HomeMy WebLinkAbout2482 Salt Creek Rd - 210730201001Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-016696-2019 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 7/12/2019 Expires: 11/12/2019 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 2482 SALT CREEK RD, EAGLE AREA,210730201001 Owner Information Address Thomas Viuf 902 W 23rd ST Tulsa, OK 74107 Phone: (918) 587-0284 Cell: Email: office@ceitulsa.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email LKP Engineering, Inc., Luiza Petrovska, PE (970) 390-0307 luiza@lkpeng.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Logan Inc loganinc04@aol.com(970) 314-3659OWTSPL-000047-20 19 Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted on the LKP Engineering design stamped, signed and dated May 20, 2019, and revised June 21, 2019 by Luiza Petrovska, PE. The system is designed to serve a three bedroom residence. The system consists of a Valley Precast 1,000 gallon three compartment tank (Item #1000T-3CP-F-HH) equipped with an Orenco PF50011 pump within a biotube vault with floats set to deliver approximately 90 gallons to an automatic distributing valve (V6403A) that will alternate doses to 750 square feet of soil treatment area consisting of three trenches with 21 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers for a total of 63 chambers. Effluent will be distributed through a 1.5" Schedule 40 PVC pipe and upon entering the chambers, will be suspended by ties to the top of the chambers through the trench with 5/32" orifices spaced four feet apart. The last orifice will face downward with a rock placed beneath to prevent scouring. Be sure to follow the details on the design drawing regarding the flushing assembly and time at which the squirt test must be performed. Over excavate each trench to a depth of seven feet and screen the material to remove cobbles and boulders to the design engineer's specification prior to mixing the soil for placement up to a four foot level prior to placing chambers. Contact the design engineer prior to installation to verify sewer line elevation. Contact the Eagle County Environmental Health and design engineer at least 48 hours in advance of requesting inspections. All inspections necessary to certify proper installation must be performed by the design engineer. System certification in accordance with section 43.4 E-F of the ECPHA OWTS Regulations, along with a record drawing and photos must be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to occupancy of the dwelling or use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Marc Benchimol Date July 12, 2019 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, November 20, 2019 1 Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: EAGLE AREA - 2482 SALT CREEK - 504152 Permit Number: OWTS-016696-2019 Inspection Date: 12/01/2020 Inspector: Lewandowski, Claire Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: NewOwner:VF Enterprises Job Address:2482 SALT CREEK RD IVR Pin Number:188206 EAGLE AREA, CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:210730201001 Contractor:Phone: (970) 314-3659 / Cell: (970) 314-3659Logan Inc Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes The above-referenced permit has been inspected and finalized. The Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) was designed and installed to serve the five-bedroom residence on the above property. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system needs can be accessed at eaglecounty.us link provided on the Environmental Health Department’s septic system resource page. Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with taproots, irrigation systems, and parking areas above the soil treatment area can cause a premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank In conformance with approved design. Added Item: Record Drawing Received and approved. Added Item: Record Photos Request was sent for photos of tank. Added Item: Site and Soil No changes were required. Four feet of on site soil was removed, large rocks and boulders confirmed as removed, remaining soil was mixed and replaced into trenches prior to trench placement. In conformance with approved design. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Received and approved. Stamped, signed, and dated August 22, 2020 by Luiza Petrovska, P.E. Tuesday, December 1, 2020 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 Added Item: Pressure Distribution Valley Precast performed pump start up on June 6, 2020. Added Item: General Plan In conformance with approved design. Added Item: Soil Treatment Area (STA) In conformance with approved design. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Installed by an Eagle County Licensed installer, Logan Satterfield of Logan Inc. Tuesday, December 1, 2020 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com August 22, 2020 Thomas Viuf - CEI 4434 Oak Road Tulsa, OK 74105 tviuf@ceitulsa.com RE: Inspection of Septic System Installation Viuf 3-Bedroom Residence Lot 1, Viuf Subdivision 2482 Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 19-3328– OWTS-016696-2019 Dear Tom: At the request of the installer, Logan Satterfield. Logan, Inc., on June 18 and 30, and August 21, 2020, we visited your property at 2482 Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to inspect the installation of the septic system for the 3-bedroom residence. At the time of our site visits, the residence was under construction. The system was installed in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 19-3328OWTS.dwg, last revised June 21, 2019. At the time of the inspection we observed the following: They installed 1000-gallons, three compartments, precast, concrete, septic tank by Valley Precast with an effluent filter in the second compartment and an Orenco PF500511 high-head pump assembly with a filter in the third compartment. The inlet of the tank had the Tee installed. The tank access ports had corrugated, plastic risers with secured, green, plastic covers. The covers were secured with nuts, bolts and screws. All compartments had 24 inches risers. The building sewer line was connected to the south side of the residence under construction at about 3.5 feet east from the SW building corner. A cleanout was constructed on the building sewer line about 1.5 feet away from the building. The building sewer line was 4-inch diameter SCH40 PVC pipe. The effluent line from the pump chamber to the Orenco, Automatic Distribution Valve, V6403A, was about 69 feet, 1.5-inch diameter, sch40 pvc pipe (backfilled before inspection). The Distribution valve was enclosed in a 24-inch diameter, corrugated plastic riser with secured, insulated cover. The soil treatment area consisted of infiltrator chambers arranged in three trenches with 21 infiltrators in each. Four feet of the onsite reddish-brown, silty-clayey, gravelly sand with cobbles and some boulders were overexcavated from the bottom of the trenches. The large boulders were removed from the overexcavated soil, the remaining soil was mixed and placed back in the trenches. The pressure dosing system consisted of 86-ft long, 1.5-inch sch40 laterals perforated at the top with 5/32-inch holes at 4-ft intervals, suspended from the south side of each row of infiltrator chambers. The ends of the laterals were equipped with flushing assemblies. A squirt test was performed during the inspection. All inspection ports were installed (in the end caps of the first and last chamber of each row of infiltrators) opposite the pressure distribution laterals. Viuf Residence 2482 Salt Creek Road Project 19-3328 Page 2 of 2 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com The transport lines from the Automatic Distribution Valve to each of the trenches of the STA (Soil Treatment Area) were 1.5-inch diameter sch40 pvc. The septic tank installation and startup of the pump system were done by Valley Precast. The control panel for the pump was on the south side of the house, near the SW Corner. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department E-mail: claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us, environment@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2019\19-3328OSIQ4PLUS-SOILOEX-PUMPPRESSURE.DOCX 8/22/2020 PROFILE HOLE #1 0 to 12 inches Topsoil with roots 12" to 7'8" feet Reddish-brown, silty-clayey, gravelly sand with cobbles and some boulders No ground water encountered DESIGN CALCULATIONS DESIGN LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE RATE = 0.6 GPD/SF NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW = QMAX Qmax = 3 BEDROOMS X 2 PERSONS/BEDROOM X 75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY QMAX = 450 GPD SEPTIC TANK V = 1000 GALLONS FOR 2 TO 3 BEDROOMS PLUS 250 GALLONS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BEDROOM USE 1000-GALLONS THREE COMPARTMENTS, CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH EFFLUENT FILTER, AND HIGH HEAD PUMP BY VALLEY PRECAST OR EQUIVALENT APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ABSORPTION AREA BASED ON APPLICATION RATE: A = 450GPD/0.6GPD/S.F. A = 750S.F. QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SYSTEM IN A TRENCH CONFIGURATION CONSTRUCTED OVER 4 FEET OF OVER EXCAVATED SOIL FROM THE TRENCHES, MIXED AND PLACED BACK IN WITHOUT ANY LARGE BOULDERS(SEE NOTES BELOW). NO REDUCTION FOR FOR R TYPE SOILS. SURFACE AREA OF ONE QUICK4, PLUS STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER = 12 S.F. USE 63 QUICK4, PLUS, STANDARD, INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN TRENCHES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. NOTES: 1. BENDS IN THE BUILDING SEWER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 45 DEGREES. 2. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL. 3. THE TANK SHALL HAVE RISERS OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE. 4. EACH RISER LEAD WILL HAVE A SECURE CLOSING MECHANISM, SUCH AS A LOCK, SPECIAL HEADED BOLTS OR SCREWS, OR SUFFICIENT WEIGHT TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS. 5. THE SEPTIC TANK AND ALL THE PIPING WILL BE BACKFILLED UP TO THE INVERTS PRIOR TO SCHEDULING AN INSPECTION. 6. THE INFILTRATOR TRENCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL, ALONG THE CONTOUR. 7. EXCAVATE THREE (3) FEET WIDE TRENCHES 8. THE BOTTOM AND THE SIDEWALLS OF THE TRENCHES SHALL BE RAKED (IF NEEDED) TO ELIMINATE SMEARING. 9. THE TRENCHES WILL BE EXCAVATED TO A DEPTH OF THREE (3) FEET ON THE HIGH SIDE OF THE EXCAVATION PLUS AN ADDITIONAL FOUR (4) FEET FOR THE SOIL OVEREXCAVATION AND RE-PLACEMENT. 10. THE OVEREXCAVATED SOIL MINUS ANY BOULDERS ENCOUNTERED, WILL BE MIXED AND PLACED BACK INTO THE TRENCHES TO A THICKNESS OF FOUR (4) FEET BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS. 11. ASSEMBLE AND INSTALL THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN THE TRENCHES ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 12. INSTALL THE PERFORATED PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LATERALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 13. SCHEDULE A SQUIRT TEST OF THE LATERALS 14. BACKFILL THE SIDEWALL AREA WITH NATIVE ON-SITE SOIL FOR PROPER SUPPORT. 15. BACKFILL THE TRENCHES WITH A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF TAMPED SOIL COVER. 16. AVOID VEHICLE TRAFFIC OVER THE SYSTEM. 17. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND OWTS REG 43 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24, 2018 . 18.FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM - NOTIFY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48-HOURS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY PART OF THE SYSTEM TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION. PROFILE HOLE NO. 2 0 to 1.5 feet Topsoil and roots 1.5 to 7'8" feet Reddish-brown, silty-clayey, gravelly sand with cobbles and some boulders and a thin layer ( 4 to 6 inches) of calcareous, sandy gravel at about 4 feet. No ground water encountered PROFILE HOLE # 1 Sample at 48-inches, Loam, Type 2, classified as Type R-1 Option 2, >35% - 65% Rock (>2mm) with >50% of the Rock <20mm LTAR = 0.6 gpd/sf, REQUIRES: Pressure Distribution, Remove, mix and replace 4 feet of the existing material SALT CRE E K R O A D PROFILE HOLE - 2 21 INVin=7388.7' INVin=7381' INVin=7387' INVin=7384' 21 21 END CAP NUMBER OF INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS PER ROW FLUSHING ASSEMBLY (TYPICAL) QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER (TYPICAL) DRILL ONE 1/4-INCH HOLE AT THE INVERT OF THE FAR END OF THE LATERAL FOR DRAINING OF THE REMAINING EFFLUENT FROM THE PIPE BETWEEN DOSING AND PLACE A ROCK UNDER IT TO PREVENT EROSION (TYPICAL)60.00'40. 0 0 '23.67'12. 0 0 'FF EL=7392.5'40.00'2 2 . 0 0 ' 1 2 . 0 0 ' 20.0 0' MAIN HOUSE ASSUMED INVERT EL=7389' (TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR VERIFICATION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS) ORENCO, AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION VALVE, V6403A TO BE PLACED AT THE HIGHEST POINT TO ALLOW EFFLUENT DRAINBACK TO THE SEPTIC TANK. 1.5-INCH SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT LINE AFTER THE VALVE FIBERGLASS LID WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS AND URETHANE GASKET (Styrofoam insulation optional) CLEANOUT WITHIN 5 FEET FROM THE BUILDING 1000 GALLONS, 3-COMPARTMENTS CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH EFFLUENT FILTER AND HIGH HEAD PUMP ASSEMBLY BY VALLEY PRECAST 56.36' 204.58'228.54' PROFILE HOLE - 1 INSPECTION PORT (TYPICAL IN THE FIRST AND LAST INFILTRATOR CHAMBER OF EACH TRENCH INSTALLED IN THE OPENING OF THE CAP OPPOSITE OF THE PRESSURE LINE 1.5-INCH SCH40 PVC LATERAL, PERFORATED WITH 5/32-INCH HOLES AT 4-FOOT INTERVALS AT THE TOP OF THE PIPE (TYPICAL) SOUTHERLY WETLAND LIMITS GRADE BREAKGRADE BREAKGRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK 222'+/- TO PROPERTY LINE170.16'DECK736428'+/- 7384 6' MINIM U M ( T Y P )20.00'17 FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETER, SCH40 PVC, BUILDING SEWER LINE FIRE WATER STORAGE TANKS ABOUT 93 FEET OF 1.5-INCH SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE) FROM THE PUMP TO THE V6403A DISTRIBUTION VALVE ASSEMBLY ENCASED IN 6" SCH40 PVC FOR 10 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE DITCH CROSSING 7386 7388 ASSUMED FF=7392.5' PROPOSED RESIDENCE INVout=7389' INVin=7388.7' PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LATERALS INVin=7387' top trench INVin=7384' middle trench INVin=7381' lower trench OWTS X-SECTION SKETCH N.T.S ORENCO, AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION VALVE, V6403A, ~EL=7391' ABOUT 56 FEET 1.5-INCH SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT LINE AFTER THE VALVE ABOUT 17 FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETER, SCH40 PVC, BUILDING SEWER LINE ABOUT 93 FEET OF 1.5 INCH SCH40 PVC TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE) (36" WIDE TRENCH) EL=7392' (36" WIDE TRENCH) (36" WIDE TRENCH) (36" WIDE TRENCH) INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBER TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL SECTION VIEW (NOT TO SCALE) NATIVE BACKFILL TOPSOIL 4'4'INFILTRATIVE SURFACE IMPROVEMENT: EXCAVATE THE TRENCHES TO A DEPTH OF 7 FEET BELOW THE EXISTING GRADE. MIX THE EXCAVATED MATERIAL AND PLACE IT BACK IN THE TRENCHES TO A DEPTH OF 4-FEET BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE INFILTRATORS. SOIL OVEREXCAVATION AND REPLACEMENT 6' MINIMUM DUE TO STEEP SLOPE CUT OUT FOR PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LINES3-FTMAX.INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBER PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (NOT TO SCALE) PRESSURIZED PIPE DRILL POINTS LOCATIONS (2 PLACES) (EFFECTIVE LENGTH) TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW END VIEW QUICK4 PLUS ALL-IN-ONE 12 END CAP INSPECTION PORT (EFFECTIVE LENGTH) SIDE VIEW Valve Box Ball Valve Sweeping Ell FLUSHING ASSEMBLY N.T.S. OPEN BOTTOM VENT CAP OPEN BOTTOM VENT CAP INSPECTION PORT 4-INCH DIAMETER SDR35 WITH PERFORATIONS ON THE BOTTOM 8-INCHES2'12"+ATTACH TO INFILTRATOR WITH A RING OR SCREWS INSPECTION PORT N.T.S. FINISHED GRADE PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LINES Survey by: SLAGLE SURVEY SERVICES SQUIRT TEST OF THE RESIDUAL HEAD OF THE STA BED LATERALS REMOVE THE END CAPS OF THE FLUSHING ASSEMBLY IN ORDER TO FLUSH THE LATERALS CLEAN FROM ANY DRILLING DEBRIS OR DIRT. DO NOT INSTALL THE LAST INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SO THAT THE PERFORATIONS ON THE LATERALS ARE OPEN IN ORDER TO RUN THE SQUIRT TEST FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF THE 4-FT RESIDUAL HEAD (+/-10%). THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE SQUIRT TEST MUST BE READY FOR THE TEST TO BE DONE DURING THE FINAL INSPECTION. AFTER THE TEST, INSTALL THE LAST CHAMBER ON ALL ROWS. PUMP SELECTION A DISCHARGE PUMP CAPABLE OF DELIVERING 14 GPM AGAINST 17 FEET OF TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD WILL BE USED. THE ELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE PUMP INVERT AND THE INVERT OF THE INFILTRATOR SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED AND REPORTED BACK TO THE ENGINEER. FOR THE DISCHARGE PUMP USE ORENCO, PF500511 HIGH HEAD EFFLUENT PUMP. THE PUMP DOSING WILL BE ON DEMAND WITH 90 GALLONS PER DOSE. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO.: SHEET: DRAWING NO.: DATE:BYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.L.P. L.P. OWTS 19-3328 MAY 20, 2019 19-3328CIVIL.DWGONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMQUEEN TRACTLOT 1, VIUF SUBDIVISION2482 SALT CREEK ROADEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOPREPARED FORP.O. Box 724 EAGLE, CO 81631Tel (970) 390-0307www.lkpengineering.comTHOMAS VIUFL.P.6-21-191.MOVE FIRE WATER STORAGECLOSER TO HOUSE AND ADJUSTSEE REVISIONS BOX ! G The property address is 2482 Salt Creek Road, Eagle, Colorado 81631. G Queen Tract, Lot 1, Viuf Subdivision. Eagle County Parcel 2107-302-01-001, account number R052346. G There weren’t any existing structures on the property. G The existing well was located on the south side of the cleared building site. G There are no records of an existing septic system on the property. G The topography of the leachfield site is moderate with an average slope of about 22 percent. G The profile holes were observed on April 24, 2019. The soil exposed in the profile holes was as follows: Profile Hole #1 0 to 12 inches Topsoil 12" to 7’8” Reddish-brown, silty-clayey, gravelly sand with cobbles and some boulders No ground water encountered Profile Hole No. 2 0 to 18 inches Topsoil with roots 1.5’ to 7’8” feet Reddish brown, slightly clayey, silty gravelly Sand with cobbles and some boulders and thin layer of calcareous sandy gravel. No ground water encountered A soil sample taken from Profile Hole # 1 at 48-inches, Loam, classified as Type R-1 Option 2, >35% - 65% Rock (>2mm) with >50% of the Rock <20mm LTAR = 0.6 gpd/sf, REQUIRES: Pressure Distribution, Remove, mix and replace 4 feet of the existing material G ! G The proposed leachfield site will be located in the Back /Side Position west of the proposed building site. G The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate and the infiltrator chambers will be installed in a trench configuration, running along the contours. G The vegetation within the proposed leachfield site consisted of scrub oak forest. The site surrounding the leachfield was similar. G The property is above Salt Creek and Salt Creek Road, and southeast from the Town of Eagle. G The current use is residential. ! G G ! G This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-390-0307 and Luiza=s email is luiza@lkpeng.com G April 24, 2019. G Attached G From the well to the STA (Soil Treatment Area or leachfield) it is about 205 feet, from the well to the septic tank about 56 feet, STA to tank, about 136 feet, STA to building about 153 feet, STA to the north property line about 250 feet and to the west property line is about 147 feet. G : Items 1-4, observed. G # # # # # # # G Clearing part of the scrub oak forest. G None known G The scrub oak trees were very thick with underbrush which made it hard to select a site and locate the profile holes. November 5, 2020 To Whom It May Concern: We have been to the following site(s): 2482 Salt Creek Rd, Eagle Pump startup was completed on 06/29/2020. We have verified that the system was started properly. The System went through several cycles with no issues. Sincerely, Travis Nall Service Manager