HomeMy WebLinkAbout276 Creek Side Ln - 210936202001Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-022215-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 9/1/2021 Expires: 12/30/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 276 CREEK SIDE LN, EAGLE AREA,210936202001 Owner Information Address Jennifer White 276 Creek Side Lane Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: Cell: Email: jenmdouglas@gmail.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email JVA Inc, Simon Farrell (303) 444-1951 sfarrell@jvajva.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the JVA, Inc. design stamped, signed on August 17th, 2021 and dated August 18th, 2021 by Simon A. Farrell, PE. This OWTS is designed with capacity to serve a 5 bedroom residence. The system consists of a Valley Precast 1,250 gallon, single compartment tank with effluent screen and alarm placed on the outlet, followed by a 2,000 gallon Valley Precast 3 compartment recirculating/dose tank which will send wastewater to two, Advantex AX 20 pods for nitrification using an Orenco PF 500512 pump. Nitrified effluent flows to the splitter valve (mode 3B) for recirculation to the 1,250 gallon first tank for denitrification then is dosed using an Orenco PF 500712 pump to 960 square feet of soil treatment area via two beds each consisting of four rows of 20 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers for a total of 80 Infiltrator chambers. Distribution lateral details, along with orifice size, spacing and orientation are on the design drawing. The contractor must verify that all electrical components and inspections are covered under the electrical permit associated with the Orenco Vericom control panel and pump connections. The alarm must be connected to a separate circuit. Additional pump details are on the design drawing. Advantex systems must conform to the CDPHE technology approval letter dated May 1, 2018. A licensed installer has not been identified. No person shall install, renovate, or repair an OWTS in Eagle County (EC) without a valid EC Systems Contractor License. Any person that conducts a business as a systems contractor without having obtained a valid license section commits a Class 1 petty offense as defined in section 18-1.3-503, C.R.S. Please notify the department when an installer is identified, prior to installation of the OWTS. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Wednesday, September 1, 2021 1 THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Danielle Salinsky Date September 01, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2 TBD August 18, 2021 Ms. Claire Lewandowski, REHS Eagle County Environmental Health 590 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Frost Creek - Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Design – Lots 69, Eagle County, CO Dear Claire: JVA Inc. (JVA) has prepared a design of an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) to serve Lot 69 within the Frost Creek PUD. JVA is the designated engineer to process all OWTS permit applications within Frost Creek. JVA has prepared the OWTS design to be in general conformance with OWTS requirements of the PUD. The 2020 annual Water Quality Monitoring Report prepared by Wright Water Engineers documents exceedances of the 85th percentile background concentrations during sampling events in 2020. The report states the following ‘While the concentrations observed in 2020 were high for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids in surface water, upon evaluation of the pattern of concentrations of each water quality parameter for surface and groundwater at the Frost Creek PUD, there are no evident increasing trends in the concentration of the sampled parameters that were outside of the range of historical values. Therefore, all three components of the trigger limits have not yet been met, and mitigation action is not yet required.’ Sincerely, JVA, INCORPORATED By: _______________________ Simon Farrell, P.E. Project Manager, Associate Attachment A - OWTS design – Lot 69 Attachment B - Visual and Tactile Soil Evaluation Attachment C - Discharge pump calculations FROST CREEK LOT #69 ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT SET AUGUST 2021 Set No._______ JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver 08/17/2021 DESIGN CRITERIA AND GENERAL NOTESG0.1 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WHITE RESIDENCEFROST CREEK LOT 69EAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.28e AUGUST 2021 SAF JNG JNG JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver 08/17/2021 creek side lanePrivate Right-of-WaySITE PLANC1.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WHITE RESIDENCEFROST CREEK LOT 69EAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.28e AUGUST 2021 SAF JNG JNG JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver 08/17/2021 TREATMENT SYSTEM DETAILSCD1.0 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WHITE RESIDENCEFROST CREEK LOT 69EAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.28e AUGUST 2021 SAF JNG JNG JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver 08/17/2021 SOIL TREATMENT AREA DETAILSCD1.1 REVISION DESCRIPTIOND'WNDES'DDATENO.DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JOB #: DATE: © JVA, INC.WHITE RESIDENCEFROST CREEK LOT 69EAGLE, COLORADOSHEET NO. 1037.28e AUGUST 2021 SAF JNG JNG JVA, Inc.1319 Spruce Street www.jvajva.com Boulder, CO 80302 303.444.1951 Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter Park Glenwood Springs ● Denver 08/17/2021 July 23, 2021 Ms. Claire Lewandowski, REHS Eagle County Environmental Health 590 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Frost Creek Lot 69 – Site and Soil Investigation for an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) JVA Job No. 1037.28e Dear Claire: Enclosed in this report are the results of the site and soil evaluation for Lot 69 proposed OWTS located in Frost Creek, Colorado. This report provides information needed to support the design of an OWTS including: results from the preliminary investigation, the site visit, and the soil evaluation. Design calculations are included in the drawing Permit Set attached. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION In preparation for the site visit and soil evaluation, a preliminary investigation was conducted the week of April 1st, 2021. Architectural site plans, aerial imagery, and previous Geotechnical investigations were used for the preliminary investigation. Geotechnical investigations were performed by HP Geotech in October 2002 across Frost Creek for OWTS suitability. Results from the HP Geotech report showed that for the proposed location, Test Hole A and B had a topsoil from zero to six inches deep and a silty sand from six inches to eight feet deep. No groundwater was encountered in either hole. SITE VISIT AND SOIL EVALUATION A site visit and soil evaluation were conducted the week of June 22nd, 2021. The purpose of the site visit and soil evaluation was to confirm hypotheses from the preliminary investigation, identify the topography, landscape position, vegetation, and site constraints for the proposed OWTS, and to conduct a visual and tactile soil evaluation of the underlying soils where the proposed soil treatment area (STA) is to be located for both suitability and sizing. The topography of the site slopes slightly from east to west. The dominant vegetation at the proposed OWTS consists of native grasses. Site Constraints are shown in the Permit Documents. For the visual and tactile soil evaluation, two soil profile holes were excavated using a tracked excavator in the locations identified in the Permit Documents. As seen in Table 1 below, soil morphology for Soil Profile Hole One from zero to eight feet was Soil Type 2A. The soil morphology for Soil Profile Hole Two from zero to six inches was Soil Type 2A, from six inches to eight feet was Soil Type R-1, Option 1. No redoximorphic features, indicating seasonally high groundwater, were observed in either hole. Figures 1 through 4 below show the soil profile holes and corresponding morphology. Therefore, Soil Type R-1 Option 1 with 2A was identified as the soil type. Frost Creek Lot 69 Site and Soil Investigation 7/23/21 2 of 3 Table 1 – Visual and Tactile Soil Results Profile Hole Depth (ft.) Percent Rock Soil Texture Soil Structure Type Soil Structure Grade Soil Type 1 0 – 7.5 0% retained on 20 mm sieve 5% retained on 2 mm sieve Loam Granular Weak 2A 7.5 – 8 5% retained on 20 mm sieve 15% retained on 2 mm sieve Sandy Loam Granular Weak 2A 2 0 – 0.5 0% retained on 20 mm sieve 0% retained on 2 mm sieve Loam Granular Weak 2A 0.5 – 2.5 20% retained on 20 mm sieve 50% retained on 2 mm sieve Sandy Loam Granular Weak R-1, Opt.1 / 2A 2.5 – 8 10% retained on 20 mm sieve 30% retained on 2 mm sieve Sand Blocky Weak R-1, Opt.1 / 2A Figure 1 – Profile Hole One Figure 2 – Profile Hole One Soil Morphology Figure 3 – Profile Hole Two Figure 4 – Profile Hole Two Soil Morphology Frost Creek Lot 69 Site and Soil Investigation 7/23/21 3 of 3 Sincerely, JVA, INCORPORATED By: _______________________ Julie Gustavson Design Engineer Job Name: Frost Creek Lot 69 Job Number: 1037.6e Date: 8/9/2021 By: JNG Line Variable Description Value Unit Note Lateral Distribution Piping Nlaterals Number of Laterals being feed by one pump cycle = 4.0 -- 4 trenches Llateral Lateral Length = 83 ft Orifice Spacing = 2.5 ft Manual Input Norifices Number of Orifices per Lateral = 33 -- Orifice Discharge and Total Flow Corifice Orifice Discharge Coefficient = 0.63 -- Sharp Edge Dorifice Diameter of Orifice = 0.13 in 1/8'' diameter orifice g Acceleration due to Gravity = 32.2 ft/s2 hn Residual Head at last Orifice = 5.00 ft Chosen value. Qn Discharge from Single Orifice = 0.43 gpm = 2.45Corfice·(Dorfice)2·(2ghn)0.5 Qlateral Flow into Each Lateral = 14.37 gpm = Qn x Norifice Qtotal Total Flow into Soil Treatment Area = 57.5 gpm = Qlateral x Nlaterals Headloss in Lateral Distribution Piping (Hazen-Williams) Clateral Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150 -- For PVC dLateral Lateral Inside Diameter = 1.59 in For 1.5'' SCH 40 hlateral Headloss due to Friction in Lateral = 1.18 ft = 10.5Llateral·(Qlateral/Clateral)1.85·(dlateral)-4.87 hf-lateral Actual Headloss due to Friction in Lateral = 0.392 ft = 1/3 x hlateral (Accounting for Orifices) Headloss in Manifold (Hazen-Williams) Lmanifold Length of Manifold = 24 ft Same as the STA Max Width dmanifold Manifold Inside Diameter = 1.59 in For 1.5'' SCH 40 Cmanifold Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150 -- For PVC hmanifold Headloss due to Friction in Manifold = 4.42 ft = 10.5Lmanifold·(Qtotal/Cmanifold)1.85·(dmanifold)-4.87 hf-manifold Actual Headloss due to Friction in Manifold = 1.47 ft = 1/3 x hmanifold (Accounting for Orifices) Headloss in Delivery Piping (Hazen-Williams) Lpipe Length of Delivery Pipe = 225 ft From Dosing chamber to manifold dpipe Delivery Pipe Inside Diameter = 1.82 in For 2'' HDPE DR 9 Cpipe Hazen-Williams Coefficient = 150 -- For HDPE Pipe hf-pipe Headloss due to Friction in Pipe = 21.97 ft = 10.5Lpipe·(Qtotal/Cpipe)1.85·(dpipe)-4.87 Total Dynamic Head (Hazen-Williams) hf-fittings Headloss due to Fittings = 2.88 ft One 90 deg bend to STA. Six 90 deg bends to laterals Headloss through Automatic Distirbuting Valve = 0.00 ft hs Static Head = 8.50 ft Max Elevation difference (typically in tank or to ADV) TDH Total Dynamic Head = 40.22 ft = hs + hf-fittings + hf-pipe + hf-manifold + hf-lateral + hn Volume of pipes Delivery Pipe (drainback to tank) = 30 gal = ((3.14/4)*(dpipe/12)2*(Lpipe))*7.48 STA Laterals = 34 gal = ((3.14/4)*(dpipe/12)2*(Lpipe))*7.49 Total Volume = 65 gal Duty Point Flowrate =57 gpm Total Dynamic Head =40 ft FROST CREEK LOT 69 PUMP CALCULATIONS FC Lot 69 Pump Calculation - Pump Design Calculations Page 1 of 2 Job Name: Frost Creek Lot 69 Job Number: 1037.6e Date: 8/9/2021 By: JNG FC Lot 69 Pump Calculation - Pump Design Calculations Page 2 of 2 Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: INSP-524733-2023 Permit Number: OWTS-022215-2021 Inspection Date: 08/22/2023 Inspector: Lewandowski, Claire Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: NewOwner:Jennifer White Job Address:276 CREEK SIDE LN IVR Pin Number:193942 EAGLE AREA, CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:210936202001 Contractor:Phone: (970) 977-0261 / Cell: (970) 977-0261Bronn Excavating Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes Waiting for Final Cert, Record Drawing, and Photos Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank 11.15.22 Pass. A Valley Precast 1,250 gallon, single compartment tank with effluent screen and alarm placed on the outlet, followed by a 2,000 gallon Valley Precast 3 compartment recirculating/dose tank sends wastewater to two, Advantex AX 20 pods for nitrification using an Orenco PF 500512 pump. Nitrified effluent flows to the splitter valve (mode 3B) for recirculation to the 1,250 gallon first tank for denitrification then is dosed using an Orenco PF 500712 pump. Added Item: Record Drawing Received 8/24/2023 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Record Photos Received 8/24/2023 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Site and Soil 11.15.22 Pass. Received 8/23/2021 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Higher Level Treatment System 11.15.22 Pass O&M received 8/24/2023 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Received 8/24/2023 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Pressure Distribution 11.15.22 Pass Added Item: General Plan Thursday, August 24, 2023 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 11.15.22 Pass. Received 8/23/2021 from JVA Inc. Added Item: Soil Treatment Area (STA) 11.15.22 Pass. 960 square feet of soil treatment area via two beds each consisting of four rows of 20 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers for a total of 80 Infiltrator chambers was installed. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Dave Bronn was the Eagle County Licensed OWTS Contractor. Thursday, August 24, 2023 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 August 23, 2023 Claire Lewandowski, Environmental Health Specialist III Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway Street Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Final Certification – 276 Creek Side Lane, Lot 69 Dear Claire: The Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) covered under Eagle County Permit No. OWTS-022215-2021 was installed by David Bronn for 276 Creek Side Lane, and is ready for final certification from Eagle County Environmental Health. This letter certifies that the OWTS was started up successfully. The contractor made changes to the approved design in the field, these changes are captured in the record drawings. The final record drawings from JVA, signed maintenance contract, and construction photographs are provided as attachments. As part of the final approval process JVA observed that start-up was completed by the manufacturer’s representative. The system is connected and can be monitored remotely as required in the PUD. Sincerely, JVA, INCORPORATED By: ________________________ Simon Farrell, P.E. Project Manager, Associate Enclosure: Attachment A – Record Drawings Attachment B – Maintenance Contract Attachment C – Construction Photographs CC: Chelsea Fagan, JVA Julie Gustavson, JVA ATTACHMENT A – RECORD DRAWINGS ATTACHMENT B – MAINTENANCE CONTRACT ATTACHMENT C – CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS Lot 69 Construction Photographs