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798 Bruce Creek Rd - 210925100003
iwr EAGLL OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROlK :NTAL HEALTH Box 81 l 6th & Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 PERMIT Lion 4• ".1 fir :at• `%!; praetor RaU Derr Construction (this does not constitute a building or use permit) ional Construction approval is hereby granted for a gallon �T Kl:�.-, _ Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. on area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: inches in V:� minutes 4 sq. ft. )rption area per bedroom 240 so. �r+. _ bedrooms 2 x;240 sq. ft. minimum requirement r�yt. :iz: ;-rl:)1-1 1-t i.. C insrt:! tic,u.. Suggest n- -.21 x 40' loikrh xieid i%l ;i' x 604 leach Ei--!1,11 or tic a g !1tCf. Stay at least 50' fix'©ut stream. Nir. 14g7r, Inspector 77' yy 4lk V. OVAL OF SYSTEM: in shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system Led prior to covering any part. / Septic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. Proper materials and assembly. Adequate absorption (or dispersal) area. Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE S: stallation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, ,ed pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and ing requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both action and revocation of the permit. on III, 3.24 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sowage disposal m in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- ENVIROmMENTAL HEALTh P.O. BOX 811 PERMIT NO. EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 1 PERMIT FEE $25.00 APPLICATION FOR IN;DIIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT 220 Name of Owner , _ t»t-- il { C'� - 1�� _t T" .Sr r._ k Phone: 2r -R-473,.:.6- Z, Z , Address of Owner: -S"" 6E: . Is facility within boundaries of a city/town or sanitation district? ZA Distance to nearest sewer system: Location of Proposed System: Legal Discription:,�4_ . ZlExM r E� 5`" 0A4w,4 k% Type of Structure: Single Family Dwelling ( } Other: MrP-ol NnstrPL No. Bedrooms Water Supply: Private Well ( ) Location: Distance From leach field: /�- Size of Lot: A ATE _ Public Water Supply:--ki/A--- -- An appropriate plat plan must accompany site inspection for this application showing required information. (See attached sheet.) The individual sewage disposal system will be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations governing individual sewage systems within Eagle County, and shall comply with House Bill 1553 CRS 66-14, 1973. Payment shall be made to the Eagle County Treasurer. Permit, upon approval of this application, may be obtained at the Eagle County sanitarian's office. Appointment for final inspection must be made prior to construction by contacting the inspecting sanitarian. [Phone 328-7718 between 8:30 and 9:00 AM.] Refer to permit number. N6 approval will be given on any system without final inspection. Name, address, and telephone of person responsible for design of system: Z5;�=-1-� The undersigned acknowledges that the above information is true and that false information will invalidate the application or subsequent per it. c�4-c.l� /t-o`z4-rc1 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: _ Date: C -7 is application becomes invalid 6 months from above date.) HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Percolation Information: ���' 4.. % Permit No. Tank Capacity: S gal. (minimum) Fee Receipt:it ' Absorption Area: 4 R c? Sq. ft. (minimum) Fafe; i REMARKS: -' �,•� /.;.��/ .`� ice) `� i, rr T 5 APPLICATION IS: APPROVED ( ) DENIED The above individual sewage disposal system was installed by AND HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Date: Sanitarian: PERMIT # 64 OWNER: Florence Robertson LOCATION: SW2, NE2, Sec. 25, Range 5S - Township 84W 0798 Bruce Creek (one acre) INSTALLER: Ray Dorr Construction SIZE OF TANK: 750 gallons DWELLING: Mobile Home - 2 bedrooms x 240 sq.ft. PERC RATE: one inch/20-25 minutes (750 gallons) Finalized: 3-19-76 M& //6 i� l !/ Ci; By: Erik Edeen L,'iC.% COUNTY Ii':iLTtt INDIVIL1i.AL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PEZMIT ROUE SLIP /Florence Robertson - Ray Doyr Name Date V,V& errc V 1- C:l It 1t\ ltlt 'i _ SW-J_NE4 Sec. 25 Range 5S Twhship 84 W Location Please review the attached application and return it and this completed farm to the Environmental Health office within 5 working days. Plarnin3: File Number Goraplies with* Subdivision Regulations Zoning Regulations Yes No Reviewed By Dan - Recommend Approval Com:=aents:_.1owa--r %ka 1� u.`i,.. a -Ltorlg _'L-a._ w S' �.. � 4- r (e y eek !a r v ew gpr 4,-% .4Qy A. r�&__-,n._ 0--.-r7frur. f.- County Engineer: .Loads is~ ' Grading: �{ Drainage' Recommend Approval �{ ti. Building DppartmcnL: Set Backs S' tc Access Other Deco mend Approval . f r� t; f�_ G •-'7 � Comments: s: 1 - Fi VlROiVMENTAL HEALTH 1� GA7 Or 100 It /5l� s 11 o k -� je�A ✓ r� p r r161 7 r 7-, #0 EA-1 . AL r Ct.4-u r , n e4 ID S BO DD 3 B« KAISER HIGHWAY PRODUCTS DIVISION ALUMINUM 818 3rd AVENUE CULVERT PIPE A ACCESSORIES JR GREELEY, COLORADO 60631 RETAINING WALLS - HIGHWAY SIGNS STORES PHONE (303) 353-4411 Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-022825-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Major Repair Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 11/4/2021 Expires: 3/4/2022 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 798 Bruce Creek RD, Eagle Area, 81631 Owner Information Address Tim Barca PO Box 32 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: (970) 471-6619 Cell: Email: magbarca@yahoo.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email Brock Civil LLC, Vern Brock (970) 471-2121 vern@brockcivil.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Blue Monster Service bluemonsterservice@gmai l.com (970) 390-1898 Permitted Construction / Details: This system is designed to replace the existing failing septic system. Replace the existing system exactly as depicted in the Brock Civil design stamped, signed and dated October 13, 2021 by Vern L. Brock, PE. The new system will be sized to accommodate the maximum daily flows for a 3 bedroom residence. This OWTS consists of a Valley Precast 1,000 gallon, three compartment septic tank (total net capacity of 1684 gallons) with an effluent filter in the tee between the second and third chambers. An Orenco PF5005 High Head effluent discharge pump capable of delivering 18gpm against 48ft of total dynamic head shall be used. The floats will be set to dose 80 gallons per dose to the soil treatment area (STA) which consists of one shallow 140' long trench with 35 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers for a total of 420 square feet of STA. Install 2" distribution line in chamber as shown in design with 3/32" size orifice holes every 2' on center and a weep hole at the end of line with a splash plate. Install inspection ports at both ends of each trench. The sewer line from the house to the tank must be encased as shown on the design drawing. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date November 04, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Thursday, November 4, 2021 1 *************************************************************************** APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE $400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: _______________________________________Phone: ________________________ Owner Mailing Address: ________________________________ email: _________________________ Professional Engineer: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Applicant / Contact Person: ______________________________Phone: ________________________ Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: ___________________________________________ Contractor Mailing Address: _________________________________ Contractor License #:_______ Contractor Phone Number: ________________________ email: ______________________________ OWTS Permit Application is for: ____ New Installation ____ Alteration ____ Repair Tax Parcel Number: _________________________________ Lot Size: ________________________ Assessor’s Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patie/ Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Legal Description: ____________________________________________________________________ Building Type: _____ Residential / Single Family _____ Residential / Multi Family _____ Commercial / Industrial Number of Bedrooms: ______ Number of Bedrooms: ______ Type of Use: _______________ *As of 06/27/2014, all systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer. Type of Water Supply: ____ Private Well ____ Spring ____ Surface ____ Public If Public, Name of Supplier: ____________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: ______________________________________Date:_______________________ **************************************************************************** Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # __________________ BUILDING PERMIT # ____________________ Amount Paid: ___________ Receipt #: ___________ Check #: ___________ Date: ______________ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 environment@eaglecounty.us Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: INSP-517289-2022 Permit Number: OWTS-022825-2021 Inspection Date: 09/06/2022 Inspector: Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: Major RepairOwner:Tim Barca Job Address:798 Bruce Creek RD IVR Pin Number:194584 Eagle Area, CO 81631 Project:<NONE> Parcel Number: Contractor:Phone: (970) 390-1898 / Cell: (970) 390-1898Blue Monster Service Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank This OWTS consists of a Valley Precast 1,000 gallon, three compartment septic tank. An Orenco PF5005 High Head effluent discharge pump was placed in the 3rd compartment. Added Item: Record Drawing Received 9/6/2022 from Brock Civil LLC. Added Item: Record Photos Received 9/6/2022 from Brock Civil LLC. Added Item: Site and Soil Received 10/25/2021 from Brock Civil LLC. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Received 9/6/2022 from Brock Civil LLC. Added Item: General Plan Received 10/25/2021 from Brock Civil LLC. Added Item: Soil Treatment Area (STA) The STA consists of one shallow 140' long trench with 35 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers for a total of 420 square feet of STA Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Blue Monster was the licensed installer. Tuesday, September 6, 2022 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 Tuesday, September 6, 2022 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 P.O. Box 3644 Eagle, CO 81631 Cell 970-471-2121 Office 970-445-4646 vern@brockcivil.com OWTS ADDENDUM TO THE DESIGN DRAWINGS Date: October 15, 2021 Re: 798 BRUCE CREEK ROAD, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, 81631 To: Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway, Eagle, Colo Dear Environmental Health: This addendum is provided to supplement the design drawings stamped October 13, 2021, and to assist in the review of the engineering drawings and calculations therein for the OWTS serving 798 Bruce Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. References to Regulation 43 (Reg 43) refers to the requirements of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission’s Regulation No. 43 - On-site Wastewater Treatment System Regulation, 5 CCR 1002-43, adopted July 10,2018, or as adopted by Eagle County Environmental Health (EH), and all other Eagle County Land Use Regulations that may apply. FACILITY The parcel is a 2.85 Acre parcel split between an up-sloping hillside and a lower creek bottom riparian area, with Bruce Creek running through the parcel on the lower east side. The use is rural residential. The residence is older style, 3-bedroom, on the lower field. Ground water depth at the time of profile holes was approximately 6 ft. with a distinct layer of light brown clay at 6 ft. depth. The existing OWTS was built approximately 1984. Due to ground water, a limiting layer, and challenges in meeting the 75 ft setback regulation of the STA from Bruce Creek, the other options would require re- plumbing the house pipe to drain to the south, and even then, the septic system would likely be a pumped dosing system. That said, the hillside to the southwest is heavily wooded with Gambrel Oak on an approximate 20% slope. Construction of the single STA line would entail an excavated benching of the dispersal line from the pump in the dosing chamber and follow contour of the STA. The width of the STA would be approximately 7 ft and would have the possible benefit of a fire break. That said, the on-site wastewater treatment system is best served by a pressure dosed system to stay above the ground water, meet setbacks and to properly treat the effluent. Contractor to clear trees as needed to prevent damage to the OWTS. ABSORPTION AREA The profile hole on the hillside soils was believed to be representative and consistent for the entire STA. Profile pit on the hillside did not have groundwater, and soils were not mottled, and absent of clay. The soils were determined to be Silt Loam with some sand, with a percolation rate of 16-25 MPI. For Treatment Level 1 (TL-1), the long-term acceptance rates by slil texture, soil structure and percolation rate, the LTAR would be 0.60 gallons per day per square foot (CDPHE, Table 10-1). There does not appear to have a limiting layer in the soil matrix that would cause the effluent to surface or move laterally. Reductions in the design flows included: Chamber Reduction = 30% (Factor = .70) Dosing Reduction = 20% (Factor = .80) The STA area chosen was evaluated to be the best location away from land features, water features and the adjoining lot dwelling. RESERVE STA A reserve STA is an area reserved for the condition and likeliness of the failure of the current designed OWTS. Inherently the STA - leach field is a “progressive failure” component, and its life span is based on both environmental and human factors affecting the biological treatment of the effluent. The OWTS would have a reserve area above and to the sout east of the proposed STA. The pump may have to be resized for such a condition. 1,250 GAL 3-COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK The permit is for a 3-bedroom home, with the tank sized for an additional bedroom or future expansion. The septic tank is built by Valley Precast, with pumping systems and controls pre-installed by the same. Final adjustments and Control setup is additionally required by Valley Precast after power (design by others) is connected to the Controls. Visible and audible alarms to be tested prior to being connected to septic flows. Contact Valley Precast at (719) 395-6764 for service and warranty work. 2 | Page VALLEY PRECAST PUMP AND TANK SETUP The dosing pump (by ORENCO) was designed to not have more than 10-15 % variation in the orifices during dosing. The EH approved design to be submitted to Valley Precast for verification of pump and pipe specifications prior to order. Any substitutions to be approved by the engineer. INSTALLATION All work required to be by a licensed septic installer in Eagle County and experienced with mound and dosing systems. Owner advised to obtain references. Connection to the tank to be fitted with SDR 35 pipe extensions, and one (1) “Fernco/Shear Guard” coupler at entrance to prevent breakage of pipe due to tank or soil movement. The main pipe would then be encased in a 6-inch schedule 40 from the house to the septic tank. A bio filter (effluent screen) between middle and dosing chambers. No over excavation allowed for septic tank or chambers. Install septic tank level on 6 inches of ¾” screen rock and 140 N filter fabric. All pipe to be solvent weld joints ( gasketed push-on fittings not allowed ). Connections between the tank and risers shall be sealed and watertight. Backfill and compact the pipe trench, septic tank and risers to manufacturer specifications. Use CDOT Class 6 Road base or ¾-inch screen rock for “shedding” all pipe and tank to prevent settlement. Install 2-inch rigid insulation above pipe at all areas of traffic or potential frost due to shallow pipe less than 4 ft depth, including dosing line drain back to tank. Grade to surroundings, allowing for settling. Risers to be to grade with tamperproof lids. SPECIAL GRADING Grading shown on SS1 is approximate and subject to field conditions. Additional fill may be required REQUIRED MAINTENANCE Annual or maintenance as needed includes, but not limited to: 1)Cleansing of the septic tank bio-filter AS NEEDED. 2)Pumping of septic tank. 3) Back flushing of the dosing line in the chambers dosing line using the hose connection at the end of dosing line. Maximum pressure for cleaning is 40 psi. Short term back flush to only clean orifices; Do not saturate the soil treatment area. Remember to shut off the back-flush valve after cleaning. 4)Prevent all disturbance to the surface treatment area, including vehicles, 3 | Page humans and animals, and no non-natural watering. Fencing advised. SEPTIC TANK DIMENSIONS TO FACILITIES Separation to facilities is critical and the licensed installer is required to meet all minimum distances between components of an On-Site Wastewater Treatment System according to Table 7-1, Section 43.7 of Reg 43. Survey by others recommended. DEVIATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OR CONFLICTING DESIGN TO THE REGULATIONS Notify the engineer of any deviations in the in-situ conditions or limitations to construct the OWTS in accordance with the design drawings, this addendum, or Reg #43 prior to commencement of the work subject to change. ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQUIRED The engineer shall be notified of all work, 48 hours in advance, to allow verification of the work meeting the design drawings prior to backfill. No pictures allowed by owner/contractor in lieu of engineering inspection – regardless of conditions or hardship(s). No substitutions or changes allowed without prior engineer approval. RECORD DRAWINGS REQUIRED OWTS contractor and electrical contractor to provide engineer record drawings of all work. In addition, provide “3-point” dimensions, and bearings of facilities in lieu of PLS survey. Provide record drawings to engineer a maximum of 30 days following completion to allow for final certification process and submittals to Environmental Health. 4 | Page SEPTIC RECORD DRAWING BROCK CIVIL, LLC PO BOX 3644 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 OFFICE (970) 471-2121 VERN@BROCKCIVIL.COMSHEETBARCA PROPERTYSEPTIC RECORD DRAWING798 BRUCE CREEK RD PN: 2109-251-00-003 EAGLE, COBRUCE CREEKBRUCE CREEK RD737 0 7370738073907400741073807360SHEET NOTES:1. OWNER TO STAKE PROPERTY LINE AS NEEDED FOR MINIMUM SETBACKS PER REGS 43.7,TABLE 7-1. VICINITY MAP BROCK CIVIL, LLC PO BOX 3644 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 OFFICE (970) 471-2121 VERN@BROCKCIVIL.COMSHEETBARCA PROPERTYVICINITY MAP798 BRUCE CREEK RD PN: 2109-251-00-003 EAGLE, COBRUCE CREEKBRUCE CREEK RD SEPTIC SITE PLAN BROCK CIVIL, LLC PO BOX 3644 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 OFFICE (970) 471-2121 VERN@BROCKCIVIL.COMSHEETBARCA PROPERTYSEPTIC SITE PLAN798 BRUCE CREEK RD PN: 2109-251-00-003 EAGLE, COBRUCE CREEKBRUCE CREEK RD73 70 7370738073907400741073807360SHEET NOTES:1. OWNER TO STAKE PROPERTY LINE AS NEEDED FOR MINIMUM SETBACKS PER REGS 43.7,TABLE 7-1. Professional Services OCTOBER 11, 2021 Barca Residence 798 Bruce Creek Road Eagle County, CO PN: 2109-251-00-003 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM REFERENCES Eagle County Public Health Agency On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Regulations adopted July 10, 2018 (“Regulations”). Colo. Dept. of Public Health and Environment Regulation #43 5 CCR 1002-43. DESIGN FLOWS Number of bedrooms = 3 Number of persons per bedroom = 2 (design flow) Single Family Residential Design Flows = 75 gallons/day/person Q design = 3 bdrms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gallons/person/day = 450 gpd SOILS PROFILE (Visual and tactile investigation): Profile Holes (2) Textural Classification 0.0 to 1.0 ft Topsoil with heavy organics 1.0 to 8.0 ft Silty loam and sand, single grain structureless (USDA) No groundwater. No wetting of soils in profile holes PERCOLATION TESTS: Visual and tactile evaluation of the treatment soil indicates silty loam, sandy with a percolation rate of 16-25 Minutes/Inch. INFILTRATOR CHAMBER MOUND SYSTEM IN SERIAL TRENCH DISTRIBUTION Given this information, the residence would be best served by a chamber system in serial trench distribution, with a pressure dose (approx. 4x/day) Treatment Level 1 Effluent: Per Tables 6-3: 10-3. Surface of Soil Treatment Area (STA) shall be based on LTAR and not the percolation rate. Soil Treatment Area = Design Flow (gals/day)/LTAR gal/day/SF. Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) is calculated as follows: ·According to Table 10-1, the LTAR is estimated to be 0.6 Gal/day/SF. ·Design Flow = 450 GPD/ 0.6 G/day/sf x (0.7) (Table 10-3) (Chambers)= 525 GPD ·For pressure dose (Table 10-2) (0.8); 525 x 0.8 = 420 GPD ·Using Standard Quick 4 Infiltrators; 420 SF/12 sf per Infiltrator = 35 Infiltrators. ·Trenches shall be (1) run of (35) Infiltrators, TOTAL (35). ·Valley Precast 1,250 gallon tank with low flow dosing pump and chamber ·Chamber Product to be Infiltrator Systems, Inc. “Quick 4” Low Profile Chambers. SEPTIC TANK: For a maximum 4 bedroom residential structure, Minimum Tank Capacity is 1,250 gallons in the first 2 chambers, and meets a minimum of 48 hours of retention. Proposed Valley Precast Tank 1,500 gal 3 compartment: Inlet side 843 gallons, Middle 420 gallons, and Outlet 421 gallons. Water tightness per Section 9, ASTM C 1227-12. INSTALLATION Install all components to the required setbacks required by regulations. No over excavation allowed for septic tank or trenches. CHAMBER TRENCH CONSTRUCTION: Dig trench to geotechnical average depth to top of silty loam (approx. 4 ft); Engineer to inspect. Install chambers onto native trench 3 ft X 104 ft level. in (1) run of (35) chambers. Backfill the chambers and all voids with native Sandy Loam (no cobbles) or spec sand to top of chambers. Import may be required for proper backfill. Install 1-1/2" pvc dosing pipe to crown of chambers with zip ties - typical. Drill 1 8" diameter holes at 12 O'clock at 3' on center and 1/4" weep hole at end of chamber run with splash plate. TOP SOIL CONSTRUCTION: Back fill over chambers with 12 inches of high organic top soil and reseed to native vegetation. Do not compact top soil! Mound topsoil for positive runoff, 1 ft.-18 inches. SEPTIC TANK & PIPE CONSTRUCTION: Install septic tank level with 6" sand gravel bedding. Install the delivery pipe from the residence to the septic tank minimum 2% slope, Schedule 40 PVC (ASTM D 2665) or SDR 35. Septic tank to have risers brought to final grade and shall have a secure locking mechanism. Glued fittings for both pipe types due to tree roots. ALARM: A visual and audible alarm shall be incorporated into the controls and electrical connections. Alarm to be in an open area or area easily visible. PUMP DESIGN: Given max orifice differential flow of 10%; Orenco PF 3005 HH, High Head Pump, 12 GPM, 1 2 HP, 115/230V, 60 Hz. DOSING: Orenco Pump dose 4 times a day at 80 gal. NOTES: 1.The building sewer line from the house to the septic tank shall have a slope of ¼ inch per foot (2%). Bends in the building sewer shall be limited to 45 degrees. 2.Use topsoil for vegetative cover. 3.Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the trenches according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 4.Vehicle traffic, animal concentrated loads and irrigation over the system is prohibited. Fencing advised. 5.The Septic System Installation shall be inspected by the Design Engineer prior to backfill. 6.All installations shall meet the rules and regulations of the Eagle County Environmental Health Department. 7.Electrical requirements of alarm to be determined by Electrical Contractor prior to construction. 8.The Bio effluent screen shall be installed in the outlet tee of the second chamber with both tees visible from the access portals. Screen shall be maintained annually or as needed. 9.Pump septic tank every 2-3 years minimum to prevent deterioration of concrete. 10.Installer must be licensed installer in Eagle County; see permit. MINIMUM DIMENSIONS TO FACILITIES ACTUAL (MIN. REQ'D) SEPTIC TANK TO BUILDING 50 FT (5 FT) SEPTIC TANK TO WATER LINE 50 FT (10 FT) SEPTIC TANK TO TRENCH 100 FT (10 FT) SEPTIC TANK TO SPRING/WELL 60 FT (50 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCH TO SPRING/WELL 105 FT (100 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCH TO BUILDING 60 FT (20 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCH TO WATER LINE 105 FT (25 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCH TO IRRIGATION NA (100 FT) ABSORPTION TRENCH TO PROPERTY LINE 50 FT (10 FT) BUILDING SEWER TO WATER LINE 10 FT (10 FT) See 43.7, Table 7-1 for further information and requirements if changes are made to assure proper clearances. SILTY LOAM (60% SILT 30% LOAM 10% SAND) Top View Section View Flexible Boot Butyl Rubber Sealant 162" 56" 157" 4" 5" 78" 68" Pump: ·Lowers TSS and improves effluent quality to field ·Complete installation (wiring, panel, mounting and start-up procedures) ·Complete warranty*Service contracts available for maintenance* 73" 20" Clear Access TANK ID 24" Minimum Riser HeightWires to Panel Ball Valve 49"49" 19" 19" Effluent Filter · · · · · · · · · · · · Quick Disconnect 54" Alternate Discharge Height Risers to Grade 1,500 GAL 3 CHAMBER TANK ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER ORIGINAL GRADE INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. QUICK4 CHAMBER SLOPED SERIAL DISTRIBUTION DETAIL CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE 12" PLEASE NOTE: ALL INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS MAY BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION e INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. QUICK4 STANDARD CHAMBER INSPECTION PORT 48"34" 12" (EFFECTIVE) 16 8.0 12" 34" QUICK4 STANDARD MULTIPORT END CAP 52" e KJB BCP INSTALLATION WITH VALVE BOX QUICK4 CHAMBER INSPECTION PORT TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAIL (Not to Scale) 4" PVC PIPE CUT TO FIT SMALL VALVE COVER BOX OR IRRIGATION VALVE BOX AT GRADE ATTACH CAP OR THREADED CLEANOUT ASSEMBLY COMPACT SOIL BASE TO SUPPORT BOX USE HOLE SAW TO CUT OUT PRE-MARKED CIRCLE REST 4" PVC PIPE ON TOP OF INSPECTION PORT SEAT. SECURE IN PLACE WITH A DRYWALL SCREW 34"TANK SEPTIC QUICK 4 STANDARD CHAMBER SLOPE at 3:1 INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. QUICK4 CHAMBER SAME END SERIAL DISTRIBUTION TRENCH DETAIL (PLAN VIEW) NOT TO SCALE ALARM SETTING TO PREVENT OVERFLOW PLEASE NOTE ALL INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS MAYBE BE USED IN THIS MANNER SLOPE at 3:1 TOPSOIL ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER 12"-16" MOUND FOR PROPER DRAINAGE 6"-11" NATIVE BACKFILL 9" MINIMUM 18" MAXIMUM COVER INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS, INC : LEVEL OF INFILTRATION INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS CHAMBER 24"-36" 22"-34" NJ_HC_T_X_FZD.DWG PLACEMENT OF FILL MATERIAL WITHIN ZONE OF DISPOSAL DFH NJ_HC_T_X_FZD.DWG Sheet Of 11/18/2004 BCP NOT TO SCALE Infiltrator Systems, Inc. Drawn By:RevisedDate Scale 1 ACAD No. Checked 1 PLACEMENT OF FILL MATERIAL WITHIN ZONE OF DISPOSAL NATIVE MOUND DETAIL 8' INSTALL 11 2" PVC W/ 1 8" HOLES DRILLED AT 2' O.C. - ZIP TIE TO CHAMBER CROWN. HOLES @ 2 & 10 O'CLOCK. 1 4" WEEP HOLE @ END W/ SPLASH PLATE NON-CONFINING SHEET NOTES: 1)REFER TO MANUFACTURER FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS @ WWW.INFILTRATOR.COM FOR QUICK 4 SERIES PRODUCTS. 2)REFER TO VALLEY PRECAST FOR ADDITIONAL TANK, PUMPING AND CONTROL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS @ WWW.VALLEYPRECAST.COM OR (719) 395-6764. 3)ALL SEPTIC ELECTRICAL TO BE BY VALLEY PRECAST OR OWNER'S MASTER ELECTRICIAN EXPERIENCED IN SEPTIC PUMPING SYSTEMS AND NEC REGULATIONS. SEPTIC TANK RUBBER BOOT/SS CLAMP 4" SDR 35 CONVEYANCE PIPE 6" SCHEDULE 40 ENCASEMENT PIPE TAR SEALANT @ CAP ENDS (CHRISTIES) DOUBLE SWEEP CLEANOUT HOUSE PLUMB SHEET NOTES: 1. INSTALL ENCASED SCH 40 SEWER PIPE BETWEEN HOUSE AND SEPTIC, FULL EXTENTS, OR 50 FT. FROM WELL. 2. ENCASEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 603, I.P.C. AND REG 43, TABLE 43.7, NOTE #2. ENCASEMENT DETAIL NTS Page | 1 PROGRESS PICTURES REPORT, COMPLETE NOVEMBER, 2021 Revegetation complete 2022 OWTS – 022825-2021 WORK FOR TIM BARCA 798 BRUCE CREEK ROAD, EAGLE COUNTY, CO 81631 PN 2109-251-00-003 Constructed by Licensed installer Jose Gonzales with Blue Monster Service. LIC # unknown, not available PICTURE 1 NOVEMBER, 2021 DOUBLE CLEAN-OUT AT HOUSE FOUNDATION, 5 FT. Page | 2 PICTURE 2 NOVEMBER, 2021 DOUBLE CLEAN OUT and ENCASED PIPE FROM HOUSE TO TANK INLET CHAMBER. 4 INCH SCH 40 INSIDE OF 6 INCH SCH. 40. NOTICE GASKET. Page | 3 PICTURE 3 NOVEMBER 2021 CONCRETE, ONE- PIECE SEPTIC TANK BY VALLEY PRECAST, SET ON 6 INCHES WASHED ROCK, LEVEL. BACKFILLED TO GRADE. FIBERGLASS LIDS PER MFGR. CLEAN AS REQUIRED. MINIMUM. PUMP TANK ONCE PER 2-3 YEARS OR PER REG #43. Page | 4 PICTURE 4 AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARM NORTH EAST OF SEPTIC TANKS ON SHED IN PLAIN SIGHT. ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL WITH DEDICATED CIRCUIT TO PUMP CHAMBER. Page | 5 PICTURE 5 DISCONNECT AND JUNCTION BOX IN PUMP CHAMBER. Page | 6 PICTURE 6 LEVEL INFILTRATORS TRENCH WITH ROUGHED EDGES; BLOW OUT AT END WITH ACCESS BOX. NOV 2021 Page | 7 PICTURE 7 NOV 2021 2 INCH DOSING LINE FROM PUMP CHAMBER TO DISPERSAL CHAMBERS, REDUCED TO 1-1/2” DISPERSAL LINE ATTACHED TO TOP OF INFILTRATORS WITH ZIP TIES. 3/32” HOLES DRILLED 2 ft O.C. PER PLANS AND POSITIONED UP. Page | 8 PICTURE 8 NOVEMBER 2021 35 QUICK 4 INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN SERIES, LEVEL. SIDES ROUGHENED. CHAMBERS CURVED TO FIT TO HILLSIDE AND STAY LEVEL, FOLLOWING ENGINEERED PLANS AND PERMIT. Page | 9 PICTURE 9 NOVEMBER 2021 DOSING LINE TANK TO INFILTRATORS. FINAL DRYLAND SEED AND STRAW OVER SURFACE TREATMENT AREA; INSPECTION PORTS CUT TO GRADE. Page | 10 PICTURE 10 NOVEMBER, 2021 SURFACE TREATMENT AREA Page | 11 PICTURE 11 NOVEMBER 2021 PIPE SPECIFICATION VERIFICATION