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4200 Salt Creek Rd - 210728300044
Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-022481-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Minor Repair Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 9/21/2021 Expires: 1/19/2022 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 4200 SALT CREEK RD, EAGLE AREA,210728300044 Owner Information Address Robert Balgley Phone: Cell: (970) 328-1143 Email: rbalgley@mersive.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email LKP Engineering, Inc., Luiza Petrovska, PE (970) 390-0307 luiza@lkpeng.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Altitude Septic LLC altitudeseptic@gmail.com(970) 471-6292OWTSPL-000120-20 21 Permitted Construction / Details: Replacement of the existing septic tank, original permit IS-2561-06, exactly as depicted in the LKP Engineering Inc design dated September 21st, 2021, stamped and signed by Luiza Petrovska, PE. Replace the failed tanks with a Valley Precast 1500 gallon three compartment, 2000 gallon total volume, concrete tank with an Orenco PF5005 High Head Effluent Pump in the third chamber. An effluent filter will be used in the outlet tee of the second compartment. The STA will also be improved with flushing assemblies at the end of each of the eight laterals. The failed tanks will be removed in conformance with ECPHA OWTS Regulation 43.9.C. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Danielle Salinsky Date September 21, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Tuesday, September 21, 2021 1 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (EAGLE AREA - 4200 SALT CREEK - 510248) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OWTS-022481-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 10/01/2021 ApprovedInspection Status:Inspection Date: OWTS Final InspectionInspection Type:Inspector:Claire Lewandowski Job Address:Parcel Number:4200 Salt Creek Rd Eagle Area, CO 210728300044 Company Name NameContact Type Contractor Altitude Septic LLC Travor Dunsdon Engineer LKP Engineering, Inc.Luiza Petrovska, PE Owner Robert Balgley CommentsPassedChecklist Item True Passed. Observed a 1500 gallon (2,00 total capacity) Valley Precast 3-compartment septic tank, anchored, with effluent filter in the tee between the second and third compartment. Risers to grade. Septic Tank - Septic Tank True Received 12/9/2021 from LKP Engineering Inc.Record Drawing - Record Drawing True Received 12/9/2021 from LKP Engineering Inc.Record Photos - Record Photos True Received 12/9/2021 from LKP Engineering Inc.Final Certification Letter - Final Certification Letter True Passed. Pump and control panel installed, design PE observed the squirt test. Pressure Distribution - Pressure Distributiion (when applicable) True Previous tanks were confirmed abandoned in compliance with 43.9.C General Plan - General Plan True Risers with shut-off valves were added to the end of lines in the existing soil treatment area. Soil Treatment Area (STA) - Soil Treatment Area (STA) True Eagle County 2021 license OWTS Contractor completed the installation of the permitted work. Identification of Systems Contractor - Identification of Systems Contractor December 09, 2021 Page 1 of 1P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com October 1, 2021 Robert Balgley CEO 2399 Blake St, Ste 180 Denver, CO 80205 rbalgley@mersive.com mobile: 720.839.5899 RE: Inspection of Septic Tank Replacement Installation 4-bedroom residence Tract 69, Sec 28, T5S R83W, Lots 10, 12 & 14 Tract 81, Sec 29 T5S R83W E1/2 SE1/4 4200 Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Old Septic Permit IS-2561-06 Project No. 21-3557 – NEW OWTS-022481-2021 Dear Robert: On September 30, 2021, we visited your property on Tract 69, Sec 28, T5S R83W, Lots 10, 12 & 14 Tract 81, Sec 29 T5S R83W E1/2 SE1/4, 4200 Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to inspect the installation of the new, replaced portion, of the OWTS system. They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 21-3557OWTS-Tank.dwg, dated September 21, 2021, and as shown on the as-built sketch. At the time of the inspections, we observed the following: They installed, 1500-gallons, three compartments, Concrete Septic Tank by Valley Precast with an effluent filter (the handle was extended to within 12 inches of the riser cover) in the second compartment and with an Orenco PF500511 high-head pump assembly in the third compartment. The inlet of the tank had the Tee installed. The tank access ports had corrugated, plastic risers with secured, green, plastic covers. The covers were insulated and secured with nuts, bolts and screws. All compartments had 36-inche risers. They installed new cleanout at about 6 feet after the connection to the existing building sewer line, as shown on the as-built sketch. There was a possibility of a high ground water table based on the old reports, and small amount of ground water was encountered during excavation. Travor installed concrete anchors over the new septic tank. Also, during the installation of the septic system replacement, Travor had to repair the central manifold due to leaking. Travor had the existing mound laterals pressure jetted the day before our site visit and installed flushing assemblies at the ends of all 8 laterals. A squirt test was performed during the inspection. The top of the old septic tanks was removed and the tank was filled with dirt and left buried in place. OWTS Inspection - 4200 Salt Creek Road Page 2 of 2 October 1, 2021 Project 21-3557 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com The septic tank installation was done by Valley Precast. The startup of the pump system was done by Travor Dunsdon, Altitude Septic. The control panel for the pump was on the south side of the Pump Tank, near the new cleanout. This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Engineering standards for similar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP ENGINEERING, INC. Luiza Petrovska, PE cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department, e-mail: environment@eaglecounty.us; Danielle Salinsky danielle.salinsky@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2021\21-3557OSISEPTIC-TANK-PUMP FLUSH ASSEMBLY SYSTEM REPLACEMENT.DOCX 10/01/2021 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com September 21, 2021 Robert Balgley CEO 2399 Blake St, Ste 180 Denver, CO 80205 rbalgley@mersive.com mobile: 720.839.5899 RE: Consultation on Septic Tank Replacement Tract 69, Sec 28, T5S R83W, Lots 10, 12 & 14 Tract 81, Sec 29 T5S R83W E1/2 SE1/4 4200 Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Old Septic Permit IS-2561-06 Project No. 21-3557 Dear Robert: On September 10 and 20, 2021, we visited your property on Tract 69, Sec 28, T5S R83W, Lots 10, 12 & 14 Tract 81, Sec 29 T5S R83W E1/2 SE1/4, 4200 Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado, Old Septic Permit IS-2561-06. The purpose of our site visit was to locate the uncovered components of the existing septic tank. From our conversation, emails, and from the documents from the Eagle County Environmental Health Department (emailed by Trevor) we understand that the existing system was built in 2006/2007. The system consisted of a 2000-gallons, three compartments septic tank by Front Range Precast Concrete and the soil treatment area consisted of a mound system, due to high ground water table. It was built for a four-bedroom residence. During pumping/inspection by Altitude Septic, it was found that the septic tank (the concrete baffle) is damaged beyond repair and has to be replaced. The tank is also installed on a slope and the inlet compartment has about 6-ft high riser. They also found that, most likely due to repeating failures of the pumps (few had to be replaced), the distribution lines of the mound system have been clogged. Travor is coordinating pressure jetting of the laterals to clean the clogged orifices. The old septic tanks will be removed and disposed according to the ECEH Department regulations, OWTS #43.9C.1 - Abandonment of Tank. The proposed, new septic tank will be 1500-gallons, three compartments concrete septic tank by Valley Precast, with a total volume in all three compartments just over 2000gallons, with an effluent filter in the second compartment and a pump in the third compartment. Following are the instructions for the septic tank installation and the repair of the building sewer lines: x Bends in the building sewer shall be limited to 45 degrees. x The septic tank will be installed level. x The base under the new septic tank will be prepared according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. x The tank will have risers over each access manhole and all risers will extend to or above final grade. x Due to the possibility of a high ground water table, we recommend that concrete anchors be installed. Septic Repair - 4200 Salt Creek Road Page 2 of 2 September 21, 2021 Project 21-3557 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel (970) 390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com x Each riser lead will have a secure closing mechanism, such as a lock, special headed bolts or screws, to prevent unauthorized access. x The septic tank and all the piping will be backfilled up to the inverts prior to scheduling an inspection. x The STA will also be improved with flushing assemblies at the end of each of the eight laterals. The installer, Travor Dunsdon with Altitude Septic has submitted an application and a filing fee for a repair permit, and will coordinate the abandonment of the old tank, the installation, connection and backfilling of the new tank, and will make sure that all the required setbacks are met. Once the new septic tank is installed with all the connections completed, you or your installer will give a 48-hour notice to LKP Engineering and the ECEH Department to schedule the inspection. DO NOT backfill any part of the system prior to the inspection. This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Engineering standards for similar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. The findings and recommendations of this report are limited to the information available at the time of writing of the above report. We are not responsible for technical interpretation by others of the data presented in this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Robert Balgley, for the proposed septic tank and pump system replacement at 4200 Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP ENGINEERING, INC. Luiza Petrovska, PE cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department, e-mail: environment@eaglecounty.us; Claire Lewandowski, claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us; Danielle Salinsky danielle.salinsky@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2021\21-3557SEPTIC-TANK-PUMP SYSTEM REPLACEMENT.DOCX 9/21/2021 THE FOLLOWING DESIGN IS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE EXISTING 2000-GALLONS,THREE COMPARTMENTS SEPTIC TANK AND PUMP SYSTEMNOTES:1. THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK WILL BE REPLACED WITH A 1500-GALLONS, THREE COMPARTMENTSCONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BY VALLEY PRECAST, TOTALING JUST OVER 2000 GALLONS IN ALL THREECOMPARTMENTS WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER AND A PUMP.2. BENDS IN THE BUILDING SEWER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 45 DEGREES.3. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL.4. ANCHORS FOR GROUND WATER WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED.5. THE TANK SHALL HAVE RISERS OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO ORABOVE FINAL GRADE.6. EACH RISER LEAD WILL HAVE A SECURE CLOSING MECHANISM, SUCH AS A LOCK, SPECIAL HEADEDBOLTS OR SCREWS, OR SUFFICIENT WEIGHT TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS.7.THE SEPTIC TANK AND ALL THE PIPING WILL BE BACKFILLED UP TO THE INVERTS PRIOR TO SCHEDULINGAN INSPECTION.8. THE EXISTING MOUND SYSTEM WILL HAVE ALL THE LATERALS EQUIPPED WITH FLUSHING ASSEMBLIES.9. THE EXISTING LATERALS WERE REPORTED TO BE CLOGGED.10. THEY WILL BE CLEANED BY PRESSURE JETTING.11. SCHEDULE A SQUIRT TEST OF THE LATERALS.12. THE EXISTING MOUND SYSTEM IS IN A LOW LYING AREA CREATED WITH THE ORIGINAL INSTALLATION.13. THE AREA MUST BE CORRECTED TO PREVENT SURFACE RUNOFF FROM SATURATING THE STA.14. THE FINAL GRADING OVERT THE STA WILL PROVIDE FOR UNIFORM RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE SOILTREATMENT AREA, WITHOUT ALLOWING WATER TO PUDDLE ON TOP.15. AVOID VEHICLE TRAFFIC OVER THE SYSTEM.16. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE EAGLE COUNTYENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND OWTS REG 43 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24, 2018 .17.FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM - NOTIFY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHDEPARTMENT AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48-HOURS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY PARTOF THE SYSTEM TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION.BRUSH CREEK ROADSALT CREEK ROAD APPROXIMATE AREA OF THEEXISTING STA - MOUNDAPPROXIMATE AREA OF THEEXISTING, FAILED SEPTIC TANKAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONOF THE EXISTINGBUILDING SEWER LINEAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OFTHE EXISTING EFFLUENT LINEPROPOSED, NEW, 1500-GALLONS, THREECOMPARTMENTS , CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BYVALLEY PRECAST WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER IN THESECOND COMPARTMENT AND AN EFFLUENT PUMP INTHE THIRD COMPARTMENT, WITH 3-FT RISERSTHE NEW SEPTIC TANK WILL BE LOCATED ALONG THEEXISTING TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE,) DOWN GRADIENTFROM THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK, IN AN AREA THAT WILLENSURE THE BURRY DEPTH IS 4 FEET OR LESS.ONCE THE NEW LOCATION FOR THE NEW SEPTICTANK IS ESTABLISHED, REPORT BACK TO THEENGINEER THE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE FROMTHE TANK OUTLET TO THE CENTRAL MANIFOLDINVERT IN ORDER TO VERIFY THE PUMP DESIGNRIM EL=~105'-1-1/2"MIDDLE COVER ONPROPANE TANKASSUMED BM EL = 100' 0"TOP OFMANIFOLD PIPEEL=92' 0"INVout= 100.96'TIE INTO THEEXISTINGEFFLUENT LINETIE INTO THE EXISTINGBUILDING SEWER LINEEXISTING4-BEDROOMRESIDENCE ABOUT 30 FEET OF THE SAME,1.5" DIAMETER SCH40PVC ABOUT 33 FEET OF THE SAME,4" DIAMETER SDR35PVCPROPOSEDCLEANOUTINSTALL FLUSHINGASSEMBLIES AT THEAND OF ALL LATERALSINSTALL FLUSHING ASSEMBLIESAT THE AND OF ALL LATERALSAPPROXIMATE AREA OF THEEXISTING STA - MOUNDAPPROXIMATE AREA OF THEEXISTING, FAILED SEPTIC TANKAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONOF THE EXISTINGBUILDING SEWER LINEAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OFTHE EXISTING EFFLUENT LINEPROPOSED, NEW, 1500-GALLONS, THREECOMPARTMENTS , CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK BYVALLEY PRECAST WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER IN THESECOND COMPARTMENT AND AN EFFLUENT PUMP INTHE THIRD COMPARTMENT, WITH 3-FT RISERSTHE NEW SEPTIC TANK WILL BE LOCATED ALONG THEEXISTING TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE,) DOWN GRADIENTFROM THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK, IN AN AREA THAT WILLENSURE THE BURRY DEPTH IS 4 FEET OR LESS.ONCE THE NEW LOCATION FOR THE NEW SEPTICTANK IS ESTABLISHED, REPORT BACK TO THEENGINEER THE ELEVATION DIFFERENCE FROMTHE TANK OUTLET TO THE CENTRAL MANIFOLDINVERT IN ORDER TO VERIFY THE PUMP DESIGNRIM EL=~105'-1-1/2"MIDDLE COVER ONPROPANE TANKASSUMED BM EL = 100' 0"TOP OFMANIFOLD PIPEEL=92' 0"INVout= 100.96'TIE INTO THEEXISTINGEFFLUENT LINETIE INTO THE EXISTINGBUILDING SEWER LINEEXISTING4-BEDROOMRESIDENCE ABOUT 30 FEET OF THE SAME,1.5" DIAMETER SCH40PVC ABOUT 33 FEET OF THE SAME,4" DIAMETER SDR35PVCPROPOSEDCLEANOUTINSTALL FLUSHINGASSEMBLIES AT THEAND OF ALL LATERALSINSTALL FLUSHING ASSEMBLIESAT THE AND OF ALL LATERALS17.FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM - NOTIFY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRDEPARTMENT AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48-HOURS PRIOR TO BACOF THE SYSTEM TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION.SQUIRT TEST OF THE RESIDUAL HEAD OF THE STA BED LATERALSREMOVE THE END CAPS OF THE FLUSHING ASSEMBLY IN ORDER TOFLUSH THE LATERALS CLEAN FROM OLD SEWAGE DEPOSITS. RUNTHE SQUIRT TEST FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF THE 3-FT RESIDUALHEAD (+/-10%). THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE SQUIRT TEST MUST BEREADY FOR THE TEST TO BE DONE DURING THE FINAL INSPECTION.PUMP SELECTIONA DISCHARGE PUMP CAPABLE OF DELIVERING 55 GPM AGAINST22 FEET OF TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD WILL BE USED. THE ELEVATIONSBETWEEN THE PUMP INVERT AND THE INVERT OF THE DISTRIBUTIONVALVE SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED AND REPORTED BACK TO THEENGINEER.FOR THE DISCHARGE PUMP USE ORENCO, PF500511 HIGH HEADEFFLUENT PUMP. THE PUMP DOSING WILL BE ON DEMAND WITH 90GALLONS PER DOSE.AS A TEMPORARY SUBSTITUTE, DUE TO AVAILABILITY, ZOELLERHIGH HEAD FLOW-MATE SERIES MODEL 161 CAN BE USED.GENERAL NOTES1. BEFORE DIGGING NOTIFY ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES.2. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES.3. NOTES AND DETAILS ON SPECIFIC DRAWINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICALDETAILS.4. CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH THE SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN OR LAYOUT SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THEATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK.5. ALL FINISH GRADES SHALL PROVIDE FOR NATURAL RUNOFF OF WATER WITHOUT LOW SPOTS OR POCKETSOVER THE LEACHFIELD.6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE RESTORED AND REVEGETATED.Sweeping EllSIDE VIEWFLUSHING ASSEMBLYN.T.S.10" VALVE BOXCLEANOUTCAPDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NO.:SHEET:DRAWING NO.:DATE:BYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.L.P.L.P.C-121-3557SEPTEMBER 21, 202121-3557OWTS-TANK.DWGONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMMINOR REPAIRP.O. Box 724 EAGLE, CO 81631Tel (970) 390-0307www.LKPEngineering.comBALGLEY RESIDENCEMAP~1"= 8000'4200 SALT CREEK ROADPARCEL NUMBER: 2107-283-00-044EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADOSITENOTE: THE LOCATION OF THE SEPTIC TANK IS APPROXIMATE. IT IS NOT BASED ON A SURVEY.THE BUILDING SKETCH IS FROM THE EAGLE COUNTY GIS TO BE USED ONLY AS ROUGH PRESENTATION OF TE LOCATION9/21/2021 © Copyright 2021 Zoeller® Co. All rights reserved. 502-778-2731 | 800-928-7867 | 3649 Cane Run Road | Louisville, KY 40211-1961 | zoellerpumps.com SECTION: 2.15.090 FM2785 0821 Supersedes 0720 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET HIGH HEAD FLOW-MATE SERIES Models 161/4161, 163/4163, 165/4165 Submersible Effluent Pumps SK1413 SINGLE SEAL DOUBLE SEAL 19-5/16" (491 mm) 6" (152 mm) 4"8-3/4" 6-1/2" 4" (102 mm) 6-11/32" (161 mm) 1-1/2" NPT STANDARD 2" NPT OR 3" NPT AVAILABLE (222 mm) (165 mm) (102 mm) 21-3/16” (538 mm) 6” (152 mm) 4” (102 mm) 8-3/4” (222 mm) 6-1/2” (165 mm) 4” (102 mm) 4” (102 mm) 1-1/2" NPT STANDARD 2" NPT OR 3" NPT FLANGE AVAILABLE SK374 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: The sizing of effluent systems normally requires variable level float(s) controls and properly sized basins to achieve required pumping cycles or dosing timers with nonautomatic pumps.MOTORHorse Power 1/2 (161/4161, 163/4163) or 1 (165/4165) Voltage 115 - 575 Phase 1 or 3 Ph Hertz 60 Hz RPM 3450 Type Permanent split capacitor or 3 Ph Insulation Class B Amps 2.4 - 15.5 PUMPOperation Automatic or nonautomatic Auto On/Off Points 15-3/4" (400 mm) / 5-1/4" (133 mm) Discharge Size 1-1/2" NPT (optional 2" or 3" flange) Solids Handling 3/4" (19 mm) spherical solids Cord Length 20' (6 m) standard Cord Type 1 Ph: UL listed 3-wire neoprene cord and plug or 3 Ph: 4-wire with no plug Max. Head 86.5' (26 m) Max. Flow Rate 100 GPM (379 LPM) Max. Operating Temp.130 °F (54 °C) Cooling Oil filled Motor Protection Auto reset thermal overload (1 Ph)MATERIALSUpper Bearing Ball bearing Lower Bearing Ball bearing Mechanical Seals Carbon and ceramic Impeller Type Non-clogging vortex Impeller Bronze Hardware Stainless steel Motor Shaft SAE 1117 carbon steel or 416 stainless steel* Gasket Neoprene square ring and gasket Product information presented here reflects conditions at time of publication. Consult factory regarding discrepancies or inconsistencies. *Single seal models are built with a carbon steel motor shaft, and double seal models are built with a stainless steel motor shaft. © Copyright 2021 Zoeller® Co. All rights reserved. 502-778-2731 | 800-928-7867 | 3649 Cane Run Road | Louisville, KY 40211-1961 | zoellerpumps.com SELECTION GUIDE 1. Integral float operated mechanical switch, no external control required. 2. For automatic use single piggyback variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Refer to FM0477. 3. See FM1228 for correct model of simplex control panel. 4. See FM0712 for correct model of duplex control panel. 5. Variable level control switch 10-0743 used as a control activator, specify simplex (3) float or duplex (4) float system. Refer to FM0526. 009920 Model MODEL COMPARISON CERTIFICATIONSSealModeVoltsPhAmpsHPHzLbsKgSimplexDuplex M161 Single Auto 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus (1) N161 Single Non 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 80 36 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 CSA (3) N4161 Double Non 115 1 15.5 1/2 60 87 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus (1) BN161 Single Auto 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 84 38 ------CSA (2) D161 Single Auto 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus E161 / E4161 Single / Double Non 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * H161 Single Auto 200 1 8.8 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus * I161 / I4161 Single / Double Non 200 1 8.8 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * J161 / J4161 Single / Double Non 200 3 6.4 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * F161 / F4161 Single / Double Non 230 3 5.2 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * G161 / G4161 Single / Double Non 460 3 2.9 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * BA161/BA4161 Single / Double Non 575 3 2.4 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus BE161 Single Auto 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 84 38 ------cCSAus M163 Single Auto 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus (1) N163 / N4163 Single / Double Non 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 CSA (2) BN163 Single Auto 115 1 15.0 1/2 60 84 38 ------CSA (2) D163 Single Auto 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus E163 / E4163 Single / Double Non 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * H163 Single Auto 200 1 8.5 1/2 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus * I163 / I4163 Single / Double Non 200 1 8.5 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * J163 / J4163 Single / Double Non 200 3 6.0 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * F163 / F4163 Single / Double Non 230 3 4.8 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * G163 / G4163 Single / Double Non 460 3 2.9 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * BA163/BA4163 Single / Double Non 575 3 2.4 1/2 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus BE163 Single Auto 230 1 7.5 1/2 60 84 38 ------cCSAus D165 Single Auto 230 1 10.2 1 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus E165 / E4165 Single / Double Non 230 1 10.2 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * H165 Single Auto 200 1 12.6 1 60 80 36 1 ---cCSAus * I165 / I4165 Single / Double Non 200 1 12.6 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 2 or 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * J165 / J4165 Single / Double Non 200 3 7.5 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * F165 / F4165 Single / Double Non 230 3 7.4 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * G165 / G4165 Single / Double Non 460 3 3.7 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus * BA165/BA4165 Single / Double Non 575 3 3.0 1 60 80 / 87 36 / 39 3 & 5 4 & 5 cCSAus BE165 Single Auto 230 1 10.2 1 60 84 38 ------cCSAus * no molded plug (1) cCSAus approved unit available with 20 Amp plug. (2) CSA approved unit with 15 Amp plug. Additional cords lengths are available in 25' (8 m), 35' (11 m), and 50' (15 m). TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD FLOW PER MINUTE All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a qualified licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be followed including the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).CAUTION PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE MODELS 161/4161 - 163/4163 - 165/4165METERSFEET GALLONS LITERSTOTAL DYNAMIC HEADFLOW PER MINUTE 165/4165 163/4163 161/4161 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD/FLOW PER MINUTE EFFLUENT AND DEWATERING MODELS 161/4161 163/4163 165/4165 Feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 Meters 1.5 3.0 4.6 6.1 7.6 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 Gal. 100 93 86 79 71 62 45 20 -- -- -- Liters 379 352 326 299 267 235 170 76 -- -- -- Gal. 61 60 60 59 57 55 46 33 15 -- -- Liters 231 227 227 223 216 208 174 125 57 -- -- Gal. 61 60.5 60.3 60 59 58 55 50 39 22.5 10 Liters 231 229 228 227 223 220 208 189 148 85 38 Shut-off Head:56 ft. (17.1 m)66 ft. (20.1 m)86.5 ft. (26.4 m) Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project 21-3557 Blagley Residence / 4200 Salt Creek Road Parameters Discharge Assembly Size Transport Length Transport Pipe Class Transport Line Size Distributing Valve Model Max Elevation Lift Manifold Length Manifold Pipe Class Manifold Pipe Size Number of Laterals per Cell Lateral Length Lateral Pipe Class Lateral Pipe Size Orifice Size Orifice Spacing Residual Head Flow Meter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 2.00 50 40 1.50 None 4.2 18 40 1.50 8 35 40 1.50 3/16 4 3 None 0 inches feet inches feet feet inches feet inches inches feet feet inches feet Calculations Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice Number of Orifices per Zone Total Flow Rate per Zone Number of Laterals per Zone % Flow Differential 1st/Last Orifice Transport Velocity 0.76 72 54.4 8 0.6 8.6 gpm gpm % fps Frictional Head Losses Loss through Discharge Loss in Transport Loss through Valve Loss in Manifold Loss in Laterals Loss through Flowmeter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 5.9 7.9 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Vol of Manifold Vol of Laterals per Zone Total Volume 5.3 1.9 29.6 36.8 gals gals gals gals Minimum Pump Requirements Design Flow Rate Total Dynamic Head 54.4 21.8 gpm feet 0 1020304050607080 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Net Discharge (gpm) PumpData PF5005 High Head Effluent Pump 50 GPM, 1/2HP 115/230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/230V 3Ø 60Hz Legend System Curve: Pump Curve: Pump Optimal Range: Operating Point: Design Point: 12/9/21, 11:08 AM IMG_772STA west-flushing assemblies.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 9/21/21, 1:33 PM IMG_7461Old Tank.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGljvPVrKfFcCQdKXxBMtFTTHJJ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 9/21/21, 1:33 PM IMG_7464Mound.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGljvPVrKfFcCQdKXxBMtFTTHJJ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 9/21/21, 1:33 PM IMG_7470ExMnd.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGljvPVrKfFcCQdKXxBMtFTTHJJ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 9/21/21, 1:33 PM IMG_7481Cleanout.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGljvPVrKfFcCQdKXxBMtFTTHJJ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 9/21/21, 1:33 PM IMG_7483Site.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGljvPVrKfFcCQdKXxBMtFTTHJJ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 12/9/21, 11:08 AM IMG_7709Effluent Filter.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:08 AM IMG_7710POwer supply.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7711Pump Assembly.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7713connect to ex bldg swr line.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7715New Tank.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7717Effluent Line.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7718Anchor ties.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7719tank-control panel-cleanout.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7722Central manifold on mound.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:09 AM IMG_7723STA east-flushing assemblies.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:10 AM IMG_7724NewTank.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:10 AM IMG_7730SquirtEast.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:10 AM IMG_7731Squirt East.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 12/9/21, 11:10 AM IMG_7732repaired manifold.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGllMMTJSncwGxSDRwZFKSZCCpq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.2 1/1 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1715-97 BP NO. 11336 OWNER: JOHN BOLES PHONE: (970) 926-3202 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 717, EDWARDS, CO 81632 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 4200 SALT CREEK.RD, EAGLE, CO 81631 TAX PARCEL NO. 2107-283-00-044 LICENSED INSTALLER: NOT APPLICABLE LICENSE NO. DESIGN ENGINEER: PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL INCINOLET INCINTERATING TOILET. MODEL "CAREFREE", AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUC- TIONS. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT WHEN INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE AND PROVIDE PHOTO- GRAPHS OF INSTALLATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: AUGUST 4, 1997 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED' DEGREES AND FEET FROM COMMENTS: / bt,5 ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. d ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL �` ! x DATE: O SENT 3Y: C)-21-94 ; 9:20PM ;Commun 1 tyDeve 1 P,,-- t- 13039252078;# 5/ 5 1 .JJ Incornp ete Applications will VOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit Building Permit APPLICATION FOR I-DIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM VERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, - CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 # MAYE ALL RE;MCITTANCE PAYABLE TO: 19EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" � 3r�s�le�Fn'eteaik'a�:�1Yk�C�t't�t�'t7l'�th�ksk�*slrk�t�t�ttY�tlkk�'r#s��c&Rck4'leaet�lrGrk3t�t�tl�t5kfrF.s�ie*Js^h:4�: k&x4�r&�t4�3r�s�lrsFzk�elr�e PROPERTY OWNER: UD- 4 n Be MAILING ADDRESS: Rod 717 L c�.c t.._ �olo �'1h. 2 PHONE: 97�-9Z6'�Zo2 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: N-?bHJy PHONE: 97e-926'3 202 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: PHONE: COMPANY/DBA: 1414 - ADDRESS:� _ PEW41T APPLICATION IS FOR: (AA NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: —fT2,4�, al sec 7/a S �28 Tax Parcel Number: O-loi 83 D �a �}-� Lot Size: 14C. Physical Address: "LtZ00 5/L"r C420:-L=1k^„ j�'ai�-� E/�6[� Coo vTy m - BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) QZ) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms { ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms � { } Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of supplier: N1A4 *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: �� Date: AMOUNT PAID: �5� RECEIPT #: V DATE: a� CHECK 9: � CASHIER: Community Development Department 70) 328-87_30 =ax: � 9 7 -D) S28-7185 DD: 970) :328-L�797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: August 4, 1997 TO: John Boles FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building N.O. Box 179 500 Broaa.wav Eac!e. Colorado 81631. 401-2 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1715-97, Tax Parcel #2107-283-00-044. Property Location: 4200 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Boles residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1715-97. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free -to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files STATE OF COLORADO COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 4210 East 17 th Avenue Denver, Coforado 80220 Phone m3) 32o-8333 ; } a* aOy Romer P 1989 Covernor Thomas M. Vernao, MD. Uecutive director M5. Yana Baruiini-Upscomh Marketing Director Research Products/Blankenship 2639 And,jon Dallas, Texas 76220 RE: INCINOLET Toilet System, Dear M$. Bandi,ni-Lipscomb, Per your request of April 5, 1989 this letter is to provide you with documentation of the Departrment's approval of the above,referenoed slrstem. Section XI4C of the Colorado Guidelines for Individual Sewage Disposal systems (5 CCR 1003--6, 1974 et seq. ) requires that certification be made autoatatice.l.ly for certain systems bearing the National Sanitation Foundation seal, As a matter of Policy, the Department has granted this 'cte facto' certification to not only those types of system to which this section makes specific reference (aerobic systems) but to other types of systems which have received N$y certification as well,. The INCIN()J= toilet system has been certified b- y the NSF. By virtue of that certification, the Department considers the INCINoLgr to have undergcone an appropriate level of evaluation and. therefore considers the INCINOU-r to be certified for use in Colorado. I hope this letter satisfies your requirements. Should you have any questions please rive me a call at (303) 331-4564, Sincerely, r e ✓ �/� Ph i 1 Hegeme,n ISDS Program Coordinator Permits and Enforcement Section 'Water Qmlity Control Division Eagle Cou; :., P.O. 90X . - 1 500 Eaale. Ccioradc - . EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE:. November 20, 1997 TO: ISDS Permit Holders FROM: Eagle County Environmental Health Division RE: Incomplete ISDS System Files The Eagle County Environmental Health Division is in the process of updating our Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) files in order to identify systems that may, or may not have been completed. The status of your septic system may affect the sale, refinancing, or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) of your property. For these reason we are attempting to update all incomplete files. Our records indicate that your Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit 917/5-9? , for property located at t-W6 A VT �t7 L�} L� 16 , has been issued, but has not received final approval. For building currently under construction, your CO will not be issued without the Environmental Health Division's approval of your septic system. For systems already in operation, our records indicate that we need additional information submitted to our office for us to recognize and approve your system: Engineer final certification if your system was designed by a Registered Professional Engineer. Engineer final certification if your system is in operation, but was never inspected by the Environmental Health Division for proper installation and compliance. Environmental Health final inspection if your system did not require an engineer design, and has not yet been covered. These systems must be installed by Dec. 1, 1997, or you may need engineer certification for your CO if you plan on moving into your home this winter. Follow-up photographs of the installation from the property owner or installer for the following items: septic tank inlet/outlet "T" septic tank placement and or location relative to permanent landmarks installation of riser rings on septic tank to bring tank within 8" of finished grade 1 clean outs/inspection ports in sewer lines, effluent lines or absorption areas sewer line connection to dwelling showing the clean out sewer line connection to leach field Minor changes required to the leach field, such as replaced chambers, raked soils, etc... Qf 1 QU +fRL1-C I K6�j6p2:TD Detailed, scaled as -built site plan of system component locations and dimensions showing set backs. Receipts verifying materials installed. Please be assured that Eagle County Environmental Health has your best interests in mind with regards to this matter. It is our intent to verify that septic systems in Eagle County are in compliance, for the sake of protecting your property, and our groundwater resources that may be affected by Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. We intend to use this survey as a means of updating our files and assuring compliance. If you have any questions regarding the status of your ISDS permit file please call 970-328-8755. Please address all correspondence to: Eagle County Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631. 2 INVOICE _ RESEARCH PRODUCTS/Blankenship THE PIONEER CORPORATION IN MODERN WASTE MANAGEMENT 2639 Andjon • DaFax 14-350 7g?g• (14) 358 4238 INCINOLET THAT ELECTRIC TOILET S O L JOHN BOLES D BOX 717 T EDWARDS CO 81632 O AER P.O. NO. OUR ORDER NO. ORDER DATE BOL816 SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS UNITED PARCEL SERVIC TERMS CASH I0-36 197 S H I JOHN BOLES P 225 EAGLE CREST ROAD T EDWARDS CO 81632 O SHIP DATE SLSM. 09/03l97 0G SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS q�1A3? COD QUANTITY ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SHIP B/O 1 TRS001 INCINOLET MODEL TR 240V. 350OW 1679.00 1679.00 SERIAL # 25350 PAID BY VISA 1 DIS001 DISPENSER, BOWL LINER, SS .14.95 14.95 LIN001 LINERS, BOWL BOX OF 200 16.010 32.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING 75.00 T O T A L 1800.95 AMOUNT PAID 18£tiaf.95 TAXES • CASH CITY COUNTY STATE. 00 y rax 1o: 328-1185 Eagle Coun Inspection Request ax Form ALL REQUESTS RECEIVED BY 4:00 P.M. WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FOLDER #: a r � JOB/FOLDER NAME: 9-7 ►13A, YOUR NAME; JOB SITE ADDRESS: LLGr. PoQ. ' YOUR PHONE #: �j 'Z O � 2G 3 Z 0 Z SUBDIVISION: Circle day that i DAY: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY DATE: Be sure to indicate which tyke (ore of inspection you are requesting: ruc�� e-•T . ar BUILDING Footing AM/PM" Foundation AM/PM* ecL-cc- _1AL Framing Final � �f COVER Insulation A� r Drywall/Party Wall Veneer/Lath Roof PLUMBING Underground �f L Z O z Rough Gas Final 'MECHANICAL Ventilation Heating Final ELECTRICAL Temporary Rough Service Final TCO Temporary CO Final MISCELLANEOUS Type: SaS 'AM/PM inspections not guaranteed. You will be notified, if your request cannot be granted. ... PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER ! ! THANK YOU! Ny 0 0 g cn 0 d r� cn w co � I 05 > x dx� ; 00 a ' r t� O oa r m � O cn y O r 7� n 7J tr1 tTj y O � C] x O to r �� �irt�Rood TAYLOR CREEK RANCH 4200 SALT CREEK ROAD r - WOOD STORAGE/BATHROOM BUILDING INCINOLET THAT ELECTRIC TOILET MODEL CAREFREE & MODEL RV INSTALLATION / MAINTENANCE MANUAL • INCINOLET guarantees perfect sanitation without use of water and without may.,• environmental harm. Using intense electric`heaP INCINOLET reduces waste and toilet paper to about a tablespoonful of germ -free ash. Simply dispose in the garbage can.'•,A catalytic emission system prevents smoke and odor Length of incineration is controlled by a timer, factory set to meet heaviest use requirements: rapid accumulation of solid deposits, e.g., early morning use by maximum number of persons. Factory setting of 60 minutes incineration is standard. Exhaust blower is on throughout incineration plus 35 to 45 minutes after. Timer can be reset either to reduce or increase the time of incineration. (See p. 6: TIMER ADJUSTMENT) YOU SHOULD INCINERATE WASTE IMMEDIATELY. ACCUMULATED WASTE, PARTICULARLY SOLIDS, RESULTS IN ODOR AND CAN REDUCE LIFE OF HEATER MARKEDLY. If user elects to accumulate several urine deposits, say overnight, incineration should be started immediately in the morning. After incineration has begun, extreme care should be exercised in opening the incinerator lid (by stepping on foot pedal) as the accumulated paper might flash up when lid opens. Your INCINOLET uses a bowl liner of paper coated with polyethylene film. This liner is necessary to catch and contain the waste, then convey it into the incineration chamber. Its use protects the bowl, preserving a high level of cleanliness. It burns cleanly and aids in the incineration process. IMPORTANT: MAKE CERTAIN THAT TOP EDGES OF LINER ARE BELOW LID WHEN IT CLOSES; OTHERWISE, PAPER WILL BURN OUTSIDE OF CHAMBER AND CAUSE MOMENTARY SMOKE AND ODOR. THIS COULD ALSO CAUSE OUTSIDE OF INCINOLET TO BECOME HOT. Number of persons using toilet full-time: Model Carefree & Model RV: CAPACITY VOLTS CURRENT WATTS 4 persons 120 15 amps 1800 e�;k-ZoF kol _HOW TO USE 1 Place bowl liner in bowl ' BEFORE each and every use. 2 After use, facing IQL121, step on foot pedal to open bowl and allow waste to drop into incineration chamber. Make certain that top edges of bowl liner are below lid when lid closes. 5. Twice weekly empty ashpan. The calculations are APPROXIMATE only. With timer set to 60 minutes, one cycle with 1800 watt heater can incinerate 4 urine deposits. Since heater is on only 2/3 of time, energy consumed is about 1/3 kW-hr. If timer is set higher, or only one deposit is incinerated, energy consumption would be higher per use. 3 Push start button back of seat and lid. 4= Unit may be used at any time, even while incinerating a prior deposit. FIG. 1 TO CANCFL tNCINF_42ATION-OYCLE Open circuit breaker momentarily to cancel incineration cycle, then close to ready toilet for use. If unit is hot, blower should come back on to cool unit. NOTE: blower control thermostat may not have closed in which case smoke and odor may come directly into room. In this case start incineration cycle again for a few minutes. 2 1. Never burn trash or garbage in toilet. 2. Do not install in areas where atmosphere may become explosive. 3. Children, when using this toilet, must be supervised by responsible adult 4. Always face toilet to flush. 5. Never depress foot pedal while using toilet. 6. All test or repair work must be performed by competent personnel. 7. Do not attempt to remove ashpan while toilet is in operation. 8. Remove ashpan only when cool. WE 3;511AVAKIIFI�� Timer limits heating cycle. Temperature controller limits heater temperature. Safety thermostat (STS) prevents overheating if blower fails. Limit thermostat (TS) limits temperature if controller fails. EMPTY ASHPAN twice weekly, more often with heavy usage. Excessive ash buildup causes odor, shortens heater life, decreases efficiency. Be sure ashpan is cool before attempting to remove. GOOD IDEAS: Run a cycle before emptying to insure complete incineration. Place one or two cupfuls of kitty litter in pan to make clean -out easier. Alternate two ashpan inserts so than one can soak in hot water. WIPE SURFACES with damp cloth occasionally. To restore high sheen, use a stainless steel polish. Do not steam clean. •1•- •Nia"WiNKIM INCINOLET uses a heat -activated catalyst similar to that used in automobile exhaust systems: white pellets within the incinera- tor chamber. Catalyst should remain effective for several years. Check level of catalyst and stir it every six months to pre- vent "catalyst set". Removing cover to the catalyst chamber as you would a paint can lid. Add catalyst if low. (Fig. 2) INCINERATOR LID CATALYST PORT FIG. 2 TO REMOVE ASHPAN Remove ashpan panel. Raise camloc handle and unhook it from ashpan handle. Pull ashpan out. Empty ash in garbage. 2 TO REPLACE ASHPAN ' Push ashpan firmly into place. 3E Lift up on ashpan handle and engage hook of camloc under ashpan handle. 4 Push down on camloc handle. n ' Replace ashpan panel. CAUTION: ASHPAN MUST BE SECURELY IN PLACE FOR PROPER OPERATION. TOP is held in place with four screws, two per side, and rubber boot protecting start switch. Remove all five devices, then lift top up. To replace top: With incinerator lid closed, hold bowl halves together and lower top into position. Replace four screws and rubber boot over start button. NOTE: Right side of unit is considered to be foot pedal side. FIG. 3 The access panel, located on right side, is held by four fasteners. Remove panel to expose heater terminals, blower thermostat, limit thermostat, control thermocouple. HEATER is ON only about 2/3 of burn cycle. BLOWER is ON 30 to 40 minutes after heater is off. Length of cycles are approximate only. f 17 at e 1 . No need to bolt down. An aluminum plate is attached to bottom as a heat shield. . 2. A special mounting plate with anti - vibration pads is included with model RV and must be used for installations in RVs, boats, and other mobile applications. Simply use provided bolts to attach plate to floor. (Fig. 4) 3. Allow 4 inch clearance at rear for wiring, vent line connections, 4. Allow space on pedal side to utilize pedal and access panel. 5. INCINOLET needs a dedicated 20 amp circuit and type 5--20R receptacle. (Fig.1 0) VENT• eoLrs o I 'm MOUNTING PLATE FIG. A 1. Pushing the start button closes start switch which engages a timer. Timer begins a new cycle each time start switch is closed. Timer doesn't accu- mulate time, merely starts over again. 2. Timer is set to 60 minutes at factory. Temperature controller is activated by timer. Controller output in turn is connected to the coil of a relay, contacts of which control the electric current to the heater. 3. Temperature controller responds to the output from a thermocouple which measures heater temperature. When the temperature of the lower coil of the heater reaches approximately 100000 d .gLe�es F., controller shuts down the relay y w ich cuts off the heater. When the heater temperature falls to about 970 degrees F., controller again activates relay and heater comes on. Heater is off, then on, about twice a minute. 4. Timer also controls exhaust blower: blower and heater come on and both stay on for 60 minutes together. After heater cuts off, blower continues on until incinerator area has cooled to about 130 degree F. 5. Blower thermostat (ITS) closes when it senses a temperature of 130 degree F. and stays closed after the heating cycle is over, until incinerator temperature falls below 130 degree F., some 30 to 40 minutes later. The center of the 3-inch diameter vent hole on the back of INCINOLET is 9-3/4 inches up from floor. At that point INCINOLET is 14 inches wide. Center of the vent hole is 8 inches in from the foot pedal side of toilet and 6 inches in from the other side. For proper operation, ventline must be as straight as possible with a minimum of elbows. Maximum length of 3 inch' diameter pipe is 10 feet plus 2 elbows. Use 4 inch diameter pipe for lengths from 10 feet to 20 feet. Contact factory for lengths greater than 20 feet. Improper venting can cause odor within the room and overheating of the unit. This unit is equipped with an exhaust blower which draws air from the room into the unit for cooling; blower also draws odor from incinerator through the catalyst to the outside. If the ventline is too small, too crooked or too long, the blower cannot push enough air through the ventline to do its function. Overheating and odor will res u It. s e Thermocouple, Type K, develops a small voltage proportional to the temperature of the heater. Thermocouple, in combination with the temperature controller, limits temperature of the heater, thereby preventing overheating. Thermocouple is located to right of and midway between heater terminals. (Fig. 5) Tip of thermocouple makes contact with the lower heater coil. Thermocouple leads are color coded. Wire with red core must be connected to purple lead #7 within the "F" wire nut. IMPORTANT: EXACT PROCEDURE MUST BE FOLLOWEDTO PREVENT OVERHEATING AND HEATER FAILURE. f e 1. Connect furnished 3" PVC coupling and pipe to the vent collar at the rear of the unit. Secure the PVC coupling to the vent collar with a few drops of silicon rubber cement. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE AMOUNT, FOR YOU MAY WISH TO REMOVE THE COUPLING AT A LATER TIME. 2. Run the pipe horizontally to outside atmosphere, turning the furnished elbow downward.lf backdrafting in windy conditions presents a problem, establish the ventline vertically above the wall causing the backdraft, terminating the ventline with a raincap. The vertical ventline may be installed within the structure housing the toilet. 3. Allow for make-up air into toilet room with door louvers or an air gap along bottom of -room door. 4. NEVER USE AN OVERHEAD EXHAUST IN TOILET ROOM. 5. Never cover end of ventline with fine mesh screen. 6. Increase diameter of vent pipe to 4 inches if more than 2 elbows or more . than 10 feet of ventline is required. 1 . To replace thermocouple, disconnect wire leads within "E" and "F" wire nuts. Then push in knurled sleeve, turn to disengage, pull out thermocouple. 2. To install new thermocouple, reverse procedure. Make sure that wire with red core is connected to purple #7 and yellow core wire is connected to gray #6. 3. After inserting thermocouple, be sure that tip is making contact with lower heater coil along outer surface of coil. ACCESS PANEL OPENING ITS THERMOSTAT COVER PLATE HEATER TERMINALS -� THERMOCOUPLE ---) --� � TS THERMOSTAT FIG. 5 THERMOSTATS This INCINOLET is equipped with three thermostats. 1. SAFETY THERMOSTAT (STS) is located within the control box at the upper right rear of unit. To replace, disconnect voltage, remove top of unit, disconnect lead wires to old thermostat, and replace. (Fig. 9) 2. BLOWER THERMOSTAT (ITS) is accessible through access panel opening, just to the left of heater (looking into the opening, opposite to thermocouple). To replace, follow same procedure as for STS above. (Fig. 5) 3. LIMIT THERMOSTAT (TS) is located below the ITS blower thermostat outside ashpan compartment. To replace, follow same instructions as for safety thermostat (Fig. 5) TIMER, TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER, PUSH BUTTON START SWITCH are located within upper control box. (Fig. 8) TO REMOVE OLD HEATER: • Turn off voltage to INCINOLET. Remove ashpan. Remove access panel. Remove top. Hold incinerator open either by wedging down the foot pedal or blocking flushing mechanism in open position. • Remove thermocouple but do not disconnect. (Fig. 5) • Disconnect wiring to heater terminals. Remove cover plate and insulation around heater cold ends. (Fig. 7-1) BLOWER WHEEL TO CLEAN BLOWER`WHEEL =3 BLOWER MOTOR FIG. 6 CLEAN BLOWER WHEEL AND HOUSING every 90 days or any time excessive noise and vibration occur. 1. Remove top. Loosen 3 screws holding plate. (Fig. 6) Disconnect two wires to free motor. 2. Use 1/8" Allen wrench to remove screw in wheel hub. 3. Remove grease and dirt from wheel with hot soapy water. 4. Replace wheel if corroded. CLEAN INSIDE HOUSING occasionally. TO'REPLACERELAY .`.;j 1. Remove four lead wires to relay terminals. 2. Hold back spring clips holding relay. 3. Pry relay out. Replace and rewire. • Push up on heater coils to clear TO INSTALL NEW HEATER: heater'brackets (Fig. 7-2) • Remove heater through ashpan opening. (Fig. 7-3) Note: Brackets may be wedged tightly in slots in wall. It is okay to remove brackets, but not absolutely necessary. Reverse above procedure. Locate heater in brackets, making sure that brackets are seated in the slots within the incinerator wall. (Fig. 7-2) IMPORTANT; LOCATE HEATER IN LOWEST POSITION WITHIN THE HEATER BRACKET. • Replace insulation and cover over heater cold ends. (Fig. 7-1) • CAREFULLY replace heater wire terminals. Use two (2) end wrenches to prevent twisting the heater stud terminals which would break the moisture seal at end of heater. (Fig. 7-1) Replace thermocouple by pushing knurled cylinder to compress spring. Turning to engage stud, then releasing. The spring must be under compression to insure that tip of thermocouple makes contact with outer surface of heater. (Fig. 5, 7-1) • Replace access panel, ashpan, top. Close circuit breaker. • Start cycle to test heater and total operation. TIMER & TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER In actual operation, when timer reaches temperature controller red light will be on THE KEY TO TROUBLESHOOTING end of timed interval, its red light goes off, constantly until heater reaches about 1200 Timer and temperature controller are blinking green light becomes steady degrees F, at which point controller red within control box in upper right corner of again. During the timed interval, light goes off and the heater relay opens. housing, accessible with top removed (Fig. Controller red light comes on again after 8) Timer has two lights: green and red. 30 seconds or so, stays on for about 40 Temperature controller has one light: red: seconds, then goes off again, and so on A steady green light on timer indicates that START until the end of the timer interval. unit has power and is ready for operation. GREEN SWITCH TIMER ADJUSTMENT: See Fig. 8. When start button is pushed, green light LIGHT Timer dial reads 0 to 3 hrs. Timer pointer begins blinking and the red light is on and ", $( reads 1.0 hrs. If INCINOLET is used stays on for a timed interval, during which TIMER CONTROL primarily for solids deposits in rapid time temperature controller is activated RED BOX succession and incineration is incomplete, and its red light is on. Controller red light LIGHT x move pointer to 1.5 hrs. If used means that the heater relay is activated throughout the day, both for urine and and supplying power to heater. Controller solids, timer would be best set at 1.0 hrs., red light stays on until (1) timer cuts off R�°� possibly lower for one person use. To after the timed interval, or (2) heater .; adjust timer, remove top (see p. 3). Turn reaches maximum allowed temperature CONTROLLER , dial so timer reads new setting. Replace and thermocouple signals controller to top. DO NOT MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENT open relay. FIG. s REQUIRING SCREWDRIVER. HEATER FAILURE TIMER FAILURE INCOMPLETE INCINERATION Blower comes on but heater doesn't heat. Timer comes on, blower and heater are on Can be any one of several causes: Remove top, examine timer and controller when start button is pushed but go off 1. Start switch not pushed each time as above. If both timer and controller when push button is released. REPLACE toilet is used. (Incinerate solids lights are on, then heater has failed. To TIMER. immediately. Urine deposits may be verify, remove access panel, measure accumulated.) voltage directly across heater terminals, not from terminal to ground. If voltage appears, REPLACE HEATER. If no voltage appears, check circuit further. THERMOCOUPLE FAILURE If timer lights are working as above but controller red light is not on, test thermo- couple. Unplug toilet, remove side access panel. Remove wire nuts from thermo- couple leads (#6 & #7). Twist these two leads together, then plug unit in and push start button. If controller red light comes on, REPLACE THERMOCOUPLE. GROUNDED SYSTEM Circuit breaker opens when start button is pushed. To test heater: Remove access panel, remove orange lead wires to heater terminals. With ohmmeter, measure resistance of heater across terminals, from each terminal to grounded housing. If heater shows open circuit, zero resistance between either terminal and housing, REPLACE HEATER. Examine all wiring which might be grounded by touching housing. REPLACE OR TAPE BARE WIRE. START SWITCH FAILURE Nothing comes on. Inspect timer lights as you push start button. Red light should come on, green light should begin blinking. If not, REPLACE START SWITCH. BLOWER STOPS WHEN HEATER 2. Ashpan too full. Empty more often. GOES OFF AT END OF CYCLE 3. Too many people using toilet. Blower should be on from 35 to 50 4. Timer setting too low. Add more minutes after heater cuts off. Remove time. access panel, inspect for loose wiring. BLOWER DOES NOT OPERATE Blower must come on when start button is pushed and stay on for about 120 min. from start of each cycle. DO THIS: 1. Check to see if blower wheel can move freely. If binding, inspect Allen screw holding wheel to motor shaft. Tighten if necessary. 2. Push start button and listen for humming sound like motor is trying to start. This would indicate bad motor bearings. REPLACE BLOWER MOTOR. BLOWER OFF AND ON AT CYCLE END It is normal for blower to stop for 4 or 5 minutes, then start again for a few minutes a couple of times at end of cycle. If, however, blower stops and starts rapidly, blower (ITS) thermostat is faulty. REPLACE ITS THERMOSTAT. EXCESSIVE NOISE, VIBRATION CLEAN OR REPLACE BLOWER WHEEL ASH IS CAKED, HARD TO REMOVE 1. Place a cupful of clay -type kitty litter in bottom of ashpan before use. 2. Soak empty ashpan in hot water. ODOR WITHIN ROOM Can be any one of several causes: 1. Ventline too long, too small, too many elbows, or otherwise clogged. Sides of unit may become hot. Correct by straightening or increasing diameter of ventline. 2. Failure to use bowl liner each and every time. 3. Solids not completely incinerated in one cycle. May need to run an additional cycle from time to time. 4. Ashpan too full. Empty more often. 5. Blower wheel clogged. Inspect, clean. 6. Backdrafting. Run ventline vertically with rain cap at top. 7. Incinerator lid not closing completely. Check lid and flushing mechanism. ODOR OUTSIDE Check above causes of odor, -plus: 1. Catalyst level is low. Replenish. 2. Catalyst has "set". Stir with thin rod. BOWL HANGS OPEN; FOOT PEDAL WON'T RETURN Foot pedal may be going down too far and locking up. Put block under foot pedal to prevent excess travel. Bowl half may be catching on flushing mechanism. If so, bend bowl half slightly to clear. :FOR SERVICE OR PARTS CALL ' 7.800-5274551 = CAUTION CALL WEEKDAYS 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM CENTRAL TIME. We will do our very best to assist you. Please supply the following information: Serial Numbr Model Year Purchased Number of persons using Full time use? Part time use? Does heater come on? How long does it stay on? Does blower come on? How long does it stay on? PLEASE HAVE THIS INFORMATION READY SO WE MAY SERVE YOU BETTER. WARRANTY OUR BILLING'POLICY THIS APPLIANCE, AS ANY OTHER APPLIANCE, CAN BE HAZARDOUS IF IMPROPERLY USED AND MAINTAINED. YOUNG CHILDREN SHOULD BE CLOSELY SUPERVISED WHEN USING THIS TOILET. Repair work must be performed by competent, experienced personnel. IMPORTANT: TURN OFF ELECTRIC POWER TO TOILET BEFORE DOING ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE. See actual warranty for details. As our customer, you have a 30 day open You may return the INCINOLET for full account for parts. When we ship you a refund less freight charges within 30 days WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER COSTS part, we invoice you for the price of that of its receipt, provided it is returned WHICH YOU MAY INCUR WITHOUT part plus cost of shipping, regardless of unused, undamaged and in the original OUR PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL. warranty. If your INCINOLET is in carton. Later returns are subject to a warranty and if you return the faulty part, substantial restocking charge. we will then cancel the invoice and send you a copy of the cancelled invoice. :�--_;WIRING INSTRUCTIONS: This unit is furnished with an electric cord and plug. It requires a circuit containing no other appliance and is protected with a 20 amp circuit breaker. Plug type is 5-20P. Receptacle.type is 5-20R. NEVER CONNECT TO POWER BEFORE THE VENTLINE HAS BEEN INSTALLED. NOTE: UNIT IS GROUNDED INTERNALLY THROUGH THE FURNISHED CORD AND PLUG. MAKE CERTAIN THAT YOUR CIRCUIT HAS ADEQUATE GROUNDING. WIRING DIAGRAM WIRE COLORS: Black=B Red=R Blue=BL Orange=0 Gray=G Purple=P Tan=T White=W Brown=BR TC LEAD 7 IS (-) TC LEAD 6 IS (+) A,B,C,D,E,F ARE WIRE NUTS= CONTROL ELEMENTS A CONNECTS BL3, R7, B3, R2, T1 E CONNECTS G6, 6 ITS - Inverse thermostat for controlling blower - F-130 B CONNECTS B1, BL3, 02 F CONNECTS P7, 7 STS - Safety thermostat in case of exhaust failure - L-140 C CONNECTS W1, W3, W10 G CONNECTS W3, W4, W8 TS - Limit thermostat to prevent overheating - L-325 D CONNECTS BL9, BL9 SW - Start Switch wi w3 THERMOCOUPLE JW1 0 R6 "E' 'F" W8 G6 5 7 F7 2' sw R3 INPUT VOLTAGE TIMER COtJi ROLLER I BLt ITS H3CR E502 R2 02 -B" RELAY HEATER G7L1 , srs 03 0 120 Volt 20 amp receptacle - 5-20R CALL TOLL FREE NATIONWIDE 1-800-527-5551 RESEARCH PRODUCTS/Blankenship 2639 Andjon Dallas, TX 75220 214-358-4238 FAX 214-350-7919 PARTS LIST PAN 022 - ASHPAN, COMPOSITE, SS PAN 017 - ASHPAN, ALUMINUM INSERT HOU 003 - BLOWER HOUSING, SS MOT 004 - BLOWER MOTOR, 120 VOLT WHE 001 - BLOWER WHEEL CAT 002 - CATALYST, 2# BAG HEA 023 - HEATER, 1.8KW, 120 VOLT BRA 009 - BRACKET SET, FOR HEATER LID 006 - LID, INCINERATOR, COMPLETE SEAT & LID SEA 001 - SEAT & LID SPR 003 - SPRING, 1/4 DIA X 4 LONG SWI 001 - SWITCH, START CON 017 -TEMP. CONTROLLER, TOP WITH STAINLESS STEEL 120 VOLT, OMRONBOWL I BOWLHALVES TIM 016 - TIMER, OMRON REL 005 - RELAY, 120 VOLT OMRON j I I TOP 003 - TOP, SS, WITH BOWL HALVES THE 012 - TS THERMOSTAT - L-325 Ii I THE 014 - ITS THERMOSTAT - F-130 HINGED BOWL \I IN CLOSED THE 013 - STS THERMOSTAT - L-140 POSTION BLOWER MOTOR -� BLOWER WHEEL I SPRING INCINERATOR LID HEATER ALUMINUM ASHPAN INSERT ASHPAN CAMLOC LATCH FOR ASHPAN INCINERATOR CHAMBER 0 VENT � f ASHPAN I �A PANEL ' e GUARD FOOT PEDAL ACCESS PANEL RUBBER BOOT b SCREWS rj HINGED BOWL IN OPEN POSITION t TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER _ START BUTTON FOOT PEDAL ASSEMBLY TIMER STS THERMOSTAT CONTROL BOX -- BLOWER HOUSING HEATER TERMINALS BASE PLATE ITS THERMOSTAT ITS THERMOSTAT IS LOCATED BELOW AND TO THE RIGHT OF ITS THERMOSTAT. 1919.5) 7 I Q • .q ..� „Tj eAY C 0 0 ^'t "� , 1 o CD0 O O y O R Po O -... ._._.-.._._..--_—._..., ... ....-.�_-�...._.0 0 > CD N CD An CDw CD CD �' `< , 1 a cu co a- CD w o CD O- a CD y w CD CCD` tC A A CDa •, `� O cr A O `C sw L1 CD • i7 w p kv `C3 O_ rn ax x O O ON CCD A p ca.� sw O QQ. O N G. O -t CD OQ ^' CCD Oo O O j In sw 0 O y CD= m U4CD '+ w C O. CCD 0o �• -- N A II' v1 (D P < �. CD Q. O. (D CD —I y. p A Ca.. g aq ly D n `t7 N C K I 1 O -t A co 'Z3 0 w N� R `' >! n •s .l O O Q _ �A-e w C° = (D } o 0 - oo a 0 co C) 1 E. 0 0 0 r z� J�F INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1773-98 BP NO. OWNER: JOHN BOLES PHONE: 970-926-3589 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 717, EDWARDS, CO 81632 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 4200 SALT CREEK RD., EAGLE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 210728300044 LICENSED INSTALLER: GOPHIR EXCAVATING, KIT REID LICENSE NO. 26-98 PHONE: 926-2409 DESIGN ENGINEER: PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON GREY WATER HOLDING TANK WITH AN ALARM DEVICE TO SIGNAL WHEN PUMPING IS NECESSARY. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: PROVIDE MANHOLES (RISER RINGS IF NECESSARY) ON TANK TO WITHIN 8 INCHES OF FINISHED GRADE TO FACILITATE PUMPING. INSTALL A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FI ING INSTALLATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: AUGUST 3, 1998 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: tie Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE -DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8-55/927-3823 (Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 * PERCOLATION TEST FEE 8125.00 MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" �c��r:���r�c��x PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: -;�.o �c7x -7, 7 ��� CO PHONE: �j2(,• �' APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:y 0 � ��Cam_ PHONE: g2 32oZ LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: rr 1(o v PHONE: COMPANY/DBA :je�v% ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: NEW INSTALLATION LOCATION OF PROPOSED NEW SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM:- LTERATION ( ) REPAIR Legal Description: l ,cat- �}(,S¢c _ Zq 4-2�s nu — ' • - � i tiariC� w Tax Parcel Number: _ o2,1072 Rr,,00 - UH Li Lot Size: A-c- Physical Address: L_zoc') �Sa- rr BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (� Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Number of Bedrooms Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) { ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface �/'4' ( ) Public Name of Supplier: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: /, ww�ww � AMOUNT PAID: 60 RECEIPT DATE: 5" l 12 J- /q � CHECK: („ L� CASHIER: TIME LOG: TRAVEL: PERC: FINAL: Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: July 31, 1998 TO: Gophir Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1773-98, Tax Parcel #2107-283-00-044. Property Location: 4200 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Boles residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1773-98. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Also enclosed is the ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form. The items on this form need to be completed before you call for your final inspection. Also, please note any special conditions which may have been placed on the permit. If all items are not completed, a reinspection fee of $42.50 must be paid before a reinspection is made. Please call our office well in advance to allow for scheduling of final inspection. Your building permit TCO will not be issued until final approval has been given for the ISDS Permit. Permit specif :ations are minimum r-'quirements only, and should be bro-.ght to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Enclosures: ISDS permit # 1773-98; ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form May Is, 1995 Laura Fawcett Eagle County Environmental Health P.O. Box 170 Eagle, CO 81631 Via Pax: 328.7185 Re: ISM Permit — 4200 Salt Creek Road Dear Laura: Per your request, the pray water vault as noted on my permit application wail be placed so as to allow pumping. In addition I understand that it will need to have some sort of signaling device to notify us that it needs to be pumped and that a clean out will need to be Installed between the building and the vault. Please contact me with any further questions. Sincerely, ?e4— John Boles Post Office Box 1279 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 928-3202 Fax: (970) 926-2078 7 ' d S3109 8 Z 0z9a60'�6 WU02 : Ba 26' 91 �,dwl I —I — JV 1. - 1-H 1 I -I; V +G.tic u1 O .OVLC.J May 18,1998 Laura Fawcett Eagle County Environmental Health P.C. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Via Fax 328-7185 Re: ISM Perrrid — 4200 Befit Creek Load Dear Laura: Per your request, the gray water vault as noted on my permit application will be placed so as to allow pumping. In addition I understand that It will need to have scene sort of signaling device to notify us that It needs to be pumped and that a ocean out will need to be installed between the building and the vault. Please contact me with any further questions. Sincerely, 4 1&— John Boles Post Me Box 1279 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 926-3202 Fax, (970) 926-2076 4200 Salt Creek Rd. BOLES JOB NAME Eagle JOB NO. / / q VO LOCATION BILL TO DATE STAR TED 5 ry 0 JDATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED po ig 9� a. ioov _.._.--- ...... JOB OST SUMMARY Vo TOTAL SELLING PRICE i TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALE misc. �V ,350 - 3/241bi, Gl c o 7 JOB FOLDER Product 278 JOB FOLDER