HomeMy WebLinkAbout407 Brooks Ln - 210905200001Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 EAGLE COUNTY Pro'ect Address Parcel No. 000407 Brooks LN Eagle, CO 81631- 210905200001 Owner Information Address JOHN HARDESTY 33710 PO BOX Phone: (480)488-1372 LAUGHLIN NV 89028- Cell: Engineer(s) Phone LKP Engineering, Inc (970)926-9088 I BEAUMONT EXCAVATING 10-09 Yes I Inspections: For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspection 1 IVR OWTS Partial Inspection 093 OWTS Final Inspection 095 Permitted Construction / Details: This system is designed for a 4 bedroom residence. Recommendations for this system are as follows: 1500 gallon, 2 compartment, mono pour concrete septic tank, and an evaportranspi ration bed with the dimensions being 65.5 feet by 102 feet Install the system per the design submitted by LKP Engineering, project number 09008, signed, stamped, and dated 5/29109. Call LKP for inspection before covering any portion of the system. CONDITIONS: Office Copy 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Terri Vroman June 04, 2009 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Department of Environmental health Eagle (970) 328-8755 Fax: (970) 328-8788 El ]ebel (970) 704-2700 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 ./-i- L'C_5 rSjk-A01-L ��e4-cr,`, Cov,-- P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ISDS Permit # ®uyT5-5- 7- - 3/103 Building Permit # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $373.00 This fee includes the ISDS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $55.00. Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: joky\ 6 C.Iara Rafdet Phone: qyC) ly?a Mailing Address: Ro. $p)( 33-1100 "Lks'►lin AJU M�)g Applicant/Contact Person: tea Phone: Licensed Systems Contractor: je_Ar R& nnnn �- License # Company/DBA: 5equLmanf Phone: 3cj0 -939 3 Mailing Address: :P.O . 13ox o�0a+ 6:ypsum , Co 81637 Permit Application is for: New Installation L! Alteration C Repair Location of Proposed Individual Sewage.5Dctonl3:st7mowr+ship yI R4Ar 8y� o-F-�h �thP,ul, Legal Description: Trac.+ 46 D E S cdCon SZ Town5hip Z IZa>ng�-e V W o fir 6*h P. M+ Tax Parcel Number: DI aq - 05?,-00_ 001 Lot Size: Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patie/ Physical Address: L10-7 BrooL5 (-one. �a P Building Type: j5( Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms: Residential/Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: F- Commercial/Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: ate Well f Spring rface � Public If Public Name of A-V er Zfp(,,� , Applicant Signature Office Use Only Amount Paid: ?_7 C Receipt#: Check#: � Date: �� D 'Hardesty Residence Et -Bed Septic Permit Page 1 of 2 Ray Merry From: Ray Merry Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:28 AM To: 'Luiza Petrovska' Cc: #environment Subject: RE: Hardesty Residence Et -Bed Septic Permit #OWTS 5-09-3163 Luiza, This looks to be about the same as Kesler's so at least we've got historical information that their's is working — thanks for calling them. What do you think about incorporating inspection portals at strategic locations tied into the laterals? What I'm thinking is that without BOD reduction, biomat builds up on the perforations and may cause clogging. The Keslers would only notice that their drains may slow down over time or at a point, may cause backup into the house or on the ground, depending on the water -tightness of the tank lids. It seems that if there were some sort of access to u� the laterals, they may be able to be pressurized to blow out the buildup so long as the effluent line could be blocked off when pressurizing the system. Maybe I'm over -thinking this too and, pressurizing_ might not be these r best way to remove biomat from clogged perforations. It may help to have an effluen 7ter in the outlet tee also. noticed the tank is specified for 1,500 gallons which is fine. Do 1,500 gallon tanks come in two pieces? I'm-(' wondering if we'd want to avoid a two-piece tank and maybe even consider a mono -pour due to the high 6' groundwater conditions and the potential for leaking. A system across from the Kesler's (ironically enough) is a mound that was receiving continuous doses of groundwater due to a leaky tank. Also do we need to specify installation techniques that overcome potential buoyancy? I checked the State Guidelines regarding ET beds and their calculations for area are about three times bigger. I think we should stick with the local regulations since I'm not convinced the state guidelines are correct and since the Kesler's system appears to be working fine. The section from the state says: 9- The follow-ing forniu a inay- be used as a guide for detenmung the area necessary for total ev-apotra isl3iration of septic tank- eft`luent: Area (in square feet) = Design Flow (in agallons gr dad,) x CO3 Lakze Ev-aporation Rate at the Site (in inches per year) Last but not least, would you please specify a seed mix for the final cover? Thanks. If you want to call me I should be around today. Raymond P. Merry, REHS, Director Environmental Health Department Eagle County Government P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 970-328-8757 fax 970-328-8788 ray. merry�a eaglecounty.us From: Luiza Petrovska [mailto:luiza@lkpeng.com] 5/19/2009 Hardesty Residence Et -Bed Septic Permit Page 2 of 2 Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:14 PM To: #environment Subject: Hardesty Residence Et -Bed Septic Permit <<09008SD-ET SD (1).pdf>> Hi, Attached is the revised Septic System Design for the Hardesty Residence. The first design was done for three bedrooms, but they actually have four. Sorry for any inconvenience. Also, they don't have a well. They are already serviced by a public water. Sincerely, Luiza Petrovska, PE LKP Engineering, Inc. 275 Main Street, C-104 P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632 Tel: 970-926-9088 Fax:970-926-9089 Cell: 970-390-0307 E-mail: lkpeng@centurytel.net luiza@lkpeng.com Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message and any related attachments. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy, review, distribute or forward the contents of this message to anyone. In such case, you should delete this message from your computer and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Thank you. 5/19/2009 awnft (;661tech HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL November 6, 2008 Hepworth,11IM k Geotechnical, Inc. 1'. 0. Drawer 1887 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone. 970-468.1989 Fax:970-468-5891 email• hpgeoV` 11pgeotech.com Bronn Excavating Attn: Dave Bronn P.O. Box 4867 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Job No. 408 326A Subject: Individual Sewage Disposal System Feasibility for Proposed Hardesty Residence, 407 Brooks Lane, Eagle, Colorado. Dear Dave: As requested, .Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. has evaluated the feasibility for sewage disposal at the subject property. Our observations and recommendations for sewage disposal are presented in this report. We previously conducted percolation testing at the site and presented our findings in a report dated October 10, 2008, Job No. 108 531A. This supplemental service was performed in accordance with our agreement for engineering services to you dated September 15, 2008. Site Conditions: The Hardesty property at 407 Brooks Lane is approximately 22 acres and located within the Town of Eagle limits. The proposed residence will be located in the southwestern corner of the property. A majority of the property contains a series of ponds, small streams, irrigation lines and wetland vegetation. The Eagle River borders the property to the west. Feasibility: A profile pit was excavated and percolation testing performed at the subject property on September 24, 2008 to evaluate the feasibility of an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) adjacent to the proposed residence. A copy of the percolation report is provided as an attachment. The profile pit revealed relatively shallow groundwater at approximately four feet and will require a mounded ISDS. The location of the mounded absorption field is limited due to the proximity of the Eagle River, the 100-year flood plain mark and adjacent water courses on the property; however, there is adequate space for an ISDS on the property which meets the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. Glenwood Springs 970-945-7988 * Parker 303-841-7119 0 Cotorado Springs 719-633-5562 Dave Bronn November 6, 2008 Page 2 It is our opinion that a conforming ISDS in the near vicinity to the residence is the most practical alternative for sewage disposal for the proposed residence; however, Town of Eagle code requires that the residence be connected to the Town sanitary sewer system since the property is located within the Town limits. Given the size of the property and proposed building site location, connection to the sanitary sewer would be an enormous undertaking and is not practical. There are several issues dealing with the feasibility of connecting to the sewer main line which is discussed below: • The distance between the proposed residence and sewer main tap -in area would be approximately 1,300 feet or greater in length. This would require multiple lift stations, sewage and effluent pumps, electrical power at each lift station, set of control panels for each pump, and an alarm system for each pump to verify that they are operational. • The effluent line would have to be a minimum of 40 inches in depth for frost protection. This depth may need to be increased if the effluent line is located in the roadway as frost depth may be deeper. The line would have to be properly bedded and sloped at 2% minimum to drain between lift stations to prevent freezing. The groundwater table was already identified at approximately 4 feet below ground surface in September and has potential to be shallower during the high groundwater period. • The excavation and dewatering issues involved with digging such a trench in shallow groundwater conditions would be enormous. It will be difficult or impossible to achieve proper compaction in the native soils in wet conditions and clean aggregate will likely need to be imported for effluent line support. If proper compaction is not achieved, settlement could occur and the effluent line could rupture leading to a release of untreated effluent into the subsoils and groundwater. This large excavation would not be good for the surrounding environment, especially the Eagle River. A large amount of time and effort would need to be put forth during placement of the sewer line to keep sediment -laden water and runoff from entering the Eagle River and surrounding watershed. In addition to the difficulties presented above, the cost of construction of the effluent distribution system would be substantial and likely considerably more than construction of a mounded septic system that meets the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Job No. 408 326A Dave Bronn November 6, 2008 Page 3 Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. This presents an undue hardship to the landowner. The potential costs include but are not limited to: multiple tanks and lift stations, multiple pumps, control panels and alarms, piping, electrical supply, approximately 1,300 linear feet of excavation which will likely total over 320 cubic yards of soil excavation and import of over 100 cubic yards of clean aggregate for piping support. Recommendations: The proposed residence is suitable for a septic system which conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for an ISDS and would have minimal impacts to the surrounding environment. It is our opinion that connecting the proposed residential sewer line to the sewer main has potential to be problematic and will present an undue burden to the landowner. There is a significant increase in cost, time, imported materials, mechanical components, dewatering issues and environmental impacts associated with connecting the residential sewage to the sewer main. Limitations: The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from our field observations, soil characteristics exposed in the profile pit and our experience in the area. We make no warranty either express or implied. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HFPWO T - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Specialist Reviewed by: JAD Attachment: Percolation Test Report, October 10, 2008, Job No. 108 531A Job No. 408 326A G99tech APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 80" a 4 40 654 or �• 6530 d IQ 10 If I• J P Q` 6520 I 0 Q o ' EXISTING POND � v o p�D�Q QtF • e � C? a PR POSED ILDING a F OTPRIW o • —08-08 F' i EXISTING a o POND 167 16A ?'o � EXISTING o o a [io S ° P1 a a rA Q. A a a Q, ; P 2A NPROFlLE PIT QB P 3 A o,., � �C � 672.27 `jam% o S 86'37'00" W Odn• LEGEND: PROFILE PIT 0 PERCOLATION TEST HOLE H LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PIT AND Figure 1 108 531 A C@ PERCOLATION TEST HOLES "' [7 5 a 10 LEGEND: PROFILE PIT ELEV. = 6525' WC=12.2 +4=1 -200=75 , _ •q � 5 u- 10 NTOPSOIL; organic silty sand, moist, grey -brown. SILT (ML) clayey, sandy, medium stiff, moist, gray to brown with depth, includes some near surface very silty sand. Volcanic Ash (SM). 11 GRAVEL (GM) with cobbles, sandy, silty, dense, very moist to wet with depth, brown, rocks are primarily subrounded. �1 2" Diameter hand driven liner sample. Disturbed bulk sample. _J Free water level in pit at time of excavation. NOTES: 1. The Profile Pit was excavated on September 24, 2008 with a Bobcat 435 2HS Mini backhoe. 2. The location of Profile Pit was measured by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. The Profile Pit elevation was obtained by interpolation between contours on the site plan and the pit log is drawn to depth. 4. The Profile Pit location and elevation should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the Profile Pit log represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the log were made at the time and under the conditions indicated. Fluctuation in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) +4 = Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve 108 531 A LOG OF EXPLORATORY PIT I Figure 2 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 1 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 108 531A HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL INCHES DROP IN WATER LEVEL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MINJINCH) P-1 24 15 Refilled 10 6 4 15 6 4 2 111/4 8 31/4 8 5 3/4 2 1/4 5 3/4 4 1/2 1 1/4 41/2 31/4 11/4 31/4 2 1/4 1 2 1/4 1 1/4 1 P-2 25 15 Refilled 7 3/4 6 1 3/4 20 6 5 1 7 3/4 6 1/2 1 1/4 6 1/2 5 1/2 1 5 1/2 4 3/4 3/4 4 3/4 4 3/4 4 31/4 3/4 3/4 21/2 3/4 P-3 27 15 Refilled 10 5 3/4 41/4 15 5 3/4 3 1/2 2 1/4 11 1/4 8 3/4 2 1/2 8 3/4 7 1 3/4 7 5 3/4 1 1/4 5 3/4 4 1/2 1 1/4 4 1/2 3 1/2 1 3 1/2 2 1/2 1 Note: Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on September 24, 2008. Percolation tests were conducted on September 25, 2008 in the sandy silt soils. The average percolation rates were based on the_ last two readings of each test. o Elrn � -• o &p ug ilN 11 4 ;gj ;pA;lc Iz. i PI p MZi A c � F a it yg� [ CM/GBOnCBNICAL SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN 407 BROOKS LANE OF AGLE Engineering Inc. EAGLE COUNTY• f OCO RADO .oc uwr nmc ELP. PREPARED FOR: 1. 5-11-09 RE DESIGN FOR 4 BELP.P.O. Bvz 2657 EEf- 9• CO 26-9lel (970) 926-9088 (aa (970) 926-9089 JOIIIV & CLARA EARDESTY No. DAM MSCRP—Br The Town ow of EvcFle 2nd a Meetings: 11 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Box 609 • Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-6354 • Fax 328-5203 November 19, 2008 To: Mayor and Trustees Fr: William Powell Re: Request of John and Clara Hardesty for permission to not connect to the Town's wastewater collection system John and Clara Hardesty own a 22.8 acre parcel within town limits where they plan to build a single family home. In an unrelated matter the town recently purchased easements from the Hardesty's for construction and placement of storm water facilities.. Two attachments help explain the request. First, section 12.36.020 of the Municipal Code requires all residential and non-residential buildings to connect to the wastewater collection system when such property_is within 400' of the collection system. In Hardesty's case, the 22 acre parcel is so large that the collection system exists several places within 400' of the perimeter of the property. However, the planned building site for their SF home is 1300 lineal feet from the most feasible connection location of the main. Additionally, the building site is considerably lower that the WW main and multiple lift stations would need to be installed. Other attachments are the request from John Hardesty and a letter from Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. explaining in more detail the difficulties in connecting to the main. Staff believes the request to not connect to the town's main is reasonable, considering the individual circumstances. Staff Recommendation: The Town Board of Trustees approves the request of John and Clara Hardesty to not connect to the town's wastewater collection system for one single family residence only (Building Permit # 3535), and subject to the approval of a private individual sanitary disposal system by the Eagle County Department of Environmental Health. Chapter 12.36 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM! - REGULATIONS CONCERNING CONNECTIONS. DISCHARGES ENFORCEMENT AND INSPECTIONS Sections: 12.36.010 Privies and Septic Tanks Prohibited. 12.36.020 Connection to Collection System Required, 12.36.030 Plant Investment and Connection Fees Required. 12.36.040 Application for Connection to Wastewater Collection System. 12.36.050 Plant Investment and Connection Fee. 12.36,060 Wastewater Connections, 12.36.070 Conformance with Rules, Regulations and Specification Standards, 12.36.080 Discharge of Certain Materials, 12.36.090 Industrial Discharges - Permit Required. 12.36.100 Discharge Permit - Structures Required. 12.36.110 Discharge Permit - Conditions and Reports. 12.36.120 Inspection and Sampling. 12.36.130 Confidentiality of Information. 12.36.140 Enforcement - Dischargers. 12.36.150 .List of Enforcement Actions - Discharges. 12.36.160 Recovery of Costs. 12.36.170 Entry onto Private Property. 12.36.180 Abandonment of Wastewater Service Line, 12.36.190 Interference Prohibited. 12.36.200 Town Responsibility/Property Owner Responsibility. 12.36.210 Malicious or Negligent Damage. 12.36.220 Unpaid Sewer Charges - Lien - Collection. 12.36.010 Privies -and. Septic Tanks Prohibited, Except as otherwise expressly provided, no person shall maintain, within the Town any privy, privy vault, septic .tank, cesspool or other facility intended for use for the disposal of wastewater. (Ord. 18-1997 §4 (part), 1997). 12.36.020 Connectionto Collection System Required. A, The Town Board of Trustees deems it necessary for the protection of the public health that the owners of all residential dwellings, buildings, orproperties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, nonresidential or other purposes, situated within the Town, install at the owner's expense suitable toilet facilities therein, and connect such facilities directly with the collection system in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter; provided, that the collection system runs within four hundred feet (400) of the boundary Eno of such property. Such connection with the collection system shall be. made prior to 12-63 (Eagle 4/01) issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy, certificate of occupancy, or within thirty (30) days after date of written notice given by certified or registered mail to such owners notifying them to connect their premises with the collection system. B. There a collection system main does not run within four hundred feet (400') of a property boundary line within the Town or in any area under the jurisdiction of the Town, the building drain on suehpropertymaybe connected to aprivate wastewater disposal system complying with the provisions and recommendations of the Colorado Department of Health upon the expressed approval of the Board of Trustees. C. At such time as apublic wastewater collection main runs within four hundred feet (400') of the property line of anyproperty servedby a private wastewater disposal system, a direct connection shall be made to the collection system in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, and any septic tank, cesspool or similar wastewater disposal facilities shall be abandoned and filled witlm suitable material, all at the owner's expense. (Ord. 18-1997 §4 (part), 1997). 12.36.030 Plant Investment and Connection Fees Required. No service installation, wastewater tap or other connection with the wastewater mains and lines of the Town of Eagle wastewater collection system shall be made without approval of the superintendent and until all applicable plant investment and connection fees have been paid and a permit has been issued. It is unlawful for any person to make any connection to the wastewater collection system contrary to the provisions of this Title or any other ordinance or regulation of the Town. (Ord. 18-1997 §4 (part), 1997). 12.36.040 Application for Connection to Wastewater Collection System. A. Application for wastewater collection service shall be made in writing to the Town Cleric and to the superintendent, on such forms as the Town Manager mayprescribe. Application must be made by the owner of the property to be served or his duly authorized representative, designating the property, stating the purpose for which the wastewater collection service may be required, and stating the number of EQR Units associated with such purpose. B. No wastewater collection system. connection permit shall be issued nor any connection commitment approved, except as provided in this Chapter, unless the plant investment and connection fee is paid, or the connection permit is issued and paid for pursuant to a phasing agreement, or other agreement with the Town to the contrary. C. At the time of application for any Town building permit, construction, or for any use whichwill use the Town's wastewater collection system, tile. owner or authorized representative shall make application for wastewater collection service. Plant investment and connection fees shall be assessed at the rate applicable under this Chapter and shall be due and payable at the same time the building permit is issued. 12-64 (Eagle 4/01) Laughlin 2152 Camel Mesa Dr. PO Box 33710 Laghlin, NV89028 Phone: 702-298.2386 'N November 10, 2008 Board Of Trustees City of Eagle, Colorado Attention: Willie Powell Request is hereby made for a variance from the city code requiring that l connect to the city sewer system and approve a septic system for my modular home that I am placing on my property at 407 Brooks Lane. i am attaching reports from HP Geoteck indicating that the connection would be both unfeasible from a technical point of view as well as cost prohibitive. We have been in touch with the Eagle County environmental department which concurs and have approved the septic system solution. Dave Bronn of Bronn Excavating is handling the excavation and sewer, water, etc. for the project If you have any questions please contact Dave Brown as he is authorized to handle technical matters for the project at 970 977-0261. Sincerely, John Hardesty Carefree 7802 Primrose Path PO Box 2422 Carefree, AZ.. 85377 Phone:480-488-1372 Fax: 480-595-0161 Cell: 602-432-2386 c;JH s�AOL.cocg it<texfco Villa Vista magica K 118.9 Tepic - Pto Vailarta San Francisco, Nayarit Mexico Phone: 52-311-258-4061 or 62 Fax: 52-311-258-4530 Office: 52-311-258,4621 UINVVU.vILLAvis T ArrAcrcA.CQAA November 6, 2008 Bronn Excavating Attn: Dave Bronn P.O. Box 4867 Eagle, Colorado 81631 lob No. 408 326A Subject: Individual Sewage Disposal System Feasibility for Proposed Hardesty Residence, 407 Brooks Lane, Eagle, Colorado. Dear Dave: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc_ has evaluated the feasibility for sewage disposal at the subject property. Our observations and recommendations for sewage disposal are presented in this report. We previously conducted percolation testing at the site and presented our findings in a report dated October 10, 2008, lob No. 108 531A. This supplemental service was performed in accordance with our agreement for engineering services to you dated September 15, 2008. Site Conditions: The Hardesty property at 407 Brooks Lane is approximately 22 acres and located within the Town of Eagle limits. The proposed residence will be located in the southwestern corner of the property. A majority of the property contains a series of ponds, small streams, irrigation lines and wetland vegetation. The Eagle River borders the property to the west. Feasibility; A profile pit was excavated and percolation testing performed at the subject property on September 24, 2008 to evaluate the feasibility of an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) adjacent to the proposed residence, A copy of the percolation report is provided as an attachment. The profile pit revealed relatively shallow groundwater at approximately four feet and will require a mounded ISDS. The location of the mounded absorption field is limited due to the proximity of the Eagle River, the 100-year flood plain marls and adjacent seater courses on the property; however, there is adequate space for an ISDS on the property which meets the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. Dave Bronn November 6, 2008 Page 2 It is our opinion that a conforming ISDS in the near vicinity to the residence is the most practical alternative for selvage disposal for the proposed residence; however, Town of Eagle code requires that the residence be connected to the Town sanitary sewer system since the property is located within the Town limits. Given the size of the property and proposed building site location, connection to the sanitary sewer would be an enormous undertaking and is not practical. There are several issues dealing with the feasibility of connecting to the sewer main line which is discussed below: • The distance bettiveen the proposed residence and sewer main tap -in area would be approximately 1,300 feet or greater in length. This would require multiple lift stations, sewage and effluent pumps, electrical power at each lift station, set of control panels for each pump, and an alarm system for each pump to verify that they are operational. • The effluent line would have to be a minimum of 40 inches in depth for frost protection. This depth may need to be increased if the effluent line is located in the roadway as frost depth may be deeper, The line would have to be properly bedded and sloped at 2% minimum to drain between liftstations to prevent freezing. The groundwater table was already identified at approximately 4 feet below ground surface in September and has potential to be shallower during the high groundwater period. • The excavation and dewatering issues involved with digging such a trench in shallow groundwater conditions would be enormous. It will be difficult or impossible to achieve proper compaction in the native soils in wet conditions and clean aggregate will likely need to be imported for effluent line support. If proper compaction is not achieved, settlement could occur and the effluent line could rupture leading to a release of untreated effluent into the subsoils and groundwater, • This large excavation would not be good for the surrounding environment, especially the Eagle River. A large amount of time and effort would need to be put forth during placement of the sewer line to keep sediment -laden water and r€nloff from entering the Eagle River and surrounding watershed. • In addition to the difficulties presented above, the cost of construction of the effluent distribution system would be substantial and likely considerably more than construction of a mounded septic system that meets the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Job No. 408 326A Dave Bronn November 6, 2008 Page 3 Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. This presents an undue hardship to the landowner. The potential costs include but are not limited to: multiple tanks and lift stations, multiple pumps, control panels and alarins, piping, electrical supply, approximately 1,300 linear feet of excavation which will likely total over 320 cubic yards of soil excavation and import of over 100 cubic yards of clean aggregate for piping support. Recommendations: The proposed residence is suitable for a septic system which conforms to the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for an ISDS and would have minimal impacts to the suiTounding environment. It is our opinion that connecting the proposed residential sewer line to the sewer main has potential to be problematic and will present an undue burden to the landowner. There is a significant increase in cost, time, imported materials, mechanical components, dewatering issues and environmental impacts associated with connecting the residential sewage to the sewer main. Limitations: The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from our field observations, soil characteristics exposed in the profile pit and our experience in the area. We make no warranty either express or implied. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNTICAL, INC. Jason Pascoe Environmental Specialist Reviewed by: JAD Attachnnent; Percolation Test Report, October 10, 2008, Job No. 108 531A No. 408 326A �ILL�' jllS�� MA�IC� November 10, 2008 Board Of Trustees City of Eagle, Colorado Attention: Willie Powell Gov QQ /Vt Request is hereby made for a variance from the city code requiring that I connect to the city sewer system and approve a septic system for my modular home that 1 am placing on my property at 407 Brooks Lane. I am attacking reports from HP Geoteck indicating that the connection would be both unfeasible from a technical point of view as well as cost prohibitive. We have been in touch with the Eagle County environmental department which concurs and have approved the septic system solution. Dave Brown of Brown Excavating is handling the excavation and sewer, water, eta. for the project if you have any questions please contact pave Brown as he is authorized to handle technical matters for the project at 970 977-0261. Sincerely, John Hardesty Villa Vista Magica: Tel. 311 25 84062 Fax: 311 258 40 60 Carrt. Pto. Vallarta - Tepic Km. 118.9 San Francisco, Nayarit. www.villavistamagica.com Villa Vista Magica: Tel. 311 25 84062 Fax: 311 258 40 60 Carrt. Pto. Val lana - Tepic Km. 118.9 San Francisco, Nayarit. www.villavistamagica.com RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director TO wN �1�G November 25, 2008 Mr. David Bronn Bronn Excavating P.O. Box 4867 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Bronn, This letter is being provided as per your request regarding whether an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) permit from Eagle County could be obtained to allow construction of a private wastewater system to serve a dwelling located within the Town of Eagle, specifically 407 Brooks Lane, tax parcel number 21090520001. Eagle County Assessor's records indicate this property is owned by the Eagle Valley Conservation Trust in care of Mr. John Hardesty. As it is unusual for a bonafide conservation trust to allow residential development on a protected parcel of land, I'm assuming that you've checked to make sure no protective covenants or restrictions exist that would prevent you from building upon this property. Two relevant documents were provided to Eagle County Environmental Health by David Bronn on November 21, 2008 that are germane to this matter. One document is a November 6, 2008, geotechnical ISDS feasibility assessment from Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical (HP Geotech) which includes a site plan, soil percolation and profile information; and a November 10, 2008, letter from Mr. Hardesty addressed to the Eagle Board of Trustees, City of Eagle, which requests variance to City code from having to connect to the Town of Eagle sewer system. In the body of the letter, the third paragraph states..."[w]e have been in touch with Eagle County environmental department which concurs and have approved the septic system solution". This statement is not true, thus prompting the need for this letter to clarify our position in writing. Eagle County's regulations regarding ISDS appear in Chapter IV of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (ECLUR). Two regulatory criteria apply to your request to obtain an ISDS permit within the municipality of Eagle. Section 4.01.04, ECLUR is the first and states that it is the County's "general policy ... to require the use of public sewer systems whenever feasible and to limit the installation of individual sewage disposal systems only to areas that are not feasible for public sewers." The other important regulatory criteria is found in Section 4.03.17, ECLUR stating:... "Permits to constrict, OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 November 25, 2008 David Bronn Page 2 extend or replace an individual sewage disposal system shall be denied if municipal or sanitation district sewers exist within 400 feet of the applicant's dwelling, place of business or institution; AND if the municipality or district agrees to provide service." (Emphasis added). The later statement makes it clear that it is entirely up to the Town of Eagle to determine whether or not to "agree" to provide sewer service to the aforementioned property. Having reviewed the information provided in the HP Geotech feasibility report, I believe that connecting the dwelling to the Town of Eagle's sanitary sewer system in the location proposed on the site plan dated 9-08-08, and included as Figure 1 in the HP Geotech report, would present an engineering challenge that could be avoided by allowing a private wastewater system to serve the modular home. Based on the environmental setting and geotechnical information included in the report, the owner must understand the necessity of a private wastewater system designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Colorado. The engineer responsible must be experienced in designing on -site wastewater treatment systems that accomplish a high degree of nitrate nitrogen removal prior to discharge into the Eagle River Valley fill alluvium from an elevated, pressure -dosed drainfield. The owner shall also enter into an operational and maintenance contract with the vendor of the treatment technology or a company authorized to provide this service to assure the system continues to be properly maintained after construction. A copy of the maintenance agreement will be recorded with the property deed. Although there is no formal agreement between the Town of Eagle and Eagle County to allow Eagle County Environmental Health the authority to issue ISDS permits within town boundaries, should the Town of Eagle grant a variance as requested by Mr. Hardesty, Eagle County will assume the Town of Eagle is also granting permission for Eagle County Environmental Health to issue said ISDS permit. Should you have any further questions regarding this letter, please contact me. Sincerely, P. Merry RES Raymond y, __ _ __ Director Cc: Willy Powell, Manager, Town of Eagle John Hardesty, Villa Vista Magica OW -U'I- OiV2Z) o4/v7 v�oc UU UU� PROJECT COKs z��N PROJECTPROJECT CONTACTS project description &.oJ Wdde;L�, date task/action follow-up start date completion date a L)66 w �6�rM,x�.1 �,, ` - c GA. yh 0,1110 - 6u- ✓ c-- 4'oq _-(o aw,� id �- a_ ) (� a" name phone/fax e-mail go 17-73 9-709�� ��,� ri o documents enclosed