HomeMy WebLinkAbout2686 Brush Creek Rd - 210910202002INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1736-97 BP NO. 11551 OWNER: VALERIE O'NEIL KESLER AND RICHARD KESLER PHONE: 970-328-1111 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 245, EAGLE, CO 81631 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 2686 BRUSH CREEK RD., EAGLE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2109-102-02-002 LICENSED INSTALLER: HOBBS EXCAVATING, STEWART HOBBS LICENSE NO. 26-97 PHONE: 970-524-7447 DESIGN ENGINEER: LKP ENGINEERING, LUIZA PETROVSKA PHONE NO. 970-827-9088 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK WITH 6666 SQUARE FEET OF EVAPOTRANSPIRATION BED AREA PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISION DATED 6/6/98. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPEC- TION. IMMEDIATELY REVEGETATE LEACH FIELD AFTER FINAL GRADING WITH NATIVE GRASS SEED MIX.. BUILDING TCO WILL NOT BE ISSUED WITHOUT ENGINEER FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: JUNE 12, 1998 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 6666 SQUARE FEET (VIA EVAPOTRANSPTRATTON BED ) INSTALLED CONCRETE TANK: 1500 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET FROM NEAR THE BAY WINDOW. COMMENTS: ENGINEER FINAL CERTIFICATION RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 30. 1998 ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL B�TED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE:OCTOBER 5. 1998 (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # 1 % U tl t APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.0.0 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" ************************************************************************** PROPERTY OWNER: Vlerie O'Neil Kesler & Richard Kesler PHONE: (970)328-1111 MAILING ADDRESS:p_Qflnx 245, Fag1e, CO 81631 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON same as above PHONE: (970)328-1111 MAILING ADDRESS: p 0 —Box 9491.F�1A, r_n_ 81631 LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: Johnson Ktinkpl S. AR'Sor - PFIOC NE: (970 )328-6368 ADDRESS:1_ 4COMPANY/DBA: h St. Rg. CO 81631_ *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair *************************************************************************** LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # (if known) Legal Description: Subdivision:Ppt.prG Filing:_Block: Lot No. 2 Tax Parcel Number: 2 1 0 9 -1 0 2 -0 2 -0 0 2 Lot Size:2.0009Acres Street Address:2686 'Brush Creek Road Eagle Colorado 81631 *************************************************************************** BUILDING TYPE: .(Check applicable category) (X) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface (X) Public Name of Supplier: Tnwn of Faglp Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms 4 of Bedrooms *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: �o ��C1o� Og Date: TO BE COMPLETE BY THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: t)-o RECEIPT #: DATE: CHECK #: 0J 0 CASHIER: Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: June 12, 1998 TO: Hobbs Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Reissuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1736-97. Tax Parcel # 2109-102-02-002. Property Location: 2688 Brush Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Kesler residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1736-97. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: October 30, 1997 TO: IHobbs Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1736-97. Tax Parcel # 2109-102-02-002. Property Location: 2688 Brush Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Kesler residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1736-97. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Johnson, Kunkle & Associates, James Kunkle Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO October 5, 1998 Richard & Valerie Kesler P.O. Box 245 Eagle, CO 81631 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1736-97, Tax Parcel #2109-102-02-002. Property location: 2686 Brush Creek Rd., Eagle, CO. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kesler: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, ��� Vk Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files LIB" ?;; EnWneering, Inc. September 30, 1998 Richard & Valeri Kesler P,O. Box 425 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Richard and Valeri: RE.. Inspection of septic System Installation Lot 2, Peters Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9849 - Permit No.1736-97 At the request of Diehard, on. July 6, 1998, we visited the construction site on Lot 2, Peters Subdivision, near Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to observe the installation of the septic system. The system was installed and baclEfilled, except for the septic tank. We inspected the installation of the septic tank. It consisted of 1500 gallons, two compartments, concrete septic tank, connected to the residence near the bay window. and tied to the evaporation bed. Due to the high ground water table, we recommended sealing around the pipes entering and exiting the septic tank. Also, we recommended raisin; the liner to a level above the top of the sand, as shown on the design drawing. They provided us with photographs of the steps of the construction of the evapotrMspvration bed. They installed the system in ovaol, cornpliance with the septic system design, Drawing No. 9848SD.DWC, last revised June 6,1998. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP Enginee zz " Luiza Petrovs] President. cc: Mr. Raymond Merry, Eagle County Environmental Health Division, fax. 329-7185 C:1oFFIMWPWINN 'PI=S94490SI.WPO P.O. 'Box 2837, Edwards, Colorado 81632 0 (970) 926.9088 Tel + (970) 926-9089 Fax Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO May 19, 1998 Mr. Richard Kesler P.O. Box 245 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Kesler, Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 I'm writing to inform you of the status of your septic system permit application. Please recall we received a design from J&K which we deemed acceptable and permitted for construction on October 30, 1997 which enabled the release of your building permit. It is our understanding that you wish to consider a different design and employed LKP Engineering to do so. The site plan submitted revealed the leach field location to be in an area where detailed hydro geologic investigations had not been performed. This is because a minimum setback of 50 feet needs to be maintained from the pond and from the irrigation ditch toward the rear of your lot. We are aware of the presence of high ground water under the lot and that fill material has been imported in the area where you wish to situate the absorption field. Our objectives are two fold. First, we want to arrive at a design which we feel will function properly and not fail prematurely. Our research indicates that systems placed in fill material do not have a good track record, in fact, many states prohibit this outright. However, if the fill material is properly characterized, it can provide the minimum separation to ground water mandated by State Statute (25-10-101, et. seq.). The protection of ground water resources is the other notable objective in septic system design and permitting. It is well documented that mounded systems treat waste water to a higher degree than do conventional gravity fed systems. The added presence of oxygen in a mound configuration and dosing waste water onto the treatment media are largely responsible for this. Eagle County requires additional site reconnisance be performed by LKP to characterize the fill material and verify adequate separation to evidence of high ground water prior to permitting. Once this information is received, it should only be a few days before the permit can be issued to Hobbs Excavation. Should you have further questions, don't hesitate calling me at (970)328-8755. Thank you for you patience and understanding in this matter. Please refer to the ISDS Permit No. 1736-97 in any correspondence or when calling. Sincere XtalHeal2thDivi!n o MnagerRaymEnvironm cc: LKP Engineering ISDS File #1736-97 Chrono File Community Development Department 1970)328-8730 -ax: ;a70) 328-7185 TDD: 1070; 323-379 7 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 'f' November 21, 1997 Dear Applicant, Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 The Environmental Health Division would like to notify you to make a formal written request to extend your Individual Sewage Disposal System(ISDS) Permit #114-alinto the 1998 construction year. The Environmental Health Division discontinued percolation tests on November 14, 1997, and will no longer conduct final inspections after December 1, 1997 due to climatic conditions. ISDSjpermits are active for 120 days after the date of issue if no Building Permit has been issued for the same property. If a Building Permit has been issued for the same property, the ISDS will expire at the same time as the building permit. If you still plan to apply for a Building Permit this year or in the early months of 1998 you will need to have a percolation test conducted before your Building Permit will be released. You will have to contact a Registered Professional Engineering(RPE) firm to conduct your percolation test. If you have had your permit issued and have not had your final inspection completed, but plan on constructing the system in the next few weeks, please give our office a call and we will evaluate your permit on a case by case situation.. If your system was designed by a Registered Professional Engineer be aware that the final inspection must be completed by the engineer. If the system has been completed please have the engineer submit as -built drawings or a letter of certification to Eagle County Environmental Health, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, CO 81631. Please give the Environmental Health office a call at 328-8755, if you have any questions regarding your permit extension process. cc: ISDS Permit #f736-gjFile Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. CIVIL ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING • MAPPING October 27, 1997 Eagle County Environmental Health P.O. Box 179 Eagle CO. 81631 Attn: Missy RE: Septic System, O'Neal Kesler residence Screened pit run has excellent properties for use as leach field mound material. The presence of 5 to 15 percent minus 200 sieve material tends to slow percolation rates below that of sand filters which.provides better treatment and less chance of effluent seepage around the base of the mound. Screened Pit run also has excellent structural properties and can be placed and lightly compacted and still maintain good percolation properties. The material should undergo gradation analysis prior to placement and meet the following criteria: Sieve Size Percent passing 6 inch 100 3 inch 85 - 100 No. 4 30 - 65 No. 50 10 -30 No. 200 5 — 15 Percolation tests should be conducted after mound material has been placed. Percolation rate should fall between 10 and 30 minutes per inch. Sincerely, James S. Kunkel PE & LS No. 23089 P.O, Box 409 - 113 East 4th Street • Eagle, Colorado 81631 • Phone (970) 328-6368 • Fax: (970) 328-1035 P.O. Box 771196 • 200 Lincoln Ave, - Suite 210 • Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 • Phone: (970) 879-4676 • Fax: (970) 879-4870 1/36-97 Tax # 2109-102-02-002 2686 Brush Creek Rd KESLER JOB NAME Eagle, Co JOB NO. 1,0A J, 1�5, BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED aw t �X1 �"i-- &I ko 12A eMA q �,- oy-eA JOB COST SUMMARY - f a . h e-) TOTAL SELLING PRICE n O mo�_y TOTAL MATERIAL 1, �� - kKP I _ ��'�` e 1 11� `�13 -Cd� TOTAL LABOR J ` S & -' Z—a�c l�—� 144 _1 I INSURANCE SALES TAX Pit/ So of a�✓vI &-C a7Z MISC. COSTS ' b�Z TOTAL JOB COST i GROSS PROFIT / 4-A4-444' e`/l Cep co� ��///����CCC LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICEysC� a�QoL L ` < Zi �/ l G ouv ,. ,A�'1,� ! S , T`�" z Gp(I T PR z/ vim-•- 6 E aF1 - ...,.0/, JOB FOLDER Product 277 ® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC! GROTO ��N, MA 01471 eve- J(�B� T in'USAL%...