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158 Eagle Spur - 210926402009
Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-016496-2019 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 6/5/2019 Expires: 10/3/2019 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 158 EAGLE SPUR, EAGLE AREA, 81631 210926402009 Owner Information Address Robert Hileman 14400 Metcalf AV Overland Park, Phone: (913) 486-7996 Cell: Email: bhileman@propertyevaluation.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email JVA Engineers, JR Spring (303) 444-1951 jsprung@jvajva.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Defina Construction, INC gary@definaconstruction.c om (970) 376-6702OWTSPL-000081-20 20 Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the JVA, Inc. design packet dated April 30, 2019 stamped, signed and dated May 31, 2019 by Kevin A. Tone, PE. The OWTS is designed with capacity to serve a 5 bedroom residence although the home currently proposes 4 bedrooms. The system consists of a Valley Precast 1,250 gallon, single compartment tank (Item #1250T-1CP) with Orenco effluent screen (Model FT0854-36A) and alarm placed on the outlet, followed by a 2,000 gallon Valley Precast 3 compartment recirculating/dose tank which will send wastewater to two, Advantex AX 20 pods for nitrification using an Orenco PF 500512 pump. Nitrified effluent flows to the splitter valve (mode 3B configuration) for recirculation to the 1,250 gallon first tank for denitrification which is then dosed using an Orenco PF 500512 pump to 936 square feet of soil treatment area via two beds of Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers placed directly on the surface of the ground (after the vegetation is removed and the surface raked/scarified). The Infiltrator chambers are to be arranged in two beds, each bed being 3 chambers wide by 13 chambers long (39 chambers per bed) for a total of 78 Infiltrator chambers and will receive alternating doses of effluent from an Orenco automatic distributing valve (Model 6402) placed at the high point of the system. Distribution lateral details, along with orifice size, spacing and orientation are on the design drawing. The contractor must verify that all electrical components and inspections are covered under the electrical permit associated with the Orenco Vericom control panel (Model VCOM-AX20B2 HT SA MOV IP PSA) and pump connections. The alarm must be connected to a separate circuit. Additional pump details are on the design drawing. Advantex systems must conform to the CDPHE technology approval letter dated May 1, 2018. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Monday, July 20, 2020 1 THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Ray Merry Date June 05, 2019 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Monday, July 20, 2020 2 Received payment on 05/06/2019Chk# 76119 - $800 $800 gh PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (OWTS-016496-2019) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OWTS Permit 05/06/2019Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:Robert Hileman ParcelNew06/05/2019Work Class:Issue Date:210926402009 Final 10/03/2019Expiration Date:Status:Address:158 EAGLE SPUR EAGLE AREA, CO 81631 187999IVR Number: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No.Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection CompleteActual Start Date 07/24/2020 OWTS Final Inspection EAGLE AREA - 158 EAGLE SPUR - 501622 Approved Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item Record Drawing No Record Photos No Final Certification Letter No Identification of Systems Contractor No December 06, 2023 Page 1 of 1P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 July 20, 2020 Claire Lewandowski, Environmental Health Specialist III Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway Street Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Final Certification – 158 Eagle Spur, Lot 54 Dear Claire: The Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) covered under Eagle County Permit No. OWTS-016496-2019 was installed by Defina Construction Inc. for 158 Eagle Spur and is ready for final certification from Eagle County Environmental Health. The engineer of record for this system is Kevin Tone with JVA, Inc (JVA). The final record drawings from JVA, and construction photographs are provided as attachments. As part of the final approval process JVA ensured that start-up was completed by the manufacturer’s representative (Valley Precast, Inc). The system is connected and can be monitored remotely as required in the PUD. Please proceed with the closeout process for this OWTS permit. Sincerely, JVA, INCORPORATED By: ________________________ Kevin Tone, P.E., LEED AP President Enclosure: Attachment A – Record Drawings Attachment B – Construction Photographs CC: Simon Farrell, JVA James Cochran, JVA ATTACHMENT A – RECORD DRAWINGS FROST CREEK LOT 54 ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PERMIT SET MAY 2019 Set No._______ JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver LEGEND, NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONSG0.1 07/2020JNGJNGRECORD DRAWINGS1REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.FROST CREEKLOT 54 OWTSEAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.2e MAY 2019 KAT JNS JNS JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver CONFORMED TO CONSTRUCTION RECORD PLATTED SETBACK (TYP ICA L ) PLA T T E D S E T B A C K ( T Y PI C A L) PLA T T E D S E T B A C K ( T Y PI C A L) BUIL DI N G E N V E L O P EBUI LD ING ENVE LOPE BUIL DI N G E N V E L O P E BUI LD ING ENVE LOPE PROPERTY L INE PRO P E R T Y LI N E PRO P E R T Y LI N E MH WATER MANHOLE BENCHMARK: 7519.1' WV HYD GAS MARKER IRRIGATION BOXES IRRIGATION BOX UTILITY PEDISTAL WV WV WATER SERVICE 18 FT EMERGENCY TURN-OUT GAS METER UTILITY CLOSET ADDRESS MARKER 12 FT ASPHALT DRIVEWAY - TYP. 12 FT APSHALT DRIVEWAY - TYP. SEPTIC CONTROL BOX STONE PATIO STONE PATIO WOOD DECK STONE WALKWAY UNDISTURBED NATIVE VEGETATION WOOD DECK 12" HANCOR ADS PLASTIC CULVERT GAS 42,257 SF DISTURBED AREA ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 6732.0 SF CIVIL SITE PLANC1.0 07/2020JNGJNGRECORD DRAWINGS1REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.FROST CREEKLOT 54 OWTSEAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.2e MAY 2019 KAT JNS JNS JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver CONFORMED TO CONSTRUCTION RECORD TREATMENT SYSTEM AND SITE DETAILSCD1.0 07/2020JNGJNGRECORD DRAWINGS1REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.FROST CREEKLOT 54 OWTSEAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.2e MAY 2019 KAT JNS JNS JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver CONFORMED TO CONSTRUCTION RECORD SOIL TREATMENT AREA DETAILSCD1.1 07/2020JNGJNGRECORD DRAWINGS1REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.FROST CREEKLOT 54 OWTSEAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.2e MAY 2019 KAT JNS JNS JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver CONFORMED TO CONSTRUCTION RECORD ATTACHMENT B – CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Lot 54 FROST CREEK LOT 54 ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PERMIT SET MAY 2019 Set No._______ JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver KEVIN A . T O NEPROF E S SIONA L E N G INEERCOLOR A D O REGIS T E RED05/31/19 © JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver KEVIN A . T O NEPROF E S SIONA L E N G INEERCOLOR A D O REGIS T E RED28699 05/31/19 PLATTED SETBACK (TYP ICA L ) PLA T T E D S E T B A C K ( T Y PI C A L) PLA T T E D S E T B A C K ( T Y PI C A L) BUIL DI N G E N V E L O P EBUI LD ING ENVE LOPE BUIL DI N G E N V E L O P E BUI LD ING ENVE LOPE PROPERTY L INE PRO P E R T Y LI N E PRO P E R T Y LI N E MH WATER MANHOLE BENCHMARK: 7519.1' WV HYD GAS MARKER IRRIGATION BOXES IRRIGATION BOX UTILITY PEDISTAL WV WV WATER SERVICE 18 FT EMERGENCY TURN-OUT GAS METER UTILITY CLOSET ADDRESS MARKER 12 FT ASPHALT DRIVEWAY - TYP. 12 FT APSHALT DRIVEWAY - TYP. SEPTIC CONTROL BOX STONE PATIO STONE PATIO WOOD DECK STONE WALKWAY UNDISTURBED NATIVE VEGETATION WOOD DECK 12" HANCOR ADS PLASTIC CULVERT GAS 42,257 SF DISTURBED AREA ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 6732.0 SF © JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver KEVIN A . T O NEPROF E S SIONA L E N G INEERCOLOR A D O REGIS T E RED28699 05/31/19 © JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver KEVIN A . T O NEPROF E S SIONA L E N G INEERCOLOR A D O REGIS T E RED28699 05/31/19 © JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver KEVIN A . T O NEPROF E S SIONA L E N G INEERCOLOR A D O REGIS T E RED28699 05/31/19 5/31/2019 Eagle County Government Mail - OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=928161f115&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1635078811203249205&simpl=msg-f%3A1635078811203249205 1/1 Giovanna Harkay <giovanna.harkay@eaglecounty.us> OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 1:57 PM To: "James R. Cochran" <jcochran@jvajva.com> Cc: "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Just about. How should the installer handle the native fill material? Should they compact it by machine or foot between chambers? Our experience is that sine native fill material has likely lost it's structure due to manipulation, the soils lack stability and effluent can turn sidewalls areas into mud. That's why trenches in native ground are typically preferred. In this case, I understand the reason why we're shooting for 2 feet of suitable soil. Thanks. [Quoted text hidden] 5/31/2019 Eagle County Government Mail - OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=928161f115&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A163507135133773257…1/3 Giovanna Harkay <giovanna.harkay@eaglecounty.us> OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence 5 messages Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 11:51 AM To: Simon Farrell <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, "James R. Cochran" <jcochran@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> I've initiated the review and need some clarification regarding the soil treatment area. It is my understanding that the intent is to have the Infiltrator chambers placed atop the existing grade. Additional detail should be provided for the installer as to how the ground surface should be prepared prior to placement of the chambers, along with details about the native fill material between and surrounding the chamber beds should be handled/compacted. I think it was the soil treatment area notes on page G0.1 that confused me that states "The soil treatment area will be raised 2 feet above existing grade to allow for 2 feet of suitable soil under the infiltrative surface". This implies placement of sand media in order to raise the bed above existing grade. The cross section on page CD1.1 includes the terms "native backfill", native soil" and native infiltrative surface" that conflicts with the note on page G0.1 in my opinion. This might be better communicated to an installer with additional text on the plans with installation procedures required in 43.5 (G)(4)(h). Please amend the design drawings to clarify this or explain in greater detail in an addendum letter to the design. Thanks and feel free to contact me if this doesn't make sense. -- Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director of Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.8757 ray.merry@eaglecounty.us P Thanks for not printing electronic media James R. Cochran <jcochran@jvajva.com>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 11:59 AM To: Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us>, "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Hello Ray, Thank you for starting your review. Yes, the intent is to place the infiltration chambers at existing grade, with no material import below. I’ll amend the note on G0.1 to reflect that more accurately, and have language about prepping the existing grade (i.e. clearing vegetation, raking, etc.). I’ll have the updated notes to you later today, so you don’t have to write out the addendum letter. Best regards, JAMES R. COCHRAN , P.E. | Project Engineer 5/31/2019 Eagle County Government Mail - OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=928161f115&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A163507135133773257…2/3 JVA, Incorporated 1512 Larimer Street, Suite 710 , Denver, CO 80202 Direct: 303.565.4898 | Phone: 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com Boulder | Fort Collins | Winter Park | Glenwood Springs | Denver [Quoted text hidden] Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 12:04 PM To: "James R. Cochran" <jcochran@jvajva.com> Cc: "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Thanks, James. An addendum letter is sometimes sent by the PE to further explain something. It includes a stamp, signature and new date that we can include in the permit language. Was your thought to have Kevin re-date and stamp a new set of drawings and send us a revised design? [Quoted text hidden] James R. Cochran <jcochran@jvajva.com>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 12:11 PM To: Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us> Cc: "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Ray - I’m planning on sending you a revised drawing set. It’s only text edits and I want to ensure there isn’t mis-communication in the field between what’s on the drawings and what’s on an addendum letter. Please be expecting it by close of business today. [Quoted text hidden] James R. Cochran <jcochran@jvajva.com>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 1:05 PM To: Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us> Cc: "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Ray, Please see the updated drawing set attached with clearer soil treatment area notes. Does this satisfy your questions? If everything looks good to you, I’ll also need to update Lot 7, with the same notes. Would you like me to send you hard-copies of the drawings as well? Best regards, 5/31/2019 Eagle County Government Mail - OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=928161f115&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A1635070862730919916&simpl=msg-f%3A163507135133773257…3/3 JAMES R. COCHRAN , P.E. | Project Engineer JVA, Incorporated 1512 Larimer Street, Suite 710 , Denver, CO 80202 Direct: 303.565.4898 | Phone: 303.444.1951 www.jvajva.com Boulder | Fort Collins | Winter Park | Glenwood Springs | Denver [Quoted text hidden] 20190531 - Frost Creek Lot 54 - Permit Drawings - 20190531.pdf 1984K 5/31/2019 Eagle County Government Mail - OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=928161f115&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1635088057287644904&simpl=msg-f%3A1635088057287644904 1/1 Giovanna Harkay <giovanna.harkay@eaglecounty.us> OWTS Permit 016496-2019 Lot 54 Frost Creek, 158 Eagle Srur - Hileman Residence James R. Cochran <jcochran@jvajva.com>Fri, May 31, 2019 at 4:24 PM To: Ray Merry <ray.merry@eaglecounty.us> Cc: "Simon A. Farrell" <sfarrell@jvajva.com>, #environment <environment@eaglecounty.us> Ray, The native backfill that goes on top of the infiltrators will be placed with an excavator and graded out by hand; we don’t want heavy equipment driving on top of the soil treatment area. The native backfill that goes on the sides and ties into the rest of the site grading will be placed and compact by machine. I updated the notes again to expand on how backfill should be placed and compacted. I know this similar issue came up in the last Regulation 43 update to the mounded STA section, where we know need at least 1 foot of soil on the side of the mound before you start sloping the mound down. I also added the 1 foot minimum note on the soil treatment area cross section to ensure we have more soil on the sides to prevent effluent migration on the sides. Let me know if you’re looking for more information. Thank you, [Quoted text hidden] 1037e - Frost Creek Lot 54 - Permit Drawings - 20190531.pdf 1999K