HomeMy WebLinkAboutR87-39 Adoption of Personnel PolicyCommissioner Ga�S moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 87- 37 ADOPTION OF EAGLE COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY WHEREAS, pursuant to § 30 -2 -104, C.R.S., the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board "), is empowered to adopt a classification and compensation plan for all County employees paid in whole or in part by the County; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the aforesaid statute and pursuant to Resolution No. 81 -24, as subsequently amended by Resolution No. 85 -42, the Board did adopt such a plan and designated the same as the "Eagle County Personnel Policy "; and WHEREAS, in order to more adequately address the continuing change in state law, the local economy, and the various needs of the County employees, the Board deems it in the best interests of the County to repeal the Eagle County Personnel Policy and to adopt a new plan more suited to the County's present needs, as such plan is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § 30 -2 -104, C.R..S., upon acceptance of said policy by any elected official of the County of Eagle, Colorado, the provisions and amendments of said policy shall become binding upon the employees of that office. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, effective June 29, 1987, the Eagle County Personnel Policy adopted September 8, 1981, pursuant to Resolution 81 -24, and as subsequently amended, is repealed and superseded in its entirety, together with other existing or previously adopted personnel policies or plans not reflected in this Resolution. THAT, in its lieu and stead, the Board hereby adopts the classification and compensation plan entitled the "Eagle County Personnel Policy," (hereinafter referred to as the "1987 Personnel Policy ") as the same is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, said 1987 Personnel Policy and the polices and provisions con- tained therein to become effective as of June 29, 1987. THAT, the 1987 Personnel Policy shall apply to and shall be binding upon all County employees paid in whole or in part by the County except as otherwise provided for in § 30 -2 -104, C.R.S., and /or as otherwise provided in the 1987 Personnel Policy. THAT, all changes in benefits, pay grades and job classification of employees shall be made in accordance with the 1987 Personnel Policy. THAT, nothing contained in this Resolution or the 1987 Eagle County Personnel Policy shall be construed as authorizing any elected official, department head, board, commission, or any other person or spending unit associated with Eagle County to exceed their respective appropriated budgets. THAT, the provisions of this Resolution and the Eagle County Personnel Policy incorporated herein are sever- able. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase therein is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution and /or the Eagle County Personnel Policy attached hereto. THAT, the Board finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle. -2- MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commis- sioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 1sT day of ..!vole 1987. ATTEST: COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OE.0 NTY COMMISSIONERS By _ By. clerk of the Board of County Commissioners .. @E$ �- _��..''��`'r Donald �H.JWelch, Commissioner Cayes @9 George A. Gates, Commissioner Commissioner 1 Uq4 -4C0/J seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner Richard L. Gustafson Q Ee Commissioner Donald H. Welch Commissioner George A. Gates Rye This Resolution passed by C2- vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. -3- / � � �AgL� /�OUNTY EMPLOYEE HANB88OK EXHIBIT A TABLE 01--- CONTENTS / CHAPTER ONE !MFORMATION. � . .. . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . .4 Nelcsme About This Handbook Ackrcyledgemect :i Receipt Employee C"nm:nicstian Suggestions Change of Address, Neae/ Telephone... Personnel Files Verification nf Fmplokjmen+. Employee Parking CHAPTER TWO - WORKING CONDITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Orientation Attendance and Punctuality Meal and Rest Periods Emergency ClosinQ Medical Examinations On Call Status Smoking CHAPTER THREE - EMPLOYEE Outside Employment Conflict of Interps+ Fulitical Activitq Appearance and Conoyc� Personal Pruper�g ComOuter Software Releasing Information Gratuities ACTIVITIES.... .. . . . ...... ........ .. . 22 CHAPTER FOUR - SAFETY 31 Safetg Accidents Weapons CHAPTER F7VE - EMPLOYEE CONDUCT..... Telephone Usage CnuntL1 Property Solicitations Visitors Personal Financial 8esponsibilities Confidential Information Purchases � ��` � � . ........ ..... . .. ... ...35 *Ic000l/ Drug-, and c~ ontrolleJ Substances Discipline CHAPTER SIX - SEXUAL �-,8RASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION ............. 4R Sexual Harassaent or Discrimination CHAPTER SEVEN - QRlEY4NCE PROCEDURE.... ... . .... ..... . ..... . . . .51 Grievance Procedure � 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . "j"'E . . . ...... 60 probat;4cm Merit P a ^c rs 0 -i CHAPTER T--N — CGMIF;DlklSA—, Top . . . . . . . . . ................. 64 Peporti ric. V,_ !r Paychecl(5 eno Pau Perj.c:,os Overtime Mandatory Procadure to Co; k: P Tors Making UP Tina CHAPTER ELEVE-114 ............ ............ ...... . 71 Part--Tim Vacation Lr-'-I%re Sick Leave M,dical L-e2VP Sick Leave -5ank H Q 1 4 41 -a q s Pei,so-nal M i l i t a Leave witno-ul.- Leave of - J, jry and Wiina5zi u T, a -,-, C ,et- 4 Vzment o Y a e Assistance F 7 0 9 r0!n ;,HAP C T Elr? TWELVE -- TRAVLEL: CON-MIRCENCES AND SENINARS .............. --aic., Seminars CHAPTER THIRTCE.:,4 eEPARATICIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o s-n * Reason, CarO-; -e insurance " I r Ca C; Ts -, Re h i.r C DEFIN'ITIONI'T .......... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I NDE ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 jot) Pos inn_ T r -In s f e 7, . . . . . . . . . . . . "j"'E . . . ...... 60 probat;4cm Merit P a ^c rs 0 -i CHAPTER T--N — CGMIF;DlklSA—, Top . . . . . . . . . ................. 64 Peporti ric. V,_ !r Paychecl(5 eno Pau Perj.c:,os Overtime Mandatory Procadure to Co; k: P Tors Making UP Tina CHAPTER ELEVE-114 ............ ............ ...... . 71 Part--Tim Vacation Lr-'-I%re Sick Leave M,dical L-e2VP Sick Leave -5ank H Q 1 4 41 -a q s Pei,so-nal M i l i t a Leave witno-ul.- Leave of - J, jry and Wiina5zi u T, a -,-, C ,et- 4 Vzment o Y a e Assistance F 7 0 9 r0!n ;,HAP C T Elr? TWELVE -- TRAVLEL: CON-MIRCENCES AND SENINARS .............. --aic., Seminars CHAPTER THIRTCE.:,4 eEPARATICIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o s-n * Reason, CarO-; -e insurance " I r Ca C; Ts -, Re h i.r C DEFIN'ITIONI'T .......... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I NDE ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPT�R 8NE �ENERAL lNF8RMATION Welcome About this Handbook Acknumladgement nf Rec pt Emplogee Communications 8uB8motions Perynnnal Files Change of Address, Name, Telephene Verification of Emplogment Emplo;ee Parking WELCOME We are pleased to welcome you as a member of Eagle County Government. Eagle County Government's mission is to provide in a cost - effective manner mandated services, leadership, planning and other services that support the economy and quality of life in Eagle County. Ours is a team effort. No matter what your job, you are an important member of the team. We depend on each other to achieve our mutual goals in delivering services to the public. It is our sincere desire to assist you in adjusting to your new surroundings and,your job. We are giving you this Employee Handbook so that you may learn more about working for Eagle County Government. We endorse the Eagle County Employee Handbook as adopted by Resolution Number We support the handbook's applicability to all Eagleounty� employees. We wish you every success during your employment with us. We look forward to you reaching your personal goals as an Eagle County Government employee. ABOUT THIS HAND8O This handbook is i`fcended for informational purpnyes mnlg This handbook, the Cnuntg's practices and other communications do not create an em@lo@ment contract This handbook dues not contain all of the information you will need during the course of gnor employment. You mill receive additional informetion through vmrimus mritten or verbal noticms The policies contained in this handbook supersede prior CountU personnel policies and applg to all County departments and emp3o5ees, unless otherw ise indicated The policies of this handbook are subject to all lams and regulations governing the operation of Eagle Countq Changes to lams and regulations will deteTmine appropriate changes to the policies and procedures stated in this handbook County employees function under a wide variety of conditions and circumstances Each department has needs and requirements unique to that department. It is anticipated that some departments will supplement this manual with departmental policies meeting the specific needs of that department Management is committed to reviemzng its policies and benefits continually The Policies and benefits outlined in this handbook are subject to review and change. No communication or practice limits the reasons or procedures for termination or modification of the employment relationship. For your convenience in locating specific information. a Tahle of Contents and an index have been provided. If you have questions or would like more information about ang aspect of the County — its Policies and Practices — consult your Supervisor/ Department Head or a Human Resources representative. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT I have received a copy of the Eagle County Employee Handbook which outlines some of the policies of Eagle County Government. I have read and understand the information in this handbook and agree to follow the policies during my employment. I understand that I have the right to end my work relationship with the County and that the County has the same right. I understand that this handbook represents brief summaries of County policies, which are not all- inclusive and are subject to change, without prior notice. I also understand that the contents of this handbook do not constitute, express, or imply an employment contract. As a condition of employment, and at any time during employment, the County may at its own discretion require the signing of an employment agreement by any employee. The purpose of the employment agreement is to safeguard the County's interests in patents, copyrights or computer programming. If I have questions, I will ask my Supervisor, Department Head, or a Human Resources representative to clarify them. SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE DATE EMPLOYEE �Oh50NIC/ `" �� The Coyntg will petnodicallg communicate on mattors of common interest These communzcations mag include, but are not ljoited to, leVers mailed to the emplogme/ bullegin board notices, paUcheck attachments, emplu;ee m=mos, yurveVs, meetings, etc. Department Heads should keep emplogeem informed of anti-Wes within their department so that employees can perform their Jnba with an understanding of their relationship and importance to effective County wide operations. The County believms in an "open—door" policy. Employees are encouraged to discuss important matters with their Supervisors at any time, reyardless of the nature nf the matter Problems concerning mork should first be referred to thm Supervisor or Department Head. The Human Resources Department also welcomes and encourages employee questions If an employee is not sat isf3ed with the results after consulting appropriate people in their own departments and the Human Resources Department, theg may utilize the grievance procedure. 8 SUGQES'TIONS If you have a tion that Qou th�nk m1ll\���ke Eagle Countg a bettor nr more efficiant place to mork, you are encouraged to do one nf t�e fnllom�ng� A Advise �our Supervisnr of gour syggestion and gour ideas on hom to implemen� i� B Arite your yogyestion and put it in a sogyestion bnx lncated in several Countg buildinQs/ or mail it tm ths Human Qesources Departmpnt Your assistance in letting us knom huy to make the Countg a better place tn work mill be appreciateJ, �F ����ES A:1E, TEiEFVONE^,, Emp 1ooees are roou^L reu tn promptlY' n f14 t vir --"uPervisor of anQ , oaoQe of a01dres�, name. te) e?hcne nunber, �mer�pncg contact nuabars. marital statos or dependent 7�tatcs anci �n fill out a »PerSanal Status Chan�e" fnrs/ wbich can be o�ta�nc� fram/ an� oust �e suhm1�ted �o, �he Human Resuurces Department Fcr Changes �hat na� e�T ect �ovr County insorance status or yitkholdirig al lowance. �u" must nrtifY the Hynan ��esnurce Jepartr:ieot in yri yithin two ~eeks. The Hunan Resources Department will as�izi; Unu in completing ang nacessary frrms. Emp'rqecs should Perivdical check their Persunnel records tn ensor� t ha t they a re accura�e, � 10 PERSONNEL FILES The official peruohfhal file for each employes-;s maintained in the Human Resources Department. No person will have access to personnel files other than those persons with a bona fide reason as determined by the Director of Human Rmsuurces, A person, nther than a Human Resources Qeparment representative/ haviny access to a Personnel file will be required to sign a log included in the file giving name, date and purpose of access Employees are entitled to view all materials and documents in their personnel files upon reasonable request. Employees map add relevant job-related materials to their files, request copies of file contents and respond to an8 materials in their filos� The following procedures must be used in case of a dispute over material or information in an employee's personnel file A. An employee who objects to material or information in the Personnel File should formard, in writing, a request for its removal to the Director of Human Resources B. The Director of Human Resources will review the request and, together with the appropriate Department Head/ decide whether or not to remove the disputed material, The Director of Human Resources will notify the employee of the decision. Q If the decision is to remove the disputed material, the material will be removed and destrnged hg the Director of human Resources. lf a copy exists in a department, the Department Head must also destroy the material Q An employee whose request is denied may utilize the grievance proccdurp. 11 VERIFICATION OF E M1ENT To ensure that convIstent and only information is provided, all verification of current or Ymrmer emolooment is to I e made through the Human Resources Department For telephone verificatinn on a current employee, only the date of emploUment and current job title will he given Letters on verificutinn n! employment requesting pay or other employment information must include the original signature of the employee in question Because of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, all nem emplogees must provide the Human specified and authentic document their legal right to work in the so within three business days of employee's termination, Resources Department with proving their identity and United States. Failure to do hire mag result in the EMPLOYEE PAAKINQ � � Parking is on a fjrst come/ first served bas�s Empluyees use th* Ceuntg's parking facilitiem mj�h no liabilit0 on the part of the Countg EaploUee's aotumobil are P arked at th* emplogae's nyn riy� m CHAPTER TWO WORKINQ C�N3ITIONS Oripntation 4t ter, dance and Pumctualitg Meal and Rest Periods Emergencg Closing Medical Examinations Do—Ca11 Si, atus Smof�ing 14 ORIENTATION During yoor first mgnth of employment with Epgqe Countg, guu ma� be required On attend an orientation seminar conducted bg o Human Resources Department representative In this seminar guu will find out about gour benofiks and some of uour r*sponsibilitiay as a Cuuntg emplogee Individual departments maU also conduct an orientation soon after your date of hire, ATTENDANCE AND PUN ALITY If You have to be i—,Ge to or absent from work, gou are responsible for contacting gone Supervisor within gour firot schcdolmd nn*-half hour of work or sooner If Xoo know about an abyence in advance, you should inform your Supervisor as soon as possible. Some Ndividual Department Heads mag var8 thjs pelio� to meet special requirements of their aepartments The Supervisor is reyponsible for giving each employee a list of whom to call should the Supervisor not be available, 16 MEAL AND REST PER,I Emplogee* mag recei�'�^ as scheduled bg tbeir pai, nt thir minutm or szxty minute unpaid meal pmrio0 Mea� perioJs mag var� accord1nQ to the depar�mpnt's mork schedu�e Meal periods no a n mag not be accumulateJ or �eken at �he Umginning or end nf the Uag An pmplo0ee must be complstely reli*ved frnm duty for a period of �hirty minutes or more to be considered � meal pmriod At the Supervisor's Jimcreti0 T , employees morking four consecutiv� hou�s ma� also he grented one paid fifteen minute rest period Rest ppriods are counteJ as time morked Rest periods maU not be accymulated/ used at the beginning or end of the da / or used in con Junction wit& meal �eriods� Your Supervisor is not required bg lam to grant rest periods LyncHrcnm areas arp provi d L at suae Countg boiljings !or gour use daring meal mefj reyt periods Your co—nperation is re�ueyted in keeping thrm neat and orderl; Pleas� du not litter the floor or leave refose nn the tablos or c 1's ste haskets have been provided so emplogees can, cleen op after the,zselves ��ll perishah the r nrs uill he Aisposed of on Fridag nights i7 EMER0ENCT CL�SIN& lf the Ceuntg offices are open but one mestheo~is bad, employees are to make a reasonable effort to get to work Any non—exempt employee who cannot get to work may use earned personal or vacation time or unpaid leave fur time not worked Exempt empingees who cannot get to work mag use leave With approval of their Department Head Employees mho are scheduled to mark on a daq when the County offices are closed because of inclement weather or an emerguncy mill be paid for their regularly scheduled hours for that Jay op to eight hours providing the County Administrator or his/her designated alternate declares that the offices are officiall; closed Some emplogees may be required to work even though the Countg offices are 0103c1allg closed Employees required to and who report to work will receive straight time pag, Emplogees who are on vacation, sick, personal, emergency or other leave during a close~duyn will not receive additional compensation nr additional time off because of th* close—down The close—down time ui]l be counted as vacation, sick, personal or emergency leave as appropriate, MEDICAL EX4MlNATIO Medical Qual1fications are phys1caI standards °Um assure that an employee is ph;nicallg able to pmrPorm the duties requirmJ of a position. Appl1cants may be required to take a medical e�am An emplogmc may be required to take a medical exam as a condition of cuntinued emploVment if, in the judgment of the Department Head or County Administrator, the mmplo0ep's health appears to be aJversmlg impacting his/her job performance or the assigned dutiem could Ve detrimental to the health of thE emplygee' Pending medical examination resolts, the employee may be put on leave or assigned a different job at the Department Head/s discretion All employee medical examinations required bq the County mill be paid for by the County ON CALL GTAT Employees required� at to on-call arm subject �"�' be called to dut4 but are noL actually performing wort for the CnuntU Time on on-call status is not considered time worked when the employee is allowed nu leave a telephone number or carrg a pager for the purpose of using contacted, if empluyees must staW at mmrk or Su near to their yor� location that theu can not ose the time effectively for their non purposes, the on-call time will be pai& M SMOKINQ If Department Hpad�^'Q P, to allo, smoking, � ^ maV des nate smoking area r departments 2mplogees must abiJe bg the Smo ng policy in c eir departmen If yuu are a non—smo�er and gou arp bothered hg the smcbe caused �U a co— um, rker, you ahoold bring the matter to the attention of your r and Department Head/ 1f necessarq Even if a de�artment allomy smoking, employees are net allomed tu smoke A Whilo in or operatinO a Cou"ty vehicle from tho general motor ponl 8 Ah�le us o yaitinQ �o osm tbe copier tha is located on the main flonr nf the McDonald 8oildinD C ile in the general receptiox area of the onald 8uilding D In County restrooms E In the mailroom F In the lunchroomy Q Wbile actively maiting on thn public m CHAPTER THREE - MPLOYEE ACTIVITIES Other Emplogment Conflict of Interest Political Activitg Appearonce and Conduct Persnnal PropertH Computer Softmare Releasin� Infermatinn Qratolties — �ifts OTHER EMPLOYMENT You mau in add1t�on to D��or emo]oumnn� 1i z"1U �.agle [eontg if goo fnllom these guidelin�s A The otber Jnb must be before nr after �our normal Countg mor rs B Thm other Job must not affect Uuur job performan�e or attendance uith the Countg C The other Job must not create a cmoflict 0 interes Conflic* of Interest> �3 CONFLICT OF INTERE it is a conflict oP~intmrest for you or any member of your immediate family to have a Personal financial intereat in and business bran Svc tion W3 thin gnur area of 1nflVence in Cuuntg government Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest must be made to the Board of County Comm1syiuners through the Count;; Attorney. Your Failure to disclese a cwnf0ct of interest is grounds for discipline or dismissal. Certain conflicts of interest may al;o be :n violation of State law Colorado State ]ay C.R G 18~8-308 as amended stakes� A public servano (employee or elected or apprinned official> commit* failing to disclose a conflict of interest if he exercises any substantial discretionary function in connection with m government contract, purchase, payment, or other pecuniary transaction without having given seventg two hours/ actual advance written notice to the secrwtarg of state and to the Board of County Commissioners of the existence of a known potential conflicting interest of the public servant in the transaction with reference to which he is about to act in his official capacity A "potential conflicting interest" exists when the public servant is a director, president, general manager, on similar executive officer, owns or controls directly or indirectly a substantial interest in any nongovernmental entity participating in the transaction Failing to disclose a conflict of interest is a class 2 misdemeanor Written notice as to conflict of interest to the Secretary of State must be delivered bg certified mail with return receipt requested to Secretarg of State' 1560 Broadway, Room 200, Denver/ Colorado 80202 POLITICAL ACT7VIT' your political bmljuyls, act1vivims, and partq`=?fnliation ar� orivate Ynu shnold not be asked aUout "o"r ooj,+irAl %M11w or requesreo so parvzc2pare or contrI&ote to Vo11-tical Parties or grmups as a requirement of emploqment /nu mau not engaDe in political activities durino osur workino nours, nor mag you campazgn mnzle using County property. Ang person emploged with she countw who seeks election to oartisan Public Office should request accrued vacation 1pave or request leava without Pay if the esplogee's campaign will interfere with, the employee's Job performance or work hours APPEARANCE AND CON You have been hjred—^0or Uour skills and profe.siuna}ism Yuur conduct and dress should reflect favorablg on the County Ynu neat to dress appropriatmlg for ynur Job Use gond /udgmment You must dress in uniform it goor job relujres it Some departments have a spe111ic dress node, an chech mitA ymur Supervisor for ypecific guidelines Al} employees are expected to keep their assigned yor" areas clean and in reasonable order, Courtesy is vital in all relationships' both with the public and other employees The County encourages all employees to give courteous treatment to members of the public, to fellow emplog*es and others with whom they deal The aim is to practice courtesy in face—to—face relationships, in telephone conversations and in written correspondence. Fri*ndlg, warm courtesy is the goal. Emplogees must consul; with their Department Head before releasing County information to any member of the news media News media includes rw;resantativey nf a newspaper, radio station, or television station PERGONAL PROPERTY The Count nsur ui iny^��' thm personal �rupertg s It js not pn�s��}e for �he �uuntg tn insore the persunal belnnBings of amployees bp cauae difficult ts estimate �he value of personal itemS mhich m1Qht be brought intn the building Emplo Elf ees bring �E ersonal belongings on to County propertq at their omn rin� COMPUTER S0FTWARE The Cuontu lzcensemAhe use op its computer &Atmare from a varietg of ouPs:de companies. The County does not own this software or its relmwd docomentat1on and/ unless authnrixed bH the suftmar* 'mvelmper, does not have the right to reprudece it County nmplo0ees maV use thm software only in accurda�ce with the license agreement. Emplmgees who Now documentation with Head or the County of any misuse of software or related in the Countg most nottAg their I}epartmeni Attorney, Emplogees caught making, acquiring, or using unauthorized copies of computer softmare may be disciplined, terminated, end/or subject to civil damages of $50,000 QO or more, and criminal penalties includiny fines and imprisonment 0 U n ef C s Dons i b, Ii t 1" a n r pi D i� i n h c .ziu C e -..I U c ti An a 2 d .i h Q r e I Cif o n i.1 T, C s ve T 1 a n 1, 7 u. e ?'+W3 iit P Of I = U C f 'art? ave ]C j".a, F 0 -F ptJblii v e C �D V VI 1 0 e .0 n ,.I ;te I -!'s S, e r': o n fi:n it. S C, m 1 hs P. ma Li o i, 71 11 t t I r i v g e d n s j C [_ Je 5U . D f C 70 as tr i c t i o n 0 il I V I I cl, i is" T, o M I C C L, B s B e c 3 u s e U h e 7, a n i,,-, r,) a!; .-I i f, u 7 - w11 ere o d e -;2 41 n i On o F tJ rtat s P UUI_ 7* C V e C 0 V d it 1'1 t i al Or San v C, clear, ws ne?r ?Nf±l a b a e 1 ea s i n infDI'MatiOn s S i C, 4 "Lana =t oar; a piece r n F o ,, fna t 4. c) n is f.-. 4 ,u 3aq or e a P �,2, , 'I a reads a d OC: 1jTiErj4; Ij C}; 7 1,; (_!s, Here are sore qi_ij j. a r "I e 11 )I I ow d ea i I I I w t h. i: h e 0 P in For fr, _ t � C, '✓ E' I - z U,_-I � : !' r' 0 P M a i 0 r! I I I G? he IC; -n C n 'i' i d e i i r. .n_ ; ^ c :, i n o r, m3G l o n -1 0 a v s Ij o U r r-UStO L! r `aoU 1:7 `•i -9 iir) , =on tVO1 OVeV WhaU L3 vi tart? Uj 1. h d T: . � 11 -1 �! � , �-, --,- t: "! ; - r . - - n Z - _c A _f� Z _i 40 1 U P �_-U ED D V V I S 0 V Q Ij V s 1: 1 1 n D i_,m :11-Z o S ou 1 C1, s; much b e t e t ja n A e Tj d na 1 inn' .,.j o U 4-re nui- ?xper 4. a n C p M 0, d I a, T, i' . r tin M 1,o U D r efTIP: MI) el' that a n tj h inq q c."U. 14 ae ±J s 11 ol i U u ilp 4. n r i n 0 r, r, `7 1T^ Gov - ?r ii,-,le n i;, p (-I or q rn-s Y -D 0n -:1 3 E a g I L L; n o U s a ij w i 1 1 b e 3hcw Id nat rep eit 3n(,, `h i n q o n a v e P e I, ----; o n a I rl ci ,- n¢ Department Heads may designate certain employees as auth- orized spokesperson to release information to the news media. Other employees should refrain from releasing information to the media, and the news media should be referred to those authorized spokespersons. F. The County Attorney will be the final authority on matters of "public record". Questions about the releasability of information should be referred to the County Attorney's office. 29 QRATUITIE8 Emplmgees mag not jQicit ang gilt, 8ratui68,-favor, lnan at a preyerential rKe or anq item of monetarg value from ang person or or9anzzatinn that as conducting or sealing business with tk� County The Ooontg diycoura5ms t8e acceptance as gifts and favurs Empinqmey muyt not let gifts or favors injioence their wansactiun with any person or nrQanization Employees mwst report the 7`00eipU of gifts/Oratuitiey W their Department Head Emplugwes who receive gifts/favors that are considered to be worth more than $15 OD must receive the approva! of the County Administrator before accepting thw giMfavor BusIness meals are axclvded from this polic, Violation of this policy is cause for disciplinarU action, termination and/or possihle criminal prosecut,on CHAPTER FOUR SAFETY Ga�otg Acciden�s Weapons SAFETY Safetq must be evel*Aone's concern lt ay an each CO us tn make Eagle Cnunty a safe plmco to mnrk IF you erer nutIce a saf*ty hazard, not if8 gour Sop prvisor zmmediately. with a fol\om or zn writing mithin eight 18! husinenn hnors Emploqees travnl1ng on ,ountg buoiness or* required to year leawbelts Thm driver of the vehic!e is responsible to ensure that all yassengmrs Wear meatbelts EmpinUems may not pick up hitchhikers while in a Count; vehicle, or in a private vehicle while traveling on County business, Persons who are not Eagle County emploge*s or not acting zn their capacity as an appointed member of an Eagle County 0oard or Commission are to be prohibited from 1raval1ng in a County—owned vehicle un1ess an Eagle Countg employee is transporting them for Eagle Countg business reasons. Exceptionm may be made if the enply;ee obtains prior written approval from the County Administrator, is qoor department issues safetq equ1pmpn0 gnu must use the equipment You may be subject to disciplinarg action or termination if you UP use the safetg equipment provided Yoo are responsible for kncwin0 the safetg rules and should consult with your Supervisor if Voy have a question� ACCIDENTS Ynu must repnrt, in~mriving, anV Job-releted Acidante jhat caose peryonal 1nJurg or property damage, nu matter how minar Cuontg employaeE mag kw covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance for job-rwlated injuries, if the accident is reporteM promptlg Tpll your Supervisor or your Supervisnr/; demignee about the accldent immeO1atelU. Ymur Sopervisor will complete an accidant repurt The original accident reAort must be oent to the Human Reonurces Department immedia"elq If you need meviiral anznntion, gou mag be required to go to a designated County physician and pharmacq in order to b* reimbersed and on establish qour eligibilitg for Worker'-, Compensation in emergencims, anploQees should get medical attention from the nearest medical Facility, PERTONAL WEMOM8 O lREARMS The prpsence OF ftrearms or oWr personal weapons (an instrument nf nffonsive or defensive comuat, someching tu fiyht mith> maU threaten the safeIg and wail—being uf Eagle coontg emplogees and/or the 8eneral public The carrqing of, use, saln, nr purcAasm of persnnal weapons, including Mearms/ hg emplo0eos at any time on Oounty Promises is prohibiwcd Employees who have the written approval of the CountU Administrator maU be excluded from pnrtinns of thiy yolicg Avg violatlmn at this po|ic4 maq be cause for disciplinary action/ termination ana/or criminal prosecution 34 CHAPTER FIVE EMPLO DUCT [wleohone Usaoe Coont� Property Sol1c�tations Visitora Persona] Fina no- i sponeibilities of Emplogees Confidential Information Lnst or Al�ohol. QruOs Pvrchasino ��tolen Credit and Controlled ipl1ne Cards Subs�anceo TELEPM�N� �SAQ� Telephone yervIce is requires so Ohan me ma0 ��mmun1cate effectivelg with the public and businmss associatem Thp County recogn1zea that ncc�aiunallg 31 may we necesyar, for �n �mplog�e tn use the telephonp for incoming or outOoing personal calls out position 1s to allow om9loVnps the privilege uf occasiona? pprsonaJ tails as long as theg are necessarg and of shorn Murat1on Personal long distanco calls must be charged to the emplogee's home telephone or personal credit card 2mplogees who make Personal lnng distance calls on the County telephones wlthou,_� charglng them to their home telephone or personal credst card mag he subject to paUng Yor all costy incurred, disciplinary action and/or termination, The Count; telephone system has a rscurJer which lists all nut—going calls by extension number number called and the duration of the reviewed by the Accuunt3n8 Department abuse of long—distanc. privileges may prAileges and/or disciplinary action This sUstem records cbe sell. This report is and Department Heads And result in lnss of those COUNTY PROPERTY The County Uiscoura{�os the personal use as Cous, proRertg On rare occasions, a Qorarument Head man autAorize an emploVem tn borrow or use County prsperty for permona] use Department Amays may not authorize As uae of, mnd nmp]ugees may out use muturizeU equipment, ve010es or equipment from the hea41 motor pool for personal use. The employee mbo has authorizatimn to borrom County property is responsible for A. Proper was of the equipment The emplo@ee must follom jnstroctinns for use and all applicable safety Procedures B Securitg of the equipment. The emplogee may D2 held reyPonsible For lost or damaged property, equipment The costs men include repair or rw- placmment of the equipment, O Notification of the Deparzment Head that authorized the borrowing or use of the property/ equipment, of any damages or loss of Cnuntg propprty/eqoipment, The County will normally provide employees with the necessarU tools and a,quipment regvired for them to dm their /obs, homwver, some positions may require employees to have their own tools Emplo?ees mag be held accountable for these items, Employees should report in mriOrg any malfunctioning or sissing equIpment to their Supervisor. RIGHTS TO COPYRIGHTS A speech, paper, statistical information, etc., prepared by an employee within the scope of employment at Eagle County is considered a work made for hire. In this instance, Eagle County owns all of the rights to copyright unless the County and the employee have agreed otherwise in a written statement signed by both. RIGHTS TO PATENTS Patents resulting from work in line of County duty, or with financial aid provided by the County, shall become the property "1, the County and all rights thereto shall be assigned by the inventor to the County" Employees are expected to disclose to the Director of the Department of Human Resources through their department heads all discoveries related to their sponsored research or spon- sored creative endeavor which they have reason to believe may lead to patents. � RIGHTS TO COMPUTER PROGRAMS All computer programming done during hours of employment or on County equipment shall be considered a work for hire for the exclusive benefit of the County. This means that the County shall own all rights to any programs developed, including all copyrights and the right to market ("r not to market) the programs. Employees agree not to use the program or any of its parts for the benefit of other employers or for the benefit of anyone other than the Count)/. Employees agree to sign upon request any documents affirming that any particular program written during employment by the County is in fact a work for hire and belongs exclusively to the County. Employees agree that the County considers all programming to Le a trade secret belonging to the County. Employees, there- fnre, will neither divulge nor discuss with third parties mattero relating to programs on which Employees are working, or any other programs belonging to the County, without written Permission of the County. In addition, Employees agree to sign, upon request` nondisclosure agreements relating to any aspect of the County's business. SOLI[lTATIONS Department H�a�s m�l set �he�r uwn departmen� policiey regarding sol1citations In an� cas�, sol�citations shoold not causs a de�ag in �ervice to the public If an empingee fee]s �hat thwV mre �e�ng bo�herwd bg a yol�ci�or, theg ahould br�ng the m�tter �u �he attent1on of their Gupervisor 38 VIGITORS 1t zs expected CA�� emp�oUy�m mill m�nimize peryonal v3 s1ts frnm fam1ly or frien�s dur1n� wnrk hours �f necessmrV vis1ts cannut be arrangod Jorin# a mmal per1nd. the v�si� shoulU he ap�rnved hV the Sopervzsor Emplogees are �o make oure that their ch1ldren �o not plaV in the �ountg bu�l�ingy or n" tke Urounds immediateIV surroun8ing the Cmuntg buildings PERSONAL FIW4NClAL 2MIGYPTU TIES The Countg expects ] emploumeb 00 handle th�* ' personal 91nmnces respnnoiblU The County 00311 not recogn1ze an" financial ohligat�ona contracted between emplogems resulting from persone1 arrangemen� Unless thy emploqee hay receiveU prior written approval of the ,'smntg AMn3strator, When the Cnunty is served with a legal order requiring diren, Payments to someone other than the employee, the Dmparqmeot Head muyt report the matter imme11a5e19 to the Accounting Department The Department Head must forward all documents and correspondence, including and pagrnll checks not delivered to the employee, On the Accounting Department for actiun� When required. the Coontg wall deduot garnishments or wage assignments from rho emplogee's paycbeck, For each garnishment or wage assignment, the emplogee will he charged $25 OO, The $25 OO fee is to cover the administration of the 8arn3abment or wage assignment and is a mandatory payroll Ueouctimn IM There are numerous t__e ,. _. ._ =s: jaws Whicn—appig to VG710US _., £ uct , in - tieC ?s. .,. 7m s_ __ No '£4. 7ri , a t_.. which .._ in t. confidential convidon0n, _ information m s ,. Pat On discussed 5 f ' with _t _ £ .: a e _ _ _ Personnel. A "VQSvIon concerning - arl nri informstion £Y£ _ .e F.: aim .,._ County -ag S e5ulU in an employee being eivilitj or _ nf s_l£ ] ; t_ ano is grounds for disciplinary action, andiop torminvit3on. 1_, ::EtAient Yi'�ludi.np ceps % penernteg4 of O. ? £, g o o are *Mpjoqed by the County Wit _ _ h e excluBive s r o al Eagle County and art not for parsonal use or ;a he U,pw in the permanent possession of sin amplayee, -111 PURCH4SES Al� pyrchases m�de-in the name of Eagle Cnunty most be madw �n comp�iance yith the purchosing proceUures ms�abl�sbed b� the Conntg Emplogees are not tn purchase items throogh the Cuun�g �or personal nse An en`p�oVee mho orders ur �n gnods smrvicms the Countg/s namo withoo� proper authnrizat�on may �� held persnnall0 11a��e for the paqment of the purchase/ in addition to po»sible dinciplinary action and/nr terminaticn ALCOHOL/ DRUQS, Ar 1ONTROLLEY SMSTANCET it is the Ceuntg's 3ntpnt to maintain a safe, Products s, wnrk�ng environment for 13l simplogees to mnsyre the safetg and well—being of the general public and zlounQ facilitiws/ no maintain public cunfidance in the Countg and its emplogees, and reduce tar01nesy/ enJ unsa%isfactorV Job yerformance The County prohibits the use, aale, transfer. or Possession of alcohol, non—preycr1beU drugs, or controlleol substances while on dutg. J* addition, the Countg prohibits and employee from usiny or �rom being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances and/or havinB measurable qumntities of theme substances in the emplmgan's system during reQnlar working 800ry� Alcohol includes all intoxicating beverages that contain alcohol, including beer and yinp. Qn—urescriheU drugs and control)eJ substances include suoscances cuniro1ieo Ay, or 1llegal uzder either Federal or state lam, and any other substance the Countg, in its sole Uiocretion/ determines affects, or could affect/ the abilitg of an employee tu perform hLs/har Job Substances prescribed by a pUUsician for the peroon Wing or possessing the substance. or Wen for a medical condition are permitted if theg do not MOP performance or present safutg hazards to the Coonty Any questions about whether or not a substance is a drug or controlled substance should be directed to your Supervisor or to the Director of Human Resources, An emplogee who works on a potentiallg hazardous environment or performs a potentiallq hazardous acrivitg and is taking a drug or other medication which 1y known, or advertised as Rnssiblg affecting or impairing ]udgement, alertness, cuordination, or ang of the senses or which may adversely affect the ability to peroorm work in e yafe and produc0ve manner must notifg his/her supervisor before starting to work TO, includes med1callg prescribed substances which could ai9pct or impair judgement, alertness or coordin�tion which maX affect and safe actions at Work. The Supervisor may consult Homan Resources and/or the Director sf Nursing before deciding if nhe emplmgee may remain at worh and mUat work rastrictions/ if and, are necessary. County employees are prohibited at any time from npevating County vehicles or e�u1pment when taking ang drug or medication, whether prescription or ov*r—the—counter/ which may cause drowsiness and/or reduced mental alertness or physical coordination including alcoholic beverages. Any employee causing personal injury or property damage while at work and while under the influence of alcohol or any druo or medication eay be subject to discipline up to and including termination, and/or criminal prosecution Emplo1ees mag cun a�cohul1c bovermyps �n deratien mKen tkeir emplo@ment re�y�re�"�hmm tu attend a conferon��e ur other evynt spnnsored bV another organizm�ion nf mhich su�h bev�raye 1s served DISCIPLIN�� � � � 7 D1aciplinarX actior7~mag be taken to protect &I saietg anh integritg of nth*r Coont4 omVloVmes' 001zens/ propertg, funds and confinential informatIon Deparament Hea5s or hweir designate� supervisur may 1mpuse disciplinar" actinns This polity prov,des y meuna for resolvinq prohlems arising from misconduct by an amp! ogas, Reasons that are cons1dpred grounds for disciplinary action, up to ana inrludinB termination, nnclode^ out are not limited to, the Following A Pailnre to fm]loy an9 policies in this handbomk. � Incompetence or ineMcimncg in performance of Job dutims C Negligent or careless conduct endangering the safetg or well-being of fwllom employees or the public D. Ne2ligent use nf, or negligens damage to, or wastp of public propertg. E Refusing to complU with lawful orders or regu]at�ons F Using abusive langoage nr unbecoming conduct tomard the puUlic or Follow employees, or the inahilit8 to work with fellow emplogees or t#e public to Who extent of affecting the efficlmncg K County g,ryrnment serzice 0. Using/ sailing and/or being under the influmnce OF intoxicant, or non—prescribed controlled substances while nn dutV H Unexcused absence or mnaubhorized leave from the Job, L Abusing mork hours or polic3es of the Cnuntg J Conviction of a belong charge or a class one misdemeanor� K. Abusing sick leave, medical leave/ or leave without pag L Writing of false or misleading information on the employment application or on employment Forms. M Melvin; ollciting/ or 610e1inQ ! )ribs in %he cnurse of^onontq empinqment �° N Misusing county funds J Workin� onmut�nrizad overtima P Use of County equipmmnt or services fur private gain or for an unlawful purpose &. Theft or unauthorized removal of Countq propertg R Misusing Coontg vehicles or other Countg propertH 8 Suspension, revocatiwn or restriction of driver's license when the Job requires emploUes, to drive For the Count, T Providing false or mioleadinq information on a report, timewheet, document, or verbally, U Engaging in a strike or ang organized work slemdoun A Failure co reyort an accident involvinO Cnontq equipmonk; to the Sopervisor, or Failure of a Supervisor having knowledge of an accident to takp appropriate acnon The above statements are not all—inclusive. They simplg illustrate the k3nds of misconduct which cannot be tolerated in the work place. The absence of any statement, procedure or rule will not restrict the right of the Coonty in carrgin§ out its Anction of managing the Cnuntg, or to direct or discipline its employees, Coontq emplegess' behavior both an and off dutg should reflert favorablg on the Countg Disciplinary nations are desi0new to provzde for appropriate action when an emplogee's conduct or performance reflects wnfavorablg on the Countg or is detrimental M effective and efficient Countq operations. Disciplinary actions mag include ang or all of the following: A Verbal yarniny — Your Supervisor may discuss the performance problem with you. This is an infor- mal Form of disciplinary action. 8. Written reprimand — This mag include a statement OF the problem, what gou must do to correct it, and what will happen if you don't comply, Wr�%ten r 1mands w1ll be Mud in to em- ployee's perionnel filn C iuspwnsinn — You mag be notifiod in writing for a disciplinary suspmnsion At nKe discrmtion of Cho supervisur and the Dirmctor of Human Rewoorces, suspensions mag he with pay, partiat pmU or without pay An employee whose conduct is under 1nvestrgatiun may 0e musppnded pending tke result of the investi0a�ion D Demotion — If qoo be not perform satisfacturilg in your position/ your Department Head maU demote you to a lower position classification and duties. All demotions will be documented and apprnved bg toe Director of Homan Resources, If work performance does not improve after thm domutian occurs, the emplo8ee ma0 be termlnatmd The eximtcnce of Personnel Pnlicies in no way creates entitlement to or an enforceable expectmtion nf continued employment with the Countg� When the County considers an oFfenne to he serious enoogh, an0 or M disciplinary actions may be bypassed and the employee may be dismissed immediately. CHA9TER S�X 8EXUAL HARA8SMENT OR DIGCRIMINATION Sexual H�ra�sment or �iscrimination SEXUAL HARASSM�N DISCRIMINATION All emplogess should 4e ablo to en!oy a work environment free From all form, of zllaal discriminatiwn, includiny sexual harasament. Sexual harassment doe' nnt refer co nccmyional compliments of a iociallU acceptable nature It rovers to behavior that ia persistent, nor welcome and personally oFfensive. Supervisors are rmsponsible for maintaining a morkplace frae uf sexual herassment An emplogee's refusal to submit to sexual advances will not adversely affect the employee's employment/ performance evaluation, pay, advancement' assigned duties, shifts or anq under condition of employment. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to: A Unue]come sexua1 flirtations, advances or prnposilinnm IF Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, C Wrapbic verbal comments abmut an individual/a. bod, D. Gexoallg degrading words used to describe an indip3doal E The displag in the Workplace of sexoaIlg suggestivm objects or pictures F insulting degrading or exploitive sexual treat- ment. � Unsolicited/ unwelcome or improper Physical contact or verbal sexual overtures or conduct Ang employee who beliwves that they have been sexuallg harassed Should repert it immediatelg to the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources will make efforts to ensure that cymp1aints of sexual harassment are resolved promptly and effectively. The emptogee, the Supervisor and the Cnuntg Administrator will be advised of the findin;s and conclusions. Actions taken to resolve complaints of sexual harassment through internal investigations will be conducted as confidentially as pass ibTo. �� Ang emplogee mho fwon� to have �ng�ged i hm sexual � xarassmen� o+ aoother wmp�oUee mill he sub/ect tu diycipline an�/or termina��on 5D CHAPT��R GEV�N �RIEVANCG PROCEDURE (,rievance �ro�eJure GKIEVANCE PRO CED A grievance is a complaint repay ding perceived poor working conditions, unlust application of discipline, or the unfair application or ov zhm policies and procedures K Eagle County ;n the department where the emp Logos uuros An0 employee Who is Wissatisfied with the administration of Policies or in ang other mag fee1s aggrieved by the condit1ons of Chair e«uplogment may file a formal complaint by folloming this prncedure Within the time limits stated below. A terminated employee may also use this procedure but a terminated employee remains terminaueJ unless a decision to overrule is approve Q An emplmgee should first discusy the problem with his/her immediate Supervisor The immediate Supervisor should respond to the employee within 5 working days. If the empingee is extremelg uncomfortable discussing the situation with his/her Supervisor, be/she may consult with the Director of Homan Resources. 8. If the Supervisor has not responded, or if the employee is not satisfied with thm response received in Step A, he/she may/ within 5 working days after Step A, request a meeting with his/her Qe8artment Head and the Director of Human Resources, If after following step 8 the em0loqme is not satisfied with the results and yishes to pursue his/her claim, he/she must follow the following procedure, within the time limits stated belom� C The emplogee must file a written grievance with the CnuntU Administrator within five <55 working days of the day of being advised If a decision from the Department Head in Step 8 or of the disciplinary action. The grievance must be specific in nature, detailing the alleged occurrence or the action taken/ which is being grievmd' on what grounds the grievance is based, and how the occurrence or action taken conflicts with this handbook, noting the section of the handbook involved. The County Administrator has five (5) working da0s to investigate the problem and to make a recommendation. If the County Administrator needs more than five (5) working dags to 5 -,1 in litigate the problem an; 1 m ake a recommendation, he/she will notify the empingee Q SP the emploHee disagrees with th� decision of the county Administrator, t0e emplugce's final recourse will be to submi* their grievance, in writing, within five (5) days/ to the Board of County Cnmmissimnery The 8oard will have ten (10) dogs to schedule a hearing A Board member or their designee will advise the griewant, Supervisor, Department Head, Director of Human Resources and the Count0 Adminislrator of the date, time and place of the hearing. Following presentation of relevant testimong and evidence, the Board of Countg Comm�syioners will, after due consideration/ issue a written decision. At least tmo (21 members uf the Board must agren on ths, decision Their decision will be final, CHAPTER ��lQHT SEL�CTION L9 al Emplogment Opport Oil ity Job �ost1ng Empingment nf Relatives Transfer 54 EQQAL EMPLOYMENT ORTB�ITY Eagle County is cnmmUtmd to follow all fair omploVment practice laws Al] persons Navin0 the authoriog to hire, discharge, transfer or Promote personnel, must fulloo a non—discr1mtnatorU policU of U2ring on trnnsierr1ng spy qualified applicant. This policy applies withoun reyard to race, color, rellg1on� nationa, ori;io, age, oex/ vateran or handlcap status unless the handicap J3squalifies that person from doing their Job The Countg offers equal opportunitg in emplo8ment and advancement of quallfied applicants and employees. The filling of vacancies will be coordinated between the Human Resources Department and the Department with the vacancy Positions mill bw filled with the best qualified individuals available Job offers will be made by a Human Resources representative Efforts mill be made to fill vacancies by promotion from within the County eAen*vmr aoalified employees are ava1lah3e Employees will be considered for promotion based an present performance, specialized background and potential, Length of service will he a factor considered when two or more applicants possess equal qualifications If goo feel you have been discriminated against because of race, color/ religion, sex, age/ or national origin, you should bring it to the attention of the Director Of Human Resources. / JOD POSTING, \ J ` i Regular part—time and regular foll~time vacant or nemiH creatmd Positions will bp pnstea on GuuntH hullenin boards If a Department Head decides to hip, Our a 6392erent pns1tion than posted^ the new position will be posted Exceptions arm al1omed when a Departmeno Head desires to more a regular emplogee from their dppar Oman t into the open pow tion Job posting procedures are as follows� A To ailnm employees time to appl0 per position^ all Positions will be posted for at least 24 bus- iness hours before a Joh offer is made. Q. Regular employees who have completed six months of service in their present job are eligible to particlpate Under special circumstances, this provision may be waives, If a critical murk situation exists within the smplvgse's prnsent department/ the emplmgee mag be temporarily ineligible to participare regardless of length of service C. Employees Who are interested in being considered Mr an open position must complete a Request for Transfer form. After the Department Head signs the comVletmd form, it must be sent to the Human Resources Department D Consideration mau be given to these emplogees or applicants who meet at least the minimum requirements for the job In reviewing the applications, the following will be considered: 1 Performance in present position 2 Skills possessed to match skills needed in the posteil position, 3. Work attitudes. 4 Attendance, 5 Needs of the employee's present department. E. The final selection will be the best qualified Person in the opinion of the Department Head who has the opening, however, a Human Resources Department representative will make the job offer. Normally the employee will be transferred 10 working days after Human Resources makes the job offer. F. An employee's request for a transfer to a position below his/her current grade may he considered after a review of the circumstances is 36 condocte the Qiractor of Human oxrces and the Coontg Administratnr g Appljcan�s and empluUees uill not be consi�ered for a pm�ition mhich momld be eitber directly or indirectlg supervised or managed "b, a rel- ����� ative of the employye. (see Emplogment of Rele�ives) EMPLOYMENT OF REL ES Emploument of a relative of an emploVee will he comsidered if the individual possesses the qualifications for the available position. A relative of an employee is mnther, father, Sister, brotber/ spouse, childran, grandchildren, step-parents, step-children, simter-in-1am, brother-in-law/ parents-in-lay, aunts, uncles, nieces, or nephews. Relasives will not be given work assignments which� A. Require one to menage, supervise or review the performance of the other, or B. Permit ane to have access to the personnel records of the other If two employees become related, both may retain their positions provided: A They do not work in the same department. B They are not under the direct or indirmct mupervis;on of each other and C. Neither occupies a position which has influence over the other's emplogment, promotions or salar@ administration All of the above criteria must be mat for continued employment If two emplmgees become related/ one emplogee must resign or he transferred within 30 days. Allowance of any exceptions to this policU requires the eppruval of the 8oerd of County Commissioners