HomeMy WebLinkAbout159 Spring Park Ridge - 239116400007Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-018452-2020 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 4/8/2020 Expires: 8/6/2020 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 159 SPRING PARK RIDGE, 239116400007 Owner Information Address Steve Brammell Phone: Cell: (702) 236-5931 Email: sbrammell@yahoo.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email RB Civil LLC, Romeo Baylosis (970) 471-1103 romeo@rbcivil.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Permitted Construction / Details: A licensed installer has not been identified. No person shall install, renovate, or repair an OWTS in Eagle County (EC) without a valid EC Systems Contractor License. Any person that conducts a business as a systems contractor without having obtained a valid license section commits a Class 1 petty offense as defined in section 18-1.3-503, C.R.S. Please notify the department when an installer is identified, prior to installation of the OWTS. Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the CBO Septic Inc design packet prepared March 12, 2020 by Carla Ostberg; stamped, signed, and dated March 22, 2020 by Romeo Baylosis, PE. The septic is designed to serve a proposed three bedroom residence. The system consists of a 1,000 gallon two-compartment Infiltrator poly tank with an effluent filter filter in the outlet tee, followed by a 500 gallon Infiltrator dosing tank with an Orenco Biotube Propak Pump model PF3005, with floats set to deliver 60 gallons to an Automatic Distribution Valve (ADV), set level at the high point of the system to allow for drain back and prevent freezing, and made accessible at grade in an insulated riser box. The ADV will alternate dosed effluent between four over-excavated, unlined, sandfilter beds, each 24' by 6', with laterals set level atop two feet of sand material that meets the minimum specifications required for secondary sand. A gradation of the sand media used must be completed within one month prior to the installation, confirmed with the design engineer, and available for review at the time of inspection. If the sand does not conform to secondary or preferred sand media requirements, it cannot be used for the sand treatment media. Note: It is recommended that the tested squirt height is recorded in the pump control box for future trouble shooting. All electrical permits for the pump, and visual and audible alarm system must be obtained by the local building department. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Wednesday, April 8, 2020 1 THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date April 08, 2020 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, April 8, 2020 2 555800 4/6/20 18452-2020 Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: INSP-508426-2021 Permit Number: OWTS-018452-2020 Inspection Date: 07/08/2021 Inspector: Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: NewOwner:Steve Brammell Job Address:159 SPRING PARK RIDGE IVR Pin Number:190029 CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:239116400007 Contractor:Phone: / Cell: Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank A 1000 gallon, two-compartment Infiltrator poly septic tank followed by a 500 gallon single compartment Infiltrator poly pump chamber with an Orenco Biotube Pump Vault and an Orenco PF3005 pump was used. Added Item: Record Drawing Received 7/7/2021 from CBO Inc. Added Item: Record Photos Received 7/7/2021 from CBO Inc. Added Item: Site and Soil Received 3/24/2020 from CBO Inc. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Received 7/7/2021 from CBO Inc. Added Item: General Plan Received 3/24/2020 from CBO Inc. Added Item: Soil Treatment Area (STA) STA consists of four pressure dosed, over excavated, unlined sand filters with a minimum of 2 feet of sand filter material. Each bed was separated at least 6 feet of undisturbed soil. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Silver Spur Excavating was the licensed installer. Thursday, July 8, 2021 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 Thursday, July 8, 2021 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 CBO Inc. 129 Cains Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 970.309.5259 carla.ostberg@gmail.com July 7, 2021 Project No. C1504 Steve Brammell c/o Robert Johnson robertjohnson@rof.net Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Installation Observations 159 Spring Park Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Permit Number OWTS-018452-2020 Steve, CBO Inc. observed the installation of the onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on May 27, 2021 for the subject property. Brian Costner with Silver Spur Excavating installed the system. The OWTS design is based on 3-bedrooms. An average daily wastewater flow of 450 GPD was used. A 4-inch diameter SDR-35 sewer line with a double sweep clean out and minimum 2% fall to the septic tank was installed. The system installation included a 1000-gallon, two-compartment Infiltrator® poly septic tank followed by a 500-gallon, single-compartment Infiltrator® poly pump chamber with an Orenco® Biotube Pump Vault and an Orenco® PF3005 pump. There are effluent filters both in the outlet side of the first septic tank and in the pump chamber. These filters must be cleaned annually, or as needed. The floats were set to dose approximately 60 gallons each pump cycle. The pump was wired, and the floats were tested and verified to be working properly. Valley Precast out of Buena Vista has been scheduled to perform start-up of the pumping system. A 1.5-inch diameter Schedule 40 pump line was installed from the pump to an Orenco® automatic distributing valve (ADV), model 6404. The ADV was placed at a high point in the system in an insulated riser with access from grade. The STA consists of four pressure-dosed, over-excavated, unlined sand filters with a minimum of 2-feet of sand filter material. Each bed was separated by at least 6-feet of undisturbed soil. Pipes used to disperse the effluent were surrounded by washed coarse screened gravel or crushed stone. The manifolds were 1.5-inches in diameter. Laterals were 1.5-inches in diameter with 5/32-inch diameter orifices facing down, spaced 2-feet on center. Laterals were placed 2-feet from the edges of the sand filters, with 2-feet between the laterals. Each 1.5-inch diameter lateral ends in a sweeping ell facing up with a ball valve for flushing. A soil separation fabric was placed over the gravel layer followed by approximately 1-foot of topsoil or other suitable soil able to support vegetative growth. The OWTS was generally installed according to specifications. This observation is not a guarantee of workmanship and/or parts and materials. CBO Inc. should be notified if changes are made to the OWTS in the future. Any additional OWTS construction must be according to the county regulations. 7-7-2021 LIMITS: Observations are limited to components that are visible at the time of the inspection. The installer must have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. The quality of the installation is dependent of the expertise of the installer, soil type, and weather conditions. Please call with questions. Sincerely, CBO Inc. Reviewed By: Carla Ostberg, MPH, REHS Romeo Baylosis, P.E. Outlet of septic tank with effluent filter Pump chamber Sewer lines well bedded Pump line to ADV STA Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-018452-2020 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 4/8/2020 Expires: 8/6/2020 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 159 SPRING PARK RIDGE, 239116400007 Owner Information Address Steve Brammell Phone: Cell: (702) 236-5931 Email: sbrammell@yahoo.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email RB Civil LLC, Romeo Baylosis (970) 471-1103 romeo@rbcivil.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Permitted Construction / Details: A licensed installer has not been identified. No person shall install, renovate, or repair an OWTS in Eagle County (EC) without a valid EC Systems Contractor License. Any person that conducts a business as a systems contractor without having obtained a valid license section commits a Class 1 petty offense as defined in section 18-1.3-503, C.R.S. Please notify the department when an installer is identified, prior to installation of the OWTS. Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the CBO Septic Inc design packet prepared March 12, 2020 by Carla Ostberg; stamped, signed, and dated March 22, 2020 by Romeo Baylosis, PE. The septic is designed to serve a proposed three bedroom residence. The system consists of a 1,000 gallon two-compartment Infiltrator poly tank with an effluent filter filter in the outlet tee, followed by a 500 gallon Infiltrator dosing tank with an Orenco Biotube Propak Pump model PF3005, with floats set to deliver 60 gallons to an Automatic Distribution Valve (ADV), set level at the high point of the system to allow for drain back and prevent freezing, and made accessible at grade in an insulated riser box. The ADV will alternate dosed effluent between four over-excavated, unlined, sandfilter beds, each 24' by 6', with laterals set level atop two feet of sand material that meets the minimum specifications required for secondary sand. A gradation of the sand media used must be completed within one month prior to the installation, confirmed with the design engineer, and available for review at the time of inspection. If the sand does not conform to secondary or preferred sand media requirements, it cannot be used for the sand treatment media. Note: It is recommended that the tested squirt height is recorded in the pump control box for future trouble shooting. All electrical permits for the pump, and visual and audible alarm system must be obtained by the local building department. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Wednesday, April 8, 2020 1 THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date April 08, 2020 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, April 8, 2020 2 832‐R‐13‐002 33 Four Wheel Drive Road Carbondale, CO 81623 970.309.5259 carla.ostberg@gmail.com March 12, 2020 Project No. C1504 Steve Brammell c/o Wheeler Clancy wheeler@djarchitects.com Subsurface Investigation and Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Design 3-Bedroom Residence TBD Spring Park Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Steve, CBO Inc. performed a subsurface investigation and completed an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) design for the subject residence. The 33.759 property is located outside of Basalt, in an area where OWTSs and wells are necessary. Legal Description: Section: 16 Township: 7 Range: 87 NW1/4SE1/4 PCLIN BK-0610 PG-0683 DEC 04-23-93 BK-0632 PG-0125 QCD 10-25-93 BK-0657 PG-0793 QCD 12-19-94 BK-0698 PG-0050 BSD 05-25-96 R720545 WD 01-10-00 R737007 QCD 08-08-00 R737015 QCD 08-04-00 R737016 QCD 08-04-00 R737017 QCD 08-04-00 R737018 QCD 08-04-00 R737019 QCD 08-04-00 R815101 SWD 11-22-02 R871804 QCD 03-23-04 R200615747 EAS 06-14-06 Parcel ID: 2391-164-00-007 SITE CONDITIONS The property is currently undeveloped. A 3-bedroom residence is proposed on the northeast portion of the property. A shared well is proposed to serve the residence with potable water. The well is located on the neighboring property to the north, approximately 1800 feet from the northern property boundary. The well is at least 50-feet from the proposed septic tank and at least 100-feet from the proposed soil treatment area (STA). The water line will enter the property from the north and will not come within 25- fee of any OWTS component. Page 2 The property slopes to the southwest, with an approximate 15% grade in the area of the proposed STA. The area was covered with snow at the time of our site visit, but is normally vegetated with scrub oak, sage, and native grasses. There should be no traffic or staging of material over the future STA site to avoid compaction of soils prior to construction of the STA. Table 1 describes the minimum required setback of OWTS components to physical features on the property compared to approximate, proposed setback distances. Table 1 OWTS Components and Physical Features Minimum Required Setback Approximate Proposed Setback House to Septic Tank 5’ 43’ Septic Tank to Well 50’ >1000’ Septic Tank to Water Course 50’ n/a STA to House 20’ 53’ STA to Well 100’ >1000’ STA to Water Course 50’ n/a SUBSURFACE The subsurface was investigated on February 28, 2020 by digging two soil profile test pit excavations (Test Pits). Visual and tactile soil analysis was completed by Carla Ostberg at the time of excavation.1 The materials encountered in Test Pit #1 consisted of dark brown topsoil, underlain by light brown sandy loam with gravel and cobbles to a maximum depth explored of 7.5-feet. The materials encountered in Test Pit #2 were similar to those encountered in Test Pit #1. The test pit was excavated to a maximum depth explored of 7.5-feet. No bedrock or groundwater was encountered. A sample of the soils was taken from Test Pit #1 at 3-feet below grade. Soil structure grade was moderate. The soil formed a ball and a ribbon less than 1-inch in length before breaking. Soil structure shape was loose and consistence was loose. Soil texture was more gritty than smooth. Rock content in the field was estimated between 35% and 65%. We brought a sample of the soils to Kumar and Associates for gradation. The gradation report (enclosed) reports 60% of the rock was retained on Screen #10 (2mm). Our visual evaluation estimates <50% of the rock exceeds ¾”. STA sizing is based on Soil Type R-1, Sandy Loam with, utilizing Option 1 for system design criteria. We are proposing pressurized, unlined sand filter beds, with a minimum 2-feet Secondary Sand Filter material. A long term acceptance rate (LTAR) of 0.8 gallons per square foot will be used to design the OWTS. 1 Carla Ostberg holds a Certificate of Attendance and Examination from the CPOW Visual and Tactile Evaluation of Soils Training. Page 3 Test Pit #1 Test Pit #2 Page 4 Sieved sample Backfill Test Pit #2 Test Pit #2 Page 5 Backfill Test Pit #2 Backfill Test Pit #1 Test Pit #1 View of proposed STA location from road Page 6 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Design Calculations: Average Design Flow = 75 GPD x 2 people/bedroom x 3 Bedrooms = 450 GPD LTAR = 0.8 GPD/SF 450 GPD / 0.8 GPD/SF x 1.0 (pressure dosed beds) = 562.5 SF 4 beds, each 6’ x 24’ The new OWTS design is based on 3-bedrooms. An average daily wastewater flow of 450 GPD will be used. For the purposes of this OWTS design, Architectural Benchmark Elevation 7610’ has been established as 100’. The sewer line will exit the residence near the mechanical room at an approximate elevation of 7598’. CBO Inc. should be notified of any discrepancies or problems with grade elevations of proposed components during installation of the OWTS. OWTS Component Minimum Elevation Primary Tank Inlet Invert Min. 86’ (7596’) (approx. horizontal distance 52’ / min. 2% fall = 13” drop) Automatic Distributing Valve / Distribution Box Min. 87’ (7597’) (approx. horizontal distance 14’ min. 1% grade for drain back = min. 2”) Infiltrative Surface Min. 86’ (7596’) (approx. horizontal distance 17’ min. 1% fall to highest trench = min. 2.2”) The system installation will include a new 1000-gallon, two-compartment Infiltrator® poly septic tank followed by a 500-gallon, single-compartment Infiltrator® poly pump chamber with an Orenco® Biotube Pump Vault and an Orenco® PF3005 pump. The floats should be set to dose approximately 60 gallons each pump cycle, allowing approximately 1.5 gallons of drain back after each pump cycle. A pump curve is enclosed. The pump must be capable of a minimum design flow rate of 16.2 GPM and a minimum total dynamic head of 10.8 feet with 5 feet residual head at last orifice. The control panel for the pump must be located within line of sight of the septic tank. We recommend Valley Precast out of Buena Vista be contracted for start-up of the pumping system. Pump Table Dose Range Max = 115 gal. (450 GPD x 25% + drain back) Min. 36 gal. (8.6 gal x 4) + 1.5 gal drain back Dose Setting 60 gallons/dose 1.5 gallons drain back (14’ / 1.5” diameter pump line) Float Separation 500-gallon Infiltrator® pump chamber (approx. 12 gal/inch) 5” on/off float separation Pump Criteria 16.2 gallons per minute (GPM) 10.8 feet total dynamic head (TDH) A 1.5-inch diameter Schedule 40 pump line must be installed from the pump to an Orenco® automatic distributing valve (ADV), model 6404. This pump line must have a minimum 1% grade for proper drain back into the tank after each pump cycle. The ADV must be placed a high point in the system and be placed in an insulated riser with access from grade. Screened rock must be placed below the ADV to support the ADV and to assure the clear pipes exiting the ADV remain visible for future inspection and maintenance. The STA will consist of four pressure dosed, over-excavated, unlined sand filters with a minimum of 2-feet of sand filter material. Each bed must be separated by at least 6-feet of undisturbed soil. Sand filter material must be clean, coarse sand, all passing a screen having four meshes to the inch. The sand must have an Page 7 effective size between 0.25 and 0.60 mm. The uniformity coefficient must be 4.0 or less. Material meeting ASTM 33, for concrete sand, with one percent or less fines passing 200 mesh sieve may be used. Pipes used to disperse the effluent must be surrounded by washed coarse screened gravel or crushed stone. All of the gravel or stone must pass a 2 ½-inch screen and must be retained on a ¾-inch screen. The manifold must be 1.5-inches in diameter. Laterals must be 1.5-inches in diameter with 5/32-inch diameter orifice holes facing down, spaced 2-feet on center. Laterals will be placed 2-feet from the edges of the sand filter, with 2-feet between the laterals. Each 1.5-inch diameter lateral must end in a sweeping ell facing up with a ball valve for flushing. A soil separation fabric should be placed over the gravel layer followed by approximately 1-foot of topsoil or other suitable soil able to support vegetative growth. COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS The component manufacturers are typical of applications used by contractors and engineers in this area. CBO Inc. must approve alternative components prior to installation of the OWTS. Requests must be submitted, in writing, to our office for approval prior to installation. Component technical data sheets are available upon request. COMPONENT MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. COMMENTS Septic Tank Infiltrator® Item #IM-1060-2CP 1000 gallon, 2- compartment poly septic tank Effluent Filter Orenco® 4-inch diameter (full size) effluent filter Pump Chamber Infiltrator® Item # IM-540-HH 500-gallon, single- compartment poly pump chamber Pump Orenco® PF300511 ½ HP 120 Volt Biotube ProPak Pump Package Orenco® BPP30DD Vault, Filter, Control Panel (demand dose) Tank Risers and Lids Orenco® Double-walled PVC Risers and Lids (24” diameter) ADV Orenco® V6404A 1.5” Inlet and Outlets ADV Riser and Lid Orenco® Double-walled PVC Risers and Lids (30” diameter) Orifice Shields Orenco® OS150 1.5 inch diameter (72 total) Flushing Assembly Orenco® 1.5” diameter (2) 45° or 90° long sweep only (8 total) The component manufacturers are typical of applications used by contractors and engineers in this area. Alternatives may be considered or recommended by contacting our office. Construction must be according to Eagle County On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Regulations, the OWTS Permit provided by Eagle County Environmental Health Department, and this design. INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR CBO Inc. expects that the installer be experienced and qualified to perform the scope of work outlined in this design. The installer must review this design thoroughly and coordinate with our office in advance of installation. Any additional conditions in this design or county permit must be completed and documented prior to final approval of the OWTS installation. Communication between the installer and this office is expected throughout the installation. Page 8 INSTALLATION OBSERVATIONS CBO Inc. must view the OWTS during construction. The OWTS observation should be performed before backfill, after placement of OWTS components. Septic tanks, distribution devices, pumps, dosing siphons, and other plumbing, as applicable, must also be observed. CBO Inc. should be notified 48 hours in advance to observe the installation. In an effort to improve the accuracy of the record drawing, we request that the installer provide a sketch of the installation, including path of the sewer lines, water line installation (if applicable), septic tank location, STA location, and measurements from building corners or another fixed objects on the property. This sketch is most easily provided on Sheet W2.0 of the OWTS Design Packet. Photographs of the installation and final cover are also requested to supplement our installation documentation. REVEGETATION REQUIREMENTS An adequate layer of good quality topsoil capable of supporting revegetation shall be placed over the entire disturbed area of the OWTS installation. A mixture of native grass seed that has good soil stabilizing characteristics (but without taproots), provides a maximum transpiration rate, and competes well with successional species. No trees or shrubs, or any vegetation requiring regular irrigation shall be placed over the area. Until vegetation is reestablished, erosion and sediment control measures shall be implemented and maintained on site. The owner of the OWTS shall be responsible for maintaining proper vegetation cover. OPERATION INFORMATION AND MAINTENANCE The property owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of each OWTS servicing the property. The property owner is responsible for maintaining service contracts for manufactured units, alternating STAs, and any other components needing maintenance. Geo-fabrics or plastics should not be used over the STA. No heavy equipment, machinery, or materials should be placed on the backfilled STA. Machines with tracks (not wheels) should be used during construction of the STA for better weight distribution. Livestock should not graze on the STA. Plumbing fixtures should be checked to ensure that no additional water is being discharged to OWTS. For example, a running toilet or leaky faucet can discharge hundreds of gallons of water a day and harm a STA. If an effluent filter or screen has been installed in the OWTS, we recommend this filter or screen be cleaned annually, or as needed. If the OWTS consists of a pressurized pump system, we recommend the laterals be flushed annually, or as needed. The homeowner should pump the septic tank every two years, or as needed gauged by measurement of solids in the tank. Garbage disposal use should be minimized, and non-biodegradable materials should not be placed into the OWTS. Grease should not be placed in household drains. Loading from a water softener should not be discharged into the OWTS. No hazardous wastes should be directed into the OWTS. Mechanical room drains should not discharge into the OWTS. The OWTS is engineered for domestic waste only. ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES If design includes a pump, weep holes must be installed to allow pump lines to drain to minimize risk of freezing. The pump shall have an audible and visual alarm notification in the event of excessively high water conditions and shall be connected to a control breaker separate from the high-water alarm breaker Page 9 3-22-2020 and from any other control system circuits. The pump system shall have a switch so the pump can be manually operated. Extensions should be placed on all septic tank components to allow access to them from existing grade. Backfill over the STA must be uniform and granular with no material greater than minus 3-inch. LIMITS: The design is based on information submitted. If soil conditions encountered are different from conditions described in report, CBO Inc. should be notified. All OWTS construction must be according to the county regulations. Requirements not specified in this report must follow applicable county regulations. The contractor should have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. Licensing of Systems Contractors may be required by county regulation. Please call with questions. Sincerely, CBO Inc. Reviewed By: Carla Ostberg, MPH, REHS Romeo A. Baylosis, PE Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project C1502 / Brammell Residence Parameters Discharge Assembly Size Transport Length Before Valve Transport Pipe Class Transport Line Size Distributing Valve Model Transport Length After Valve Transport Pipe Class Transport Pipe Size Max Elevation Lift Manifold Length Manifold Pipe Class Manifold Pipe Size Number of Laterals per Cell Lateral Length Lateral Pipe Class Lateral Pipe Size Orifice Size Orifice Spacing Residual Head Flow Meter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 1.50 14 40 1.50 6404 17 40 1.50 1 20 40 1.50 8 22 40 1.50 5/32 2 5 None 0 inches feet inches feet inches feet feet inches feet inches inches feet feet inches feet Calculations Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice Number of Orifices per Zone Total Flow Rate per Zone Number of Laterals per Zone % Flow Differential 1st/Last Orifice Transport Velocity Before Valve Transport Velocity After Valve 0.68 24 16.2 2 0.3 2.6 2.6 gpm gpm % fps fps Frictional Head Losses Loss through Discharge Loss in Transport Before Valve Loss through Valve Loss in Transport after Valve Loss in Manifold Loss in Laterals Loss through Flowmeter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 0.8 0.2 3.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Before Valve Vol of Transport Line After Valve Vol of Manifold Vol of Laterals per Zone Total Vol Before Valve Total Vol After Valve 1.5 1.8 2.1 4.7 1.5 8.6 gals gals gals gals gals gals Minimum Pump Requirements Design Flow Rate Total Dynamic Head 16.2 10.8 gpm feet 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Net Discharge (gpm) PumpData PF3005 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 1/2HP 115/230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200V 3Ø 60Hz PF3007 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 3/4HP 230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/460V 3Ø 60Hz PF3010 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 1HP 230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/460V 3Ø 60Hz PF3015 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 1-1/2HP 230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/230/460V 3Ø 60Hz Legend System Curve: Pump Curve: Pump Optimal Range: Operating Point: Design Point: ,, , , , , , , J J JJJJJ u u !!2 !!2 Q Q ` ` ` ` ` s s ÆM ÆM¬« ¬« ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")")") ") ") dR Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community ² Legend H2OWell H2OFitt dR Electric_Me ter ")Electric_Va ult ¬«Fire_Hydrant ÆM Ph one_Ped esta l s Wa ter_Main_Shutoff `Wa ter_C urbsto p_Valve Q Wa ter_H ydrant !!2 Wa ter_Man hole Wa ter_Ta nk u WELL Dry_We ll Condu it Culvert Electric_Line Gas_Line Geo_The rm Se wFitt Se wer_Main J Se wer_Cle anou t Se ptic_Tank Leach_Field Sp rinkler_C ontro l_Box Sp rinkler_Valve ,Su rve y_Ma rke r Prop erty_L ine Wa ter_L ine Area _gen 0 500 1,0 00250 Feet • Has 5-10 times more flow area than other brands, so lasts many times longer between clean- ings, increasing homeowner satisfaction • Installs in min- utes inside new or existing tanks; extendible tee handle for easy removal • Easy to clean by simply hosing off whenever the tank needs pumping • Removes about two-thirds of sus- pended solids, on average, extending drainfield life • Corrosion-proof construction, to ensure long life • Lifetime warranty Residential Biotube® Effluent Filters Applications Our patented* 4-in. (100-mm) Biotube Effluent Filters, Biotube Jr., Biotube Insert Filters, and Biotube Base Inlet Filters are ideal for residential septic tanks and have a lifetime warranty. They prevent large solids from leaving the tank, dramatically improving wastewater quality and extending the life of residential drainfields. Standard Features & Benefits • Alarm available, to signal the need for cleaning • Flow modulating discharge orifices available to limit flow rate leaving tank, mitigat- ing surges and increasing retention time • Custom and commercial sizes available Effluent from the relatively clear zone of the septic tank, between the scum and sludge layers, horizontally enters the Biotube Effluent Filter. Effluent then enters the annular space between the housing and the Biotubes, utilizing the Biotubes’ entire surface for filtering. Particles larger than the Biotube’s mesh are prevented from leaving the tank. Optional Features & Benefits Biotube Filtering Process 8-in. (200-mm) Base Inlet Filter 4-in. (100-mm) Insert Filter 4-in. (100-mm) Biotube Jr. (4-in. Biotube cartridge avail- able separately as Insert Filter) Orenco’s superior effluent filters resist clogging better than all other brands. Our stan- dard, full-sized 4-in. (100-mm) Biotube Effluent Filter provides maximum long-term protection in a complete package, with housing. Our 4-in. (100-mm) Biotube Jr., at half the size of our standard model, has more filtering capacity than the full-sized filters sold by other manufacturers. For tanks with existing outlet tees, the Biotube Insert Filter is ideal. And for low-profile tanks, there’s the Base Inlet Filter. * Covered by patent numbers 5,492,635 and 4,439,323 4-in. (100-mm) Biotube Effluent Filter APS-FT-1 Rev. 3.4 © 11/10 Orenco Systems®, Inc. To Order Call your nearest Orenco Systems®, Inc. distributor. For nearest distribu- tor, call Orenco at 800-348-9843 or go to www.orenco.com and click on “Distributor Locator.” Nomenclatures Riser wall Tank wall Filter housing Extendible PVC handle Stainless steel set screws Top seal plate Air vents Biotube® filter cartridge Solid base 4-in. Biotube Effluent Filter 4-in. Biotube Jr. 4-in. Biotube Filter (standard) 4-in. Biotube Jr. (includes cartridge and housing) Distributed By: 8-in. Biotube Filter (base inlet model) 4-in. Biotube Filter Insert (cartridge only) Junior series FT J0418 Biotube effluent filter series Filter diameter (inches) Cartridge height (inches) W = fits Type 3034 outlet tee S = fits Schedule 40 outlet tee Options: Blank = no options M = flow modulation plate installed A = float bracket attached Blank = 1/8" filtration P = 1/16" filtration Insert FT i0418 Biotube effluent filter series Filter diameter (inches) Cartridge height (inches) W = fits Type 3034 outlet tee S = fits Schedule 40 outlet tee - For customized options (e.g., NC indicates North Carolina regions) - Blank = 1/8" filtration P = 1/16" filtration FT 04 Biotube effluent filter series Filter diameter (inches) Housing height: 36" and 44" are standard Options: Blank = no options M = flow modulation plate installed A = float bracket attached Cartridge height: 28" and 36" are standard - Blank = 1/8" filtration P = 1/16" filtration W = fits Type 3034 outlet pipe S = fits Schedule 40 outlet pipe FT 2208 14 B Biotube effluent filter series Housing height: 22" standard Cartridge height: 14" standard Options: A = float bracket FS = 2" outlet orifice FSO = 2" outlet orifice and overflow plate* Base inlet model - Blank = 1/8" filtration P = 1/16" filtration Filter diameter (inches) 08 = 8" * Also available with coupling and sleeve as a “kit”: FT-OVERFLOWKIT Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 1 of 6 PF Series 4-inch (100-mm) Submersible Effluent Pumps Technical Data SheetOrenco® Applications Our 4-inch (100-mm) Submersible Effluent Pumps are designed to transport screened effluent (with low TSS counts) from septic tanks or separate dosing tanks. All our pumps are constructed of lightweight, corrosion-resistant stainless steel and engineered plastics; all are field- serviceable and repairable with common tools; and all 60-Hz PF Series models are CSA certified to the U.S. and Canadian safety standards for effluent pumps, meeting UL requirements. Orenco’s Effluent Pumps are used in a variety of applications, including pressurized drainfields, packed bed filters, mounds, aerobic units, effluent irrigation, effluent sewers, wetlands, lagoons, and more. These pumps are designed to be used with a Biotube® pump vault or after a secondary treatment system. Features/Specifications To specify this pump for your installation, require the following: • Minimum 24-hour run-dry capability with no deterioration in pump life or performance* • Patented 1⁄8-inch (3-mm) bypass orifice to ensure flow recirculation for motor cooling and to prevent air bind • Liquid end repair kits available for better long-term cost of ownership • TRI-SEAL™ floating impeller design on 10, 15, 20, and 30 gpm (0.6, 1.0, 1.3, and 1.9 L/sec) models; floating stack design on 50 and 75 gpm (3.2 and 4.7 L/sec) models • Franklin Electric Super Stainless motor, rated for continuous use and frequent cycling • Type SOOW 600-V motor cable • Five-year warranty on pump or retrofit liquid end from date of manu- facture against defects in materials or workmanship * Not applicable for 5-hp (3.73 kW) models Standard Models See specifications chart, pages 2-3, for a list of standard pumps. For a complete list of available pumps, call Orenco. Product Code Diagram PF - Nominal flow, gpm (L/sec): 10 = 10 (0.6) 15 = 15 (1.0) 20 = 20 (1.3) 30 = 30 (1.9) 50 = 50 (3.2) 75 = 75 (4.7) Pump, PF Series Frequency: 1 = single-phase 60 Hz 3 = three-phase 60 Hz 5 = single-phase 50 Hz Voltage, nameplate: 1 = 115* 200 = 200 2 = 230† 4 = 460 Horsepower (kW): 03 = 1⁄3 hp (0.25) 05 = ½ hp (0.37) 07 = ¾ hp (0.56) 10 = 1 hp (0.75) 15 = 1-½ hp (1.11) 20 = 2 hp (1.50) 30 = 3 hp (2.24) 50 = 5 hp (3.73) Cord length, ft (m):‡ Blank = 10 (3) 20 = 20 (6) 30 = 30 (9) 50 = 50 (15) * ½-hp (0.37kW) only †220 volts for 50 Hz pumps ‡Note: 20-foot cords are available only for single-phase pumps through 1-½ hp Franklin Super Stainless Motor Franklin Liquid End Discharge Connection Bypass Orifice Suction Connection LR80980 LR2053896 Powered by Technical Data SheetOrenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 2 of 6 Specifications, 60 Hz Pump Model PF100511 10 (0.6) 0.50 (0.37) 1 115 120 12.7 12.7 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 23.0 (660) 16 (406) 26 (12) 300 PF100512 10 (0.6) 0.50 (0.37) 1 230 240 6.3 6.3 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 23.0 (660) 16 (406) 26 (12) 300 PF10053200 10 (0.6) 0.50 (0.37) 3 200 208 3.8 3.8 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 23.0 (660) 16 (406) 26 (12) 300 PF100712 4, 5 10 (0.6) 0.75 (0.56) 1 230 240 8.3 8.3 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 25.9 (658) 17 (432) 30 (14) 300 PF10073200 4, 5 10 (0.6) 0.75 (0.56) 3 200 208 5.1 5.2 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 25.4 (645) 17 (432) 31 (14) 300 PF101012 5, 6 10 (0.6) 1.00 (0.75) 1 230 240 9.6 9.6 9 1 ¼ in. GFP 27.9 (709) 18 (457) 33 (15) 100 PF10103200 5, 6 10 (0.6) 1.00 (0.75) 3 200 208 5.5 5.5 9 1 ¼ in. GFP 27.3 (693) 18 (457) 37 (17) 300 PF102012 5, 6, 7, 8 10 (0.6) 2.00 (1.49) 1 230 240 12.1 12.1 18 1 ¼ in. SS 39.5 (1003) 22 (559) 48 (22) 100 PF102032 5, 6, 8 10 (0.6) 2.00 (1.49) 3 230 240 7.5 7.6 18 1 ¼ in. SS 37.9 (963) 20 (508) 44 (20) 300 PF10203200 5, 6, 8 10 (0.6) 2.00 (1.49) 3 200 208 8.7 8.7 18 1 ¼ in. SS 37.9 (963) 20 (508) 44 (20) 300 PF150311 15 (1.0) 0.33 (0.25) 1 115 120 8.7 8.8 3 1 ¼ in. GFP 19.5 (495) 15 (380) 23 (10) 300 PF150312 15 (1.0) 0.33 (0.25) 1 230 240 4.4 4.5 3 1 ¼ in. GFP 19.5 (495) 15 (380) 23 (10) 300 PF200511 20 (1.3) 0.50 (0.37) 1 115 120 12.3 12.5 4 1 ¼ in. GFP 22.3 (566) 18 (457) 25 (11) 300 PF200512 20 (1.3) 0.50 (0.37) 1 230 240 6.4 6.5 4 1 ¼ in. GFP 22.5 (572) 18 (457) 26 (12) 300 PF20053200 20 (1.3) 0.50 (0.37) 3 200 208 3.7 3.8 4 1 ¼ in. GFP 22.3 (566) 18 (457) 26 (12) 300 PF201012 4, 5 20 (1.3) 1.00 (0.75) 1 230 240 10.5 10.5 7 1 ¼ in. GFP 28.4 (721) 20 (508) 33 (15) 100 PF20103200 4, 5 20 (1.3) 1.00 (0.75) 3 200 208 5.8 5.9 7 1 ¼ in. GFP 27.8 (706) 20 (508) 33 (15) 300 PF201512 4, 5 20 (1.3) 1.50 (1.11) 1 230 240 12.4 12.6 9 1 ¼ in. GFP 34.0 (864) 24 (610) 41 (19) 100 PF20153200 4, 5 20 (1.3) 1.50 (1.11) 3 200 208 7.1 7.2 9 1 ¼ in. GFP 30.7 (780) 20 (508) 35 (16) 300 PF300511 30 (1.9) 0.50 (0.37) 1 115 120 11.8 11.8 3 1 ¼ in. GFP 21.3 (541) 20 (508) 28 (13) 300 PF300512 30 (1.9) 0.50 (0.37) 1 230 240 6.2 6.2 3 1 ¼ in. GFP 21.3 (541) 20 (508) 25 (11) 300 PF30053200 30 (1.9) 0.50 (0.37) 3 200 208 3.6 3.6 3 1 ¼ in. GFP 21.3 (541) 20 (508) 25 (11) 300 PF300712 30 (1.9) 0.75 (0.56) 1 230 240 8.5 8.5 5 1 ¼ in. GFP 24.8 (630) 21 (533) 29 (13) 300 PF30073200 30 (1.9) 0.75 (0.56) 3 200 208 4.9 4.9 5 1 ¼ in. GFP 24.6 (625) 21 (533) 30 (14) 300 PF301012 4 30 (1.9) 1.00 (0.75) 1 230 240 10.4 10.4 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 27.0 (686) 22 (559) 32 (15) 100 PF30103200 4 30 (1.9) 1.00 (0.75) 3 200 208 5.8 5.8 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 26.4 (671) 22 (559) 33 (15) 300 PF301512 4, 5 30 (1.9) 1.50 (1.11) 1 230 240 12.6 12.6 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 32.8 (833) 24 (610) 40 (18) 100 PF30153200 4, 5 30 (1.9) 1.50 (1.11) 3 200 208 6.9 6.9 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 29.8 (757) 22 (559) 34 (15) 300 PF301534 4, 5 30 (1.9) 1.50 (1.11) 3 460 480 2.8 2.8 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 29.5 (685) 22 (559) 34 (15) 300 PF302012 5, 6, 7 30 (1.9) 2.00 (1.49) 1 230 240 11.0 11.0 10 1 ¼ in. SS 35.5 (902) 26 (660) 44 (20) 100 PF30203200 5, 6 30 (1.9) 2.00 (1.49) 3 200 208 9.3 9.3 10 1 ¼ in. SS 34.0 (864) 24 (610) 41 (19) 300 PF303012 5, 6, 7, 8 30 (1.9) 3.00 (2.23) 1 230 240 16.8 16.8 14 1 ¼ in. SS 44.5 (1130) 33 (838) 54 (24) 100 PF303032 5, 6, 8 30 (1.9) 3.00 (2.23) 3 230 240 10.0 10.1 14 1 ¼ in. SS 44.3 (1125) 27 (686) 52 (24) 300 PF305012 5, 6, 7, 8 30 (1.9) 5.00 (3.73) 1 230 240 25.6 25.8 23 1 ¼ in. SS 66.5 (1689) 53 (1346) 82 (37) 100 PF305032 5, 6, 8 30 (1.9) 5.00 (3.73) 3 230 240 16.6 16.6 23 1 ¼ in. SS 60.8 (1544) 48 (1219) 66 (30) 300 PF30503200 5, 6, 8 30 (1.9) 5.00 (3.73) 3 200 208 18.7 18.7 23 1 ¼ in. SS 60.8 (1544) 48 (1219) 66 (30) 300 PF500511 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 1 115 120 12.1 12.1 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 24 (610) 27 (12) 300 PF500512 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 1 230 240 6.2 6.2 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 24 (610) 27 (12) 300 PF500532 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 3 230 240 3.0 3.0 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 24 (610) 28 (13) 300 PF50053200 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 3 200 208 3.7 3.7 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 24 (610) 28 (13) 300 PF500534 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 3 460 480 1.5 1.5 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 24 (610) 28 (13) 300 PF500712 50 (3.2) 0.75 (0.56) 1 230 240 8.5 8.5 3 2 in. SS 23.7 (602) 25 (635) 31 (14) 300 PF500732 50 (3.2) 0.75 (0.56) 3 230 240 3.9 3.9 3 2 in. SS 23.7 (602) 25 (635) 32 (15) 300 PF50073200 50 (3.2) 0.75 (0.56) 3 200 208 4.9 4.9 3 2 in. SS 23.1 (587) 26 (660) 32 (15) 300Design gpm (L/sec)Horsepower (kW)PhaseNameplate voltageActual voltageDesign flow ampsMax ampsImpellersDischarge size and material 1Length, in. (mm)Min. liquid level, 2 in. (mm)Weight, 3 lb (kg)Rated cycles/day Technical Data Sheet Orenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 3 of 6 Specifications, 60 Hz (continued) Pump Model PF500734 50 (3.2) 0.75 (0.56) 3 460 480 1.8 1.8 3 2 in. SS 34.8 (884) 25 (635) 31 (14) 300 PF501012 50 (3.2) 1.00 (0.75) 1 230 240 10.1 10.1 4 2 in. SS 27.0 (686) 26 (660) 35 (16) 100 PF50103200 50 (3.2) 1.00 (0.75) 3 200 208 5.7 5.7 4 2 in. SS 26.4 (671) 26 (660) 39 (18) 300 PF501034 50 (3.2) 1.00 (0.75) 3 460 480 2.2 2.2 4 2 in. SS 26.4 (671) 26 (660) 39 (18) 300 PF5015124 50 (3.2) 1.50 (1.11) 1 230 240 12.5 12.6 5 2 in. SS 32.5 (826) 30 (762) 41 (19) 100 PF501532004 50 (3.2) 1.50 (1.11) 3 200 208 7.0 7.0 5 2 in. SS 29.3 (744) 26 (660) 35 (16) 300 PF503012 4, 5, 7, 8 50 (3.2) 3.00 (2.23) 1 230 240 17.7 17.7 8 2 in. SS 43.0 (1092) 37 (940) 55 (25) 100 PF50303200 4, 5, 8 50 (3.2) 3.00 (2.23) 3 200 208 13.1 13.1 8 2 in. SS 43.4 (1102) 30 (762) 55 (25) 300 PF503034 4, 5, 8 50 (3.2) 3.00 (2.23) 3 460 480 5.3 5.3 8 2 in. SS 40.0 (1016) 31 (787) 55 (25) 300 PF505012 5,6,7,8 50 (3.2) 5.00 (3.73) 1 230 240 26.2 26.4 13 2 in. SS 65.4 (1661) 55 (1397) 64 (29) 300 PF505032 5,6,7,8 50 (3.2) 5.00 (3.73) 3 230 240 16.5 16.5 13 2 in. SS 59.3 (1506) 49 (1245) 64 (29) 300 PF751012 75 (4.7) 1.00 (0.75) 1 230 240 9.9 10.0 3 2 in. SS 27.0 (686) 27 (686) 34 (15) 100 PF751512 75 (4.7) 1.50 (1.11) 1 230 240 12.1 12.3 4 2 in. SS 33.4 (848) 30 (762) 44 (20) 100 Specifications, 50 Hz Pump Model PF100552 10 (0.6) 0.50 (0.37) 1 220 230 3.9 4.1 6 1 ¼ in. GFP 23.0 (584) 17 (432) 26 (12) 300 PF100752 4, 5 10 (0.6) 0.75 (0.56) 1 220 230 6.2 6.2 9 1 ¼ in. GFP 26.8 (658) 17 (432) 30 (14) 300 PF101552 5, 6 10 (0.6) 1.50 (1.11) 1 220 230 10.5 11.4 18 1 ¼ in. SS 39.5 (1003) 22 (559) 46 (21) 300 PF300552 30 (1.9) 0.50 (0.37) 1 220 230 4.1 4.1 4 1 ¼ in. GFP 22.5 (572) 19 (483) 26 (12) 300 PF300752 30 (1.9) 0.75 (0.56) 1 220 230 6.1 6.1 5 1 ¼ in. GFP 24.8 (630) 19 (483) 29 (13) 300 PF301052 30 (1.9) 1.00 (0.75) 1 220 230 7.4 7.4 7 1 ¼ in. GFP 28.4 (721) 20 (508) 32 (15) 100 PF301552 4, 5 30 (1.9) 1.50 (1.11) 1 220 230 9.3 9.3 8 1 ¼ in. GFP 35.4 (899) 24 (610) 40 (18) 100 PF500552 50 (3.2) 0.50 (0.37) 1 220 230 4.0 4.0 2 2 in. SS 20.3 (516) 25 (635) 29 (13) 300 PF500752 50 (3.2) 0.75 (0.56) 1 220 230 6.3 6.4 3 2 in. SS 23.7 (602) 25 (635) 31 (14) 300 PF501052 50 (3.2) 1.00 (0.75) 1 220 230 7.3 7.4 4 2 in. SS 27.0 (686) 26 (660) 35 (16) 100 PF501552 50 (3.2) 1.50 (1.11) 1 220 230 9.1 9.1 5 2 in. SS 32.5 (826) 30 (762) 42 (19) 100 PF751052 75 (3.2) 1.00 (0.75) 1 220 230 7.3 7.3 4 2 in. SS 30.0 (762) 27 (686) 34 (15) 100 1 GFP = glass-filled polypropylene; SS = stainless steel. The 1 ¼-in. NPT GFP discharge is 2 7⁄8 in. octagonal across flats; the 1 ¼-in. NPT SS discharge is 2 1⁄8 in. octagonal across flats; and the 2-in. NPT SS discharge is 2 7⁄8 in. hexagonal across flats. Discharge is female NPT threaded, U.S. nominal size, to accommodate Orenco® discharge hose and valve assemblies. Consult your Orenco Distributor about fittings to connect hose and valve assemblies to metric-sized piping. 2 Minimum liquid level is for single pumps when installed in an Orenco Biotube® Pump Vault or Universal Flow Inducer. In other applications, minimum liquid level should be top of pump. Consult Orenco for more information. 3 Weight includes carton and 10-ft (3-m) cord. 4 High-pressure discharge assembly required. 5 Do not use cam-lock option (Q) on discharge assembly. 6 Custom discharge assembly required for these pumps. Contact Orenco. 7 Capacitor pack (sold separately or installed in a custom control panel) required for this pump. Contact Orenco. 8 Torque locks are available for all pumps, and are supplied with 3-hp and 5-hp pumps. Design gpm (L/sec)Horsepower (kW)PhaseNameplate voltageActual voltageDesign flow ampsMax ampsImpellersDischarge size and material 1Length, in. (mm)Min. liquid level, 2 in. (mm)Weight, 3 lb (kg)Rated cycles/day Technical Data SheetOrenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 4 of 6 Materials of Construction Discharge Glass-filled polypropylene or stainless steel Discharge bearing Engineered thermoplastic (PEEK) Diffusers Glass-filled PPO (Noryl GFN3) Impellers Celcon® acetal copolymer on 10-, 20, and 30-gpm models; 50-gpm impellers are Noryl GFN3 Intake screen Polypropylene Suction connection Stainless steel Drive shaft 7/16 inch hexagonal stainless steel, 300 series Coupling Sintered stainless steel, 300 series Shell Stainless steel, 300 series Motor Franklin motor exterior constructed of stainless steel. Motor filled with deionized water and propylene glycol for constant lubrication. Hermetically sealed motor housing ensures moisture-free windings. All thrust absorbed by Kingsbury-type thrust bearing. Rated for continuous duty. Single- phase motors and 200 and 230 V 3-phase motors equipped with surge arrestors for added security. Single-phase motors through 1.5 hp (1.11 kW) have built-in thermal overload protection, which trips at 203-221˚ F (95-105˚ C). Using a Pump Curve A pump curve helps you determine the best pump for your system. Pump curves show the relationship between flow (gpm or L/sec) and pressure (total dynamic head, or TDH), providing a graphical representation of a pump’s optimal performance range. Pumps perform best at their nominal flow rate — the value, measured in gpm, expressed by the first two numerals in an Orenco pump nomenclature. The graphs in this section show optimal pump operation ranges with a solid line. Flow flow rates outside of these ranges are shown with a dashed line. For the most accurate pump specification, use Orenco’s PumpSelect™ software. Pump Curves, 60 Hz Models Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 24 81012141660 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 PF1005-FC w/ ¼" flow controller PF10 Series, 60 Hz, 0.5 - 2.0 hp PF1007 PF1010 PF1020 PF1005 Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 36 12 15 18 21 2490 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 PF1503 PF15 Series, 60 Hz, 0.3 hp Technical Data Sheet Orenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 5 of 6Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 5102025303540150 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 PF2005 PF2010 PF2015 PF20 Series, 60 Hz, 0.5 - 1.5 hp Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 510202530354045150 800 900 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 PF3005 PF3007 PF3010 PF3015 PF3020 PF3030 PF3050 PF30 Series, 60 Hz, 0.5 - 5.0 hp Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10 02040506070809030 PF5050 PF5030 PF5015 PF5010 PF5007 PF5005 PF50 Series, 60 Hz, 0.5 - 5.0 hp Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetFlow in gallons per minute (gpm) 10 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100300 80 90 100 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PF75 Series, 60 Hz, 1.0 - 1.5 hpPF7515 PF7510 60 Hz Models (continued) Technical Data SheetOrenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-PU-PF-1 Rev. 2.2, © 09/14 Page 6 of 6Total dynamic head (TDH) in metersTotal dynamic head (TDH) in feet, nominalFlow in liters per second (L/sec) Flow in gallons per minute (gpm), nominal 13119. 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 160 180 140 394 328 262 197 131 66 525 459 PF100552 PF100752 PF101552 PF1005-FC w/ 6mm flow controller PF10 Series, 50 Hz, 0.37 - 1.11 kW Total dynamic head (TDH) in metersTotal dynamic head (TDH) in feet, nominalFlow in liters per second (L/sec) Flow in gallons per minute (gpm), nominal 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.40.40 13 19 25 326.3 60 80 100 120 40 20 0 197 262 328 131 66 PF301552 PF301052 PF300752 PF300552 PF30 Series, 50 Hz, 0.37 - 1.11 kW Total dynamic head (TDH) in metersTotal dynamic head (TDH) in feet, nominalFlow in liters per second (L/sec) Flow in gallons per minute (gpm), nominal 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.51.50 7.9 16 32 40 48 56 6324 40 45 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 131 115 98 82 66 49 33 16 PF501552 PF501052 PF500752 PF500552 PF50 Series, 50 Hz, 0.37 - 1.11 kW Total dynamic head (TDH) in metersTotal dynamic head (TDH) in feet, nominalFlow in liters per second (L/sec) Flow in gallons per minute (gpm), nominal 0.6 1.2 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 5.44.8 6.01.80 10 19 4838 57 67 76 8629 27 30 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 89 79 69 59 49 39 30 20 PF751052 PF75 Series, 50 Hz, 0.75 kW Pump Curves, 50 Hz Models Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-BPP-1 Rev. 1.2, © 08/14 Page 1 of 4 Biotube® ProPak Pump Package™ Technical Data SheetOrenco® 60-Hz Series Pump Packages General Orenco’s Biotube® ProPak™ is a complete, integrated pump package for filtering and pumping effluent from septic tanks. And its patented pump vault technology eliminates the need for separate dosing tanks. This document provides detailed information on the ProPak pump vault and filter, 4-in. (100-mm) 60-Hz turbine effluent pump, and control panel. For more information on other ProPak components, see the following Orenco technical documents: • Float Switch Assemblies (NSU-MF-MF-1) • Discharge Assemblies (NTD-HV-HV-1) • Splice Boxes (NTD-SB-SB-1) • External Splice Box (NTD-SB-SB-1) Applications The Biotube ProPak is designed to filter and pump effluent to either gravity or pressurized discharge points. It is intended for use in a septic tank (one- or two-compartment) and can also be used in a pump tank. The Biotube ProPak is designed to allow the effluent filter to be removed for cleaning without the need to remove the pump vault or pump, simpli- fying servicing. Complete packages are available for on-demand or timed dosing sys- tems with flow rates of 20, 30, and 50-gpm (1.3, 1.9, and 3.2 L/sec), as well as with 50 Hz and 60 Hz power supplies. Standard Models BPP20DD, BPP20DD-SX, BPP30TDA, BPP30TDD-SX, BBPP50TDA, BPP50TDD-SX Product Code Diagram Biotube® ProPak™ pump package components. 4-in. (100-mm) turbine effluent pump Pump motor Pump liquid end Pump vault Support pipe Discharge assembly Float collar Float stem Floats Float bracket Biotube® filter cartridge Vault inlet holes External splice box (Optional; internal splice box comes standard.) Riser lid (not included) Riser (not included) Control panel BPP Pump flow rate, nominal: 20 = 20 gpm (1.3 L/sec) 30 = 30 gpm (1.9 L/sec) 50 = 50 gpm (3.2 L/sec) Control panel application: DD = demand-dosing TDA = timed-dosing, analog timer TDD = timed dosing, digital timer, elapsed time meter & counters Standard options: Blank = 57-in. (1448-mm) vault height, internal splice box, standard discharge assembly 68 = 68-in. (1727-mm) vault height SX = external splice box CW = cold weather discharge assembly DB = drainback discharge assembly Q = cam lock MFV = non-mercury float - Biotube® ProPak™ pump vault Technical Data SheetOrenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-BPP-1 Rev. 1.2, © 08/14 Page 2 of 4 ProPak™ Pump Vault Materials of Construction Vault body Polyethylene Support pipes PVC Dimensions, in. (mm) A - Overall vault height 57 (1448) or 68 (1727) B - Vault diameter 17.3 (439) C - Inlet hole height 19 (475) D - Inlet hole diameter (eight holes total) 2 (50) E - Vault top to support pipe bracket base 3 (76) F - Vault bottom to filter cartridge base 4 (102) ProPak™ pump vault (shown with Biotube filter and effluent pump) Biotube® Filter Cartridge Materials of Construction Filter tubes Polyethylene Cartridge end plates Polyurethane Handle assembly PVC Dimensions, in. (mm) A - Cartridge height 18 (457) B - Cartridge width 12 (305) Performance Biotube® mesh opening 0.125 in. (3 mm)* Total filter flow area 4.4 ft2 (0.4 m2) Total filter surface area 14.5 ft2 (1.35 m2) Maximum flow rate 140 gpm (8.8 L/sec) *0.062-in. (1.6-mm) filter mesh available Biotube® filter cartridge (shown with float switch assembly) AA D E B B C E Technical Data Sheet Orenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-BPP-1 Rev. 1.2, © 08/14 Page 3 of 4 Pump Curves Pump curves, such as those shown here, can help you determine the best pump for your system. Pump curves show the relationship between flow (gpm or L/sec) and pressure (TDH), providing a graphical representation of a pump’s performance range. Pumps perform best at their nominal flow rate, measured in gpm or L/sec. 4-in. (100-mm) Turbine Effluent Pumps Orenco’s 4-in. (100 mm) Turbine Effluent Pumps are constructed of lightweight, corrosion-resistant stainless steel and engineered plastics; all are field-serviceable and repairable with common tools. All 60-Hz PF Series models are CSA certified to the U.S. and Canadian safety standards for effluent pumps, and meet UL requirements. Power cords for Orenco’s 4-in. (100-mm) turbine effluent pumps are Type SOOW 600-V motor cable (suitable for Class 1, Division 1 and 2 applications). Materials of Construction Discharge: Stainless steel or glass-filled polypropylene Discharge bearing: Engineered thermoplastic (PEEK) Diffusers: Glass-filled PPO Impellers: Acetal (20-, 30-gmp), Noryl (50-gpm) Intake screens: Polypropylene Suction connection: Stainless steel Drive shaft: 300 series stainless steel Coupling: Sintered 300 series stainless steel Shell: 300 series stainless steel Lubricant: Deionized water and propylene glycol Specifications Nom. flow, Length Weight Discharge Impellers gpm (L/sec) in. (mm) lb (kg) in., nominal 1 20 (1.3) 22.5 (572) 26 (11) 1.25 4 30 (1.9) 21.3 (541) 25 (11) 1.25 3 50 (3.2) 20.3 (516) 27 (12) 2.00 2 Performance Nom. flow, hp (kW) Design Rated Min liquid gpm (L/sec) flow amps cycles/day level, in. (mm) 2 20 (1.3) 0.5 (0.37) 12.3 300 18 (457) 30 (1.9) 0.5 (0.37) 11.8 300 20 (508) 50 (3.2) 0.5 (0.37) 12.1 300 24 (610) 1 Discharge is female NPT threaded, U.S. nominal size, to accommodate Orenco® discharge hose and valve assemblies. Consult your Orenco Distributor about fittings to connect discharge assemblies to metric-sized piping. 2 Minimum liquid level is for single pumps when installed in an Orenco Biotube® ProPak™ Pump Vault. 10 20 30 40 6050 70 0.63 1.26 1.89 2.52 3.793.15 4.42 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Flow in gallons per minute (gpm) Flow in liters per second (L/sec)Total dynamic head (TDH) in feetTotal dynamic head (TDH) in metersPF 500511 43 37 30 24 18 12 6 PF 200511 PF 300511 Technical Data SheetOrenco® Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-BPP-1 Rev. 1.2, © 08/14 Page 4 of 4 AUTO OFF MAN NN1 Control Panel (Demand Dose) Orenco’s ProPak™ demand dose control panels are specifically engineered for the ProPak pump package and are ideal for applications such as demand dosing from a septic tank into a conventional gravity drainfield. Materials of Construction Enclosure UV-resistant fiberglass, UL Type 4X Hinges Stainless steel Dimensions, in. (mm) A - Height 11.5 (290) B - Width 9.5 (240) C - Depth 5.4 (135) Specifications Panel ratings 120 V, 3/4 hp (0.56 kW), 14 A, single phase, 60 Hz 1. Motor-start contactor 16 FLA, 1 hp (0.75 kW), 60 Hz; 2.5 million cycles at FLA (10 million at 50% of FLA) 2. Circuit 120 V, 10 A, OFF/ON switch, Single pole breakers 3. Toggle switch Single-pole, double-throw HOA switch, 20 A 4. Audio alarm 95 dB at 24 in. (600 mm), warble-tone sound, UL Type 4X 5. Audio alarm 120 V, automatic reset, DIN rail mount silence relay 6. Visual alarm 7/8-in. (22-mm) diameter red lens, “Push-to-silence,” 120 V LED, UL Type 4X Control Panel (Timed Dose) Orenco’s ProPak timed dose control panels are specifically engineered for the ProPak pump package and are ideal for applications such as timed dosing from a septic tank into a pressurized drainfield or mound. Analog or digital timers are available. Materials of Construction Enclosure UV-resistant fiberglass, UL Type 4X Hinges Stainless steel Dimensions, in. (mm) A - Height 11.5 (290) B - Width 9.5 (240) C - Depth 5.4 (135) Specifications Panel ratings 120 V, 3/4 hp (0.56 kW), 14 A, single phase, 60 Hz Dual-mode Programmable for timed- or demand-dosing (digital timed-dosing panels only) 1a. Analog timer 120 V, repeat cycle from 0.05 seconds to 30 (not shown) hours. Separate variable controls for OFF and ON time periods 1b. Digital timer 120-V programmable logic unit with built-in LCD (shown below) screen and programming keys. Provides control functions and timing for panel operation 2. Motor-start contactor 16 FLA, 1 hp (0.75 kW), 60 Hz; 2.5 million cycles at FLA (10 million at 50% of FLA) 3. Circuit breakers 120 V, 10 A, OFF/ON switch. Single pole 120 V 4. Toggle Switch Single-pole, double-throw HOA switch, 20 A 5. Audio alarm 95 dB at 24 in. (600 mm), warble-tone sound, UL Type 4X 6. Visual alarm 7/8-in. (22-mm) diameter red lens, “Push-to-silence”, 120 V LED, UL Type 4X Control panel, demand-dose Control panel, timed-dose (digital timer model shown) 1b 2 3 4 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Orenco’s automatic distributing valve assemblies, pressurized with small high-head effluent pumps, are useful for distributing effluent to multiple zones. These zones can be segments of sand filter manifolds, drainfields, or other effluent distribution systems. Distributing valve assemblies can substantially simplify the design and installation of a distribution sys- tem and reduce installation costs. This is particularly true where a distributing valve assem- bly is used instead of multiple pumps and/or electrically operated valves. Additionally, a reduction in long term operation and maintenance costs is realized due to a reduced size and/or number of pumps. More even distribution can be achieved on sloping sites by zoning laterals at equal elevations. This eliminates drainback to lower lines and the unequal distrib- ution of effluent that occurs at the beginning of a cycle. Valve Operation The valve itself has only a few moving parts, requires no electricity, and alternates automati- cally each cycle. Refer to Figure 1 for the following valve operation description. The flow of the incoming effluent forces the rubber flap disk 1 to seat against the valve bottom 2. The opening 3 in the rubber flap disk aligns with an opening in the valve bottom to allow flow to only one valve outlet. The stem 4 houses a stainless steel spring which pushes the rubber flap disk away from the valve bottom after the flow of effluent stops. The stem acts as a cam follower and rotates the rubber flap disk as the stem is raised and lowered through the cam 5. The force from the flow of effluent pushes the stem down through the cam and the stainless steel spring pushes the stem back up through the cam when the flow of effluent stops. Each linear motion of the stem allows the rubber flap disk to rotate half the distance necessary to reach the next outlet. When there is no flow, the rubber flap disk is in the “up” position and is not seated against the valve bottom. 5 4 3 2 1 Inlet Outlets Figure 1: 6000 Series Valve Orenco Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 1 of 6 For Wastewater Effluent Systems This article may describe design criteria that was in effect at the time the article was written. FOR CURRENT DESIGN CRITERIA, call Orenco Systems, Inc. at 1-800-348-9843. The Distributing Valve Assembly The Orenco Automatic Distributing Valve Assembly combines the distributing valve itself and sever- al other components to give a complete preassembled unit that is easy to install, monitor, and main- tain. Figure 2 shows a complete assembly. Because distributing valves with several outlets can be difficult to line up and glue together in the field, the discharge lines in the assemblies are glued in place at Orenco. The unions (1) allow removal and maintenance of the valve. The clear PVC pipe sections (2) give a visual check of which discharge line is being pressurized. The inlet ball valve (3) allows a quick, simple method to test for proper valve cycling. The ball valve also stops the flow of effluent in case the pump is activated unexpectedly during maintenance or inspection. Check valves may be necessary on the discharge lines. Use of check valves is discussed in the valve positioning section. Valve Assembly Hydraulics Liquid flowing through the valve assembly must pass through fairly small openings and make several changes in direction. Because of this, headlosses through the valve assembly are fairly high. Table 1 gives the headloss equations for several different assemblies and Figure 3 shows the graphical repre- sentations of these equations. Orenco recommends that high-head turbine pumps be used to pressur- ize the valve assemblies to ensure enough head is available for proper system operation. High-head turbine pumps are also recommended because the use of a distributing valve usually requires more frequent pump cycling. The high-head turbine pumps are designed for high cycling systems and will outlast conventional effluent pumps by a factor of 10 or more in a high cycling mode. Furthermore, the high-head turbine pump intake is 12 inches or more above the bottom of the pump and tends to prevent any settled solids from being pumped into the distribution valve and obstructing its opera- tion. A minimum flow rate through the distributing valve is required to ensure proper seating of the rubber flap disk. Minimum flow rates for the various models are given in Table 1. Figure 2: Orenco Distributing Valve Assembly (6000 Series Valve) NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 2 of 6 Table 1. Automatic Distributing Valve Assembly Headloss Equations Model Series Equation Operating Range (gpm) V4400A HL = 0.085 x Q1.45 10 - 40 V4600A HL = 0.085 x Q1.58 10 - 25 V6400A HL = 0.0045 x Q2 + 3.5 x (1 - e-0.06Q) 15 - 70 V6600A HL = 0.0049 x Q2 + 5.5 x (1 - e-0.1Q) 15 - 70 NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 3 of 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Flow (gpm)Head Loss Through Assembly (ft.)V4600A V4400A V6600A V6400A The Pumping System Although the distributing valve was designed for the irrigation industry, it has started to gain fairly wide acceptance in the effluent pumping industry. However, because of the mechanical movements of the valve, it is necessary to take steps to prevent solids from reaching the distributing valve that may impede the operation of the valve. Orenco Biotube®Pump Vaults — when properly sized and installed — provide the necessary protection to prevent valve malfunction. The Biotube®pump vault accepts effluent only from the clear zone between a tank’s scum and sludge layers and then filters this effluent through a very large surface area screen cartridge. Without this protection in effluent systems, the valve has very little chance of reliable long-term operation. Figure 3: Automatic distributing valve assembly headloss curves Valve Positioning The physical position of the valve in relation to the pump and the discharge point is very important for proper valve operation. The most reliable operation occurs when the valve is placed at the high point in the system and as close to the pump as possible. The transport line between the pump and valve should be kept full if possible. If the line is empty at the beginning of each cycle, pockets of air during filling can cause random rotation of the valve. The valve is particularly vulnerable to this erratic rotation with empty lines that are long and not laid at a constant grade. An ideal valve loca- tion is shown in Figure 4. If the final discharge point is more than about 2 feet above the valve and the system does not drain back into the dosing tank, check valves should be installed on the lines immediately following the valve and a pressure release hole or line should be installed just prior to the valve. This pressure release hole or line can go into a return line to the dosing tank or to a “minidrainfield” near the valve. In order for the valve to rotate reliably, no more than about 2 feet of head should remain against the valve to allow the rubber flap disk to return to its up position. In many cases, it may take from one minute to several minutes for the pressure in the valve to be lowered enough for proper rotation to occur. Special care should be taken when installing systems controlled by programmable timers to ensure cycling does not occur too rapidly. Figure 5 illustrates a valve assembly using check valves. Pumping downhill to the valve should be avoided unless the transport line is very short and the ele- vation between the discharge line out of the tank and the valve is less than about 2 feet. If the valve is located many feet below the dosing tank, random cycling may occur while the transport line drains through the valve at the end of the cycle. A pressure sustaining valve located just before the distrib- uting valve may overcome this problem in some instances. Dosing Tank Discharge Laterals Distributing Valve Assembly Transport Line Figure 4: Ideal valve location NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 4 of 6 System Startup Refer to the Hydrotek Valve booklet that is provided with the distributing valve assembly for the sequencing of the valve outlets. The transport line should always be flushed with clean water before installing the valve. Any sand, gravel, or other foreign objects that may have been in the pipe during installation can easily become lodged in the distributing valve, causing malfunction. With the pump running, alternately close and open the ball valve on the distributing valve assembly to check proper rotation of the valve. (Note: If check valves are used on the lines after the distribut- ing valve, the pump may need to be turned on and off to allow the pressure to be released from the valve.) If visual operation of which zone is operating is not possible, watch the clear pipe on each line for indication of which zone is operating. Maintenance Annually check for proper operation by following procedures listed in the Hydrotek Valve booklet and system startup procedures listed above. Troubleshooting 1. PROBLEM: Valve does not change or cycle to next zone or outlet CAUSE: The stem and disk assembly is not rotating when water flow is turned off and then back on. SOLUTION 1: Ensure that there is no debris inside the cam. Clean and carefully reinstall the cam. SOLUTION 2: If fewer than the maximum number of outlets are being used, check the installation of the cam. Ensure that the stem and disk assembly is not being held down by an improperly installed cam. Refer to the cam replacement instructions. h Check Valves if h>2'-0" Distributing Valve Assembly Transport Line Dosing Tank Pressure Release Line if h>2'-0" Discharge Laterals Figure 5: Valve assembly below final discharge point NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 5 of 6 SOLUTION 3: Remove the valve top and check for proper movement of stem and disk assembly. Check for and remove any debris or foreign objects that may jam or retard the movement of the disk. SOLUTION 4: Check for freedom of movement of stem and disk assembly up and down over the center pin in bottom of valve. Scale deposits may build up on the pin and hold stem and disk assembly down. Clean pin and again check for freedom of movement. SOLUTION 5: Be sure that all operating outlets are not capped and that the flow to operating zones is not restricted in any manner. This would cause pressure to build up in the valve and lock the stem and disk assembly in the down position. SOLUTION 6: The backflow of water from uphill lines may be preventing the valve from cycling properly. This can happen when the valve is placed too far below an elevated line. If the valve cannot be placed close to the high point of the system, a check valve should be installed near the valve in the outlet line that runs uphill from the valve and a drain line installed just prior to the valve to relieve the pressure. 2. PROBLEM: Water comes out of all the valve outlets CAUSE: Stem and disk assembly not seating properly on valve outlet. SOLUTION 1: Check for sufficient water flow. A minimum flow rate is required to properly seat the disk as shown in Table 1. SOLUTION 2: Remove the valve top and check the inside walls to ensure that nothing is interfering with the up and down movement of the stem and disk assembly inside the valve. SOLUTION 3: Make sure that the operating outlets are not capped and that the flow to the operat- ing zones are not restricted in any manner. 3. PROBLEM: Valve skips outlets or zones CAUSE: Pumping into an empty transport line — especially downhill — may cause the valve to skip outlets from pockets of air allowing the rubber flap disk to raise during a cycle. SOLUTION 1: Keep the transport line full. SOLUTION 2: If the line must remain empty between cycles, use a larger diameter transport line laid at a constant grade to prevent air pockets from forming. CAUSE: The stem and disk assembly is being advanced past the desired outlet. SOLUTION 1: Ensure that the correct cam for the desired number of zones is installed and that the outlet lines are installed to the correct outlet ports of the valve as indicated by the zone numbers on the top of the cam. NTP-VA-1 Rev. 1.2, © 11/03 Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 6 of 6 Distributing Valves General Orenco’s Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies are mechanically operated and sequentially redirect the pump’s flow to multiple zones or cells in a distribution field. Valve actuation is accomplished by a combination of pressure and flow. Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies allow the use of smaller horsepower pumps on large sand filters and drainfields. For example, a large community drainfield requiring 300 gpm can use a six-line Valve Assembly to reduce the pump flow rate requirement to only 50 gpm. Orenco only warrants Automatic Distributing Valves when used in conjunction with High-Head Effluent Pumps with Biotube®Pump Vaults to provide pressure and flow requirements, and to prevent debris from fouling valve operation. An inlet ball valve and a section of clear pipe and union for each outlet are provided for a complete assembly that is easy to maintain and monitor. Ideal valve location is at the high point in the system. Refer to Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies (NTP-VA-1) for more information. Standard Models V4402A, V4403A, V4404A, V4605A, V4606A, V6402A, V6403A, V6404A, V6605A, V6606A. Nomenclature Submittal Data Sheet Side View ball valve elbow Top View coupling clear pipe distributing valve union Bottom View elbows Specifications Materials of Construction All Fittings: Sch. 40 PVC per ASTMspecification Unions: Sch. 80 PVCper ASTMspecification Ball Valve: Sch. 40 PVCper ASTMspecification Clear Pipe: Sch. 40 PVCper ASTMspecification V4XXX Distributing Valves: High-strength noncorrosive ABSpolymer and stainless steel V6XXX Distributing Valves: High-strength noncorrosive ABSpolymer, stainless steel, and die cast metal NSU-SF-VA-1 Rev. 3.0, © 4/03 Page 1 of 2 Applications Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies are used to pressurize multiple zone distribution systems including textile filters, sand filters and drainfields. V Indicates assembly Model series: 44 = 4400 series (2-4 outlets) 46 = 4600 series (5-6 outlets) 64 = 6400 series (2-4 outlets) 66 = 6600 series (5-6 outlets) Distributing valve Number of active outlets A Distributing Valves (continued) Flow (gpm)Head Loss Through Assembly (ft.)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 V4400A V6600A V6400A V4600A NSU-SF-VA-1 Rev. 3.0, © 4/03 Page 2 of 2 Model Inlet Size (in.) Outlets Size (in.) Flow range (gpm) Max Head (ft.) Min. Enclosure V4402A 1.25 1.25 10 - 40 170 VB1217 V4403A 1.25 1.25 10 - 40 170 VB1217 V4404A 1.25 1.25 10 - 40 170 VB1217 V4605A 1.25 1.25 10 - 25 170 RR2418 V4606A 1.25 1.25 10 - 25 170 RR2418 V6402A 1.5 1.5 15 - 100 345 RR2418 V6403A 1.5 1.5 15 - 100 345 RR2418 V6404A 1.5 1.5 15 - 100 345 RR2418 V6605A 1.5 1.5 15 - 100 345 RR2418 V6606A 1.5 1.5 15 - 100 345 RR2418 Orenco Systems® Inc. , 814 Airway Ave., Sutherlin, OR 97479 USA • 800-348-9843 • 541-459-4449 • www.orenco.com NTD-SF-OS-1 Rev. 1.1, © 09/14 Page 1 of 1 Orifice Shields Technical Data SheetOrenco® General Orenco Orifice Shields snap-fit onto laterals. They may be placed on top of or beneath a lateral, depending on the location of the orifice. Orifice shields are covered by method-of-use patent # 5,360,556. Standard Models OS075, OS100, OS125, OS150, OS200 Product Code Diagram Material of Construction PVC per ASTM D-1784 Physical Specifications Model Shield O.D. Lateral pipe O.D. in. (mm) in. (mm) OS075 3.5 (89) 1.05 (27) OS100 3.5 (89) 1.315 (33) OS125 3.5 (89) 1.66 (42) OS150 4.5 (114) 1.90 (48) OS200 4.5 (114) 2.375 (60) Applications Orenco® Orifice Shields are used in a pressurized distribution system to protect the orifices from backfill debris that might cause orifice blockage. Orifice shield installed on lateral pipe, standard configuration Shield Orifice Cutaway view, standard configuration Shield Orifice Cutaway view, cold weather configuration OS Lateral pipe size, nominal: 075 = 0.75 in. (20 mm) 100 = 1.00 in. (25 mm) 125 = 1.25 in. (32 mm) 150 = 1.50 in. (40 mm) 200 = 2.00 in. (50 mm) Orifice shield Item# SEK- Orenco® Flushing Assemblies Flushing Assemblies Orenco® flushing assemblies provide easy access for lateral maintenance. Flushing assembly kits include a PVC sweep with ball valve and a polyethylene valve box enclosure. Orenco® flushing assemblies are available in the following sizes: • 1” diameter • 1.25” diameter • 1.5” diameter • 2" diameter Valve Boxes Orenco® valve boxes are used to provide access to flushing assemblies. Constructed of polyethylene. Valve Box, 7-in. diameter round enclosure Note: Kits include VB7 valve box enclosure. (719) 395-6764 Fax: (719) 395-3727 28005 County Road 317 P.O. Box 925 Buena Vista, CO 81211 Water & Wastewater • Systems • Products • Service Website: http://valleyprecast.com/ Email: frontdesk@valleyprecast.com