HomeMy WebLinkAboutR88-112 amendment to personnel policyV Commissianer G( F 0 moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 88- II Z AMENDMENTS TO EAGLE COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 30 -2 -104, C.R.S., and Eagle County Resolution No. 87 -39, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ( "Board "), adopted a classification and compensation plan for all County employees paid in whole or in part by the County, hereinafter referred to as the "1987 Personnel Policy "; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department has developed an amendment to the Sick Leave Bank policy establishing guidelines for the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee, changing the maximum allowance of sick leave bank time from 320 to 360 hours per calendar year per employee, making a policy that employees will not be granted sick leave bank after an employee has been absent from work for more than 90 days, and providing that the sick leave bank will not be used for Worker's Compensation claims; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the smoking Policy of the 1987 Personnel Policy to prohibit smoking by employees in the McDonald Building for the health and safety of fellow employees and the general public; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the Paychecks and Pay Period Policy of the 1987 Personnel Policy to change the pay day from every other Friday to every other Thursday allowing for greater convenience for County employees; and WHEREAS, the results of the amendments to the Sick Leave Bank, Smoking, and Paychecks and Pay Period Policy have necessitated the amending and readoption of the 1987 Personnel Policy; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, effective April 21, 1988 the Board adopted the amendment to the 1987 Personnel Policy as said amendment is more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. THAT, effective November 1, 1988, the Board adopts the amendments to the 1987 Personnel Policy as said amendments are more fully set forth in Exhibit A and B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. THAT, the Sick Leave Bank policy on page 77 of the Eagle County Personnel Policy is repealed and replaced with attached Exhibit A. THAT, the Smoking Policy on page 20 of the Eagle County Personnel Policy is repealed and replaced with attached Exhibit B. THAT, the Paychecks and Pay Period Policy on page 69 of the Eagle County Personnel Policy is repealed and replaced with attached Exhibit C. THAT, the 1987 Personnel Policy, as herein amended, shall apply to and shall be binding upon all County employees paid in whole or part by the County except as otherwise provided for in Section 30 -2 -104, C.R.S., and as otherwise provided for in the 1987 Personnel Policy, and all changes in benefits, pay grades and job classification shall be made in accordance with the 1987 Personnel Policy as herein amended. THAT, nothing contained in this Resolution or the 1987 Personnel Policy, or the amendments adopted hereby, shall be construed as authorizing any elected official, department head, board, commission, or any other person or spending agency associated with Eagle County to exceed their respective appropriated budgets. THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word of this Resolution, including the attached Exhibit A, be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or the 1987 Personnel Policy as herein amended and readopted, or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared severable. THAT, the Board finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle. 2 MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the County, of Eagle, State of Colorado, regular meeting held the n day of71b_pg� County at its 1988. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: ic.rA F� �i7 Georg A. Ga es Chairman Commiss s Commissioner C ar-�-5 seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner Donald H. Welch Commissioner Richard L. Gustafson This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 3 ENDORSEMENT We endorse the Eagle County Employee Handbook as hereby amended, and support its applicability to all Eagle County employees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their hands this day of , 1988. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner 0 asurer Clerk and Recorder Assessor SICK LEAVE BANK The Sick Leave Bank may provide temporary income to employees who have exhausted all paid leaves and are experiencing a serious illness or injury requiring an extended absence from work. The Sick Leave Bank may not be used for an illness or injury incurred in the line of duty for which Worker's Compensation has been applied for or is being received. Regular full -time employees who have completed one year of continuous full -time employment may be eligible to withdraw sick leave hours from the Sick Leave Bank under the following guidelines: A. All paid leaves must be exhausted. B. The requesting employee must submit a physician's statement indicating the nature and probable duration of the illness or injury. C. The employee must submit their written request to withdraw leave from the Sick Leave Bank to their Department Head for comments and recommendations. The Department Head will send the request to the Director of Human Resources who will verify the requestor's eligibility and discuss the request with the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee. D. The maximum withdrawal from the Sick Leave Bank is 360 hours per calendar year per employee. E. When approving hours from the Sick Leave Bank the committee will consider the requesting employee's prior sick leave use history, seriousness of the illness or injury, prior performance evaluations, the employee's length of service with the county, the probability of returning to work, the employee's willingness to accept temporary alter- native assignments if available, information provided by the employee's doctor and by the county's designated physician if required. F. Payment for sick leave hours withdrawn from the Sick Leave Bank will be at 75% of the receiving employee's normal hourly rate of pay earned on the last day of active paid County service. While using the Sick Leave Bank, an employee does not accrue vacation, sick, or personal leave. Employees on Sick Leave Bank are not eligible for paid holidays, jury, military, funeral, emergency service, or administrative leave. e �.S 1 Withdrawals from the Sick Leave Bank are not required to be repaid or replaced. No sick leave bank pay will be granted after an employee has been off work for ninety (90) calendar days. An employee using Sick Leave Bank who has not been released by their physician and if required by the County's Designated Physician to return to their previous position by the ninety -first (91st) calendar day after the beginning of any Medical, Sick, and /or Sick Leave Bank leave may be terminated. Page 81 SMOKING POLICY If Department Heads wish to allow smokin smoking areas within their departments. the smoking policy in their department. and you are bothered by the smoke caused should bring the matter to the attention Department Head, if necessary. I, they may designate Employees must abide by If you are a non - smoker by a co- worker, you to your co- worker and Even if a department allows smoking, employees are not allowed to smoke: A. While in or operating a County vehicle from the general motor pool. B. In the McDonald Building or areas surrounding the building. C. In County restrooms. D. In the Castle Peak lunchroom. E. While actively waiting on the public. 20 y , PAYCHECKS AND PAY PERIODS The County has a bi- weekly payroll system. Employees will be paid every other Thursday. If a County designated holiday falls on a payday, paychecks will be distributed on Wednesday. Payroll schedules will be posted in each department and on employee bulletin boards. Unless the employee is dismissed by the County, no advance payroll checks will be issued. Paychecks will be distributed by the employee's Department Head or the Department Head's designee. Department Heads or their designees will mail paychecks that are not picked up by the employees to the employee's mailing address. An employee may authorize the Accounting Department to distribute his /her paycheck to a specified person. A release form is available in the Accounting Department which must be signed each time an employee authorizes another person to receive their paycheck. When an error in pay is identified by either the Department Head or the employee, he /she should notify the Accounting Department immediately so corrections can be made. It is the employee's responsibility to review pay information bi- weekly to assure accuracy and to report errors in a timely manner. Any over or underpayment must be brought to the attention of the Accounting Department for correction. Overpayments will result in a collection for the total amount. 4 Revised Effective April 21, 1988 Resolution # M