HomeMy WebLinkAbout309 Paseo - 239127301012INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1793-98 BP NO. 12086 OWNER: CHRIS VECCHIARELLO PHONE: 970-927-8593 MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 2254, BASALT, CO 81621 APPLICANT: SCOTT MANOPPELLA PHONE: 970-945-0886 SYSTEM LOCATION: 309 PASEO DRIVE, El JEBEL, CO TAX PARCEL NO. LICENSED INSTALLER: WELCH EXCAVATING, INC.. TOD WELCH LICENSE NO. 52-98 PHONE: 970-963-2533 DESIGN ENGINEER: PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 1125 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 37 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS REQUESTED BY APPLICANT. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN TRENCHES WITH A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE, AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT SMEARING OF SOILS. AND DO NOT BACK FILL WITH COBBLES LARGER THAN 8" IN DIAMETER. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION. OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED WITHOUT SEPTIC SYSTEM FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: N �/ DATE: JULY 23. 1998 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1 1 2 9 SQUARE FEET (VIA 37 INFILTRATOR UNTTS ) Inn INSTALLED CONCRETE TANK: 1250 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND 90_' FEET FROM th e north edge of the house. COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: August 11 , 1 9 9 R (Site Plan MUST be attached) 1 t ISDS Permit # `J - APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: Y. r i &'` I / E� '. I PHONE: �/ / ) `�= 7 33-73 MAILING ADDRESS: p / TT APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON; i+ T i,. PHONE: (y) 9q,c " MAILING ADDRESS: ,- LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: a �; J ��? C� LlINE: �'Xb 06-3 35 35 COMPANY/DBA: 14 T"170.1+ C ADDRESS: s^ PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ************************************************************************** LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # og 0 (if known) r�,r Legal Description: Subdivision: V to Il,,,,//��l �fi Filing:_Block• Lot No. I Tax Parcel Number: c;Z 4 3 J L-C 2 ,3 -f L-� Lot Size: Street Address: 3 E P"i BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface !� Public Name of Supplier: lneS,+ jfe1')Wljei^_ *These systems require design by a Reggistered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY �J AMOUNT PAID: �� - RECEIPT # : q� 1,31 / DATE: 1 CHECK # : lLq'7 CASHIER: u Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO August 11, 1998 Chris Vecchiarello P.O. Box 2254 Basalt, CO 81621 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1793-98, Tax Parcel #2391-273-01-012. Property location: 309 Paseo Drive, El Jebel, CO. Dear Mr. Vecchiarello: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: July 23, 1998 TO: Tod Welch Excavating, Inc. Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1793-98, Tax Parcel #2391-273-01-012. Property Location: 0309 Paseo Drive, El Jebel, CO., Vecchiarello residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1793-98. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Also enclosed is the ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form. The items on this form need to be completed before you call for your final inspection. Also, please note any special conditions which may have been placed on the permit. If all items are not completed, a reinspection fee of $42.50 must be paid before a reinspection is made. Please call our office well in advance to allow for scheduling of final inspection. Your building permit TCO will not be issued until final approval has been given for the ISDS Permit. Permit specifications are miAimum requirements only, and should be brought to the prc-)erty owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Enclosures: ISDS permit # 1793-98; ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form E, T00'd 50LVON XH/XL WST 86/5T/90 I1V1' BY ; A St LN CLUB PROPERTIES ; , 14.00 :RC BY : A3PnCLURM0P- it tf " Iftewt xTur-PAWLAX GEOWCHNICAL,,1NC. %2)Mpaci]54 <:ien+vt c d 7ti f!rin�lr� CU R7f+t1] r.kX •J7n %7b-e454 October 17, 1997 11he" IJ70 n4�7vtas Sasw Hershey P.O. Box 2254 - Basalt, Colorado 81E21 Job No. W 562 Subject: Subsoil Study for Foundation naRign and Pertaiatitm Test, Proposed ResWenE*, Lest 46, Aspen Me" Estatcrs, 0309 Pasao Drive, Eagle County, Colorado Dcar Ms. Hershey: As regtFe.,jrted,-gepworth Pawlak Gcotwhaical, Inc. performed at subsoil study for foundation design and percolation testb% at the surjeet site. The study was conducted ja a,gr-= lance with our agreement for gooteche2joatl ongine-ering services to you dated Qctci4er 9. 1997. 'l he data obtained tined and our reoommendations lased on the proposed = strue: =sits and subsurface wnditions encountered are preserved in this report. Proposed Cadstmetion: Tftns for the proposed rebide a are conceptual at this ti+nc. We, understand the propoW residencx will be G two story tog home over a lo*zr walkout level with a garage. Ground floors will be slab -on -grade. Cur depths are expected to range betwmcax about 4 to d feet. Foundation loadings for this type of WMtruction are assumed to be relatively light and typical of single family home constriction. The sh�pdc disposal syst m is proposed to be located t:phill of the r8sic3en�. rf hiAding conditions or foundation loadings are signific*m ly differer+t from dwse deseribed above, we should be notified tt? re-euailtate the rewu s+endations prewntad in this report. Site Cundiitiaus: T -e- lot is locatnrd can flu; Borth siof Passo Drive.. The ground - surface in the building area is sirongly stapieg down to the south. The loot is vegetated with pinor and juniper trees with sagebruS; , grass and weeds. Numerous basalt cobbles and boulders arc visible can the ground surface. dubs u.-face c4nd ncuts: 'rhe.&ubsur:are conditions at rfsc site were evaluated by excavating one exploratory pit in the building area (PA 1) and one profife pit, In the septic disposal area at tke approxhuaft 1pt: OOns, shown on Fig. 1. Tins logs of the pits are presenxd on, Fig. = The subsoils rttcountered, below aboui one foot of topsofI, urrtisist tyf basalt c+*VC* and boulders in a 44ity swi+dy tnairix. Result4 oaf a gradation analyrsis porfvrrrted otn a sample of silty san y gravel (minxes 3 'inch fraction) obtained from Pit Tare presented. on > ig_ 3, No fr a water was observed in the pits at the time of cxcai:aUou alld the soils were sl,_QhtJy moist to moist. Td WdLi7:20 866T ST 'unr 06600760L6 : 'ON dNOHd u-1-I3ddnNaW : WMIA 01 Z00'd SOLV'ON XII/XZ 9V:ST 86/ST/90 SENT EY;A-VtNl CL S t'itUrMI"in ; s-IV-Us ; 1-1-U1 :trey rsr Susan Hershey Octiker 1:_ 1997 Page 2 Founds arm Reeummond aims:. Considering the subsoil conditions encounwred in the cxplo tory pits and The nature of the prepomd construction. we re;omm nd spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural ;Soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf for support of the proposed resWence. Footings should be a Miliimum width of ih inchcs for continuous walls and 2 feet for colunum- Umse and disturbed soils enz an%red at the tomndatlem hearing level within the excavation should be removed and thip, footing bearing level extended dawn to the undisturbed natural Roils. Voids created i-Um boulder removal at footing grade should be Tilted with screened rock or concrete. Exterior footings should be providers with ndequatc cover above their beuiug elevations for frost protection. Placemtm of :''borings at least 42 inches below the exterior grade is typically used in this area. Frost deptb might be reduced where bearing on very hard mtact basalt ram. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span low anc walles slid, ;t.S by m1muming an unsupported length of at least 10 feex. Foundation walls acting as reta.hting structures should be designed to resist a lateral -earth pressure based on an equivalem fluid unit Weight of at lest 45 psf for the can -Sift sail as backfiil (ixcluding oversized rock), fi'ioor SiaW. The tiatnrat on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly to moderatc3y loaded siab-ou-Sradc vonstrartion. To reduce ti+e effects of some differential nwvemcnt, floor slabs should be s4parated from all bearing wa1Ls anti upltlmtis with c'ptnsicm joint% which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab central joints Should he used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The mquiremenm for ,point spacing and slab reinforcement should be establiabm by the designer based tin experience and the intcndod slab use. A minimum 4. inch layer of frc&-cir-aiuing gravel should be !rinsed beneath baseTncnt .cvcl slabs to facilitate draimp. This material should consist of minua 2 inch aggregate wit lass Than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 290 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Pt'omr density at a moisture content hear optimum. Required till c;an consist of the on -site soils devoid of vmgetatior_, topsoil and arersiced. rock, Lnderdralm SratCm: Altlwugh tree water was imt encountered dosing Lxw exploration, it 'tiass btecn our experic►ave in this area that kcal perchad groundwater taxi devokv during times of heavy prcciphation or se;sanat runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff can Create a per.^,hed condition. We ==' amend below-gradc construction, such as reia'z'� wxdls and basement areas, be prs�ctrd from wetting and bydrostatic: pressure baildup by an underdrain system. H.P GEOTWH Ed WdL-V:20 BGGT ST 'unt o6eost?60L6 : •Ohl dNOHd k-n3ddnNHW : woNj 0, E00'd SOLVON Xll/Xi 9V:ST 86/ST/90 3MI, '1ST'-X5 N LLLIES r'ra r=,I I t3 - e-1 V-rc + 14 -Ul •M. V la • i_ll ki l5 C.WUL ,.va Susan Hershey Ck2ober 17, 1997 Page 3 The drains should consist ofdraWfpe pbwed in [he bottom of the wail backlill smrounderd above the invert level with free -draining granular material. The drain should be plated at each level of excavation and at least 1 foot below lowest adjacent finj�4i grade and sloped at a ►ninirnum 1 % W U Suttabie gravity Gutict Free -draining granular inawri.-ii used in dw- underdrain system should Conmir less than 2 % passing the No, 200 slave, ten than 5096 passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. 'bite drain gravel backlill should be at lcast 11h feet deep. Suriam ivagc: The following drainage pmeautions should be observed during wnstruction and maintained at all times after be residence has been ooMleted; 1) Inundation of the foundalton exca4atiUns and underslub areas sHtuld be avoi4ed during construedon. 2) Exterior backfili should be adjusted to reur'optitnurn moisture wd cainpaotetl to at lmt.*,t 95% 4f the maximum staudaid Proiaor density in pavetncnt and siab areas and to at lm t 90% of the maximum standard Proctor dvinhy in landscape areas. Fre-a-draining ,gall lsackfill should be capped Wit; ailout 2 feet: of the art -site, f1mr graded soils to reduce surfaw water in€iiftua Sl. 3) Ttte ground surface sun-oundirg the exterior of the building should be sioped 1* drain away from the foundatiola in all directions. We rwommend a minimum sl+bpe of 12 inches in the first 10 feex in unpaged area and a minirnurn slope OF 3 inches in the first 10 feet in pavement and walkway areas. A S%ale could be needed uphill to direct surfam . runoff around the structure. d) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well Beyond the limits of all backfill, Pertxllatkn Testing: Percolation tests were c onducted on Octe bc—. 10, 1997 to evaluate Cho feasibility ot- an infiltration septic disposal syst:lu at tic site. 011C profile pit atid three percolation holes were dug at ft looadoms shown tali Fig. i. The test holes i;nmuinat 12 inch diumeter by 22 inch dwp� were hated dug at the bottom of sl7aliUW b ►Gkhm pits and! were sQakcd with water one day prier to testing_ The soils exposed in the perac4aWn holes arc stiaiiar to those exposed to the Protiie Pit o,e.pwa on r1B.'? and (eSam x-WPS!t='dabbles aitd bx �hieis in a silty gatady matrix' '1'ti� tqn J I trest resula:,' i osenirs ! to Tab3e ll, U-9 ` `frittn I1 -ta 3 mi .per inch a3tti kay ?aged alert 3t mtlxSties per trtch. Bmcd ran the subsurface cored tons encountered atHti the percolation felt result ,the tested area, shoWd be suitable for a conventional i.nfUtration septic disposal s'ysteni. I;mtitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generaily gcceptad geot=httiea.l en&eering principles and prracdccs in this aloes at this time. We make no H-P OECTECH 2d Wd8tr:20 866T ST *unr 06BOS17602-6 : 'ON 3NOHd U-n3dd1NUW wo'u V00'd SM 'OK XH/X1 9V:9T 86/ST/90 SENT BY-A,%�El CLUB PROPERTIES : 5-19-38 : 147U2 ;rL-V t3T 3srG"9twtst�cvr �tu��ua3s�.� �. � Susan Hershey ()0t&--r 17, 1997 Fags 4 warraucy either cxprrs,ed or implied. The conclusions afid reaattntnendations submitted in thus report are based Capon the data. obUdued from. the exploratory pits excavated at the locations judicated on Fig, 1,. tttt goosed type of c onstrurtiun and Our exger'scnm in the area. Our faWings include interpolation and extrapolation of tlta subsurface Conditions identified at ttue ea�p3raraiory pit3 aim ,rar!&tics23S ill t'nO subsur CE cOu iti i may not become evident until excax-adoa is aertormcd. if conditions ett=unterad dur Wt trucSi,,On appear different flats those dessjr d in this report, we should be noti&d ju once so r-e7mluadon of the recommendations may be made. This report Ims twett prepared for the ex~Luslye use by our client for design purpostS, We are not Twonsibic for technical interpretations by other of our information. As the prvjCrt evolves, we should provide t.ontinued cvnsaltat:ion and [ield services during construction to review and mottiror tlm 1mpt-,Yne=6 ars or our recap ==lotions. and to Lreri.fy that the recornm ndadons have btxn appropriately iattexrreted. Sisniticeart dasign char ;es my require atidiLknua.: analysis or modifications to the rCC0rllmetl&ti0n,% prmnted harcia. We recomm=d or -site obserra au of excavations and roaMation hearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geots bnl as engineer. If ym h; N.0 ally qutsti>Sns trt if we may be of further asulistance, please let Us know. Sincerely. HFPitTORTH - PAWLAK GFCYrEC3 "L, iNCI. Ljauis F. F1ier ' Reviewed By: r Mnial B. Hardin, F.E. LEVItsm attS+Ctll lcuts H-P i�EOTEGYt trd Wd617:£0 866T ST 'unf 0680St760L6 : 'ON 3NOHd u-n3ddlNdW : W08d S00'd SOLVON X AJ. 9k:9l 86/ST/90 SE.NF BY": ASPOi CL S PROPERTIES ; 5-19-88 ; 14 : 0a '; M-v !dY : �r=-yLLunrKur— . APPROXIMATE SCALE I* — so. LOT 39 y �r r I� { 'r .r LOT 38 1 ` t 3 r r p i P 2 b P •3 i A PROFILE Pti t LOT 37 d Aft" OF 1 PROPOSED RESCIENCE POT 1 r t f t 9 5 5 t 4EQSt�oRTH — PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. IrkC� PASE0 DRIVE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS AND PERCOLATION TEST BOLES > 1 t l W uLwouooij * -Ji u LOT 47 ria. 1 Sd Wd617:20 866T ST 0680GV60L6 : 'ON 3NOHd u-n3ddnNUW : WOZid 900'd SOLVON XH/XZ WST 86/ST/90 ZNT BY:EI,5'F.N CUB FROFMIE3 : _-13-38 : 14.C,3 :ROV SY:AsvbNCLUbMok;, ifrutM0WVU;9 or o PIT 7 PROMLE PIT 4 B41 1x +P4 O $ 20 1 t t w � '1a 401 , i�ti!lLE�fGND; 70PSOIL; organic wady alit and clay, modlurn Stiff. moist, brown. BASALT Cs`RAVEL- COBBLES AND BOULDERS (0101). in a sandy silty matrix, very darter, moist. lignt brown. calcareous, t3}sturbett bu* sorrtple. - - i Tpractide backhoe refusal. NOTES. 1. Fsplcratary pits were excavated an October 9. IW7 with a backhoe. 2, Leaatians of erepkiratery gltr ,sere measured ilpprazi.natcly by paring froin factures on the sit= pieftt prarided. 3_ Oeavztlans of exP14rotory Pits WVrC nrat m&=ure}d and 1Qgs of *xplarator+y pits ere drown to depth_ 4,. The exploratory Pilo Mica' ns should tm canaedamd nccurala ortty to the degree implled by the method used. 8. The llnaa 1latwsen motsrivis 0hown an the explwatary pot logo represeeLt the approxartaie boundaries between material types and tr9i vitidets may be gradual: 6, No tree water was encountered In the o7em at the time of excravntinat Fluctuations in water level may occur with t"rne, 7_ Lahcrat iry Tka-ring Results: +4 = Percent retatned on No. 4 sieve —200 � Percent pasSl ng No.. 200 sieve t87 562 r 1 HCPW'4 RTH — PAV&AX LOGS OF EXPLORATORY NITS Fog. Z GECI'MCHNICAL, INC- 9d WdOS:£0 866T ST 'unr 06600760,L6 : 'ON 3NOHd U-n3ddnNUW : WOU a L00'd 9uvm xu/X,L 9k:ST 86/ST/90 5NT BY : ASPS CLLS PROPERT i FS : 5 10-88 : 1 # : OS : RCV BY ASP' It i3t'itot'� tiEPWGRTH-PAW4.AK Ca6OIMCHNICAL. INC. i TABLE 11 PERCOLATION `PEST REBULTS Yru'J' Dubwu:r'F 01 0 JOB W. '197 562 . WAM DMwM AT START OF INTIRVAL i�1CHE�) 834 7'A WATER Ori"H AT END of XTUMAL tN►1�1651 37i DROP WA LEM ttMICFl�.Sil lieu g54 i SSG a9s Y. s Is x s zw 7,: iit w its d'ri 't 439 10% iblS low tQ 36 gam, ALL 7► g 8',4 34 g� 8YJ •i• bYe $ SC E 7% 7y Yi4 7'!a 7K W. Y. A a am % IVA 8�x V. 79A 73G 'A 7y. 7 % :b -7K 7 x axt *A7 6 t 4Y� fA g 5x is iM Avamr; TEti PERMLAI'f K RATE 1G 22 M. WdOS:€0 866T Si 'unr 0680Sb60L6 : 'ON 3NOHd u-ii3ddnNuw : WOdd ISDS Permit # 1 Dated /J r ISDS Final Inspection Completeness F,orm ✓ Tank is iZ gal. Tank Material /i�'rC/r�/ V Tank is located �/a1'1 Et. and 32.LLdegrees from If .J (permanent landmark) Tank is located ft. and degrees from (permanent landmark) 1/ Tank set level. `''Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. V' Size of field ftZ_ units lineal ft. Technology ;y1�jj_77' ✓ Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). IV There is a "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber sket etc. _ Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. Measure distance and relative direction to field V, Depth of field ft. _ Soil interface raked. �U/_ Inspection portals at the end of each trench. L/ Proper distance to setbacks. Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks removed from ✓trenches, etc.) 5ck�1-4 �4r.8 'field�3. Type of pipe used for building sewer line , Other Inspection meets requirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 10 Tank 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 CALCULATED DATE CHECKED BY DATE CA -AI a Tax �� 35/- '�3-b/_ O/A JOB NAME . Lot �� ' �' VECCHIARELLO Aspen Mesa Estates rZTB=ION BILL TO DATE STARTED/ 1 DATE COMPLETED � � �` L / �.dy?All 1. P 2gl / 0 j ZS7! 2 DATE BILLED JOB NO. 8 0 ,� cep- JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT Printed in U.S.A. r .4 .�� - ,.ice: g�li�iiE_ •��- �.�.�^: ` 1-7q3- y� H5 5404