HomeMy WebLinkAbout225 Sorrel Hills Rd - 193921301015Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-018995-2020 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 7/8/2020 Expires: 11/5/2020 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 255 SORREL HILLS DR, EAGLE AREA,193921301015 Owner Information Address Travis Clem PO Box 4862 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: Cell: (970) 331-6328 Email: clemt@gejohnson.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email LKP Engineering, Inc., Luiza Petrovska, PE (970) 390-0307 luiza@lkpeng.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Nottingham Excavation & Trucking Inc nexcavating@gmail.com(970) 977-0579OWTSPL-000078-20 20 Permitted Construction / Details: Install both OWTS exactly as depicted in the LKP Engineering, Inc design dated May 26, 2020, stamped and signed by Luiza Petrovska, PE. The OWTS are designed to serve the four bedroom main residence and the separate two bedroom auxiliary dwelling unit (ADU). The OWTS for the main residence consists of a 1500 gallon three compartment Valley Precast septic tank (2000 gallon total volume) with an effluent filter and Valley Precast Auto Siphon, model #312, installed in the third compartment. The siphon will dose approximately 120 gallons to 1260 square feet of soil treatment area (after reductions taken for chamber media and siphon dosing) consisting of 105 Infiltrator Quick4 chambers arranged in seven serially connected shallow trenches as shown on the design drawing. The OWTS for the ADU consists of a 1000 gallon three compartment Valley Precast septic tank (1500 gallon total volume) with an effluent filter and Valley Precast Auto Siphon, model #310, installed in the third compartment. The siphon will dose approximately 100 gallons to 630 square feet of soil treatment area (after reductions taken for chamber media and siphon dosing) consisting of 53 Infiltrator Quick4 chambers arranged in three serially connected shallow trenches as shown on the design drawing. Install inspection ports at both ends of each trench. Scarify trench sidewalls and bottoms prior to placement of chambers. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date July 08, 2020 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, July 8, 2020 1 *************************************************************************** APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE $400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: _______________________________________Phone: ________________________ Owner Mailing Address: ________________________________ email: _________________________ Professional Engineer: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Applicant / Contact Person: ______________________________Phone: ________________________ Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: ___________________________________________ Contractor Mailing Address: _________________________________ Contractor License #:_______ Contractor Phone Number: ________________________ email: ______________________________ OWTS Permit Application is for: ____ New Installation ____ Alteration ____ Repair Tax Parcel Number: _________________________________ Lot Size: ________________________ Assessor’s Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patie/ Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Legal Description: ____________________________________________________________________ Building Type: _____ Residential / Single Family _____ Residential / Multi Family _____ Commercial / Industrial Number of Bedrooms: ______ Number of Bedrooms: ______ Type of Use: _______________ *As of 06/27/2014, all systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer. Type of Water Supply: ____ Private Well ____ Spring ____ Surface ____ Public If Public, Name of Supplier: ____________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: ______________________________________Date:_______________________ **************************************************************************** Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # __________________ BUILDING PERMIT # ____________________ Amount Paid: ___________ Receipt #: ___________ Check #: ___________ Date: ______________ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 environment@eaglecounty.us Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: EAGLE AREA - 255 SORREL HILLS - 503523 Permit Number: OWTS-018995-2020 Inspection Date: 10/23/2020 Inspector: Lewandowski, Claire Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: NewOwner:GE Johnson Construction Company Job Address:255 SORREL HILLS DR IVR Pin Number:190586 EAGLE AREA, CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:193921301015 Contractor:Phone: (970) 653-9000 / Cell: (970) 977-0579Nottingham Excavation & Trucking Inc Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes The above-referenced permit has been inspected and finalized. The Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) was designed and installed to serve the five-bedroom residence on the above property. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system needs can be accessed through our website links, provided on the Environmental Health Department’s septic system resource page. Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with taproots, irrigation systems, and parking areas above the soil treatment area can cause a premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank Observed in compliance Added Item: Record Drawing Received. Stamped, signed, and dated October 25, 2020 by Luiza Petrovska, PE. Added Item: Record Photos Received. Added Item: Site and Soil Observed in compliance. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Received. Stamped, signed, and dated October 25, 2020 by Luiza Petrovska, PE . Added Item: General Plan Wednesday, December 9, 2020 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 Added Item: Soil Treatment Area (STA) Additional test pits were observed by ECG and PE on September 11, 2020. The STA was adjusted and approved by the design engineer due to encountering limiting layers. Install was completed in compliance with ECPHA OWTS regulations. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Nottignham Excavation, Eagle OCUnty licensed installer. Wednesday, December 9, 2020 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 PARCEL 9PARCEL 7PARCEL 1PARCEL 2B.L.MParcel 835.020 ACRES0255MAINHOUSEGARAGE- ADUNOTE:POINTS OF THE THE AS-BUILT PARTS OF THE OWTS WERELOCATED BY THE INSTALLER, HANS VON, NOTTINGHAMEXCAVATING AND THE BASE POINT DRAWING, THAT WE USEDTO DRAW THE AS-BUILT ONSITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM, WASGENERATED BY RANDY KIPP, PLS, KIPP LAND SURVEYING LLC NUMBER OF INFILTRATORCHAMBERS PER ROWQUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARDINFILTRATOR CHAMBER(TYPICAL)EFFLUENT LINE, ABOUT 175FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETERSCH40PVC WITH CLEANOUTSCLEANOUTEND CAP WITH INSPECTIONPORT (TYPICAL)SERIAL DISTRIBUTION,4-INCH DIAMETER,SDR35 PVC (TYPICAL)18INSPECTION PORTS IN THE END CAPOF THE FIRST AND LAST INFILTRATORCHAMBER OF EACH ROW25252215135Parcel 835.020 ACRES0255EFFLUENT LINE,ABOUT 145 FEET,4-INCH DIAMETERSCH40PVCCLEANOUTCLEANOUT WITH 316" HOLE DRILLED INTHE CAP (PER MANUFACTURER)QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARDINFILTRATOR CHAMBER(TYPICAL)END CAP WITHINSPECTION PORT(TYPICAL)END CAP WITHINSPECTION PORT(TYPICAL)CLEANOUT WITH 316" HOLEDRILLED IN THE CAP (PERMANUFACTURER)ABOUT 38 FEET, 4-INCHDIAMETER, SDR35 PVC,BUILDING SEWER LINESEWER LINE TO BE CONNECTEDAFTER MAIN HOUSEFOUNDATION IS CONSTRUCTEDCLEANOUT20 FEET, SCH40PVC,SUSPENDED FROM THE TOP OFTHE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERSAND PERFORATED AT THEINVERTS WITH 1/4-" HOLES AT36-INCH INTERVALS20 FEET, 4INCH DIAMETER, SCH40PVC,SUSPENDED FROM THE TOP OF THE INFILTRATORCHAMBERS AND PERFORATED AT THE INVERTSWITH 1/4-" HOLES AT 36-INCH INTERVALS1500-GALLONS, TOP SEAM, 3-COMPARTMENTCONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BY VALLEY PRECASTWITH SIPHON MODEL 316 AND EFFLUENT FILTER1000-GALLONS, TOP SEAM,3-COMPARTMENT CONCRETESEPTIC TANK BY VALLEYPRECAST WITH SIPHON MODEL316 AND EFFLUENT FILTERBATTERY COUNTER PANELMOUNTED ON A WOODEN POSTMAINHOUSECLEANOUT1818SOIL TREATMENT AREA IN A BEDCONFIGURATION WITH THREEROWS OF 18 QUICK 4 PLUSINFILTRATOR CHAMBER PER ROWOWTS FOR THEGARAGE WITH2-BEDROOM ADUOWTS FORTHE FUTURE4-BEDROOMMAIN HOUSE52'+/-GARAGE- ADUDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NO.:SHEET:DRAWING NO.:DATE:BYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.L.P.L.P.120-3397OCTOBER 25, 202020-3397OSI.DWGAS-BUILT ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENTSYSTEM FOR THE MAIN HOUSE AND THE ADUPARCEL 8, HIGHLAND MEADOWS @ CASTLE PEAK RANCH255 SORREL HILLS ROADEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOPREPARED FORP.O. Box 724 EAGLE, CO 81631Tel (970) 390-0307www.LKPEngineering.comTRAVIS CLEMAREA MAP~1"=200'STA SITESORRELHILLS ROADADUMAINHOUSE10/25/2020 4" PVCESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVERNATIVE BACKFILL (TYP.)CONNECT AT ENDOF CHAMBER ROWBOTTOM OF TRENCHON UNDISTURBED SOILINLET AT 8"SIDE PORTFROM SEPTICTANKTO NEXTTRENCHINFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC.QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBERSERIAL DISTRIBUTION TYPICAL DETAILSECTION VIEW(NOT TO SCALE)4' MIN.PROFILE HOLE #10 to 18 inches Topsoil1.5' to 4 feet Light brown to yellowish, silty,slightly clayey, gravelly sand (LOAM)4 to 7 feet Weathered to firm shale bedrockNo ground water encounteredDESIGN CALCULATIONSDESIGN LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE = 0.3 GPD/SFNUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 2MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW = QMAXQmax = 2 BEDROOMS OR 8 PERSONS OCCUPANCY X 75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAYQMAX = 300 GPDSEPTIC TANKUSE 1000-GALLONS, TOP SEAM, THREE COMPARTMENTS, CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITHEFFLUENT FILTER, AND A SIPHON MODEL 310, BY VALLEY PRECAST OR EQUIVALENTAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.ABSORPTION AREABASED ON APPLICATION RATE:A = 300 GPD/0.3GPD/S.F.A = 1000 S.F.QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SYSTEM IN A TRENCH CONFIGURATIONWITH AN ALLOWED 30 PERCENT REDUCTION IN THE ABSORPTION AREA AND 10 PERCENTREDUCTION FOR SIPHON DOSINGAadjusted = 630 S.F.SURFACE AREA OF ONE QUICK4, PLUS STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER = 12 S.F.USE 53 QUICK4, PLUS, STANDARD, INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN TRENCHES AS SHOWN ON THEPLAN.PROFILE HOLE NO. 20 to 2 feet Topsoil2 to 2.5 feet Blocky Clay2.5 to 5 feet Clay Loam, tan, silty, clayey, gravelly sand5 to 8 feet Clay Loam, tan, silty, clayey, gravelly sandwith more gravelat 8 feet Weathered Shale BedrockNo ground water encounteredPROFILE HOLE # 1 Sample at 36-inches, Loam, Type 2A, <35% Rock (>2mm)LTAR = 0.5 gpd/sf,PROFILE HOLE # 2 Sample at 3 feet, Clay Loam, Type 3A, LTAR = 0.3 gpd/sf<35%-65% Rock (>2mm)Does not classify as Type R soil - gravity system with siphon dosingADU - 2 BEDROOMSGENERAL NOTES1. BEFORE DIGGING NOTIFY ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES.2. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES ANDORDINANCES.3. NOTES AND DETAILS ON SPECIFIC DRAWINGS TAKEPRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS.4. CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE SEPTIC SYSTEMDESIGN OR LAYOUT SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OFTHE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITHWORK.5. ALL FINISH GRADES SHALL PROVIDE FOR NATURAL RUNOFF OFWATER WITHOUT LOW SPOTS OR POCKETS OVER THE SOILTREATMENT AREA.6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE RESTORED AND REVEGETATED.NOTES:1. BENDS IN THE BUILDING SEWER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 45 DEGREES.2. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL.3. THE TANK SHALL HAVE RISERS OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO OR ABOVE FINAL GRADE.4. EACH RISER LEAD WILL HAVE A SECURE CLOSING MECHANISM, SUCH AS A LOCK, SPECIAL HEADED BOLTS OR SCREWS, ORSUFFICIENT WEIGHT TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS.5. THE SEPTIC TANK AND ALL THE PIPING WILL BE BACKFILLED UP TO THE INVERTS PRIOR TO SCHEDULING AN INSPECTION.6. THE INFILTRATOR TRENCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL, ALONG THE CONTOUR.7. THE BOTTOM AND THE SIDEWALLS OF THE TRENCHES SHALL BE RAKED (IF NEEDED) TO ELIMINATE SMEARING.8. ASSEMBLE AND INSTALL THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN THE TRENCHES ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERSRECOMMENDATIONS.9. BACKFILL THE SIDEWALL AREA WITH NATIVE ON-SITE SOIL FOR PROPER SUPPORT.10. BACKFILL THE TRENCHES WITH A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF TAMPED SOIL COVER AND MATCH THE SLOPE OF THE EXISTINGGRADE.11. AVOID VEHICLE TRAFFIC OVER THE SYSTEM.12. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY AND OWTSREG 43, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24, 2018.13.FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM - NOTIFY THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY AND THE DESIGNENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48-HOURS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY PART OF THE SYSTEM TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION.INVin=7165'PROFILEHOLE - 1NUMBER OF INFILTRATORCHAMBERS PER ROWQUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARDINFILTRATOR CHAMBER(TYPICAL)EFFLUENT LINE, ABOUT 165FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETERSCH40PVC WITH CLEANOUTSAT 100-FT INTERVALS OR LESSCLEANOUTEND CAP WITH INSPECTIONPORT (TYPICAL)SERIAL DISTRIBUTION,4-INCH DIAMETER,SDR35 PVC (TYPICAL)THE LAST 5 TO 10 FEET OFTHE EFFLUENT LINE WILLBE AT 2% SLOPE191816INSPECTION PORTS IN THE END CAPOF THE FIRST AND LAST INFILTRATORCHAMBER OF EACH ROW16161515151414THE FIRST 5 TO 10 FEETOF THE EFFLUENT LINEWILL BE AT 2% SLOPEINVERT AT DRY GULCHCROSSING = 7176' (FOUR FEETBELOW FINISH GRADE)INVout=7196'CLEANOUTPROFILEHOLE - 2PROFILE HOLE - 3PROFILE HOLE - 4Parcel 835.020 ACRES025525'MIN 25'MININVin=7192.71'EFFLUENT LINE, ABOUT 190 FEET, 4-INCHDIAMETER SCH40PVC WITH CLEANOUTSAT 100-FT INTERVALS OR LESSCLEANOUTCLEANOUT WITH 316" HOLE DRILLED INTHE CAP (PER MANUFACTURER)NUMBER OF INFILTRATORCHAMBERS PER ROWSERIAL DISTRIBUTION,4-INCH DIAMETER,SDR35 PVC (TYPICAL)QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARDINFILTRATOR CHAMBER(TYPICAL)END CAP WITHINSPECTION PORT(TYPICAL)END CAP WITHINSPECTION PORT(TYPICAL)~12'THE LAST 5 TO 10 FEET OFTHE EFFLUENT LINE WILLBE AT 2% SLOPETHE FIRST 5 TO 10 FEET OFTHE EFFLUENT LINE WILL BEAT 2% SLOPECLEANOUT WITH 316" HOLEDRILLED IN THE CAP (PERMANUFACTURER)ABOUT 26 FEET, 4-INCHDIAMETER, SDR35 PVC, BUILDINGSEWER LINE AT 2% SLOPEABOUT 90 FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETER, SDR35PVC, BUILDING SEWER LINE AT 2% SLOPEFOR THE FIRST AND LAST FIVE FEETCLEANOUTINVout=7184'20 FEET, SCH40PVC, SUSPENDED FROM THETOP OF THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS ANDPERFORATED AT THE INVERTS WITH 1/4-"HOLES AT 36-INCH INTERVALS20 FEET, SCH40PVC, SUSPENDED FROM THETOP OF THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS ANDPERFORATED AT THE INVERTS WITH 1/4-"HOLES AT 36-INCH INTERVALSINVout=7177.5'INVin~7161'1500-GALLONS, TOP SEAM, 3-COMPARTMENTCONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BY VALLEY PRECASTWITH SIPHON MODEL 312 AND EFFLUENT FILTER1000-GALLONS, TOP SEAM, 3-COMPARTMENTCONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BY VALLEY PRECASTWITH SIPHON MODEL 310 AND EFFLUENT FILTERBATTERY COUNTER PANELMOUNTED ON A WOODEN POSTBATTERY COUNTER PANELMOUNTED ON A WOODEN POST122'+/-(50'R E Q ' D )214'+/- (100' REQ'D)235'+/- (100' REQ'D)53'+/- (50' REQ'D)20'+/-4'MIN.4'MIN.S.O.G. EL=7200'BASEMENT S.O.G.EL ~ 7188'INVout=7195.48'INVin=7180.23'ADU - OWTS X-SECTION SKETCHN.T.SLOWEST FLOORELEVATION=7200'INVout~7196''INVin=7195.48'INVin=7165'PROPOSED ADU(2-BEDROOM)RIM EL~7199.5'ABOUT 26 FEET, 4-INCHDIAMETER, SDR35 PVC, BUILDINGSEWER LINE AT 2% SLOPE FORABOUT 165 FEET OF 4-INCH SCH40PVC TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE)INV out =7192.71'4" PVCESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVERNATIVE BACKFILL (TYP.)CONNECT AT ENDOF CHAMBER ROWTO NEXTTRENCH4' MIN.MAIN HOUSE - OWTS X-SECTION SKETCHN.T.SLOWEST FLOORELEVATION=7188'INVout~7184''INVin=7180.23'INVin=7161'PROPOSED MAINHOUSE (4-BEDROOM)RIM EL~7185'ABOUT 90 FEET, 4-INCH DIAMETER,SDR35 PVC, BUILDING SEWER LINEAT 2% SLOPE FOR THE FIRST ANDLAST FIVE FEETABOUT 190 FEET OF 4-INCH SCH40PVC TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE)INV out =7177.5'4" PVCESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVERNATIVE BACKFILL (TYP.)CONNECT AT ENDOF CHAMBER ROWTO NEXTTRENCH4' MIN.INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC.QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBERPRODUCT SPECIFICATION(NOT TO SCALE)PRESSURIZED PIPE DRILLPOINTS LOCATIONS(2 PLACES)(EFFECTIVE LENGTH)TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWEND VIEWQUICK4 PLUS ALL-IN-ONE 12 END CAPINSPECTION PORTPARCEL 9PARCEL 7PARCB.L.MParcel 835.020 ACRES0255S.O.G. EL=7200'BASEMENT S.O.G.EL ~ 7188'PROFILE HOLE #30 to 24 inches Topsoil with roots2' to 4 feet Weathered to firm shale bedrockRefusal on bedrock at 4 feetNo ground water encounteredDESIGN CALCULATIONSDESIGN LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE = 0.3 GPD/SFNUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW = QMAXQmax = 4 BEDROOMS OR 8 PERSONS OCCUPANCY X 75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAYQMAX = 600 GPDSEPTIC TANKUSE 1500-GALLONS, TOP SEAM, THREE COMPARTMENTS, CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITHEFFLUENT FILTER, AND AN AUTO SIPHON, MODEL 312, BY VALLEY PRECAST OR EQUIVALENTAPPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.ABSORPTION AREABASED ON APPLICATION RATE:A = 600 GPD/0.3GPD/S.F.A = 2000 S.F.QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SYSTEM IN A TRENCH CONFIGURATIONWITH AN ALLOWED 30 PERCENT REDUCTION IN THE ABSORPTION AREA AND 10 PERCENTREDUCTION FOR SIPHON DOSINGAadjusted = 1260 S.F.SURFACE AREA OF ONE QUICK4, PLUS STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER = 12 S.F.USE 105 QUICK4, PLUS, STANDARD, INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN TRENCHES AS SHOWN ON THEPLAN.PROFILE HOLE NO. 40 to 1 foot Topsoil1 to 1.5 feet Blocky Clay1.5 to 3.3 feet Light brown, silty, slightlyclayey, gravelly Sand (Clay Loam)3.3 to 7 feet Weathered Shale BedrockRefusal at 7 feet on BedrockNo ground water encounteredPROFILE HOLE # 4 Sample at 36-inches, Loam, Type 3A, <35% Rock (>2mm) LTAR = 0.3 gpd/sf,The area south/southwest of the main residence will not be used for the proposedSoil Treatment Area (STA). The area to the southwest of the ADU will be used toservice the main house and the ADU, due to slightly better soils.MAIN HOUSE - 4 BEDROOMSDoes not classify as Type R type soil - gravity system with siphon dosing will be usedOPEN BOTTOMVENT CAPOPEN BOTTOMVENT CAPINSPECTION PORT4-INCH DIAMETER SDR35 WITHPERFORATIONS ON THE BOTTOM8-INCHES12" MIN12"+ATTACH TOINFILTRATOR WITHA RING ORSCREWSINSPECTION PORTN.T.S.FINISHEDGRADEINLET OROUTLETPIPENOTE:- THE SITE PLAN WAS EMAILED BY RONPRESTON, ARCHITECT- TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY BY ARCHIBEQUELAND CONULTING, LTD.DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NO.:SHEET:DRAWING NO.:DATE:BYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.L.P.L.P.C-120-3397MAY 26, 202020-3397OWTS.DWGONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMFOR THE MAIN HOUSE AND THE ADUPARCEL 8, HIGHLAND MEADOWS @ CASTLE PEAK RANCH255 SORREL HILLS ROADEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOPREPARED FORP.O. Box 724 EAGLE, CO 81631Tel (970) 390-0307www.LKPEngineering.comTRAVIS CLEMAREA MAP~1"=200'STA SITESORRELHILLS ROADADUMAINHOUSEMAINHOUSEADU5-26-2020 P.O. Box 724, Eagle CO, 81631 970-390-0307, www.LKPEngineering.com October 25, 2020 Travis Clem Senior Project Manager GE Johnson 40800 US Hwy 6, Unit #8 Avon, CO 81620 clemt@GEJohnson.com RE: Inspection of Septic System Installation Clem - Main Residence and ADU Parcel 8, Highland Meadows @ Castle Peak 255 Sorrel Hills Drive Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 19-3397– OWTS-018995-2020 Dear Travis: At the request of the installer, Travis Nottingham and Hans Von, Nottingham Excavation & Trucking, Inc., on September 11, 21, and 23, 2020, we visited your property on Parcel 8, Highland Meadows @ Castle Peak, 255 Sorrel Hills Drive, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to inspect the installation of the septic system for the proposed 4-bedroom main residence and 2-bedroom auxiliary unit (ADU). The systems were installed in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 20- 3397OWTS.dwg, dated May 26, 2020, with minor revisions agreed upon during an on-site meeting on September 11, 2020, with you, Travis Nottingham, Hans Von, and Clair Lewandowski, REHS, Eagle County, Environmental Health Department. The revisions were needed due to shallow bedrock encountered in the upper trenches. During the meeting we decided to change the ADU soil treatment area configuration from trench configuration to a bed configuration, thus reducing the required footprint. ADU – OWTS For the OWTS for the 2-bedroom ADU, they constructed 1000-gallons, 3-compartment, concrete septic by Valley Precast with an effluent filter in the second compartment and siphon, model 316, in the third compartment. The tank access ports had corrugated, plastic risers with secured, insulated, green, plastic covers. The covers were secured with nuts, bolts and screws. All risers were 24 inches high. The cycle counter is mounted 2’ from third compartment manhole (where the siphon is located), on a wood post and it is battery operated, according to your email. The building sewer line was about 38 feet, 4-inch diameter SDR35 pvc, and was connected to the west side of the building with a cleanout at about 2.6 feet away from the building wall, as shown on the attached as- built drawing. The effluent line from the septic tank to the STA was 175 feet long, 4-inch diameter, sch40pvc, with three cleanouts along the line. One cleanout was installed at the beginning of the effluent line with a 3/16” hole drilled in the cap (per the manufacturer’s recommendations for the siphon operation). The second cleanout on the effluent line was constructed, at about 36 feet from the first, and the third cleanout was at about 80 feet from the second cleanout. The STA for the ADU was constructed with 54 Quick 4 plus infiltrator chambers in a bed configuration, with three rows of 18 chambers in each. In the first 20 feet of each of the rows of infiltrators, 20-foot section of 4-inch diameter, sch40 pvc, perforated at the inverts with ¼-inch holes at 36” intervals were Clem - Main Residence and ADU Project 20-3397 Page 2 of 2 October 25, 2020 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. (970) 390-0307, www.LKPEngineering.com suspended from the infiltrator chambers. The rows of infiltrators were connected at both ends with 4-inch diameter sch40 pvc. The system start-up was done by the installer, Nottingham Excavation & Trucking, Inc. MAIN HOUSE OWTS The 4-bedroom residence was not constructed at the time of the OWTS installation. They installed 1500-gallons, three compartments, precast, concrete, septic tank by Valley Precast with effluent filter in the second compartment and Model 316 Siphon for dosing in the third compartment. The tank access ports had corrugated, plastic risers with secured, insulated, green, plastic covers. The covers were secured with nuts, bolts and screws. All risers were 24 inches high. The effluent line from the siphon chamber to first infiltrator chamber of the soil treatment area, was about 175 feet long, 4-inch diameter, SCH40 pvc pipe with two cleanouts. One cleanout was installed at the beginning of the effluent line with a 3/16” hole drilled in the cap (per the manufacturer’s recommendations for the siphon operation). The second cleanout was constructed at about 85 feet from the first. The soil treatment area consisted of 105 Quick4 Plus Infiltrator chambers arranged in six trenches with 25 infiltrators in the first two, 22 in the third, 15 in the fourth, 13 in the fifth, and 5 in the last row. The rows of Infiltrator chambers were connected with serial distribution, with 4-inch diameter SDR35 pvc pipes. In the first row of infiltrators, a 20-foot section of 4-inch diameter SDR35 pvc pipe perforated with ¼-inch holes at 36- inch intervals was suspended from the top of the infiltrator chambers. The priming/startup of the siphon system and the construction of the cycle counter will be done after the house construction. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department E-mail: environment@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2020\20-3397TWO-OSIQ4PLUS-SIPHONDOSING.DOCX 10/10/2020 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com June 2, 2020 Travis Clem Senior Project Manager GE Johnson 40800 US Hwy 6, Unit #8 Avon, CO 81620 clemt@GEJohnson.com RE: Soil and Site Evaluation Parcel 8, Highland Meadows @ Castle Peak 255 Sorrel Hills Drive Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 20-3397 Dear Travis: On April 29 and May 2, 2020, we visited your property on Parcel 8, Highland Meadows @ Castle Peak, 255 Sorrel Hills Drive, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the site and select an area for the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the Main House and for the Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU). Travis Nottingham with Nottingham Construction, dug the profile holes. The proposed Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) are for a Four-bedroom Main House and for a Two-bedroom ADU. The system for the ADU will consist of Valley Precast 1000-gallons, top seam, three compartments concrete septic tank with Model 310 Siphon for dosing and effluent filter, and soil treatment area (STA) with trenches and infiltrator chambers. The system for the Main House will consist of Valley Precast 1500-gallons, top seam, three compartments concrete septic tank with Model 312 Siphon for dosing and effluent filter, and soil treatment area (STA) with trenches and infiltrator chambers. ! Preliminary Investigation G Address: The property address is 255 Sorrel Hills Road, Colorado G Legal Description: Parcel 8, Highland Meadows @ Castle Peak, Eagle County, Colorado. Parcel Number 1939-213-01-015. G Existing Structures: There are no existing structures on the property. It is a vacant land. G Location of existing and proposed wells on property: There is a new well on the property that was surveyed. G ECEHD (Eagle County Environmental Health Department) records: There are no records of existing septic system on the property. G Topography: The topography of the leachfield site has a moderate slope of 17 percent. G Soil Data: Four profile holes were excavated. Two were excavated to the west-southwest of the ADU and the other two were southwest from the proposed main residence. The profile holes were excavated and observed Page 2 of 4 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com Clem Residence & ADU June 2, 2020 Project No. 20-3397 on May 2, 2020. The soil exposed in the profile holes was as follows: PROFILE HOLE #1 0 to 18 inches Topsoil 1.5' to 4 feet Light brown to yellowish, silty, slightly clayey, gravelly sand (LOAM) 4 to 7 feet Weathered to firm shale bedrock No ground water encountered Sample at 36-inches, Loam, Type 2A, <35% Rock (>2mm) LTAR = 0.5 gpd/sf, PROFILE HOLE NO. 2 0 to 2 feet Topsoil 2 to 2.5 feet Blocky Clay 2.5 to 5 feet Clay Loam, tan, silty, clayey, gravelly sand 5 to 8 feet Clay Loam, tan, silty, clayey, gravelly sand with more gravel at 8 feet Weathered Shale Bedrock No ground water encountered Sample at 3 feet, Clay Loam, Type 3A, LTAR = 0.3 gpd/sf <35%-65% Rock (>2mm) Does not classify as Type R soil - gravity system with siphon dosing PROFILE HOLE #3 0 to 24 inches Topsoil with roots 2' to 4 feet Weathered to firm shale bedrock Refusal on bedrock at 4 feet No ground water encountered PROFILE HOLE NO. 4 0 to 1foot Topsoil 1 to 1.5 feet Blocky Clay 1.5 to 3.3 feet Light brown, silty, slightly clayey, gravelly Sand (Clay Loam) 3.3 to 7 feet Weathered Shale Bedrock Refusal at 7 feet on Bedrock No ground water encountered Sample at 36-inches, Loam, Type 3A, <35% Rock (>2mm) LTAR = 0.3 gpd/sf, G Location of applicable setbacks in Table 7-1 ! Reconnaissance G Landscape position: The proposed leachfield site will be located in the Back /Side Slope; west/southwest of the ADU and northwest of the Page 3 of 4 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com Clem Residence & ADU June 2, 2020 Project No. 20-3397 proposed main residence, as shown on the plan. G Topography: The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate. G Vegetation: The vegetation within the proposed leachfield consisted of juniper trees. The site surrounding the leachfield was similar. G Natural and cultural features: The property is north of Interstate 70 and northeast from the Eagle exit. The building site is about a mile north from Interstate 70, and about mile and a half from Eagle River and about 600 feet above the river. Castle Creek is about 3000 feet to the east of the property. The area is mountainous with juniper forest and meadows below. G Current and historic land use: The current use is in resource zoning with small ranches. Previous use was probably grazing. ! Detailed Soil Investigation G Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavation; Two profile holes per select site were dug, observed and logged and visual and tactile evaluations test was done. G Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes or one or more profile test pit excavations: Two profile holes per site were observed and logged on May 2, 2020. ! Report and Site Plan G Name, address, telephone number, email address, and credentials and qualification of individual who conducted site evaluation: This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-390-0307 and Luiza=s email is luiza@lkpeng.com G Dates of preliminary and detailed evaluation: April 29 and May 2, 2020. G A graphic soil log, to scale: Attached G Setback distances in Table 7-1: Main House Well Potable water Structure with basement Structure w/o basement PL, Irrig. Ditch Lake Surface Water Dry Gulch Septic Tank Tank 53’ - ~90 - 390’PL - 25’+ - STA 235 - ~265 - 295’PL - 25’+ ~182’ ADU Well Potable water Structure with basement Structure w/o basement PL, Irrig. Ditch Lake Surface Water Dry Gulch Septic Tank Tank 122’ - - 20’ 260’PL - 25’+ - STA 214’ - - 190’ 220’PL - 25’+ 160’ G Setback distances in Table 7-2: Items 1-4, all setbacks observed Page 4 of 4 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com Clem Residence & ADU June 2, 2020 Project No. 20-3397 G A drawing (to scale) with complete property boundary lines on minimum of 8.5 x 11" # Label profile test pits/holes # North Arrow # Graphic scale # Horizontal and vertical reference points of proposed STA # Contours OR slope direction and % slope # Location of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed, or compacted soils # The proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the STA from benchmark or ground surface G Anticipated construction related issues: None anticipated G Assessment of known or foreseeable land use changes expected to affect the system performance: None known. G Narrative explaining difficulties encountered during site evaluation: Finding suitable site without refusal on bedrock or shallow bedrock within the close proximity to the main residence was difficult, so other solutions were considered. G The graphic soil logs are appended to this report. LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2020\20-3397SOIL-SITE-EVAL-SIPHON-ADU AND MAIN-2.DOCX Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us> RE: OWTS-018995-2020- 255 Sorrel Hills Final Septic Installation Documents Travis Clem <clemt@gejohnson.com>Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 8:42 AM To: Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us> Morning Claire, We have finished the tie-in of the Septic system from the House to the Tank, please reference photos. All pipe was bedded and covered in gravel, prior to backfill. [Quoted text hidden] Siphon Dosing Calculations Company: Ph / Fax:970-390-0307 Project Name:Clem ADU -Project# 20-3397 Prepared by:Luiza Petrovska, PE Input: Siphon Model:310 Length of Run (ft):165 feet Fall (ft):27.71 feet Number of Orifices:7 Orifice Diameter (in):0.2500 inches Squirt Height (ft):4 feet Transport Line Size (in):4 inches Pipe Class/Schedule:40 4.00 Dose Chamber Volume Per Inch (gal/in):10.00 gallons/inch Volume of Lateral and Manifold Piping:13.06 gallons (If orifices are orientated upwards and piping 15.67 will remain full between doses - Enter " 0 ") Calculation: Approximate Flow Rate Required to Pressurize System (gpm): 10.83 gpm Siphon Discharge Rate (gpm):68.00 gpm Siphon Drawdown (in):10.00 inches Dose Volume (gal):100.00 gallons Approximate Gallons Required to Fill Transport 33.57 Line to the Required Squirt Height:33.57 gallons Approximate Time For Siphon Discharge:88.24 seconds Approximate Time Required to Fill Transport Line to the Required Squirt Height:29.62 seconds 15.79 Percent of Dose Required to Pressurize the System to the Required Squirt Height (Dose Volume/Gallons Required): 33.57 %33.57% Acceptable Values are 0 - 50%. Analyze Result: "Error's" or "Caution's" regarding the Inputs and Calculations are listed below. NDA-SIPH-HYD-1 Rev. 2 04/25/03 Siphon Dosing Calculations Company:LKP Engineering, Inc. Ph / Fax:970-390-0307 Project Name:Clem main House, Project #20-3397 Prepared by:Luiza Petrovska, PE Input: Siphon Model:312 Length of Run (ft):190 feet Fall (ft):16.5 feet Number of Orifices:7 Orifice Diameter (in):0.2500 inches Squirt Height (ft):4 feet Transport Line Size (in):4 inches Pipe Class/Schedule:40 4.00 Dose Chamber Volume Per Inch (gal/in):10.00 gallons/inch Volume of Lateral and Manifold Piping:13.06 gallons (If orifices are orientated upwards and piping 15.67 will remain full between doses - Enter " 0 ") Calculation: Approximate Flow Rate Required to Pressurize System (gpm): 10.83 gpm Siphon Discharge Rate (gpm):70.00 gpm Siphon Drawdown (in):12.00 inches Dose Volume (gal):120.00 gallons Approximate Gallons Required to Fill Transport 49.82 Line to the Required Squirt Height:49.82 gallons Approximate Time For Siphon Discharge:102.86 seconds Approximate Time Required to Fill Transport Line to the Required Squirt Height:42.70 seconds 29.27 Percent of Dose Required to Pressurize the System to the Required Squirt Height (Dose Volume/Gallons Required): 41.51 %41.51% Acceptable Values are 0 - 50%. Analyze Result: "Error's" or "Caution's" regarding the Inputs and Calculations are listed below. NDA-SIPH-HYD-1 Rev. 2 04/25/03 Siphon Dosing Calculations Company:LKP Engineering, Inc. Ph / Fax:970-390-0307 Project Name:Clem main House, Project #20-3397 Prepared by:Luiza Petrovska, PE Input: Siphon Model:312 Length of Run (ft):190 feet Fall (ft):16.5 feet Number of Orifices:7 Orifice Diameter (in):0.2500 inches Squirt Height (ft):4 feet Transport Line Size (in):4 inches Pipe Class/Schedule:40 4.00 Dose Chamber Volume Per Inch (gal/in):10.00 gallons/inch Volume of Lateral and Manifold Piping:13.06 gallons (If orifices are orientated upwards and piping 15.67 will remain full between doses - Enter " 0 ") Calculation: Approximate Flow Rate Required to Pressurize System (gpm): 10.83 gpm Siphon Discharge Rate (gpm):70.00 gpm Siphon Drawdown (in):12.00 inches Dose Volume (gal):120.00 gallons Approximate Gallons Required to Fill Transport 49.82 Line to the Required Squirt Height:49.82 gallons Approximate Time For Siphon Discharge:102.86 seconds Approximate Time Required to Fill Transport Line to the Required Squirt Height:42.70 seconds 29.27 Percent of Dose Required to Pressurize the System to the Required Squirt Height (Dose Volume/Gallons Required): 41.51 %41.51% Acceptable Values are 0 - 50%. Analyze Result: "Error's" or "Caution's" regarding the Inputs and Calculations are listed below. NDA-SIPH-HYD-1 Rev. 2 04/25/03