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH page 9 05/25/1999 15:15 970-923-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTD PAGE 09 Nelson FsnvbwnmentW +fir Walswwater SatnttunA UA E Propel'ty Address: 3=4 bdell Pisc W S Legal Desm iption: Lot 'l tt. Socri9 Moog §ub ivision Property Phone Saw"C"M a" sweUl" o S=eamd srufaces iemond X, o israval Added X Xtto & gof 4" o Date and Tim ptMak water added _. 03/22M 0, 4,30 11m. o Amo= of pt"wk water added 10 $Aftm /h* o Wattr m=Wttg in holes On pmo*? Hole 1. _,Aes X No Hole 2: _Yes X No Note 3: ,-._.-Yes X NQ P'er+cotatton , Meamrament Hole 1: $3 ntinutwiach Hole 1: 40 Minut+estinch "Tole 3: 40 minutaAacb AMAGE, 45 WimtWimh 'Gavaudwaks . o Not Bnmmttterod to 9 ft. a Estimated depth to high saasomai water it not eneawtterod 20 feat o is am betkved to be subjact to seasonal fluctuations which could Molt in a "maw wl water I"? -A— Yes No Slope to absorption area a1504 to tier South tie mek o Not >3nmntered o Esdmated depth if not encountered-80 ft. o Type of bedrock: Sandstone Claystone Siltstone _& Other:Basalt ., LFractu ed Weathered o is bedrock beffen i to be permoable7 X,_,. Yes ,,.,,_No I Cerfify Ottet the above Information is carred and complete to the best of my knowledge and that 0 tests w,ern rtrtnrmM In nrew tl3r r with thnltmvininna of Full Ggynty irtdMduul t w uUu CiluµumA ItYWUM t IULAW(WIM, l}LIUL611 tfnvuytlj j'0S.00. Rmart F Nalann President P.0. Box 6961 SftOWMASsMage, CO 816%3 Office (970) 923.3289 H*Ane & Fax (970) 923*2766 15:15 970-923-2766 BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTD PAGE 10 jIL-j-VV RLL! PAWLe1R CGOTIXIT U'Al., live`. 50,411Rnalll54 C:lanwood Svvit%g-4, VO H1601 Fharte 970 045.7"8 N41surt EuvimuAmitlll Wastowatar wolutiont. Inc. Attn: Bob Nolsnn P.0, Box 6961 Snowmass Village, Colorado 81615 Ji + No, 199 335 s#117�c:Ct: Lubviniviy Tef,1im6 Stal`mitt4i i{�sil Xali plati, Tile Adams R.midencr 1 of 10 Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Lade County, Colorado D%Lr Mr. Nelson: li'tirwultind ►Yt111 tlSIA l4tter arc the rapulto of laborateiry testiq pprfr,7rmrri on mmplo iUbmilted by You trum liic ubvve re*iencO pru}iueul. IluiVQ,:ts,'Vattlag the 4200 t?ieve wmii i4uwrmillcd ill general accordance with AS'TM procedures and are as follows: tl.idS72(: �y. % Ping {#2Sieve l i'fs' 93.2 y 41 91.1 3 91 91.0 YY'C tilt 4VOJl"Wl. lw tVAAAALj %"I r.d1U1lalseu IIUPRf)IUU LtiJ IWI-lU#.tU.*t,t lit list tttt 2I1di,lt, questions, please call 111is office. Sincerely, REPWORTH - PA'WLAK U20TECHNICAl... INC. Sharon Tenney i Laboratory Technician ST/ke ac am O of 1 vvttN INt• UtN ILK UUHNLH or SECTION 28, A 3-1/4" ALUMINUM CAP, LS 19598 IN PLACE AND THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 28, A STONE IN PLACE. 2A.) THIS SURVEY IS BASED ON BOOK 365, PAGE 922 ON RECORD WITH EAGLE COUNTY EXISTING CORNERS FOUND IN PLACE AND A SURVEY PREPARED BY JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED JUNE 20, 1996. 3.) THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, COVENANTS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR IN PLACE. 4.) MINIMUM SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ARE AS SHOWN WITH INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ENVELOPES. x DENOTES REBAR AND CAP LS #19598 SET PRIOR TO RECORDING. 6. EACH LOT WILL BE SERVED BY AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. AN ENGINEERED SYSTEM SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR EACH LOT. DATE OF PERC. TESTS SHOWN WAS 8-26-97, SEE REPORT BY H.P. GEOTECH DATED 10-23-97. 7.) A SITE SPECIFIC SOILS ANALYSIS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN 0 ON ALL LOTS ON THIS PLAT. 8.) LAND USE SURROUNDING SITE IS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLAT. �k (DIFOnr 12121y� i;�1F14" 9.) THIS SUBDIVISION IS SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE COVENANTS TITLED "MASTER DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR ASPEN MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBDIVISION," RECORDED AS RECEPTION NO. 217987; TOGETHER WITH THE "SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF PROTECTI COVENANTS FOR SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION,' RECORDED AS RECEPTION NUMBER 669//7 , APPROVAL RESOLUTION NUMBER _ BOTH RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY., 10.) THERE SHALL BE A 7.5' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON BOTH SIDES OF ALL SIDE LOT LINES EXCEPT AT THE SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY. THERE SHALL BE A 15' UTILITY 9AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES & RIGHTS —OF —WAY OF THE SUBDIVISION. NO LOTS WITHIN SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION, SHALL BE SOLD, TRANSFERRED OR OTHERWISE CONVEYED — NOR SHALL ANY BUILDING PERMIT BE ISSUED BY EAGLE COUNTY FOR THESE LOTS — UNTIL ALL OF THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED UNDER THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NII®ER -66g»g , ARE EITHER (a) IN PLACE AND APPROVED BY EAGLE COUNTY OR (b) COLLATERALIZED IN THE FORM AS DESCRIBED IN THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT AND LAND USE REGULATIONS AND ACCEPTABLE TO EAGLE COUNTY TO SECURE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN THE .AGREEMENT. THIS PLAT NOTE SHALL ONLY BE RELEASED BY THE ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SO STATING BY THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TO BE RECORDED IN THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE. 12.) THIS SUBDIVISION WAS APPROVED' AS A CLUSTER SUBDIVISION IN COMBINATION WITH THE CENTRAL RANCH (PARCEL #2391-223-00-003) IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2.06.04 2) e) OF THE EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS IN EFFECT ON JUNE 1. 1998. 13.) CULVERTS FOR DRIVEWAYS CROSSING DRAINAGE CHANNELS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 30" FOR LOT 15 AND A MINIMUM OF 24" FOR LOTS 21 AND 22. ALL OTHERS SHALL BE 18" PER COUNTY REGULATIONS. 14.) 4' OF SHOULDER ON CUL—DE—SAC TO REMAIN UNOBSTRUCTED, MAILBOXES TO BE A MINIMUM 6' FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT OR 51' FROM CENTER. p 15.) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT OF 6us"►'1 I q BETWEEN EAGLE AND GARFIELD COUNTIES. A) EAGLE COUNTY SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER AND ENFORCE ITS LAND USE REGULATIONS, INCLUDING ITS ZONING, SiODIMSION AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENTIRE SUBDIVISION. INCLUDING THAT PART THAT LIES IN GARFIELD COUNTY. 16.) GRADING FOR CONVEYANCE OF STORMWATER AWAY FROM STRUCTURES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOT OWNER. ALL OWNERS SHALL ALLOW CONVEYANCE OF STORMWATER THROUGH THEIR LOT. 17.) THE POND EASEMENT ON LOT 15 IS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF HISTORIC ONSITE AND OFFSITE DRAINAGE AND DETENTION, AND IS NOT AN OPEN SPACE OR PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT. 18.) ALL BUILDING ENVELOPES ON THE SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION ARE OUTSIDE THE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN AS CALCULATED BY HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PERSONNEL. r�or6�r1��� .ta:lo BOB NELSON, NEWS,LTD PAGE 02 Incomplete Appl i rmt i n n Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # Building Permit # APPI,ICA oN PoR INDIVmDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL PERMIT ENVIROI,MNTAL HEALTZX OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, CO 61631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) irit�ritfr7�r�1r**�,k�rir�c�ir4t*Ar�it�ln4yk�lr�r�*itir,k�r* yk�tr�rtk�lr�ryt�'tklkiryttic�lt�r�lc�k ik PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION PEST FEE $200.00 � �Mr MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" �r irirA�4�ki�i�r�k�trdr�r�r***,4-�Ink�r�ak#�ktk�t�k�k�r�r*^Ar�k�4^k�ir/r�r�k�t�e�r�4�ir�k�lrieytskyk�kti4 +Iek�rMrie ��k�►r*�1r PROPERTY OWNER: Tim Adams MAILING ADDRESS:16611 High waY 82,Carbondale, CO 816223 PHONE:963-6673 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:Bob Nelson, MEWS, Ltd. PHONE: 923-3289T LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: ENGINEERING COMPANY/DBA: Not ap2licable ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION t ) ALTERRTION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Leqal Description: Lot 10, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Tax Parcel Number: Lot Size: f7.221 acres Physical Address; Sopris Mesa Place BUILDING TYPE (Check Applicable Category) (X) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms 3 ( 1 Residential,/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Chock applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Staring ( ) Surface (X) Public Name of Supplier:_.Sopris Mesa -Subdivision? *These systems equine tie by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: �3/s DATE: 05/19/9 AMOUNT PAID:_ RECEIPT I#: DATE CHECK *:+ CASHIER: 4" Biotube@ Effluent Filter & Biotube Jr. C' 0 Applications Our patented* 4" Biotube Effluent Filter and Biotube Jr. are ideal for residential septic tanks. They prevent large solids from leaving the tank, dramatically improving wastewater quality and extending the life of residential drainfields. A 4" Biotube Effluent Filter rt Filter Orenco's superior effluent filters resist clogging better than all other brands. Our standard, full-sized 4" Biotube Effluent Filter provides maximum long-term protec- tion in a complete package, with housing. Our 4" Biotube Jr., at half the size of our standard model, has more filtering capacity than the full-sized filters sold by other manufacturers. For tanks with existing outlet tees, the Jr. insert filter is ideal. APS-FT-0400-1 Rev. 2.1 © Z/26/99 *Covered by patent numbers 5,492,635 and 4,439,323 Standard Features & Benefits • 5-10 times more flow area than other brands, so lasts many times longer between cleanings, increasing homeowner satisfaction • Installs in minutes inside new or existing tanks; extendible tee handle for easy removal • Easy to clean by simply hosing off whenever the tank needs pumping • Removes about two-thirds of suspended solids, on average, extending drainfield life • Corrosion -proof construction, to ensure long life Optional Features & Benefits • Alarm available, to signal the need for cleaning • Flow modulating plate available to limit flow rate leaving tank • Custom and commercial sizes available Biotube Filtering Process Effluent from the relatively clear zone of the septic tank, between the scum and sludge layers, horizontally enters the Biotube Effluent Filter through inlet holes in the housing. Effluent then enters the annular space between the housing and the Biotubes, utilizing the Biotubes' entire surface for filtering. Particles larger than the Biotube's mesh are prevented from leaving the tank. Orenco Systems® Incorporated Changing the Way the World Does Wastewater® Model Codes for Ordering 4"Biotube FTPW0400-00MA-0 T TFor customized options (e.g., NC indi- cates meets North Carolina regs.) Indicates float bracket attached Indicates flow modulation plate installed Cartridge height. 28" and 36" are standard Housing height. 36" and 44" are standard Indicates filter diameter (in) W-Indicates fits 3034 outlet pipe S-Indicates Schedule 40 outlet pipe P-Indicates 1/16" filtration No P indicates 118"filtration Biotube effluent filter series T BiotubeJr. FTJPWO418MA-0 TFor customized options (e.g., NC indicates meets North Carolina regs.) Indicates float bracket attached Indicates flow modulation plate installed Cartridge height (in) Indicates filter diameter (in) W-Indicates fits 3034 outlet pipe S-Indicates Schedule 40 outlet pipe P-Indicates 1116" filtration No P indicates 118" filtration Jr. Series Biotube effluent filter series 4' Jr. Filter Insert MP0418-0-0 Tor customized options (e.g., NC indicates meets North Carolina regs. H indicates fits into Hancor tee) W-Indicates cartridge fits into 3034 housing. S-Indicates cartridge fits into Schedule 40 housing Cartridge height (in) Indicates filter diameter (in) P-Indicates 1/16" filtration No P indicates 118" filtration Insert Series Biotube effluent filter series To Order Call your nearest Orenco Systems, Inc. distributor. For nearest distributor, call Orenco at 1-800-348-9843. © Orenco Systems Inc 1998 Distributed By: 4' Biotube 4" Biotube Jr. Effluent Filter dible PVC ha ;s steel set s op seal plate Air vents oe filter carti Solid base Filter housing iaio-yy Tax9f ZJ91-281-03-004 Lot #10, Sopris Mesa ADAMS JOB- NAME • 45 Sopris Mesa Place Carbondale JOB NO.�PZ /oA6 LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED q I DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED 9 R' 9 Olt � Y � z e. Z -U7 a- Sao ; n Vlra f arS • d a 30 • . r edry c�,' G2I- �a 5,' zQ . 1 ash Get e ,lc • �i Z� V 6Lt A9,"A 924-le't tivl� J, g JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 JOB FOLDER Printed In USA