HomeMy WebLinkAboutR1976-18 Basalt Water Conservancy District - Missouri Heights Reservoir Enlargement • •
WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Basalt
Water Conservancy District being fully advised concerning
the needs for increased water supplies within the geo-
graphical area of its District; and
WHEREAS the Board of Directors of the Basalt Water
Conservancy District being fully advised of the various
alternative plans for supplying said need for increased
water supplies in part by virtue of the status report issued
by the Bureau of Reclamation revised April, 1975, and an
independent study of the various alternatives prepared for
the Board of Directors of the Basalt Water Conservancy
District by the David E. Fleming Company on April, 1975; and
01/ WHEREAS the Board being of the opinion that the
various alternatives have been exhaustedly studied and con-
sidered by all parties involved, and that action should be
taken in the near future to meet the need for increased water
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Directors
of the Basalt Water Conservancy District are of the mind
that the needs for water on the geographical area known as
Missouri Heights could best be served by the construction
of the project denominated "Missouri Heights Reservoir
Enlargement" as presented in the status report issued by
the Bureau of Reclamation, April, 1975; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau of Reclamation
411 should consider incorporating into the "Missouri Heights
Reservoir Enlargement Plan" some provision for providing
adequate municipal water supplies for the areas presently
incorporated and areas otherwise presently committed to
municipal uses; and
t '
• •
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the regulatory and
compensatory pools of storage in Ruedi Reservoir should
• be used in part to provide a water supply for the above
needs and project features, and in remaining part to supply
other features of the West Divide Project as it is
needed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors
of the Basalt Water Conservancy District believes that
substantial benefits could flow from further study of the
Home Supply Ditch Enlargement and Extension south of the
Roaring Fork River for inclusion in the West Divide Project
with a particular eye to increased irrigation supplies,
municipal supplies for the municipality of Carbondale,
and environmental and recreational benefits through
411 supplementation of Crystal River flows; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ruedi Reservoir
Power Plant and Afterbay, presently being adjudicated by
this District and the Colorado River Water Conservation
District, should be studied for inclusion in the features
of the West Divide Project, being a feasible source for
electrical energy which could benefit the entire area of
the Basalt Water Conservancy District and the West Divide
Water Conservancy District; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the needs of the
present Basalt Water Conservancy District would in all
probability best be served by incorporating that geographical
area within the boundaries of the West Divide Water Conservancy
District, and the same should be accomplished with all
reasonable dispatch.
. • • •
I , Scott Balcomb, Secretary of the Basalt Water
Conservancy District, hereby state that the foregoing
represents a true and accurate copy of the Resolution of
the Board of Directors of the Basalt Water Conservancy
District passed at their meeting on Mary-18 , 1976.
Scott Balcomb, Secretary