HomeMy WebLinkAbout4098 Hwy 131 - 185534400001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 10,711 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: 4 Eagle Ranch (Tom Backhus) PHONE: 926-3372 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 70, Wolcott, CO 81655 AGENT: Tom Backhus/Terry Nottingham PHONE: 949-6479 SYSTEM LOCATION: 4098 Hi g}lway 131 (4 miles North of Wolcott) Old Perry Olson Ranch LICENSED INSTALLER: Terry Nottingham LICENSE NO. 18-91 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM - INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 6,000 v""« GALLON 6EP�Ifri�CN1C OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: lV ' o So ► ! a SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATin S MUST COMPLY WITH ALL RE I S OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE D 4POSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10.104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED' PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: &A SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 6r On GALLONS a °�08 DEGREES FEET 4,t— cle,&,ev,4 �gT/ fivt re-,f 40�/jf� r SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR:G0" PROPER MATERIALSAND ASSEMBLY YES NO / COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE-INSPECTI N WHEN WORK IS CO LETED. �� 7�e COMMENTS: ! A . SVl $/►2 / i A /A 74h t 11 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER DATE: • v ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF SARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT N: CHECK N: CASHIER: �A ISDS Permit # ! �` Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8730/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $125.00 PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: Qp �ox '�c-�, Wo\Co CZ 81C S PHONE: Q�` 7- APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: \ o r- PHONE: QL{4,- r q j q LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: eQ Rv NoZ-C tN C�a +• ADDRESS: PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (--,),-NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description:-O�d QQ�au O1soN �No� Parcel Number:Lot size: Sqs q� Physical Address:146Ag Hwy 13` _ ►{ ,K•, NeaT�n o L1Jc�ccT`C BUILDING TYPE: - -- (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of B drooms HOT TUB Commercial / Industrial* Type �u��`,� Yes ( ). No WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: Yes ( ) No TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well( ) -Spring (✓� Surface ( -) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: - Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: r1oK� *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" s SIGNATURE: Q . DATE: AMOUNT' PAID `-0 �� RECEIPT#( CHECK # DATE: b CASHIER: TIME LOG Travel Perc Final _. vtt t4 SG Tl� yf s boo w a � jwybu s Mq DATE -_ u2 Mau mm RECEIVE® =L March 22, 1991 J1.11 L 22 P Mr. Thomas A. E3ackhus r11� `'' �`f I ., r'.T P.O. Box 1078 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Backhus: Reference is made to. our March 18, 1991 telephone conversation whereby you requested permission to construct a new septic system on the* Board's Wolcott Reservoir property known as the Perry Olsen Ranch. Paragraph 5 on Page 2 of the Lease Agreement dated February d, 1991 stipulates that "Lessee covenants and agrees not to make or permit to be made any alterations or additions to the property leased without prior written consent of the Board; and to keep the property leased, and all improvements thereon including i septic system, sewer, plumbing, wiring, glass and fencing in good repair at the expanse of the Lessee. . . " The Water Department does not have any objections to the replacement of the septic system, however, we must request that you provide* a location MOD showing the exact placement of all improvements including the new septic tan!< and leach line. Also, we must have information on the size and type of materials used. Your concern about the Board's property is appreciated and I wish to thank you for keeping us informed about your plans. If you have any questions concerning.this, please do not hesitate to call me at 528-6209. Sincerely, Forrest R. Christie Appraiser -Negotiator F►'ZC/mtl 08750/(bl) cc: Paul Clarkson, Community Development - Eagle County ACT 7JfW DATE' ..+. CTftiSTlE � .4 ' .... tWiQq �ROGM MVFtApT�ZZ March 7, 1990 -- ---- Mr. Thomas A. Backhus P.O. Box 1078 Vail, CO 61658 Dear Mr. Backhus: Reference is made.to our March 5, 1991 telephone conversation regarding your request for permission to replace the existing septic system on the Denver Water -Department's property known as the Olsen Ranch in Eagle County, Colorado. According to the terms of Paragraph 5 of the Lease Agreement dated February G, 1991, you are hereby authorized to replace the septic system. 7t is also understood that this repair will be at the sole expense of the Lessee. It is my understanding that the Water Department does not have any rights in Welch Reservoir. All' the water rights are those listed in Exhibit "B" of the Lease. If you or Eagle County should have any questions, please do net hesitate. to call me. Sincerely, lee �/_ /11 Forrest R. Christie Appraiser -Negotiator III FRC/mtl 08750/ (54) t_. Kter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. May 31, 1991 Mr. Tom Backhus c/o Slifer & Co. 230 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4 Eagle Ranch Sewage System Project No. 91162E Dear Mr_. Backhus, Enclosed is a letter to the Eagle County Health Department and a site plan showing Phase I of the 4 Eagle Ranch sewage system. The letter is essentially self explanatory. It is an application to install raw sewage vaults totaling 5,400 gallons as shown on the site plan. As we discussed on site yesterday should be installed the vaults in the field southeasterly of the log huts. A 4-inch PVC line will run northwesterly from the vaults toward the house then turn and run northerly to the west side of the new barn where it will be available to connect to whatever sanitary facilities you propose there. The existing line from the house can be extended easterly and connect to the new line with a T. This will constitute Phase I. Phase 2, which we will. make as a separate application to the County, will consist of adding a disposal field downstream from the vaults. At that time you could confidently add the higher flow producing elements to the system. Although the vaults will initially be utilized for raw sewage storage they are sized and should be installed to ultimately function as a two compartment septic tank. This should be made clear to the tank manufacturer. The simplest arrangement may be to acquire two identical tanks and install the downstream tank three inches lower then the upstream. Both tanks must be installed level. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Mr. Tom Backhus Page 2 May 31, 1991 Project No. 91162E The tank manufacturer may, however, be able to modify his standard construction to fit our needs and adjust the location of the openings to allow proper flow -through with both tank bases at the same elevation. This is more of a manufacturing and construction issue than an engineering issue. We recommend that the tanks be equipped and installed at the outset to function as a two cell septic tank, but with the outlet plugged from the outside. This will make conversion easier in the future. The downstream tank needs to be equipped with a mechanical level indicator to indicate sewage depth. The manufacturer will need to supply this. Install the tanks at as high an elevation as possible to end up with a just few inches of earth cover to natural grade. This will allow the most latitude for design and construction of the Phase 2 leach field. Install the tanks centered along their longitudinal axis with a few feet between them for convenience of access. If all of this is acceptable deliver the enclosed letter, site plan, and a check for $150.00 for the County Health Department in Eagle, attention Mr. Ray Merry. Of the tank manufacturers I talked to, Colorado Precast in Loveland seemed to meet your need best. Phone 669-0535. It may be worth working through Jim Kemp, a manufacturer's representative to organize and coordinate all of the items including pipe and fittings. I recommend ordering all materials early on. Call if you have any questions. Sinc y, ray earson, P.E. GP:bsk IFAIInter-Mountain Engineering Ltd.. May 31, 1991 Eagle County Health Department Attn: Mr. Ray Merry P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: 4 Eagle Ranch Sec 34, T3S. R83W Temporary Project No. 91162E Gentlemen; Sewaae Vaults July 0 4 1991 C®, ,1(4 VlEll TY D �tUIVf Y EVELCppy,ElVT We have been retained to provide engineering design services for the installation of sewage holding vaults on property located in the SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 34, T3S, R83W. The vaults and a sewer line are shown on the enclosed site plan. The vaults are to hold raw sewage generated from a gathering of a maximum of 270 people during the daylight hours of a maximum of three consecutive days in the last part of June 1991. Portable restroom facilities are to be provided by an independent contractor. The facilities will be limited to urinals, stools, and hand washing lavatories. There will be two 2700 gallon reinforced concrete vaults connected by a through - pipe and will be in close proximity. The dimensions will be approximately 6' x 12' x 5' high. Although the vaults will be pumped out on a daily basis automatic sewage level indicators will be incorporated. Sewage will be properly disposed of by licensed haulers. Daily sewage volume is estimated as follows: 270 people @ 20 gpcd = 5,400 gallons/day Twenty gpcd is estimated based on there being no cooking, bathing, showering, clothes washing, or over night uses. Please review this submittal at your ear -,-)convenience. If you have any questions please call f' Sin , Gray Pearson, P.E. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Kr-Mountain ngineering Ltd. July 20, 1992 Eagle County Health Department Attn: Mr. Ray Merry P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Sewage Disposal System 4 Eagle Ranch, Sec 34, T3S, R83W Project No. 91162E Dear Mr. Merry: RECEIVED 2 2 10g,2 ryC�i4ef _ I YIf.. M�Q bI � 1t "� ��.�P<<��er�r With this letter we are submitting the plan and the report for the design of the effluent disposal for 4 Eagle Ranch, located in Section 34, T3S, R83W, Eagle County, Colorado. As you are aware the septic tank of 4700 gallons liquid capacity was previously approved and installed, to serve as a holding tank. At this time we have completed the design and selected the suitable leachfield area and when the design is approved, we would like to change the use of the septic tank from holding to functional. If you have any questions, please give us a call. LP:bsm Sincerely, oef S �y Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 T� � L l r 1 �, 1 � —_� � 1 11 1 ._ 4 �_ ♦ ._. r r a r a t.. — a a t I %� .. �. 11�1 _. f tf � r'v `�= +�. Jz- �4' J i.� �7.•'� 1 �LJ 1.=T _ A - � i .�:r,`" � i�_, i ,g� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO July 11, 1991 Tom Backhus P.O. Box 70 Wolcott, CO 81655 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1071 Dear Mr. Backhus: 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. Also enclosed are informational sheets regarding the care of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631. We can also be reached, depending on your calling area, at the following numbers: Eagle Valley 328-8730; Basalt/El Jebel 927-3823. sincerel Raymont P. Merry, R.E.H. . Environmental Health icer RPM:ckc Encl: Informational Sheets Final ISDS Permit cc: Chrono File ISDS File Building Permit File Inter -Mountain Engineering Attn: Ms. Luiza Petrovska Box 978 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 4 Eagle Sewage Disposal System Dear Ms. Petrovska: I have reviewed your proposal for an Individual Sewage Disposal System at the 4 Eagle Ranch and have enclosed my comments. Please keep in mind I have only reviewed this design for compliance with Eagle County regulations and not the completeness of the Application For Site Approval. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please call me and I would glad to discuss them in more detail. Sincerely, Roger Boyd Assistant Environmental Health Officer COMMENTS TO SEPTIC DESIGN FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH Inter -Mountain needs to submit a vicinity map showing locations �\,of each structure that will be served by proposed system. Vicinity map should also indicate location of perc test holes. County regulations require direct observation of an 8' soil 'profile or other approved method to ensure adequate separation of the absorption area from groundwater or bedrock. Design flows have been significantly underestimated, in some instances by 150%. According to County regulations (4.04.01), maximum flow shall be considered as 150% of average flow and shall be the basis for design purposes. For example, the single family residence should have a design flow of 900 gpd, not 600 gpd. In my opinion, flows for the food service are over estimated. According to the EPA design manual, wastewater flows from a restaurant range from 2.1-4.O gpd/meal, with a typical flow of 2.6 gpd/meal. I realize the proposed food service is not a restaurant, however, I feel these flows serve a reference point for more accurate estimates. Food service for guests is currently being catered, however, at some point a full service kitchen could necessary at the ranch. The calculations provided for determining the flows of the Public Park lack the necessary level of detail to accurately verify design flow. For example, how many people (or uses) will the park receive per day. Also, what is the intended use of the park, will camping be allowed, why are showers being installed. It is my understanding that a wine making operation is planned for the ranch. Depending on the scale of such an operation, - certain stages of wine making can generate large amounts of waste water. Has this potential use been considered in the septic design. Based on the present design flow, including an increase of 150% for maximum flow as require be Eagle County regulations, a minimum of 282 Infiltrator in a bed configuration would be necessary for the proposed use. In addition, the existing 4700 gallon tank would not provide the necessary 30 hour retention time. Based on the present design flow, the minimum size tank allowable would be 8164 gallons. If additional tank capacity is added, the first compartment must be at least half of the total volume. i C--//ms y - 6ec�oi�,3-5 GlDD Fael Servjcd qs e,:� �� 3750 f.2 7 x 453 Z � 7 8 7 �g3 z or iecr /797 $Y,?3 3 39 �$ 1 ,�t��,tOv— S9 / IF, 7 rj �ar%,✓fir Y COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Water Quality Control Division 4210 East llth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION OF: A) DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS (INCLUDING TREATMENT PLANTS, OUTFALL SEWERS, AND LIFT STATIONS) OVER 2,000 GPD CAPACITY. B) INTERCEPTORS (IF REQUIRED BY C,R.S. 25-8-702 (3)) APPLICANT: Tom Buckhus' c/o 4 Eagle Ranch ADDRESS: P.O. Box 70, Wolcott, CO 81655 PHONE: 926-3372 Consulting Engineer's Name and Address: Inter -Mountain Engineering, Ltd. P.O. Box 978_, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE: 949-5072 A. Summary of information regarding new sewage treatment plant: 1. Proposed Location: (Legal Description) 1/4, 1/4, Section 34 Township 3 S , Range 83 W , Eagle County. 2. Type and capacity of treatment facility proposed: Processes Used 6000 gallon tank with an absorption field using the infiltrator - leaching chamber Hydraulic 4400 Organic 19.02 gal/day lbs. BODE/day Present PE Design PE % Domestic 100 % Industrial 3. Location of facility: Attach a map of the area which includes the following: (a) 5-mile radius: all sewage treatment plants, lift stations, and domestic water supply intakes. (b) 1=mile radius: habitable buildings., location of potable water wells, and an approximate indication of the topography. 4. Effluent disposal: Surface discharge to watercourse' Subsurface.disposal 100% Land / Evaporation Other State water quality classification of receiving watercourse(s) N/A Proposed Effluent'Limitations developed in conjunction with Planning and Standards Section, WQCD: B011mg/l SS mg/l Fecal Coliform /100 ml Total Residual Chlorine mg/1 Ammonia mg/1 Other 5. Will a State or Federal.grant be sought to finance any portion of this project? No 6. Present zoning of site area? Resource Zoning with a 1-mile radius of site? Resource 7. What is the distance downstream from the discharge t-o the nearest domestic water supply intake?.. 14 mi. Town of Eagle (Name of Supply). P.O. Box 609, Eagle 81631 (Address of Supply) What is the distance downstream from the discharge to the nearest other point of diversion? / (Name of User) (Address of User) .WQCD-3 (Revised.8-83)• 3 �i C. If the facility will be located on or adjacent to a site that is owned or managed by a Federal or State agency, send the agency a copy of this application. D. Recommendation of governmental authorities: Please address the following issues in your recommendation decision. Are the proposed facilities consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other plans.for the area, including the 201 Facility Plan or 208 Water Quality Management Plan, as they affect water quality? If you have any further comments or questions, please call 320-8333, Extension 5272 Recommend Recommend No Date Approval Disapproval Comment Signature of Representative 1. Management Agency 2. Local:Government: Cities -or Towns (If site is inside boundary or within three miles) and Sanitation Districts. 3. Board of County Commissioners 4. Local Health Authority 5. City County Planning Authority 6. Council of Governments/Regional Planning 7. State Geologist (For lift stations, the signature of the State Geologist isnot required. Applications for treatment plants require all signatures.) I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of the "Regulations for Site Applications For Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works," and have posted the site in accordance with the regulations. An.engineering report, as described by the regulations, has been prepared and is enclosed. DATE 7/9/92 _ Tom A. Backhus Signature of Applicant TYPED NAME -3- WQCD-3 (Revised 8-83) Inter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. SEPTIC SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH SEC 34, T3S, R83 W EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO .,DIIFQ me-1 4 EAGLE RANCH PROJECT NO. 91162E JUNE, 1992 Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 0 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 SCOPE I This report and the plan provide septic system recommendations for 4 Eagle Ranch, Eagle County, Colorado. SITE INVESTIGATION.. The site, the proposed uses and the associated needs for sewage disposal have been investigated and analyzed since April of 1991. As a temporary measure a septic tank that was designed to serve as a,holding tank was installed on the southeast corner of the fenced area southeast from the existing house. The liquid capacity of the septic tank is 4700 gallons. Several percolation tests were performed at the ranch in order to find the most suitable leachfield area. The latest percolation test was performed south of the septic tank area and the results were as follows: Perc Hole No. 1 Perc Hole No. 2 Perc Hole No. 3 25.7 min/inch 30 min/inch 25.7 min/inch The average percolation rate was 27 minutes per inch. According to the Eagle County Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems the 27 min/inch percolation rate falls within the 5 to 30 min/inch range, which allows for a disposal by absorption trench or absorption bed. OA SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located east of Highway 131 approximately 4 miles north from Wolcott. The septic tank is located at the southeast corner of the fenced area surrounding the existing house on the 4 Eagle Ranch. DESIGN CRITERIA Existing' and estimated proposed maximum uses have been combined for the design of the absorption field. 1. 1 - Single Family Residence 4 brm x 2 persons/bedroom x 75 gal/person/day = ZOOgal/day %N 2. 2 - 2 BRM Trailers qdd 4 BRM x 2 persons/bedroom x 75 gal/person/day = 600 gal/day 3. Food Service oile and Kitchen Wastes) 250 persons x 10 gal/person/day = 2500 gal/day 4. Public Park (During Hours When Park is Open) Facility Fixture Men Women Total Gal/Fixture/Day Gal/Day Flush Toilet 1 3 4 n 36 US�� 144 7 Urinal 2 - 2 r, 10 20 Faucet 3 3 6 x 15 90 Shower 2 2 4 100 400 To 'al j 654 Gal/Day Total estimated daily sewage flow = 25'4 gallons/day Available liquid capacity of the existing septic tank = 4700 gal Percolation Rate = 27 minutes per inch i �_ 3 CALCULATIONS Absorption Area Design: A = O'fT 5 Where A = Absorption area in square feet Q = Estimated quantity of sewage flow in gal/day T = Percolation rate in minutes per inch Q = 4354 gal/day A = 4354127 = 4525 sq. ft. 5 For seepage beds increase the area by 1.3 A = 4525 x 1.3 = 5883 sq. ft. SEPTIC SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS The following three alternatives were considered for the disposal of the septic tank effluent: 1. The Standard Seepage Bed 2. The Infiltrator Chamber System and 3. The SB2 Graveless Leach Field. Due to the limited area for the leaching field the infiltrator chamber system was selected as the best alternative. With the 40% reduction allowed for the use of the Infiltrator, graveless chamber leachfield system the required absorption area is A = 5883 - 0.40 (5883) = 3530 sq. ft. The standard infiltrator chamber size is 31x63/41x1' with a storage capacity of 8.8 ft3 or 66 gallons. 4 Size of the bed should be 63 by 56.25 feet. Total of 189 chambers will be needed. Follow the manufacturers recommendations for installation. An inspection of the system should be made by a representative of the Eagle County Environmental Health Department prior to backfilling. CONCLUSIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of 4 Eagle Ranch for the specific application as stated in the DESIGN CRITERIA. The calculations in this report are based in part on information furnished to us by others. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained in accordance with accepted professional engineering practices. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. - If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Reviewed by: jeferSpanel, P.E. N.T.S. Road F- To Steamboat Springs Highway 31 To Wolcott 4 mi - I to Sketch TEST LOCATION 4 Eagle Ranch Sec 34, T3S, R83W Eagle County, Colorado L PROJECT NO.: 91162E DRAWN BY; SCALE+ DATE+ DRAWING NO.+ ., 1 • Pro'e P.O.BOX 878 0810 NOTTIN GHAM ROAD neMntain SUITE 101 AVON,COLO.B1820 oun1420 VANCE (303)948-5072 igLAKEWOOD.COO.8021 J Detereer3)232-0158Eng WE ARE FORWARDING y0 YOU: /Herewith RE: 4 &C �61 dl/� t NO..' ❑ Under Separate /Cover ViaJUL 22 1992 ❑ st i mates ❑ Proposals Reports EAGLE COUNTY (,(7 Prints ❑ Specifications ElSu ry MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G_en f Letters 7p Ink, El Change Order ❑ II?TsG. &Ckht6. • •- Irem .,�DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANS1~4 1 TTED: For Your Use ❑ For Approval PLEASE NOTE: ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ As Requested CC; Inter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. Z R Avon Lakewood -_-),71-91 - 4 Eagle Ranhh, Tom B.ackhus JOB NO. BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE C Yn TOTAL MATERIAL 10 i L TOTAL LABOR C -� INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 ®O NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MASS. 01471 JOB FOLDER ac PrI ited in LIZ A. 12/19/22, 2:31 PM Eagle County Government Mail - 47 chelsea --. FCI4nA rincinn Incfrur4innc fnr A7 Chnlcna finaLdnCY https://mail.google.com/mai I/u/0/?i k=17e3ef6ed6&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3Al 752667502339713460&si m pl=msg-f%3Al 7526675023... 2/2 4-c/ *o -71 rG Q) o rh K,— x— L U) a FT r o n 14 J( _ N (j-r P7 Frl 0) NJ N )3 -j cr, 70 V rm C;r rrf ::I tj 7- r7 p LP %Mv kb Wlu it 1Y 1..:-=,. � \Z',4,� _`\ZL l�. ,` ��j � 1: �, ',�;,,- ,•r ��' -: tom_ \.. \a t.� � - `•��'��� �� f �°��'� I� u f NM "M 1133 V I u M kll! k1.111l I!zm W,x \0� x m 0 M C . ? r,m m Or 0 rn m c WWWWRMAR"M z;u I > m 0 0 T- r-:E CO Qp CD 0 -<-.j > a CD q 8 0 r- 0 m M>* CD ITI 00< e0z am r mc 0 an MI mqm 0 10, Ti000l�- m 0 11 t1 C-) Z7, 0 IN f O i 3 - TRENCH WIDTH ii ►r _ MIN. COVER PER SPECS OR PER = THE INFIL TRA TOR CHAMBER S YS TEM CONST. DRAWING L O i Ii 4 � 7. 4� MIN. c. ,:a';ii;:;: i:: `{_.:)r{.:.:•:{{:. 6' MAX. ::,:.I d PIPE ill BELL O.D. STANDARD PIPE BEDDING !, N. T. S. BEDDING DETAIL NOTES: I. Minimum cover to be below final street grade when available. 2. Trench to be braced or sheeted as necessary for the protection \ of other utilities and to meet O.S.H.A. safety requirements. 3. Trench width shall not be more than 16 inches nor less than \ 12 inches wider than the outside diameter of the pipe' laid . therein. (Hell of coupling O.D. if applicable.) \ Machine compacted backfiII. Squeegee, sand, or.3/4" gravel, hand tamped in 6 inch lifts. \ 6— Single layer of 6 mil. polyethylene or•Visqueen. 7. 3/4 inch washed rock. 3. .3/411, 1", 1-1/2" washed rock. \ THE INFIL TRA MR, Cl PIPE BEDDING DETAILS- - \ 3 x6- 14 X; ' (TYPICAL". 4'DIAAfETER SL R35 P. V. c SOLI' PIFE" EISTR:=�!!T10' \ \ FRCAf HEADER TO CHAAfi 56.25' / i / \ - 4" SDR35 F. V. C. HE i \ 4 SDR3,' \\ i FRI^M TA) I / i i I REL OCA TE IRRIGA TION DI TCH \ i \ 63' PROPOSED CONTOURS ' I - PROPOSED GRADE INFIL TRA TOR C \ 3x6-1/4'x1' (; A- 0 V //'/lA/A/C-/`T/A/C \ n \ / X i / o i l i \ i 10 THE ENDS OF THE CHAMBERS GRAPHIC SCALE n 5 10 24 ( IN FEET ) . 1 inch = 10 t- FISTING 4700 GAL TANK 40 �� CLEANOUT BA CKFILL WITH SANDY OR NA TI VE SOIL PROPOSED LEACHING FIELD GENERA L NO TES i I RECEIVED JUL 2 2 1992 EAGLE COUNTY C0MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I 1. Excavate 63' by 56.25' level bed. 2. Prepare and rake infiltrative surface. J. Place the INFIL TRA TOR chamber on the I level bed bottom and slip the iterlocking joints together. .4. Screw the end plates in place with self drilling screws and run the inlet pipe through the inlet end plate. Pipe does not extend the length of the system. 5. Screw units together with self drilling screws. 6. Backfill the sides of the bed with native soil to properly support the sides. 7. Backfill the bed to a minimum of 12" of compacted cover. S. Avoid vechicle traffic on system during construction. S. See pipe bedding detail for solid pipe installation. I i 24'DIA. ACCESS TOP OF TANK EL = 96.2 I ncnv�n �i�� 4 " SDR35 P. V. C. SOLID -111 .-1. I- --- T1- TA.11/ TO BLL SEWER a INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. ALTERATION PERMIT NO. 1807-98 OWNER: 4 EAGLE RANCH, INC. PHONE: 970-926-3372 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 70, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 APPLICANT: TOM BACHKUS PHONE: 970-926-3372 SYSTEM LOCATION: 4098 HWY 131, WOLCOTT, CO 81655 TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-031-00-002 LICENSED INSTALLER: T. NOTTINGHAM CONSTRUCTION, TERE NOTTINGHAM LICENSE NO. 37-98 PHONE: 970-949-2355 DESIGN ENGINEER: LKP ENGINEERING, LUIZA PETROVSKA PHONE NO. 926-9088 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 2-1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANKS, WITH THE BAFFLE REMOVED FROM THE FIRST TANK 2015 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 65 STANDARD INFILTRATOR UNITS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 7/16/98 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: DO NOT BACK FILL WITH COBBLES LARGER THAN 8" IN DIAMETER: ENGINEER NEEDS TO CERTIFY INSTALLATION OF GREASE TRAP FOR KITCHEN WASTE, NEW LEACH FIELD TO BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING FIELD AFTER IT HAS TIME TO REJUVENATE. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION OF INSTALLATION. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUD3EMENTS OF EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 2015 SQUAREFEET(VIA 65 TNFTT.TRATnR UNTTS ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTICTANK: 2500GALLONS IS LOCATED _DEGREES AND " FEET FROM THE L .ANn T nN SOUTH SIDE OF THE SOTJT14F,RNMOST (ARTN_ COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION RECEIVED ON 2/19/01, THE GRRASF. TRAP WAS IN- STALLED AS INDICATED IN THE FINAL CERTIFICATION LETTER. THE EXISTING LEACH FIELD WAS CONNECTED TO THE NEW FIELD VIA SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN NOVFMRFR 1999 RFQiTTRFT), so THF. EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT IS NOW 4030 SQUARE FEET. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED.] ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL !/T/���/%.�L r (�T DATE: MARCH 2, 2001 Incompiete Appiications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # Building Permit Y APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) lie k :k x: ,KX x PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE 8125.00 MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" � :rkk:k:��YYtyeieleye�YekYrkYrkYeye�Yeyeyr:k�:kY�:kYek�:k:e�e:k�:kYc�:k:�:k9exJe:k:��kye:��:t�4kYeye�:+ek�Yil`JCYf:1:k:CkkX�:K:K PR3PERTz OWNER: LS Ca��t �aNc� , 1.0 MAILING ADDRESS: ACott , C.0 tkt�ose PHONE: APPLICANT/ CONTACT PERSON: tom QaCKinvS PHONE: SaM� LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: lt�R� �o'tZ�cv��nwn, PHONE: COMPANY/DBA: T. �ioT'CtNS�na•h CoNsT ADDRESS: n Y: �`n YcycYc�:Y::ka��YYc`:: XYc:k k�kv: Yc�Yc:K k`:r��:y: KX*xX: xycx �5: *:kYCic kycX �k�: Y!X':r:'tY: :�:rY::;Yt�k:k k:Yh kYCA Yc k7:±k W. ycifyc�k PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION ( ALTERATION ( REPAIRLOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: �-k F4314 20.Ncra514 CIOU NIT � Tax Parcel Number: VVy\p3k 00 000- Lot Size: Physical Address: '-Vp9%yk"', Vl1 , wa\CoTT CO 8\t4ss Id BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family- Number of Bedrooms (✓► Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: !Check applicable category) Well (✓) Spring i ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: *These systems require design by a Reaistered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE- 1� �,.�� Date: :r y: :�: X � :k � � :k '.; X A' Yc 'k " Yc � is X yC ' 1C W �:' :k Y! `.; X Y; .R * � k :l ti h' }C x W Yc Yr �k ti � :Y := * Tl• ti !c y[ k :� yC Yc x yC is Yc u: vc Y: :r yC �[ X' Y: 1k J�c/YC :k X `G � Y: �--- AMOUNT PAID: /�� , RECEIPT = . 1 � �� � � DATE: CHECti = . %SJ CASHIER: TIME LOG: TRAVEL: PERC: FINAL: ,ate- Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: July 23, 1998 TO: T. Nottingham Construction Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1807-98. Tax Parcel # 1941-031-00-002. Property Location: 4098 Hwy 131, Wolcott, CO., 4 Eagle Ranch property. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1807-98. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska uct L Of 4uu1 cu. lU D r UD40=u07 L-Nr tIYU11VttK11YU INN I-Aut bl fell lheermi g i February 19, 2001 Mr. Tom Rackhus RE: Iu.spectipu of Septic System Installation 4 Eagle Ranch 4 Eagle Rauch Drawer 70 Near Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado Wolcott, CO 81655 Farlaject No. 97109 - Permit No,1807-98 Dear Tom: At the request; of Tere Nottingham, on. July 29, 1998, we visited the construction site on 4 Eagle Ranch., Near Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to observe the installation of the septic system. Also, on February 14, 2001, we visited the site to inspected the grease trap, They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 97109SD.DWG, Mated July 16, 1998. The system was installed as shown on the'above-named drawing_ They installed one, 2500ugallon, two -compartment, precast, concrete septic tank, by Copland Concrete. The septic tank was located 22 feet south from the southernmost cabin. There was a cleanout on the old line from the house to the septic tank. From the cleanout to the septic tank was 12 feet. From the septic tank was a short section of a straight pipe eiad than turn 45 degrees to the southwest for about 50 feet, .and than at 45 degrees again to a short straight section that lead to the first itifiltrator chamber, Sixty-five, infiltrator chambers were installed in five trenches, with 13 infiltrators in each. Horizontal distance was 11 feet or more from center to center of the trenches. Inspection ports were installed in the last infiltrator of each trench. From a telephone conversation with 'Tere Nothingham, we understand that on November 1, 1999, he connected tho two leachfields, after One year of rejuvenation of the old leachfield, as recommended in the above -named drawing and in the letter dated July 22, 1999. On February 14, 2001, we observed the installed grease trap in the kitchen on the ranch. The grease trap was installed on the floor, next to the tviple kitchen. sink. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. ``��St�t1t111 ttilf II�flltrE,{.�, Sincerely, ,.•` LK)? Engineer!�n� a . r �p6 •d .' XPetrovska, �t7 °4ia,es�e9� President u . cc: Mr. Ray Merry, Eagle County Environmental Health Division, fax: 328-0349 C:VkyFdmka-ldoo\W PDBCSt97109.i..o P.O. Box 2837, .Edwards, Colorado 81632 * (970) 926-9088 Tel • (970) 926-9089 F2x --- n r-. +- --.. —. __. rnr.rn —. rr.r+. r e+rry..1.T r..... 11r r. 1 Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO March 2, 2001 4 Eagle Ranch, Inc. Tom Backhus P.O. Box 70 Wolcott, CO 81655 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Alteration Permit #1807-98, Tax Parcel #1941-031-00-002. Property location: 4098 Highway 131, , Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Backhus: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, .......... Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Ray Merry From: Luiza Petrovska [Ikpeng@centurytel.net] Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:45 AM To: Ray Merry Subject: Tom Backhus Hi ray, This is to confirm our meeting on Monday, August 23, 2004 at 1:30 P.M. Our office is in the Garnet Building, which is the last building on the east side of Riverwalk. We are on the street level, facing the river. Luiza Petrovska, PE LKP Engineering, Inc. 275 Main Street, Suite C-104 P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632 Tel: 970-926-9088 Fax: 970-926-9089 E-mail: Ikpeng@centurytel.net INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1369 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Tom Rarkbus, 4 Eagle Rnnrb PHONE: 926-3379 MAILINGADDRESS: P-0- Box 70 City: Wnl rntt State: c.n Zip: 81655 APPLICANT: Inter -Mountain EnginParing Tnizg PPtYnygkq PHONE: 949-9079 SYSTEMLOCATION: 4098 HGEy 131 TAX PARCEL NUMBER: LICENSED INSTALLER: TPre Nottingham LICENSE NO: 08-94 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: TntPr-mountain EnginPPring INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 4700 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 2438 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:_ Install 65 infiltrator units into 5 trenches. Be sure that distribution box lays on properly ba kfilled and compacted soil such that it will not settle into an uneven Install inspection portals at the end of each trench Have engineer do a final insppection and send the results to Eagle County. ENVIRONM€NTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: __ CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. NSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 2438 SOUAREFEET. via 13 infiltrators in each of 5 trenches � ?Do INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLON DEGREES FEET FROM SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY _ y YES _ NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REQUIREMENTS: y_ YES —NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: final done by engineer A. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: It DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS \PPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: 'ERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit. # I `� Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR'INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE.- EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) ************************************************************************** * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE'.WO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: Tom'Backhus c/o 4 Eagle Ranch MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 70, Wolcott, CO 81655 PHONE: 926-3372 uiza APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: Inter -Mountain Eng./Petrovska PHONE: 949-5072 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Tere Nottingham PHONE: 949-2366 COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION (X) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: 4 Eagle Ranch Sec 34, T3S, R83W Eagle County Tax Parcel Number: �� 63 00 -00a- Physical Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family Residential/Multi-Family* (X) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: Lot Size: Number of Bedrooms Number of Bedrooms Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: evil Date: 6-, P9 , 9 AMOUNT PAID: �` % RECEIPT # : Z'�3DATE: `0 LCI CHECK #: CASHIER: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303)328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY; COLORADO August 9, 1994 Tom Backhus P.O. Box 70 Wo;cott, CO 81655 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1369-94 Parcel #??????????? Property located at: 4 Eagle Ranch, 4098 HWY 131 Dear Mr. Backhus, 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Shannon Garton Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files COMMUNITY DEVLOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303)328-8730 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO May 24, 1994 Tere Nottingham Environmental Health Division Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1369, Tax Parcel # ???? Property Located at: 4 eagle Ranch Sec 341 T3S R83W Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1369 is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be.brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Garton or Laura Fawcett at 328-8755. cc: files JUL_ G ! - 74 ✓JC • .31r1 1 4 LHbLL KHI`ILH P.2/2 M Inter-Mnuntain A&EngiveeringLtd- July 5, 1994 Mr. Tom Sackhus c/o 4 Eagle Ranch P. 0. Sox 70 Wolcott:, CO 81655 RE: lnspeoti.on, of new leachfield installation at 4 Eagle Ranch Eagle, Colorado Project No. 91152E Dear Tom: At the request of Mr. Tare Nottingham we performed several inspections during the leachfield construction. The leachfield was installed in general compliance with the Septic System Design Plan last dated May 16, 1994. There were five trenches excavated, between 2.5 and 3 feet deep and into the brown, clayey -sandy GRAVEL with cobbles and few boulders. There were 13 Infiltrator Chambers in each trench, with a cleanout port in the last chamber of each trench. Concrete distribution box was used to distribute the effluent into the, trenches via 4 inch solid PVC pipes. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Luiza Petrovska, P.E. Project Engineer Box No. 978 - Avon, Colorado 81620 - 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vanoe Street - Lakewood, Colorado 80215 - Phone: 232-0168 nIater-Mountain Engineering Ltd. SEPTIC SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH SEC 34, T3S, R 83 W EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH PROJECT NO. 91162E JUNE, 1992 REVISED: MAY 16, 19S Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 SCOPE This report and the plan provide septic system recommendations for 4 Eagle Ranch, Eagle County, Colorado. SITE INVESTIGATION The site, the proposed uses and the associated needs for sewage disposal have been investigated and analyzed since April of 1991. As a temporary measure a septic tank that was designed to serve as a holding tank was installed on the southeast corner of the fenced area southeast from the existing house. The liquid capacity of the septic tank is 4700 gallons. Several percolation tests were performed at the ranch in order to find the most suitable leachfield area. The latest percolation test was performed south of the septic tank area and the results were as follows: Perc Hole No. l Perc Hole No. 2 Perc Hole No. 3 25.7 min/inch 30 min/inch 25.7 min/inch The average percolation rate was 27 minutes per inch. According to the Eagle County Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems the 27 min/inch percolation rate falls within the 5 to 30 min/inch range, which allows for a disposal by absorption trench or absorption bed. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located east of Highway 131 approximately 4 miles north from Wolcott. The septic tank is located at the southeast corner of the fenced area surrounding the existing house on the 4 Eagle Ranch. DESIGN CRITERIA Existing and estimated proposed maximum uses have been combined for the design of the absorption field. Pumping records, from the existing holding tank, by the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District for the period from April 1993 until March 1994 were provided to us and copies are appended to this report. From the above records the maximum daily flow was calculated to be 600 gallons per day. At present the holding tank collects the wastewater from all the uses on the ranch, which includes full-time residents at the ranch, guests, entertainment, day -time help, help for parties and functions, etc. It is anticipated that the present uses will be increased by two thirds, adding 400 more gallons per day. In addition, it is proposed to add one-two bedroom trailer which will generate additional 300 gallons per day at 2 persons per bedroom. The total proposed daily flow will be as follows: Existing use 600 gallons per day 2/3 increase 400 gallons per day 1-2 brm trailer 300 gallons per day quo Total 1300 gallons per day Qmax = 1300 gal/day x 150% = 1950 gallons per day Check for septic tank capacity Vmax = Omax x 30 hrs. = 1950 x 30 = 2438 gallons < 4700 gal Good. 24 hrs 24 ABSORPTION AREA Percolation Rate = 27 minutes per inch A = Omax IT = 1950 127 = 2026 Sq. Ft. for trench config- 5 5 uration. The 8 ft deep test pit had the following soil profile: 0 to 2.0 ft. Topsoil 2 to 3 ft. Light brown silty CLAY 3 to 5 ft. Dark brown silty CLAY 5 to 7 ft. Flat, subangular sandy GRAVEL 7 to 8 ft. Sandy CLAY with GRAVEL For the above soil conditions the required absorption area based on the loading rate of 0.8 gallons per square foot per day was calculated also: 1950 gallons/day = 2437.5, rounded to 2438 Sq. Ft. 0.8 gal/Sq. Ft./day Allowed 50 percent reduction for Infiltrators in a trench configuration, A max = 1219 Sq. Ft. One Infiltrator Chamber has a surface area of 18.75 Sq. Ft., thus 65 Infiltrator Chambers are needed. �/�� The Infiltrator Chambers should be installed in 5 trenches as shown on the drawing.(�' Inspection of the installation should be scheduled with the Engineer prior to backfilling. CONCLUSIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of 4 Eagle Ranch for the specific application as stated in the DESIGN CRITERIA. The calculations in this report are based in part on information furnished to us by others. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained in accordance with accepted professional engineering practices. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely Inter -Mountain Engineering, Ltd. Luiza Petrovska, P.E. Project Engineer Reviewed by: i Jeff ry Spanel, P.E. (___lice esident N.T.S. Road Existing ®Perc 2 Septic Tank I® � Perk 3 Proposed Perc 1 Leach Field ence OF --,JUS X Alkali Creek Parking F— To Steamboat Springs Highway 31 To Wolcott 4 mi Approximate Sketch TEST LOCATION 4 Eagle Ranch Sec 34, T3S, R83W Eagle County, Colorado Ilk PROJECT NO.I 91162E DRAWN BY, SCALE, DATE: DRAWING NO.: 1 / UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT FOREST ROAD VAI VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 INVOICE NUMBER 002422 O: PHONE PHONE DATE OF ORDE 0 .a _ ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACC ONT NO DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME/NO TAP FEE El JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE () \V 'J& 1-4 L 4 n UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �Agro", / FOREST ROAD VAI VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 QTY MATERIAL ! OTHER PRICE AMOUNT i � mmll vv C DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS WORK ORDERED BY NAME SI AV lV yT RECEIVED BY. ACCOUNT DISTy!/ ENTERED BY REVIEWED BY INVOICE NUMBER 002379 PHONE DATE OF OR ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOLtT Ngf DAY WORK CONTRACT ❑ EXTRA JOB NAME / NO TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK EQUIPMENT HRS. RATE AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS Q TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX %lie Zlau TOTAL $, 4 14 c tV -&- " L 4 0 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT C &O" 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 INVOICE NUMBER OP2356 0: No QTY MATERIAL / OTHER PRICE AMOUNT "r//AAt / -4 .�D r./ <D DATE COMPLETED I TOTAL MATERIALS I , rzA I , WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY r✓AraE c G :[ulo -ACCOUNT DIST REVIE VVED BY P-IONE -- DATE F DE J ORDER TAKEN By BILLI AC uN7 N DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME/NO El TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.I RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR jHRS.j RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX A Z %lug 1; aca TOTAL $ UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �/ VAI FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 INVOICE NUMBER 002333 QTY MATERIAL / OTHER PRICE I AMOUNT .f17"'4"Z m 1 a Vv ,- DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS WORK MATERIALSS WORK ORDERED BY NAIVE SIGNATURE RECEIVED BY ACCOUNT DIST ENTERED BY REVIEWED BY -- - PHONE DALE Of ORDER� ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOUVT NO DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME / NO El TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK I I EQUIPMENT IHRS.I RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HR�RATE AMOUNTAMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS U TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX %lzae Zlocc TOTAL $ �D rJ,1.*r �161 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD VAI VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 0: QTY MATERIAL ! OTHER PRICE AMOUNT DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS _;2 WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY NAME SI tJATURE ACCOUNT DIST �� REVIEWED BY INVOICE NUMBER 0n2294 P.�CNE DATE OF O 7 ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOUNT F40 DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOBNAME/NO TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.j RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR IHRS.1 RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX 71 e Zlacc TOTAL $�A 3� UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �A846 FOREST ROAD VAI VAIL, COLORADO 61657 (303) 476-7480 CITY I MATERIAL / OTHER I PRICE I AMOUNT DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS INVOICE NUMBER 002268 PHONE DATE OF ORDER _ ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOUNT tO 0 DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME i NO El TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.1 RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR jHRS.j RATE I AMOUNT TOTALLABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY NAME $ IVCd./ / —ACCOUNT DIST REVIEWED BY %" Zl II TOTAL $ A\ \ '-'c u nt n UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT cr846 FOREST ROAD wVAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476.7480 0: 92 QTY MATERIAL 1 OTHER PRICE AMOUNT DATE COMPLETED TOTAL MATERIALS INVOICE NUMBER 002238 PHONE DATE OF OR'- ..—:1.��! BILLING ACCOUtP NO ORDER TAKEN BY DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME f No o TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.I RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE I AMOUNT " 3t sci TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY ACCOUNT DIST REVIEWED BY TOTAL $ 3,-� UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �/ VAI FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 INVOICE NUMBER 001gg5 • QTY I MATERIAL / OTHER DATE COMPLETED WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY PHONE DATE OF E ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING A C UNT N El DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JO8 NAME / NO ❑ TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE PRICE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF WORK EQUIPMENT IHRS.I RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT # TAX _ NAME JAT/U�R/ -ACCOUNT DIST (, `'I , REVIEWED BY 71�°a II TOTAL $ asy /UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD cr VAIL, COLORADO 81657 w (303) 476-7480 O: QTY MATERIAL / OTHER PRICE AMOUNT DATE COMPLETED WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY TOTAL MATERIALS NAME ACCOUNT DIST REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE INVOICE NUMBER om94�6 i i PHONE DATE 0 ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOUNT NO DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME / No TAP FEE ❑ JOB LOCATION J06 PHONE STARTING DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.1 RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX %�i Zlacc TOTAL $ y6'- D fl1t5�53 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �/ VAI FOREST ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 INVOICE NUMBER 001727 Af0: 3L V QTY MATERIAL / OTHER PRICE AMOUNT Co P.+ONE DA7E OF ORDER ORDER TAKEN BY BILLING ACCOUNT NO ❑ DAY WORK ❑ CONTRACT ❑ EXTRA JOB NAME / NO ❑ TAP FEE ❑ JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE I DATE COMPETED I TOTAL MATERIALS I/S y F'v WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY NAME _ ACCOUNT DIST REVIEWED BY SIGNAL UHt DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.i RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX %lam '�occ TOTAL $ B�l9ttiz UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT �A846 FOREST ROAD VAI VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476-7480 f0: (,) ;,� q 0 oleo c o QTY MATERIAL / OTHER PRICE I AMOUNT �C*)r�� CI�� -C ,ob DATE COIJPLETED I TOTAL MATERIALS INVOICE NUMBER 001677 PHONE DATE ORDE ORD � N BY BILLING ACCOUNT NO DAY WORK Ej CONTRACT EXTRA JOB NAME / NO El TAP FEE JOB LOCATION JOB PHONE STARTING DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK I EQUIPMENT IHRS.I RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL EQUIPMENT LABOR HRS. RATE I AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL EQUIPMENT TAX WORK ORDERED BY RECEIVED BY ENTERED BY NAIJE _ ACCOUNT DIST _REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE 7&zWc �TOTAL $ 1807-98 Tax jt l941-V } i—vv—v---.L r� 4098 Hwy131, 4 EAGLE RANCH j JOB NAME _ wolcottCO ALTERATION JOB NO. _Inrt I nr`Aririm In A /3 �S �'l �� - . 10 7 /-- 91 BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED r(-J a ,_ 3J 2saa G nls ►rigs JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL 2Zz /01 P'14A-a - Q/koil /V\ 0"' V'� A-U QA)u'cj TrJA, TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 ®® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. ' Q.7.1 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: 4 Eagle Ranch (Tom Backhus) PHONE: 926-3372 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 70, Wolcott, CO 81655 AGENT: Tom Backhus/Terry Nottingham PHONE: 949-6479 SYSTEM LOCATION: 4098 Hi gbway 131 (4 miles North of Wolcott) Old Perry Olson Ranch LICENSED INSTALLER: Terry Nottingham LICENSE NO. 18-91 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: V."' 11 6,000 GALLON fsEPiC OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: r No Sol'/ a r�SorP .yam SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIOA S MUST COMPLY WITH ALL RE 1 TS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE D ISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. jj�� INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: &A SQUARE FEET. %) INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: �r 04) GALLONS��a6 DEGREES tiSOOFEET OCVA - CIeN^pK4 f"O^ SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS ANDASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTYISTATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE-INSPECTI N WHEN WORK IS CO LETED. TAI r I COMMENTS: 2M A0 /� i ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER DATE: �v ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF SARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK N: CASHIER: ISDS Permit # ! 0 7/ Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8730/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $125.00 PROPERTY OWNER; �ca�in �aNe� MAILING ADDRESS. Q O 1, O\Co Z T MCI S PHONE: ck a(. APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: -To PHONE: ct4g- 6L(1 cq LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PHONE PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (✓) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: pad T Q,e_v Olso N . Parcel Number: Lot size: Sqs q� Physical Address: 40gg '� Nop-r� ,R WAce-t-C BUILDING TYPE: - -- (Check applicable category) ( } Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of B drooms } Commercial / Industrial* HOT TUB Type Yes ( ). No WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: Yes ( ) No ( ) TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well( ) -Spring (✓r__ Surface ( •) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: �oN� *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: ** AMOUNT PAID!"`. O - RECEIPT# CHECK # Udt6 TIME LOG Travel Perc Final 4R DATE: DATE: CASHIER: . .. . . I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO July 11, 1991 Tom Backhus P.O. Box 70 Wolcott, CO 81655 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1071 Dear Mr. Backhus: 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. Also enclosed are informational sheets regarding the care of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631. We can also be reached, depending on your calling area, at the following numbers: Eagle Valley 328-8730; Basalt/El Jebel 927-3823. Sincerel Raymond P. Merry, R.E.H. . Environmental Health ices RPM:ckc Encl: Informational Sheets Final ISDS Permit cc: Chrono File ISDS File Building Permit File COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Water Quality Control Division 4210 East llth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 APPLICATION FOR SITE APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION OF: A) DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS (INCLUDING TREATMENT PLANTS, OUTFALL SEWERS, AND LIFT STATIONS) OVER 2,000 GPD CAPACITY. B) INTERCEPTORS (IF REQUIRED BY C.R.S. 25-8-702 (3)) APPLICANT: Tom Buckhus c/o 4 Eagle Ranch ADDRESS: P.O. Box 70, Wolcott, CO 81655 PHONE: 926-3372 ,onsulting Engineer's Name and Address: Inter -Mountain Engineering, Ltd. P.O. Box 978, Avon, CO 81620 PHONE: 949-5072 k. Summary of information reQardinR new sewage treatment olant: 1. Proposed Location: (Legal Description) 1/4, 1/4, Section 34' Township 3 S .Range 83 W , Eagle County. 2. Type and capacity of treatment facility proposed: Processes Used 6000 gallon tank with an absorption field using the infiltrator - leaching chamber Hydraulic 4400 Organic 19.02 gal/day lbs. BODE/day Present PE Design PE % Domestic 100 % Industrial 3. Location of facility: Attach a map of the area which includes the following: (a) 5-mile radius: all sewage treatment plants, lift stations, and domestic water supply intakes. (b) 1-mile radius: habitable buildings., location of potable water wells, and an approximate indication of the topography. 4. Effluent disposal: Surface discharge to watercourse' Subsurface disposal 100% Land / Evaporation �/ Other State.water quality classification of receiving watercourse(s) N/A Proposed Effluent•Limitations developed in conjunction with Planning and Standards Section, WQCD: B0115 mg/1 SS mg/l Fecal Coliform /100 ml Total Residual Chlorine mg/1 Ammonia mg/1 Other 5. Will a State or Federal.grant be sought to finance any portion of this project? No 6. Present zoning of site area? Resource Zoning with a 1-mile radius of site? Resource 7. What is the distance downstream from the discharge to the nearest domestic -water supply intake?.. 14 mi. Town of Eagle (Name of Supply). P.O. Box 609, Eagle 81631 (Address of Supply) What is the distance downstream from the discharge to the nearest other point of diversion? (Name of User) (Address of User)-.,.. .WQCD-3 (Revised 8-83). x� C. If the facility will be located on or adjacent to a site that is owned or managed by a Federal or State agency, send the agency a copy of this application. D. Recommendation of governmental authorities: Please address the following issues in your recommendation decision. Are the proposed facilities consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other plans.for the area, including the 201 Facility Plan or 208 Water Quality Management Plan, as they affect water quality? If you have any further comments or questions, please call 320-8333, Extension 5272. Recommend Recommend No Date Approval Disapproval Comment Signature of Representative . Management Agency r Local'Government: Cities.or Towns (If site is inside boundary or within three miles) and Sanitation Districts. Board of County Commissioners E. Local Health Authority City County Planning Authority Council of Governments/Regional Planning State Geologist For lift stations, the signature of the State Geologist is not required. Applications for :reatment plants require all signatures.) :certify that I am familiar with the requirements of the "Regulations for Site Applications 'or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works," and have posted the site in accordance with the. -egulations. An.engineering report, as described by the regulations, has been prepared. and is nclosed. ' DATE 7/9/92 _ Tom A. Backhus Signature of Applicant TYPED NAME -3- WQCD-3 (Revised 8-83) �ME ACT NMAC DAZE .:t SANi}i JOG" March 22, 1991 RECEIVE® 112'02 Mr. Thomas A. Backhus n1r` ! i''I`Y il,!'_VF Op ,�11T P.O. Box 1078 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Backhus: Reference is made to. our March 18, 1991 telephone conversation whereby you requested permission to construct a new septic system on the Board's Wolcott Reservoir property known as the Perry Olsen Ranch. paragraph 5 on Page 2 of the Lease Agreement dated February 6, 1991 stipulates that "Lessee covenants and agrees not to make or permit to be made any alterations or additions. to the property leased without prior written consent of the Board; and to keep the property leased, and all improvements thereon including septic system, sewer, plumbing, wiring, glass and fencing in good repair at the expanse of the Lessee. . . " The Water Department does not have any objections to the replacement of the septic system, however, we must request that you provide a location mao showing the exact placement of all improvements including the new septic tan!< and leach line. Also, we must have information on the size and type of materials used. Your concern about the Board's property is appreciated and I wish to thank you for keeping us informed about your plans. If you have any questions concerning.this, please do not hesitate to call me at 628-6209. Sincerely, Forrest R. Christie Appraiser -Negotiator FRC/mtl 08750/(61) cc: Paul Clarkson, Community Development - Eagle County N ACT nTf W DATE ROGM— -__ _3', March 71, 1990 -- - Mr. Thomas A. Backhus P.O. Box 1078 Vail, CO 61658 Dear Mr. Backhus: Reference is made.to our March 5, 1991 telephone conversation regarding your request for permission to replace the existing septic system on the Denver Water`Department's property known as the Olsen Ranch in Eagle County, Colorado. According to the terms of Paragraph 5 of the Lease Agreement dated February 6, 1991, you are hereby authorized to replace the septic system. It is also understood that this repair will be at the sole expense of the Lessee. It is my understanding that the .later Department does not have any rights in Welch Reservoir. All: the water rights are those listed in Exhibit "B" of the Lease. If you or Eagle County should have any questions, please do net hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Forrest R. Christie Appraiser -Negotiator III FRC/mtl 08750/ (54 ) • nInter-Mountain Engineering Ltd. May 31, 1991 Mr. Tom Backhus c/o Slifer & Co. 230 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Re: 4 Eagle Ranch Sewage System Project No. 91162E Dear Mr_. Backhus, Enclosed is a letter to the Eagle County Health Department and a site plan showing Phase I of the 4 Eagle Ranch sewage system. The letter is essentially self explanatory. It is an application to install raw sewage vaults totaling 5,400 gallons as shown on the site plan. As we discussed on site yesterday should be installed the vaults in the field southeasterly of the log huts. A 4-inch PVC line will run northwesterly from the vaults toward the house then turn and run northerly to the west side of the new barn where it will be available to connect to whatever sanitary facilities you propose there. The existing line from the house can be extended easterly and connect to the new line with a T. This will constitute Phase I. Phase 2, which we will. make as a separate application to the County, will consist of adding a disposal field downstream from the vaults. At that time you could confidently add the higher flow producing elements to the system. Although the vaults will initially be utilized for raw sewage storage they are sized and should be installed to ultimately function as a two compartment septic tank. This should be made clear to the tank manufacturer. The simplest arrangement may be to acquire two identical tanks and install the downstream tank three inches lower then the upstream. Both tanks must be installed level. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Mr. Tom Backhus Page 2 May 31, 1991 Project No. 91162E The tank manufacturer may, however, be able to modify his standard construction to fit our needs and adjust the location of the openings to allow proper flow -through with both tank bases at the same elevation. This is more of a manufacturing and construction issue than an engineering issue. We recommend that the tanks be equipped and installed at the outset to function as a two cell septic tank, but with the outlet plugged from the outside. This will make conversion easier in the future. The downstream tank needs to be equipped with a mechanical level indicator to indicate sewage depth. The manufacturer will need to supply this. Install the tanks at as high an elevation as possible to end up with a just few inches of earth cover to natural grade. This will allow the most latitude for design and construction of the Phase 2 leach field. Install the tanks centered along their longitudinal axis with a few feet between them for convenience of access. If all of this is acceptable deliver the enclosed letter, site plan, and a check for $150.00 for the County Health Department in Eagle, attention Mr. Ray Merry. Of the tank manufacturers I talked to, Colorado Precast in Loveland seemed to meet your need best. Phone 669-0535. It may be worth working through Jim Kemp, a manufacturer's representative to organize and coordinate all of the items including pipe and fittings. I recommend ordering all materials early on. Call if you have any questions. Sinc y, ray,�earson, P.E. GP:bsk n Inter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. May 31, 1991 Eagle County Health Department Attn: Mr. Ray Merry P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: 4 Eagle Ranch Sec 34, T3S, R83W Temporary Project No. 91162E Gentlemen; Sewage Vaults E?" . - COf4q,,U11P11TV DE Iv�Y VEtOPIWEIVI We have been retained to provide engineering design services for the installation of sewage holding vaults on property located in the SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 34, T3S, R83W. The vaults and a sewer line are shown on the enclosed site plan. The vaults are to hold raw sewage generated from a gathering of a maximum of 270 people during the daylight hours of a maximum of three consecutive days in the last part of June 1991. Portable restroom facilities are to be provided by an independent contractor. The facilities will be limited to urinals, stools, and hand washing lavatories. There will be two 2700 gallon reinforced concrete vaults connected by a through - pipe and will be in close proximity. The dimensions will be approximately 6' x 12' x 5' high. Although the vaults will be pumped out on a daily basis automatic sewage level indicators will be incorporated. Sewage will be properly disposed of by licensed haulers. Daily sewage volume is estimated as follows: 270 people @ 20 gpcd = 5,400 gallons/day Twenty gpcd is estimated based on there being no cooking, bathing, showering, clothes washing, or over night uses. Please review this submittal at your ear -i convenience. If you have any questions please call Sin , Gray Pearson, P.E. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street 9 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Inter- Mountain Engineering Ltd. 0 July 20, 1992 Eagle County Health Department Attn: Mr. Ray Merry P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Sewage Disposal System 4 Eagle Ranch, Sec 34, T3S, R83W Project No. 91162E Dear Mr. Merry: RECEIVE® J L 2 2 Iggn2 'j fE' OPAIENT With this letter we are submitting the plan and the report for the design of the effluent disposal for 4 Eagle Ranch, located in Section 34, T3S, R83W, Eagle County, Colorado. As you are aware the septic tank of 4700 gallons liquid capacity was previously approved and installed, to serve as a holding tank. At this time we have completed the design and selected the suitable leachfield area and when the design is approved, we would like to change the use of the septic tank from holding to functional. If you have any questions, please give us a call. LP:bsm Sincerely, Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street 9 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 9 Phone: 232-0158 f) Inter -Mountain Engineering Attn: Ms. Luiza Petrovska Box 978 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 4 Eagle Sewage Disposal System Dear Ms. Petrovska: I have reviewed your proposal for an Individual Sewage Disposal System at the 4 Eagle Ranch and have enclosed my comments. Please keep in mind I have only reviewed this design for compliance with Eagle County regulations and not the completeness of the Application For Site Approval. If you have any questions concerning these comments, please call me and I would glad to discuss them in more detail. Sincerely, Roger Boyd Assistant Environmental Health Officer COMMENTS TO SEPTIC DESIGN FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH Inter -Mountain needs to submit a vicinity map showing locations \,,of each structure that will be served by proposed system. Vicinity map should also indicate location of perc test holes. County regulations require direct observation of an 8' soil 'profile or other approved method to ensure adequate separation of the absorption area from groundwater or bedrock. Design flows have been significantly underestimated, in some instances by 150%. According to County regulations (4.04.01), maximum flow shall be considered as 150% of average flow and shall be the basis for design purposes. For example, the single family residence should have a design flow of 900 gpd, not 600 gpd. In my opinion, flows for the food service are over estimated. According to the EPA design manual, wastewater flows from a restaurant range from 2.1-4.O gpd/meal, with a typical flow of 2.6 gpd/meal. I realize the proposed food service is not a restaurant, however, I feel these flows serve a reference point for more accurate estimates. Food service for guests is currently being catered, however, at some point a full service kitchen could necessary at the ranch. The calculations provided for determining the flows of the Public Park lack the necessary level of detail to accurately verify design flow. For example, how many people (or uses) will the park receive per day. Also, what is the intended use of the park, will camping be allowed, why are showers being installed. It is my understanding that a wine making operation is planned for the ranch. Depending on the scale of such an operation, - certain stages of wine making can generate large amounts of waste water. Has this potential use been considered in the septic design. Based on the present design flow, including an increase of 150% for maximum flow as require be Eagle County regulations, a minimum of 282 Infiltrator in a bed configuration would be necessary for the proposed use. In addition, the existing 4700 gallon tank would not provide the necessary 30 hour retention time. Based on the present design flow, the minimum size tank allowable would be 8164 gallons. If additional tank capacity is added, the first compartment must be at least half of the total volume. cal_ �Q9 y Fob s�r���� qs �� �� 3750 In� —IY1o� rN y J.2 7 X �E3 Z � 7g7 P 3 Tdr bPd' CDr1T'grrra✓l� �F;3 dP dew/ gYa 3 —50 3 39 ��9 99LO-ZEZ :auOud • 9208 OpeaOIOO `POOM91e-1 . }aaa}S 90UM OZVL L£5L-E68 aanuaa ZL09-6V6 • OZ9L8 OpeaOIOO `uony . 8L6 'ON XO8 Z661 'HNn.' 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('j, 7z.,- r'�ti1, (NIs a,. ,�. = , � 3.00 a rrr r�N-�dvc see of �l (O o,— 1— 7�, Act 77, 0." 1K 64-S�j / /W cl-�„✓ � vac- wa,.t �c�u�C- ((��� `�T� !`et�ce Go `p � � 1�-��v-e ci,�.-�. �,.�i' e �� ���� V G�v'�� , .e /�t/u.� ��=�%T �`�'� 5 ln.s �q l G � � � � �`'-�% �4-r b { �F-✓'ti � �/ p:...s' ice{.- L 1�.�.-�,l � /��/ ��t �/� li�t�. t V ! �o ke- �,/ 4: 1 - 4 Eagle Ranch, Tom Backhus C JOB NO, JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE d a�/ TOTAL MATERIAL 1 �, �\ C .. Pi TOTAL LABOR M INSURANCE r SALES TAX MISC. COSTS r TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 ®q NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MASS. 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed In US.A. �l L LO o O a J � �-- T 1-i >C— X— '" -) 'A 0 a 0 ri rl rry ro rrf :::I tl 7- 1v -1 9- 7 rr? Lj) 96 1 Trk rn rn ": ■ lb� T, I , (� llffl V c :r_ y%'Z �. ! /r� /.f / rr'..Iv { Lrs: NO r.,U 5! ...... �7M , �lt .(fie\ .� ��� t` � ���; /t 1 \`�/I '/ �1• / �/ ,j/.-' /.i\�� , f `� S-` � �` �1 'I I 0 IT"."'(M), 0 Fri c"D C-L Pyl 0 TRENCH WIDTH MIN. COV SPECS Oi CONST. STANDARD PIPE BEDDING N. T. S. BEDDING DETAIL NOTES: I. Minimum cover to be below final street grade when avallable. 2. Trench to be braced or sheeted as necessary for the protection of other utilities and to meet O.S.H.A. safety requirements. 3. Trench width shall not be more than 16 inches nor less than 12 inches wider than the outside diameter of the pipe laid therein. (Bell of coupling O.D. if applicable.) 4. Machine compacted backfiII. Squeegee, sand, o�--3/4" gravel, hand tamped in 6 inch lifts. 6. Single layer of 6 mil. polyethylene or Visqueen. 7. 3/4 inch washed rock. °. 3/411, I", 1-1/2" washed rock. PIPE BEDDING DETAILS 0 REL OCA TE lRRI /�, A TION Gl TCH - THE INFIL TRA TOR CHAMBER S YS TEM - Th INF'L TF4 TCrr, C-- -7 ', - 14'x (T Y/P/C-.. r� 4 " 5DR35 P. V. C. 3 " "L I'-' FR"M TAAIK V HF4C'F,? i� 10 PROPOSEr' GRACE 93. FISTING 4700 GAL TANK /- EXISTMIG GRACE - lNFIL TRA TOR CHAMEfE/T 3x6-1114'xl' (TYPICAL) L 4" P. V. CONNE TING THE C N7S OF THE CHAMBERS GRAPHIC SCALE 5 10 2) 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 E. CLEANOUT -- - 9ENL RA L NO TES 1. Excavate 63' by 56.25' level bed. 2. Prepare and rake infiltrative surface. j 3. Place the INFIL TRA TOR chamber on the level bed bottom and slip the iterlocking joints together. 4. Screw the endplates in place with self drilling screws and run the inlet pipe through the inlet end plate. Pipe does not extend the length of the system. 5. Screw units together with self dril/ing sere ws. 6. Backfill the sides of the bed with native soil to properly support the sides. 7. Backfill the bed to a minimum of 12" of compacted cover. 8. Avoid vechicle traffic on system during construction. 9. See pipe bedding detail for solid pipe installation. BA CKFILL WITH SANDY OR NA Tl VE SOIL HG TTOAI OF LEANING HEED SHOULJ BE LEVEL PROPOSE!? LEACHING FIE -Lb TOP OF TANK EL = 96.2 - TIVIN 12" CO'vt R 93. 0 i-- 93.33 4 " S�R35 SOLID P. V. C. J DIST,?IBU TION LINES FROM HEADER TO CHAMBER' 4 " SOR35 SOLID WALL HEADER PIPE 4 " SOR35 P. V. C. SOLID COUNTYRECEIVED EAGLE COMMU 24'DIA. ACCESS TO BLDG SEWER Work Classification: AlterationPermit PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 185534400001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-5-11-6104 Expires: 1/6/2012 Issue Date: 9/8/2011 Parcel No. 004098 HWY 131 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (970)376-1808 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-2728ARROYO ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number NEI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (970)471-3665 Yes52-11 GLENN HEELAN 4 EAGLE RANCH Permitted Construction / Details: This system is sized for a Commercial recreational facility. This system is permitted to install the alterations to the existing on-site wastewater system identified on the plans stamped, signed and dated August 15, 2011 by Lee Whittington of Arroyo Engineering, Inc. Such alterations include the installation of a new lift station with high water alarm; a new 2500 gallon single compartment septic tank preceding the existing 2500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank (in which the engineer has specified a "SepAerator" aeration device to be equipped with duplex pumps dosing a new drain field consisting of 3,280 square feet of absorption area credit via 164 Q4 Infiltrator chambers in a shallow trench configuration with four rows of 41 chambers per row. Permission is also granted to install an effluent line from the 4,700 gallon dosing vault to the existing drain field but not to connect a dosing pump to the old, resting drain field. The existing drain field will be taken off line and allowed to rest. Do not install in wet weather. Do not cover any portion of the system before inspection by the design engineer and Eagle County Environmental Health. Contact the design engineer for final certification of the OWTS and to facilitate occupancy of the "people barn". The system will not be finalized until Environmental Health receives a certification letter, pictures, and as built of the system from the design engineer. This new on-site wastewater treatment unit is designed to handle flows from the new "people barn" up to 1,950 gallons of wastewater in any given day. It is recommended that portable toilets be utilized for large events which may exceed this capacity. Customer Copy CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: AlterationPermit PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 185534400001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-5-11-6104 Expires: 1/6/2012 Issue Date: 9/8/2011 Parcel No. 004098 HWY 131 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (970)376-1808 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-2728ARROYO ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number NEI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (970)471-3665 Yes52-11 GLENN HEELAN 4 EAGLE RANCH Permitted Construction / Details: This system is sized for a Commercial recreational facility. This system is permitted to install the alterations to the existing on-site wastewater system identified on the plans stamped, signed and dated August 15, 2011 by Lee Whittington of Arroyo Engineering, Inc. Such alterations include the installation of a new lift station with high water alarm; a new 2500 gallon single compartment septic tank preceding the existing 2500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank (in which the engineer has specified a "SepAerator" aeration device to be equipped with duplex pumps dosing a new drain field consisting of 3,280 square feet of absorption area credit via 164 Q4 Infiltrator chambers in a shallow trench configuration with four rows of 41 chambers per row. Permission is also granted to install an effluent line from the 4,700 gallon dosing vault to the existing drain field but not to connect a dosing pump to the old, resting drain field. The existing drain field will be taken off line and allowed to rest. Do not install in wet weather. Do not cover any portion of the system before inspection by the design engineer and Eagle County Environmental Health. Contact the design engineer for final certification of the OWTS and to facilitate occupancy of the "people barn". The system will not be finalized until Environmental Health receives a certification letter, pictures, and as built of the system from the design engineer. This new on-site wastewater treatment unit is designed to handle flows from the new "people barn" up to 1,950 gallons of wastewater in any given day. It is recommended that portable toilets be utilized for large events which may exceed this capacity. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO September 08, 2011 Date Terri Vroman Work Classification: AlterationPermit PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 185534400001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-5-11-6104 Expires: 1/6/2012 Issue Date: 9/8/2011 Parcel No. 004098 HWY 131 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (970)376-1808 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-2728ARROYO ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number NEI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (970)471-3665 Yes52-11 GLENN HEELAN 4 EAGLE RANCH Permitted Construction / Details: This system is sized for a Commercial recreational facility. This system is permitted to install the alterations to the existing on-site wastewater system identified on the plans stamped, signed and dated August 15, 2011 by Lee Whittington of Arroyo Engineering, Inc. Such alterations include the installation of a new lift station with high water alarm; a new 2500 gallon single compartment septic tank preceding the existing 2500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank (in which the engineer has specified a "SepAerator" aeration device to be equipped with duplex pumps dosing a new drain field consisting of 3,280 square feet of absorption area credit via 164 Q4 Infiltrator chambers in a shallow trench configuration with four rows of 41 chambers per row. Permission is also granted to install an effluent line from the 4,700 gallon dosing vault to the existing drain field but not to connect a dosing pump to the old, resting drain field. The existing drain field will be taken off line and allowed to rest. Do not install in wet weather. Do not cover any portion of the system before inspection by the design engineer and Eagle County Environmental Health. Contact the design engineer for final certification of the OWTS and to facilitate occupancy of the "people barn". The system will not be finalized until Environmental Health receives a certification letter, pictures, and as built of the system from the design engineer. This new on-site wastewater treatment unit is designed to handle flows from the new "people barn" up to 1,950 gallons of wastewater in any given day. It is recommended that portable toilets be utilized for large events which may exceed this capacity. Office Copy CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: AlterationPermit PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 PO BOX 70 WOLCOTT CO 81655-0070 Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 185534400001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-5-11-6104 Expires: 1/6/2012 Issue Date: 9/8/2011 Parcel No. 004098 HWY 131 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (970)376-1808 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-2728ARROYO ENGINEERING Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number NEI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (970)471-3665 Yes52-11 GLENN HEELAN 4 EAGLE RANCH Permitted Construction / Details: This system is sized for a Commercial recreational facility. This system is permitted to install the alterations to the existing on-site wastewater system identified on the plans stamped, signed and dated August 15, 2011 by Lee Whittington of Arroyo Engineering, Inc. Such alterations include the installation of a new lift station with high water alarm; a new 2500 gallon single compartment septic tank preceding the existing 2500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank (in which the engineer has specified a "SepAerator" aeration device to be equipped with duplex pumps dosing a new drain field consisting of 3,280 square feet of absorption area credit via 164 Q4 Infiltrator chambers in a shallow trench configuration with four rows of 41 chambers per row. Permission is also granted to install an effluent line from the 4,700 gallon dosing vault to the existing drain field but not to connect a dosing pump to the old, resting drain field. The existing drain field will be taken off line and allowed to rest. Do not install in wet weather. Do not cover any portion of the system before inspection by the design engineer and Eagle County Environmental Health. Contact the design engineer for final certification of the OWTS and to facilitate occupancy of the "people barn". The system will not be finalized until Environmental Health receives a certification letter, pictures, and as built of the system from the design engineer. This new on-site wastewater treatment unit is designed to handle flows from the new "people barn" up to 1,950 gallons of wastewater in any given day. It is recommended that portable toilets be utilized for large events which may exceed this capacity. September 08, 2011 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Terri Vroman DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecountv.us APPLICATION FOR P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecouniy.us OWTS PERMIT #Ow - D BUILDING PERMIT # C.nMi%A —S- I I - hb 1 l INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE $800.00 MAJOR REPAIR FEE 800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 400.00 This fee includes the OWTS Permit, Site Evaluation (Percolation Test, or Soil Profile Observation) and Final Inspection. Additional fees may be charged if a re -inspection is necessary, or a pre -construction site visit or consultation is needed. The re -inspection fee is $135.00 Make all remittance payable to: Eagle County Treasurer. Property Owner: LL- Phone: � 3Z�D - 3+-1 S to 00 NCEIA J Mailing Address: 170 13o�c Z.ZZ—i p EAGLF— Lo email tgm a"tA.JQ 4oL.. L.o►✓t SS G�. Registered Professional Engineer: L A,,?Tom Phone: (970') 14T-S797_ Applicant or Contact Person: TV-#,JA 5Vj PJj,=A4A/'Koa/►r7-,Phone: 61-73) 3Z$ — 34(56 Licensed Systems Contractor: T13 D License # -rbb Company / DBA: -rGl> Phone: -rB D Mailing Address: -Mb email ?'Sid Permit Application is for: New Installation Alteration Repair Location of Proposed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: Legal Description: *r&t S 3 %-/ % 4ub '?Arr• o F rZAcT- 3'9e 5 EL 3G( Tw15, lZ$3,a, 51/L fVE yy, 5E %/H Tax Parcel Number: I 1-I&I — OO — 0 Ol Lot Size: V H t4- 2)Z ACA�r—, Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/uatie/ Physical Address: Building Type: Ala=f4, us N+.✓-1 Residential / Single Residential / Multi Family Ca Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Commercial / Industrial* Type of Use: QlrSotZT k8Cj?4;) )r)Qj+L *These systems require design my a Registered Professional Engineer PIA-C I u T y Type of Water Supply: If Public Name of Supplier: Applicant Signature: ****************** Office Use Only Amount Paid: Private Well X, Spring Surface Public Receipt #: Check #: ti`M�> Date: ` j-D l AKKOYO r-NG1NI.EX1NG.1NG CIVItF—NCINF-E-KI NGr CON5ULTING May 18, 2011 Raymond Merry Eagle County Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: 4 Eagle Ranch — Septic System Improvements Dear Mr. Merry, As you are aware we have been proposing some improvements to the existing septic system at the 4 Eagle Ranch property, located in Wolcott, Colorado. It is my understanding that the Building Permit for the proposed People Barn is being detained due to an outstanding OWTS permit. We feel that a permit is not warranted since the existing septic system is adequately sized for both the existing and proposed sewer demands. The reason for the proposed improvements is mainly because during this last winter the 4 Eagle Ranch had a backup of the toilets inside the building and they have asked me to look into the cause of this issue. The cause of the backup is undetermined as of yet, and may have been due to freezing of the lines. The ideology for the proposed septic system improvements was for the owners piece of mind to insure that the septic system could handle the rare back to back maximum day events without issue. I have gathered and reviewed the existing water and sewer system uses to date, and believe that the existing septic system is sized adequately for the existing uses on the property and is rarely used for its maximum treatment potential. Since the People Barn is replacing the existing tents on the property we do not expect any increases to the current uses from this replacement at this time. The only proposed increase at this time is from the additional 3 bedrooms added onto the homestead house, which is only planned to have similar uses to a retreat house which we believe will still fall within the existing septic system sizing. Additionally we would like to note that the proposed bathrooms in the People Barn are not required and are only being designed to improve the location and ease access to the bathrooms as well as replace some of the outdated bathrooms and fixtures located in the adjacent Nelson Cabin. As a an extra insurance solution, we were originally proposing to utilize and existing abandoned onsite 4700 gallon septic tank as a holding tank for the excess uses from these rare events. Then also use this tank as a dosing chamber to only allow dosing of the leach field at a lower rate. Had this been the sole improvement we would have likely submitted the application already. However in a recent meeting with you, we were asked to provide some additional studies as to the condition of the existing leach field and to look into -PO Box 2946 • Edwards, CO 81632 • Ph: (970) 471-5792 • lee@arroyo-engineering.com - some additional oxygenating filter systems to further reduce the BOD and nitrogen in the treatment process. We are diligently looking into these issues and are nearing a final design but are likely still a week or two away from a final submittal. We are proposing that the OWTS permit not hold up the Building Permit at this time since the proposed uses are still planned to be within the limits of what the existing septic system is sized for, and we ask that you accept this application and payment on good faith that the proposed improvements and final design will be submitted shortly. If required we can also agree to not connect the proposed new bathrooms to the existing septic system until a final OWTS permit is approved. Please feel free to contact either Jenna Skinner -Markowitz (970) 328-3456 or myself (970) 471-5792 with any further questions or requests. Sincerely, Lee C. Whittington, PE •PO Box 2946 • Edwards, CO 81632 - Ph: (970) 471-5792 • lee@arroyo-engineering.com - May 18, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: 1, Glenn M. Heelan, Managing Member of 4 Eagle Ranch, LLC, hereby authorize Jena Skinner - Markowitz, AICP, to act as representative on our behalf for any land use application, permit, or similar, for all properties owned or operated by this entity. If`you7have-any comments on this document, please 3456 or via email,at glmheelan@aol.com Si cere`°s: Glenn M. Heelan Managing Member, 4 Eagle Ranch, LLC 94 Market Street, Sidle 203, Eagle, CD 81631-2227 (970) 3 28-3456 3- SEPTIC SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED FOR 4 EAGLE RANCH SEC 34, T3S, R83W Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado August 15, 2011 •Arroyo Engineering, Inc • PO Box 2946 • Edwards, CO 81632 • (970) 471-5792 • • 397 Edwards Village Blvd • lee@hotmail.com • SCOPE The scope of this report is to analyze and provide any necessary improvements to the existing septic system at the 4 Eagle Ranch property. Analysis is to determine if the existing system is functioning properly and if it is sized properly for the current and proposed uses. SITE DESCRIPTION The 4 Eagle Ranch is located approximately 4 miles North of Wolcott on Highway 131. The property is a working ranch that offers horseback riding, sleigh rides, zip line tours, wine making and caters private parties. HISTORY From the past records obtained from the Eagle County Environmental Health Department we were able to determine this brief approximate history of the existing septic system at the 4 Eagle Ranch. In 1992 the septic system was originally designed for a maximum daily loading of 4354 gpd. It was designed to include a 4700 gallon septic tank and a 3530 sf infiltrator chamber trench leach field system. Since proposed uses exceeded the 2000 gpd maximum allowed for a county permit approval, the system was not approved and only the 4700 gal septic tank was installed. Because of this the septic tank was utilized as a holding tank and was pumped out weekly from 1992 to 1994. In 1994 the leach field was redesigned and reduced in size from the original design. Pumping records of the septic holding tank showed a maximum daily loading of only 600 gpd. The design of the proposed leach field assumed this to increase and was designed for a maximum day load of 1950 gallons. The existing 4700 gallon septic tank was continued to be used, and the installed leach field was 65 infiltrator units in 5 trenches for a total area of 1215 sf. In 1998 records showed that a new leach field was installed adjacent to the existing leach field. The new field was sized the same as the previous one with 65 infiltrator units in 5 trenches for a total area of 1215 sf. The old leach field was taken off line and allowed to rest. In addition a new septic tank was installed we assume this was necessary in order for the septic tank to be located upstream of the new leach field. Because the new leach field was located upstream of the old leach field and it was therefore to high for the existing 4700 gallon septic tank to gravity flow into the new field. The new septic tank was originally proposed to be two 1250 gallon tanks but was actually installed as a single 2500 gallon septic tank. The older 4700 gallon tank was taken offline and abandoned. The 2500 gallon septic tank is what is still in operation today. In 2001 the old leach field was reconnected to the septic system, it was connected in series to the new leach field which essentially doubled the size and capacity of the overall leach field. The overall leach field, which is still currently in use, consists of 130 infiltrator units for a total area of 2430 SF. ANALISYS OF EXISTING SYSTEM The condition of the existing septic system has been reviewed and the results are as follows. The existing 2500 gallon septic tank has been pumped out and inspected and appears to be in proper working order and there are no visible signs of any structural defects. The leach field has inspection ports at each end of every row of infiltrators, which were all removed and inspected. When inspected all of the ports were full of waste water effluent. In order to determine if the leach field was functioning properly the septic tank was pumped out so that no flow was directed to the leach field for around 3 days, in order to give it time to percolate out. After this period the ports were inspected again and the water level had gone down some but standing water was still quite high in every port. In addition the ground above the leach field is very wet and spongy. Core samples were attempted at the inspection ports but were mostly unsuccessful due to the rocky material. However a few samples of black bio mat were recovered and were a least 4” thick before refusal of the core due to rocks. Because of the above observations the leach field has been determined to be failing and is in need of replacement. EXISTING SEWER LOADING The 4 Eagle Ranch has an on site water treatment plant and records their total water usage on a weekly basis. From these records we were able to approximate the average and maximum day septic system loads. Total water demand is measured at the plant and known water demands that aren’t directed to the septic system where subtracted out to obtain sewer loads. The water demands not directed to the septic system include 450 GPD to water the horses on Tuesday through Saturday and an average of 200 GPD to backwash the filters in the treatment plant. Utilizing the above information we were able to determine an average daily sewer load to be about 935 GPD and the highest sewer loading on record was 1777 GPD. Although these numbers are considered to be greater than the actual septic system loads because there are items included that falsely raise the actual values. Some of these items are as follows. 1. The employees are known to put the water hose in the horse trough to fill it up but often forget to turn off the water when they are full and water overflows onto the ground for sizable periods of time. This is water that is not quantified so these calculations assume this water is currently directed to the septic system and thus creating a false higher average. 2. There is a leak in the line that goes to the spigot that fills the horse trough and this valves needs to be turned on and off every time this spigot is used otherwise this leak has been known to drain the water tanks. This is water that is not quantified so these calculations assume this water is currently directed to the septic system and thus creating a false higher average. 3. There is a toilet that was discovered being stuck running for some time it was fixed after it was discovered but the how many days or weeks this was happening is unknown. This is water that was directed to the septic system but is not considered and average use and is falsely raising the average demands. The horses are planned to be taken off of the treated domestic water supply system, which will ensure that the two problems associated with this won’t effect this in the future and the toilet has been fixed. DESIGN CRITERIA The 4 Eagle Ranch has recently remodeled the existing homestead house on the property and has increased the building size from 5 to 6 bedrooms and plans on utilizing the building as a retreat house for occasional guests. The two existing tents on the property that were utilized for larger parties are being removed and will be replaced with a single larger more permanent People Barn. The People Barn will have new bathrooms in it and the existing bathrooms in the Nelson Cabin are being removed. The new people barn is planned to be utilized much the same as the tents were, mainly for larger parties. The 4 Eagle Ranch currently hosts parties ranging from 25 to 300 people without exceeding the designed 1950 gpm sewer loading. As a rule of thumb porta-potties are brought in when parties exceed 300 people so as not to overload the existing septic system. Since no changes are proposed in the sewer loading coming from the People Barn, the only real increases will be from the one additional bedroom at the homestead house. Per code this increase is expected to be 75 gpd per person for 2 people in the one additional bedroom, for a total of 150 gpd. With the proposed increased loading of 150 gpd plus the calculated 935 gpd average day loading we have a new total average day load of 1085 gpd and a 150% maximum day load would be 935 x 1.5 = 1403 gpd. This is still much less than the 1950 gpd the septic system is designed for. However it is in the interest of the 4 Eagle Ranch to continue to design to the 1950 gpd max day loading as a factor of safety and to design to just under the max 2000 gpd allowed by the county permitting process. It should be mentioned that calculating sewer loading utilizing the suggested flowrates per use as suggested in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, produces quantities so high that they far exceed the total water usage recorded at the water treatment plant. For this reason sewer loads are considered to be more accurate utilizing the actual data available for this site. LEACH FIELD SIZING A new location has been chosen for the proposed leach field. Which is just south of the existing leach field and north of the rodeo arena. Perk tests were performed on the surface which produced reading perk rates near failing right around 60 min per inch. This is largely due to the very clayey material at the surface of this entire ranch area. It is believed that this clayey material is largely to blame for the short life of the two previous leach fields. We have discovered from a recent soils report that there is another layer of a more sandy clay located just 3-4 feet deep below the poor material at the surface. We dug down to this layer and ran perk test on it which performed exceptionally well. Having a perk rate of 10.75 min per inch. However since this material is located just a foot or two lower than the elevation we prefer to locate the infiltrators, we ran a test on a sample area. We removed some of this better material from an adjacent trench and replaced the poor material where the leach field is to be located. We did this on an approximate 10x15 foot area and ran perk tests on the top of the newly imported material. This area perked at a rate of 23 min per inch, this difference in perk rate is likely caused by a variation in the compaction from its original state. However since the leach field is planned to be entirely on the imported material and the 23 MPI is the more conservative perk rate, we will design to that. Leach Field Area (A) = (Q √t)/5 = (1950 √23)/5 = 1870 sf Also check the leach field sizing against the Long Term Acceptance Rate (LTAR) of the Soil. If we used the final perk rate of 23 MPI this would give us an LTAR of 0.5, typical of an average “Loam”. However since our original perk test of the soil in it’s undisturbed state had a perk rate of 10.75 MPI that would classify it as a “Sandy Loam” having an LTAR of 0.72. This also agrees with the soils report which classifies this soil as a “Clayey Sand” and with field inspections of the material which appears to have a greater concentration of sand than an average “Loam”. For the purposes of this calculation we will assume the soil to be somewhere between a “Loam” and a “Sandy Loam” and use an LTAR of 0.6. Leach Field Area = Q / LTAR = 1950 / 0.6 = 3250 sf Å design to larger area. Utilizing the 50% allowable reduction factor for using the Q4 Infiltrators. Leach Field Area = 3250 x RF = 3256 x .5 = 1628 sf. Standard infiltrator units have an effective area of 10 sf 1628sf / 10 sf = 162.8 units. Use 164 Units in 4 equal length trenches. Total Leach Field Area = 164 units x 10 sf/unit = 1640 SF Use 41 infiltrators per trench with 4 equal length trenches for a total of 164 infiltrators and a total area = 1640 SF SEPTIC TANK SIZING Existing Septic Tank Size = 2500 Gallons Capacity: Max Daily Flow = (30x1950)/24 = 2437.5 gal/day The existing septic tank is sized correctly to meet the 30 hour settling rate required for a max day demand of 1950 gpd. Due to the fact that the leach fields at this site have proven to have shorter than expected life spans we are proposing to take additional measures to improve on the leach field life span. One additional treatment measure is to install a second 2500 gallon single chamber septic tank upstream of the existing 2500 gallon septic tank. This additional tank is proposed to help prolong the life of the new leach field buy allowing for more particulate removal by extending the settling time. This additional tank is also proposed as part of our nitrate removal plan. We are planning on installing a “SepAerator” septic aeration system in the second (existing) septic tank. This system works best when the aerators are installed in the inlet side of a tank that is free of solids. This allows the air bubbles to interact with the nitrates for a longer period of time, as they flow from the inlet side of the tank to the outlet side. This longer interaction time provides a more effective nitrate removal. LIFT STATION The new “People Barn” is being built in a location where it will not be possible for the septic piping to achieve gravity flow to the existing septic tanks. For this reason a Lift Station is proposed to in order to pump the sewage up to the septic tanks. The proposed lift station shall consist of an underground vault or self contained unit that will accommodate duplex (2) ejector pumps set up to alternate pumping. Each pump shall be sized to handle the loading from the People Barn individually. There shall also be float switches for pumping operation and high level alarms. Additionally alarm lights shall be located at the control panel. DOSING CHAMBER To further improve on the septic system and the life of the leach field, we have decided to utilize the existing 4700 gallon septic tank that was previously abandoned as a dosing chamber. Utilizing this tank will improve the system in two ways. First by regulating the flowrates directed to the leach field so that the it has adequate time to percolate in between dosing events. This will help the field operate in a more aerobic environment which will help control bio mat growth, and prevent failure of the leach field. Secondly this tank will also act as a holding tank for any unexpected flowrates larger than the calculated maximum day loading. If a larger event were to occur this tank is large enough to hold the excess volume for a few days while the dosing pumps can recover by discharging sewage at a rate the leach field is designed to handle. CONCLUSIONS The 4 Eagle Ranch has an existing septic system that is sized properly according to historic and proposed uses as determined from actual recorded water use data. The existing leach field is failing and is in need of replacement. It is believed that part of the problem with the failing leach field is due to the total anaerobic condition of the current system which causes an excess buildup of bio mat. Due to the relatively short life span of the leach field the 4 Eagle Ranch would like to make some additional improvements to help extend the life expectance of the new leach field. First, and additional 2500 gallon septic tank is proposed to help with settling times and help with nitrate removal. Second a Septic Tank Aeration system is planned to be installed to add air into the septic tanks which will also help remove nitrates and improve BOD removal. Third the existing 4700 gallon septic tank is to be utilized as a dosing tank and will also be capable of retaining any excess flows from the system so as not to overload the leach field. Fourth the new leach field will be placed on a more pervious material that is located just a few feet below the existing clayey material located at the surface. 4 EAGLE RANCH WATER SYSTEM RECORDS 4 EAGLE RANCH SEPTIC SYSTEM 1) Backwash uses approx 400 Gallons every 2 days and this Iron filter backwashes between 0 and 300 gal every other day. This water doesn't go to the septic. 2) The horses use approx 450 gallons 5 days a week not on sundays and mondays. This water gets consumed and doesn’t go to the septic. DATE day of the week Horses Back wash People per party METER READING Total Wtr Use Avg Day Wtr Use Avg Day Swr Use 1/1/2010 Saturday 450 200 1/2/2010 Sunday 200 66 1/3/2010 Monday 200 25 1/4/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3317210 1/5/2010 Wednesday 450 200 1/6/2010 Thursday 450 200 32 1/7/2010 Friday 450 200 98 1/8/2010 Saturday 450 200 1/9/2010 Sunday 200 1/10/2010 Monday 200 1/11/2010 Tuesday 450 200 52 1/12/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3326420 9210 1151 614 1/13/2010 Thursday 450 200 1/14/2010 Friday 450 200 1/15/2010 Saturday 450 200 49 1/16/2010 Sunday 200 38 1/17/2010 Monday 200 56 1/18/2010 Tuesday 450 200 1/19/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3333530 7110 1016 494 1/20/2010 Thursday 450 200 52 1/21/2010 Friday 450 200 1/22/2010 Saturday 450 200 23 1/23/2010 Sunday 200 1/24/2010 Monday 200 1/25/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3339200 5670 945 445 1/26/2010 Wednesday 450 200 1/27/2010 Thursday 450 200 25 1/28/2010 Friday 450 200 1/29/2010 Saturday 450 200 1/30/2010 Sunday 200 50 1/31/2010 Monday 200 2/1/2010 Tuesday 450 200 19 3347040 7840 1120 599 2/2/2010 Wednesday 450 200 34 2/3/2010 Thursday 450 200 29 2/4/2010 Friday 450 200 94 2/5/2010 Saturday 450 200 2/6/2010 Sunday 200 2/7/2010 Monday 200 2/8/2010 Tuesday 450 200 29 2/9/2010 Wednesday 450 200 54 3354760 7720 965 428 2/10/2010 Thursday 450 200 2/11/2010 Friday 450 200 2/12/2010 Saturday 450 200 58 2/13/2010 Sunday 200 52 2/14/2010 Monday 200 2/27/2010 Sunday 200 2/28/2010 Monday 200 3/1/2010 Tuesday 450 200 27 3/2/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3381270 10130 1447 926 3/3/2010 Thursday 450 200 55 3/4/2010 Friday 450 200 116 3/5/2010 Saturday 450 200 3/6/2010 Sunday 200 64 3/7/2010 Monday 200 3/8/2010 Tuesday 450 200 38 3/9/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3/10/2010 Thursday 450 200 43 3/11/2010 Friday 450 200 3/12/2010 Saturday 450 200 4 3/13/2010 Sunday 200 58 3/14/2010 Monday 200 3/15/2010 Tuesday 450 200 51 3/16/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3404970 23700 1693 1171 3/17/2010 Thursday 450 200 124 3/18/2010 Friday 450 200 3/19/2010 Saturday 450 200 35 3/20/2010 Sunday 200 43 3/21/2010 Monday 200 3/22/2010 Tuesday 450 200 52 3/23/2010 Wednesday 450 200 41 3/24/2010 Thursday 450 200 3/25/2010 Friday 450 200 3425910 20940 2327 1777 3/26/2010 Saturday 450 200 3/27/2010 Sunday 200 84 3/28/2010 Monday 200 3/29/2010 Tuesday 450 200 128 3/30/2010 Wednesday 450 200 70 3/31/2010 Thursday 450 200 117 4/1/2010 Friday 450 200 74 4/2/2010 Saturday 450 200 40 3437260 11350 1419 881 4/3/2010 Sunday 200 45 4/4/2010 Monday 200 4/5/2010 Tuesday 450 200 26 4/6/2010 Wednesday 450 200 4/7/2010 Thursday 450 200 4/8/2010 Friday 450 200 3444320 7060 1177 677 4/9/2010 Saturday 450 200 4/10/2010 Sunday 200 4/11/2010 Monday 200 4/12/2010 Tuesday 450 200 4/13/2010 Wednesday 450 200 25 4/14/2010 Thursday 450 200 4/15/2010 Friday 450 200 3452210 7890 1127 606 4/16/2010 Saturday 450 200 4/17/2010 Sunday 200 4/18/2010 Monday 200 4/19/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3456160 3950 988 563 4/20/2010 Wednesday 450 200 4/21/2010 Thursday 450 200 5/4/2010 Wednesday 450 200 5/5/2010 Thursday 450 200 5/6/2010 Friday 450 200 91 5/7/2010 Saturday 450 200 5/8/2010 Sunday 200 5/9/2010 Monday 200 5/10/2010 Tuesday 450 200 5/11/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3484240 10010 1251 714 5/12/2010 Thursday 450 200 35 5/13/2010 Friday 450 200 5/14/2010 Saturday 450 200 60 5/15/2010 Sunday 200 20 5/16/2010 Monday 200 5/17/2010 Tuesday 450 200 5/18/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3492270 8030 1147 626 5/19/2010 Thursday 450 200 5/20/2010 Friday 450 200 5/21/2010 Saturday 450 200 225 5/22/2010 Sunday 200 40 5/23/2010 Monday 200 5/24/2010 Tuesday 450 200 5/25/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3498880 6610 944 423 5/26/2010 Thursday 450 200 500 5/27/2010 Friday 450 200 5/28/2010 Saturday 450 200 300 5/29/2010 Sunday 200 5/30/2010 Monday 200 5/31/2010 Tuesday 450 200 6/1/2010 Wednesday 450 200 6/2/2010 Thursday 450 200 3511390 12510 1564 1026 6/3/2010 Friday 450 200 133 6/4/2010 Saturday 450 200 6/5/2010 Sunday 200 6/6/2010 Monday 200 6/7/2010 Tuesday 450 200 6/8/2010 Wednesday 450 200 6/9/2010 Thursday 450 200 3524080 12690 1813 1291 6/10/2010 Friday 450 200 6/11/2010 Saturday 450 200 6/12/2010 Sunday 200 26 6/13/2010 Monday 200 6/14/2010 Tuesday 450 200 18 6/15/2010 Wednesday 450 200 6/16/2010 Thursday 450 200 6/17/2010 Friday 450 200 3534470 10390 1299 761 6/18/2010 Saturday 450 200 144 6/19/2010 Sunday 200 140 6/20/2010 Monday 200 6/21/2010 Tuesday 450 200 32 6/22/2010 Wednesday 450 200 6/23/2010 Thursday 450 200 150 6/24/2010 Friday 450 200 30 3544310 9840 1406 884 6/25/2010 Saturday 450 200 6/26/2010 Sunday 200 150 7/9/2010 Saturday 450 200 7/10/2010 Sunday 200 200 7/11/2010 Monday 200 7/12/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3564930 4630 1158 733 7/13/2010 Wednesday 450 200 87 7/14/2010 Thursday 450 200 115 7/15/2010 Friday 450 200 130 7/16/2010 Saturday 450 200 200 7/17/2010 Sunday 200 7/18/2010 Monday 200 7/19/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3575600 10670 1524 1003 7/20/2010 Wednesday 450 200 40 7/21/2010 Thursday 450 200 156 7/22/2010 Friday 450 200 75 7/23/2010 Saturday 450 200 7/24/2010 Sunday 200 200 7/25/2010 Monday 200 7/26/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3585390 9790 1399 877 7/27/2010 Wednesday 450 200 250 7/28/2010 Thursday 450 200 132 7/29/2010 Friday 450 200 7/30/2010 Saturday 450 200 7/31/2010 Sunday 200 8/1/2010 Monday 200 8/2/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3596270 10880 1554 1033 8/3/2010 Wednesday 450 200 330 8/4/2010 Thursday 450 200 257 8/5/2010 Friday 450 200 111 8/6/2010 Saturday 450 200 8/7/2010 Sunday 200 8/8/2010 Monday 200 8/9/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3609440 13170 1881 1360 8/10/2010 Wednesday 450 200 8/11/2010 Thursday 450 200 183 8/12/2010 Friday 450 200 8/13/2010 Saturday 450 200 8/14/2010 Sunday 200 8/15/2010 Monday 200 8/16/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3623770 14330 2047 1526 8/17/2010 Wednesday 450 200 8/18/2010 Thursday 450 200 180 8/19/2010 Friday 450 200 8/20/2010 Saturday 450 200 135 8/21/2010 Sunday 200 8/22/2010 Monday 200 8/23/2010 Tuesday 450 200 8/24/2010 Wednesday 450 200 8/25/2010 Thursday 450 200 166 8/26/2010 Friday 450 200 8/27/2010 Saturday 450 200 8/28/2010 Sunday 200 50 8/29/2010 Monday 200 100 8/30/2010 Tuesday 450 200 8/31/2010 Wednesday 450 200 9/13/2010 Tuesday 450 200 9/14/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3671160 11320 1617 1096 9/15/2010 Thursday 450 200 9/16/2010 Friday 450 200 9/17/2010 Saturday 450 200 165 9/18/2010 Sunday 200 125 9/19/2010 Monday 200 9/20/2010 Tuesday 450 200 3677550 6390 1065 565 9/21/2010 Wednesday 450 200 9/22/2010 Thursday 450 200 9/23/2010 Friday 450 200 9/24/2010 Saturday 450 200 55 9/25/2010 Sunday 200 125 9/26/2010 Monday 200 3500 9/27/2010 Tuesday 450 200 9/28/2010 Wednesday 450 200 9/29/2010 Thursday 450 200 20 9/30/2010 Friday 450 200 55 10/1/2010 Saturday 450 200 3693730 16180 1471 903 10/2/2010 Sunday 200 10/3/2010 Monday 200 10/4/2010 Tuesday 450 200 10/5/2010 Wednesday 450 200 10/6/2010 Thursday 450 200 10/7/2010 Friday 450 200 109 3701890 8160 1360 860 10/8/2010 Saturday 450 200 10/9/2010 Sunday 200 1500 10/10/2010 Monday 200 10/11/2010 Tuesday 450 200 10/12/2010 Wednesday 450 200 3712610 10720 2144 1674 10/13/2010 Thursday 450 200 13 10/14/2010 Friday 450 200 10/15/2010 Saturday 450 200 250 10/16/2010 Sunday 200 10/17/2010 Monday 200 10/18/2010 Tuesday 450 200 10/19/2010 Wednesday 450 200 34 10/20/2010 Thursday 450 200 10/21/2010 Friday 450 200 10/22/2010 Saturday 450 200 10/23/2010 Sunday 200 10/24/2010 Monday 200 10/25/2010 Tuesday 450 200 10/26/2010 Wednesday 450 200 11525 11491 1642 1120 10/27/2010 Thursday 450 200 10/28/2010 Friday 450 200 10/29/2010 Saturday 450 200 10/30/2010 Sunday 200 10/31/2010 Monday 200 11/1/2010 Tuesday 450 200 11/2/2010 Wednesday 450 200 11/3/2010 Thursday 450 200 23891 12366 1546 1008 11/4/2010 Friday 450 200 110 11/5/2010 Saturday 450 200 11/18/2010 Friday 450 200 11/19/2010 Saturday 450 200 11/20/2010 Sunday 200 11/21/2010 Monday 200 11/22/2010 Tuesday 450 200 49925 13429 1918 1397 11/23/2010 Wednesday 450 200 11/24/2010 Thursday 450 200 65 11/25/2010 Friday 450 200 11/26/2010 Saturday 450 200 7 11/27/2010 Sunday 200 66 11/28/2010 Monday 200 11/29/2010 Tuesday 450 200 23 64266 14341 2049 1527 11/30/2010 Wednesday 450 200 12/1/2010 Thursday 450 200 34 12/2/2010 Friday 450 200 62 12/3/2010 Saturday 450 200 12/4/2010 Sunday 200 33 12/5/2010 Monday 200 12/6/2010 Tuesday 450 200 27 77389 13123 1875 1353 12/7/2010 Wednesday 450 200 12/8/2010 Thursday 450 200 19 12/9/2010 Friday 450 200 12/10/2010 Saturday 450 200 12/11/2010 Sunday 200 12/12/2010 Monday 200 100 12/13/2010 Tuesday 450 200 84994 7605 1086 565 12/14/2010 Wednesday 450 200 51 12/15/2010 Thursday 450 200 12/16/2010 Friday 450 200 12/17/2010 Saturday 450 200 41 12/18/2010 Sunday 200 60 12/19/2010 Monday 200 12/20/2010 Tuesday 450 200 12/21/2010 Wednesday 450 200 56 12/22/2010 Thursday 450 200 134 12/23/2010 Friday 450 200 87 12/24/2010 Saturday 450 200 110 12/25/2010 Sunday 200 12/26/2010 Monday 200 12/27/2010 Tuesday 450 200 118 12/28/2010 Wednesday 450 200 110 108076 23082 1539 1009 12/29/2010 Thursday 450 200 129 12/30/2010 Friday 450 200 115 12/31/2010 Saturday 450 200 103 1/1/2011 Sunday 200 1/2/2011 Monday 200 1/3/2011 Tuesday 450 200 50 117613 9537 1590 1090 1/4/2011 Wednesday 450 200 1/5/2011 Thursday 450 200 44 1/6/2011 Friday 450 200 1/7/2011 Saturday 450 200 49 1/8/2011 Sunday 200 4 1/9/2011 Monday 200 1/10/2011 Tuesday 450 200 31 1/23/2011 Monday 200 1/24/2011 Tuesday 450 200 34 1/25/2011 Wednesday 450 200 156840 9251 1322 800 1/26/2011 Thursday 450 200 1/27/2011 Friday 450 200 1/28/2011 Saturday 450 200 23 1/29/2011 Sunday 200 23 1/30/2011 Monday 200 1/31/2011 Tuesday 450 200 164074 7234 1206 706 2/1/2011 Wednesday 450 200 2/2/2011 Thursday 450 200 2/3/2011 Friday 450 200 21 2/4/2011 Saturday 450 200 14 2/5/2011 Sunday 200 2/6/2011 Monday 200 4 2/7/2011 Tuesday 450 200 2/8/2011 Wednesday 450 200 2/9/2011 Thursday 450 200 2/10/2011 Friday 450 200 178076 14002 1400 840 2/11/2011 Saturday 450 200 41 2/12/2011 Sunday 200 68 2/13/2011 Monday 200 2/14/2011 Tuesday 450 200 45 185029 6953 1738 1313 2/15/2011 Wednesday 450 200 2/16/2011 Thursday 450 200 31 2/17/2011 Friday 450 200 2/18/2011 Saturday 450 200 52 2/19/2011 Sunday 200 65 2/20/2011 Monday 200 2/21/2011 Tuesday 450 200 79 2/22/2011 Wednesday 450 200 196902 11873 1484 947 2/23/2011 Thursday 450 200 23 2/24/2011 Friday 450 200 80 2/25/2011 Saturday 450 200 52 2/26/2011 Sunday 200 2/27/2011 Monday 200 2/28/2011 Tuesday 450 200 30 206587 9685 1614 1114 3/1/2011 Wednesday 450 200 3/2/2011 Thursday 450 200 36 3/3/2011 Friday 450 200 3/4/2011 Saturday 450 200 3/5/2011 Sunday 200 3/6/2011 Monday 200 3/7/2011 Tuesday 450 200 63 216843 10256 1465 944 3/8/2011 Wednesday 450 200 3/9/2011 Thursday 450 200 99 3/10/2011 Friday 450 200 3/11/2011 Saturday 450 200 18 3/12/2011 Sunday 200 3/13/2011 Monday 200 3/14/2011 Tuesday 450 200 52 229902 13059 1866 1344 3/15/2011 Wednesday 450 200 3/16/2011 Thursday 450 200 120 Avg Water Use Avg Sewer Use Totals 1449 934 4 EAGLE RANCH PRESSURE DOSING LEACH FIELD CALCULATIONS “SQUIRT SOFTWARE” Lateral ScheduleProject: Job No.: Engineer: Date: Orifice Dia (in) Orifice Spacing (ft) A Diameter (in) B Diameter (in) A Length (ft) B Length (ft) Elevation Orifice plate dia (in)Lateral 1Lateral 2Lateral 3Lateral Pressurized Drainfield Report Project: Job No.: Engineer: Location: Date: Number of laterals: 4 Lateral specifications: See Lateral Schedule Forcemain length: 133 ft. Forcemain diameter: 3 in. Pump discharge pipe length: 5 ft. Pump discharge pipe diameter: 3 in. Manifold Data Dia. (in) Len (ft) Segment 1 3 10.26 Segment 2 3 10.26 Segment 3 3 10.26 Segment 4 3 0.1 Pump(s) Specified HYDROMATIC SKV50H Squirt® C:\Land Projects 2007\Heelan - 4 Eagle Ranch\Squit-Calculations.sqrSqu84.12 gpm12.75 ft668 ft.Total Lateral Length Flow Differential Across System 4.62 %Headloss in Forcemain: 3.53 ftVelocity in Forcemain: 3.82 ft/secVelocity in Discharge: 3.82 ft/secHeadloss in Discharge: .65 ftManifold volume: 11.3 gal.Forcemain Volume: 48.8 gal.Dose volume is 605 gal at 5 times lateral volume System/Pump Performance CurvesLegendSystem CurveHYDROMATIC SKV50HTotal Dynamic Head (ft)Flow Rate (gal/min)-20246810121416182022020406080100120140160180C:\Land Projects 2007\Heelan - 4 Eagle Ranch\Squit-Calculations.sqrSquTDH (ft)Flow (gal/min)Residual Pressure (f )ModelManufacturer 4 EAGLE RANCH CONSTRUCTION MAPS, DETAILS AND NOTES 4 EAGLE RANCH SEPTIC SYSTEM PRODUCTS View Cart / Checkout ORDER ONLINE ANYTIME OR CALL OUR SALES STAFF TO PLACE AN ORDER BETWEEN 7:30AM & 4:30PM CST MON-FRI TOLL FREE: 1-877-925-5132 MOST ORDERS PLACED BEFORE 2:00PM CST WILL BE SHIPPED THE SAME DAY SEPAERATOR™- THE SEPTIC TANK AERATOR Add To Your Existing Septic Tank Processes Waste Inside The Septic Tank Discharges Clear and Odorless Effluent Rejuvenates Failing Secondary Treatment Systems Prolongs The Life of Your Septic System Save Thousands of Dollars On Field Replacement Designed By Experts with 20 Years of Experience ADDITIONAL INFOMATION: How Does A Septic System Work? What To Look For In A Septic Tank Aerator? The SepAerator™ vs The Competition Top Ten Reasons To Buy A SepAerator™ Purpose of The SepAerator™ The Versatility of The SepAerator™ SepAerator™ Applications Which SepAerator™ Package Do I Need? Risk Reward Factors SepAerator™ Process Description SepAerator™ Installation Instructions Wonderfuser™ Diffuser Assembly A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR AERATING YOUR SEPTIC TANK! SEPTIC STORE HOME CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPANY POLICIES ABOUT OUR COMPANY Septic Air Pumps Alternative Replacement Septic Air Pumps For Refurbished Septic Air Pumps Septic Air Pump Parts & Rebuild Kits Septic Tank Aeration Package Septic Tank Risers Septic Tank Shaft Aerator Washing Machine Filter Submersible Effluent Pumps Septic Tank Alarms and Floats Septic Tank Covers Septic Chlorine Tablets Septic Care Products Septic Tank Filters Vent Pipe Odor Filters Aeration System Accessories Distribution Boxes Chlorination Devices Infiltrator Chambers Drainage Products Septic and Pump Tanks SepAerator™- The Septic Tank Aerator, Repair Septic Problems... http://www.septicsolutions.com/SepticAerator/RepairSepticPro... 1 of 6 7/12/11 1:55 PM SepAerator™ Value Package SEPAERATOR™ VALUE PACKAGE IInncclluuddeess EEvveerryytthhiinngg PPiiccttuurreedd:: 3.7 cfm Air Pump - uses only $6 per month of Electricity UL Listed Hiblow Air Pump w/ 1 Year Warranty Patented Self-Positioning Diffuser Assembly Other Misc. Components Installation and Maintenance Manual FREE SHIPPING #SEPVALUEPKG MSRP $720.00 SALE $580.00 Quantity: 1 This package was designed to be installed in single or multiple compartment septic tanks with a size ranging from 750 to 2000 gallon capacity. Larger pumps can be used for larger systems. Call for sizing. OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE SEPTIC WASTEWATER INDUSTRY! SepAerator™ Value Package Plus SSppeecciiaall OOffffeerr!!This package also includes the housing and platform for your air pump (shown above) at a significant savings. SEPAERATOR™ VALUE PACKAGE PLUS w/ Housing and Platform Includes all items in the SepAerator™ Value Package PPLLUUSS HHOOUUSSIINNGG AANNDD PPLLAATTFFOORRMM FREE SHIPPING #SEPVALUEPKGPLUS MSRP $845.00 SALE $695.00 Quantity: 1 THE SEPAERATOR™ IS SIMPLY THE BEST! GUARANTEED! SepAerator™ Saver Package SEPAERATOR™ SAVER PACKAGE IInncclluuddeess EEvveerryytthhiinngg PPiiccttuurreedd:: 2 cfm Air Pump - only $4 per month of Electricity UL Listed Hiblow Linear Air Pump w/ 1 Year Warranty Patented Self-Positioning Diffuser Assembly Other Misc. Components Installation and Maintenance Manual FREE SHIPPING #SEPSAVERPKG MSRP $640.00 SALE $555.00 Quantity: 1 This package was designed to be installed in single or multiple compartment septic tanks with a size ranging from 500 to 1000 gallon capacity. TRUST PROFESSIONALS IN THE INDUSTRY WITH OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! SepAerator™- The Septic Tank Aerator, Repair Septic Problems... http://www.septicsolutions.com/SepticAerator/RepairSepticPro... 3 of 6 7/12/11 1:55 PM LOW PRICE GUARANTEE ON ALL HIBLOW SEPTIC AIR PUMPS! HIBLOW HP-120 SEPTIC AIR PUMP HiBlow Linear Septic Air Pump Model HP-120. This new green HiBlow HP-120 Series replaces the older gold SPP-120 Series. ONE YEAR WARRANTY VERY QUIET & EFFICIENT 120VAC/60Hz/2.1A, 105 Watts, 6.1 c.f.m. HiBlow HP-120 = 120 Liters of Air Per Minute FREE SHIPPING MSRP $575.00 SALE $469.00 Quantity: 1 U.L. OUTDOOR RATING ON HP SERIES Click To View Larger Image DIMENSIONS APPROX: 10.1"L X 7.9"W X 8.8"H Rubber 90 Connector Included To Connect Air Pump To Airline HP-120 Specifications Hiblow Technical Manual Hiblow Maintenance Manual GET $50.00 FOR YOUR FAILED SEPTIC AIR PUMP, ASK ABOUT OUR EXCHANGE PROGRAM HIBLOW HP-150 SEPTIC AIR PUMP HiBlow Linear Septic Air Pump Model HP-150. Fits Aqua Safe 1000 gpd units. This new green HiBlow HP-150 Series replaces the older gold SPP-150 Series. ONE YEAR WARRANTY VERY QUIET & EFFICIENT! 120VAC/60Hz/2.1A, 125 Watts, 8.6 c.f.m. HP150 = 150 Liters of Air Per Minute FREE SHIPPING MSRP $825.00 SALE $649.00 Quantity: 1 U.L. OUTDOOR RATING ON HP SERIES Click To View Larger Image DIMENSIONS APPROX: 10.1"L X 7.9"W X 8.8"H Rubber 90 Connector Included To Connect Air Pump To Airline HP-150 Specifications Hiblow Technical Manual Hiblow Maintenance Manual FAST AND FREE SAME DAY SHIPPING ON ALL SEPTIC HIBLOW AIR PUMPS! Hiblow Linear Septic Air Pump, Hiblow HP, Hiblow 80, Hiblo... http://www.septicsolutions.com/SepticAirPumps/HiblowLinear... 4 of 6 7/12/11 2:04 PM This air pump cover and base is a small investment that will extend the life of your air pump by protecting it from the elements as well as soften the noise. FREE SHIPPING ITEM #GSCOMBO41 SALE $125.00 Quantity: 1 DIMENSIONS: Platform: 22''L x 17.5''W x 5''T Housing: 13'' Tall More Information Available Here Quantity Discounts Available! Please Call 1-877-925-5132 For Quantity Pricing! HIDE YOUR SEPTIC AIR PUMP IN LANDSCAPING WITH ONE OF OUR ROCK COVERS! REPLICATED ROCK ENCLOSURE MODEL 109 FIELDSTONE WITH 3 VENTS VVeerryy RReeaalliissttiicc && AAppppeeaalliinngg!! CCoolloorr:: FFiieellddssttoonneeGGrraayy This rock is designed specifically for covering your septic air pump. It comes with three 4" vents for proper ventilation of your pump. Make your yard look more natural! Comes complete with yard stakes. Dimensions: Length: 30", Width: 23", Height: 18" FREE SHIPPING ITEM#109-FS-3V SALE $130.00 Quantity: 1 Click To View Larger Image COLOR: FIELDSTONE GRAY Length: 30", Width: 23", Height: 18" Click Here for Usable Interior Dimensions TRUST SEPTIC SOLUTIONS® TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ONLY QUALITY PRODUCTS REPLICATED ROCK ENCLOSURE MODEL 109 FIELDSTONE WITH 3 VENTS VVeerryy RReeaalliissttiicc && AAppppeeaalliinngg!! CCoolloorr:: RRiivveerrbbeedd BBrroowwnn This rock is designed specifically for covering your septic air pump. It comes with three 4" vents for proper ventilation of your pump. Make your yard look more natural! Comes complete with yard stakes. Dimensions: Length: 30", Width: 23", Height: 18" FREE SHIPPING ITEM #109-RB-3V SALE $130.00 Quantity: 1 Click To View Larger Image COLOR: RIVERBED BROWN Length: 30", Width: 23", Height: 18" Click Here for Usable Interior Dimensions NEED HELP SIZING A ROCK COVER? CALL 1-877-925-5132 FOR OUR SUPPORT STAFF REPLICATED ROCK ENCLOSURE MODEL 109 COMBO WITH PLATFORM IInncclluuddeess 33 VVeennttss,, PPllaattffoorrmm,, && UUnniivveerrssaall AAddaapptteerr This rock and platform combo is designed specifically for covering your septic air pump. The rock comes with three 4" vents installed for proper ventilation of your pump. There is also an opening between the bottom of the rock and the top of the platform to provide adequate ventilation which enables the pump to run cool and last much longer. This Replicated Rock Combo can make your yard look more natural. Available in Riverbed or Fieldstone.Click To View Larger Image Septic Air Pump Housings, Artificial Rock Covers, Fake Rock A... http://www.septicsolutions.com/SepticTankCovers/AirPumpHo... 2 of 4 7/12/11 1:51 PM FREE SHIPPING FIELDSTONE GRAY Item #109COMBO-FS SALE $210.00 Quantity: 1 RIVERBED BROWN Item #109COMBO-RB SALE $210.00 Quantity: 1 RRiivveerrbbeedd BBrroowwnn PPiiccttuurreedd Available In Riverbed and Fieldstone DIMENSIONS: Rock: Length: 30", Width: 23", Height: 18" Platform: Length: 22", Width: 17.5", Height: 5" Click Here for Usable Interior Dimensions BUY FROM EXPERTS WITH OVER 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE WASTEWATER INDUSTRY REPLICATED ROCK ENCLOSURE MODEL 106 WITH 2 VENTS CCoovveerrss SSmmaallll AAiirr PPuummppssssuucchh aass tthhee HHiibbllooww HHPP--4400 This rock is designed to cover smaller pumps. It works great to cover small air pumps while also providing proper ventilation for the pump. This rock can hide ugly parts of your septic system and make your yard look more natural. Comes complete with yard stakes. Available in Riverbed. Length: 19", Width: 14", Height: 12" FREE SHIPPING Item#106-RB-2V SALE $75.00 Quantity: 1 Click To View Larger Image COLOR: RIVERBED BROWN Length: 19", Width: 14", Height: 12" Click Here for Usable Interior Dimensions HIDE YOUR SEPTIC AIR PUMP IN LANDSCAPING WITH ONE OF OUR ROCK COVERS! REPLICATED ROCK ENCLOSURE MODEL 106 WITH 2 VENTS CCoovveerrss SSmmaallll AAiirr PPuummppssssuucchh aass tthhee HHiibbllooww HHPP--4400 This rock is designed to cover smaller pumps. It works great to cover small air pumps while also providing proper ventilation for the pump. This rock can hide ugly parts of your septic system and make your yard look more natural. Comes complete with yard stakes. Available in Riverbed. Length: 19", Width: 14", Height: 12" FREE SHIPPING Item#106-FS-2V SALE $75.00 Quantity: 1 Click To View Larger Image COLOR: FIELDSTONE GRAY Length: 19", Width: 14", Height: 12" Click Here for Usable Interior Dimensions CALL US AT 1-877-925-5132 WITH ANY QUESTIONS. WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP! RETROFIT UNIVERSAL ADAPTER This universal adapter allows for the rock to be attached to almost any existing platform. If you already have a platform and would like to attach one of our rocks to it, you will need this adapter as shown in the combo picture above. TThhiiss IItteemm OOnnllyy WWoorrkkss WWiitthh tthhee RReepplliiccaatteedd RRoocckkss MMooddeell 110099 SSoolldd BByy SSeeppttiicc SSoolluuttiioonnss Item #RETROFIT Septic Air Pump Housings, Artificial Rock Covers, Fake Rock A... http://www.septicsolutions.com/SepticTankCovers/AirPumpHo... 3 of 4 7/12/11 1:51 PM HOME - ABOUT US - CUSTOMER SERVICE [En Español] - RETAIL LOCATIONS - SHOPPING CART 866-926-5603 water tanks septic tanks marine tanks RV tanks transport tanks chemical storage tanks bio-diesel tanks rain barrels fuel tanks double wall tanks ibc containers spill prevention landscaping material handling laundry trucks battery boxes tank accessories Advanced Search Browse Products - Engineering Data We Will Beat ANY PRICE - See Our Total Price Guarantee You are here: Home > Septic Tanks > Septic Holding Tanks ShareThis Live Chat by LivePerson Norwesco 2500 Gallon Below Ground Holding Tank The 2500 is the largest capacity below ground storage tank made today. Typically used to store water –both potable and non-potable– it can also be used as a large capacity septic tank. The end ribs will accept fittings up to 4" in size. Integral columns in the tank give it excellent structural strength. Part Number: TN2500WT Capacity: 2500 Gallons Size: 158"L x 98"W x 53"H Weight: 930 lbs. Ships From: MN, CA View Technical Drawing | Get Freight Quote Online Price: $2,970.99 Any questions or comments please mail to info@tank-depot.com Plastic Chemical Storage Tanks | Plastic Water Tanks | Plastic Open Top Tanks | Plastic Auto Detail Tanks RV Water & RV Holding Tanks | Plastic Fittings & Accessories | Material Handling | Norwesco Water Tanks Norwesco Septic Tanks | Agricultural Tanks & Feeders | Tote-A-Lube Stackable Tanks | Plastic Transport Tanks Marine Water & Holding Tanks | Plastic Portable Fuel Tanks | Water Troughs | Landscaping Double Wall Tanks / Dual Containment Tanks & Containers | Norwesco Storage Tanks links Norwesco 2500 Gallon Below Ground Holding Tank (TN2500WT)http://www.tank-depot.com/productdetails.aspx?part=TN2500WT 1 of 2 7/12/11 2:35 PM Water Tanks - http://www.polywatertanks.com Captains' Catalog - http//www.nautical-outfitters.com Green Living Products - http://www.ecogreen-depot.com Laundry Carts / Utility Carts - http://www.cart-depot.com Norwesco 2500 Gallon Below Ground Holding Tank (TN2500WT)http://www.tank-depot.com/productdetails.aspx?part=TN2500WT 2 of 2 7/12/11 2:35 PM ♦ \ \ r \ 1 1 \ \ 1\ `♦ / I `♦\ \ \ 55 l _ � /' // / /' / I /1 j rJ 1 ! I /! --— _—— — — — — —- -- —— ��� / — �♦ / / / / / / ex It x `\\ POLE \` \ \ 1 — \ \ — _ \ ♦ / I / / / / PROPOSED RELOCTA7ED_ — — aca.R.0 S• OPE[DPRp7IAaf RwJe1'.5WGnaK orOf LOCATION Y SW%E TROR Ae0aE o.`A� \ '\\\,L •, T yq. a W ,- A � '+r — — — — — __ — � �r - 5+_p0— RIw4S • ' _ ~� _ _ _ _ _ - - - INV OUT TO MATCH Ex rLouAE7IEIr ch \ 5 / E'a fill \ \ \` ♦\ EIC \ \ \,. 'RELOCATE EK\SHED \ PROP0SED PEOPLE BARN t fs.77e1.0 $ 77 • \ V \ \ \\\Y. 10 .( I \fir \\ iEi -ll. CABM / app I / CARInaE Haug •} \ -} .4 / 1 / 1 — / / /1j• 1/I I y \ \ \ I \ / \ / 1 5 j\ I REMOVE BAFFLE \ \'/ .d �r I A\VoRR...fff"' ' I FROM E%. TANK HOMESTEHQJ SEE INSTALL NEW 2500 GAL \'0,\c 4 4/�4y.� ,1 — /I I \\ ♦ _ -- / CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 5 \ \5 ' / \ / / / / / / 1 y CONNECT -TO EX. 4700 y GAL YANK INSTALL y PUMPS AND UTILIZE AS DOSING 'TANK 1 / 0 v \' 1 GRAPIiIC SCALE y I IneL 70 Il oz y,: J IL Z w oQ Z z�a <� I�V Q V—0 Q O V Z <3:< O 0 i W N Z 0 �all 0 Y 0- SHEET C1 Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-021165-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 4/20/2021 Expires: 8/18/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 4098 HWY 131, WOLCOTT AREA,185534400001 Owner Information Address 4 Eagle Ranch LLC Phone: (970) 376-1400 Cell: (970) 926-5757 Email: mikevbarry@gmail.com Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email Roaring Fork Engineering, Adam Racette (970) 340-4130 adamr@rfeng.biz Contractor License Number Phone Email Blue Monster Service bluemonsterservice@gmai l.com (970) 390-1898 Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the Roaring Fork Engineering design, stamp signed, and dated April 15, 2021 by Adam M. Racette, PE. The system is designed to collect wastewater from a seasonal camp operating only May to September generated by the maximum daily flows estimated in the attached design. The design consists of two separately serviced areas. The lower zone two connects the sewer line from six luxury tents (each with a water closet, lavatory sink, and shower) and the dining tent (with hand sink and bathroom) to a 1500 gallon two-compartment poly Infiltrator septic tank. The Upper Zone is connects sewer line from four communal full service bathrooms (each serving four camp tents) and a staff bathroom to one 1500 gallon two-compartment poly Infiltrator septic tank followed by a 500 gallon poly Infiltrator septic tank. Both systems must be equipped with both visual and audible high water alarm. Maintain all setbacks and approximate elevations as shown on the design drawing. Clean-outs must be installed as per design drawing and with tracer wire as shown. Please note as part of the special use permit process and temporary use approval, a contract with a licensed Eagle County OWTS cleaner must be maintained yearly along with pumping records made available to Eagle County Staff upon request. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date April 20, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Tuesday, April 20, 2021 1 Inspection Result Eagle County, Colorado P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 IVR Phone: 1-866-701-3307 Inspection Number: INSP-507334-2021 Permit Number: OWTS-021165-2021 Inspection Date: 05/19/2021 Inspector: Lewandowski, Claire Permit Type: OWTS Permit Inspection Type: OWTS Final Inspection Work Classification: NewOwner:4 Eagle Ranch LLC Job Address:4098 HWY 131 IVR Pin Number:192844 WOLCOTT AREA, CO Project:<NONE> Parcel Number:185534400001 Contractor:Phone: (970) 390-1898 / Cell: (970) 390-1898Blue Monster Service Inspection Status: Approved Inspection Notes The above-referenced permit has been inspected and finalized. The Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) was designed and installed to serve the seasonal and temporary tent structures at 4Eagle Ranch Collective Retreats. Any change or increase in use will require evaluation of the OWTS capacity and design, and may require the installation of a soil treatment area. The OWTS is vaulted, requiring regular pumping, cleaning, and accessory maintenance. Eagle COunty Special Use Permit requires that a contract with a licensed OWTS cleaner is obtained and maintained yearly, prior to beginning operations. Contract and pumping records must be maintained for three years and made available upon request. Additional information about the maintenance of your septic system needs can be accessed through our website links, provided on the Environmental Health Department’s septic system resource page. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Inspector Comments Added Item: Septic Tank Passed. Added Item: Record Drawing Passed. Provided by Roaring Fork Engineering. Added Item: Record Photos Passed. Added Item: Final Certification Letter Provided by Roaring Fork Engineering, dated May 18, 2021. Added Item: General Plan Passed. Added Item: Identification of Systems Contractor Wednesday, May 19, 2021 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 1 of 2 Eagle County licensed OWTS contractor, Blue Monster. Wednesday, May 19, 2021 For more information visit: http://www.eaglecounty.us Page 2 of 2     Septic Vault System Certification    To: Claire Lewandowski – Eagle County,   From: Maggie McHugh, PE  Re: Vail Collective Retreats Vault System Certification  Date: May 18, 2021  The Vault System for the Vail Collective Retreats was constructed and installed in May of 2021. Roaring  Fork Engineering observed the system during installation and at the completion on May 18, 2021. The  system appears to be constructed in accordance with the engineered design that was submitted to and  approved by the Eagle County Environmental Health department.   Two separate tank systems were installed on‐site.  At the lower zone a 1500‐gallon 2 compartment  Valley Precast tank was installed by Blue Monster Service a licensed contractor in the County.  In the  upper                           Figure 1 – Lower Zone Concrete Septic Tank  zone two plastic Infiltrator Water Technology tanks were installed.  Plastic tanks were chosen due to  weight limitations of a bridge required to access the site.  The first tank is a 1530‐gallon 2 compartment  tank (Item# IM‐1530‐2CP) and the second tank is a 500‐gallon single compartment tank (Item# IM‐540‐ 1CP).                                      Figure 2 – Upper Zone Plastic Tanks 1500 gal and 500 gal  Both vaults are equipped with battery operated level alarms, set to 80% tank capacity.  The alarms have  both audio and visual components.    Please call with any questions: 970‐340‐4130 ext. 712  Sincerely,    Maggie McHugh, PE    ROARING FORK ENGINEERING592 HIGHWAY 133CARBONDALE COLORADO, 81623PH: (970)340-4130 F:(866)876-5873CHECKED BY:#DESCRIPTIONDATE DRAWN BYDRAWN BY:JOB #:Of 11C1COLLECTIVE VAIL RETREATWOLCOTT, CO-PERMITMKMAMR- - ##.##.## ---4.15.21 ROARING FORK ENGINEERING 592 HIGHWAY 133 CARBONDALE COLORADO, 81623 PH: (970)340-4130 F:(866)876-5873CHECKED BY:#DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN BY DRAWN BY:JOB #:Of 11C1COLLECTIVE VAIL RETREAT WOLCOTT, CO -RECORDMKMAMR1 PERMIT APPLICATION 4.20.21 MKM 2 RECORD Area Parameter Total Number Description Flow Per Unit (gpd) Data CitationWater Demand (gpd)NotesLower Camper Area 1Summit Tents (campers) 6 person(s) 30 Table 3-5, M&E 2014 180 Typical flow for Cabin Resort, private bathroom.180Lodge (Breakfast and Dinner only. Food is not prepared on-site only warmed up other than hand wash station)Washbasin (handwashing use campers and staff) 62 person(s) 2 Table 3-6, M&E 2014 123 Typical washbasin flow. Assumed 75% of the people use the sink twice a day (breakfast and dinner).Bathroom (Staff) 10 person(s) 3 Table 3-3, M&E 2014 30 Flow for Public Lavatory. Assume all staff use the restroom twice a day at lodge.Bathroom (Upper Zone Campers) 24 person(s) 3 Table 3-3, M&E 2014 72 Flow for Public Lavatory. Assume half upper zone campers use lodge bathroom twice a day (conservative).225Lower Camper Area 2Campers 6 person(s) 30 Table 3-5, M&E 2014 180 Typical flow for Cabin Resort, private bathroom.180Total Daily Wastewater Flowrates for Lower Zone (Lodge and two Summit Tent sites) 58548 hr Min. Lower Tank Size (gals) 1170Upper ZoneCampers 24 person(s) 30 Table 3-5, M&E 2014 720 Camp with centralized bathroom. Assumed 30 gals per person.Overnight Staff 1 person(s) 30 Table 3-5, M&E 2014 60 Typical flow for Cabin Resort, private bathroom.Day Staff 2 person(s) 3 Table 3-3, M&E 2014 12 Flow for public lavatory. Assume staff use upper bathroom once a day.79248 hr Min. Upper Tank Size (gals) 1584Total Flowrate For Camping Area 1Total Daily Wastewater Flowrates For LodgeTotal Daily Wastewater Flowrates For Upper ZoneTotal Flowrate For Camping Area 1COLLECTIVE VAIL RETREAT WASTEWATER FLOWRATES ESTIMATES