HomeMy WebLinkAbout26773 Hwy 6 - 194115300023Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-020798-2021 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 3/23/2021 Expires: 7/21/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 26773 HWY 6, Wolcott,194115300023 Owner Information Address Frank Melehan 2829 West Howard Place Denver, 80204 Phone: (561) 267-1444 Cell: Email: frank.melehan@state.co.us Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email Baseline Engineering Corporation, Timothy Travis (970) 879-7888 ext. 103 ttravis@nwccusa.com Contractor License Number Phone Email Kuersten Construction, LLC john@kuerstenconstructio n.com (970) 618-9518OWTSPL-000133-20 21 Permitted Construction / Details: Install the new system as depicted in the NWCC, Inc design dated April 23rd, 2020, signed and stamped on April 24th, 2020 by Timothy Travis, P.E. This system was designed to accommodate the maximum daily flow rates for 10 employees with two restrooms, a kitchen sink, a wash bay and 6 vehicle bays with a wash sink. This OWTS consists of one sewer line at the southwest end of the sand filter bed. A 1,250 gallon, three-compartment concrete septic tank shall be used. The tank must be on the Water Quality Control approved tank summary list. The pump and the Biotube ProPak Pump Package will be present in the third compartment of the tank. An Orenco PF5005 pump will be used. The floats will be set to dose 75 to 80 gallons each pump cycle. The pressurized distribution system will consist of six 1.5in laterals spaced 24 inches apart will spray to a 3 foot unlined sand filter bed that measures 12' by 21'. Inspection ports should be present at each corner of the bed. Gradation analysis must confirm that sand is secondary sand media prior to installation. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Danielle Sell Date March 23, 2021 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1 *************************************************************************** APPLICATION FOR ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEE SCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE $400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: _______________________________________Phone: ________________________ Owner Mailing Address: ________________________________ email: _________________________ Professional Engineer: __________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Applicant / Contact Person: ______________________________Phone: ________________________ Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: ___________________________________________ Contractor Mailing Address: _________________________________ Contractor License #:_______ Contractor Phone Number: ________________________ email: ______________________________ OWTS Permit Application is for: ____ New Installation ____ Alteration ____ Repair Tax Parcel Number: _________________________________ Lot Size: ________________________ Assessor’s Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patie/ Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Legal Description: ____________________________________________________________________ Building Type: _____ Residential / Single Family _____ Residential / Multi Family _____ Commercial / Industrial Number of Bedrooms: ______ Number of Bedrooms: ______ Type of Use: _______________ *As of 06/27/2014, all systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer. Type of Water Supply: ____ Private Well ____ Spring ____ Surface ____ Public If Public, Name of Supplier: ____________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: ______________________________________Date:_______________________ **************************************************************************** Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # __________________ BUILDING PERMIT # ____________________ Amount Paid: ___________ Receipt #: ___________ Check #: ___________ Date: ______________ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 environment@eaglecounty.us CDOT Property Management 561-267-1444 2829 West Howard Place Denver, CO 80204Baseline Engineering Corp.303-940-9966 frank.melehan@state.co.us CJ Kukus, Buildings By Design (GC)970-380-5976 John Kuersten/Kuersten Construction PO Box 1530 Rifle, CO 81650 OWTSPL-000133-2021 970-625-8210 john@kuerstenconstruction.com X 941-084-00-055 2.9 Acres 26773 HWY 6 Wolcott, CO 81655Section 15, Township 4 North, Range 83 West of 6th Principal Meridian City of Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado X Vehicle Storage X 3/18/21 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (Wolcott - 26773 HWY 6 - 506244) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OWTS-020798-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 03/29/2021 ApprovedInspection Status:Inspection Date: OWTS Final InspectionInspection Type:Inspector:Claire Lewandowski Job Address:Parcel Number:26773 Hwy 6 Wolcott, CO 194115300023 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant Buildings By Design CJ Kukus Contractor Kuersten Construction, LLC John Kuersten Engineer Baseline Engineering Corporation Timothy Travis Owner CDOT Property Management Frank Melehan CommentsPassedChecklist Item True 1250 gallon Valley Precast tank with concrete risers. Concrete risers had not yet been sealed to make it watertight on 3/29/2021. Septic Tank - Septic Tank True Received 12/17/2021 from NWCC Inc.Record Drawing - Record Drawing True Received 12/17/2021 from NWCC Inc.Record Photos - Record Photos True Site inspected 3/29/2021 by Claire and Danielle. Setback from Highway 6 deemed acceptable by Frank Melehan from CDOT due to encroching the 10ft minimum. Final distance in corner was about 7.5ft. Site and Soil - Site & Soil True Received 12/17/2021 from NWCC Inc.Final Certification Letter - Final Certification Letter True Pressure distribution system with 3 feet of sand for CDOT vehicle storage facility in Wolcott. General Plan - General Plan True STA was installed to design. Threaded caps and orifice shields were not installed at the time of initial inspection on 3/29/2021. Soil Treatment Area (STA) - Soil Treatment Area (STA) True Kuersten Construction identified as licensed installer.Identification of Systems Contractor - Identification of Systems Contractor December 17, 2021 Page 1 of 1P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 DATENo.DESCRIPTIONPROPERTY MANAGEMENTColorado Department of TransportationDRAWN BY:2829 W. HOWARD PL., FL4DENVER, CO 80204Phone: 303-757-9011FAX: 303-512-5550DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONCDOT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NUMBERWolcott VSF & Sand Shed26773 HWY 6WOLCOTT, COLORADO 8165523334 SPC03/27/2020165% CONSTRUCTION DOCS85% CONSTRUCTION DOCS23499% CD/CODE REVIEWCODE REVIEW REVISION #106/19/202039820NOAH J . N EM MERSCOLO R A D O L IC E NSEDPROFE S SIONA L E N G INEER05/08/20206100% BID DOCUMENTS07/17/202008/21/2020OWTS DETAILSC6.6 8.21.2020 DATENo.DESCRIPTIONPROPERTY MANAGEMENTColorado Department of TransportationDRAWN BY:2829 W. HOWARD PL., FL4DENVER, CO 80204Phone: 303-757-9011FAX: 303-512-5550DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONCDOT PROJECT NO. DRAWING NUMBERWolcott VSF & Sand Shed26773 HWY 6WOLCOTT, COLORADO 8165523334 SPC03/27/2020165% CONSTRUCTION DOCS85% CONSTRUCTION DOCS23499% CD/CODE REVIEWCODE REVIEW REVISION #106/19/202039820NOAH J . N EM MERSCOLO R A D O L IC E NSEDPROFE S SIONA L E N G INEER05/08/20206100% BID DOCUMENTS07/17/202008/21/2020OWTS SITE PLANC6.5 8.21.2020