HomeMy WebLinkAbout6657 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194133301004INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P 100 P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1482 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Terry Ekl PHONE: (708) 654-0045 MAILINGADDRESS: 115 W. 55th St. , Suite 400 city: Clarendon Hillsstata: IL ZIP: 60514. APPLICANT: Phillip Curtois PHONE: 476-8233 SYSTEMLOCATION: 5804 Bellyache Rd., Wolcott TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 1941-333-01-004 LICENSED INSTALLER: Strait Excavation/Robert Strait LICENSENO: 31-95 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 1368 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install 38 infiltrators as per owners request. Install inspection portals at at the end of each trench. Rake trench side walls whereever there is smearing of clays. Call county for final insp to backfilling. J ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: .^ 6 r DATE: L CONDITIONS: i. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1368 SQUAREFEET. via 38 infiltrator units INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLON 260ON DEGREES 46T511 FEETFROM house SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY X YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/ STATE REQUIREMENTS: X YES _ NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: Cleanout to be installed between tank and house. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: % a �.v-_-+ DATE: August 2. 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT# CHECK# ' 4 (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # ! U APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" ************************************************************************** PROPERTY OWNER: ;2!X�7-7f �[o PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: eo APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON. ��`/�'/>�� . �c�2c'✓ PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: Aox i 3/'.y 019-11--. C®. LICENSED ISDS COMPANY/DBA: CONTRACTOR: ���/�>� `S G,�(//i�7-d4�/ PHONE: ( e17-) 2- 74VO ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (-j New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # ( if known) Legal Description: Subdivision: Af-U- i�eZ107:r-Filing•_Block• Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: / �{ - aj- p / - Q ® Lot Size: Street Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (,gResidential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF W TER SUPPLY: (Well ( ) ( ) Public Name (Check applicable category) Spring ( ) Surface of Supplier: Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systequ'r Z_aRegistered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: ✓ Date:�C3 ************************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: �O_ (.� RECEIPT #: , /7_ DATE: CHECK #: CASHIER: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO august 2, 1995 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 Terry Ekl _ 115 W. 55th St., Suite 400 Clarendon Hill, IL. 60514 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1482-95 Parcel #1941-333-01-004 Property located at: 5804 Bellyache Rd., Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Ekl, This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records., This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Melissa Trujillo Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit enclosures COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO June 21, 1995 Robert Strait,Strait Excavation Environmental Health Division Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1482 Tax Parcel #1941-333-01-004 Property Location:5804 Bellyache Rd.,Wolcott,Co. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1482-95 is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please.call our office well in advance for the final inspection. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. cc: files COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE•May 26, 1995 Philip Courtois P.O. Box 1313 Vail, CO 81657 Dear I.S.D.S. Applicant: 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328-7207 Your application for an Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit for Bellyache II has been received. Issuance of your permit is on hold until the following materials or fee(s) are submitted. Payment of $150.00 Application Fee Payment of $200.00 Percolation Test Fee X Site Plan Licensed System Contractor (See attached list) Engineer Design Other:A physical address for the site. Comments: I conducted the first perc test on 5/16195; Perc rate 40mpi, but with amount of clay I determined a perc of 60 mpi. Soil Profile was O.K. in the original site, but on 5123195 the owner moved the building site. New perc and soil profile will need to be excavated. Philip Courtois did pay the application fee and perc test fee on 4/27/95, receipt #14387, No permit issued yet. Please keep in mind that an incomplete ISDS permit ¢C application will result in delaying issuance of any corresponding �9C building permits. M, 0 11553 SUBDIVISION LOT 6 - 1 4o'noll ISDS PERMIT PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT. OWNER: q LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MAILING ADDRr�,'; TYPE OF DWELa. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS TEST HOLES PIRT1 YES NO rPTMV ■eie ��a�ais , is ' NMI MINIM A1011101 IMME111 * iiii��i�i Ni� WIN MINIM E 01M IF01 = I on in, I I NEI FAX Time to drop last inch PERC RATE: '0 )LA? MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SI E: MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: COMMENTS: zz Aegc "o PUC,TEST DONE BY: A Health rev. 6/9-Oks cer DATE: ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form is Tank 7Tank (OO � yal. Tank Material is located ft. and Ugrees from (p r anent landmark) Tank is located ft. and degrees from (permanent landmark) Tank set level. Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. Size of field ft2 units lineal ft. Technology. ,./�"w Cleankut is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). ,--,,-There is a "T''.that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber gasket etc. �f Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. Measure distance and relative direction to field. c/Depth of field ft. Soil interface raked. Inspection portals at the end of each trench. Proper distance to setbacks. Other . Inspection meets requirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 10 Tank 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 1 OEM I■■■■■SER®Syla■■o®■■ ■■!=■ MEMO 1■■i■■■■■■ESI i�ROMENEMESES s�■■��■ I�l71 NOMINEES ■■■■■i�t■■■�■i■i■■■M■M■■ 1482-95 Tax Parcel #1941-333-01-004 JOB Lot 7, Bellyache II 1✓��L 5804 Bellyache Rd., Wolcott JOB NO. BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED y� ,tuv - 1 oL- 4 5 f Li7& Z �q15 , u5 - i oo Z= 3 b cL, . C100 r4S = ado �+z 4, JOB COST SUMMARY j1 z —�lS - z;Y�� 2�Dd - `��.Cp`-� Can OTAL SELLING PRICE 'TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 ®® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 �. - _ JOB FOLDER JOB FOLDER brit Ael w i C . Printed in U.S.A. Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-021822-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Minor Repair Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 7/6/2021 Expires: 11/3/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE RD, WOLCOTT AREA,194133301004 Owner Information Address John Murray Phone: Cell: Email: Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email LKP Engineering, Inc., Luiza Petrovska, PE (970) 390-0307 luiza@lkpeng.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Blue Monster Service bluemonsterservice@gmai l.com (970) 390-1898 Permitted Construction / Details: Complete replacement of the original system, permit 1482-95, as depicted in the LKP Engineering design, stamped, signed , and dated July 20,2021, by Luiza Petrovska. The new system is designed to serve the existing 5 bedroom residence. The chambers in the soil treatment area were observed full of soil during a site visit on July 16th upon inspection of the permitted tank replacement was observed completed on July 15th, as depicted in the LKP Engineering Inc design dated June 24, 2021. The failed tank was completely removed in conformance with ECPHA OWTS Regulation 43.9.C. The replacement system consists of the new 1,500 gallon two compartment Roth Poly septic tank with effluent filter in the outlet tee, followed by a 500 gallon dosing tank, equipped with a Infiltrator PF500511 high head effluent pump with floats set to deliver 90 gallons of effluent per dose to the soil treatment area (STA). The STA consists of an over excavated bed with three feet of sand media with four pressurized pipes within 4 rows of 16 Quick4 Standard Plus Infiltrator chambers, for a total of 64 chambers. NOTE: Emergency use of the existing tank is permitted until the STA is replaced and inspected. The tank must be capped and equipped with a high water alarm with floats set to 75% capacity. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date July 06, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Wednesday, July 21, 2021 1 Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-021822-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Minor Repair Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 7/6/2021 Expires: 11/3/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE RD, WOLCOTT AREA,194133301004 Owner Information Address John Murray Phone: Cell: Email: Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email LKP Engineering, Inc., Luiza Petrovska, PE (970) 390-0307 luiza@lkpeng.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Calzadillas Landscaping calzadillaslandscape@hot mail.com (970) 653-0358OWTSPL-000156-20 21 Permitted Construction / Details: Complete replacement of the original system, permit 1482-95, as depicted in the LKP Engineering design, stamped, signed , and dated July 20,2021, by Luiza Petrovska. The new system is designed to serve the existing 5 bedroom residence. The chambers in the soil treatment area were observed full of soil during a site visit on July 16th upon inspection of the permitted tank replacement was observed completed on July 15th, as depicted in the LKP Engineering Inc design dated June 24, 2021. The failed tank was completely removed in conformance with ECPHA OWTS Regulation 43.9.C. The replacement system consists of the new 1,500 gallon two compartment Roth Poly septic tank with effluent filter in the outlet tee, followed by a 500 gallon dosing tank, equipped with a Infiltrator PF500511 high head effluent pump with floats set to deliver 90 gallons of effluent per dose to the soil treatment area (STA). The STA consists of an over excavated bed with three feet of sand media with four pressurized pipes within 4 rows of 16 Quick4 Standard Plus Infiltrator chambers, for a total of 64 chambers. NOTE: Emergency use of the existing tank is permitted until the STA is replaced and inspected. The tank must be capped and equipped with a high water alarm with floats set to 75% capacity. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date July 06, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Thursday, September 2, 2021 1 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (INSP-511022-2021) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OWTS-021822-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 11/03/2021 ApprovedInspection Status:Inspection Date: OWTS Final InspectionInspection Type:Inspector: Job Address:Parcel Number:6657 Bellyache Ridge Rd Wolcott Area, CO 194133301004 Company Name NameContact Type Contractor Calzadillas Landscaping Jorge Calzadillas Engineer LKP Engineering, Inc.Luiza Petrovska, PE Owner Eagle Park LLC John Murray CommentsPassedChecklist Item True A 500-gallon, one compartment, top seam, precast, concrete, septic tank by Valley Precast with an Orenco PF500511 high-head pump assembly was used. Septic Tank - Septic Tank True Received 11/3/2021 from LKP.Record Drawing - Record Drawing True Received 11/3/2021 from LKP.Record Photos - Record Photos True Received 6/29/2021 from LKP.Site and Soil - Site & Soil True Received 11/3/2021 from LKP.Final Certification Letter - Final Certification Letter True Received 6/29/2021 from LKP.General Plan - General Plan True The soil treatment area consisted of infiltrator chambers arranged in a bed with four rows of thirteen (13) ARC 36 (34”x60”) infiltrator chambers. Soil Treatment Area (STA) - Soil Treatment Area (STA) True Calzadillas Landscaping was the licensed installer.Identification of Systems Contractor - Identification of Systems Contractor November 03, 2021 Page 1 of 1P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. (970) 390-0307 October 28, 2021 Jorge Calzadillas Calzadillas Landscaping, LLC 19635 Highway 131 Bond, CO 80423 calzadillaslandscape@hotmail.com RE: Inspection of Septic System Installation Schneider Residence – 5 Bedroom Lot 7, Bellyache II Subdivision 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road Eagle County, Colorado, Old Septic Permit 1482-95 Re-issued Permit OWTS-021822-2021 Project No. 21-3552 Dear Jorge: At your request on October 7, 2021, twice, we visited the Schneider Property on Lot 7, Bellyache II Subdivision at 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Eagle County, Colorado, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to inspect the installation of the new pump tank and the new Soil Treatment Area (STA) for the replacement of the old system. Previously, on July 15, 2021, at the request from Jose Gonzales, Blue Monster Services, LLC, we also visited the site for the inspection of the newly installed septic tank for the replacement of the old, failed septic tank. The old tank was completely removed (taken to the Eagle County Landfill) in conformance with ECPHA OWTS Regulation 43.9C. The remainder of the system was installed in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 21-3552OWTS.dwg, dated July 20, 2021. At the time of the inspections, we observed the following: They installed new, 500-gallons, one compartment, top seam, precast, concrete, septic tank by Valley Precast with an Orenco PF500511 high-head pump assembly. The control panel for the pump was inside a shed, attached to the back of the garage (as shown on the attached as-built sketch). The new septic tank and the pump tank were connected with 4-inch diameter SDR35 pvc pipe. The pump tank access port had 2-ft high, corrugated, plastic riser with secured, green, plastic cover. The tank cover was secured with nuts, bolts and screws. The effluent line from the pump chamber to the end manifold was 1.5-inch diameter, sch40 pvc. The soil treatment area consisted of infiltrator chambers arranged in a bed with four rows of thirteen (13) ARC 36 (34”x60”) infiltrator chambers. The infiltrator chambers had been substituted, due to supply shortage of the chambers recommended on the design drawing. Three feet of the onsite soil were overexcavated from the bottom of the STA and replaced with three feet of secondary sand media (the graph is attached to this report). Pressure dosing system consisting of 65-ft, 1.25-inch sch40 laterals perforated at the top with 1/8-inch holes at 4-ft intervals, suspended from top of the infiltrator chambers. The ends of the laterals were equipped with flushing assemblies. A squirt test was performed during the inspection. All inspection ports were installed (in the cut out at the middle, end of each chamber). There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE cc: Eagle County Environmental Health Department E-mail: claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us, environment@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2021\20-3552OSIARC36BED-3FTSAND-PRESSUREREPLACE.DOCX кйͿлсͿлйлк GRADATION ANALYSIS TESTLABORATORY TEST REPORT DATALaboratoryClient:Location / Plant:Sample / Product:Sample Date:Lab Test Date:Job Number:SIEVESIEVE OPENING IN MILLIMETERSPERCENT PASSING THRU SIEVE3"751.537.53/4"193/8"9.5 100.0No. 44.75 99.0No. 82.36 83.0No. 161.18 66.0No. 300.6 43.0No. 500.3 19.0No. 1000.15 4.0No. 2000.075 2.2GRADATION RESULTS COMPARED TO PREFERRED AND SECONDARY SAND FILTER SPECIFICATIONSValue UnitsPreferred Sand ValuePass / Fail Preferred SandSecondary Sand ValuePass / Fail Secondary Sand1.03 millimeters0.210 millimeters 0.25 to 0.60FAIL0.15 to 0.60 PASS4.90 unitless ratio < or = 4.0FAIL< or = 7.0 PASS2.2 millimeters < or = 3 PASS < or = 3 PASSEffective Size - D10 - Diameter that 10 percent of the sample is finer than.ENTER INFORMATION IN BLUE CELLS102_01202-Eagle14111-Gypsum 1/4" Concrete Sand9-06-2020 to 10-06-2020Uniformity Coefficient (D60 / D10)Percent passing thru #200 SieveParameterD60 - Diameter that 60 percent of the sample is finer than.01020304050607080901000.01 0.1 1 10 100Percent Passing SieveDiameter of Particle in MillimetersPlot of Gradation Analysis3"1.5"3/4"3/8"#4#8#30#50#100#200#16J:\OWTS\21-3552-United9-06-2020 to 10-06-2020Sand Gradation Analysis Spreadsheet 6/24/2021 TIE INTO THE EXISTING BUILDING SEWER LINE THE LOCATION SHOWN IS ASSUMED AND IT MUST BE VERIFIED DURING CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATE THE BUILDING SEWER LINE TO THE EDGE OF THE PATIO AND CONSTRUCT A CLEANOUT JUST OUTSIDE OF THE CONCRETE PATIO TIE THE NEW EFFLUENT LINE FROM THE NEW SEPTIC TANK TO THE FIRST ROW OF INFILTRATORS THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK COVERS AND TO THE NEAREST INSPECTION PORT FOUND NEAREST INSPECTION PORT THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT WAS COPIED FROM THE EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSORS WEBSITE NOTE: THE ABOVE SKETCH IS FOR PRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT BASED ON A SURVEY AND EVERYTHING MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED EXISTING RESIDENCE WITH 5-BEDROOMS EXISTING 1000 GALLONS, PLASTIC SEPTIC TANK TO BE ABANDONED ACCORDING TO THE OWTS #43.9 .C REGS PROPOSED, NEW, TWO-COMPARTMENTS ROTH MultiTank® RMT-1500 SEPTIC TANK OLD ISDS PERMIT #1482-95 PROJECT NO.: SCALE: DRAWING NO.: NOTE: THE LOCATION OF THE SEPTIC TANK IS APPROXIMATE. IT IS NOT BASED ON A SURVEY. THE BUILDING SKETCH IS FROM THE EAGLE COUNTY GIS TO BE USED ONLY AS ROUGH PRESENTATION OF TE LOCATION LOT 7, BELLYACHE II SUBDIVISION 6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD WOLCOTT EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 21-3527 ~ 1" = 20' 1 NEW SEPTIC TANK LOCATION APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING WELL B E L L Y A C H E R I D G E R O A D 6657 6903 6479 6554 6306 PROJECT NO.: SCALE: DRAWING NO.: ~ 1" = 400' 2 LOT 7, BELLYACHE II SUBDIVISION 6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD WOLCOTT EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 21-3527 N.T.S. 3 LOT 7, BELLYACHE II SUBDIVISION 6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD WOLCOTT EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 21-3527 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com July 20, 2021 Jose Gonzales Blue Monster Service, LLC P.O. Box 407 Gypsum, CO 81637 bluemonsterservice@gmail.com 970-620-1631 RE: Soil and Site Evaluation OWTS – 5 Bedroom Residence Eagle Park LLC, c/o John E. Murray Lot 7, Bellyache II Subdivision 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott Eagle County, Colorado, Old Septic Permit 1482 Project No. 21-3527 Dear Jose, On July 15 and 16, 2021, we visited the Murray property on Lot 7, Bellyache II Subdivision, at 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to select an area on the property for the replacement Soil Treatment Area. During the site visit on July 15, 2021 for the inspection of the installation of the new septic tank, we observed that the infiltrator chamber where the new effluent line was connected, was full of dirt to the top of the chamber and the inspection port could not be installed. During the site visit on July 16, 2021, you excavated two profile holes for the new soil treatment area. The new STA was located to the north of the old STA and NW from the septic tank. The OWTS is for an existing 5-bedroom residence, and it will consist of new septic tank that was installed on July 15, 202, consisting of two-compartments, Roth MultiTank® RMT- 1500 septic tank with an effluent filter in the second compartment, and a proposed second tank consisting of IM-540 Infiltrator Poly Tank - 1CP With High Head Orenco Pump Assembly, and the Soil Treatment Area will consist of 64 Quick 4 Plus, Standard Infiltrator Chambers in a bed configuration with a 3-foot sand filter and pressure dosing. The site plan or a topographical survey were not available. We purchased topographical data from the Eagle County GIS Department for the presentation of the OWTS on the site. Directions to the site from I-70 eastbound exit in Wolcott are as follows: Head southwest on Bellyache Ridge Road for 6.2 mi to the gate and another mile from the gate to the site on the west side of the road. The site is also about 230 feet south from the cul-de-sac at the end of Bellyache Ridge Road. ! Preliminary Investigation G Address: 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott, CO 81655. G Legal Description: Lot 7, Bellyache Ridge Subdivision II, Eagle County, Colorado. G Existing Structures: There was an existing residence on the lot. G Location of existing and proposed wells on property: The wells was along the driveway and about 150 feet east of the residence. 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott July 20, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Project 21-3527 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com G ECEHD (Eagle County Environmental Health Department) records: Data from the old septic system, ISDS permit number 1482, was provided by email. G Topography: The topography of the leachfield site is moderate with an average slope of about 15 percent. Drainage is to the northwest. G Soil Data: The profile holes were observed on July 16, 2021. The soil exposed in the profile holes was as follows: Profile Hole #1 0 to 3.0 feet topsoil 3.0 to 5 reddish-brown, Sandy Clay Loam over weathered siltstone and sandstone bedrock, with angular, flat, rock fragments No ground water encountered Profile Hole No. 2 0 to 1.3 feet topsoil 1.3 to 3.5 reddish-brown, Sandy Clay Loam over weathered siltstone and sandstone bedrock, with angular, flat, rock fragments No ground water encountered A soil sample taken from Profile Hole # 1 at 48-inches was classified as Type 3, LTAR = 0.35 gpd/sf with >35% Rock (>2mm) Sandy Clay Loam Recommended: Due to the weathered bedrock with consistency of sandy gravelly soil, encountered in both, Profile Holes, STA in a bed configuration with 4 rows of 16 infiltrators in each, over 3 feet of unlined sand filter and with pressure distribution will be used. G Location of applicable setbacks in Table 7-1 ! Reconnaissance G Landscape position: The proposed STA will be located in the Back/Side Slope Slope Position south from the proposed residence (down gradient) G Topography: The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate. The rows of infiltrators in the bed will run along the contours. G Vegetation: The vegetation within the proposed leachfield site consisted of 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott July 20, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Project 21-3527 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com aspen forest with thick underbrush. The site surrounding the leachfield was similar. G Natural and cultural features: The property is located within the Bellyache Ridge Subdivision II, a residential subdivision in a gated community, with large parcels of land of 35 to 40acres, above US Highway 6, I-70, and Eagle River, in Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado. G Current and historic land use: The current use is residential. Prior use was ranching. ! Detailed Soil Investigation G Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavation; Two profile holes were dug, observed and logged and visual and tactile evaluation test was done. G Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes or one or more profile test pit excavations: Two profile holes were observed and logged on July 16, 2021. ! Report and Site Plan G Name, address, telephone number, email address, and credentials and qualification of individual who conducted site evaluation: This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-390-0307 and Luiza=s email is luiza@lkpeng.com G Dates of preliminary and detailed evaluation: July 16, 2021. G A graphic soil log, to scale: Attached G Setback distances in Table 7-1: G Main House Well Potable water Structure with basement Structure w/o basement PL Lake Surface Water Intermittent Irrigation lateral (old) Septic Tank Tank ~250’+/- - 37’+/- n/a >100’SPL n/a n/a - STA ~250’+/- - 115’+/- n/a >100’SPL n/a n/a ~65’ G Setback distances in Table 7-2: Items 1-3, observed. Distance to bedrock will be met for 3 feet with treatment level one and pressure dosing. No ground water encountered. G A drawing (to scale) with complete property boundary lines on minimum of 8.5 x 11" # Label profile test pits/holes # North Arrow 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott July 20, 2021 Page 4 of 4 Project 21-3527 P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. 970-390-0307 www.LKPEngineering.com # Graphic scale # Horizontal and vertical reference points of proposed STA # Contours OR slope direction and % slope # Location of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed, or compacted soils # The proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the STA from benchmark or ground surface G Anticipated construction related issues: none G Assessment of known or foreseeable land use changes expected to affect the system performance: None known. G Narrative explaining difficulties encountered during site evaluation: none The graphic soil log is appended to this report. LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2021\21-3527SOIL-SITE-EVAL-BED-PRESS-SAND.DOCX 7/20/2021 Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project 21-3527-Murray Residence / 6657 Bellyache Ridge Road Parameters Discharge Assembly Size Transport Length Transport Pipe Class Transport Line Size Distributing Valve Model Max Elevation Lift Manifold Length Manifold Pipe Class Manifold Pipe Size Number of Laterals per Cell Lateral Length Lateral Pipe Class Lateral Pipe Size Orifice Size Orifice Spacing Residual Head Flow Meter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 2.00 78 40 2.00 None 5 8.5 40 1.25 4 64 40 1.25 1/8 4 5 None 0 inches feet inches feet feet inches feet inches inches feet feet inches feet Calculations Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice Number of Orifices per Zone Total Flow Rate per Zone Number of Laterals per Zone % Flow Differential 1st/Last Orifice Transport Velocity 0.43 68 29.6 4 1.8 2.8 gpm gpm % fps Frictional Head Losses Loss through Discharge Loss in Transport Loss through Valve Loss in Manifold Loss in Laterals Loss through Flowmeter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Vol of Manifold Vol of Laterals per Zone Total Volume 13.6 0.7 19.9 34.1 gals gals gals gals Minimum Pump Requirements Design Flow Rate Total Dynamic Head 29.6 13.4 gpm feet 0 1020304050607080 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Net Discharge (gpm) PumpData PF5005 High Head Effluent Pump 50 GPM, 1/2HP 115/230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/230V 3Ø 60Hz Legend System Curve: Pump Curve: Pump Optimal Range: Operating Point: Design Point: THE ARC 36 CHAMBER BY INFILTRATOR Leaching chambers are rapidly becoming the product of choice for leachfield applications over conventional pipe and gravel systems. Their lightweight construction offers lower installed costs and less intrusive installations. ENGINEERED FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE The Arc 36 septic leaching chamber is a sturdy, lightweight plastic unit that combines maximized infiltrative surface area and storage capacity with an improved structural design to handle most any conventional leachfield system challenge without sacrificing performance. FEATURES & BENEFITS: • Injection-molded from from polyolefin for lightweight and sturdy design. • 20-degree integral articulating joint that is ideal for either straight or contoured septic leachfield applications. • Corrugated chamber design eliminates flat surfaces and provides increased load bearing capability in the trench. • Designed to accommodate both gravity-fed and pressure-dosed systems. • “Lock and Drop” joint provides a more positive connection during installation and backfill. • A universal inlet/outlet endcap. • Inspection vent ports on every unit with easy-to-remove knockouts for maximum job site flexibility. • Convenient five-foot lengths are easy to handle. • Quickly installed by one person into three-foot wide trench or bed applications. • Increased plumbing option with Side Port Coupler component which snaps in place to allow side entry at any joint throughout trench line. • Diamond plate texture increases slip resistance and enhances ease of installation. Contact Infiltrator Water Technologies’ Technical Services Department for assistance at 1-800-221-4436 Arc 36Arc 36 CHAMBER REQUIREMENTS Chamber shall meet the load rating of H-10 (16,000 lb per axle) with a minimum of 12 inches of cover when tested in accordance with IAPMO PS 63 and installed in accordance with manufacturers installation procedures. CHAMBER CONNECTION Each chamber shall interlock with an integral articulating joint. Articulating joints shall have a free range of horizontal rotation of 20 degrees, with a maximum of 10 degrees in either direction. Articulating joint shall be constructed by placing the dome with engaging knuckle of the incoming chamber over the post end of the previously installed chamber, with final engagement occurring when the lower base flanges of the incoming chamber under-lap the raised base flanges of the previously installed chamber. THE ARC 36 CHAMBER BY INFILTRATOR 7" INVERT Contact Infiltrator Water Technologies’ Technical Services Department for assistance at 1-800-221-4436 4 Business Park Road P.O. Box 768 Old Saybrook, CT 06475 860-577-7000 • Fax 860-577-7001 1-800-221-4436 www.infiltratorwater.com U.S. Patents: 4,759,661; 5,017,041; 5,156,488; 5,336,017; 5,401,116; 5,401,459; 5,511,903; 5,716,163; 5,588,778; 5,839,844 Canadian Patents: 1,329,959; 2,004,564 Other patents pending. Infiltrator, Equalizer, Quick4, and SideWinder are registered trademarks of Infiltrator Water Technologies. Infiltrator is a registered trademark in France. Infiltrator Water Technologies is a registered trademark in Mexico. Contour, MicroLeaching, PolyTuff, ChamberSpacer, MultiPort, PosiLock, QuickCut, QuickPlay, SnapLock and StraightLock are trademarks of Infiltrator Water Technologies. PolyLok is a trademark of PolyLok, Inc. TUF-TITE is a registered trademark of TUF-TITE, INC. Ultra-Rib is a trademark of IPEX Inc. © 2013 Infiltrator Water Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.ARC004 0713ISI Arc 36 CHAMBER Length (A)63” Repeat Length (E)60” Sidewall Height (B)10.75” Overall Height (C)13” Overall Width (D)34” Weight 17 lbs Total Bottom Area 12.27 sq ft Capacity 8.4 cu ft (63 gal) C D B POST END WITH RECEIVING AREA E A DOME END WITH “KNUCKLE” Diamond Plate Texture “Lock and Drop” PROFILE HOLE #10 TO 3.0 FEET TOPSOIL3.0 TO 5 REDDISH-BROWN, SANDY CLAYLOAM OVER WEATHERED SILTSTONEAND SANDSTONE BEDROCK, WITHANGULAR, FLAT, ROCK FRAGMENTSNO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEREDDESIGN CALCULATIONSDESIGN LONG TERM ACCEPTANCE RATE RATE = 0.8 GPD/SFNUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW = QMAXQmax = 3 BEDROOMS X 2 PERSONS/BEDROOM X 75 GALLONS/PERSON/DAY + 2 BEDROOM AT 75 GPDQMAX = 600 GPDSEPTIC TANKV = 1000 GALLONS FOR 2 TO 3 BEDROOMS PLUS 250 GALLONS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BEDROOMINSTALLED (JULY 15, 2021), NEW TWO-COMPARTMENTS ROTH MultiTank® RMT-1500 SEPTIC TANK WITH ANEFFLUENT FILTER IN THE SECOND COMPARTMENT. AFTER THE SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION IT WAS OBSERVEDTHAT THE SOIL TREATMENT AREA HAS FAILED AS WELL AND FOR THE PRESSURE DOSING SYSTEM, AN IM-540INFILTRATOR POLY TANK - 1CP WITH HIGH HEAD ORENCO PUMP ASSEMBLY IS RECOMMENDED.ANY SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.ABSORPTION AREABASED ON APPLICATION RATE:A = 600GPD/0.8GPD/S.F.A = 750S.F.QUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SYSTEM IN A BED CONFIGURATION CONSTRUCTED OVER 3FEET OF AN UNLINED SAND FILTERSURFACE AREA OF ONE QUICK4, PLUS STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER = 12 S.F.USE 64 QUICK4, PLUS, STANDARD, INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN BED AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN.NOTES:1. BENDS IN THE BUILDING SEWER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 45 DEGREES.2. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL.3. THE TANK SHALL HAVE RISERS OVER EACH ACCESS MANHOLE AND ALL RISERS SHALL EXTEND TO ORABOVE FINAL GRADE.4. EACH RISER LEAD WILL HAVE A SECURE CLOSING MECHANISM, SUCH AS A LOCK, SPECIAL HEADED BOLTSOR SCREWS, OR SUFFICIENT WEIGHT TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS.5.THE SEPTIC TANK AND ALL THE PIPING WILL BE BACKFILLED UP TO THE INVERTS PRIOR TO SCHEDULINGAN INSPECTION.6. THE BED WITH THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL, ALONG THE CONTOUR.7. EXCAVATE TWELVE (12) FEET WIDE BED8. THE BOTTOM AND THE SIDEWALLS OF THE BED SHALL BE RAKED (IF NEEDED) TO ELIMINATE SMEARING.8. THE BED WILL BE EXCAVATED ADDITIONAL THREE FEET BELOW THE PROPOSED BOTTOM OF THEINFILTRATOR CHAMBERS FOR THE SAND FILTER PLACEMENT.9.THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE SAND TO BE USED IN THE BED OF THE SOIL TREATMENT AREA (STA) MUSTBE LESS THAN 30 DAYS OLD AND SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE SAND FILL PLACEMENT.10. MARK A LINE ON THE BED EXCAVATION WALLS AT THE 36-FOOT DEPTH FROM THE BOTTOM WITH SPRAYPAINT BEFORE THE SAND PLACEMENT11. TEXT OR EMAIL A PICTURE TO THE ENGINEER OF THE EXCAVATED BED BEFORE SAND PLACEMENT.12. PLACE THE SEND FILTER IN THE PREPARED BED TO THE MARKED DEPTH13. ASSEMBLE AND INSTALL THE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS IN THE BED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERSRECOMMENDATIONS.14. INSTALL THE PERFORATED PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION LATERALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERSRECOMMENDATIONS.15. SCHEDULE A SQUIRT TEST OF THE LATERALS16. BACKFILL THE SIDEWALL AREA WITH NATIVE ON-SITE SOIL FOR PROPER SUPPORT.17. BACKFILL THE BED WITH A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF TAMPED SOIL COVER.18. THE FINAL GRADING OVERT THE STA WILL PROVIDE FOR UNIFORM RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE SOILTREATMENT AREA, WITHOUT ALLOWING WATER TO PUDDLE ON TOP.19. AVOID VEHICLE TRAFFIC OVER THE SYSTEM.20. ALL INSTALLATIONS SHALL MEET THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE EAGLE COUNTYENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND OWTS REG 43 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 24, 2018 .21.FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM - NOTIFY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHDEPARTMENT AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48-HOURS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY PART OFTHE SYSTEM TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION.PROFILE HOLE NO. 20 TO 1.3 FEET TOPSOIL1.3 TO 3.5 REDDISH-BROWN, SANDY CLAYLOAM OVER WEATHERED SILTSTONE ANDSANDSTONE BEDROCK, WITH ANGULAR,FLAT, ROCK FRAGMENTSNO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEREDRECOMMENDED: PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION, WITH 3 FEET OF UNLINED SAND FILTERFROM PROFILE #1 - SAMPLE AT 4 FEET, RIBBON 1"-2", TYPE 3 SOIL, >35%ROCK>2MM LOAM - LTAR = 0.35 GPD/SF NEW, TWO-COMPARTMENTS ROTH MultiTank®RMT-1500 SEPTIC TANK WITH AN EFFLUENTFILTER IN THE SECOND COMPARTMENT(INSTALLED 7/15/2021)PROF - 2PROF - 1INVin= MINUS 11'END CAP (TYP)FLUSHINGASSEMBLY (TYPICAL)DRILL ONE 1/4-INCH HOLE AT THE INVERT OFTHE FAR END OF EACH LATERAL FOR DRAININGOF THE REMAINING EFFLUENT FROM THE PIPEBETWEEN DOSING AND PLACE A ROCK UNDERIT TO PREVENT EROSION (TYPICAL)STA BED WITH FOURROWS OF 16 INFILTRATORCHAMBERS EACHQUICK 4 PLUS, STANDARDINFILTRATOR CHAMBER(TYPICAL)INSPECTION PORT (TYPICAL) IN THE FIRSTAND LAST INFILTRATOR CHAMBER OF EACHROW, INSTALLED IN THE OPENING OF THECAP OPPOSITE OF THE PRESSURE LINE~64 FEET OF 1.25-INCH SCH40 PVCLATERAL, PERFORATED WITH 1/8-INCHHOLES AT 4-FOOT INTERVALS AT THETOP OF THE PIPE (TYPICAL)~ 8.5' END MANIFOLD,1.25 INCH DIAMETERSCH40 PVC64.0'ABOUT 78 FEET OF 1.5 INCH SCH40PVC TRANSPORT (EFFLUENT LINE)ASSUMEDELEVATIONAT INVin=100' IM-540 INFILTRATORPOLY TANK - 1CP WITHHIGH HEAD ORENCOPUMP ASSEMBLYRIM EL= +2' 7"REMOVETHE NEWLY INSTALLED4" DIAM SCH40PVC EFFLUENTLINE AND INSTALL THE 1.5" DIAMSCH40PVC EFFLUENT LINE FORTHE PRESSURE DOSING876087508740EL= +0'1"RIM EL = +2'FIVE FEET DEEP EXCAVATION WITH3 FEET OF SAND FILTER UNDERTHE INFILTRATOR CHAMBERSFIRST INFILTRATOR CHAMBER OF THEFIRST ROW OF THE OLD LEACHFIELD - THEOLD LEACHFIELD IS TO BE ABANDONED~41' BUILDING SEWERLINE, 4" DIAM SDR35 PVCDISCLAIMER:THE TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY IS FOR GENERAL ORIENTATION ONLY.THE CONTOUR DATA WITH AND OVERLAY OF THE PROPERTY LINESAND BUILDINGS WAS PURCHASED FROM THE EAGLE COUNTY GISDEPARTMENT AND IT IS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE. IT ISNOT ON THE GROUND SURVEY AND THERE ARE NO BENCHMARKSFOR A REFERENCE.APPROXIMATELOCATION OFEXISTINGSTRUCTUREEXISTINGCLEANOUT (UNDERTHE CORNER LOG12.3'19.3'9.3'43.2'41.3'APPROXIMATE WELLLOCATION (BY VISUALOBSERVATION - NOTSURVEYED)NEW OWTSLOCATIONAPPROXIMATELOCATION OFEXISTING WELLBELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD66576903647965546306INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC.QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBERPRODUCT SPECIFICATION(NOT TO SCALE)PRESSURIZED PIPE DRILLPOINTS LOCATIONS(2 PLACES)(EFFECTIVE LENGTH)TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWEND VIEWQUICK4 PLUS ALL-IN-ONE 12 END CAPINSPECTION PORTEXISTING5-BEDROOMRESIDENCEINVin=+0'2"OWTS X-SECTION SKETCHN.T.SEL=+2'7"EXISTING CLEANOUT(UNDER THE LOG)IM-540 INFILTRATORPOLY TANK - 1CP WITHHIGH HEAD PUMPEL+2'EFFLUENTFILTERSAND FILTERPRIMARY ORSECONDARYPRESSUREDISTRIBUTIONLINES12-FT-9'6"~-11'6"-14'6"3'INVout=?~16' BUILDING SEWERLINE, 4" DIAM SCH40 PVCASSUMEDINVout=100'ABOUT 78 FEET OF 1.5-INCHSCH40 PVC TRANSPORT(EFFLUENT LINE)7/15/2021-INSTALLED NEW,TWO-COMPARTMENTS ROTHMultiTank® RMT-1500SEPTIC TANKVENT CAPOPEN BOTTOMVENT CAPINSPECTION PORT4-INCH DIAMETERSDR35 WITHPERFORATIONS ONTHE BOTTOM 8-INCHES2'12"+ATTACH TOINFILTRATORWITH A RING ORSCREWSINSPECTION PORTN.T.S.FINISHEDGRADEOPEN BOTTOMPRESSURE DISTRIBUTIONLATERAL (TYP.)SQUIRT TEST OF THE RESIDUAL HEAD OF THE STA BEDLATERALSREMOVE THE END CAPS OF THE FLUSHING ASSEMBLY IN ORDERTO FLUSH THE LATERALS CLEAN FROM ANY DRILLING DEBRIS ORDIRT. DO NOT INSTALL THE LAST INFILTRATOR CHAMBER SOTHAT THE PERFORATIONS ON THE LATERALS ARE OPEN INORDER TO RUN THE SQUIRT TEST FOR THE MEASUREMENT OFTHE 5-FT RESIDUAL HEAD (+/-10%). THE PREPARATIONS FOR THESQUIRT TEST MUST BE READY FOR THE TEST TO BE DONEDURING THE FINAL INSPECTION.AFTER THE TEST, INSTALL THE LAST CHAMBER ON ALL ROWS.PUMP SELECTIONA DISCHARGE PUMP CAPABLE OF DELIVERING 29.6 GPMAGAINST 13.4 FEET OF TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD WILL BE USED. THEELEVATIONS BETWEEN THE PUMP INVERT AND THE INVERT OF THEDISTRIBUTION VALVE SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED AND REPORTEDBACK TO THE ENGINEER.FOR THE DISCHARGE PUMP USE ORENCO, PF500511 HIGHHEAD EFFLUENT PUMP. THE PUMP DOSING WILL BE ON DEMANDWITH 90 GALLONS PER DOSE.INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC.QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBERTYPICAL BED DETAILSECTION VIEW(NOT TO SCALE)NATIVE BACKFILLTOPSOIL3'SAND FILTERPRIMARY ORSECONDARYPRESSUREDISTRIBUTIONLINES4-FT MAX.ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER12-FTSAND FILL PLACEMENTPLACE THE SAND FILL MATERIAL IN THE EXCAVATED BED.THE FILTERING MATERIAL USED IN A SAND FILTER MUST BE CLEAN, COARSESAND, CLASSIFIED AS PRIMARY SAND OR SECONDARY SAND. THE ABOVEDESIGN WAS PREPARED BASED ON SECONDARY SAND.THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE SAND TO BE USED IN THE BED OF THE SOILTREATMENT AREA (STA) MUST BE LESS THAN 30 DAYS OLD AND SUBMITTEDTO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE SAND FILL PLACEMENT.~55(EFFECTIVE LENGTH)SIDE VIEWValve BoxBall ValveSweeping EllFLUSHING ASSEMBLYN.T.S.DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:PROJECT NO.:SHEET:DRAWING NO.:DATE:BYDESCRIPTIONDATENO.L.P.L.P.C-121-3527JULY 20, 202121-3527OWTS.DWGONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMMAJOR REPAIRP.O. Box 724 EAGLE, CO 81631Tel (970) 390-0307www.LKPEngineering.comMURRAY RESIDENCEMAP~1"=1000'LOT 7, BELLYACHE RIDGE II6657 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROADWOLCOTTEAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO7/20/2021 11/3/21, 10:50 AM IMG_0886EffluentFilter.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM IMG_6102Cleanout.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM IMG_6103CO.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM IMG_6107Tank.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM IMG_6109Bldg Swr Line.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:51 AM IMG_6111Bldg Swr.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:51 AM IMG_6118Tank.JPG https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:47 AM IMG_7766Effluent Line.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.3 1/1 11/3/21, 10:48 AM IMG_7775STA.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7787End Manifold.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7789STA-FLUSHING.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7791STA.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7796Effluent line.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7797TANK AND STA CONNECTION.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM IMG_7801CONTROL PANEL.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM Jorgetank covers2.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM Jorgetank covers-pump tank.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:49 AM Jorgetank STA-2.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM Jorgetank STA-3.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM Jorgetank STA-SWALE1.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1 11/3/21, 10:50 AM Jorgetank STA-SWALE2.jpg https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#all/FMfcgzGlkjbQnPWsPcnDxQNGNGvGRNPB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.4 1/1