HomeMy WebLinkAbout23901 Hwy 6 - 194117200001Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-8-11-6492 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Final Issue Date: 8/23/2011 Expires: 12/21/2011 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 23901 HWY 6, WOLCOTT AREA,194117200001 Owner Information Address Phone: Cell: Email: Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email Contractor License Number Phone Email Permitted Construction / Details: Install as per H P Geotech design, project number 411 122A, dated July 22, 2011 which is for a new system to serve an existing 3 bedroom residence. Install a two compartment, 1000 gallon Valley Pre-cast tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and a cleanout between the house and the tank. Provide details of the method of abandonment of the existing tank. The existing system is backing up into the residence and the location of the leachfield is unknown. Thus, if the existing leachfield is encountered during the excavation of the new leachfield, contact the design engineer and Eagle County for instruction and possible relocation of the leachfield. The leachfield is to consist of 47 Quick 4 Infiltrator units for an absorption area credit of 940 square feet. The configuration of the leachfield is serial distribution in shallow trenches not more than 3 feet in depth, with at least one inspection portal in each trench. Maintain all required setbacks including setback to the spring. Do not install in wet or frozen soil conditions. Call the design engineer and Eagle County Environmental Health for a final inspection before burying any of the system components. In order to receive final approval, the engineer must provide the final certification letter, photos of the installation, and as-built drawings of the system including the location of the spring and other water features. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO System Administrator Date August 23, 2011 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Friday, December 22, 2023 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OWTS PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT # INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $800.00 MAJOR REPAIR FEE $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 400.00 This fee includes the OWTS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $135.00 Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. .� G (l Property Owner:PlAletf A« � Ota �2"oftone: /q 7d — 7y4 _ 7 ��/7 �%/L n nn Mailing Address: �� ��k t!y i �� Demail _ii9 w Ooua�17,y & 6 067Aire /!1� r/ �'Uiy Registered Professional Engineer: /Jq ✓� p 7o✓NG Phone: 9 707 PYS' 7 ?&Fl Applicant or Contact Person: �4 UZ Phone: 970 . y 7O -.2 93/ Licensed Systems Contractor: 9/�1NnI 761`6, /--License # 34— 0 /�.onrn/ Company / DBA: Phone: 970 _ l % 7 — 0.26 Mailing Address: 100 19X clk6 / f-16 C0 email 5`1631— Permit Application is for: New Installation Alteration Location of Proposed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: Legal Description: qq Se-r . i Tom« Syip q F 3 GOTs Tax Parcel Number: Lot Size: Assessor's Link: www.eap-lecountv.us/patie/ Physical Address: 023901 /-Ah y Building Type: X Residential / Single Family Residential / Multi Family 00 Number of Number of Bedrooms: Repair l7 �y Sfc7,01W /�%tXwSH/14 Y 49,-eE/ S-3 LcrS 19 1S*613,( 104:asx Commercial / Industrial* Type of Use: *These systems require design my a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: If Public Name of Supplier: Private Well x Spring Surface Public Applicant Signature: Office Use Only Amount Paid: Soo. °D R ceipt #: *********************************************** Check #: 1 5 S L Date: S - A- f I Ge Ptech HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL October 31, 2011 Piney Valley Land Trust Attn: Paul Doughty P.O. Box 94929 Avon, Colorado 81620 coachdought3�@y&oo.com Hepworth-Pawlak Geocechnical, Inc. P. 0. Drawer 1887 Silverthorne, Colorado 50498 Phone: 970-468-1989 FAN:970-465-5891 email hpgeo40ahpgeotech.mm Job No. 411 122A Subject: As -Built Evaluation of On -site Wastewater Treatment System, Existing Residence, Piney Valley Ranch, 23901 Highway 6, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Paul: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical observed the installation of the new On -Site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the existing three bedroom residence at the subject site. We previously designed the OWTS and presented our recommendations in a report dated July 22, 2011, Job No. 411 122A. Our observations and recommendations of the As -Built construction are presented in this report. We performed our As -Built site evaluation on September 2, 2011. The OWTS components observed included: septic tank, effluent filter, cleanouts, Infiltrator chambers, trench excavations, effluent pipe, distribution pipes, inspection ports, and the location of these components. The trench excavations for the infiltrators were observed to have cut depths ranging from 2 to 3 feet, allowing sufficient cover soil over the placed Infiltrator chambers. The trench excavations maintained the minimum 6 foot separation between adjacent trench sidewalls. The Infiltrator Quick 4 Standard chambers were observed to be installed level on natural soils and will be backfilled with the on -site soils. The locations of the infiltrators are shown on the attached Figure 1. The 4-inch sewer line was installed from the existing residence to the septic tank inlet with the proper slope to facilitate sewage disposal, with cleanouts properly installed adjacent to the residence foundation and adjacent to the septic tank inlet. A 1,000 gallon, two -chamber Valley Precast septic tank was installed level and equipped with an effluent filter installed in the second chamber of the tank. The septic tank will be equipped with risers and tank lids to allow access to the tank at finished grade; however, this was not complete at the time of our site visit so observation of these components could not be made. Glenwood Springs 970-945-7988 • Parker 303-841-7119 0 Colorado Springy 719-633-5562 Piney Valley Land Trust October 31, 2011 Page 2 The 4-inch effluent line from the septic tank outlet to the Infiltrator chamber inlet within the first trench was observed to be sloped properly to drain down to the absorption field. The distribution lines from trench end to the beginning of the adjacent trench were sloped properly to aid in the serial distribution of the effluent. The inspection ports were installed correctly in the chamber knock -outs, one at the beginning and one at the end of each trench. The absorption field consisted of five trenches with the first four trenches containing nine (9) Infiltrator Standard Quick-4 chambers and the last trench containing eleven (11) chambers, for a total of forty-seven (47) chambers and 470 square feet of absorption area. This configuration is slightly different than our design. The new trench configuration was due to the proximity of the irrigation ditch located to the east of the installed absorption field and to maintain the required 50 foot setback from the surface water feature. It is our opinion that the OWTS meets the general intent of our July 22, 2011 design report. The As -Built OWTS site plan is attached as Figure 1. An As -Built Photograph Log of the system is also attached. The observations and recommendations presented above are based on our visit and our experience in the area. We make no warranty either express or implied. Alterations to the system including amendments, changing components, backfill and site grading could alter the operation and effectiveness of the OWTS. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, .WLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Specialist Reviewed David A. Young, P'*%T/ 32k- i JCP/ksw DAWN y . 'vim' Attachments: Figure 1, N�ilt Site Plan As -Built Photograph Log cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department — Terri Vroman (Terri. Vroman@eaglecounty. us) Jab No. 411 122A HC�93 ech AS -BUILT PHOTOGRAPH LOG SEPTEMBER 2, 2011 As -Built Photograph Log Photograph 1: 4-inch sewer line from existing residence to septic tank inlet with cleanout rising vertically. Photograph 2: Effluent filter installed within the second chamber of the septic tank and 4-inch effluent line exiting the septic tank outet. No. 411 122A Photograph 3: Effluent line from septic tank outlet properly sloped down to the absorption field. Y t s Photograph 4: View of a row of installed Infiltrator chambers with the installed observation ports rising vertically from the chamber knock -out ports. w AQRv ,' J+ ' "4 Photograph 5: Last "... (southern) trench excavation .a with the 11 Infiltrator chambers installed level. 4. . S%. ig•,E1E� . Job No. 411 MA G99bech Job NO. 411 122A Photograph 6: 4-inch effluent line entering the fast installed chamber within the first (northern) trench excavation. 7_- 1 ■1 "I tech HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. P. O. Drawer 1887 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone:970-468-1989 Fax:970-468-5891 email: hpgeo4@hpgeotech.com ly ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGN EXISTING RESIDENCE 23901 HIGHWAY 6 1 PINEY VALLEY RANCH EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO JOB NO.411 122A JULY 22, 2011 PREPARED FOR: PINEY VALLEY LAND TRUST ATTN: PAUL DOUGHTY P.O. BOX 9492.9 AVON, COLORADO 81620 Pauldouahtyntraercreeek com Glenwood Springs 970-945-7988 • Parker 303-841-7119 Cot rado Springs 719-633-5562 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY........................................................................ - 2 SITE CONDITIONS ................................................ - 2 - . ............................... SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND PERCOLATION TESTING ............................ - 2 - OWTSANALYSIS.................................................................................................... - 3- SEPTICTANK........................................................................................................... - 3- SEWER AND EFFLUENT PIPING........................................................................... - 4 ABSORPTIONAREA................................................................................................ - 5- SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE ................................... - 6 - ................................... OWTSMAINTENANCE........................................................................................... - 6 LIMITATIONS...,...................................................................................................... 7 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - OWTS SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 - PROFILE PIT FIGURE 3 - PERCOLATION TESTING FIGURE 4 - ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS FIGURE 5 - ABSORPTION AREA PLAN VIEW FIGURE 6 - ABSORPTION AREA CROSS SECTION ATTACHMENT VALLEY PRECAST SEPTIC TANK DETAIL Job No. 411 122A GeCPteCh -2- PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. has designed an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the existing residence located at 23901 Highway,6, Piney Valley Ranch near Wolcott in Eagle County, Colorado. The study was performed in accordance with our agreement for professional services to Piney Valley Land Trust dated May 25, 2011. The data obtained and our OWTS design recommendations based on the existing residence conditions and the subsurface conditions percolation test results are presented in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The existing residence has 3 bedrooms. The residence will be remodeled and updated. The project site slopes slightly down to the south towards irrigated pasture. To the north of the existing residence, the topography slopes steeply down to the south. Water service will be provided to the residence by a natural spring located to the north of the residence. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AND PERCOLATION TESTING To evaluate the subsurface conditions at the proposed absorption field area, a Profile Pit (PP) and three percolation test hole (P-1, P-2 and P-3) were excavated at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The percolation testing was done to evaluate the infiltration rate of the natural subsoils. The percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of the shallow backhoe pits and soaked with water on June 1, 2011. The percolation testing was performed on June 2, 2011. A graphic log of the subsurface conditions encountered in the Profile Pit is provided on Figure 2. The subsoils, below about 1 foot of topsoil, consisted of about 6 feet of medium dense, clayey silty sand underlain by relatively dense, clayey sandy to very sandy gravel with cobbles. No free water was encountered in the Profile Pit at the time of excavation. Job No. 411 122A G( c&ech -3- The percolation test results, provided on Figure 3, indicate percolation rates of from about 13 to 20 minutes per inch with an average percolation rate of 18 minutes per inch. The average percolation rate of 18 minutes per inch corresponds to a Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) of 0.72 gallons per square foot per day which will be used for sizing the absorption area. OWTS ANALYSIS Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area is suitable for an OWTS utilizing Infiltrator Chambers and the shallow soils for the treatment and dispersal of effluent. Our design is based LTAR of 0.72 gallons per square foot per day. The ground surface at the absorption field site is relatively flat with a slight slope down to the south. Required grading for the absorption field should be relatively minor and primarily for the infiltrator trenches. A site plan showing the proposed OWTS, existing residence and the minimum horizontal setback distances of site features relative to the OWTS components is provided on Figure 1. The OWTS was designed for a total of three bedrooms. All materials and installation should meet the requirements of the current Eagle County Land Use Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Regulations. SEPTIC TANK A concrete 1,000 gallon, two -chamber, Valley Precast septic tank, or equivalent, will be used for primary treatment of sewage from the residence. An effluent filter will be installed on the outlet of the second chamber of the septic tank. Sewage will gravity feed from the residence to the septic tank and effluent will be gravity fed to the absorption area. Job No. 411 122A GlgrAeCh M The tank should be placed level. If the septic tank access riser lids will be installed at grade, with no backfill cover, then the lids should be insulated with foam insulation board to provide frost protection. The sewer pipe inlet tee in the first chamber of the septic tank should be installed beneath the access lid of the first chamber of the septic tank so that it can be reached for service should it become clogged. The PVC handle on the effluent filter should extend up to within reach of the second chamber access riser lid. This will allow for easy access and maintenance of the filter. Approximately 2 feet of soil backfill cover should be placed over the top of the septic tank to allow for easy access and frost protection. For maintenance reasons, deep tank installations should be avoided and we should be contacted to evaluate our design should it appear that a deep tank installation involving more than 4 feet of backfill soil over the top of the tank may be required. SEWER AND EFFLUENT PIPING The sewer line from the proposed residence to the septic tank should not be less than the diameter of the building drain and not less than 4 inches in diameter and will service all levels of the existing residence. Soil backfill beneath the sewer pipe must be adequately bedded and compacted to prevent settlement of the pipe. The sewer pipe should be installed in landscape areas with at least 2 feet of soil backfill covering the pipe, or the pipe should be insulated on the top and sides with 2 inch thick rigid foam insulation board for frost protection. Beneath driving surfaces, we suggest Schedule 40 PVC sewer pipe should be used and the pipe should be insulated if it will be installed with less than 4 feet of backfill soil cover. We suggest the use of Schedule 40 PVC pipe between the proposed residence and the septic tank, though this is not required by local regulations. The portion of the sewer pipe extending from 5 feet outside the building foundation should have a slope of at least 2%. Cleanout pipes should be installed in the sewer line adjacent from the building foundation, adjacent to the inlet of the septic tank, where the sewer pipe bends at 90 degrees or more, and at least one cleanout should be installed at least every 100 linear feet of non -pressurized sewer or effluent pipe throughout its length. We recommend that a JVV INV. 1+11 1LLH G-gPtech m .o U � N N Ir E E (D L � �U) -O C O O - E E N O ~ c co� _co c0co N co co a`) O E T c D)o c U a(D a� Qw cn w I— O Z APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 INCH = 6 FEET O Lu 0 <fr>- -1 CED<0 �, o co w�Qa_ W Q F- J W 0O O x D W Q m UW2oQ Z IIIIIIIIII �c)2 j cUnLLU0 womg� —iZ1)0 CC aQ LLJ = >C) Uz Ir �II �ZQ0O>>U x CCmw :EzUc`I0OOw w1--m0U QU)D- T— z o� - Z o ZO aw�OU -La=Im cnf-w w w U w a-M W S zazUoO ozw o0¢o0-cr aim~mO omz�mo2 S W 411 122A Cie Ptech PINEY VALLEY RANCH HEPWORTH-PAWLAKGEOTECHNICAL CROSS SECTION OF ABSORPTION AREA FIGURE 6 -5- straight section of pipe be installed between the residence foundation and the septic tank. Any required 90 degree bends in the sewer pipe should be accomplished through the use of a series of 45 degree smooth elbows or a 90 degree long sweep to help prevent clogging of the pipe. ABSORPTION AREA The soil absorption area is designed to be 470 square feet and consist of five absorption trenches containing 47 Infiltrator Quick 4 Standard chambers as shown on Figures 1 and 5. Each chamber was given 10 square feet of absorption area per Eagle County regulations. A 50% reduction in the absorption field size was applied for Infiltrator chambers in a trench configuration. The absorption area calculations are on Figure 4. Four of the trenches will each contain 10 chambers and the fifth trench will contain 7 chambers, and will be combined in a serial distribution system. The absorption trenches should be excavated to the approximate depths shown on Figure 6. The trench excavations must follow the natural contours on -site and be level. Care must be taken during installation to ensure that the soils exposed in the bottom and sidewalls of the trench excavations are not compacted. Once the trench excavations are complete, the trenches should be left open, if necessary, to allow the soils to air dry prior to placement of the Infiltrator chambers and distribution pipes. After the soils have air dried, the bottom and sidewalls of the excavations should be scarified prior to placement of the chambers and piping. The on -site soils can be used as backfill over the chambers and should be graded to deflect surface water and precipitation away from the absorption area. We recommend the soil backfill be re -vegetated as soon as possible with a mountain meadow grass mix or suitable equivalent. It is important not to plant large vegetation or vegetation with invasive roots in and around the absorption area and manifold piping as the roots may damage piping. JUU 1VU. 411 1LLA Gf. !&ech w's Combination air vent/inspection ports should be installed at each end of the absorption trenches. The ports should be constructed of 4 inch diameter PVC pipe installed into the knockouts provided on the tops of the Infiltrator chambers. The ports should extend a minimum of 8 inches above the ground surface and should have ventilated removable caps. Eagle County requires that the vent holes of the inspection ports be covered with #16 fly-tite screen. The absorption area manifold and distribution piping layout and serial trench connections are shown on Figure 5. All materials used and installation methods should meet the requirements of the current Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE No free water was encountered in the profile pit when excavated on June 1, 2011 and it is our opinion that a subsurface drain will not be required. If free water is encountered in any excavations on the site we should be notified to evaluate the need for a subsurface drain to protect the absorption area. OWTS MAINTENANCE The OWTS will require maintenance. The level of maintenance will vary with the complexity of the system and water use habits of the users. We recommend that fat, oils, bath oils, greases, paint, solids, water softener backwash solution, water from hot tubs and other constituents that can clog and foul collection and disposal equipment are not disposed of in the residence drains. The absorption area and any areas directly up gradient should not be heavily watered by lawn irrigation systems or other means as the soils may become hydraulically overloaded. The septic tank should be pumped whenever the sludge occupies %3 of the liquid capacity of the first chamber of the septic tank. In addition, the effluent filter should be checked for clogging at least once per year and cleaned as necessary. We recommend that an operation and maintenance manual be developed for the OWTS. The system should be operated and maintained as stipulated in JOD 1VO. 411 122A _ Gf!ZAech -7- the manual. If you desire our services, we can prepare the operation and maintenance manual for the system. LIMITATIONS This design has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the profile pit and percolation test holes excavated at the locations indicated on Figure 1 and to the depths shown, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the profile pit and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during. construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re- evaluation of the recommendations may be made. Based on site reconnaissance, it is our opinion that the designed location of the OWTS does not violate any setback requirements of the current Eagle County Environmental Health Department's OWTS regulations. We recommend that the position of the OWTS components, existing residence and setback requirements be verified in the field by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Colorado. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for the OWTS design submittal process. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during OWTS construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Eagle County requires that an As -Built evaluation of engineered OWTS designs be performed by the OWTS engineer. We should be contacted to perform the OWTS As -Built evaluation at least 48 hours before you are ready for the evaluation. You must obtain the required OWTS permit from Eagle County prior JUD NO. 411 1LLA tech to our As -Built inspection. Prior to evaluation, all OWTS components should be installed including: effluent pipe, sewer pipe, septic tank, cleanouts, effluent filters, Infiltrator chambers, and distribution and manifold piping. No components of the OWTS should be backfilled prior to our performing the As -Built evaluation. Please contact us for any necessary revisions or discussion after review of this report by the Eagle County Environmental Health Department. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. r Jason co Environmental Specialist Reviewed by: R�Gj f0®® ee000 �� ®®�® David A. Young, P. e JCP/ksw Job No. 411 122A HP ech PROFILE PIT 0 0 L 5 � LL 5 •:; Q a� 0 0 o a• 10 10 LEGEND: TOPSOIL (OL); sandy silt, with organics, loose, moist, brown to dark brown. "*.: SAND (SC); clayey, silty, slightly gravelly, medium dense, slightly moist to moist, brown to reddish brown. Moa. „ '.`4• GRAVEL (GC); with cobbles and boulders, clayey, sandy to very sandy, dense, slightly moist, brown �'? 1' to reddish brown. NOTES: 1. The profile pit was excavated on June 1, 2011 with a trackhoe. 2. The location of profile pit was measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. The profile pit location should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 4. The lines between materials shown on the profile pit log represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 5. No free water was encountered in the profile pit at the time of excavation. Fluctuation in water level may occur with time. 411 122A Gie P��h PINEY VALLEY RANCH ORTH-PAWLAK HEPWGEOTECHNICAL LOG OF PROFILE PIT FIGURE 2 HOLE NO. 1 TIME FALL (min) (in) (min/in) , 5 1/2 10.0 5 1/2 10.0 5 1/4 20.0 5 1/4 20.0 5 1/4 20.0 5 1/4 20.0 5 1/4 20.0 5 1/4 20.0 PRE-SOAK FROM TO DATE 6/1/2011 6/2/2011 TIME 11:30 10:00 HOLE NO. 2 TIME FALL min)( i (in) : (min/in) _. ,. _....._ 5 3/4 6.7 DIAMETER (in) 5 3/8 13.3 TOTAL DEPTH (n) in 42 3/8 13.3 -- - - - - WATER DEPTH AT START (in) . 1 1/4 5 3/8 13.3 5 3/8 13.3 _ _ _ -- 5 3/8 13.3 h I _ -- - TYPE OF SOIL I Clayey Sand 5 3/8 13.3 _ - 5 3/8 13.3 AVERAGE RATE (min/in) 13.3 HOLE NO. TIME FALL RATE f _-.___. _ _..- -__- (min) (in) i (min/in) 5 10 DIAMETER (in): i 12 ; 5 10 _ TOTAL DEPTH in : 42 I , 13 WATER DEPTH AT START (in):; 1 1/8 5 20 5 j3/8 i20 5 20 TYPE OF SOIL iClayey Sand 5 20 20 AVERAGE RATE (mrn/in) = 20.0 SOIL PERCOLATION RATE (min/in) = 18 REMARKS: - SOIL PERCOLATION RATE DETERMINED BY AVERAGING _-. _ _ - ..v_.. LAST 4 READINGS OF ALL 3 TEST HOLES. `LOCATION OF TEST HOLES: SEE FIGURE 1 411 122A Gecftech PINEY VALLEY RANCH HEPWORTH-PAWLAKGEOTECHNICAL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 3 OWTS ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS In accordance with the current Eagle County Land Use Regulations for On -Site Wastewater Treatment Systems, the required absorption area was calculated as follows: - _ Q - (F ( )(1V)(L5) _ TOTALDES FLOW: !F AVERAGE FLOW PER PERSON- _ ' I :B TOTAL NUMBER BEDROOMS __. _ . 75 `; GALLONS PER DAY _ _ iN ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PERSONS PER BEDROOM _ 3 2' - ;CONSTANT ESTIMATED DESIGN FLOW EQUAL TO 150% _- AVERAGE DAILY SEWAGE FLOW -- ' _. 15j GALLONS PER DAY _ _ IQ TOTAL DESIGN FLOW , -_ w .,_ _ _. , 675 GALLONS PER DAY ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS _. - iPERCOLATIONRATE _ _,_ � - 18 i � MINUT � ES PER INCH LTAR LONGTERM ACCEPTANCE RATE ___ .... __ -.... 0.72�GALLONS PER DAY - '.PER SQUARE FOOT.-, A __. LTAR �A --- MINIMUM ._ � _ _._ __._. ___-- . i _ 9.- ._. 938;SQUARE FFEr i =_ ABSORPTION AREA REDUCTIONS _ REDUCTION FACTOR FOR USING CHAMBERS INA TRENCH- - _.-. _ _ MINIMUM ABSORPTION AREA SIZE WITH REDUCTION- i � _- - ' _. ". 469 i SQUARE RE FEET ABSORPTION TRENCH CONFIGURATION __ ._... AMOUNT OF ABSORPTION AREA GIVIN TO EACH CHAMBER '- — ----- -- _ _ -- __ _ ' . _ -- _ MINIMUM NUMBER OF CHAMBERS _.._ 10-91SQUAREFEET ._ __- _ -_ �- 1 _. 471 CHAMBERS �A ACTUAL ABSORPTION AREA AGGREGATE SIZE -.. -_.-w.____ _r.-. - ( 470iSQUAREFM INCITE: i 1. INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDARD CHAMBERS WILL BE USED 411 122A G�(ytec[� PINEY VALLEY RANCH FIGURE 4 HEPWORTH-PAWLAKGEOTECHNICAL ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS Item 0 1000 Gallon Top Seam 1000T-2CP Two Compartment Top View 6" Section View 11 20" Clear Access' I (Big Hole Lid S Riser) I� 106" Rubber slant Digging Specs Invert - --' -- Dimensions --` *Meets ASTM C-1227 spec 11' Long x T Wide inlet Outlet Length I width 58" Height below inlet invert 56" �53" 111" t30" including C-1644-06 for resilient connectors • 4000 psi concrete (�___ ___.-, Net CaMeC—K r Inlet Side Outlet Side Total • Delivered complete with internal piping 687 gallons I 323 gallons 1,010 gallons • PVC, poly or concrete risers available --- -_— - -- --_--- _ ---._ ----- • Option of pump or siphon installed �_ _ Net Wel ht Lid j Tank i Total - 2,6201bs 9,380lbs ! 12,0001m Water & Wastewater P*WVALLEY ; Systems C PRWAST9 Inc. • service (719) 395-6764 28005 Co: fed. 317 P.O. Box925 Fax: (719) 3M727 Bueta Voris, CO 81211 WWWlte: www.valleyprecast com lEmall: frvntdesk@valleyprecastvom Account Page 1 of 1 Account: R051151 Location Owner .Information Assessment Iiistory ._ _..-- .._..._ ........... Parcel Number 1941-171-00-024 Owner Name PINEY VALLEY Actual (2011) ........._._._. .............. $152.. 880 Tax Area SC078 - WOLCO'IT RANCHES TRUST Primary Taxable $16 560 (AREA) - SC078 Owner Address PO BOX 640 Tax Area: SC078 Mill Levy: 46.6760 Situs Address 23901 HWY 6 VAIL, CO 81658 Type Actual Assess Q........._ Legal Summary Tract: a Section: 8 Township: 4 Range: 83 Improvements $139 730 . _ ......... ....__.. $12 740 0.000 3014.000 0.000 Section: 17 Township: 4 Range: 83 Land $13,150 $3,820 424.656 0.000 0.000 LOTS 1,3 & 4 Section: 18 Township: 4 Range: 83 LOTS 7 & 9 BK-0131 PG-0575 BK-0157 PG-0531 BK-0219 PG-0473 BK-0281 PG-0661 BK-0537 PG-0059 PRD 07-31-90 BK-0537 PG-0060 PRD 07-31-90 BK-0537 PG-0061 PRD 07-31-90 BK-0537 PG-0062 PRD 07-31-90 BK-0591 PG-0001 BSD 12-24-91 BK-0592 PG-0258 BSD 10-15-92 R739045 SWD 09-13-00 R737229 EAS 08-22-00 R737323 EAS 08-22-00 Transfers . __. . ._....___, .__ .... ... -____......... ... _.............. Sale Price Sale Date Reception Number Book Page ' 1.350.000 10/1911992 B: 0592 P: 0260 Images • GIs http://property.eaglecounty.uslassessor/taxweblaccount.jsp?accountNum=R051151 8/18/2011 KZ i Mucqo -u n:� M M:- T E! (n x :q � -�, 2 UP Mz om Mn 4XC""8Nsu8Oi8 OW ? � D � D ) q o f 0-0 » j 2 M $ I \ z > \� M< �7 3 \ > / \ � m 0 § < 2 m k » . o I ƒ///% a2 02 < ?.«.o - 0. M)O Z = ge2Z 0 r- z/M0 ®w Im mDo -n /ƒ�k0 �\O/» . / <s\ /q � \ /\E. . «\/ a. JOB NAME JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB F