HomeMy WebLinkAboutR87-39A Remainder of Personnel PolicyTRANSFER" If an employee accepts a transfer into a position that hay the same pag grade as his/her current position, there will be no change in pay. If an emploUee requests a transver he a pusftion with a lower pay grade, the change must be revieumd and approved by the Director of Human Resources and the County Administrator If the emplogee is accepted for the lower grade position, his/her new pag mill not be higher than the midpoint of the new grade. To we considered for a 5ransfer, the following provisions must be met; A Employees must be in their current position at least 6 months before an employee requested transfer mil] b* considered, unless the empinges obtains written approval from their Department Head and the Director of Homan Resources. B The employee must fill out a Request for Transfer Form. Their Supervisor must sign it and file it with the Human Resources Department C The employee must be in good standing' not on an improvement plan or on probation, and on the most recent Performance Appraisa) an overall pe70rmance rating of '/Meets Expectations" or higher must have been achieved D. Employees may only apply for transfers when a position has been officially posted E. it is up to the Supervisor and/or Department Head of the vacant position to determine who then would like to interview. All inquiries must be channeled through the Human Resources Department. 59 / CHAPT'R NINE El PLOYBE STATUS Prnba�ion Merit Pam Increases Acting Appo�ntment 6O PRO8ATION The probation p*r388 is a trial period during -'which a nem emplogee's Job performance is carefully observed before a deci*ion on regular empinymmnY is made by the Supervisor The first six munnhs of empingment 1s generallg the probation jeriod If an emplogee changes jobs or is promoted during thio 41me/ the probation period man he extended The Objective of the is to help the proba130n period nem employee succeed through posit2ve training/ advice/ and correction. The Supervisor creates an atmosphere that contributes to the individual's Opportunity for success Because the abilitg to learn and apply knowledge varies between individuals, the amount and type of assistance may be adjusted accnrdinOly Weaknesses in performance may be brought to the employee's attention in detail for understanding and sustained self—�orrection %f at any time during he probationary period, the Supervisor, concludes that the employee is unable or unwilling to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position, the Gupervisor may recommend the termination of the employee. The emplogee may he terminated or demoted at any time. Department Heads must consult with the Director of Human Resources before terminating an employee, MERIT PAY INCAEAS Merit Peg increases -may be granted only when an empingee meets an exceeds the standards of pemfoymance Cr efFiciency established for his/her position. An emploUee who raceives a belom standard performance rating is not mligible for a merit increase. Evaluations ef an emplmgee's wort performance for merit increase purpose will be made bg the emD1mVee'y Supervimor in writing, subject to review bV the Director of Human Resources. Each employee mbo is nnb at the top of his or her position's pay range will be eligible for consideration for a merit increase upon successful completion of probation After the first six months of employment, an emplogee who is not as the top of their Peg range may be elx0ible annually for consideration for a merit increase, if the employee's service has been cnntinoons. Normally, an emplaUee's review date will be their anniversary date. A Department Head wanting to change an employee's review date must consolf with the Director of Human Resources The Director of Human Resources' approval is required for ang change in review dates Nhen an emploYye is promoted, he/she uili be put on review status For at least six months The Supervisor mill give the employee a written p*rformance evaluation at the successful completion of the review status. This may or may not provide a pay increase The employee's anniversary date does not change. An employee who has received a delayed merit increase due to an error or lack of funds will keep his or her earlier merit increase eliUibilitg date as though Share had been no delay ACTINg APPDINTME| When the Countq has vacancies caused By turno'07/ medical le leave of abyence, nr the creation of a nem Job. Dopartment Heads, with the approval of the County Administrator, maU choose to assign the Wties temporarilg to another employee. If you are aomigned to work in a Jo own for an extended period of time, at a higher sag level An extended longer unless otherwise approved hg You may apply for a vacant position appointment classified higher than pour you mag be temporarilg Paid period is one (1) month or the Cnontg Administrator while holding an acting 63 CHAPTER TEI%1 cDMPENSATl�� Ry�or 7ime �aVrhecks ao� ��1 �er1uds Ovartima I�anjatorp PaVrn�� �e�octions Proc*dvre tq Corrert Du-roll Errors Makiny Up Time � 6 4 REpQRTINQ YOUE TI Non—exempt empingeel are required to keep a aailV record on the County time sheets of their hours worked You must document tMe time Uou start, the time you quit/ and the time you spend on a meal period. You must obtain Your Supervisor's approval before ma&ing up time or working extra hours, ar working overtime unless there is an emergencg situation requiring overtime Your Supervisor mill approve your tima sheets. and Uno m3ll be paid on the basis of the time you report, Time sheets must be completed and signed bg each non—exempt employee. They must be submitted to the appropriate Supervisor for approval before 10:00 a,m, on the Monday Following the end Of a two meek payroll period. Time sheets are due in the Accounting Department by 12 noon on the Monday following the and of the two—week payroll period Exempt empingeem are also required to keep a record of their hours worked. Department Heads should review their exempt cmpinUee's time records periodicelltj Falsification of time sheets is grounds tor immediate dismissal PAYCHECKS AND PAY Plow The Countu has a bl=weevlU payrnll mgstem '�^ loqees will be Paid every other Fridag If a &ount4 designated holiday falls on a Payday, paychecks will be distributed on Thursday Payroll schedules will be posted in each department and on mmployee bullevin boards. Unless the employee is dismissed by the County, no advance payroll checks will be issued. Paychecks will he distributed bg the emplogee's Department Head or the Department Head's designee Department Heads or their designees will ma]l paychecks that are not picked up by emRlnyees to the employee's mailing address. An employee mag authorize the Accounting Department to distribute his/her Paycheck to a specified person. A release Form is available in the Accounting Department which most be signed each time an emplogee authorizes another person to receive their pagchecL When an error in pay is identified by either the Department Head or the employee/ he/she should notify the Accounting Department immediately so correctjony can be made Tt is the responsibilitg of the emploHem to review pay information hi—weekly to assure accuracy and to report errors in a timely manner. Any over or underpayment most he brought to the attention of the Accounting Department for correction Overpayments will result in a collection for the total amount 66 / MANDATURY PAYROLL� y: QC TION� x ~� FEDERAL INCOME TAX (FIT) The Federal Qovernment requires Eagle County to withhold a percentage of an employee ~s pay for Federal taxes each year The percentage amount m1thheld is based on the amount of pay and the number of exemptions claimed, as indicated �. on the emplogee's W-4 form. The number of exemptions claimed map be changed by the employee at any time, STATE INCOME TAX <SITV The State of Colorado requires mandatory deduction for state income tax. The amount taken out of an employee-s pay is based on pay and the number nf exemptions claimed on the W-4 form SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES (FICAP This program provides old age/ disability and survivor benefits, The percentage deducted is determined by federal lam. This amount is matched dollar—for—dollar by Eagle County. RETIREMENT: After one gear of regular employment, employees are required to contribute 3% of their annual pay b1—meekly to the Colorado Officials and Employees Retirement Association The County also contributes 3% of the employes/s pay. In addition to the mandatory retirement deduction, employees may elect to have an additional amount withheld. Employees can obtain the necessary forms from the Human Resources Department. QARMISHMENTG AND WAGE ASSIGNMENTS. When required, the County will deduct garnishments or wage assignments from the employee paycheck. For each garnishment or wage assignment' the employee will be charged $25.00. The $25.00 fee is to cover the administration of the garnishment or wage assignment and is u mandatory payroll deduction. 5pproved �oy``°��or^�o `�e~ hsr�� hnurs in �ne '�+�: i"h » Countu workuee�, f' rui'n��� over :�// n1 a�m. through not idaVs 0 p�id Ie�ve h n��.�� �r� �ot �Qun d as nsurs ccono ing overtime. Executive/ a,Jnin rrs:!.vp or ;rofessiunal �no/ol)ees ars exempt From ovsr^;ine �od j:pecte�.j to unrk the nnr�al for�y hour wurk ��eek. Piu� y�atever additional tiae ma� be reovirnn dye to the demands of tk� ��n Department Heads maq ]ra�� exempt enplygees �e ji ioistrative leave Ynvr Superviscr ur hi er designated al�ernace can reLluire gou �n wurk Overtioe � 68 M#NINg UP TIME Time lost bg an empivHee for medical or dentarjappmintments ma@ be made op during the seme mnrvueen at the discrelion of the Supervisnr 2f the following cunditions are met� A /4 request to make up lost time in made in advance With the pmplogee/s Suyervisor B. There is mory to be accumplished that the employee is qualified to perform Q Adequate supervision is available� Requests to make up time lost due to tardiness is not encouraged and Will unlg be allowed at the Supervisor's discretion �� . � CHAPTER ELEVEN BENEFITS Vacation Leave Part—Time EmPlcuees Sick Leave Sick Leave Bank Mica! L=ave Holidays Fersenal Leave Military Leave Fynerxi Leave Leavp Aitxsot Pay Leevp ow Absence Administrative Leave jury and Witness Leave voying Insurance Rebzrrn*n7 Employee Assistancu Program Notary Public service 71 VACATIOM LEAVE Eagle C mmplogees to be able tu y�mnd some time amaU from their mork environment each gear Paid vacation regular employees Annual vacations ere essential tn 0, 'n mell—being 'n r, the phgsical and mental health of emplogees Emplogees 1n their in er od accrue but do not earn vacat- ion l�ave or pa unti) they ha successfullg completed qrobatinn cation pay mill nut be paid �mployee is teryinated or resigns duriny the probation �er�od All regular pmplogees mho are schedoled t* mork taentg (2J) to fortg (40 ) haurs per meek are eligiblm for paid vacation All rego me and part—time e n ' logees earn vacatimn �n accordence h the followj- ng schedule� YEARG QF GERVICE Up to three gears Three grs G ru 5 �rs Six pr s. thru 1U qry. Over 1O grs ACCRU4L RATE Per Eli blm Hour 0385 Q4 612 &577 O769 MAXTMU� HQURS A rill uall� �\ccroahle 8O 96 120 l6O The earn�d vacation hours are uVdated b1—mcekly and are shown on Wbe emplotjee's Vagcheck stob Vacation is earned on eliQible houry olidag, personal� vacation/ Jurg' emergencU and funeral leavo and all paid leave and regular hours worked are eligiblC- hours. EmploUems do nmt accrue or earn vacation nn extra/ overtimm or sirk leavm bank hours A All re uests fnr vacation moat be approved b he amplm�ee's Departmeni� Head 8 �e�umsts for vaca"ion should be submitted to the De�arfment Hea� far enoygh in advance to schadule an alternative time, if necessarg Some Departwent |leads have specific BuiJa1ines or oling vaca On C. The Depar has the ri8ht to approve vacation leave for emplogees at times that 6o nC"; interfere W 17 11 nfficient opmration of the depar1:�ment D. If a hulidag falls uithin a schedxled vacatinn' the holida] mil\ not be charged against v*cation leave. T ill e emplogee y�1l receive holidag 13 aU- Vacation Pour hours hours, etc Vacmtion l not earred requested leave must Ave must be taken in inr ents of 'H e your hours, eight urs/ We] > emve will not be approved for houry by the beginning date of the vacation. In other uords/ vaca0on be earned before it can be used A Pay checks will not be issued in advance for employees going on vacation leave. The most vacation leave an employee can earn annually is 160 hours The most vacation an empluyne can accumulate is 160 hours Employees are responsible for monitoring their vacation balance to ensure that theg do not Use, their earned vacation P/�RT—TIME EMPLOY A �art—time emp]oy�� who morks a minimum of �� "ntntg houry psr meek for F�agle Countg mill be �ranted sick leove and vmcation leave on an accrual basim G1ck leave is accromd at Q3O8 hours per hour uorkmd Vacation time is accrued on an hnurs—worked hasis at �he same accrual rate ae full—time empinyees A part�—time emp, lw§ee mho normal Ig 10 13 a minimum of 2O hoors per meek mill bw given paid h dags hased on he pro—rat,ed basis. hased on hours normally yurked {For example, if you noraallg mork 32 hours per meek gou wou ld bm paid ours holidag) Regular par�—time emplo@ees are also el1g1bl* for Personal leave o Personal Leave policg) Part—time e,nplo�jees w e paid at a pa� lovel base on t�e Count V compensation plan A pant—tim entitled to overtime pag at one and one—hulf time the regular hourl� rate onlU for over 4Q hours ,orked fran the 5ondag throuqh SaturUag seven dag work The emplogee must first obtain apprnval from his/her Supervisor to work npnrtime Insorance mag he evailable for part—time emplo�ees mhe regularlg mork a minimum of 3D hours per week These eeRloyees m4o yish to be covered under the insurance plen uill be reauireJ to po5 a pro—rated emium. based on the hours sorkad To mbtain inmurance coverat-;p/ t&m part—time emplogee must enro}l mithin 3G days of b ecoming eligibla or he employee y red to submit a prnof cf i tg case/ onlg the yndermriters nf nur he8 insurance carrier hava the eutboritg tc approve or denq the 1, e0uest for insurance All regolar part—time employems morkzny 2Q hcors or more per wee� are reQ ujred to par icipate in the Coloradm [>fficials' and Employees' Retirement Association beginning on tUe nmzt z grolI after one full gear of em;logment (Gee Retirement) If a regular part—time emplogee hecemes a ragular full fimp emplmyee. his/her anniversarg date uill be ad`/usted For �verg 4g hours wurked as a part—time emylngee, he/she yill bp granted one <1) gee nioritg Spniorit4 determines benefif accryal rates SICK LEAVE � Sick leavm is a p' `ilege available for reg ' emplu0ees working 20 hours or more per week Go he ooed in 1hm MllowiaD cIrcumstancea� A When the employee is unable to perform his/her Jo!,; Myles because of illness, inJurg, pregnancg diyaDjlitg or birth nf m child/ 8 When the employee has medical, surgical, dental or optical euaminations or treataen& C When an employee is required to care for an ill member of the immediate familg/ parent, spouse child or other dependent wad lives in the emplo0ee's home, he/she may use accumulated sick leave up to 49 hours for any one illness or injury� An employee must cmmplete three continuous calendar months of employment More becoming eligible to use sick leave. Full-time employees accrue sick leave at 5,33 hours per month paid at their regular base pay, Sick leave accrued for a partial month uorvcd will be pro-rated to the nearest hour. Part-time employees working 20 hours to 39 heurs per week mill accrue sick leave on a pro-rated basis - .0306 hours per hour worked (See Benefits for Part-time Employees) Sick leave may be used in increments of one hour <i.e. one hour, two hours, three hours, etc.'', The maximum accumulation of sick leave is 480 hours. Upon separat1on, unused sick leave will be forfeited. Normally, if an employee has used all nf his/her accrued n10k leave, they may use accrued vacation leave, compensatory timm or with their supervisor's approval theq may use leave without Pay in all cases/ when an employee has sick leave accroeJ/ they must use it first. Employees may be required to return to work the release by a physician. Supervisors may requir or a note from a Public Health Nurse stating tb has been ill, and/or that the employee has been return to work. day following B a doctor's note at the employee released to If gas have to be absmnt, you are responsible for contacting your Supervisor within your first scheduled one-half hour of work or sooner. If you know about an absence in advance, uou should inform your Supervisor as soon as possible, Some individual Department Heads may vary this policy to meet special reoo1remonts of V JJ departmenry Th* Sup ;so- 1s responsible for gi.^jnD each empingee a list ��'mhnm to call, shmold No Supervisor not be availaUle- Emploqoes must complete a Request for Leave form in advance a, pouyible, or on the day they return to wort. Requests for paid sick leave will he reviewed by the employee's supervisor, If the emploVoe is exppcvmd to miss more than 5 wort days the County Administrator will also rev3ew the request (see Medicnl Leave) Accumulated ON leave and additional time off will not be granted to comppnaate for illness which may occur during an emplogee's vacation/ personal day or scheduled holiday unless the employee is hospitalized. Non-huspitalized recovery t1me during scheduled vacation leave will be counted as vacation leeve Oct Wave will not be paid for ang absences occurring duri:g the last two weeks OF emplmgment. 76 MEDICAL LEAVE In the event of a jor illness, preynancq 0,1 ability or 1nJurg, empingees may At yranted a me64cal ieave rho emplugwe's accrued sick, vacatiun cnmpensatorS time and personal leave mill be applied to tke med1cal leave Ano sIck leave exceeding c mork days require; a doctor's note The note must soate that it was necessary for the employee to be on leave and the nature of the 81sabilitg if it is anticipated that an employee mill be on leave for more than 5 work daps/ the note must also state thm anticipated duration of the leave. The County Administrator will rmview all leaves expected to exceed 5 work dags The County Administrator may require a physical examination by a Cnontg~denignated phgsician at the Count g's expense EooploVees are paid for holidags and accrue vacation and sic� leave while thel are on paid leave 101her than Sick Leave 8ank), An emploYee on medical leave who has exhausted all paid leave mag request partial pagment from the Sick Leave Bank Come Sict Leave Bank) While nn unpaid medical leave or while using the Sick Leave 8ank, an empinVee dues not accrue vacation/ sic! or personal leave Employees on unpaid medical leave (sick bank included., are not eligible For paid holidag, Jurg, militarg' Funeral, wmergency or lea The insurance premium will be paid by the Countg during the approved leave not to exceed ninety <902 days If the employee I s a part—Ume employee, the employee must continue to pay their �aI portion of the premium � The County will pay for remaining � portion during the approved leave not to exceed 90 calandar days Employees are not eligible for raises or other increases in pay mnzle on menzca1 leave of absence, If an employee misses a review date while on leave, he/she map be reviewed upon return to work. If an increase in pay is given, it will be effective on the date the employee returns to work, The employee's next review will be due one year from the date upon which the employee returned to :/ork. Exceptions may occur if the emplog*e is promoted or transferred. An employee an medical Nave who has not been released by a Physician to return to their previous Job by the 91st calendar day after the beginning of the leave may be terminated. A medical leave of absence contemplates the emplogee/s return to active emp]ooment, Should the County determine that the empingee began the leave intending not to return' or if the employee Jees nut urn to mork after h�in leased �u ra�orn. the empinUee maU R�yre�oired to reimburse oun%g for 3 g pag benp i- i eave, rece1ved during �he leave w SICK LEAVE 8ANR The Sick Leave Oarprovides temporary contMed income to emp09ees who have exbaostad all paid leaves and are nxperiencing an unanticipated serious illness or injurg requiring an e10nded absence from mor, Regular Full-time mm8loqees who cont2nunus full-time empingmpnt leave hours From ohs 8ick Leave guidelines, have completed one year of are eligible to withdraw siz/ 8ank under the following X All paid leaves must be exhausted R The requesting employee must submit a phgsician'a statement indicating the nature and probab1e duration of their illness or injury, O A request to withdraw sick leave hours Prom the Sick Leave Bank most be submitted through the requesting empingee/s Department Head for comments and recommendations. The Department Head will send the request to the Directmr uf Human Resources, The director of Homan Resources will verify the reo,uestor'y eligibility and send the request to the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee D. The Sick Leave Bank map not be used for an accid- ent, illness or inJurg incurred in the line nf duty or for which Worker's Compensation has been applied for or is being received, E Withdrawals from the Sick Leave Bank are limited to a total of 320 hours per calendar year per amp logee F Withdrawals from the Sick Leave Bank are not re- quired to be repaid or replaced 0. Payment for sick leave hours withdrawn from the Sick Leave Bank will be at 75% of the receiving nmpingee's hourly rate of pay earned on the last day of active paid County service. K The Sick Leave Bank sidmr the requesting balance, usage rate illness or injwry in mithdrawal of hours Review Committee will can- employee's prior sick leave and seriousness of the recommending approval for from the Sick Leave Bank The following dags ~hre 8esignated paid holi6wqs for regular emplogees EW& Countg u/fices will by closed on these day- New Year's Da� Preyment's Qag Memorial Dag Indapendence Dag Colorado DsU Labor Dag Columbus Dag Veteran's Dag Thapksgiving Dag Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day JanoarH i Fmhruary' 3rd Mondag May, last MondaV julg 4th August 1st Monday September, 1st Monda9 October/ 2nJ Mnndey November 11th November, 4th Thursdag November, 4th Friday December 25th To be paid for the holiday/ an employee must on on pa1d status the dag hmforn and the jay efter the ho]idaU All eli�tbl� regular Full-time employees will receive light hours of holidag pay for the hnlidag. (Regular part—time emplsgees: see Part Time Employees,, Regular non—exempt emplmgees who are required to murk an a County designated holiday will receivo eight hours of holidag pay in addition to straight time pag for hours worked during the huliday. Regular non—exempt employems will receive overtime pay or compensatory time for hours worked ever 40 in an established work meek (See Overtime and Compensatory Time> PERSONAL LEAVE Regular status ful^A1me emp1ogees mi}l be get nted two paid days off each year fur pmrsonml business Regular ytatus part-03me emp1o0ees will be 8rantod tmo four—hour paid dags PDch gear for peraonal use Mw ea9lngees shall be granteU ore paid personal day oTf during the first year of empinVment aftmr they have completed six months at continuous smrv1ce ano attained regular status. New empingees whose First gear anniveroarq date fails between January 1 and June 30 shall be eligible for two personal leave days in their second year of employment and each gear thereafter. New emplogpey whose anniversary data is July 1 or 'star are eligible for one dag of personal leave in their second year of employment and two days thereafter Parsonal leave nff may he not be used in hnurlg increments, but must be taken for the full eight hours. Personal days off must be taken during the calendar year and cannot he accumulated or carried over. Personal leave shall be requested, in advance` by submitting a Request For leave form to the employee's supervisor for approval. Time off for personal leave will not be paid leave unless the Request for Leave form is approved bq the supervisor and Forwarded to Human Resourcev� 0 1 MILITARY LEAVE Regular empin@ees`who are members of the NaU%"Wl Quard or nther state or federall@ organized military force or remerve are entitled to a leave mf absence to enga8o in training or active service required by the organization without loss nf pay, Lop ioritq, status, mfficiency rating, vacation. Sick leave/ or other benefits. An emplogee mag return from militarU leave if they rmceived an honorary discharge and return to the County position jmmediatelg aPtep the military service terminatea Leave required fnr military service over 15 dags per year is Without pa;. The rights and conditions for reinstatement at completion of extended military sernice is yovernad bg 28-3—cf01 et. sea C.R.S. as amended and bU the Veteran'a Reemployment Rights Act. An employee's orders for a scheduled miljtarg assignment should be submitted to their Supervisor at least (4) four weeks before the effective date. Military leave requests must be supported bg a copy of the militarg orders, 1nd1cating reporting and termination dates of the assignment Request for absence for emergenc0 rmsponse must be submitted to the emploUee's Supervisor as soon as possible fur approval. �� FUNERAL LEAVE Regular full tm� ^to twenty-four hours of funeral ieave with peV (regWar part-tlme omplugees may be granted 12 hoors nf funeral leave with pa;) if needed tn attend a fonpral when a death has occurred in the familg as def"ned below If necesyary, and mith the approval of the Jepartment Hmad, emplogpes mag umm accrued vacation leave or leave mithnut pay to extend the absence from work, regular full-time emplogee who wishes to attend the funeral nf of a c1ose personal Friend or relative other th the family, as defined below, map receive up to pay if authorized by the employee's Supervisor. part-time employee (works 20-39 hours per meek} to two (2) hours Dag to attend the funeral of a or relative. an a member of fnor (4) hours A regular may receive op close personal Family is defined as mother, father, sister' brother, grandmother, grandfather, daughter, son, mife, husband, granddaughter, grandson, step-mother, step-father/ step-daughter, step-son/ sister-in-lam, brother-in-lam, mother-in-lam, father-in-law, aunt, oncl*, niecey, and nephews, To be eligible for funeral leave pag, the employee most attenJ the funeral service. Supervisors may require an employee to Provide a Public notice or evidence of the death. Funeral leave pay will not he paid in addition to any other allowable pay for the same day, such as holiday pay, sick paq, etc The onlg exception to this policy is when a death nrcurs in the family while the employee is on vacation/ in which case a maximum of tmentg-fmur (24) hours vacation days maq be granted to cnmpmnsate for hours used as funeral leave 83 LEAVE WITHOUT PA If emer2ency nccura, Hpad mag grant up to ten (10) daqs leave u3thuut pay per each twelve (1ll month period 11 Uoy are e regular status emplogee. Failure Co return to work at tbo end of an autkorized leave ma! reanit in immediate terminahimn If an emplogem reYuests more than ten 1101 mork da0s of Leave Without Pay. 0e requesu must be referred to the Coontq Admin�stra�or The CountH Administrator will consider granting a Leave Of Absence (see Leave of Absence), LEAVE OF A8GE1C5 Upon approval nf on1 Coontg Administrator ano~"the emp}eHao'y Department Hea& e regular emploqee may be granted a leave of absence up to one gear for compelling personal busineys� All accrued vacation ]save, personal )eave and compensaror1 time must be useiJ at the beginning of ?Na leave of ebsence, Employees on leave of absence, with or without pag, do nmt accrue vacation, sick or personal leave Employees on Have of absence are not eligible for holiday, jury, military, sick. Personal, sick bank, Funeral, emergencH or administrative leave. An employee's insurance coverage oontanues as long as applicable laws allow and the employee portion is paid. While an employee is on a paid leave of absence, the employee's poMon/ if applicable, is covered through pogroll deductions When an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, he/she mail remain on the County dental and health insurancm plan provided the full premium is paid in advance by the omploVee Provided that the emploqee returns to work mith the county on the agreed upon date, the employee may retain the benefit accrual rate that they were eligible our upon commencement of the leave, Employees an an approved leave of ahsence who fail to reourt for work bg the first day after the expiration date of the leave of absence or a properly approved extension, will be terminated from Heir employment with the County as of the last day actually worked, An empluYee mhn engages in other emplogmmnt/ incladin§ self—emploUmenO while on official leave of abspnce will be terminated effective as of the last day marked, unless prior written approval has been obtained from the County Administrator 85 ADMINISTRATIVE LE The pay level nf e`wpluoecy who are mxe,npk fruA nvertime pay takes into account that it may ba ,'ecessarg for not empIogee tn mork overtime There mag be situations in mhish an exmmpt emplogee is required to work a significant amounr of ov*rtime for an extends, period of time To compensate exempt employees mAo work a s1AnifIcan% amount of overtime, Department Heads may chnose to authorize occasional administrative leave. Administrative Leave is not to be considered as hour for hour compensatory time JURY AND WITNG85 VE Engle County encou`°agen emploHees to fulf1ll`~toeir c1v1c VIE Pons ibi1ittea When called upon for /ory or watnesm du?g, When a regular emplmgee is absens on a rogularlq schedolsd workday because of a summons to appear for jury duty, tbm -�mplogee will receive regular straight—time pay, And reimbursements for mileage or parking may be relained by the employee When a regular employee is absent on a regularly ycheduled workday because the employee has Deen issued a subpoena by a court with proper jurisdiction to appear as a mitness, except when the employee appears as a witness for the employee's omn personal benefit' the employee will receive regular straight—time pay, Any reimbursements for mileage or parking map be retained by the employee. An employee involved as a plaintiff or defendant in a legal action is not covered under this policy. The empIogmp/s immediate Gup*rvisnr must be advised b@ the emplogee as soon as the employee receives, A. A notice to appear for examination as a Juror S. A summons to appear and actuall: serve as a Jurnr. C A summons to appear as a witness in a court case, and furnished With a aopg OF such notice er summons, 4 copy of the notice of summons should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources Eagle County usually will not atfeept to get an emplogee released from serving on a Jury or as a witness, If the emplogee's absence on J«rg or witness duty will serioosl3 impede or disrupt production or cause some otber hardship to Eagle County, the emplo0ee/s Department Head may request that the Director of Human Resources ask for a postponement of the service. Employees on Jury duty or called as a witness will be expected to work as much of their regularly scheduled shift as their jury duty schedule or appearance in court permits. Employees must report for work an their regularly scheduled workday whenever they are excused from jury duty or witness duty. Payment will be straight—time pay for the emplogee's regularly scheduled shift at the pay rate on record at the time of such service. jury and witness leaves of more than thirty (30) calendar days will be reviewed b0 the County Administrator The Cuuntg Admin1stra mill decide ohetMr mr the mmplogem will continue to ra,Cezve paid leave and mhekwvr or not the emplogee may keep oil pay from the courtx Time spent on Jury dutq or as a u/1tness mijl be counted as jorg ]eave. Employees will be permitted to wopk ang overtime hoors that they manly normallg be scbe8vlm6 to mor; if they more not on jury duty or serving as a witness, homever, mmploUeps mill not be paid overtime my earn compensatory time for time served an a Juror er a witness Overtime in computed on hours actuallg worked over 4D hours at the assigned Job Employees will continue to receive their regular poi, includinQ holiday pay for hulidags observed by the CountV, for each pag period duping their authorized absence as a juror or witness Emyloye9s maY pick op their paychecks personally or havm them mailed to their homes A non—exempt employee's time sheet should he distributed in thm normal manner if the employee performs ang work for the Cuunty during such period. "Jury Duty" or "Witness Duty" should bm indicated on the time sheet for any periods of absence for court service. If the employee reports for wort, the time sheet most indicate the actual hours worked. 2 8 VOTI�� The County will gy�r6& emplogeps necessarU rim'' nff with pag �o vutw in general and primary elections aa specified in Colorajn State lam Required tjme nff to vote uill be grantea to an empinyee bv their Supervisor if A The emplogee is a registered voter 0 There is insufficient time for the emploqee an vote outside *is or Her regular working hours An emplogem is considered to have sufficient time if the polls are open a total OF three or more hours during which time the employee is not working for the County Q An employee who believes that time off to vote will be neeUen must give the immediate Supervisor at least one work Uag's notice. The Supervisor will schedule tho time to be Men to vote. D. No deduction from regular pay will be ooado !or aythorizad time sff, to vote up to a maximum of two hours. IN5URANCE The County pags th= ^premium jor single or fw*llg health and dental insurance for eligible Full—tim, emplugems ln addition, One County provzaes 250&Q Q0 of group kerm life insurance for pach foll-0000 emplogee enrolled in the insurance plan Regular part—time employees who normallg mork between 3O-39 Attica per meek are eli8Ible we participate in the Medical/Qental/Lifm plan on a pro—rayed basis Health/ life and dental insurance coverage becomes effective one month after hire. Fnr example, if you were hired on June 10, door insurance mould become effective Joly 1O, For any changes that mag affect your Countg insurance status or withholding allowance, you must notify the Human Resources Department in writing within two weeks, The Human Resources Department will assist gou in completing ang necessarg forms For move informWon on insurance' review your Gummar9 Pjan description If you have misplaced Your summarg Plan descripWon yoo may obtain another one bq calling the Homan Resources Doparomenn� RETlRBHENT Eagle County is a`Amber of Colorado Offici-�~ /' and Emplogeea' Rptirement Associatlon All regular omplogees working 20 bourn or more per week are uequired to Aartjcipate as a condition nf emplogmenr beginning an the next Ragrnll period after one full year of employmen� Eagle Coontg's contribution is 3% of an empingee's compensation, Employees are required to contribute an amount equal to the County/a J%. Employees may voluntarily contribute additional amounts according to tAe Association poles Upon retirement/ settlement of benefits may be made by A Purchase of an annuitg contract 8 In one payment, Q Annual or semi—annual installments, for a period not to exceed 10 gears Q. Any combination nf the above Provisions are made in the plan for early retirement, An employee may retire on or after age 55 contingent upon completion of twenty gears of continuous yervzce If an employee dies before retirement/ the contributions (both employee's and Eagle County's) plus earnings an the investments will be paid to the employee's beneficiary, The plan pays only upon retirement/ death, disability or termination of emplogment. Upon termination of employment, the plan prnv'ides. A. The amount the empingee contributed, plus earnings and W 10% of Eagle County's contribution, plus earnings, for each twelve months of the employee's participation in the plan� Payment of benefits may de made through the purchase of an annuity contract/ in regular installments, in one sum, or through a combination of the abuve� EMPLQYEE A�SISTAN RQ�R�M The Employee Ass1sAnce Program provideo cooW,!ling and referral yervices for all employees and thwir femilj members Tne program provides the opportunity for troubled employees or their family to naek help an their own by contacting the counselin� agency on a conOdential basis� EmploUee AsaiAance 1s provided by the Colorado Wes,,, Prefessional Coonseling Center. An emplogee or their familU usually receives the firut three visits free mf charge each calendar gear. Mandatory referrals may also be made by Supervisors for employees whose job performance has deteriorated because of personal problems or other reasons NOTARY PUBLIC GER As an additional &o�ylogee henefit' employees wag use the nozarg serv3«es of a nutarg public emploqed by tUw Count, The nntarg public service yIll be provided free OR charge EmpinVees needing a notarg pobljc shnuld consult with the noaary public to schedule a cnnvmnient time' hnmever/ the service should not interfere w1th the operation of m Wartment Supervisnrs mag designate alternate times, 93 CHAPTER TWELVE TRAVEL, CONFERENCES AND SEMlNAR� [raval Reimhwrsemen Personal Vehicles on Oounty 8usiness Conferences mnd Seminers 0 TRAVEL REIMDURGEnm Eagle County emyJobsms are mligible to receive reimbursement for actual, necessarV and approved traveling enpmnses when Eagle Countq require; travel awed from the regular wnrk mtatiun The meal reimbursement limitations stated below do nnt applg Elected Officials, thp Cnonho *K= Attorney, or Qirectors I Receipt Requirements: A. Receipts are required for reimbursement of travel expenses. When possible, the receipts should contain the date, description of purchase, dollar amount, vendor, name of person pa1zng, vehicle make and license number (if vehicle expense), and signature of empingee 8 Reimbursement for travel limnsine/ or parking will Receipts are required. Meal Reimbursements by taxi, cab, airport be at actual cnyt A 8rmakfast� 1, Breakfast expenses may be claimed mnlg if the travel requires an employee to leave home before 5.00 a.m. during anV day in which travel away from the normal work location is required 2. Reimbursements are at actual coax up to S5.(}0 plus a 15% tip allowance (maximum tip 70 Receipts are required for reimbursement 8. Lunch- 1. Lunch mxpenses may be claimed only if the travel meets all of the following conditions- Al Normally, the travel must be to a destination outside Eagle Countg boundaries. However, employees who are not normally required to travel from Eagle to Basalt or El Jebel but who must do so for a special circumstance may be eligible for a lunch partially paid. In this case, the Department Head's approval is required. 95 2 Reim ements will be at rnuE lost up to AS O[Y~yluo a 15% hip allowance jaximom tip $1 201 Receipts are required for reimhursement Employees required to travel tn Oasaly nr El Jehaj from the Eagle area as Aesignated in ,a'') are eligible to receive a maximum reimbursement of G4.60 C, Qinnmr 1 Dinner expenses may be claimed only if the travel reyolts in an employee's arrival at home after 8:00 p.m. during anV daV in which 00-vel away from the normal work lncaoon is required 2. Reimbursemants are at actual cnst op to $14 &Q plus a 15% tip allowance (maximum tip 12.10). Receipts are required for reimbursement III Lodging Seimbursement A. Lodging may he reimbursed at actual cost when business travel requires overnight accommodations Receipts are required for reiebursement B. Baggage handling tips will not be reimbursed. IV. Transportation Reimbursements /\ Travel using a County—owned vehicle, 1 When using a County—owned vehicle, it 1s the emplogee's responsibility to be familiar with, and follow all the provisions as stated in the Motor Vehicle Pool Handbook. 2 If it is necessary to fuel a County—ouned vehicle while traveling, the employee map claim fuel expense at actual cost The receipt must include the make and license of the vehicle fueled. Receipts are required for reimbursement� 3. The Count; Administrator must approve the use of a Countg owned vehicle when ever— night travel is required 4. Employees are responsible for all fines, parking violations and tickets that they incur. �� D Travel u le a privatelg~uwned veh The CnontU maintains a light vehicls pool for the use of County omplogees on Gountq business You should use a Coontg—om:ed vehicle whenever they are available 1f you are traveling on county business Yom most have a valid driver's license/ which is not suspended, revoked, or under Judiciml limitation Any driver mho is subject to restrictions doe to phgsical attributes noted on their license must follow those restrictions while driving vehicles. Enpingeas are responsible Pnr all fines, parking violations and tickets that they incur Employees will normally be reimbursed for use of private vehicles for business—related travel at a rate per mile established by the Mardi of County Commissionern. Employees using their own vehicle must have appropriate vehicle registration, licensing, and insurance certification The Oountg's liability for accidents of employees in personal vehicles an County business is limited to Worker's Compensation for the emplogee/s injuries Passengnrs are not covered onleys they are County employees on County business. 1. An amployee may claim mileage expenses when traveling in a privately owned vehicle Reimbursement is at a rate established by the Board of County Commissioners and calculated x� on ,He actual miles traveled on Countg business 2. A private vehicle should be used onlg when a motor pool or other County—owned vehicle is not available, C. When traveling on County business, employees are required to wear seatbelts, The driver ef the vehicle must require all passengers to wear, seatbelts. Employees may not pick up hitchhikers while traveling on County business While on County business, employees are expected to follow all traffic laws. Employees are also to be cnurtenos drivers. Any complaints will be brought to the attention of the employee's supervisor. Q Pub1ic C ier 1 Travel expensas far planes, �rainy, or busses mag be claimed Reimbursement mil� he at actual cost Receipts are reUuired for ��� reimUursement 2 Travel bU cummon carrier mi�l be reImburse6 at econumy class nr ccmparable rates us�ng �Ve shnrtest and most efficient route� availa c E Persoes who are not Eagle CuuntV emplogees or nmt actir0 in tAe�r capacit-� as al appointmd member of an Eagle Cmontq 8nard nr Commission ara o be prohibited from travelinU, in a Coun ouned vehicle unless an Eagle Cuuntg emplogee is transperting tbem for EaB�e Countg business reasnns Additinnal rxceptiono mag be made if �he empinyee nhtains prior mritten ayproval from the Countg Administrator V Miscellmneoos R mbursemen� � I pprovpd attendance at a conference or profes~ sional assnciation meeting whicb re�uires a reg1stratiun or enrollment fee m g be claieed R*ceipts aust be sybmitted fnr reimbur ement 8 If you must make telephone calls for busineys purposes mhile ama; from the effice, call collect or charge the call to tha nffice as appropriate CountV business calls made frnm and char8ed to gour home phune mag be claimed. Your telephone bill noting mho yas called must be suboitted as a rpceipt for reioubursesent. C Travel expenses for spouse' familQ or companion accompaniment arC- not reimhursah1e. VI Reimbursement Claim Forms A Claims for travel reimbursempnt are to be completed on an Eagle Cuont4 Travel Voucher D The travel voucher must be signe the persun claiein0 rnimbursement C All receipts must be attached D Travel vouchers are handled using establi bill paging procedures. CONFERENCES AND SE WAKE, The County encouranes its emplogees to part ic IV ate in conferences and seminars that enhance the development of Job—related sMls and IAat are sponsored by reputable schools, professional sncleties, and organizations The costs and benefits of antendinD tAe conference or seminar will be considered hg the Super`/isor who approves the conference or seminar. Descriptions of upcoming couryes are kept an file in the Homan Resources Department for easy review and identification. Supervisors are encouraged to use this resource in selecting potential courses for employees. The Supervisor approving an emplogee's conference attendance should arrange for briefing sessions, distribute notes or literature/ and provide for sharing the benefit of the conference with other employees, Participants in all programs may be asked to prepare evaluations of the program and its sponsor, and distribute copies of the evaluations to the authorizing Supervisor and the Human Resources Department The Feedback helps Human Resources develop a file on programs which will help the County to direct future conference and seminar participation effectively Work related materials <i e. books, tapes, literature, given to employees at seminare or conferences that have been paid for Ug the County are the propertg of the CountU, If the seminar io a requirement Par continued employment in the same position with Eagle County, travel time to and foam the seminar and attendance at the seminar should be documented on the non—exempt employee's time sheet as hours worked 99 CHAPTEH THJRTEEN GEP�WAT�ON Some Reasons for Separa on Exit Yn r ./iems Right to Continue lnsurance Quelifica,ions for Rebire 1OO SOME REASONS FOR ATION When an employee's emplaVment w0h Eagle County terminatms, he/she may be required to have an exit inlerview, turn in Countg 1.5 , koys, unifnrmi; and uther CountU property Separated employees mzll be Qiven the optinn of continuing their, healtk and dental coverage at their expense. R If you leave for other wmplogmen, or for personal reasons, the County expects you to give written notification of a� least two weeks before your last bay of employment with the County. Failure to give two weeks written notice may affect your eligibility for rnhiry and/or employment recommendation. Your termination data is the last day you work Vacation, sick or personal leave do not extend your period of emplogment If immediate termination is preferred by the Department Head, the employee may be paid instead of working for two weeks, When an employee has given notice to re*ign, sick leave will not be paid for any absences occurring during the last two weeks nf employment. REDUCTION IN FORCE OR JO8 ABOLISHED: If the County reduces the work force doe to funding reductions/ workload changes, policy changes' or other reasons, your Department Head will give the County Administrator a Reduction in Force schedule. The schedule will follow these guidelines� A, Temporary employees will be released first B Reductions in force for specific areas in a department will be based on the quality and quantity of work performed hq the employees in those areas� C When two or more employees have equal nverall performance appraisals, reductions in force will be based an length of service, If empingees are reinstated to their previous position, they will return to their old peg grade if budgetar; constraints allow When an emplogee is terminated due to the elimination of a /ob classification, the separation will be called "job abolished". Normally, two weeks advance notice will be given to the affected employee. Regular employees with more than two years OF continuous service may be given one week's regular peg for mach full gear of service up to a maximum of eight weeks. If the emplogee has less than two gears of continuous service, at least two meeks advance notice or up to two weeks pay instead of notice mag be given 1O1 EMPLOYMENT QF A FIE jivO To two employees Jrq, both maU retain their pu5iti6ns provided: ~ /\ They to not work in the same department D They are not under the direct or indirect supervision of each other and Q Neither occupies a position which has influence over the other's employment, promotions or salary administration, All of the above criteria must be met for continued emplogment If one of the above situations arises/ one employee must resign within 30 days. Employees may apply Per a transfer to another department during the 30 days, DISCHARGED: A. Poor Performance: If in the opinion of the Coontg, the employee is discharged for poor performance, normally the employee will net be entitled to advance notice or paK instead of notice B. Misconduct: Empinqees discharged for but not limited to foiling to report to scheduled work, drinking, or fighting on the job, reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, insubordination/ misappropriating or illegallU damaging County property etc./ are not entitled to advance notice nr pay instead of notice. Lesser offenses may warrant a reprimand or written notice that recurring infractions may result in termination of employment mithnut notice of pay instead of notice. C All now employees most provide the Human Resources Department with specified docu- ments proving their identity and their legal right to work in the U.S. Failure to do so within three business days of hire may result in discharge. The above procedure is required by the Immegration Reform and Control Act, EXTENDED ILLNESS/DISABILITY: An employee on medical leave or on Worker's Compensation who has not been released bg a qualified physician to return to their previous job by the Y1st calendar dog after the beginning of the leave mag he terminated IMM RETIRED. Under t rav1s1ons of the MorL sofficial"s anU Employee's Retirement Association penalon plan, the empWee's working rrjatiwnsbip with the Countq 15 germinated upon retirement The County reserves the right to terminate any employee at one time if the nmpinyeo's performanc*, pro6uct1`/itg or judgement do not meet reasonable expectations of management. (See Retirement) DECEASED: The employment relationship with the County iy terminated effective on the date of death of an emplogee. If a County employes dims/ the Human Resources Deparkment m113 wort with the person given as the "Emergency Contact", beneficiaries, or the deceased emploUee/s designated legal representative to be sure that final paychecks, insurance benefits, and all required forms are promptly completed and issued to proper beneficiaries or authorities. 1O3 EXIT INTERVIEWS it is important foKthe Coontg to know why e~~loVees resign Exit interviews can also provide information that will be ealyaUle in 1mprov3ng working cone itions for other em9loy A The exit interview will he conducted by a representative of the Human Resources Department as part of the routine check-out procedure after the employee has given notice. B. The exit interview enables the Cuuntg to see itself as employees see it St permits the County to determine by direct contact With emplmgees if policies, pract3ces/ or conditions of employment are causing resignation. Specific or recurring complaints mag be referred to the County Administrator by the Director of Human Resources. C. Constructive criticism stated bg a terminating emPlmYee Will not result in an onfa`/orable reference from Eagle County, Q. A Supervisor or Department Head may also require an exit interview when an employee Jives notice to resign or transfer from their department. R'I3RT TO CONTINUE URANCE Whe n employeem mho�a re enrolled in thp �iealtR�Life/Dental insurance plan —spmrate from empi ngment mit1 the CountV, their Countg paid insurance cuve e terminahe» effective the last dag mnrked Under feUeral lam, upon separetion, eliyiblc covered emplo�ees aod/ur thmir eligible de;endpnts may r,ontinue health coverage under the conditions olluming� A covered emylo0ee/ e covered emplo0ee's spo*se' end/or a dependent child mhn is covered uncier the yruup plan can continue group coverag s dwe to one uf the folloming� The continuation periud is 18 mnnths if plan coverage us d o be,ause the emplogee exppriences one of the folloming qualifging events: A Redyctinn in uork hoors to lesy than minimum (estab- lished bg your emploger) 8 Tmrmination of emplogsmnt (except discharge for "grose misconduct'') covered emploqee and cnvcrod dependents are qualified benaficiaries onder these circomstances and can cun�inue c ova rage� The cmntiouatinn '!eriod is 36 months a dependent/s plan coverage would enL" because of one of tbe fnlloming guali 4nB events� A Death of covered emplouae lies to sorviviny spouse and cbildren of decaesed emplogees) B Legal separatian or divorce (applies to spnuse and children of current emplwUeen) C Chil6rmn of current emplu;eps losing dependent coveraye mhmn theU becomp older than the maximum age D The cuvered empingee hecoming eligible fur Med- i-arm coverage /ou are respunsible for notifging Eagle Countg x isting coverage mill be lost due -1; C) le0al separation or divorce' or if dependent children lose their g, 41 or the group plan Also/ yoy most ubtain a /'Notice of Right t Continue up Health Corerage» packet and return the attached notice if gou deaire to contipue coYeragp Premiums most be p Ii monthl%. The amount a due data of premiums will be exalained to you by a Human lR'95ourcey repremenrmnzve no one t�me you e1ocv to convinoe covera8e After the cnntinoetinn period exp1res, former emplogees mnd/or dependents have the right to convert to an individual policy� This continuation of coverage will be terminated prior to the expiration of the 18 or 36 month perimds under the Jolloming circumstances. A. The date Eagle County ceases to provide any group health plan 8 Failure on the part of the emploVee and/or m1zgitle dependents to peg the premium Q The date the employee and/or eligible dependent be— comas eligible for Medicare or becomes covered b; another hea}th plan because of re—employment ar remarriage, Termination of only the employee's cov- erage or termination of one eligiale dependent under this provision does not terminate coverage for nther eligible dependents QUALIFICATIONS FO HIRE Reemployment of pro0zouy omploKees mill be ba��d on the seme needs and as are considered in the emplogmmnt uf any other qualified applicant, Emplolees who leave the Comntg and are rnemplmUed tg the Count, within 60 calendar days may be Qranted continuous serv1ce A former Conntg employee rehired after 60 calendar days is considered a new employee. Employees who leave their jobs with the County for traini»y or service in the Armed Forces are granted reemplcgment rights without loss of seniority if they reapply within the time requirements of the Act. A. BY lay/ these empinyees must be hired into the same or similiar jobs without loss of pay or benefits 8. The lam also states that the employee be kept on the employee list for at least one year unless i� is the empinype'y decision to terminate or if the Coontg has just cause for termination, 1U7 E 7 T T I DEFINIT_1ONS �NNlVERSARY DATE The anniversary date zs that date the emplogee successfullq completes one W ypar nf cnntinunus emploVment unless otheryisn provided in this manyal CLASSIFICATION. A sywtem of zdentifging and describing the different kinds of work in an nroanization` grouping similar Positions under common jnb classes and titles, and pstablishzng a relationship between these cIasses� CON5ULTANT A person who is not an Eagle County employee out is self—employed <independent contractor) or emploged by another company and uhn is retained bq Engle Coontg to provide professional or technical advice or services For a fee, Normally a consultant is a recognized expert with a record of accomplishment and/or experlence within a particular field or profession. COUNTY Eagle County Government. CUUNTY AQMINISTRATOR. The County Administrator is the cUief appointed executive for the County government. Appointed department heads report to the County who in turn reports directly to the Board of Countg Commissioners The County Administrator acts as general manager for day—to~dag operations and for implementing policies and programs that have been approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The Countg Administrator, with the support of the Administrative Assistant, coordinates the 8oar&s agenda and calendar. The County Administrator is responsible for public relations, medie relations and intergovernmental relations in the Board's absence. DAW Calendar dey unless otherwise specified DEMOTION. The reduction of an employee to a lower grade position in the classimcation system, involving less responsibility and/or Job skill requirements, as well as a lomer pay grade The reduction in the yrade assigned to a pcsition/ as the result of a Job classificztion rwviem, will not be considered a demotion, DEPARTMENT HEAD: Any employee, or Elected Official, responsible Per the Operation of a department of the County The CountQ Administrator determines when positions qualify for Department Head status. ELECTED OFFICIAL The Assessor, Clerk and Recorder, Commissioner, Coroner, Sheriff, Surveyor, Treasurer Elected Officials are responsible for fulfilling the reypective 1O9 sta�u�orq resp^ns l�t�es n� the office aS uired bg lam According to Sectil�h 8 Article ��V. uf �he S��te Const�tution end C R S 3D-10-4O1, 1973 Revismd, to servw thm term of four Ue-i rs. r al onlg bg recall EMPLOYEE� A person on the Eagle Countg pagroll mbo rece�ven pag for oervices rendered EXEMPT EMPLOYE6 An execyt�ve^ administratzve, or prsi- essional emplogee FULL^TIMF EMPL8YE�� An emplogee mho in nnrmall0 scheduled to mork at least 4Q hours per week RAQE: A group of suffic�ently s�milar pns�tions includ�ng duties per of supervisimn exercised ur received, minimum requiremmnts of traininD and expwrience, and swch other charactcristics/ thet the same title/ the yame tests o� fitness, an� the same schedule of compenyation mag be applied to each pnsition 1n the group INDEPENDENT �ONTR�CTORS� A peroon uho is not an �agle Countg emplogee but im �elf—en`ploged or emploged by ano ompang whose servicms Ea0)e Coentg is using to perfonm specifio and twmporarg servicem INTEFN EMPLOYEE. A person mho iy currently porsoing an undergraduate or gradu e or certificate of completion on a full—time b sjs at an accred' ited educ na end atin yti on who is hired bg Eag1e CountQ fnr a maximum perimd mf four mol, tAs. nn a full—time nr part—time basis/ intn a position wh1ch formallLl combines fhe student's aca6 emic f1eld of studg mith Eagle Coontg mork experience Students who are emploHed bU Eagle Count U but mho are not part�cipatin0 in fnrmal Co—np or Intern programs are to be classified as either mporar;'' �r "part—t1meu LEAVE, An authorized abseoce frum regularlg schedoled mork h ors mhich hay been approved by proper ayt&oritg Leaves :�a9 be paid or onyeid MER�T INCREASE� An increasw in pay bamed", o" qua y of Jnh perforo�ance NONEXEMPT EMPLOYEE. An emplogee mhose doties and resyonsibilities are such that the� are subJect to the minimum uagn and over"I- ime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Gtandards Act OVERTIME. Any time morked in excess of fmrty (40) hours in an establiyhed work yeek Overt1me for eligible empinqfees is paid on a one and one—half (1-1/2> to one /1) basis 11Q PART—TIME EMPLOYE An employee uho is norc Pu scheduled to work less than 40 bury per weeK—r P88lTION: A combination of duties mn# responsibilities asolynod bg a competent auchoritg to be performed by an Wdividual. The position may he full—time, part—time, temporary, re0olar/ occup1ed, or vacant PROMOTION An emplogee/s status is advanced to a position of a higher grade and for which a higher rate of pay may he Prescribed REDUCTION IN FORCE OR W8 ABOLISHED. The involuntary separation of an employee from their position because of lack of work or lack of funds to continue the work RE�;LAR EMPLOYEE An employee who has uoccmssfyllU completed probation and has been Uired by Eagle County for an indefinite period Regular employees mag be employed as "full—time" or .Part—time'' REPRIMAND: 4 written yarning to an employee usually done when a Supervisor bmlieves a deficiencg exists in the emplugee's worl: performance, or conduct, and improvement is needed RESIGNATION. The voluntary separation nf an employee from his/her position SUSPENSION; An involuntary absence without pay imposed on an employee for disciplinary reasons, TERMINATION. Involuntary separation of an emplogee from his/her employment with the Bound, TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE: A perymn employed by Eagle Count# for a limited time, normally not to exceed 150 calendar days Temporary employees may he employed on a "Full—time" or "Part—time" bas,., TRANSFER . Movement of an omploVoe from a position in one department to another department, or from one position to another within the County 111 ' � DEPARTM�NT AND OFF�CE lNFORM^�TION ACCOUNTING I;'EP -±r21"=;•.i The goal of the Acc:auncing Department is to p,avide any or ail services listed below in a manner that is po ession.ai, Courteous, efficient, productive, ':; - - - .- Vl:, aCCi: T'.:�e ,lnr, _, _::�a Pile to management. The Accounting Department consists o low i 1= the f'o.L i.r . -iii; positions with duties listed accordingly' Director of Finance: Directs accounting, purchasing, insurance, risk: management and budgeting. Accountant: supervises accounts payable, payroll., purchasing and fixed assets. Responsible for monthly closing, contract reconciliation, warrant reconciliation, schedvlinq, auditing/special projects. Purchasing Clerk: responsible for purchase orders, supplies inventory, maintenance contracts, voucher processing, mail coordinating. Payroll. Clerk: responsible for processing time shuts, payroll r'econciiiation, payroll taxes;, landfill bookkeeping, PBX fill —in: mail __sistant. Accounts Payable Clerk: responsible for voucher processing, nvoice reconciliation, warrant generation, monthly budget report generation, Visa Card reconciliation. _ onc_liati.on. Fixed Assets Clark: responsible for capital project etlla •``ma i. iltenaTlc e /Clc i.nrs s � fixed asset and SIC t ie5 inventory, Ury, F ixed .asset togging, _.._et transfers, PBX back —up. ADMINISTRATION The Administration Department includes the Chief Administrative. Officer and the Administ'rative.Assistant to the Board OF County Commissioners., The Chief Administrative Officer (C. A.0. ) is the "generai manager" for the County; Government organization. the C.A.Q. reports directly to the Board of County Commissioners, and all appointed department hoads report to the C.A.O. except the County Attorneys, who reports directly to the Board. The C.A.0. provides .administrative support to the Clerk & Recorder, the Iroasurer /Public Trustee, the Assessor and the Sheriff a'_ required. The C.A.0. oversees the day—to —day activities of the organization, handles public and media relation= in the Board'_ —.. absence and assists in 4he development and implementation OF Policies, programs and projects based on Board decisicns and direction. The Administrative Assistant to the Board handles the Board's agendas and the individual Commis oner', calendars and provides all administrative support for the Commissioners. She is normaily the first point of contact for anyone wishing to talk to one or more of the Commissioners. She also acts as Executive Secretary to the Chief Administrative officer. The Administration Department is located on the main floor of the McDonald Building across from the commissione'r's Offices. AIRPORT � The Airport is staffeu p1 one full-time Manager and one part-time Airpnrt Operations Maintenance person. The Airport employees, ,esP"nWbilitiss incluue managing nan9er leasps, tie-down spaces, FOG !eases/ and fuel flow. They maintain asphalt and concrete ramps/ taxiwags and runways. They also d" qeneval area maintenance including mnrRing an beacons, fpncinp, ligbting, mind canes and signs, They provide airport sprurity when applicable. Tho Airport Department follows FAA guidelines when applicable. In addition to the above. the Airport Manager is responsible for general airport administration. The goals Of the Air?urt Department include providing a safe and efficient facility Per air traffic access to Eagle County, They will continue to expana commercial air traffic to provide greater *ccessibilitU to Eagle County and surrounding areas by making improvements and through marketing. The Airport Department intends to maintain the highest level of aviation safety for airport users. Eventuallg the airport sxouid become self supportiop. ANINAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT The Animal Control Dapartment is suaffed by one part-time and three full-time "fPicers and the Animal. Control Gupervisor. AnimaL Control OfNcers are responsible for the enforcywent oF all County Dog Control Regulations, complaints from tha public, -~ dog bites, injured animals, neiqkhur disputes etc,, and oroe State Cruelty 3tatuten. The officers patrol the county Jail� assisting the Public urth animal related problems. They are responsible fnr vritisl case reports and all other necessary paper work. 01ficers must know County Court procedures, State Patrol radio procedures, and be able to assist other law enforcement a9pncies when requested. The Animal Control Supervisor is res* onszhle for the operation of the Animal Control Department. This includes supervising four officers, Preparing work schedules, vouchering hills, ordering supplies/ maintaining animal shelter records, assisting the schools with educational programs, preparing a geariy department budget, in addition to psr;crming the duties of an Animal Control Officer. This department is on-call 7 days a meel, 24 hours per deg. The goals of the Animal Control Department are to protect -^ animals and the public and to educate and establish a good working relationship with the public, 114 E 1) C: e I'll u k5- 4 C) T 3 f I I I J. T' o) ,n t d & T' e P El T' il S li) I k-h flk�(-J r. 2 s Lj r e d u o T, ; ?h e it G n nictpo C OIT, i 11 Q OUi Pi= t r" v t-. kn e n 3(i p r =1 ° +p A f -IQ E Coup 1, s r) TI -zi 1. mu p ahe p p a p 2 1- r• -2 t 0 1" on 01, , t ri Yl r: s :I f i d ad, 2 -c, i o n S. E? VE, Must bo !'e�irpr3i�;ed wfii j vac - -,rlt 13i1 +1, 4 ?fi t _.=,j i )t C L!. 1, 1 .;'r ti, a R11. r! 8, :)r li dU•6 t l' 3. --i I , r o on e 1, c i p J. Y" U h .i in ci T !:l rk ni. r i: I I oki; I ed o & zl [) , Ll , � I -'' fl ill) d fl T',n 1 q 1 3 fl- C) W01'k CIn ri rl; u r, T, p e r, t p r r, F, p d e? 1:1,w, I t ok T T131 p 1, o),� p lo'n Lj 71 i.i r c I, iv al Ei D C', F- C` G� � f, ff ", , - '.- - -111 !Er ,�� I : -,, :� iL,-�, 1 L , S r k2 C Ll 11 Lit t' i ID Ti rl ci .:I h i • F T! 17 Y i. ZI '2 o.m;k-k n L, i f, T' V Up 0 T' • n t0l—PtR 9 7 r: q i:o 'jje E- 1 an _k <1 s.f & kit C) u n t .,++T} 4. S, S Q TI e 1' S e,3 E, k- j"L b, F t u C, C? TI e z i �D n a Okrjf'; I! �5 S IQ T I a I' 'Z. i -., , , !12C ,= d i`(7 UT ti vl, a T t _s T al Thin ti o a u;'ftfyj w s � i , I Di!,l-rs L, .'1 D ' ' II-1 I _'ii if lift vii hU17nE C, u r, t tj -jv Th G.iUSt ap p r Otir z. I-I t r C t , x p e n d i u r e s a t: 11 ry rj p a1, t fn n t- I bud get5 'and i -1 1 M,: JQT' ��C: ;i r .),- — .. , - I- � � � , -, a P. d sl c qu s Q n T,"! 021-d also --v J ews a nd a p k) Q v � 7, d E'r) _� s ] ;4 n cl e La i a rI d h u m a rk .1C' s T, Q', C' -1'I >. d p v 1T:- -i d o U b C 11 v o o r s J i. n s s ta b 1, 1 s ii e i o 1, OS 1 0 T' I ', U V Q AIL o rk e r ca 11 1 ^c g J. I i i 5 the boogin"ing 00 kh :oar the UaDrd Qcts QNalrman �one 0�, he t"Pue coo er'' WhOFS rujo it 3F to-.. };iii orsir to- eC_nas and :noryinay, activitics Dn4 cv1i'mun:-2tj0nj among ue Commissioners And belweDn the 'hoar Q a"n the n.aouq sharF. Normal 1 y, th a in nri wi 1 : no U g Z h 1 nV31 v ad ins n -mini_ 17n cive matters up in ohn .day —w-jaq Cp,VV,j0njj acyi,j,jy9 ;no with One County zraanj:nvion. 1UTLYK&B ANG GRGonni GaP.Rrmm The gcal of the Build:Dgs ana Grounds couartmeny is to Provide and maintain a clean, safe and prafessional warninq environment. This is to enable the public and Eagle County employ9es to conduct their daily ousinasa. This rimPaPsmenu miso preserves a pleasant setting arouna Coijn-;I� buildinas and parks. One of 7n9ir too priorities is to onsur�., security to county Facilities. QtnaP du_ ", es of the Ouilding-i. and Qroundz Vanartment include the acquisition of office yupnispingE iUCN nb hoavcase:. desks, C0005, filing cdbinsts, Rams plates, VIC The VulYings MID YPOOnAl DePnrtm?n. in stafled uith 1.3 r2gulsr full-timp PM0101'ev. coBibj3ns inconan 9vildings ano loouna -q SuPery''•r, Cl:— , ynter, nzin:nnnnce Worker !III main cepance wo- ."V worker, J, sna pam-nm> Maintenance Work— The 8wildings nc orsonua oepartmvny ;vjoas serviceq sney : Cr all COUN"I OPFFC: 3F THE CLERK �'O RECORD01 The County Clark and Pvcorder':i 050,o in responsible "Or registering zil County motor vehicios and air :ht, ronRwins j license plate; and title applicacianT, An an Dgent for the Sgaro of Colorado, Department of Revenue, of Vehic!e wparomonr The County CIVTV is 00ef Elecriona Officer Qr the County, responsible &or the aeministration of Primary and GapErai Elections, register all qualified Counug electors and 2ssist; Special DlstrLcU and Hunicipalities associated with the opy,ce. According to the State Constitution. une Clerk is requiTea to oe the Clark Of the Easvd of Courtq Commissioners. The Countg Clerk's Office licenses and dog licenses The Clark's Office offers companies, attorneys, ape County Elected Officials, general public. support aua assistance tO title a business, veal estate developers, County staff, taxpayers and the 1 16 V 10MINT 07 CUKwi/KlTi DEVE YNEN T Community Dpvplyoxeno '"rves the P05lic by +nsovrvgzng safe, orderly and envirsnmervsilg sGund laod xse an! constrmcCion thr,uph regolav:no, z/'spectino, >nQorc*spnt, ^os1ic ooucahisn and coordination wit; othpr pcbiic m*nzios sod Count,,; departments. The Department is subdivided into 0r?* sections - Planning, Building losPectien and Envircnme::al Hoalth, All *sneczs of land use control and construction review are includeo. Planning does subdivision and zoninn review, land us*, and master Planning. Environmental Health inspect a variaty of activities for conformance to state hestlh standards. :ncloaing food service lic*nsss, child care iacilities/ schools and mnuile home Perms. Environmental Healto officers respond to environmental emergencies and answer hazardous materials questions. 8oiljj:g Wpection prowides review and inspection of all levels of construction. The Community Development Department is stapfed bq j2 people. Pvsiticns inclsae Planners, Building Inspectors, Environmental Health Officers, Office Manager ano Secretaries. COMMUNITY SERVICE The Ccmmunit; Service Coordinator administers and «opvrrises the Community Service Program in Eagle Cuunty . Community Gervice is utilized by the Court as an alternative to ]all, in no* case of alcchcl and m36apreanrr related charges. The Purpose of the Community Aervice Program is to j,*nhifg and seek the c"oneration of governmental agencies and non-profit organizations, for tkz purpose of providing useful service Jobs frr Vhns- Persons who have been court-oidorea to perform this service. Persons sentenced to perform Community Service are myn/gored as to compliance nr non-compliance, with appropriate ecTion aken by We Community Servjee Coordinator. The Community 3srvjcs Coordinator ccmprises the entire staff in Eagle, with an assistAnt Cuordinatvr covering Eagle GevntY court 11 in Dasalt. GFPICE OF THE WRDNER The goals uf the Office nf the Coruner are to follow the Colorado Statutes on oeath registration and investigation, an doing so the Office cnnrdingues with and assists lam enfnrceaen� agencies in death investigation and reporting. The Coroner's Office secures and returns valuables nF the deceased to the family. They also assist the family uith obtaining death information, death certificates and autopsy reports. 117 L: kA'! Q P ri P, Oa r d o JP' 1 4 s C) n gA,. yd''dl ges e ea I'd C� -I a J. I C; u is TI o ri 5 o u n ti "f a p ro c s a u1,e4 volJnilrl i", t ij a 1, (r. E, n s U TI "I el r t h a, i t e FI o.-,a r PI Q C. I_. F-, C. illm j. 553 o TI e• e county e. L C) [I r U p , L J o 1 IT" zi t t p S; t, when !;her= J. Q17; a a r d cli! col"n-il-iji C." ;.) rn 12, 9 V S, GT� Wfl�!T-1 �w ZI v I T' 'e 0 Till D h L D T i . . . .. TI C CFiI t Lf P, i; i" t 1h " C', ai 1: 0 T' f! fJ b i L: as l 4; r: 1 o u 1 d Oun Ufi r. TIOII'n 3pprop4'1 1; n -nn 2 CIA •c o U, It Mint e u C: L, n 1.; Cl 4 is U, t A il, OUT t T' e? s 1: 1 in L! P 1,t 1) i r ll:; -i n d n1a a n n i. mi (j, 1 ",. CiDun iz depar tnan and t� L; rl a o i, d e i - cin F, T, d Wn r n 3 q u, ofi, q r; ij P T, .D 1, c- s i; e e r n c o m, m t 2e c cma o s e d c: Lt r L T h a ? c P r , c e s ng D n I I i o1'1 Si! [its, r! Programaier Analgs- �md D, Z) U o h e,:, 11 e s e p C? 5 1 F 1, o - s n a v n d i'.'3 d u a I p i. rz,, r u l- e r) o ri s i.lii 1 i t i 1 w work _ +s a !-am. 3 pi`: n c 1 ip, needs o one, 0 -11 p Or J'M 9 p} rig Wi 1 aet it donp". TIi c.77 job s L4 111`4!:! rm -n A:; some o -, e 2 i T Z- 7,90 i a, 1 d ill 0 11 i i 113 Ih 11 anCi an p ri d e r L: kA'! Q P ri P, Oa r d o JP' 1 4 s C) n gA,. yd''dl ges e ea I'd C� -I a J. I C; u is TI o ri 5 o u n ti "f a p ro c s a u1,e4 volJnilrl i", t ij a 1, (r. E, n s U TI "I el r t h a, i t e FI o.-,a r PI Q C. I_. F-, C. illm j. 553 o TI e• e county e. L C) [I r U p , L J o 1 IT" zi t t p S; t, when !;her= J. Q17; a a r d cli! col"n-il-iji C." ;.) rn 12, 9 V S, GT� Wfl�!T-1 �w ZI v I T' 'e 0 Till D h L D T i . . . .. TI C CFiI t Lf P, i; i" t 1h " C', ai 1: 0 T' f! fJ b i L: as l 4; r: 1 o u 1 d Oun Ufi r. TIOII'n 3pprop4'1 1; n -nn 2 CIA •c o U, It Mint e u C: L, n 1.; Cl 4 is U, t A il, OUT t T' e? s 1: 1 in L! P 1,t 1) i r ll:; -i n d n1a a n n i. mi (j, 1 ",. CiDun iz depar tnan and t� L; rl a o i, d e i - cin F, T, d Wn r n 3 q u, ofi, q r; ij P T, .D 1, c- s i; e e r n c o m, m t 2e c cma o s e d c: Lt r L T h a ? c P r , c e s ng D n I I i o1'1 Si! [its, r! Programaier Analgs- �md D, Z) U o h e,:, 11 e s e p C? 5 1 F 1, o - s n a v n d i'.'3 d u a I p i. rz,, r u l- e r) o ri s i.lii 1 i t i 1 w work _ +s a !-am. 3 pi`: n c 1 ip, needs o one, 0 -11 p Or J'M 9 p} rig Wi 1 aet it donp". TIi c.77 job s L4 111`4!:! rm -n A:; some o -, e 2 i T Z- 7,90 i a, 1 d ill 0 11 i i 113 �H4IjEERI%O The Encineerini epur n unsists uv yraCua�e civIl engineers y-D C, r n� +nchnicians/ a tuo n svrveg cr�y anb a �ecr+tar� �s �ubl�� oop�e�ees and as indivi�yal professiona�s' ir tho peaple �,erving business The Departmen m aison mith the yuklic/ the of Count5 Conx `on he Plan:iny Comoissinn and If 5t oth*r departments in ;k^ Crxn�g �'A part r IJ close wcrking rnlationsrl i �11s]�n;s1ned w,th thp Department n� Cuamunitu Devo}cpment, the Co1-1nt�J A+torne Ili 's Dep.arr III en�, the Road and Bridge 8yildinq Inspec—�ion .1 t, Tha staff's spec1a1 7.11gineerirg and :I)rojecc penagement skills are utilized to i � n +n in, eare rnedwqys, acquired righ t–nf–uaq/ prePEire consT,ru o u+cificaticns and contracts, aIJ IT) inister and manaQe Cnni7racteC:i nstroction, reviey the engine*ring aspects end <an� �se A ��ects n� Je`/e]cPnent, adminirter and inspect tkp y�h strocture tions of priva�e dev elnpmpn� an� oer�'�rc Jesi�n and construction surveus alon� With -an �nFini u o to d g activiti*s F E. D=parm41"ent has � rp�yCa��on for competpncy/ prcauct if an� u–thrso9h r iona rnsistreuion anJ professioI 1a{ nrga11 1 7a on per�*rsh�ps are encouraGe� The 1}eyar�ment is mndernl e9uzypo�i ei cnasnter a.ded sign sgstem e actron s e 71 *asurin surve o pmen rhe iatest tuch cu le��ria1s ars sn hand fnr use RESOURCES DEPARTi"'EHT Thp huma/l Resources L-�eo rtmexl- fn invel,eIj m th the rperoit��ent, sp!*ct�on, ne`/e>upn�ct. otij��ati�n and cnmpensati"n af emPlsYees an Resovrcas assist opmen� an� i f po�cs no�ol�o�s���ivn u �7rnqrams relaifl-ey �,o empla�ees The t �;man '�esources Dc�artoent i� to achizve the oaximya util ation nf the Coontq's Human Rcsources – zmplcqees! aajn pro io �87 an� 1�88 inclu�e� ttp �+velopme:t, tat1un *nd u n of an ngee hanjbcnk, .avi*u anV y;datin 2 ovr cvrrsnt �,a� and, per F C,rennc^p ap�raisal yian. reviemin� irs�r*nce bpnefit ans aod d eve lopinQ an efnp logee nems1et�er. Eep]oVees B e t consol"i the Humen Resnurces Departaent abcut WO T' +late0 problems and/or iuns on hom tu ma�e Ez�ie Cnvnry u ve��ar place Cc uurk ^ _ Ti e Hxman Resoorces Eeu+rtment has tmo raqul3r fxli– tiae emp mnan Rosncrcps anQ the Resources eC retsrQ 4 19 The Gagle Coun :w Nur, 1"9 Dep,,t,,, ow�"Wnloy health Purning! coordinates hewl;n Colo within own Zoo ouring. They rancsion 1 z..Oi SUi bet"In ilm"110s, their wE117nEment and other beat h cars providers. Count! health nurses must be WriwIMP,n], bout the cKnica! ,spec' s Df nursing as well as able to locus on apamoting health related behaviors. No single community ..with servjcv can ,,t all identisied hmai.kh needs. However, after ass oFEInq joage needs, the Nursing "Par"mant br"91 H03DL to th* Ituonvion A communitu groups, health providers and individuals, This helps to assure our Population that a toom approach will moximize the possinility oi-' improved health Prancinvion.procirami. lonYidentislit" :: An nasG—uoro n4 the =par "n'. in the •luvz1vil Ceoarkrnnt there jr, anny wrogi,ams — each in some waij Aberr*lacp no can othyr Ind cr,"Id? q health service that is unique to chn npalth care Unwon. �WDLIC L:jRnRV SUTEc: The Eagle County puwl.c liavarq system has a main lInpary if! E ly at 601 Capiunj Areet, 717e L1bParq'S main, branches are in 112nouvn in the Minturn Community Building ana in a Midyalleg Brnncs in Eagle Vail. ac Battle.Monfitain High sEnool, Clervice to othar areas of the County is provided throuqh awposityrigs at Bupns kissum, McCoy, Red Wief and Weetwater. Outreach QP09rams serve senior citizens, tho yablic schcoll and yil. 1 HMO y as. SIX emPlOyeas serve at the main facility in Eagle, Wnlia, each branch has one staff person, A Wbrary's mission in to a _is ewilie, prese••s, create and Miaminate WFormntjQn&3 AIRteriall Ond Progroms for the peclole W Eagle County, Thu Wbrarg serves 1z a center to address the vaPik and changing culuural, recreational, and Gducationo, needs of ;A patrons. ;Isis include: 10-11 A. Col Lac ; i 4rugrsax op, o4^e' Ya a*q over ;Ke changlxg-0e:1 uf 10910 -o= LIOPO; patrons, B. Eagle {ooncj Librerq facM�i00 n,* atYracti;e and inviting cith ybe1yat* xpacp "or present need, *nu rersonahlo foyxr� iroa:h Q Eagle County Library patrons tqve access to Mn- rmacion available through twchxolcgical means, and the Library functions n r* evviciantLu with the aid of technologq. D, The residents of Eagle County are asars of Who materials, programs and services available to them throoqh the Ccuntu iibrarY. The County Library is guided and �upporreo bu a LibrarU 0oard of Trustees comprised of citizens rnpresenQinq the various geographical lncationL in the County, A citizens Friends of the LiArary group adds to the support. P0DLlC rRU5TEE The goal* of Lie Public Trustoe is on increase service to the Public tUrnoyh the completion of the e:istioq computer sqstem. The two main duties 09 the Public Trustee, as set forth by the Colorado Revised Statutes, are7 A. Me releas* OF a geed of Trost when the note has Ueen fvli./ or yartiaiiy setisfied. 0. The commencement of foreclosure action through doc,mQnts submitted hq an attorney for the beneflciaru when there has been a default on a Deed Of Trosu, suck as nonpagment of note. "he Vaff at Sp Public Trustee Mice includes the Public Trustee and the Deputy Public lr*stse. PU3LlC PGRKS DEPARTMENT The DeParkyent of Puh]ic Works is mabo op of manV departments/ all working together 00 serve and respond to the present and future public need/ on Eagle Countg, This is done bg Providing, maintaining, and :ygrojing pcslic facilities, Chu goal uf the Public Works Deparhmsn� is to dc this in a safer, more efficient manner, and with a better quality infrastructure — all in a cost effective manner. 121 7%1 MartMentl pin Publi. a )a Anopart. wher�.- we Oro in the Pocono V? performing or Qhqpade; RuLLdjnqS and Grounds <, .Sr._.. and takes w1ro 1 j Cjundq owneo up l-Med buildil-19" and propertins, :x,; jj�q ilynd managamep; as w0l as ground; yp%Rwa; EagIneerjo, SPVNDI:1.1 wDr wesignIDN revlew2nci, and plannino ad st-aamllni"j uh�� public way; Mao and Bridge manave, maUQ County LandTil! and ohn equipment - Motor PON. Qow .lnrlin Onvior construct JAPPPOgimabelq ninety miles of ' onvou tajuF, three hundred mijes Of MOM P00 4s, one hundred and mlloa a& Forest Tervice.- rDvaa, thirty bridges 3rd dpainwaqj P jaidiin 00 S&Inq n1cp.vp Bupport for the Airport and 3uIldinns Do prouqdt., 19, SOPVH by One The adminj 3tration for pubilic W,,k, :s Needed by the Director of Pub0c Works and one b9cretaru, �Uhlb: workE Manyqes a total Oudg*t Of 1"vV to sit million doNsr:. 4. Minction a; taxes. RMille all waneqs belangiol t6 the Countu. Vrotil "L7700997 .�vy may be dDr!van and all mcnion _..+ -_.. Oro bq low directed no be paid to the T7,asorar, Tr=ue receipt Car a! money received. Reap a jOst and true accuunc Of all Pacninus ind erPenaiturTs uP all moneys unich came Into the hOnd3 &; UG Treasurer, by ViTwue of the DIP0111 vna Ln4est a,. ._ doll 1> in Financiai 03tj- tutluns a P 10 5 uruments tha 5 A ave been approvsd for pual:c TOUS as set for by the Colorado Revisen ntazut,s and approved by the Evard of County Comm'Fzionxrs. The staffing K uha Tyv33ursr's Office includes 7 people; the 'peasurer, thl Deautu F"inisurer, a Eookkeeper and four clorks. 22 TFS� ;Li VS%, Thu coal, n7 son Treasurer's Ovfica include Kcreasvd ;Rrvice to Lbe nalla 71rvusn concinuing U` a:llv ad st-aamllni"j of pracesuroz. �nj to qC hi eve on inn r >; ;ad PsturN an 1N manks. FRI! will : , Yu7noplishad ba isr--yjaw computerization. TRW UVIMOPq luriew at the Coun;N 0111"p-P, AS 19, SOPVH by One 001 — nur sn-;Soz Mato Yes, are: 4. Minction a; taxes. RMille all waneqs belangiol t6 the Countu. Vrotil "L7700997 .�vy may be dDr!van and all mcnion _..+ -_.. Oro bq low directed no be paid to the T7,asorar, Tr=ue receipt Car a! money received. Reap a jOst and true accuunc Of all Pacninus ind erPenaiturTs uP all moneys unich came Into the hOnd3 &; UG Treasurer, by ViTwue of the DIP0111 vna Ln4est a,. ._ doll 1> in Financiai 03tj- tutluns a P 10 5 uruments tha 5 A ave been approvsd for pual:c TOUS as set for by the Colorado Revisen ntazut,s and approved by the Evard of County Comm'Fzionxrs. The staffing K uha Tyv33ursr's Office includes 7 people; the 'peasurer, thl Deautu F"inisurer, a Eookkeeper and four clorks. 22 WEED & PE CZ/yTy FAIR AND EXTENSl UEFARTME|;73 This Weed and Fajt p,c�rAm, nvuotq Fair and E..a...cn .ffic+ are ail administered by ;`. 101I/a10 Stake Univer;/ny Cooperevivp ElVens/nn Coen,; Lzr�CT:r �11 three nro]rnaB are {'uussa in vhe Exte��ion office �t `^ � ��wq7. County Fairgrou:us The goal of the Weer '" Fn"t orogr*m is to teeP the amount nf infestation by weeds ,.�v ps,;s down to a level uoerp the, Jo nat; become an economic PrvOKS to the r+sidents of Eagle Cuunt3. This is accnmpiished 7arcogo. - The dissiminanoo nf vaijd information concerning cuntrul methods for both weeds and pests - Actual control of jells ISq use of pesticides - Oventory of thp �vyJ srnb|em in Eagle County and making herbicides availso|e to arnaocers The function and goal of the CuuncU Fair is to enable the residents of Eagle Cnvro4 to onser,e and/or participate in the exhibitions, classes, contents ano rodeo at the Eagle Coont(i Fair, The County Fair "rr?r»m incluins: - Scheduling activitiss .qJ */enrs at other times of th* gear - Recognizing uns ,`»questzcq r*pairs of fair ground properOl - planniMa sad imPinmentwr:no no now facilities - WvrlinO with i5c 4sgi* Vount; Fair Heard - CarrUng oot ?yv;lc relations and promotions of Eayle county Phil' The gual of tog Exown`jon +41cy is t^ or;vide ressarch~bas,J information snO enocetiunn1 pr1917*ms that meet the needs at tne residunts of FaYlp County, The mission is to provide 3TIforaallan snd education, so encourage the application of r�s*arc�-Aenpra�ec Inouiedge end to deveicpe ieedership techniques with the aim of improving the quality of life for citizens throuPhsut Colorado. - 7he Extension proyramE Mcxs cn nigh pricritg needs and problems, Edocarjorai Orinritios include: - Farm, ronch and fMI; financial management - Agriculture prndaction and economic *fficiencg - Wise use of water pnd soil - M/yooth liV* skilLs, leadership and citizenship - Human nutrition -w related health - Adult volunteer ans leadership dove]opment The day-to-day activities of ail ttrpe yrngrams deal with education, dissiminatio, of information, and providing answers tc all kinds of questions, 123 SHERIFF'S OFFICE The Eagle County Sheriff's Office is a service- orientated law enforcement organization which emphasizes use of innovative new approaches and cost effective operation. The Sheriff's Office is staffed by 54 employees. The staff consists of 19 officers (including four stationed in the Basalt /E1 Jebel area); a sheriff and two directors; three investigators; three warrant and civil officers; two community affairs officers; and a clerical staff of four. It is the duty of the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Deputies to keep and preserve the peace in the County, and to quiet and supress all affrays, riots, unlawful assemblies and insurrections. The Sheriff, Undersheriff and Deputies must enforce provisions of County Ordinances: and it is their duty to execute any Summons, Process, Writ, or L'arrant, ciminal in nature, which is issued by any minicipal court, ex— elusive of those related to traffic offenses. Organizational and philosophical changes initiated four years ago are now showing results. The officer training program has been enhanced, preparing officers to handle more complex, specialized problems. The Sheriff's Office continues to work on new approaches to crime resistance that will en- courage more public involvement. The Department is now working on completion of a radio microwave access system that will allow the Sheriff's Office to have its own, complete radio system. The staff is continuing to work on a lap computer system that will enable officers to carry computer equipment with them for fast, accurate assistance in law enforcement work. A major project currently under way is development of a Victim Assistance program. This concept involves officers giving continual assistance to victims of crimes, in terms of emotional support, communications, and follow -up. Officers maintain communications to keep victims informed on how investiga- tions are progressing, and to explain the technicalities of the law enforcement and judicial systems. The Sheriff's Office has used several grants for purchase of equipment and initiation of new programs. Grant - funded equipment acquired includes com- puter equipment, night- vision equipment, and pagers. The Department is cur- rently seeking grants for a computerized identification system for creating composite pictures of crime suspects, and a County -wide Crime Stoppers program. Their hiring policy involves using officers within the department to assist in evaluating and selecting new employees. This program has shown positive results for existing and new staff members. DETENTIONS DIVISION 20 employees work in the Detentions Division of the Sheriff's Office. The Detention facility has 46 beds, and at times in the past year, over 40 prisioners have been incarcerated at one time. When space is available, the Eagle County facility is used to house prisoners from outside the County, which provides a revenue source for the detention facility. The Department is currently working toward accreditation from the American Medical Association and American Correctional Association. Compliance with standards can benefit the County in the face of possible jail - related law- suits. The Eagle County Detention Facility has been authorized to hold juveniles for short periods of time. ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT The administration section of the Road and Bridge Department guides, dir- ects, records and manages all sub - departments (i.e. maintenance of condit- ion, heavy equipment pool, motor pool, landfill) in a manner to reflect fiduciary responsiblities in service and cost controls for the maintenance of all County roads, rights -of -way, and equipment. The Maintenance of Condition section of the Road and Bridge Department provides safe, hazard free roads and bridges at the least possible expense by improving drainage, making good riding surfaces and allowing for proper sight distances by using advanced engineering techniques. Their primary goal is to bring existing County roads to standards set by the County Engineer. The standard is a twenty -two foot width riding surface, four foot shoulders with a three to one (3:1) slope, and a ditch at two foot depth with a two to one (2:1) backslope. These standards reflect a con- stant concern for public safety, however, a resultant benefit will be lower annual maintenance and snow removal cost. MOTOR POOL DEPARTMENT The goal of the light motor pool is to provide a safe, cost effective and adequately maintained fleet of vehicles and equipment to user departments, so as not to interrupt services to the citizens of Eagle County. The goal of the heavy motor pool is to provide good safe serviceable heavy equipment to interdepartmental and intradepartmental users at the -. lowest possible rental rates. This can be accomplished using the state of the art test equipment, data processing and equipment management techniques. LANDFILL DEPARTMENT The goal of the Landfill is to maintain an environmentally safe, economically feasible landfill at the lowest possible cost to the citizens of Eagle County. Landfill operations follow the regulations set forth by the Bureau of Land Management standards pertinent to solid waste disposal as re- quired by the Colorado Department of Health. INUEX 124 Abownw 000 Death ji, "'VIK AhGenco — Leave o.2 Accitzop;s: Accrual — Sick Leaw.- Accrual — Vacation L,— Accra: —Personal Lan, Acknowlednment or pyQ;12t Actinq Appointment Administrative Lgav,-� Alcohol AnniversarQ Date Appearance tnAttenor aan ec.,� Au0d phy5iclon x2dtall Ljav, Worker's compVilsacign MoreDvemenv/puOeVIL L�Av, Grsak5 'Rest P?riods Chance of Addriss, , TWOWne, Narita! Statu-� closure cl County Communication Compensation -reoverspu ran"I"Inmanz) On I uc -*-- Dons lict 40Sroruncas any con5uly;nt conuinuaticn cy Wsurinz., cantroilau Oonvwsian W Healan court Appearances MUM of a countq Emnl�j,a Death of a Relative Deceasec Demon i 1 oil enta Plan Dizabilitu Leave Discharge DllcllilinaTy Action Discriminatiom Drug s mew ve y6 —,w &amat Plan — Benefit Plan Elected 01SWal Emerjancy CiLsinq SMOWee Als:rnancp Ppagra,11 n Emulayee Conduct EMOWee Grievonces 125 Emp!uyment In�u�r Empingment of Rela���voa °x EmploQment (other) Eqwal EmploUment OpportunitY Eva�uat�ons ��valoations dur1nQ Probation Exam1natiwnn (medical) Exempl/Nmn—Exeapt Stahus Exit Yntervieus Fegeral Income Tax Final Paycheck Firearms & Weaponm Funeral Leave Aarnishments Aifts/ Qratuitien Grade grievances Health/Dental Plans Hitchhikers Holidags Hours of Work Illness/DisabilitU Leave Qdapendent Contractor Injury Leave Injury ;on—tho—job> Insurance interviews (exit) Job Descriptions Jnh Posting JurU Leave Lateral Trmnsfer Lagoff Leave of Absence — Medics! Personal Leave without Peg L3ens (garnishments) Life insurance Lunchrooms Make Up Time Mandiforg Payroll Deductions Maternity Meal Periods Meal Reimbursemema Medical Examination Medical Leave Merit Increases Military Leave Mileage Mavel R ursemenO Non-Exempt status Notary Publ1c Gervice Off-Duty CWT Time On-Call Statum Oral warning Orimntation Ootsiae Employment Overpayment.; Overtime Part-time benefita Parking Paychecks Paydag Pag Periods Payment of Accrued Vacation Leave Payroll Qedockions Payroll Errnrs Performance Appraisal Pwrsonal Leave Personal Propertq Personal Vehicles Personnel Files PhVsician Certification (Worker's Compensation) Physician Cerwification (Sick Leavw Ph0sician Statement (IQness/QisaUQity Leave P01113cal Act1vities Position Classificatinn Position Reclassifications Posting Vacancies Probationary Increase Probation Probationary Period Promotion Property (Personal) (County) Punctuality Purchasing RmcruMont and Selection Reduction in Force Regular Employee Rebire Reimbursement Relatives <empjogment of) Reporting your Time Resignation Rest Periods Retirement Safety Sea We! ts Seminars Separation Sexual Harassment Sick Leave 127 G1ck Leave 8an� Suggestions Sociul SecnritV Taxes State Income Tax Sopplements Snspension Telephmne Usage Timesheets Temporarg Emplogee Termination Trans ers Travel Reimbursement �niforms Va on Leav� Verhal Warning Verification yf Emplogment Vi�1tors Vo�in# Weaponm Wi�ness Leave Witk Out Pay (Lmave) Worker's Cemoensation Written Reprimand