HomeMy WebLinkAbout176 Deer Trail Ave - 239127201003Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-021343-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Alteration Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 6/3/2021 Expires: 5/23/2022 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 176 DEER TRAIL AVE, EL JEBEL AREA,239127201003 Owner Information Address Jeremiah & Renee Wheeler 176 Deer trail ave Carbondale, CO 81623 Phone: Cell: (970) 618-1917 Email: miahwheeler@gmail.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email CBO Septic Consulting, Carla Ostberg (970) 309-0525 carla.osteberg@gmail.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Premier Landworks, LLC dustin@premierpm.net(970) 712-6874 Permitted Construction / Details: Alteration of the existing septic exactly as shown on the CBO Inc design prepared by Carla Ostberg, dated May 17, 2021, stamped, signed, and dated May 25, 2021 by Romeo A. Baylosis, PE. The alteration os designed to connect the new auxiliary use building to the existing septic. This new building does not increase potential use or bedroom count, the existing residence that the system is serving is 3-bedrooms. The alteration consists of a new sewer line exiting the auxiliary building, with clean out within 5 ft of the outermost wall. The sewer line must be encased as design for 10ft on either side of the water crossing location to maintain protection of the setback. The new line will be connected to the sewer line from the residence with a "wye". Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use and certificate of occupancy of the new auxiliary building. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Danielle Salinsky Date June 03, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Thursday, March 31, 2022 1 Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: EL JEBEL AREA - 176 DEER TRAIL - 514202 Permit Number: OWTS-021343-2021 Inspection Date: 05/27/2022 Inspector: Lewandowski, Claire Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: AlterationOwner:Jeremiah & Renee Wheeler Job Address:176 DEER TRAIL AVE IVR Pin Number:193043 EL JEBEL AREA, CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:239127201003 Contractor:Phone: / Cell: Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes The above-referenced permit has been inspected and finalized. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system needs can be accessed through our website links, provided on the Environmental Health Department’s septic system resource page. Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with taproots, irrigation systems, and parking areas above the soil treatment area can cause a premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Inspector Comments Added Item: Record Drawing Received. Added Item: Record Photos Received. Added Item: Final Certification Letter CBO Septic final certification letter was prepared by Carla Ostberg, stamped, signed, and dated May 26 2022 by Romeo A Baylosis, PE. Added Item: General Plan The sewer cleanout was not installed outside of the building as designed. A cleanout was installed within the plumbing inside. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Friday, May 27, 2022 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 The work was completed by A&R Plumbing was not licensed to perform work on an OWTS in Eagle County. A notice of violation was sent and an enforcement record started for them in Eagle County Env Health Friday, May 27, 2022 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2 5-26-2022 CBO Inc. 129 Cains Lane Carbondale, CO 81623 970.309.5259 carla.ostberg@gmail.com May 19, 2022 Project No. C1616 Miah Wheeler miahwheeler@gmail.com Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Design – Sewer Line 176 Deer Trail Avenue Eagle County, Colorado Permit Number OWTS-021343-2021 Miah, CBO Inc. observed the installation of the sewer line on April 28, 2022 for the subject property. A&R Plumbing installed the new sewer line. The existing OWTS serving the residence remains in use and consists of a 1000-gallon, two- compartment concrete septic tank followed by a soil treatment area (STA) of unknown size and configuration. A 4-inch diameter Schedule 80 sewer line serves the residence with a minimum 2% fall to the septic tank. Where the existing sewer line crosses the water line, a 6-inch Schedule 40 encasement pipe was installed 10-feet on each side of the crossing with rigid end caps. The sewer line has a Fernco fitting prior to connection with the new section of sewer line exiting the garage. We typically recommend glued fittings over Ferncos; the installer noted this type of fitting was necessary due to the rigidity of the existing pipe. The new sewer line exiting the garage has a clean out in the garage. The new sewer line has a wye fitting that ties into the existing sewer line leading to the septic tank. There is an additional clean out existing prior to the septic tank. The OWTS was generally installed according to specifications. This observation is not a guarantee of workmanship and/or parts and materials. CBO Inc. should be notified if changes are made to the OWTS in the future. Any additional OWTS construction must be according to the county regulations. LIMITS: Observations are limited to components that are visible at the time of the inspection. The installer must have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. The quality of the installation is dependent on the expertise of the installer, soil type, and weather conditions. Please call with questions. Sincerely, CBO Inc. Reviewed By: Carla Ostberg, MPH, REHS Romeo Baylosis, P.E. Schedule 40 encasement pipe over existing Schedule 80 sewer pipe Encasement pipe where it crosses water line (note sufficient fall) / Fernco used on Schedule 80 pipe Schematic of sewer lines and water line Clean out on new sewer line in garage Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-021343-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: Alteration Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 6/3/2021 Expires: 5/23/2022 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 176 DEER TRAIL AVE, EL JEBEL AREA,239127201003 Owner Information Address Jeremiah & Renee Wheeler 176 Deer trail ave Carbondale, CO 81623 Phone: Cell: (970) 618-1917 Email: miahwheeler@gmail.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 Engineer Phone Email CBO Septic Consulting, Carla Ostberg (970) 309-0525 carla.osteberg@gmail.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Premier Landworks, LLC dustin@premierpm.net(970) 712-6874 Permitted Construction / Details: Alteration of the existing septic exactly as shown on the CBO Inc design prepared by Carla Ostberg, dated May 17, 2021, stamped, signed, and dated May 25, 2021 by Romeo A. Baylosis, PE. The alteration os designed to connect the new auxiliary use building to the existing septic. This new building does not increase potential use or bedroom count, the existing residence that the system is serving is 3-bedrooms. The alteration consists of a new sewer line exiting the auxiliary building, with clean out within 5 ft of the outermost wall. The sewer line must be encased as design for 10ft on either side of the water crossing location to maintain protection of the setback. The new line will be connected to the sewer line from the residence with a "wye". Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use and certificate of occupancy of the new auxiliary building. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Danielle Salinsky Date June 03, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Thursday, March 31, 2022 1 832‐R‐13‐002 33 Four Wheel Drive Road Carbondale, CO 81623 970.309.5259 carla.ostberg@gmail.com May 17, 2021 Project No. C1616 Miah Wheeler miahwheeler@gmail.com Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Design – Sewer Line 176 Deer Trail Avenue Eagle County, Colorado Miah, CBO Inc. has completed an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) design which includes only a new sewer line installation for an addition to the residence to connect to an existing OWTS. The 1.01- acre property is located outside of Basalt, in an area where OWTSs are necessary. Legal Description: Subdivision: COLO CTRY RED TABLE ACRES Lot: 32 BK-0241 PG-0928 BK-0511 PG-0299 QCD 08-09-89 BK-0518 PG-0618 QCD 11-15-89 BK-0667 PG-0916 QCD 05-24-95 BK-0688 PG-0556 SWD 02-02-96 BK-0688 PG-0557 SWD 02-09-96 R754124 DEC 04-10-01 Parcel ID: 2391-272-01-003 SITE CONDITIONS A 3-bedroom, single-family residence presently exists and is utilizing an existing OWTS. No documents were available from Eagle County Environmental Health Department. The existing OWTS consists of a 1000-gallon, two-compartment concrete septic tank followed by a soil treatment area (STA) of unknown size and configuration. The residence is currently served potable water from a community water system. The water line enters the existing residence from the east and a new water line will enter the garage and cross the proposed and existing sewer line. The sewer line(s) must be properly encased within 10-feet on each side of the crossing. See W2.0/Detail 3. If it is more feasible to encase the new water line, use the same encasement specifications. We visited the property on May 5, 2021 and observed the functioning of the OWTS. The old clay or cast-iron sewer line from the house to the septic tank was replaced in 2020. A clean out was installed on the sewer line before entering the septic tank. A clay tee was present on the inlet side of the septic tank and PVC outlet tee present on the outlet side of the septic tank. Liquid levels in the septic tank were normal at the time of our inspection. The concrete on the outlet side of the septic tank above the sewer line is showing signs deterioration. Page 2 One riser was added to the inlet side of the septic tank, but the other was damaged during installation. An additional riser will be added to the outlet side of the septic tank for access as the area over the tank will be regraded. No inspection ports were present in the STA. We walked the approximate STA and found no sign of surface saturation or failure at the time of our inspection. We suspect, based on the age of the OWTS, the STA likely consists of pipe and gravel. While the existing OWTS is aging, the system appears to be functioning properly. View of septic tank (adding risers and fill over tank) / View of STA Page 3 Inlet (clay tee) Outlet tee / concrete showing signs of deterioration. Mid-tank baffle opening Clean out on existing sewer line DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 A new, 4-inch diameter, min. Schedule 40 sewer line will be installed with a double-sweep clean out and minimum 2% fall out of the garage and tie into the existing sewer line with a “wye” fitting. Approximate sewer line location as indicated by arrow. While we typically recommend installation of an effluent filter on the outlet tee of any septic tank, the existing sewer line exiting the tank may not extend far enough into the septic tank to allow this retrofit. Additionally, disturbing the piping exiting the septic tank is not recommended due to the condition of the concrete above the water line. INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR CBO Inc. expects that the installer be experienced and qualified to perform the scope of work outlined in this design. The installer must review this design thoroughly and coordinate with our office in advance of installation. Any additional conditions in this design or county permit must be completed and documented prior to final approval of the OWTS installation. Communication between the installer and this office is expected throughout the installation. INSTALLATION OBSERVATIONS CBO Inc. must view the OWTS during construction. The OWTS observation should be performed before backfill, after placement of OWTS components. Septic tanks, distribution devices, pumps, dosing siphons, and other plumbing, as applicable, must also be observed. CBO Inc. should be notified 48 hours in advance to observe the installation. OPERATION INFORMATION AND MAINTENANCE The property owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of each OWTS servicing the property. The property owner is responsible for maintaining service contracts for manufactured units, alternating STAs, and any other components needing maintenance. Geo-fabrics or plastics should not be used over the STA. No heavy equipment, machinery, or materials should be placed on the backfilled STA. Machines with tracks (not wheels) should be used during construction of the STA for better weight distribution. Livestock should not graze on the STA. Plumbing fixtures should be checked to ensure that no additional water is being discharged to OWTS. For example, a running toilet or leaky faucet can discharge hundreds of gallons of water a day and harm a STA. Page 5 5-25-2021 If an effluent filter or screen has been installed in the OWTS, we recommend this filter or screen be cleaned annually, or as needed. If the OWTS consists of a pressurized pump system, we recommend the laterals be flushed annually, or as needed. The homeowner should pump the septic tank every two years, or as needed gauged by measurement of solids in the tank. Garbage disposal use should be minimized, and non-biodegradable materials should not be placed into the OWTS. Grease should not be placed in household drains. Loading from a water softener should not be discharged into the OWTS. No hazardous wastes should be directed into the OWTS. Mechanical room drains should not discharge into the OWTS. The OWTS is engineered for domestic waste only. ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES Extensions should be placed on all septic tank components to allow access to them from existing grade. Backfill over the STA must be uniform and granular with no material greater than minus 3-inch. LIMITS: The design is based on information submitted. If soil conditions encountered are different from conditions described in report, CBO Inc. should be notified. All OWTS construction must be according to the county regulations. Requirements not specified in this report must follow applicable county regulations. The contractor should have documented and demonstrated knowledge of the requirements and regulations of the county in which they are working. Licensing of Systems Contractors may be required by county regulation. Please call with questions. Sincerely, CBO Inc. Reviewed By: Carla Ostberg, MPH, REHS Romeo A. Baylosis, PE Invoice Date 6/12/2020 Invoice # 19397 Bill To Miah Wheeler 176 Deer Trail Carbondale, CO 81623 B & R Septic Service, Inc. 0603 Handy Drive Carbondale, CO 81623 P.O. No.Terms Due on receipt Project Thank you for your business. (970) 963-3814 (970) 963-6070 Total(970) 920-2059 Aspen FaxCarbondale Rooter & Jetting Service Video Inspection Service DescriptionQuantity Rate Amount 260.00 260.00 1,000 0.20 200.00 Pump septic tank - levels were normal and showed no problems at time of pumping- Leach field appears to be working as designed. Dump Fee Sales Tax 3.60% 0.00 $460.00 C:\Program Files\General CADD 8\Gxd\l32rta.gxd -- 04/28/2015 -- 03:19 PM -- Scale 1 : 240.0000 Project No: 1903 Date Issued For A4 ARCHITECTS LLC 242 NORTH SEVENTH STREET CARBONDALE COLORADO 81623 970.963.6760 FAX 970.963.6761 mail@a4arc.com Consultant Project Stamp Wheeler Garage and Art Studio 176 Deer Trail Ave. Carbondale, CO 81623 4'8'16' TRUE NORTHPROJECT NORTH 2.19.21 Permit Set / For Construction 4.30.21 REVISED Permit Set / For Construction15'-0"27'-6" +/- (N) SWALE 1/4" / FT SLOPE (N) 1/4" / FT SLOPE T.O.(N) SLAB 100'-3" T.O.(N) SLAB 100'-0" T.O.(N) GRADE 103'-0" T.O.(N) GRADE 100'-0" T.O.(N) GRADE 99'-4" T.O.(N) GRADE 100'-0" T.O.(N) GRADE 100'-0" A 1.1 NEW Site Plan (N) EDGE OF THE PARKING USE ROCKS ON SITE FOR RETENTION A2.1 1 GENERAL NOTES A. SEE SHEET A5.0 FOR TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES. B. ROUGH OPENINGS FOR INTERIOR DOORS ADJACENT TO CORNERS SHALL BEGIN 4 INCHES FROM INSIDE OF CORNER, U.N.O. C. INTERIOR DOORS ARE IDENTIFIED BY THE NUMBER OF THE ROOM THEY SERVE. MULTIPLE DOORS SERVING A SINGLE ROOM ARE SHOWN BY "a" OR "b" AS NECESSARY. D. F.O. STUD = F.O. SLAB = F.O. STEM WALL @ TYP. EXTERIOR WALL. E. CEILING HEIGHTS SHOWN ARE HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR SURFACE. KEYNOTES: (This Sheet Only) (N) ART STUDIO & GYM (ABOVE) (N) CARPORT/STORAGE (BELOW) 15 16 21 DN DN DN T.O.(N) SLAB 100'-0" 2.5 : 123.5 : 12 6 : 123.5 : 12 1. EXISTING HOUSE: PROTECT THE EXTERIOR FINISHES OF THE (E) HOUSE AS BEST AS POSSIBLE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. EXISTING HOUSE: REPAINT THE EXISTING HOUSE (SIDING AND STUCCO). 3. EXISTING HOUSE: HOUSE WILL BE LIVED IN WHILE CONSTRUCTION IS UNDERWAY. MAINTAIN UTILITY HOCK UP AS BEST AS POSSIBLE. ADVISE THE OWNER IF UTILITIES WILL NOT BE FUNCTIONING AND LET THEM KNOW THE SCHEDULE FOR THE WORK. 4. EXISTING HOUSE: EXISTING ROOF TO REMAIN (NO WORK). 5. EXISTING HOUSE: NOT USED. 6. EXISTING GARAGE: PROTECT THE EXISTING GARAGE DOORS DURING CONSTRUCTION. TO BE PAINTED AND REUSED. 7. EXISTING GARAGE: NEW DOORS AND WINDOWS. 8. EXISTING GARAGE: PROTECT THE EXISTING GARAGE SLAB DURING CONSTRUCTION. 9. EXISTING GARAGE: NEW FOOTING FOR NEW POST. PATCH CONCRETE AND MATCH FINISH. CONTROL JOINT AROUND PATCH AND AROUND POST BASE. 10. EXISTING GARAGE: INTERIOR GWB AND INSULATION TO REMAIN IF POSSIBLE. REMOVE THE EXISTING EXTERIOR SIDING. NEW EXTERIOR INSULATION (R10) ON TOP OF EXISTING FRAMING (NEW WRB) AND STUCCO TO MATCH HOUSE. COLOR TBD. 11. EXISTING GARAGE: NOT USED. 12. EXISTING UTILITIES: LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. IF LOCATIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN, CONTACT ARCHITECT BEFORE PROCEEDING. 13. NEW UTILITIES: NEW WASTE LINE FROM THE EXISTING HOUSE TO THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK. DEPTH TO BE CONSIDERED AND COORDINATED WITH THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK. A NEW WASTE LINE OUT OF THE NORTH WALL OF THE EXISTING GARAGE WILL TAP INTO THE NEW WASTE LINE. 14. NEW UTILITIES: NEW CLEAN-OUTS FOR NEW WASTE LINE. A. CAST IRON CAP WITH "SEWER" SPELLED OUT ON TOP. B. PVC SCREW CAP. 15. NEW UTILITIES: CONNECT A NEW WATER SERVICE FOR THE GARAGE FROM THE EXISTING WATER LINE IN THE DRIVE WAY. 16. NEW UTILITY: CONNECT A NEW WASTE LINE FROM THE GARAGE TO THE EXISTING SEPTIC LINE FROM THE HOUSE. 17. EXISTING UTILITIES: EXISTING SECONDARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO GARAGE SUB-PANEL. NEW SUB-PANEL FOR THE GARAGE AND GARAGE ADDITION. 18. EXISTING UTILITIES: EXISTING SEPTIC TANK. PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. 19. EXISTING DRIVEWAY: EDGE OF THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE MODIFIED WITH THE NEW RETAINING WALL, CONCRETE STEPS AND CARPORT/STORAGE ADDITION. 20. EXISTING DRIVEWAY: NOT USED. 21. SITE: NEW CONCRETE SITE WALL ALONG EAST EDGE OF THE DRIVEWAY. THE WALL WILL NOT BE GREATER THEN 3'-0" TALL FROM THE DRIVEWAY SIDE. 22. SITE: NEW CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALL TO SUPPORT THE NEW POSTS. 23. SITE DRAINAGE: DRAINAGE PLANE, PERFORATED PIPE, GRAVEL AND LANDSCAPE FABRIC BEHIND NEW SITE WALL. SLOPE TO THE NORTH AND CONNECT WITH SUBSURFACE PIPE. THE WALL WILL NOT BE GREATER THEN 3'-0" TALL FROM THE DRIVEWAY SIDE. 24. SITE: NOT USED 25. SITE FENCING: LOCATE A CONSTRUCTION FENCE AS SHOWN. SPECIFIC LOCATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE GC DURING A SITE WALK WITH THE OWNER. 26. SITE DRAINAGE: NEW SUBSURFACE 6" PERF. PIPE UNDER THE GRAVEL DRIVEWAY TO DAYLIGHT. 01 04 13 26 1212 19 25 25 25 25 25 19 25 12 221212 17 12 14 18 07 08 09 10 23 23 23 Site Plan1 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" (E) SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE NO WORK T.O.1ST FLOOR 100'-8" T.O.2ND FLOOR SUBFL 109'-6" (E) WOOD DECK NO WORK T.O.(E) GRADE 98'-0"(VIF) T.O.(E) GRADE @ ROAD EDGE 101'-6" T.O.(E) GRADE @ ROAD EDGE 101'-10"(VIF) (VIF) T.O.(E)SLAB AT GARAGE DOOR 100'-0" T.O.(E) GRADE 99'-6" DEER TRAIL AVENUE (E) DRIVE WAY APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF (E) LEACH FIELD (E) 3 CAR GARAGE (BELOW) T.O.DECK 109'-5 1/2" (E) WATER LINE (E) DATA / COMMUNICATION LINE (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO GARAGE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE SETBACK SETBACK PROPERTY LINE (E) MAIN SEPTIC TANK APPROXIMATE (E) TOPOGRAPHIC EDGE SETBACK SETBACK RR ZONING; 12.5' RR ZONING; 25' PROPERTY LINE Project No: 1903 Date Issued For A4 ARCHITECTS LLC 242 NORTH SEVENTH STREET CARBONDALE COLORADO 81623 970.963.6760 FAX 970.963.6761 mail@a4arc.com Consultant Project Stamp Wheeler Garage and Art Studio 176 Deer Trail Ave. Carbondale, CO 81623 4'8'16' TRUE NORTHPROJECT NORTH 2.19.21 Permit Set / For Construction 4.30.21 REVISED Permit Set / For Construction AREA TO BE DISTURBED/ CONSTRUCTION BOUNDARY 8,650 Sq ft X X X X XXXXXXX XX XXX X X X X X X X X X X XX XXXX X X X X XX XX T.O.2ND FLOOR SUBFL 108'-8 1/2" (E) Septic Tank (E) Tree (E) 11R @ 7 3/8" = 6'-9 1/8" T.O.(E) 2ND FLOOR DECK 109'-5 1/2" T.O.(E) LANDING 102'-8 1/2" DN DEMO (E) STAIRS AND 2ND FL LANDING & POSTS. A 1.0 EXISTING/DEMO Site Plan GENERAL NOTES A. SEE SHEET A5.0 FOR TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLIES. B. ROUGH OPENINGS FOR INTERIOR DOORS ADJACENT TO CORNERS SHALL BEGIN 4 INCHES FROM INSIDE OF CORNER, U.N.O. C. INTERIOR DOORS ARE IDENTIFIED BY THE NUMBER OF THE ROOM THEY SERVE. MULTIPLE DOORS SERVING A SINGLE ROOM ARE SHOWN BY "a" OR "b" AS NECESSARY. D. F.O. STUD = F.O. SLAB = F.O. STEM WALL @ TYP. EXTERIOR WALL. E. CEILING HEIGHTS SHOWN ARE HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR SURFACE. KEYNOTES: (This Sheet Only) DN 1. EXISTING HOUSE: PROTECT THE EXISTING HOUSE DURING CONSTRUCTION. HOUSE TO REMAIN FUNCTIONING DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. EXISTING HOUSE: PROTECT EXISTING HOUSE ROOF GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS DURING CONSTRUCTION. REPLACE DAMAGED ITEMS. 3. EXISTING HOUSE: EXISTING HOUSE ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF TO REMAIN. 4. EXISTING HOUSE: EXISTING HOUSE STUCCO (1ST FL) AND LAP SIDING (2ND FL) TO REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. PREP EXISTING STUCCO AND SIDING FOR NEW PAINT. 5. EXISTING HOUSE: NORTH WOOD STAIRS - REMOVE THE EXISTING PORCH FLOOR, POSTS AND WOOD STAIRS. REMOVE EXISTING GABLE ENTRY ROOF. 6. EXISTING HOUSE: NORTH SITE STEPS - REMOVE THE RAILROAD TIE RISERS AND STONE STEPS. PREPARE FOR CONCRETE WORK IN THIS AREA. 7. EXISTING GARAGE: REMOVE THE EXISTING EAST PORTION OF THE ROOF FROM INTERIOR BEAM LINE TO THE EAST WALL. 8. EXISTING GARAGE: PROTECT THE REMAINING WEST PORTION OF THE ROOF. LIMITED CHANGES TO THIS ROOF ASSEMBLY (SEE A5.1 FOR ASSEMBLY SPECIFICATIONS). TEMPORARY FRAMED WALL TO SUPPORT ETHE LOWER ROOF (SEE STRUCTURAL DETAILS). 9. EXISTING GARAGE: EXISTING 2 X 4 WALL FRAMING TO REMAIN FOR THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE GARAGE. REMOVE ALL WALL FRAMING ABOVE THE EXISTING SECOND FLOOR. 10. EXISTING GARAGE: (NOT USED). 11. EXISTING UTILITY: THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING WASTE LINE HAS BEEN DETERMINED. THE EXISTING WASTE LINE RUNS UNDER THE EXISTING GARAGE. THIS LINE WILL BE ABANDONED AND A NEW LINE INSTALLED IN THE DRIVEWAY PER CIVIL ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS AND COUNTY REGULATIONS. 12. EXISTING UTILITY: THE LOCATION AND SERVICE SIZE OF THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO BE VERIFIED. 13. EXISTING UTILITY: THE LOCATION AND SERVICE SIZE OF THE EXISTING WATER SERVICE TO BE VERIFIED. 14. EXISTING UTILITY: LOCATE THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL BETWEEN THE HOUSE AND THE GARAGE TO BE LOCATED. SERVICE SIZE TO BE VERIFIED AND DISCUSSED WITH THE OWNER. NEW ELECTRICAL PANEL FOR THE GARAGE WILL BE NEEDED. 15. EXISTING UTILITY: THE LOCATION OF THE EXISTING LOW VOLTAGE DATA/COMMUNICATION LINE TO BE VERIFIED. 16. EXISTING DRIVEWAY: TAKE SPOT ELEVATIONS TO VERIFY THE EXISTING GRADING OF THE DRIVEWAY AND COORDINATE WITH THE NEW GRADING AS SHOWN ON A1.1 AND A2.1. 17. EXISTING DRIVEWAY: STOCK PILE THE EXISTING GRAVEL AS BEST AS POSSIBLE. PREPARE FOR REGRADING AND ADDED SUB-GRADE DRAINAGE PIPING. 18. SITE: PROTECT THE EXISTING TREES WITH FENCING. LOCATE FENCING AROUND DRIP-LINE. NO STORAGE OR DRIVING VEHICLES WITHIN THE DRIP-LINE. ALL EXPOSED ROOTS TO BE CLEANLY CUT WITH CLIPPERS. 19. SITE: GRADING ON THE WEST OF THE NEW CARPORT/STORAGE TO BE LEVELED. THE EXISTING ROCKS TO BE RELOCATED ALONG THE NEW WEST EDGE OF THIS AREA. 20. SITE: EXPANSION OF THE DRIVEWAY PER THE DRAWINGS AND THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. 21. SITE: REMOVE THE EXISTING ROCKS AND PREPARE AREA FOR NEW STEPPED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL. 22. SITE CONSTRUCTION FENCING: LOCATE THE CONSTRUCTION FENCE AS SHOWN. SPECIFIC LOCATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE GC DURING A SITE WALK WITH THE OWNER. 23. SITE SILT FABRIC FENCING: LOCATE THE SILT FENCE AS SHOWN. SPECIFIC LOCATION WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. THE SILT FENCE TO BE BUILT 'UP-HILL' FROM THE CONSTRUCTION FENCE AND AND BE THE CLOSEST FENCE TO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. (E) WATER LINE (E) DATA / COMMUNICATION LINE (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE 5 18 20 11 6 1 2 3 4 7 8 DEMO NO WORK 9 9 9 18 19 9 (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO GARAGE 12 13 14 15 PROPERTY LINE 21 PROPERTY LINE SETBACK SETBACK 22 22 22 22 22 22 5 Site Plan1 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" (E) SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE NO WORK T.O.1ST FLOOR 100'-8" T.O.2ND FLOOR SUBFL 109'-6" (E) WOOD DECK NO WORK T.O.(E) GRADE 98'-0"(VIF) T.O.(E) GRADE @ ROAD EDGE 101'-6" T.O.(E) GRADE @ ROAD EDGE 101'-10"(VIF) (VIF) T.O.(E)SLAB AT GARAGE DOOR 100'-0" T.O.(E) GRADE 99'-6" DEER TRAIL AVENUE (E) DRIVE WAY APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF (E) LEACH FIELD (E) 3 CAR GARAGE (BELOW) T.O.DECK 109'-5 1/2" (E) WATER LINE (E) DATA / COMMUNICATION LINE (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE (E) ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO GARAGE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE SETBACK SETBACK PROPERTY LINE (E) MAIN SEPTIC TANK APPROXIMATE (E) TOPOGRAPHIC EDGE SETBACK SETBACK RR ZONING; 12.5' RR ZONING; 25' PROPERTY LINE DEMOLITION SUMMARY / DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN: SUMMARY: THE SITE IS SLIGHTLY SLOPING TO THE NORTH WITH THREE BENCHES. SOUTH BENCH IS THE BACK YARD OF THE EXISTING HOME AND WILL NOT BE DISTURBED. THE MIDDLE BENCH IS THE DRIVEWAY AREA WHICH WILL BE SLIGHTLY REGRADED TO REMOVE A LOW SPOT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE EXISTING GARAGE DOORS. THE NORTHERS BENCH IS THE LOCATION OF THE SEPTIC FIELD AND UNDISTURBED VEGETATION. ALL THE WORK WILL BE DONE ON THE MIDDLE BENCH. THIS WILL BE THE AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION ACCESS, DELIVERIES, STAGING AND CONSTRUCTION. ANY EXCAVATION FOR UTILITIES WILL BE DONE ON THIS BENCH. THE UPPER BENCH WILL BE PROTECTED WITH A CONSTRUCTION FENCE. THIS UPPER AREAS VEGETATION NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THIS UPPER BENCH WILL NOT BE ADDING TO THE RUN-OFF ANY DIFFERENTLY THAN IN THE PAST. THE DRAWING CALLS FOR A CONSTRUCTION FENCE TO DEFINE THE EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE TO THE SOUTH. THE LOWER BENCH NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED FROM POTENTIAL RUN-OFF FROM THE MIDDLE BENCH WERE THE CONSTRUCTION WILL BE OCCURRING. THE DRAWING CALLS FOR A SILT FENCE + CONSTRUCTION FENCE TO DEFINE THE EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE TO THE NORTH. FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS SEE CDOT TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD DETAILS. EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER QUALITY FIELD GUIDE 2011. 1. WATERCOURSE EFFECTED BY DEMOLITION: NONE. 2. AREA OF SITE DISTURBANCE WILL BE 6,900 S.F.. THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY WILL BE USED FOR ACCESSING THE PROPERTY FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES. 3. TYPE AND LOCATION OF BMP: A SILT FENCE WILL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY SITE DISTURBANCE AND MAINTAINED THOUGH OUT THE DEMO AND NEW CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. 4. LONG-TERM STABILIZATION METHODS: THE SITE HAS A HISTORIC SLIGHT SLOPE TO THE NORTH-WEST. THERE ARE NO ACTIVE WATERWAYS FLOWING ON THE PROPERTY. THE HISTORIC DRAINAGE PATHS WILL NOT BE CHANGED DUE TO DEMO OR THE REMODELED HOME. LONG TERM STABILIZATION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE REVEGETATION PLAN. 5. REVEGETATION PLAN: AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE REMODEL, THE DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE REVEGETATED WITH DROUGHT TOLERANT NATIVE GRASSES AND PERENNIALS ALONG WITH SMALL GARDEN PLOTS AND LIMITED SOD. 6. DETAILS OF BMP: (SEE DRAWING). 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION IF ANY SWALES ARE CREATED TO ADDRESS SITE WATER, INSTALL SILT DIKE CHECK DAM OR EROSION LOG CHECK DAM. 8. ANY TEMPORARY EXCAVATED SOIL THAT IS IN A PILE AND HAS A SLOPE GREATER THAN 3:1 WILL HAVE A TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INSTALLED AT ITS BASE UNTIL IT HAS BEEN RETURNED AS BACKFILL TO ITS ORIGINAL LOCATION. 9. CONCRETE CLEAN OUT WILL BE ONE OFF SITE OR IN A TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA ON SITE. FLOW ATTACH FILTER FABRIC SECURELY TO UPSTREAM SIDE OF POST (3'-0" ROLL STOCK) 2X2 WOOD POST AT 8' O.C. SILT FENCE - DETAIL 1" = 1'-0"2 6"1'-0"2'-0"4' HIGH ORANGE SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FENCING SUPPORTED BY 5' T FENCE POSTS @ 8' CENTERS. X O CONSTRUCTION TRASH & RECYCLE DUMPSTERS CONSTRUCTION PARKING CONSTRUCTION STAGING CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL STORAGE PRIMARY TEMPORARY SOIL STORAGE W/ TEMPORARY SILT FENCING ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY SOIL STORAGE W/ TEMPORARY SILT FENCING IF NEEDED CONSTRUCTION PARKING INVOICE (00081583) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT BILLING CONTACT Jeremiah & Renee Wheeler 176 Deer trail ave Carbondale, CO 81623 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE DUE DATE INVOICE STATUS INVOICE DESCRIPTION 00081583 05/31/2022 06/30/2022 NONEDue PERMIT NUMBER FEE NAME TOTAL OWTS-021343-2021 OWTS Alteration Fee $400.00 $400.00 SUB TOTAL176 Deer Trail Ave El Jebel Area, CO Owner: Jeremiah & Renee Wheeler TOTAL $400.00 REMITTANCE INFORMATION Eagle County P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Please include Invoice Number on check. TOTAL DUE: $400.00 Page 1 of 1May 31, 2022 www.eaglecounty.us (970) 328-8761 P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179