HomeMy WebLinkAbout1099 Red Sky Rd - 194121406001DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Water Quality Control Commission SITE LOCATION AND DESIGN APPROVAL REGULATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS 5 CCR 1002-22 22.2 DEFINITIONS: (15)“IN-KIND REPLACEMENT”means replacement of any process treatment or hydraulic conveyance component at an existing domestic wastewater treatment works or lift station with an identical or similar (i.e.,not exactly alike),component as part of normal or emergency maintenance to assure continued compliance with applicable permit conditions,including effluent limitations.Replacement or technology upgrades that do not change the original intent of the unit process being renovated and for which no increase in overall rated capacity is being requested qualify as in-kind replacement. 22.10 IN-KIND REPLACEMENT (1)The owner of a domestic wastewater treatment works (or its designee) that installs structures or equipment that meets the definition of in-kind replacement shall submit written notice of the nature and extent of such replacement to the Division no later than fifteen working days after the replacement work has been put into service.Division notification is not required for replacement with the same size and technology in the same location or for replacement of valves, non-wastewater lifting pumps,piping,pipe relining,yard structures,motors,splitter structures, manholes,vaults,samplers,monitoring equipment,support systems and similar facilities that do not affect the degree of treatment of the wastewater or bio-solids being provided and for which no increase in capacity is being requested.The Division shall have fifteen working days to notify the owner if the work does not meet the definition of in-kind replacement and that an application for amendment of an approved site location is required.Unless waived by the Division,a new application for site location approval is required for replacement of equipment outside of the property approved under the latest site application. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2179-02 BP NO. 14112 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PHONE: 970-845-2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO 81620 APPLICANT: THOMAS J. KALLENBACH, FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING PHONE: 406-586-2289 SYSTEM LOCATION: 1099 RED SKY RD., WOLCOTT, CO NORMAN GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-221-00-016 LICENSED INSTALLER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE PAPPAS LICENSE NO.45-02 PHONE: 970-845-2528 DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING, THOMAS KALLENBACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NORMAN GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE 12,800 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 11,250 GALLON DOSING TANK AND 3 D-NITE TANKS, AND 12090 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 390 PRESSURE DOSED STANDARD INFILTRATOR UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING'S DESIGN SIGNED AND DATED 3/25/02. THE ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM. THE ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION MUST BE SENT TO THE STATE OF COLORADO WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION AS WELL AS EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC S HAS B CTED.AND PROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: MAY 10, 2002 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH QU�IREME THE EA E COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: MAR-21-2002 05:55P FROM:ERGLE COUNTY ENV HER 9703288788 TO:914065862335 P:1f1 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted. (Site -Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # ".1 � - 0 Building Permit # / APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGL'E,: CO - 81631 - Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax (970)328-0349, El Jebel `(970)927-3823 * FEE SCHEDULE * * APPLICATION FEE $350.00 * THIS FEE INCLUDES THE ISDS PERMIT, SITE EVALUATION (PERCOLATION TEST, * SOIL PROFILE OBSERVATION) AND FINAL INSPECTION * ADDITIONAL FEES MAY BE CHARGED; IF A REINS,PECTIQN is.. NECESSARY, * PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT OR CONSULTATION IS `NEEDED OR A * REINSPECTION FEE 47.00, $ PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: Vail Resorts Development Company" MAILING ADDRESS:p n_ Box 959 Avon CO 81620 PHONE. $45-2528 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. PHONE(40.6) 586-2289 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Jamie Pappas PHONE{970)845-2528 COMPANY/DBA: Vail Resorts. Inc.-ADDRESS.P.O. Box 959, Avon, CO 81620 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION (-}REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description:Spr_92 14S R8V, Red Sky Ranch Subdivision Tax Parcel Number- Physical Address: 1. f T-7 t oq,le categorye-ect" J��' BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable ( ) Residential/Sin le F 11 1/2 Mile on Re y Drive ( ) Residential/Mul�i-Family* Number of Bedrooms (X) Commercial/Industrial* Number of Bedrooms Type *These systems require esign by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( heck a licable category) ( ) Well ( X} Public NameSp a n ( ) Surface ' r: APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: p � AMOUNT PAID: _ RECEIPT #: ��� � �'� � DATE: � a - CHECK #: f�(o �(Z____ __ CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: May 10, 2002 TO: Vail Resorts Development FROM: Environmental Health Division Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit #2179-02. Tax Parcel #1941-221-00-016. Property Location: 1099 Red Sky Rd., Wolcott, CO., Norman Golf Course Member Club House. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #2179-02. Please obtain a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit from the engineer. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Fluidyne Engineering, Thomas Kallenbach OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers Inventors May 13, 2003 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch West Norman Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the individual septic and disposal system serving the Red Sky Ranch Norman Clubhouse System. Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the last visit to the property (March, 2003). At that time the system was mostly complete, but was not able to be tested because the electrical installation was not finished. The system was built in accordance with the plans with the following changes to the original plan sets: 1. The septic tank was installed 20' to the east of where it was shown on the plans, but remained on the same alignment. 2. The DNite Units were constructed according to the revised C9.2 plan dated 06-05-2002 Vail Resorts Development Co engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, has tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field (see enclosed). These tests reveal the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. Furthermore, Fluidyne Inc will provide a final walk through inspection as soon as possible. Record drawings and an O & M Manual will be provided at that time. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is fully functional to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. Respectfully, Justin Buchanan - Cc: Jamie Pappas i :39arJ H11d3H nN3 AINn00 310U3:GI wdvT :so nHl 2002-2T-03G V A' I L R E S 0 R T S D E V E L O P M E N T 0 M p A N Y December 12, 2002 p,ay Merry, REIIS Eagle County Depatt =t Of Environimental flealth PO Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Merry I am writing this letter to address the cobeerns of the gagle County ]department of Environmental Hr,61th regarding the Red Sky Bch Plat amendment and sewage: tteatrnent'Lot lots 88, 89, west maintenance facility, and the caretaker Waist. Lots 99 and 89 We have three alternatives for on -site treatment. Alternate taut first alternative would be to collect the sewage from each lot ply the effluent to the Nonnan Clubhouse septic tmAd de -nitrification unit and do cJ-A-" drainfield, Alternate 2. The second alternative would be to cluster lots 88 and 89, such that they share a. common dorainfield. Alternate 3. The third alternative would be to have lot 88 and 89 on their own individual systems. our preference would be Altentate 1, provided we can meet the concerns of Eagle County and Colorado State Departnaeut of EnVko= ntal Health. west Maintenance Facility The west maintenani a facility Wdy �E moved g is C=ently de if lot gning an JSDS for this facility - Caretaker We plant to treat the wastewater from the care taker unit as an individual system, A nearby undisturbed site has been found for the ISMS drainfield. We plan to have frluidiyne Engineering nxake applications to your office for such sewer systems as we continue forward. we look forward to working with you and your staff on the implementation of these systems, please call me if I can provide any fiuther information. Sincerely Ar! orts Development Company aroManager cc: Torn Kallenbach VAIN Rc015JITI• Vail Resorts Development Company • 137 Benchmark Road • P05l dI:G(sr Box 959 ■ Avon, Colorado 61620-W59 ■ MO) 8445-25.95 ■ fax (WO) PA.5-25.55 ■ „urw vrdr._com Va%l . f3Vt?0. teMjdge ■ Keyetane4 • Beaver Creek* t Bachelor Gulch' • ArrowhuadO • Red Sky Ranch' ;,t VAtL Re ORTS*1KYEL0PM,LrN7 COMPANY - FAX TRANSMIS ION TO: FAX #; TEL.E A FROM: �. M ' FAX #, S7' TELE #: ' Date: 13 Time: Total Number Of Pages: (Please call 970/845-2535 if all pages are not received.) "� Olt fi 1 Message: e L&,� ._ Vail 0 Breckenridge i Keystone • Beaver Creek$ • Bachelor QUichO * Arrowhead r lied Sky Ranch" Telephone: 870/8465 9535 . Fax: $70/M2565 www.snow,aom c.,r•-J efifi•nkI Ikr3l.IJn-17la7rs 1.1-J+-,e,-C cram-7-cs-ius_I �—JyYLI IIi IYJII III IJ l51f 111CJV J 1uJYJ'til VYLfL'VV J111 LVVLe LV ("SYF'Y V A I L R S 0 R T S Q E V E L 0 P M E N T C O M P A N Y May 13, 2003 Justin Buchanan Fluidyne 25 N. Willson Ave.. Suite F Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: 406-586-2335 Dear Justin: As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements the Norman Clubhouse Wastewater System at Red Sky Ranch. I have completed the testing 'requirenieats instructed by FluidlVe Inc. T1ae water -tightness test and pressure squirt test were completed as discussed below, Septic/Dose Tank Wetter Tightness Test After the tanks were constructed and waterproofed, a water tightness test was conducted over 3-daytime period, from August 30, 2002until September 2, 2002, There was no measurable drop in water level. Thus indicating no measurable leak in the Septic/Dose Tank. (As you know, concrete is a semi -permeable material, to meet the requirements as specified by Fluidync Inc., the interior of the tars a were water proofed with "Sikagaard", to reduce the possibility of a failing test,) Squirt Test This mornt tg at 10:30am I verified the equal pressure distribution of each of the ten- drainfield laterals for this system, Each, lateral squirted to, a height between 6 and 8 feet above ground level. I have attached the Colorado State Discharge Permit (Part 1) for your ales. Please feel free to call me during the day if I can provide you with any further information, Thank you, Vail Re orts Development Company J 'e Pappas, Project Manager ValI. Rz**RTW Vail Reaorta Davelopmenl Company - 137 Benehmuk ROM - PM Office Box 959 - AVO COIOradd 81M-09$9 . _ _ '4 (970) 845-253$ • fux (97p) 845.2555 - wwW,vrdc.roni Vail t Breokcnridge - ICeyetueo - Beaver Greek® - BacheIor Gulch • Atixowhaad O - Red Sky Ranch' C 17. J 17+1+1 -!7i I 1117t I I------ I I— .— --i-- —I 1, 11 1 STATEOF-COLOBADO Bill Owens, Governor Jane E. Norton, Executive Director c Medicated to protecdng and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Dr, S. Laboratory and Radlation Servlces Division Denver, Colorado 80246-1980 8'! 00 Lowry Blvd. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver, Colorado 80230-692$ TDD Line (303) 691-7700 (303) 692-3og0 Located in Glendale, Colorado h ttpV1ww w;cd phcs#ate. co. Lis duly 31, 2002 Mark R. Thorne, Vice President 'Vail Resorts Development Co. P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE. Issued. Permit Permit Number: CCU-0046272 Eagle County f-- Dear Mr. Tlionle: �. 1876 M Colorado Department of Public Health aad$nviro=ent Enclosed please fired a copy of the pernflt tlmt.was issued under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. Your discharge permit requires that specific actions be performed at designated dines. You are legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of your permit. It is especially important to note the I`EFF.ECITYE DATE OF PERMIT", not the "DATE SIGNED", located in the lower right hand comer of page 1, of your permit. It is illegal to discharge per the conditions of this permit until that date. Please read the permit and if you have any questions contact ine at (303) 692-3599. Sincerely, Darlene Casey, Program Assistant Water Quality Protection Section WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION Enclosure xc: Bruce Kant, Permit Team, E.tavironmelital protection Agency ($P2W-p) Regional Co>mcil of Crovenjment Local County Health Department Jim Chubrilo, D.E., Technical Services Unit, W(7cD ` Permit Fee Piles /dc issued C"C"J rz+7+71 nkI I A 171. 1JtY17 h 7ff I.IJ4,P.0 Cfifi7• CT - I LII.I -RA TIQ=NA= LE COLORADO D►Sc#fAREE PERmit sysrEm (CDP$) VA►L RESO►RrS DEVELOPMENT Ct]►mpAmy SKY Y RANCH S HOLLAND CREEK METRO DISTRICTS CDPS PERT it NumBER coxgoo46 ; EAGLE GDVNTY TABLL OF CONTEIVrS zllr.4 Opp -EA rT..,,,uuu.......aau.....nu........... w.......wu...., ... 2uu u...•nnn.au..••n.u.... 27 A4Cff.iTYPVF0BM,47.I0N............................................ .... 2 ILT, RUCEIMCF AQ . FER....................................................... Identajication, Classification And Numeric Standards ................................ 3 Ii: FACHUTIESE'iALUATZON«.................................................................................,.5 Description and II'istary of Facility....... ........................... Septage Dispersal... .....,.,............................................................................... 6 Jnfiflradom2iffowI./I)........................................ ............ .......,......................,.,............. 6VPURFOAX4NCE HISTOR' lllonitoritegData............................................................................. ... 6 YX. TERMS A1YD CON.I)ITION,S OF P .............................................................. ........ Discussion of Point of Compliance .............................................................. 7 -Determination of Compliance ,Mitigations ................................. ...., 7 Compliance.Lirniteations............................................... ' ......... 7 CompmanceMon itoringfor7`�o Years ........................................................ 7 L'conornic Aeasonableness Evaluation......................................................... $ Monitoring............................................................ .Influent Monitoring....................................................................................... $ Compliance Point Monitoring .............................. ..... 9 Bioselids Monitoring ................................................ . Ae,porting........................................................ ............... ,..... ,Discharge Monitoring.XRepori ............................... 10 Special.IReparts............................................................................................ 10 ,additional Ternes and Conditions �............................................" 10 Signatory Rerluiretnents.................................................... ............:.ill CompliMa Schedule ....... ..... ....10 .�..........,..........,..........�..k. Reapener, PertnitRenewcal and -Poe Infrrrraaation.. . I2 FTZ RL.�F'EAENCES........................................................................................................2 VW APPENDICES ........................ APPENUMA Report of Wall C vmpletaon................................................. Id A8PENDZVB Suggested .Practices to beet Permit Requjrements............ 17 ApPEIVAM C Suggested Monitoring Well Sampling protocoL................ 21 LISP' OF TABLES Table VI-1- Compliance Limits at 001A-,Cffective September 1, 2002..............Table m.tangaiIowgradient Wills and OSOA, B, C...................... g Table Y.-3-Locationlrnstallation and bevelo 'PM eniofMoaeitoring Wells .......................•„ 11 Table Vl 4 - Establishment of Smupling protocol for Molaitoriug Wells .............................. 23 -Table PI-5 - Installation of Alan Measurement Device .........................................................14 3 C ,,+,•s Graf-, -nkI !kI-M.lA-3fT t.tsi-,C`.C` Lr%n--•Cs•lw_1 COLORARO DEPARTACNT O$ MLZC HEALTH AND ENV1R0NA&NT- 'W,ATRY1 nTTe-F "V .-j%.T•>,,r-- TMwe RA�AONA�,� PAGE 2 PE�tMT J.' O. COX-004�6272 -' - - ---- `� "`T�' � A ` X..•1q A^VL' U1 V ,; titiglFS TYPE OF PERMxT New 11- FACMF1Y TNFORMATION A. Facility Type: DOPnestic Wastewater - Septic System ( y r Fee Category, Category 22, Subcategory 1 Category Flaw Range. Dollmstic 'Wastewater f om 0 Oxillons per Day (Gp'x]) to 49, 999 CPD Annual Fee; $222.00 sic 4952 B. Legal Contact: Mr. Mark R. 7horne, Vice -,President Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) + 845-2533 C. Facility Contact: Mr, Larry Ziruolo, Operator Mr. Jamie L. Pappas, P.,P, . Holland Creek Metro District Holland Creek h"tetro ,District Vail Resorts Development Company Vail Resorts Development Co. 137 Benchmark Road 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 32 P.O. Box 9.59 Keystone, Colorado 80435 - Avon, Colorado 81620 970 + 496-4207 970 + 845-2528 D. Facility Location: NE A, SW f of Section 22 (FAZ701; NE ! SF y4 of Section 21 fNORMANI; SE lO NW Yd of Section 22 [27Lot Cluster] Township 4 South;. Range 83 West; Sixth Principal Meridian; Eagle County, approximately one mile South of the Walcott Exit frorn I-70, [Lat. _ 390 41' 22" and .bong. = 1060 40, 40,7 (TOPOZONE by mjl). See Figure 1 in the Permit, E. Compliance Points: The permit is written for three septic systems, as a result, there are multiple compliance points. ne initial compliance points for the leaclf fields' discharge are 050D, 050E050F, which are to be installed as part of a compliance schedule. (See Figures 3-5j F Influent Monitoring .point: Influent flow sampling is required either prior to or subsequent to the septic tanks far each treatment system. The influent flow measuring point for the Fazio Club House [Lat. = 390 41 " 14" and Long. 106' 40' 481 TOPOZONE by mill wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) is designated as "q" on the Discharge Monitoring Deport (,DMR). The influent flow measuring point far the ,Norman Club House 9-M, = 39" 41 ' 18" and Long. = 1060 41 " .17A TOPOZONE by mill WWTF is designated as "r" on the D1Mc1R. The influent flow measuring point for the V Lot Fluster WWxF [Lat, = 390 41 " 22 „ and Long, = 106' 40Y 40" {TOPOZONE by NO] is designated as "s" on the DAM, The individual influent flow for each treatment system is reported on the DMR that has "3001, ljn the box entitled "Discharge Number. {See p'igures 3-5.) C'•C'J C11+7'nkI IkMI. I J{»7A 7rT 1.IJf'!--C CFnM--'CT' ILSI.1 COLOR.ADO DEPARTMENT OF Pr7DLIC HEALTH A'ND ENVIRONNXNT. WATER nrisT.T•r V nn,.rynr.r T.- nA'A_10l�]� FAME, 3 PER.MT NO. C_OX-0046272 "AV.; VrkZrb 1- REC SING AQUIFER A. Identification, Classification and Standards 1. Identifo-a—don: The wastewater treatment facilities (mp) that are located on the East area (,fee Figure I o, j are located in an area where predominantly landslide material has been. deposited. The material is described as colluvium. TYae colluvial material generally consists of very stiff to hard, silty clay with sand, gravels and larger clasts primarily composed of sandstone, and compact to dense silty or clayey ,rand. Below the landslide debris is the Dakota Formation, The Dakota encountered in the boreholes was slightly to highly weathered, extremely weak to weak dark grayish brown sandstone with some interbedded claystone and Shale. Ground water was encountered in various boreholes in (lie East Area. Alone of the boreholes were site specific to the WWTF's. The information provided in the application indicates that ground water is in the colluvium in certain areas and at the bedrock contact in others. The ground water was consistently found between eighteen and forty-one feet below the ground surface. .Figures 2 and 6 illustrate the ground -water contours beneath the Fazio R WTF. The State Engineer's well information for the drinking writer wells at the 27Lot Cluster indicates that there is a single well at 32 feet in depth. Yhere are two wells with known depths in Section 22. One has a depth of 32 feet and a yield of IS gallons per minute. The second well has a depth of ISO feet and a yield of 20 gallons per minute. The wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) located on the West Area (See Figure 1o,) side is located on the surficial formation, which is identified as the Dakota Sandstone. Dakota Sandstone is described as slightly to highly weathered, extremely weak to weak, dark grayish brown sandstone with some interbedded claystone and shale. Beneath the Dakota is the Morrison Formation. And, beneath the Morrison is the Entrada Formation. Roth the Morrison and the Entrada are described as variegated, claystone, mudstotte, sandstone and contain local beds of limestone. Locally, both are considered drinking waterformcations..4 USGS Open --File Report identifies an existing drinking water well in the East Area that is completed in the Entrada Formation at a depth of 170 feet. The water duality, reported in Open-Filee Report 76-822 is good..A'borehole in the vicinity of the Norman WWRF contains the following description for RSW- S; From 1.5 feet below the surface to I3, 0 feet the cor+aposition of the material is a sandy siltstone, from 13.0 feet to17. o feet there is clay and silt with medium sand, Some fine gravel Composed of siltstone and sandstone; the material is moist at this level. At the time of this writing, groundwater information is dependent upon borehole information. There are _some with groundwater in them and ad, jagent ones do not. Ground water appears 'to moving in the noriheasterly direction. 2. Cda ji cation: The ground water below the Holland Creek Metro District does not have a "site - specific" classification. The Water Quality Control Division (Division) shall implerent the Interim Narrative Standard found in "The ,Basic Standards for Ground Water" (Regulation 41) [Deference #21 to establish ground-waterprotection. The Interim Narrative standard states that the Division is required to implement the less restrictive of (1) existing ambient quality as of January 31, I994, or (2) that quality which meets the most stringent criteria set forth in Tables I through 4 of Regulation 41. Because there are no existing monitoring wells, the Division does not have a sufficient amount of ambient (an upgradient monitoring well) ground -water quality data for the site. Hence, the Division shall utilize Tables I through 4 to estaabliM point of compliance limits for the compliance points, which are the downgradient wells. 3. Numeric Standards: The ground -water standards are ,found in Tables 1 through 4, which are found in .Reference #l2. These numeric standards are utilized to establish compliance point limitations at the downgradient monitoring wells. C"o"_j r-+7+7ankI !{c cr.,rx_•cr• Iui.i COLORADO LEPA MMENT OF PUBXIXC HEALTH AND 9WrA0NMNT, WATER QUALITY CONTPOL DIV., WQPS RATIONALE PACE 4 PERMIT NO. COX-0046272 Al. R:ECB'Iir,ING AQUIFER 3. Numeric Standards: (Continued) 'al and Biolo ical Ph = 6.5 - 8.5 s,u, Total Coltform = <1/ 00 ml- (<2.21.100 mi) Arsenic (As) = 0.05 m8 1l ** Boron (B) 0.75 mgld) « Iran (Fe) — 0.3 mg11 ** Cadmium (Cd) — 0.005 mgll Copper (Cu) = 0.2 mgll A* Lead (Pb) = 0.05 rng/t Manganese (Mn) — 0.05 Me ** Nickel (Ni) 0.1 mg1l ** Nitrite (NO2 M 1.0 Mg11 as N ** Nitrate (Npj-N) I0,0 mg11 as N" Sulfate (SO, — 2.50 mg/1 * Chloride (Cl) = 250 mg11 ** Total Dizolved Solids — �"�"'" Varies Based upon T17S Background Level „< Means "less than ". When the Membrane Filter Technique is used for arudysis, the average of Q1l samples taken within a year must be less than 1 organism per I00 milliliters of sample. VMen the Multiple -Tube Fermentation Tcchhilue is used for analysis, the limit is less than 2.2 organisms per 100,milliliters. ** = Measured as a dissolved concentration -sample isfiltered through a 0. 45 micron membrane prier to preservation. Back round tal issO Od Solids /TO Yale, (r6 1) Mx a Z �yVrsble TI C Corr .ntrat � is 0 - 50p 400 mg/l or 1.25 times the background level, whichever is least restrictive. 10, OOi oo -1 Og0 1, 25 times the background value r greater No limit. C 3 '_} C+1+1'nk! f ■!1f_f JlS11b 1R S S 1f^ .0 Y"Pi---nT - 1 of COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC EMALTH AND rOWI t,ONUMNT, 'WAS QUALITY CONTROL My,; WQI'S RATIONALE PAYE S PERMIT No. COX-ON6272 ,,-vtf R.ECLPKINCr,A,QUI ER 3. Numeric Standards (Continued): Metals Based upon the amount of the discharge, the lack of industrial contributors, and the,fact that no unusually high metal concentrations are .expected to be found in the wastewater effluent, it is unlikely that the discharge from the standard septic tank, D-Nite Unit and soil absorption system will cause a violation of the ground -water standards for metals. Thetefore, no metals effluent limits or monitoring conditions will be specked in the permit and no further discussion of the metals standards is necessary. rV FACWI—PS EVALUATION A. Description and history of Facility The Red Sky Ranch is served by a consolidated service playa. There are two special districts that make up the "consolidated service plan ", One special district is called "Red Sky Ranch Metro pd�litan District, which is known as the "Financing District". Me second special district is called the "Ialolllita Creek an Metropolitan District, which is known as the "Service District". In general, the "p'inancing District„ Provides funding to the "Service District -for construction, operation and maintenance of facilities and improvements at the area referred to as "Red Sky Ranch ". Wastewater flow will come from two golf clubhouses. Each of the ttva clubhouses has a restaurant. 17te two clubhouses for the 80V courses are identifeed as follows: (a) "Fazio Clubhouse" and (b) "Norman Clubhouse", ne two godclubhouses are each served by a WWFF. Wastewater is also treated from a chaster of 27 dots that are served by a WPVIK The area and the W97F have been named "27 Lot Cluster". jhe "Red Sky Ranch" has been divided into a West area and an East area (See Figure 10 it, the permit,). 2"he ridge in Section 22 essentially establishes the dividing line between West and East. ,Tyre West side contains the Norman Clubhouse (referred to as "member clubhouse") and WWTF. The ,Fast side contains the Fazio Clubhouse (referred to as "resort clubhouse ") and WWTFplus the 27 Lot Cluster W gr .rF. Zyae individual locationsfor each WW'l'F are indicated in Figures 3-S. Wastewater flow will- be directed to the appropriate WggF for these three areas. The remaining lots are on individual septic systems or cluster systems having an average daily flow less than 2000 gallons per day. The wastewater treatment system consists of septic tanks followed by a recirculation tank and a "D- Nite" Unit prior to disposal in a soil absorption system aeachfield). The "D,Nite" Unit acts similar ra a recirculation sand falter. ,See Figure 9 ire the permit. The wastewater enters the septic tank where solids settle and anaerobic biodegradation processes occur. .Next, clarified wastewater flows to the pump tank, where the recirculation pump applies small doses to the "D-Nile" Unit at preset time intervals. Wastewat9rflows through the "D Nite " Unit where ammonia is nitr#7ed to nitrate and organic carbon is consumed by heterotrophic organisms. Then, the nitrified wastewater is returned to the septic tank where denittifzcation occurs. ne "D-Nice" Unit possesses a fixed fzim method of nitrification. Nitrifying bacteria are part crf a mixed microbial population in the biofilm attached to the filter media in the D-Nit Unit. giofalms provide protection from periodic poisoning, short -terra drying periods, washout from high flow events and variations in wastewater strengths. Stability of the nitrification process in the septic tank is a result of several factors: (1) an oxidizable carbon source is always present, (2) anaerobic conditions are constant, and (3) the volume of the septic tarok provides a large degree of dilution to offset possible chemical induced upsets. Each clubhouse system has an average daily design capacity of 4, 000 gallons per day. 6, 000 gallons per day, The 27Lot Cluster hThe maximum daily design for each systerra is ay an average daily design capacity of 5,832 gallons per day. Tyne m=imuM daily design for each system is S, 775 gallons per day. COLORADO DUARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIIt,ONMNT, WATER QUALITY c[)NTROL DIY.; WQPS RATIONALE PAGE 6 PEIiIT NO. COX-0046272 p CX=S EVALUATION .A. Descri, paion and History of Facility - {Continued) Tice site approval [#453,4] for "Red Sky Ranch ; which includes septic tanks, „D-Ante 1' Unit, recirculating tank and soil absorption beds was granted on ,Tune 8, 2001 in a letter addressed to Mr. Jerrie Pappas, Project .Manager/operator, Vail Resorts Developmen Company. The approved average deal t71V or erach of clrablaouse lNor gn and ,Fazio is Qr 4 000 al%ns Per day. Tice peak dai ow or each o the aniclubhouses is aPProved orb 00(! allons er daz . Tlee approved avers a daili flow for the 27 Lot Cluster is far S 832 allons er day. The eA ak dwiflo� w or the 27 Lot Cluster is a roved or 8 TTS odors er da . Wastewater Treatment Plant operators are governed by the "Water and Wastewater y�eatment .Plant operators Act" which i$ 25--9-100. The irnpleMenting regulations for 25-9-100 are entitled "100 .Regulations Ceraafacaxtion of Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant operators" (Reference #8 in this Rationale]. according to paragraph 100.5.2 in this regulation, the type of treatment provided requires an operator with a T " certification. B. Seplage Disposal Since the treatment facility will generate sludge (biosolids), there will be a need for sludge to be Pumped from the settling tanks on a periodic balins. The sludge (biosalids} removal and disposal shall be accomplished by an approved contractor and at an approved site in compance with _ applicable ,state and federal regulations. The permittee is to provide the infot�,hation requested in r the permit in the section that discusses the "Blosolidls Limitations and Management Requirements" [Part LA.8.] and "Annual. Report" [Part I, D,3. j. C, Infiltrationllnfiow (Ill) The Holland Creek Metro District will install, flow measurement devices at the three treatment systems (See jRgures 3-5.). Until these flow measurement devices have been put into operation, the Divisioh does not have a way to determine whether there is a problem from iVltradon or from inflow. Fence, the collection system has not been verified to have an infaltrationlirIow problem. Because d Water is at an approximate depth of thirty feet, groun now or in the future, the sewer is not likely to experience infiltration, either V. PERFOR.MANCE HISTORY Monitoring Data 1. YW is the first individual discharge permit, for the Rolland Creek Metro District's (,,Red SAY Ranch" treatment systems. ,hence, there have been no permit requirements to report results of monitoring analyses. 2. The State has not taken any groundwater or surface water samples in the vicinity of the wastewater treatment system, C C - J C *I+, ' nk 1 1 L 1--11. 1A 1f 1 1 [f' .0 - -- • - � • - I V A I L R E S 0 R T.9 D E VF: L 0 P M E N T C 0 M P A N Y - - h 11), 2-002 Unix �—,aibrij10, P,an-.+. District Engineer Water Quality Control Division Steamboat Squate - - - - A1n I j.inr:�1� Ave. Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487-5006 Dear Ivir, hubrilo 2i$ riv 4ay ieUya End }woe tszs� PV wcr sy iste D---1 Sky �+.�a ch aapprov i' dd ioa der Bite A pph icon #4538 on June 8, 2001 need to have a. flow -monitoring device installed. As can be seen on the attached detail for the No=an system dosing tank there is a 2' dosing volume which represents (2$x 18.5'a li4jx7, 8gai�ftn3 - 3044gai(dose. A dosing event counter Will be installed on all systems such that, at any point in time, the number of doses can be obtained by simply reading; the dose counter and subtracting the number recorded during the previous month or day. Then simply multiply the number of doses by the 3044gal/dose to get the volume of wastewater being used for that increment of . t'urthermore, a second meter uriii be installed that measures the pump ran time. Such that at any P--'--It in tune the total time the p=p h= ,i be detennzirtd, From sheet C9.5 the Norman system pump curves, the expected flow rate is approximately 780fmin/pump. 'therefore, the puiiip ri i ti= Dail be MUjtpjjtd by ofaol- -n;eingiuaii=4 pumped per this increment of time, Let. me know the next time you are in the area and 1 can go over the operation and maintenance of these system—.. please call me during tb.W day at 945-2529. if there are any fZ.w er questions. Thavks for your help. Sincerely Vail P--^^rts TIYTinlopment Con.-Ta-ny ,44A, JSmie Pappas, P} E' ProjRCt Manager YAtr RclORTe cc: Tom. P.F, Ray Merry veil tieaerte ueVelopment Company + 137 Sen6mlark Rend - Post Mae Box 959 - A-4 Colorado 81620.0959 - (970) 3Iu5-2535 - fax (970) 89"3-= s w vvw.unow.com Dftvor Cam' = Brill valat : Iji>Sh' - A fmhenn - Rol sty tAva '" m • -- 4 r r-MT 4 iw. 4 CrihA Tr} - Ct3f:'I C ('Tll IKITV GI.II. I NFaI TI-I PAGE: i w • M �_ OR■ POURED IN l PRECAST ISER • ; 2' THICK EX RUAED CLOSE DIA SCH 40 PVC VENTILATION LINE I 1 2" SCH 84 UNION ATTACH PIPES TO r 15ra WALL SCH 80 PVC TU I - VMWE 1M gid 3" SCH 40 PVC FeWWQW UNITE DOSE LINE Z�-LACK BOOT DMU DOD g9J I UFRT OUT 7845 .5 OR EQUIVALENT G" C-8qO 3 X 2 REDUCER PVC i=ORCEMAiN � 1 � � i ABS FLaAT� INVERT OUT 7847.83' I t SWITCHESTYR U� 6 MJ K and .: l FASTEN TO 1" UCER 1 SCH 40 PVC 3ULL-TRUDED RAIL SYSTEM j SUPPORT ;CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY AND uj = I NSTALL COMPLETE) I d"w DUCTILE IRON CLASS iSO f fOFF iYDROMKnc S4F #�Ef]I1#�OfiNT OFF ;. zoev 30. , :PPER DRAINFIEI.D 9. WELLER 15HP. • ' ' : • '� "f , . .O K DRAINFILEp .5" D-NJ7- PIMPS . MPELLER 15 HP, l l � TIMER ACTIVATi HOW- 15 RI )-NITE DOSE PUMPS (3) } "� iruROMATiC SPO TWH 208V ',� IN � � SINGLE 0. PUMPS TO RUN ON ` l�cae i MIN l I MIN f3FF. �• > > `V rN I I.- II.N L :r V 1-% T Lr G V L L. V i— Al Cl L VI `v V I` 1 d 7 NI May 10, 2002 Ray Merty Eagle County Depaa meat of Ew rouujentai He&L�a PO Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Merry As we discussed the Septic Tank and Drain field that has been designed for the Norman C h bhou:se is encroaching inter the adjacent Tracts GC101 and 0S7. Pursuant to the hierarchy incorporated, in the iced Sky Ranch Final Flat note 22 (iv) (attached), in the pre -design meetings for this system .1h e ri ere many critextia used to locate the septic systems. The location shown on the Norman System plans dated 3-25-02 allows iho septi: tank to be out fiom undm the golf cis path, provides n11:',.1*n'mm dep is to septic tank, as well as provides considerable distance from the clubhouse and associated event lawn. Meeting these miteria allow for proper function and operation of the system components, most importantly, access to the pumps ;;ith minimal public disturbance. We are requesting to use the northern adjacent TI act OCXO for a portion of the Septic Tut which hu the designated land use of "'Golf Course" and the eastern Tract OB7 fore installation of the drainfield which has the designated land use of ",Rmreatiori(Openspace/Utilitie The eastern boundary of tract OS7 is the property line between Tmet 087 and Tract OS1. Tr OSI is desigti d "Recreation/Openspacelt3tilities" Since these tracts are owned by Vail Resorts Inc. with easement r; ghts O'iv to the Red. Sky Ranch and Holland Creek Metropolitan Districts for sewer mai-atenance we feel this request is rea mole_ Please call me during the day at 0845-25.24 if you would like to go over, '&ids idxfvuxxatiWA ir1 more detail. Sincerely C;ail Resorts Development Company, kectflM Pappas, pit anager VAIL 14rfncrr. cc: Torn Kallonbach, P,E. Vail Resorts Development Company • 137 Renahmark Road , Post Ofl"we Box 919 + Avon, Colorado 81620-0050 • (970) 845-25„5 • fox (970) W-2655 • www.Wow-cons — Vail , Breckanxidge , KeyatonO + Beaver Greer , Bachelor Gulch'' . Arrowhead . Red Sky RanahW' — - — - 0 fT'_l 0101T'rll,I ILt.t-A1^.T --1-t-11 Qr in0 von C0rpcCd i^ jwW 7 7,- octs of Ilgetw Or ,rniec"Okct br "blr ' Ensr Y' its rns gas %a�poiyociaow, l Cetry 'g V"tW mud f f<3llswx 13"etUdl. nar►o-eKdu 'easeme*t� €4 to the .owners of Lott Z 4�• S.-,# a� 7 of t, - kR the light to wesa that ei"Od h �!�! ta4eb dP0 d ' } d �tlhd 1Cicateld G Oa7T(9ai.E kid l9 �+ b #1 TfflQt=t' ,2 #his, P1�r as and 11110.M SwirCtw .septlo' %nk 'and dtatit • tgW b Ua sqj astmA .end yam+ t0 Oft • PlPes aPplerten0l�aem ` aw w , now, a tlb iwwitt add drain Yale;' and (a) %-the TWO' Of LOU G bW44h wS r o In i�tknw O f at, fhis. flght- to - uee that, dertaln dra[6. field toc*Mcted bj , the, W4 COVOrdtksq ,and located an Tract W Of this fdt.r cs, Ond irlw+",'duch: dregfo•-field b ti.,..1�n-WiCC A 10 COQkao .wft 4"0 euAJ ,G* a $; IP rp '1r'is'gdllad bn each .+, iivlt "ne�rs lot avid -the •rtoht to use the 01090• sand appte'totw�an aamd t+d,, * th MW dralb held; and U111) to thd• twli " of '60.1 lust l�,pt. the riot t � thot cWtaI w • drain l ttU $a�' by � �i � its+ 4n:3 9-4 'located are' i`ract 001 Of •ails' Alut, -ay Qnd whet* -�hn field is Oanttruct6CL #r ' danjuawatton wetttw h • sja�h Owhee; Deane, 4ft 6d4h 9,Wh. e'e 16t 'Orld fehd ?1Uht` to im thb' pIpjS.' o ,gOOU(terl�ac�` 'ammilated, with. WO ,& 'n Reich• drtd ; t ' tb- tom' awl if Atli Iola no �.'m wyi' ow"- and . (m) dka % the dot to uilt the, land Omlorrdtil� tit wh, ad � 1'r Qpilrkw . auta ,i wed I Og' 4� T� adpcer+t. ! • Uch O*r!�!!"* 1Ot ' t� ` Construction dnd iha'tallottan of drolh ndlds, p%�„Gmd dpour egdn 'in ' con jurmt1an w1th e h ws'h O4rresr`s tic , lnaWt art .0ach such *"Sea at Ut &ty itir ML iat &teM Icy -a t id p��, enyinswos written 6pll fOR, that V* ** Is Vvt d Mdto -Ir ian " , h. aw a e. lbt 'Far' the Prapae` f4AC#9n and. Wn' (if • 4 dra�lfi iisldl N4t+sltltie � gnel ., �RY[Ct - t0` �0 ' 22, acid ut ea rightatii l Wvf Oer, hjmdef ar''aboouct tN# permll W use& of. the Qp6m .Spat* TCacb Arid 'the• Gulf 1 rs*,Tfq tbfM 1h W FW Qtdg 66 dtflt bd In' CM041 Not* 4). `No.but PkftM4Ot 'dr lnlwWIlr errti `at any indjerfale, �iparn* at Ir"Prova,Mente. Indu04 but Wit : onitted to.. ehAdr+ `x pFla d Mlprneot 1ndu+dictq (''. 'V lM � tv s �{lW. ' icFrrit;�g lent in tall m, badmqus I � , &d t ksr .. . ferwaee, d�tstdna� faarnitaA zr or alterdtvrr appurleflaheis to arly afid At 41ilia f q; -ehall liw p!llft ittttd an -M- Y . part. of 4he GOR c ulf'kas. 1ndttntng -CRY 091[''OMM 'riq w4 k Esfvwntnt ` aeer l r riir ervt the dpdrattgrwp der Rna1i *A nee Of the Golf ul' M'`�iritiriipt the oxprps written wi'ieeot- 'e# the' d p0d `the'.. aner'e1t*'ii' aft firs dai .n . 14. Tract AA- cif. #twfQ Plat IS 6WCOMDIated,to ba fwih w` wjwvkw, jn MOM 1"tO Dots', �94 through 80 hi mUlAk* and T. Mtt* Dr G. I., OSOI, Oft dM ' 09L Tbereford,such Wts QVW Tra�.a are,, sect %lnd;i ' 1A k n�IrtbePttiQ, . a� to at letta . , seguenos, o,n. .,this plot'. fit- Lai* 1 ''tttr4WO1 23, wad at thr h' 9-f,irtdlt *w oho-tgmtlt# 'an.' caretaker unit, sacra tat Otitis We and nbsolLgd' dlwrett6n of . the .awwq, ' of such' l pt With tho Red ,fs* km� � cnt , _ Outds +le ah1h totlwd fiewato" • (tht "P�, , w! ; , ` ZIL All i'"WORtlal aeptk systorns: ft gt,6•e q► mwi f jhj, d*ft ewe a6d. h44i fled1otW over '#1ui 9 � rlenatlal tots of '�k+1s• ptdt�, WditicrtOxt pMO, fbr ON uptio systems *rd r ,tw Wk"Itted. id j wntp wit' rrltO tip * of ,It frarrj 1~gio, ici�lF,gpdrixaeri Xf Em4runmentdi Health pt kW ,ta tCw�e Tt# talkttlarw end trtlbfildn ' *la ' roh teptic a-vate[t[s. alert w, ' rm - for • sl Rsd *, 4 appt+oi�+a! fMM tlti ado ,� # t f bar "W ;W = �41 •��1.x� V� W��..' r1[ t'I��ii��i�. Mate^ CMallty CahtrQl ;Dlv�lan polar, •twa. o Itae� D ial� ,�,rw,t d tc�we 1i surh aivatero motle, tems In QMC* With the' rsgttirriiet ets of he G'otbradQ, Department off` P'ublie-,ti"tli' dnd Few n Y t 'i�i 41 !bta[w sactiwrittf [wet ass with$ ,=sJ. l�sp:it.y mifartiott w+�leirl9+, tunr►� , kp► 'dig. SkOWQ; ,Og leg at~d 4c lin% ehdl -not tV PWInrat ► Oh the ff . >ij. 1"61RdWig• but, mi+ted to the fi`wt pathe 9689qWW t1w PEh4 Yew #'irr OY ON A4penff asr�, •� s rl�i r - - u F r �r� - ::,LEM - -mm R MA IM WRO,"OOF mud ran-ptd teiwes E'..:,•_•.k r ,t 'Rt+l LL1—SLA_JrVZMaL�fLt ' �.-4t.1" T.mT ZN 1-1, r • tut.�.�— -- STATE OF COLORADO Bill Owens, Governor Jane E. Norton, Executive Director Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado Grand Junction Regional Office Durango Office Steamboat Springs Office 222 South 6th Street Room 232 P.O. Box 140 Steamboat Square Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-2768 Durango, Colorado 81302-0140 410 S. Lincoln Ave. Phone: (970)248-7150 Phone: (970)247-5702, ext. 273 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80487-5006 FAX: (970)248-7198 FAX: (970)247-9126 Phone & FAX: (970)879-7479 May 16, 2002 Holland Creek Metropolitan District/Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan District c/o Jamie Pappas Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Re: Design Review, Norman West Golf Course Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System, Red Sky Ranch, Holland Creek Metropolitan District/Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan District, Eagle County Dear Mr. Pappas: The referenced design transmitted by Fluidyne's April 4, 2002 letter has been reviewed in this office in accordance with the Colorado Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Guidelines, and Site Application #4538 which was approved June 8, 2001, and has been found to be in conformance. The design is hereby approved and subject to the following condition: . The facility owner's registered professional engineer must certify at the completion of construction that the treatment works was constructed according to plans, specifications, and significant amendments approved by the Division. This certification must be submitted to this office. Your letter to me dated March 10, 2002 was received in this office via fax on May 10, 2002. This letter states that flow monitoring for the three wastewater systems approved by Site Application #4538 will be done by the use of dosing event counters and pump run time meters. These methods will be used to report flows as required by the operating CDPS discharge permit. The methods must be calibrated periodically to verify flow accuracy within 100/o of actual flow. This review does not relieve the owner from compliance with all local regulations prior to construction nor from the responsibility for proper engineering, construction, and operation of the facility. Compliance with the discharge permit requirements is the responsibility of the penmittee/owner. The Water Quality Control Division's review and approval of the design does not relieve the permittee/owner from compliance responsibilities. Please retain this letter for your permanent records. Sincerely, Jim Chubrilo, P.E. District Engineer , Water Quality Control Division cc: Ray Merry, Director, Eagle County Department of Environmental Health Thomas Kallenbach, P.E., Fluidyne Michael Liuzzi, Permits Unit WQCD/CDPHE Tom Schaffer, West Slope Supervisor, Technical Services Unit, WQCD/CDPHE File PADesign Review WWUted Sky RanchWorman Approval.doc • FAX COVER SHEET EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 179, EAGLE, CO 81631 970-328-8755 970-328-8788 FAX TO: Jamie Pappas FAX #: 845-2555 FROM: Janet NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 3 REGARDING: Red Sky Ranch Alteration to Norman Clubhouse ISDS-2179-02 This is the information that we discussed that is on the back of the folder for the Norman Course _permit 92179-02 I have also included the Alteration Permit #2179A-03 for your review. 5/21/03 Reviewed plans sent for alteration of the Norman Course drain field are and addition of Lots 88 & 89 to the system. The Drain field size will not be altered to add these two lots since the system is regulated as a sewage treatment works requiring system alterations only if capacity issues are realized or discharge permit requirements are not being met. The applicant proposed to reduce drain field area via the first submittal based on actual flows seen at the Fazio Course Clubhouse system (15 000gpd) No downsizing will be improved. Lots 88 & 89 can be connected to the Norman system without alteration of the drain field. Issue and alteration permit specifically for installing the force main and 1000 gallon dosing tank as specified. This alteration does not include permission to install any septic tanks on either lot 88 or 89. Those permits will be pulled along with building permits and will be sized appropriately based on residential design flow and # of bedrooms. Separate permits ($150 each) will be required at that time. 5/29/03 Received clarification letter from Fluidyne to allow an alteration permit to be issued. Issue permit for an alteration to the Norman Course system. The degree of alteration consists of the placement of a force main and 1,000 gallon dose tank as depicted on the engineer's design signed stamped and dated 2/24/03 with the exception of no septic tank installations on either lot 88 & 89 at this time Separate permits will be required ($150) at time of permit. If you do not received all pages please call our office (970) 328-8755 UU/ Lv/ LUUJ 111U 0; 4L rAA 4UU 000 L00,O llllltlylle 444 KAI REKKI of pul F L U 1 0 Y N E +Glnnll,tu - 3npttl4t0rs . invcniv Tb FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO- FROM: COMPANY - DATE. FAX NV BER: ( TOTAL NO. bF PA67M INC LUMN6 COVER: PHONE NUMBER: PHONE- 406 , 586 . E289 RE= FAX: .586.2335 0 URGENT G FOR REVIEW NOTES/COMMENTS: 0 PLEASE COMMENT a PLEASE REPLY 5-,3 5LACYWC OT) KOAD.50Z.LMAN, 1v T SP71 B rN0NE-+a6.5a6_zzap rAX +v6.306-z335 IY MAI-L. Q N IU z. ` WESSITE. 3&WW:C'.1-(-JYN�r-NGlNF LRUINCG MI�I✓_3O_ rittl� -rUl i tag- QCnFA Tn- CC]f_'i C f'f-tl fkfTI,l CA21 i Ul=nl TU Rnf-'C- 1 Ue1r car 4UUJ 111U b; 4L PAA qUO 000 LaOO 1jUjUyi1e 444 KAI lit) KKI gm F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists - C ng innora: • I nventors May 27, 2003 Flay Merry Eagle County Environmental Health, 500 Broadway P,O. Box 179. Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Lot 88 and 89 Red Sky Ranch Supplemental Information Ray Merry: The purpose of this letter is to provide an addendum to the plan submittal for the lots 88 and 89. Three topics need clarification regarding the addition of wastewater from lots 88 and 89 to the Norman treatment system. 1. Lot 88 and 89 will have individual septic tanks to accommodate settling. Septic tank locations will be dictated by appropriate setbacks and tank sizes will be determined at the time a building permit is requested_ As determined in the telephone conversation with (day Merry 05-27-03, the permit review fees for the individual tanks on lot 88 and 89 will be $150, 2. The addition of the wastewater from lots 88 and 89 will not affect the treatment abilities of the Norman Clubhouse system and does not change the terms of the groundwater discharge permit. 3. No change in absorption area is proposed for the 390-chambered Norman absorption field. The Norman Clubhouse wastewater treatment system will be expanded when necessary in accordance with the State of Colorado regulations. Please call if you have any questions or need any further information. Sincerely, Adie Phillips Cc: Jamie Pappas MOY-QQ_Q)PIM7 TWI I raQ- QC-6MI Tr) - GQf-_l F f-nf NITV M,11 I I- 01 TI-I QlorG- a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 3284788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecountyus May 26, 2004 Thomas J. Kallenbach Justin Buchanan Fluidyne Engineering 533 Blackwood Rd. Bozeman, MT 59718 Dear Tom and Justin, EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director A few weeks ago (May 11, 2004) I called your office requesting final certification letters for the Fazio Clubhouse system permitted under IS-2107-01, and the Norman Clubhouse system permitted under IS-2179-02. So far I haven't received anything on either of these projects. Would you please send me certification letters for these permits? We know they are up and operating, but I need the documentation so I can get them off of my desk! . Also, last October 9t', Ray spoke with Adie regarding the use of one dosing tank for lots 88 and 89. He expressed concern that if the pump failed it would encumber both properties, and he wants each lot to have its own dosing tank. We released the Building Permit for lot 89, but IS- 2313-03 has not been issued pending the dosing tank issue. Please address this with a letter that alters the original design so that each lot has its own dosing tank. The occupancy of the -residence-on lot-89-will be denied until this is cleared up. I don't -think they -are close to finishing the house yet, but I would hate to let this drag on when we can take care of it now. I hope everything is going well for both of you. I'm moving to Denver sometime this summer to be closer to my family, which now includes a new grand daughter! I've enjoyed working with both of you, and I hope our paths cross again before I'm out of here! Take care. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers Inventors June 14, 2004 Eagle County Environmental Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631, Health Department Subject: Red Sky Ranch West Norman Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the individual septic and disposal system serving the Red Sky Ranch Norman Clubhouse System. Fluidyne, Inc. inspected the system during the last visit to the property (August 2003). At that time the system was complete, and a final walk through inspection was performed. Additionally, a sample of the wastewater was taken (August 2003) and the results indicated a high level of nitrogen removal. The system was built in accordance with the plans with the following changes to the original plan sets: 1. The septic tank was installed 20' to the east of where it was shown on the plans, but remained on the same alignment. 2. The Eliminite® Units were constructed according to the revised C9.2 plan dated 06-05-2002 Vail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test on the drain field. This letter serves as a final certification of the system and that it is fully functional to provide wastewater treatment. Plea e call with any questions Res ect Ily, Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. Cc: Jamie Pappas ��PDO Rf G�s� KAQ��F�o O y 33633 a O/UAL E F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists • Engineers • Inventors November 24, 2004 Ray Merry, Director . PP ' Eagle County EHD s e a P.O. Box 850 ,)0 ' 500 Broadway e /► 2 Eagle, Colorado 81631-0850 Subject Pump Chamber Serving Red Sky Ranch Lot 88 and 89 Dear Ray: Installation and testing of the pump chamber serving Lots 88 and 89 is complete. Please accept this request to issue final paperwork allowing the pump chamber to be put into service. I have enclosed a letter from Deb DeCrausaz, P.E. of Vail Resorts Development Company, reporting the results of the testing required by the approved plans. As expected, the pump has performed as designed and the tank has passed the design water- tightness test. I am, however, waiting for the contractor to provide a copy of his as -built plan Apparently the contractor left town for the Thanksgiving holiday and will return next week. Therefore, I am requesting that final approval be granted by your office with the understanding that it will be my responsibility to provide as -built drawings within 14 days of the approval date. I can assure you that the tank was installed, within reasonable tolerances, as shown on the approved plan. Please contact me wi suggestions. �S Sin ely Kq<<F�o Thomas J. Kallenbach, , v, NA L enc. c. Deb DeCrausaz F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors Norman Clubhouse Wastewater Treatment System Design Report Overview - Vail Resorts Development Company is in the process of developing Red Sky Ranch, a planned community consisting of 87 residential units and two 18-hole championship golf courses in Eagle County, Colorado. Additionally, the community will host two clubhouses and several small maintenance -related facilities. The purpose of this report is to provide site and engineering data necessary to obtain a permit to construct an individual septic and disposal system (ISDS) proposed to serve the Norman West Clubhouse. Site approval for the Norman West Clubhouse system has been gained from the State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment under the approval #4538 from June 8, 2001. The groundwater discharge permit and all supporting documentation have been submitted to the Department of Public Health to fulfill the criteria of Site Approval. All documents will be made available upon request. Description of Facility The Norman West Clubhouse lies in the western half portion of the Red Sky Ranch community. A wastewater treatment system consisting of septic tank, dose tank, biological denitrification units, and absorption system will serve the clubhouse. A detailed site plan (C9.0) indicates the location of the clubhouse and the components of the wastewater treatment system. Wastewater Generation Daily design flow from the Norman West Clubhouse is defined from the previous site approval and the groundwater discharge permit at 6000 gpd. Golf course clubhouses include a dining room, lounge, and showers. The wastewater treatment system will serve the clubhouse. A separate ISDS will serve the restroom in the associated starter house. 41C 2 System Design The criteria used to design the Norman Clubhouse wastewater treatment system is found on the detail plan sheets C9.0 to C9.5. The total system includes the septic tank, dose tank, denitrification units, and absorption system. The septic tank volume is 12,800 gallons and the dose tank volume is 11,250 gallons (dose tank reserve storage volume is 5000 gallons). The septic tank was designed with a retention time of (51) hours that meets the Eagle County Land Use Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems required (30) hours. There will be three denitrification units to serve the wastewater flow from the clubhouse. The absorption system is divided into two separate areas, each dosed by a Hydromatic S4P 15 HP pump. The hydraulic analyses of the pumps for both drainfield systems are located on C9.5. The septic tank and dose tank are cast in place concrete structures. Details for the tank construction are found on C9.1. Placement of the septic tank (close to the golf course, clubhouse, and cart path) necessitates venting to reduce potential odor. The Fantech FR100 centrifugal in -line duct fan installs in the dose tank above the pumps and its associated 4- inch schedule 40 PVC vent line lies in the common trench under Red Sky Road at Station 55+00. The vent line joins the common vent line from the denitrification units to discharge in absorption system lateral #3. Three denitrification units provide the treatment necessary for the clubhouse wastewater design flow. Three pumps dose each of the denitrification units from the dose tank through 3-inch schedule 40 PVC. Three smaller pumps and (3) 3 inch dose lines reduce price and expand reliability over using one engineered pump to the three denitrification units. In the event of a pump failure, two pumps continue to dose. A 6-inch schedule 40 PVC effluent line returns the treated wastewater from the units to the septic tank. The denitrification units will be vented to a common 4-inch schedule 40 vent line discharging into absorption system lateral #3. Electrical lines to the Fantech FR100 centrifugal in -line duct fans lies in the 2-inch conduit that runs in the common trench. Details for the construction of the denitrification units are located on plan sheet C9.2. The (2) 6- inch C-900 forcemain to absorption systems, (3) 3-inch Schedule 40 PVC dose lines to the denitrification units, (1) 6-inch return effluent line from the denitrification units to the septic tank, (1) 4- inch Schedule 40 PVC vent line, and the 2 inch conduit will lie in a common trench running under Red Sky Road at Station 55+00. The common trench provides for all lines to slope to drain and the cover over the trench varies from 4 feet (upper part of road) to 7 feet (lower part of road). The common trench details and profile are listed on plan sheet C9.3. F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors Absorption trenches will be constructed with 36" wide infiltrator chambers. Laterals are 39 chambers long (24375 feet). The distribution system consists of 3- inch schedule 40 PVC for the first 193.75 feet, then switches to 2-inch schedule 40 PVC for the last 50 feet. Absorpfioti system details are found on sheet C9.4. The hydraulic analysis shows the system will discharge —345 gal/min using the Hydromatic S4P 15 HP pumps with 9.5" Impellers. Discharge variation across the entire piping network will be 8.63% for the upper drainfield and 9.25% for the lower drainfield. At design flow, the system will discharge 3000 gallons every dose, resulting in an application rate of 0.82 gallons per ft2 per day. Pump and system curves and the resulting absorption system pressures are found on the plan sheet C9.5. Control panels for the denitrification dose pumps and the drainfield dose pumps will be equipped with audible and visual high water alarm, low water alarm, pump fuse disconnect, phase failure protection, seal failure protection, elapsed time meter, event counter, cycle counter, and manual override switch. Summary The Norman West Clubhouse wastewater treatment system details are defined on the associated plan sheets (C9.0- C9.5). Sheet C9.0 provides pertinent site information such as layout of the proposed ISDS, topography, separation distances from property boundaries, roads, etc. Sheet C9.1 indicates the construction details of the septic and dose tanks. Sheet C9.2 shows details of the denitrification units. Sheet CM) describes the construction details of the common trench and piping network. Sheet C9.4 describes the construction specifications of the absorption systems. C9.5 shows the hydraulic analysis for the dose pumps for the pressure distribution absorpkon system. F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors r �..fv...l I - 1-1 1 1 11 Y-J f %-U iI II.J..J ZI IJS.J--3 - U.L NUt_G - U P UMI'1 L VJVJCZ-UC-N1 11' 'FCOLORAD-0 STATE Bill Owens, Governor jane E. Norton, Executive Director _- - q* Dedicated to pmtecNng and Improving the health apd environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Or. S. Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 Phone (303) 69M000 TDD Linc (303) 691-7700 Located In Glendale, Colorado httPzr vWw-cdphe.state.co.us )ulne $, 2001 Laboratory and Radiatlon 5eivicas bivlsion 8100 Lowry Blvd. Denver, Colorado 80230-6926 (303) 692,3090 Of Public Flealt h and FAVIMMInent 11ollaud Creek Mettopolitan District/Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan District RECEIVED C/o Jarnie Papas Vasil Resorts Development Coxztpatiy 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 JUN 2 n 2001 Avon, CO 81620-0959 Ret Site Application # 4598 EAGLE COUNTY - lra$le. Cottnt..y. - . . - COMMUNITY b> i/EI:Q MENT _ Dear Mr, Papas: The Water Quality Control Division has reviewed aud evaluated your site application and sgpporting documentation for construction of three ISDS type wastewater treatment facilities to be loeafed itt die E'% of Section 21 and the W A of Section 22, T48, R83'W, to wive the W}�t lubhouse, the But Clubhouse, and a 27-residetarc cluster all within Red Sky Ranch, and to discharge via soil absorption. I 5!'7q 0,) 1 �- A 10-7 - 01 Prior to the operation of any of the three facilities, a discharge permit will be required which will specify the final conditions and limitations of the operations of these facilities, Enclosed is an application for the permit, We fiend your application to be in confoinmce vt*h the Water Quality Control Commzissiods "Regulations for the Site Application Process". Therefore, the site application is approved with the following conditions listed below. 1. Based upon application information, each clubhouse system design will be flax- Average Daily 14o'w Capacity -- 4,000 god Peak ]daily Plow Capacity - 6,000 Spd Based upon application information, the 27-residence cluster system design will be for; Average wily plow Capacity - 5,832 gpd Peak Daily F1ovy:Capacity - 8,775 god Treatment Frocdsses to be used - Scpllic tacks, recirculating t wks, recisoulatilug gravel filters, and soil absorption fields. Clubhouse systems shall also include grease traps. 2. Prelfi unary Effluent Parameter Values - Nitrate 4- Nittit© (da N) -10 me (daily maximum) 4 Total Coliform -1.0 orgauisma/100 rnl average of all samples taken within a year (ivlenrtbr=a Filter 5 ,�, Technique) ar Total Coliform - 2.2 orgauisros/100 ml average of all samples taken within a year (Multiple-Tabe yf` Fermentation Tcohnique) Sulfate - 250 mg/l (30-day avexago) p\`y Chloride - 250 mg/1(30-day average) Design for values in exeess of those co ttain.ed in. conditions 1 and 2 above, or failure to co nply with any other conditions contained herein, will render this approval void and another site application will have to be processed. T . -1 t-.I^ T - .^A 1 G-M:VQ0 I-71 10.7r9 1111=1 hll`II IUJ 7 IJK7=•Ul V4VI7r— -ID b UPI"I bI Wd—Ind-NI Ii lioll'aad Oreek Ivtetropolitan DigtricAad Sky Ranch Metropolitan District c/o Jamie Papas Vali Resorts Development Company_ - _ _ _ _ J•ttm0T, 2001 page 2 of 2 ("31 This site approval will e4iae Otte year from the date of this letter if the construction of each of the three systems has not co:eapxt wed by that date. If expikation occurs, you must apply for a new site approval for any syst©m(s) for which construction bas not commenced. ConstMWOtr is defined as entering Hato a contract for the erection or physical placement of mat'arials, equipment, pipibg, earthwork, or buildings which are to be a palm of a domestic wastewater treatment wourlrs- V The design (construction plazas and specifications) for the treatakent works must be approved by the Division prior to commencement of constawtion and all conuation charge orders initiating variances from the approved plans and specifications must be approved by the Division. (5� The applicant's registered engineer must f push a statement prior to the wemeRtBLQW=M stating that the facilities were constructed in conformance with approved plans, specifications, and change orders. Soil absorption field at each site shall be of an area no less thm► the area resulting from the calcttlat(o» of peak daily flow multiplied by the square root of the mate at that site divided by five. AU.,systms .shad meet.sll applic bla setbackclists r3r the Cxttideliaes Du? dividpal Sewag isposal - Systems. This approval also acknowledges the applicant's inteut to ccustruet three additional cloister systems serving L four, sax, and sevim residential units respectively. Each of these systems shall have a design capacity to treat less thin 3,000 gpd peals daily flow, If the design capacity of any of these systems exceeds that value, site approval will be required. In accordance wiith Colorado Water Quality Control Commission regr lutiorts, this approval its subject to appeal as stated under Section 22.8 (7) of "Regulations for the Site Application Process". This approval does not relieve the owner f um compliance with all local regulations prior to construction nor from responsibility for proper etigitteering, construction, and cperatlon of the facility. Sinceroiy, d. David Ho Director Water Quality Control Division JDH.,tlb cc: Eagle Cmmty Health Department — Attu. lay Merry Northwest Colorado Coutacil of Covemrimems — Aft. Robert Ray Fluidytxe — Atrn. Thomas Kallenbaclr, F.E. Robertson & Marchetti, Holland Creek & Red Sky Ranch Metropolitan Districts Administrator Thomas Been, Environmental Protection Specialist, WQCD Jim C,1a-abrilo, District Engineer, WQCD Susan Nachtrieb, Permits V"nit Manager, WQCD Sill McKee, Upper Colorado Watershed Coordutator, WQCD V49TAMR. Y'21 79-02 Tax# 1 941 -221 -00-01 6� REd Skv Dri VP VATT. RF(znAmC nvw r NO.IJr- lLJJj-, -"� iP / I _ A fI ! I i ') rL 'l JOB FOLDER Product 278 !/\`/) 1 I F� � `I � � ," V�'f✓�%�`�.�+%�� � 1 ���h�s 3.fj✓1,� ��� GZ' y �'Gl "�li:3� ��`J �„ �G7/` /r' �. k J a � a� �U�i�d7� S p r� l y" �! litGt jSd(�-�iJ �L�L &-1 et,�� � c�.+ c�c�S G�,j V � � 44� 4 c� N��/+'� �^�, C:G�I.t,�.�-P Cflt. f�l�pl�,�'-[< .�� .�7�'� ��/�� La. %✓��t�%%� �l _,s '%�i. f ��/il,:S ��' i l t ����, f rr.; �- G,� P� Nrvtdr� J�1/S7Yil�1 !N l Dtt f vi (`�ij� t 7L % /h c IvAe— nd.5I.s i l` 4P 4S-7' (( GVv. 5 be l U /� O [me, 1 (-'Y ��sh / t✓/" `—'� fff�„ rl, ( t,,z 4v f 000 .5fi 0 0 At 2 Content 10, t•Consumer dig INDIVIDUAL SEW AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERNHT ; EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONWE TAL HE,ALT I DIVISION P_0. Lox 179.500 Broad=y • Eagle, CO 81631 Te (ep cane: (91 O ) 323-8755 COPY OF PERA-iITItF-i=T3E PC:lSTELi AT ATTALL.4'T1ON SITE PEPJvM M— 2179-02 BP NO.14112 O iN, T-R. VAiL R1 )RTS DCYELOPMENT COMPANY _ _ PRONE: 970-84 -2525 - MAIL[Wi ADDRESS: P Ct ROX 9i4 AVON. CO 81623 - A"UCANT: Tf 3t3*.IAS J. K.ALLE"ACtt FLUIDYNE 142FERING PAONF` 406-536-2284 SYM, TM LOCATI(W 10A RE0 5KY RD.,WOLCOTi, C01, k N GrA-F CC-K!RSE LLt� tIOLNF TAX PARCEL NO- 1941-221a^')16 UCEh[SED I NSiALLER: V:A[L R1=StNRTS DEVELOPMENT JAMIE PAPPAS UCIU .SEW 4 -02 DESIGN E€ I INEM FLUTDY'NE E2NGIINEER NAG Tt •{AS K ALLE.N C H PHONEINQ 443&586-2239 INSTALLATION a-REt1Y GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING- AILNI?tlUM REO IRni- WETS Ft?Ii -ttl± NOtL�7AN Gt}LF COtiEiSE �4 )�t1t)t'SE 12,900 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, If 250 GALLONpOSp,rg T� K A14D 3 D-'MITE TANTS. ANC? t2(l�XN S -;ARF FFt=T 0 AttSDttFTiR€ ARHA C=RM- Y V IA 390 PRES-SUaF 00SED STANDARD INFILTRATOR UNTI.°, AS PF-Kn G e 's . :41rN. SI'! CIVIL NSTRL1CT14NS fNSTAt L I J Y A S DEPt�''i -D ON FLUDYNE E 1WERING'S C-SIGN SICE ED E",ND 2 [i3�r'S� THE Et�C,t ti`EER [S RFSPt- NfiIR1 E FiJR TtIF FiNA,E 1'NSPECTtON OFIFE Si'STE-.7 THE ENG NEER'S FINAL CERPFIC'ATION MIST BE SEND TO TH:iYATE OF COLORADO L4`..AXER f,)QALtTY CONTROL, DIVISION .A5 WnL. AS FAGLE G:41j1+:TY 1 NVItti i "TAL HFALTH T1�1E BrftDT%r ("IF -FANCY WILL L NOTRE ISSUED CII+TtL Tll>L SEPTIC S ' [ 11f S)3 r C'f£Y} A, t'tltt)V I D. - ENVIRCINI ENTAt-HCALTIiAFP11QVAL: DATE: MAY 10.241102 C'G"�Di17l�NS_ I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST t;�Lb>3.Ly +h,rni QU FA gXjAL St W AGr 1`i ,tPOSAL SYSTEM UWATM5. AI3[�'rLD FL'RSUANT Ttl Ai37`110NtIt'Y CiRA.*iTi� LEI 33-lIl-N�, 1��lS A'+i=t+ii7E�_ 1. THIS PEnUT IS VALID ONLY FOR COIN ` CP.U--N TQ 5TRUCTUILtS ttgneH t to 6S fi: LLy CO MJE D %TM COtNTY 70KIITANG AKD RUILfW- RKILIN'.EME.NCTS Ct +T ECiIt To, c � usF wrr�# ANY bwF [R SiRL CTINi ? 7 .rPitrlr� o BY YEtE Zb ri7G A [31J1t DING [fAR T iEI��TS SHALL AttT(IMAT€CALL Y EE A VIOLAMON OF A REQUIRElvti; xy of TaE FLb mrr AND WILL SUALT RJ IIOTN LEGAL ACI"AND REVOUMN OF Tup W RMIT 3 CLATTER IV. Sf-�CnON 4-063.29 REEQUMES ANY FERSLW VAJU COIrS-rFjCtS, ALTERS OTC DWALL S AN r" VIDUAL 5EWACtE DISPOSAL ATr.M TO LIE LICtmse ?. FINAL APPROVAL 017 SYSTrM (TO DE CONIPLE=- DY INSPECTORt :L(p SL'STEEJsriaY.:L.Bs [+F><4YFD TE3 BEY CtrktFUk* �;TTIt TILE Err�I.EC[3U;v71'ti��i�'Y[tt'AL SEv►'�►GE dI.SPtL4At.53'S'fE�r! R1rCt.�..AQ7"�s l'NTtt i'tiB SVST'FM [S 1PPROV ED TRIOR TO COWRING ANY P4)w ti*,f OF TIIE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSOR111ON OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) rt WSTAL[ FD TAtiti GALLONS IS LfTC-ATED DEGREES AND [GET INCFE)v4 FROM _ INSTALLED TA.) K: GALLONS t5 LOCATE-D DEGREES AND -EET INCHESFR€ M - - — C;OLvL'v V,NTS: ANY ITEM NOT MUTING REQUIRFA NTS WILL BE UORRECTED BEFORE FTLVAL APPROVAL CW 5YNTEM Y-91MADE_ AkR-4NG A ttE-VM1K-CTI0%i W*it%i WORK I5 CO%I PLETE.R- ENIIRO\' fN CAL i[FALTII APfftOVAL DATE C9, 0 C9, / C9,2 C9, 2�? C9, -4 C9. 5 NOf�MAN GOLF WA5Tt WAlT,,.., I� f�L�1N51/NC�UI��; s,�,,pr�c raNK r7P:fai1,s -4-40 NITPIFICAVOIv LINIr FOP, Ct�MA/N PIP� 1,A YOUR" SPt�CIFlCA r trrAlI,S rjO/\/ ANt,-?- t��fAff,S COUI�S� RECEIVED JUN 18 1002 ENVIRONMENTAL HEAETHDEPARTMENT TH15 5�f OF pLAN5 AN125p�CIFICA11ON5 NAB MN p�pAl�t? p01? TH� 5ING1,LAp pUW05F, OF MpIC1INC, M61MFINCA MTAIL5 FOp A C.U5VEP 5MY ANn 1?IT05& 5Y5TM FOP, PTP %y MCH�5 NOPWAN 6W COUp5� CLUPHOU5�. OTH�1P, A5nCT5 Of a PkOICT pF,5MT2 VTIN NAVE [t N PPTP T? UNM fH� 1T5p0N511U CHM6. OF 011- 5. Af M N f 5Y5100** M l oC/ _5U[3MlrTt lr ro. p� 05101\15: P1� v1-5tV 13Y.• FIF5f 1551: 0-25-2002 FINAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS FOR RED SKY RANCH ARE ACCEPTED BY THE EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEER AND THE EAGLE COUNTY- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. EAGLE COUNTY ENGINEER DATE CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE kI - E 4 zx, lZ \,wo's, E OW _—'i 1 \ \ \ LT rL W — F - _ \ \ _ ` ``` \ ``"`,.,,\ 4` - 888---'-" - � f ./ir+� `-'`_ ��A�J \ t `--^ wt _" pai ,,.,.p✓ � \ � \\ \ - - \ _ - \ t - - - •A � _ ♦ P :- \ - '• ---'"`-PJT PJ. � A�\\ \\\ - �. \ -1'_" Ji JT •PJT PJT PJT - , _ - _ - _ \ - - - GQ7 _ -�_T - \�-� \\�`__ _ _ __``` < � \ � \ "--_^ � - ' tip / '--' _ \ ``\ - —T :ce`•. --\. aq+ _\\ - «' - - i \ <_/M � _ _ - !.q _ \ yY!( t _ cc_ 14 OL PjT 07 ----------------- 71 47 J L..1.- i I II Y LEGEND .: I ## �\ SOIL PIT PERCOLATION TEST PROPOSED WATERMAIN FITTING SLL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM i PROPOSED TELEPHONE HANDHOLE ® s t /I I t ({ F g 1 PROPOSED LARGE ELECTRIC VAULT UM1-35L EV PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE STUB ■ _ - - - - - E iE �- EE EE EE EE EE EEEE PROPOSED SMALL ELECTRIC VAULT UM EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC i t c PROPOSED ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER UM1-13S n PROPOSED BURIED ELECTRIC MAIN PE P£ PE PE PE PE PE rE r ED r F - - _ © PROPOSED JOINT TRENCH - _ PJT — PJT — PJT — PJT — PJT — PJT -- PJT PJT �O O R E C. / S - PROPOSED ELECTRIC SWITCHGEAR UMl-35 PROPOSE) TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC "' — "° "' — "° "' "° "' "° o J t �. --- EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL PROPOSED GAS REGULATOR STATION AREA OF DETAIL PROPOSED TELEPHONE DLC PROPOSE) 2' GAS SERVICE STUB ~ 33633 PROPOSE) 4' GAS LINE 11 20 0 40 80 120 160 PROPOSED CENTURYfEL TELEPHONE VAULT �'o� 40 PROPOSED VA TELEPHONE VAULT VA PROPOSE) 6* GAS SERVICE �` "`�` �` �E t� �c w FSS/ONAL ECG\ ! — � SCALE 1'= 40' CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2 FEET CONCRETE STRUCTURES: 1. CONCRETE SPECIFICATION: STRENGTH. 4000 psi AT 28 DAYS AGGREGATE: 3/4' MAXIMUM SIZE CEMENT. TYPE it SULFIDE RESISTANT - 540 Ibs / cu yds SLUMP: 3" MAXIMUM SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT: 50% TO 7% CACL 2: 0.03% MAXIMUM 2. REINFORCING STEEL TO BE ASTM A-615 GRADE 60. 3. SEWER PIPE SEALS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT, WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER BOOTS. RUBBER BOOTS SHALL BE CLAMPED AROUND SEWER PIPE WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. ACCEPTABLE SEALS ARE Z-LOCK, LINKSEAL OR KOR-N-SEAL 4. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND WALL CORNERS AND FLOOR JOINTS. 5. TANK SHALL PASS A 24' HOUR WATER TIGHTNESS TEST WITH NO MEASURABLE DROP IN 24 HOURS. TANKS NOT MEETING THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACE /- REPAIRED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSES. CONCRETE DISPLAYING 'HONEYCOMB" FINISH WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE 6. SUBGRADE AND CRUSHED ROCK TO BE INDIVIDUALLY COMPACTED TO MINIMUM OF 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D698, DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD 7. CONTRACTORS SHALL PREPARE ALL BEARING SURFACES TO A TRUE AND LEVEL LINE PRIOR TO ERECTION. 8. NO CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR ANY OF HIS EMPLOYEES SHALL ARBITRARILY CUT, DRILL PUNCH, OR OTHERWISE TAMPER WITH THE CONCRETE STRUCTURES. 9, SUBGRADE ELEVATION NOT TO VARY BY MORE THAN 1/2' AT ANY LOCATION. ' 10. DO NOT INSTALL WITH TANKS ON FROZEN SOIL DO NOT BACKFILL WITH FROZEN SOIL. 11. CONTRACTOR TO INSULATE PIPING THAT DOES NOT DRAIN BELOW FROST PENETRATION DEPTH. 12. SEALANT FOR JOINTS BETWEEN SECTIONS SHALL BE FLEXIBLE BUTYL RESIN SEALANT CONFORMING TO FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SS-S-210A AND AASHTO M-198-8. i 1" MINUS CRUSHED ROCK SPECIFICATION SIEVE SIZE % PASSING t" -100 3/4' 75 - 100 NO. 4 25 - 45 NO. 200 1 - 10 SEPTIC TANK NOTES- 1. WALLS AS SHOWN ARE 6" THICK. AT CONTRACTORS OPTION, WALLS MAY BE 8' THICK WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: 1) INTERIOR DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS TO REMAIN THE SAME 2) VERTICAL WALL REINFORCEMENTS CHANGES TO #4 @ 10' O.C. INSTEAD OF #5 0 10' O.C., HORIZONTAL REMAINS THE SAME 3) CLEARANCE TO STEEL ON OUTSIDE FACE CHANGES TO 3' INSTEAD OF 2'. 2. ALL HORIZONTAL REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND EXTERIOR WALL CORNERS. LAP HORIZONTAL BARS A MINIMUM OF 18". ALL HORIZONTAL BAR LAPS SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST 2'-0" AWAY FROM THE EXTERIOR WALL CORNERS, MEASURED ALONG THE INSIDE FACE OF THE TANK. 3. ALL VALVE PVC PIPE, FITTINGS, AND VALVES INSIDE THE TANK SHALL BE SCH 80 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4 ELECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR TO INSURE VOLTAGE DROP AT PUMP DOES NOT EXCEED 2% OF FACEPLATE VOLTAGE i CLEAN OUT 1 DETAIL C311 SCALE: 1 /7'=1' -- I I .-----i { -_ - ----- - 18 -6 c 24'-0' 44'-0' qa CV m FROSTPROOF LID iFCO 773 FRAME AND COVER OR EQUIVALENT. COVER SHALLBE ELEV.7855.00 ELEV. 7855.00 a BOLTED DOWN AND HAVE TWO 1" PICK HOLES. (TYP) - X.u' . a 36' X 96' I.Q. PRECAST OR POURED IN PLACE RISER - 2' THICK EXTRUDED CLOSED CELL, _ SUBGRADE INSULATION M " WATERTIGHT SEAL BETWEEN a - .: ' TOP OF TANK ELEV. i 8' OUTLET 2" THICK EXTRUDED CLOSED CELL , SUBGRADE INSULATION REBAR - #4 @ 10" O.C. - LONG DIMENSION - #5 @ 5' O.C. - SHORT DIMENSION ' 7551.8LE d - PRECAST CONCRETE RISER - - 6"0 SCH 40 PVC P-TRAP. RETURN LINE FROM D NITE UNITS ; _ a 8"IA SEWER LINE FROM p aR $ N th `� - J3 I A 4 DIA SCH 40 PVC VENTILATION LINE I OUSE. 2" SCH 80 UNION INVERT ELEVATION: 7850.13 INVEIT ELEV. 7850.00 � I ATTACH PIPES TO - -V - - - - RISER WALL 2" SCH 80 PVC TOTAL VOLUME 11250 gal d o f 3" SCH 4o P!� i EVE VOLUME 5000 gal _ - d - I D-NITE DOSE LyE Z-LOCK BOOT � VOLUME 3000 gal INVERT OUT 7I .5 IN I OR EQUIVALENT 3 X 2 REDUCER HORIZ. #4 REBAR @ 12' D.C. ' I�= r� " 6 D C-900 (TYP INSIDE WALLS) VOLUME 12,$00 gal PVC FORCEMAII INVERT OUT 7�47.83' I ABS FLOAT _ SWITCHES HWA rn i (TYP) _ a REDUCERMJ X �J m � FASTEN TO 1' c °O _ w w `a i tX3N1A0t_ PANELS SCH 40 PVC N TO BE LOCATEDBY OWNER PULL-TRUDED PAIL SYSTEM SUPPORT o VERT. #4 REBAR ® 10' OZ. ; f� NIGH WATER (CONTRACTOR TD SUPPLY AND i (TYP INSIDE WALLS) VERT. #5 REBAR ®10' 0_C.10 o ALARM LIGHT INSTALL COMPLETE) I z w (TYP OUTSIDE WALLS) E f I 4"0 DUCTILE RON CLASS 150 HORIZ. 4 REBAR C� 12 O.C. OFF M # PANEL 1 .• 6' V a P C WATERSTOP (TYP OUTSIDE WALLS) HYDROMATIC 54? REDUNDANT OFF (TYP ALL JOINTS) 208V 30. UPPER DRAINFIE1D 9.5' .: : 4.: - .. d : < < , d 'd IMPELLER 151 • a e e D-NITE PUMPS - 00 PANEL 2 PANEL 3 PANEL 4 PANEL 5 LOWER DRAIIw`1ED 9.5' IMPELLER 15 HP. TIMER ACTIVATI HORIZ #5 REBAR ®10' EACH WAY 6" 24' t �\ \ 6 D-NITE DOSE PUMPS (3) \ \\i. i\ i HYDROMATIC SPD 100H 2O8V _ SINGLE 0. PIWS TO RUN ON TIMER 2 MIN CN 8 MIN OFF_ ELEV. 7840.33 'co -46- I 2 PVC CONDUIT. TYP 4 a (TYP) O 6 4 La" 2' CLEARANCE TO STEEL { i - PANEL 1 HYRDOMATIC DUPLEX Q CONTROL PANEL FOR (2) 15 HP PUMPS WITH SUBGRADE PREPARATION HIGH WATER ALARM, FLASHING ALARM LIGHT AND HORN, LAG PUMP 2 DETAIL 2' CLEARANCE TO STEEL START/NIGH WATER, PUMP FAILURE/START LAG PUMP, LOW WATER/REDUNDANT OFF, PUMP FUSED DISCONNECT, SWING DEAD FRONT C311 SCALE: 1/ 2 =1 !Q INNER DOOR, ELAPSED TIME METER, MANUAL RESET HEAT SENSOR, c PVC WATERSTOP. I k LIGHTNING SUPPRESSOR, PHASE FAILURE PROTECTION, LEAD PUMP 6 - o -- e a- SEC SELECTOR SWITCH. -SEAL FAILURE, CYCLE TIMER - a o PANEL 2,3 AND 4 HYRDOMATIC SIMPLEX 'Q" CONTROL PANEL FOR 1 HP PUMP WITH CONTROL a ° �A . K44 sr TIMER, LOW WATER/TIMER ACTIVATION ELAPSED TIME METER, CYCLE • COUNTER a 1' MIN CRUSHED ROCK = B DETAIL Q `� p DETAIL e d SEE NOTE 6. Q p 6 33633 PANEL 5 BLOWER CONTROL PANEL., 4 HOA SWITCHES, ONE FOR EACH BLOWER C3.2 SCALE: 3/4"-1'\/\/\/ C3.2 SCALE: 3/4"=1' COMPACTED SUBGRADE \� \� �\ D �FSS SEE NOTE 7. 3' CLEARANCE TO STEEL ao\\\�\\� /DNAL E in i i 'I1Ac i - A B f f F I I f BACKSLOPE AS SPECIFIED TO CONFOR TO OSHA REGULATIONS. VERTICAL TRENCH WALLS TO CONFORM TO OSHA REGULA11ONS ; f PROVIDE 2" MIN. OF BEDDING SEPARATION I—+ I € BETWEEN PIPES f I I I1! I=III; 2" CONDUIT FROM SEPTIC TANK TO D—NITS UNITS I I1=( 4" DIA. SCH 40 PVC VENTILATION LINE TO DRAINFIELD I (3) 3" SCH 40 PVC FORCEMAIN TO D-NITE UNITS D& (2) 6 DIA. C-900 PVC FORCEMAIN TO I DRAINFIELDS < fi S 40 V T TYPE A BA K o �/\ G FILL UNDER ROADWAYS AND v z/\��/\� \ OTHER TRAVELED AREAS PLACED IN 8" ¢ ����� MAX LIFTS & COMPACTED TO 95% DENSITY ACCORDING TO AASHTO T-99 W� z TYPE B BACKFILL UNDER GOLF COURSE AREAS PLACED IN 8" MAX LIFTS & o a COMPACTED TO 90% DENSITY ACCORDING a TO AASHTO T-99 J a TYPE C BACKFILL UNDER "NATURAL" AREAS PLACED IN 12" MAX LIFTS & COMPACTED TO PRECONSTRUCTION DENSITY. MOUND ANY ADDITIONAL MATERIAL OVER TOP OF TRENCH I11�1 I IYI 11-1(1=1(111 I I (� I. � , I I I(.. I I (-III-----� � ►--- s z GH P C EFFLUEN RETURN LINE SLOPE TO DRAIN FROM D-NITE UNITS TO g SEPTIC TANK INVERT f COMBINED TRENCH DETAIL PIPE BEDDING GRAVEL SPECIFICATION SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 1" 100 3/4" 75 - 100 NO. 4 25 - 45 NO. 200 1 - 10 TYPE 2 PIPE BEDDING REQUIRED FOR SOFT OR UNSTABLE FOUNDATION TYPE 2 PIPE BEDDING REQUIRES GEOTEXTILE FABRIC BETWEEN TRENCH SIDEWALL & IMPORTED BEDDING. MATERIAL PLACED IN 6" MAX LIFTS & COMPACTED TO 95% DENSITY ACCORDING TO AASHTO T-99. DEPTH VARIES BUT MUST EXTEND TO SUITABLE BASE MATERIAL / Y / 45' ELBOWS RESTRAINT F G ! / !fE 4!X REDUCER WIT f JpIN RESTRAINT / � 5' FITTING t j f - till f' I - , ` f •f /^/ ` 1 f / i. . ,::.ar .v_:i .v ,m„+e_.:{ -„ t Cc r/ / r ram`` r 1 t 4 X 6 EDUCER JOINT ESTRAINT r / i 22.5' FI NG �, ,1` / '. /' f//' , > t 11.25' ING/� j ! I - i 11 5' FITTIN 1 i 1 t f i1 ABS P FlEl t f W� } i ! � " m �S � T C9 t 0l! A 4 3 I t rnM � Al i i 1 1 F t BEN •' n � N it � >I N N t q (2) ("0 FOR EMAIN 0 DRAI FIELD ¢ ! 1 00 b ) E a ". SC 40 PV VENTti TION L NE FRO 00 9 D—NI UNITS 0 LA AL 0 ��� I , 4 00 i O � tts Qo n 45' LBOW JOI fi f RESTAINT ` I FF { WA RU E OSSI G QF, �Q� u RIM LEV. 7 93.00 OI i 1NVE T OUT LEV. 7 82.67 I k I 4' �NIM M ER 1 UN R AD ITC w N I 3 i RIM ELEV. 7 93.00 E INVE T OUT ELEV. 7 2.67 y I' j > C AN O T l i Irn ' N3 D—NI 440 RIM EV. 789 00 I (FICA ON UNI S INVER OUT ELE� 7882. 7 SE SHEE C9.2 R ST NW WI JOIN °�►r ?* nv­ OTLL RUST OCKS MECHANICAL INT j \� RSTRAIN SHALL E PROVIDED 0 ALL Fl IINGS I 4 ON C-900 ORCEMA�NS. UST BL CKS S� ALL HA A MIN UM BE ING SU�FACE 3 s . fE UNDTURBED EARTH. q \ 4' � 5 J K444u. F 33633 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 SCALE 1 = 20 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2 FEET Ss/0ALLNG 6'0 C-900 P OM DOSE I TOP VIEW OF WAt� 3'0 SCH 40 PVC tATERAL--\ j•� f I 1 `y L REDUCING COUPLER I 4'. TO 3'0 SCH 40 PVC 40 SCH 40 PVC ELBOW j -4'0 SCH 40 PVC MANIFOLD P VIM OF N A� QI AND LA/AI OF 1 i t 20 10 0 SCALE 17= 2 I 3' INSPECTION PORT TWO PER LATERAL (TYP) TOR TRENCH) NOTES: 1. SCARIFY TRENCH BO T 1 um AND ODE WALLS `v�9 n HAND RAKE. 2. TO AVOID DAMAGE TO NATURAL SOIL STRUCTJRE, PERSONNEL OR MACHINERY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON INFILTRATIVE SURFACE OF DRAINFIELD TRENCH col 7n9450' VARIES -AS REQUIRED TO MANTAIN ELEVATION 3t If'Tit P i;C AL i C IF r r G i ■. THREADED CAP APPROX. 1' BELOW #4 REBAR SURFACE TO BE MARKED WITH A PIECE OF #4 REBAR, FOR LOCATION W/ METAL DETECTOR, (REBAR IS APPROX. 6'0 CIRCULAR VALVE BOX (ORBIT PART 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE). NO. 53021 OR EQUIVALENT) OVER 1 FLUSHING VALVE. USE PVC 6"0 PIPE TO EXTEND VALVE BOX FLUSH NITri FINISHES D �- 2' SCH 40 THREADED CAP ' 2' SCH 40 THREADED UNION -- 2' SCH 40 PVC TEE. 2' SCH 40 45' BEND I ' r LAST ORIFICE POINTED DOWN (6:00). SEE NOTE 2. i 2' SCH 40 PVC BALL VALVE T uo6'0 PV., iL_ F11",cJcn ION P,uART CLOSED DURING NORMAL A1 w/ CIRCULAR X FLUSH WITH �� OPERATION. SEE NOTE 6. FINISHED GRADE - ONE PER LATERAL. l - INSTALL STANDARD INFILTRATOR END PLATE. BORE 2' HOLE TO ALLOW PASSAGE OF FLUSHING LINE. I f � n 2"0 SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED FLUSHING \ LINE. SLOTS TO BE CUT 3/16'- WIDE & i cBY 4" O.C. ON BOTTOM. IF LATERAL�� SPLASH PLATE UNDER LAST ORIFICE. SEE NOTE 2. DO NOT CAP END. STANDARD INFILTRATOR I CHAMBER. I { I: TYPICAL LINKA PLATE OREPE � a PLACED IINSIRC crju 80 PVC t IAi7liAi ■ f' II JiUL JlJtt tJU UIViVi7 L/l N BTHICKN SS ■ LI I m c NLu i m RIFICE DRILLED ACCORDING TO UNION PLATE ORIFICE DRILLING SCHEDULE WE FORCEMAIN UPPER�9 : APPROXIMATELY ;', OF 6'0 C-uu PVC PIPE. SLOPE TO DRAIN._ FORCEMAIN LOWER: APPROXIMATELY 490', OF 6'0 C-900 PVC PIPE. SLOPE TO DRAIN. T -i EXCAVATK:"� K D Bnt: !' L l 'NATLWL` AAEA� MANIFOLD UPPER: 4 0 SCH 40 PVC END MANIFOLD APPROX. 70 IN LENGTH SCALE: NTS MANIFOLD LOWER: 4'0 SCH 40 PVC END MANIFOLD APPROX. 40' IN LENGTH I STEP 1 STEP 2 LATERALS: SEE LATERAL DRILLING SCHEDULE , SEPARATE TOPSOIL, SOD AND LOOSELY PLACE TOPSOIL OVER TRENCH. REPLACE SOD AND ORIFICES: 3 16'0 ORIFICES PER LATERAL DRILLED 5-0' O.C., DRILL IN A MANNER / PLANTS DURING EXCAVATION. MAINTAIN SOD PLANTS UPRIGHT IN THE TOPSOIL SUCH THAT ALL BURRS ARE REMOVED WITHOUT DAMAGE TO THE ORIFICES. SEXISTING SSI PLANTS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. AFTER CONSiI{UCTION. NUMBER OF ORIFICES PER LATERAL FOUND IN THE LATERAL DRILLING SCHEIiiiLE11 ( > PLANTS '� a 1. PVC TO BE JOI":ED w PRIG"ED SOL.�ENT CEMENT :"#ELD JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. % r• y� . FITTINGS PRIMED w/ COLORLESS PRIMER ',-ILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. TOPSOIL 2. ORIFICES SHALL BE DRILLED ON CROWN OF PIPE (12:00) EXCEPT EVERT` 5TH ' ORIFICE N-11CH SHALL BE DRILLED AT BOTTOM (6:00) FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL SPLASH PLATE BELOW EACH ORIFICE DRILLED ON PIPE BOTTOM. 3. CGNTRACTGR TO PRESSURE TEST SYSTEM IN PRESENCE OF THE E�vGIlvEER. 4. TRENCH BOTTOMS ARE TO BE LEVEL 5. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY FLUIDYNE. 6. 1 ALL FLUSHING VALVES MUST BE OPEN BEFORE THE DRAINFIELD IS PRESSURIZED FOR THE FIRST. TIME SO THAT DEBRIS IS PURGED FROM THE PIPING NETWORK. 7. SLOPE ALL PIPES TO DRAIN. 8. I CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ADDITIONAL BLANK ORIFICE PLATES AND VARIOUS SIZE DRILL BITS ON SITE TO ALLOW FOR MODIFICATIONS AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. 9. FITTINGS SHALL BE USED IN LATERALS LAYOUT TO MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ELEVATION co ` ELEVATION OF TRENCH SOTTO.M, ON TA LE 7896.50' 3'01 "urAP�.D IVI SCALE: 3/4' = 1' DD a`f'' TfH DETAL SCALE: 3/4' = 1' EXIJCTIAIP GRADE�ft `` MOUND NATIVE Y BACKFILL TO COMPENSATE FAD cr mf, 2'OR3'0 SCH. 40 PVC LATERAL 3' `SCARIFY TRENCH BOTTOM LATERAL DFULL NG 08C. E- SEGMENT/ LATERAL NUMBER TRENCH BOTTOM ELEVATION TOTAL LENGTH LENGTH OF 1,3"0 SCH 40 LENGTH OF 2'0 SCH 40 UNION PLATE ORIFICE DIAMETER NUMBER OE ORIFICES NU;nBER OF INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS 1. 7896.50 243.75' 193.75' 50.00' N/A 48 39 2. 7894.50 243.75' 193.75' 50.00' 1.8125 48 39 3. 7892.50 243.75' 1 193.75 50.00' 1.5625 48 39 4. 1 7890.50 243.75' 193.75' 50.00' 1.375 1 48 39 5. 7888.50 243.75' 193.75' 50.00r 1.3125 48 39 6. 78 6.501 243.75' 193.75' S0.00' N/A 48 39 7. 7884.501243.75' 193.75 50.00' 1.8125 I 48 39 8. 7882.50 243.75' 193.75' 50.00' 1.5625 48 39 9. 7880.50 243.75 193.75' 50.00' 1.43 75 48 39 10. 7878.50 243. 5' 193.75' 50.00' 1.3125 48 39 zl N o 4 R EG/ " 33633 �-fOp) Em n r j - 1 LOWER DRAINFIELD HYDRAULICS YLTERAL'ORIFICE - DIA Total °(in) Distal End_ y lii Ontce # 1 2 34 5 3 0 42 i 43 44 45 j 45 i 478 #-lead_ :Flow__ Head 11 - 11.00 11.00 -�- i f 11 01 1 11.02 _ ` 11.96 j 12.03 12.09 12.16 1 12.23 ' 12.31 � 12.38 - �--12.47 � 6 3 - _ _f0 Flaw ? 1.44 1.44 1.44 .01 - 1.44 1.44 =- 1.44 1.51 1.51 -d 1 1.51 - -- 1.52 1.52 1.53 - 1 -- - 70.571 �-- 7 Head 1 .52 1 i].52 10 ;:2 F # fl.53 1 Q. 3 1 t3.54 11.44 ? 1 f . tl j 11.57 1 1-.63 I 11.70 11.77~ I _1.53 11.85 3 f 1.33 - } = f 1.8125 Flow z 1.41 f _ 1.41- 1.41 _� 1.41 1.41 1.41 ' 1.47 1._48�- 1.48 1.48 1.49-- '! .-49 1.50 Head _ 't4.43 10.40 --Flow --1. x 10.40 # 0.4f -- 10.41 _ -- - - ; # 0.42 - 1 # # 3 1 # 37 r 11 44 11 50 f f 57 1 1 # 6411.71 _ _ -- f 1.79 $ 1.5625 1.4375 1. 4ti -- Head 10.54 Flow 1.41 40 - 10.54 1.41 _ ¥ 1. 40 10.54 1.41 I -- 1 40 10.55 1.41_ T 1.40 10.55 1.41 1. 40 10.56 = 1.41 1. 46 1 t A7 1.47 1. 47- 11.53 1 ; --1. 47 # 1.59� `1.48 = 1. 48 11.66 1.49 1.48 = 11.72 1.49 1. 48 11.80 1.49 1.49 1 f .87 1.50 ; f .1 3 ` 11.95 4 89.09` 9 10 1.3125 Head 10.20 # #3.2G # 0.2fl o.2a 10.21 10.22 i 11.10 _4f3 11.16 11.22 -1 # _2z3 11.35 11.42 11.49 s _ 11.57 ^ = Flew 1.39 1 1.39- 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 ,,, 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.4$ 67.971 F I r Flow' 345 3'g ,Total pm LOWER DRAINFIELD -Length-of force main (ft.) _ -490.0 Dia. force main (in.)_ - -- - --- - -- - 5.0 - Loss in force main (ft.) _ 3.4 Fitting losses (ft.)_ 4.0 Loss in discharge assembly (ft.) 1 21.4 Total Losses (ft.) 3 27.E Elevation (ft_) ` 7891 7840.5 50.5 Required head (ft.) - 78.00 volume forcemain 3 719.7 gal Volume Manifold - 26.1'ga1 5x volume laterals _ _ 1982.5 gal minimum dose volume s 2702.1 gal Operating Point: � 345 gpm Lateral # Squirt = 4riice Plates ' 78 feet 6i 3 �11 71 10.52t 1.85 12 _ �-- � � °!o Difference 8' - 'I oA 1.5825 _ in Flow 1 9.25%1 9---- 10.54 1.4375 104 10.2 1.3125 - a _ 1 r _ t= 1 11a`a; ■ v Yy •� p � � 33633 F 'y&/DNRL Gl ` is 1 UPPER DRAINFIELD Length of force main (ft.) f I 404.01, Dia. force main (in.) _ 7 6 Loss in force main 2.736 Fitting losses (ft.) 4.0 Loss in discharge assembly (ft.) 21.95 . Total Losses (ft.) T27.3 Elevation (ff.) 7891 1 7840.51 Required head (ft.) �50.5 77.8 volume forcemain 593.4gal f Volume Manifold 45.7 gal 5x volume laterals 1982.5gal minimum dose volume # �- 2575.8 gal x Operating Point: 1342 gpm Lateral # 'Squirt Orifice Plates '78 feet 1 10.71 3 2i 10.27511 1.8125 % Difference 3 10.181 1.5625 in Flow 8.53% i 10.06 ! 1_375 I --44 5 _ _ 10.42 1.3125 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2192-02 BP NO. 14183 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT PHONE: 970-845-2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO 81620 APPLICANT: THOMAS J. KALLENBACH PHONE: 406-586-2289 SYSTEM LOCATION: RED SKY RANCH NORMAN GOLF COURSE WEST RESTROOM FACILITY TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-222-01-001 LICENSED INSTALLER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE PAPPAS LICENSE NO. 45-02 PHONE: 970-845-2528 DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING, THOMAS J. KALLENBACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESTROOM FACILITY 1500 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK, 1000 GALLON DOSING TANK, D-NITE UNIT 837 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT VIA 27 PRESSURE DOSED INFILTRATOR UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED MAY 2, 2002. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON THE ENGINEER'S DESIGN SIGNED AND DATED 5/2/02 BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. THE ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTICSYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: RAYMOND P. MERRY DATE: JUNE 3, 2002 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 837 SQUARE FEET (VIA 27 PRESSURE DOSED INFILTRATOR UNITSAS PER DESIGN ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GALLONS LOCATED 75 DEGREES AND 13 FEET FROM THE NW CORNER OF THE BUILDING. INSTALLED DOSING TANK: 1000 GALLONS LOCATED 75 DEGREES AND 5 FEET FROM THE 2ND COMPARTMENT OF THE SEPTIC TANK COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION RECEIVED AN JUNE 23, 2003. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE THE RED SKY RANCH NORMAN GOLF COURSE RESTROOM ON THE 6TH HOLE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE TE F E F ROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVA DATE: JULY 31, 2003 LL-[--uuc uD; Z>Z;r I- HUM: ERGLE COUNTY ENV HER 9703288788 T0:914065862335 P:1"1 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted. (Site -Plan MUST be attached) 9 I��CY"W I SDS Permit #1 Building Permit # _JrI1 h~3 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE'S"CO 81631 Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax (970)328-0349, E1 Jebel (970)927-3823 tlt****•k**ityt*sir*7ttIF�IF9t**atlt**it******:*.*#*�t�Ar.#;9t*:Ai.t4.iriFz�k,+k*,�*.*�_,9r�k*k*�E*****,fir**CIF******�ttkk�ir# FEE SCHEDULE * APPLICATION FEE $350.00 * THIS FEE INCLUDES THE ISDS PERMIT- TE EVALUATION JPERCOLATION TEST, * SOIL PROFILE OBSERVATION) AND FINAL INSPECTION * ADDITIONAL FEES., MAY BE CHARGED. A.. ''INSPECTION,ZS * PRE -CONSTRUCTION' SITE VISIT OR`'CONSTJLTATION S 'NEEDED CE,S.SARY, OR A * REINSPECTION FEE $47.00 * . PRE -CONS MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLETRUCTION SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 TO: -."EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER^ *.�r**,r*#**.******* SuRE PROPERTY OWNER: evelo.ment Com any MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 9.59 Avon, . C0.8162.0 845-2528 PHONE: APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Thomas J.=.Kalle.nb.ach P. E. PHONE406)586-2289 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Jamie Pappas: PHONE`, 845-2528 COMPANY/DBA. Vail Resorts, Inca ADDRESS: P-0. Box,959 Avon Co 81620 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (fi)} NEW IIVSTAL•LATION (}) ALTERATION ( } REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM:�JO Legal Description: Sec.22, T4s, R8W, Red Sky,Ranch Subdivision Tax Parcel Number: 19 412 21- 0 0 6 Lot Size: Physical Address: 1.5 Miles S of I-30@ Red Sky Golf Course West Side BUILDING TYPE: Sk (Check applic.abl.e category) Road ( ) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms kX) Commercial/Industrial* Number of Bedrooms Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) S ring ( ) Surface kX) Public Name f i APPLICANT SIGNATURE: + Date: s 7 oL AMOUNT PAID: 35b RECEIPT CHECK #: 0 DATE: Q CASHIER: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com July 31, 2003 Vail Resorts Development Attn: Jamie Pappas P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2192-02, Tax Parcel #1941-222-01-001. Property location: Red Sky Ranch Norman Golf Course West Restroom Facility, Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Pappas: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure, Final ISDS Permit cc: files, July 2003 Chrono file OLD COURTHOUSE. BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: June 3, 2002 . TO: Vail Resorts Development FROM: Environmental Health Division Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit #2192-02. Tax Parcel #1941-224-02-002. Property Location: Red Sky Rd., Wolcott, CO., Norman Golf Course West Restroom Facility. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #2192-02. Please obtain a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit from the engineer. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Fluidyne Engineering, Thomas Kallenbach OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 F L U I D Y N E Scientists Engineers - Inventors June 23, 2003 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch West Norman Restroom Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the components serving the Red Sky Ranch West Norman Restroom. The individual system is comprised of a 1500 gallon septic tank, a 1000 gallon dosing tank, the Eliminite ® and an absorption system. Vail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, has tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test to assure the distribution of wastewater through the absorption system (see enclosed). The inspection reveals the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is operative to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. Respectfully, Adie Phil ips for homas J Kallenbach, P. E. Cc: Jamie Pappas , .- .-. , , 1.. r— ,. .__ - ,— - 1 ­_ r __ JI ­ VL fli'Y: 'V' A i t. ,Rr7V C p T_ v� V E t_ u R MF.. May 28, 2002 Raylldferry Eagle County Department of Env11O=ental Health PO BOX 850 .... Eagle, CO 81631 �qr i`du. YI�y As you requested. I am vv_r_ ti-ng this letter to c� th_t th4 tsxro Coif Course Resi�aams at the 1.lormau Calf Cc�uxse at y Ranch will trot he meted xIWY• under Tee .loxes Or Greeils. The drainfields have been ecifically Iodated to be out %O�a under Golf Course Please call me during the day at 845-2528 if, more detail. ou would IIke to go over this information in Vail worts Development �.On1pninv i �yti�I Project Manager VWI Roearta bevalopmer�t rou any • 137 Denehnm:k Road : FPvaC vntco Rvx Y59 a Avon. %aioraeto $I62C�(�Sy • vi t ill CftD-ZN)O -tax lYlUI M4 _2 ; 1- Vail • Breckenpidga • ICayst'onao . Beaver Crae.ka Daah '-m'- . B OP iriflu■ Armpxrnann . R 1 Q0.5 ua.,.,hm ems. T eT '.4 Q£„ nt,I t L_trc V A! L R E S C' R T S D E V E L 0 P M E N T C Q M P A N Y May 29, 2002 Ray llyle y Eagle County Department ofEv ronmentoa Health PG BOX 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Mr. Merry As you requested 1 am writing this letter to confrm the location of the two Golf Course Restrooms at the Norman Golf Course at Red Sky Ranch. The Restroom on, the west side of the Norman Golf Course Titled "West Norman Golf Course Restroorn" on the FluicXn.e Engineering plans dated May 2, 2002 will be located bemreen. tbw.-- � d the-�T-� The Restroom on the east side of the Norman golf Course Titled "East Norman Golf +Course Restrooln', on the Fluidyne Engineering plans dated May 2, 2002 will be located between the 12'h Careen and the 13"h Tee. Please call me during the day at 845-2528 if you would like to go over this Wormatior in more detail. Sincerely Vaill Resea-ts Development Company cc; Bill Kcnnedy eammule:4pappas Project Manager Wiir Rr.so nTr 'Vail Resorts Development Company - W Unchmark Road - Post Office Box 959 - ApoN Colorado 8102D-09; 4 . (970) 845-2535 • fax (970) 845-2555 • v,�w.snaw aom -- Vail - Bre4eni-ijo - KeyatontP - Beaver C;reei3O - Bachelor Guiah'" - Arrowhead -filed Sky lunch" Wf=) P17 t 71:;PM Tfl : FAGI F cni INTY FW0 HFAI TH PAGE: 1 F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors May 7, 2002 Ray Merry 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Ray: Included in this submittal are the design plans and design report for the two restroom's ISDSs on the west side of the Red Sky Ranch of Wolcott, Colorado. These restrooms are associated with the Norman Golf Course. Plan sheets C10.0 to C10.3 show the design criteria for the East Norman Golf Course Restroom Wastewater Treatment System. Plan sheets C11.0 to C11.3 indicate the design parameters of the West Norman Golf Course Restroom Wastewater Treatment System. If any questions arise during your review please feel free to call Thomas Kallenbach, P.E. or myself at Fluidyne, Inc.. Sincerely, Adie Phillips Cc: Jamie Pappas Vui 1d,)i cuuj muir 11f Al rrib M Oa0 GOJO IIUIUY]le -)-)4 KAI lYlLKKI Igun/un 901DIn , I zas� •vlq aor 1 ":6 IV sooZr09ie0 V A I L rR E S Q R T 5 D E V E L O P M E N T C Q-M P A N Y June 20, 2003 JU$tin Buchauau Fluidym 25 N. Willson Avc. Suite F Bozem,m, MT 59715 Fax; 406-5BO-2335 Dear l'ust�.; ,cos you are aware we have completed the uecessaty t%Ut4g requiT=Onts f;v the West XOrnt = Resta oom located an the Grog Norman Golf Course at Red SIc.V Ranch. i have completed the testing reguirem=ts as iw . ted'by Fluidnye Xne. The water.Vahtms test and v0dRoativu of squirt test is disatt93ed below. 1000 =d 11500 Gallon Tank: A hater tightness test was coaducted over a. 2 da-yperiod from February I7—Trehraaxy 19, 2003. There was tto measurable drop in water level. Thus itWcati ng no measurmble Ieak iA the STtic-Maso Tani-. Although this testing was performed in the winter the system was built in the Fall of 2002. Oa FcbruarY 19, 2003 a squirt test war perro td on this system, Each lateral squirted approximatly 5 feet above the Mshit assembly. Please feel free to call me d rh2g the day if Carl provide you with any further inffirmation. Thank you, V0 its Development company ,1A &/L, Ze Pappas, Project Maaaaw VAIL NtspnT; Va11 lia,ada Dua)epmem Comp®y . 1$7 8ewe4maric Rand • 1'oel (HF'ica Ear 9S9 • Avuu, Colorado 81620-0059 • (970) 80-2535 • fur (970) NUMB. wsvw.�rdc tom — _ v411 • ETA1'ZSisCIPilLvc . KnanlnnA . R-..w.. f".e.,Lw. VUL&OVID AUIN A;J1 PhA UD DOD ZJJ3 liulUylle +)3 MI RhKKI I0UH/UUU F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inveniors June 23, 2003 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway . P.O. box 179 Eagle, CO 31631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch West Norman Restroom Certification of Completion Dear Ray: _ - --Please-accept-this-letter-as confirmation -of -completion- of the components -serving -the R�d_uky Ranch West Narmari Rested -tam.._ The lndJ. m is a~nmr►ri erl of {j.0..:.....-•-- gallon septic tank, a 1000 gallon dosing tank, the Eliminite V and an absorption system. Vail Resorts development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, has tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and close tanks and a squirt test to assure the distribution of wastewater through the absorption system (see enclosed). The inspection reveals the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is operative to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. Respectfully, Arlie Philips for lho�masJ Kallenbach, P. E. Cc: Jamie Pappas 71 AI n� tram- nnr I. ram. �=MNA 7n.1 r�l r �I r�.III e 11-Fl rI i nn . R F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors Norman Golf Course Restrooms: Individual Septic and Disposal System Design Report Introduction Vail Resorts Development Company is in the process of developing Red Sky Ranch, a planned community consisting of 87 residential lots and two championship golf courses in Eagle County, Colorado. Additionally, the community will host two clubhouses and several small maintenance related facilities. The purpose of this report is to provide site and engineering data necessary to obtain a permit to construct an individual septic and disposal system (ISDS) proposed to serve two restrooms for the Norman Golf Course. Description of Facility The proposed ISDS will provide wastewater disposal for a two golf course restroom buildings located in the west side of Red Sky Ranch. The facilities will be distinguished as the East Norman Golf Course Restroom and the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. The facilities will accommodate men's and women's restroom accessible to golf course patrons and operations and maintenance personnel. Wastewater Generation Tee times will be scheduled in groups of four players spaced at 10-minute intervals during an eight -hour day. Consequently, the maximum number of players passing the restrooms is 192 per day. If every player used the toilet (1.6 gal/flush) and sink (0.4 gal/wash), golfers would account for a maximum daily wastewater flow rate of 384 gal/day. This is clearly an unrealistic scenario and used only to illustrate the maximum possible flow. A better estimate will expect 50% of the golfers passing by to utilize the restroom facility for a total daily flow rate of 192 gal/day. However, as described below, the system has been designed to handle flow rates exceeding this predicted daily maximum. The design flow rates of the system are 384 gallons per day (GPD). Site Information Sheets C10.0 (East Norman Golf Course Restroom) and C11.0 (West Norman Golf Course Restroom) provide pertinent site information such as layout of the proposed ISDSs, topography, separation distances from property boundaries, surface water, roads, etc. 2 During the course of field investigation at Red Sky Ranch, 40 soil pits have been opened and examined. All pits have been greater than eight feet deep with many excavated beyond 9 feet. The soils investigation has resulted in a detailed log of each soil horizon in every pit describing physical, textural and chemical characteristics. Each pit was individually evaluated for depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock and suitability for utilization as a wastewater treatment and disposal medium. Soil Pit # 20 is located close to the East Norman Golf Course Restroom. Soil Pit #309 is located near the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. In general, soils at Red Sky Ranch display gentle to moderate slope, north aspect, loams in the upper horizons grading to clay loams with depth, acidic conditions, moderate percolation rates and good root penetration. Further, bedrock is generally below the limit of the excavation and there is no indication of a groundwater table to the depth of the pit. Methods employed in the depth to groundwater assessment have been detailed in a previous submittal to Eagle County and are incorporated here by reference. Absorption field area was determined by soil type and with percolation tests conducted in similar soil at various locations. Calculated application rate is 0.76 gal/(day*ftz). The soil pit logs are seen in Table 1. TABLE 1: Soil Pit Logs (#20 and #309) Soil Profile Data Pit No.: 20 Client Name:Red Sky Ranch Job No.:, Lot No.: Location: East Norman Golf Course Restroom Date: 12/21/01 )rizon Depth Thickness Texture Color RXN CF%Mottled Roots Structure A 0-42 42 Fragile Clay Loam 10YR 3/2 0 0% No yes med med strong ang blocl, Bt 42-65 23 Crumbly Clay Loam 2.5 YR 4/3 0 20% No yes strong medium prismatic C2 65-115 ' 50 Clay 2.5 YR 7/1 3.5 45% No yes to 106" structureless Soil Profile Data Pit No.: 309 Client Name: Red Sky Ranch Job No.: Lot No.: Location: . West Norman Golf Course Restroom Date: 07/20/00 Horizon Depth Thickness Texture Color RXN CF%Mottled Roots Structure A 0-18 18 Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 20% No yes weak medium granular Bt 18-24 6 Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 50% No yes structureless C1 24-108 84 Sandy Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 75% No yes to 77" structureless System Design As described above, the projected maximum daily wastewater flow is 384 GPD. Utilization of common and readily available components, however, results in a F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists - Engineers Inventors 3 system capable of handling flows far in excess of the predicted value. Sheets C10.0 to C10.3 and C11.0 to C11.3 provide engineering details of the proposed system. Hydraulic analyses are provided on C10.3 for the East Norman Golf Course Restroom and the C11.3 for the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. The hydraulic analysis shows the East Norman Golf Course Restroom system will discharge 45.7 gal/min. Discharge variation across the entire piping network will be 2.44%, well below the generally accepted variation of 10%. A low difference in orifice discharge indicates a uniform application rate and even dispersion of effluent. The system, at design flow, will discharge 2.1 times per day with 182.2 gallon doses resulting in a application rate of 0.36 gallons per dose per ft2. The hydraulic analysis shows the West Norman Golf Course Restroom system will discharge 47.4 gal/min. Discharge variation across the entire piping network will be 3.05%, well below the generally accepted variation of 10%. A low difference in orifice discharge indicates a uniform application rate and even dispersion of effluent. The system, at design flow, will discharge 2.0 times per day with 189.0 gallon doses resulting in a application rate of 0.373 gallons per dose per ft2. Absorption trenches will be constructed with infiltrator chambers. A control panel equipped with audible and visual high water alarm, elapsed time meter, event counter and manual override switch will be installed in the restroom's electrical and mechanical closets. F L U I D Y N E Scientists Engineers Inventors 6UULUJ LGaits UN tiUr] T5-.0 lad UUUZ/Uu/90 V A I L R E S O R T S D E V E L O P M E N T C O M P A N Y June 20, 2003 Justin Buchanan Fluidyne 25 N. Willson Ave. Suite F Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: 406-556-2335 Dear Justin: As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements for the West Norman Restroom located on the Greg Norman Golf Course at Red Sky Ranch. I have completed the testing requirements as instructed by Fluidnye Inc, The water -tightness test and verification of squirt test is discussed below. 1000 and 1500 Gallon Tank: A water tightness test was conducted over a 2 day period from February 17 February 19, 2003. There was no measurable drop in water level. Thus indicating no measuueable leak in. the Septic/Dose, Tank. Although this testing was performed in the winter the system was built in the Fall of 2002. On February 19, 2003 a squirt test was performed on this system. Each lateral squirted approximatly 5 feet above the flushing assembly. Please feel free to call me during the day if I can provide you with any further information. Thank you, VYiePapppas, rts Development Company J Project Manager VAIL IR&bt'MTV Vail Resorts Devolopm,ent Company - k87 Benchmark Road -1'Ost Ofi"ice 13ox 959 • Avon, Colorado 81620-0059 - (970) 845-2535 • Fex (970) &1.5-2555 . www.vrde.com Wil • BmAetaridge • Koyetonci" . Beaver Creak" . bachelor Gulch® • Arrowhead" - Red Sky Raaaoh" �^ Ziz'd 6bS'ON 1N3WdO­l3A3G WU9T:6 2007'07'Nnr c.�Vad fll IVJi-1 1 119J n-Lill IV.! J I.IVJ • L1 YV+J Y> • VC VJI 1 LC IC J III - m UP � OR"] KAW 5 FR 0 --to . i f • J 7QC ' tl}.1 ._-- -- - � 1 s< 1�1 1 ir,—sZ n vc s s sr r . i. r+r.,» .:.—.. , „, .. 2192-02 Tax #1941-222-01-001 OV G R JOB NAME_ Red Sky Ranch Norman Course VAIL RESORTS West Golf Course Restroom L/ JOB NO. 0- /Y LOCATION BILL TO DATE)STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED bolx n— Is des a j e 4" t.L/v, it I Qj "I /Y 01'i, 4-10i3O 11--e-k ez—,y d -S C j v f C- 6,6 wmac, Y JOB COST SUMMARY f ,e.- A TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL J TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX 63-L MISC. COSTS -S 1619D ci 1161, 12 0 TAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE �� 41- L) /2-0 v I C1 C61 1 fs NET PROFIT �)�Q TT L) 6/-,/ -,- I/ Printed In U.S.A. JOB FOLDER Product Z78 -S ry LZ 0 J(, j E§ 1 Recycled Content 10% Post -Consumer C �I 516 �N l'I,OJt�Cr rNaIM� t k j i i j 5 5�f OF PLAN515 NOT' FOE CON5TPUC 1ON UNL�55 FFOICT MiIMF 5FA, ANn iNAM 15 A FlYW HHT, ANP A VAX MP\,Mif 15511213Y FA6�� COUNTY I, VIFONMM& NSA TH MPAP MM,15 P05tP WT 1 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DMSION 1 P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone_(970i329-8755 I COPY OF PERMIT MUST RE PASTEL? AT INSTALL 4TION SITE PERMIT NO. 2192-02 BP NO. 14183 j f OWNER. FAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT PHONE. 970-U--2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959- AVON C O 91620 APPLICANT. THOMAS J. KALLEN13ACH PHONE:406-586-22S4 SYSTEM LOCATION: RED SKY RANCH NL)RN N14 GOLF COURSE WEST RESTROOM FA LCi ITY TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-222-01-001 i LICENSED INSTALLER: BAIL RESORTS DEVFLOPMENL JAMIE PAPPAS LICENSE NO. 4 -tit 1�HCiIr'E: 970 845-2528 i i DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGIN`FFRlNG THON AS J- IC.ALLENB.ACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 I INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: hMI1N,1I-M. REQiiIRE.MENTS FOR THE RESTROO I FACILITY -- I V- 1500 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK, 1000 GALLON DOSING TANK, D-NITE UNIT, L37 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, i IiIA ?T PRESSURE DOSED INFILTICATOR UNITS AS PER ENOTNEFR'S DESIGN DATED MAY 2 2002 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL E)[ACTLY AS DEPICTED ON THE ENGINEER'S DESIGN SIGN D AND DATED 5! 1)2 BE Svu TO MAINTAIN ALL i APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENT5. RAKE ALL TRFNCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARJNG OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL_ IN RET `<t'E AATIIER. THE ENGINEER IS RE.5PO-NSIBLE FOR THE FINAL IN +PEf-TION. DO NOT BACK FTLL ANY PART OF THE tNSTAL AT QN- tTTIL THE ENGINPFR HAS INSPECTEIf AND APPROVED rr THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY %VILL NOT IF, ISSt ER NTIL THESEPTIC I SYSTENI HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROV EIti'VIRCl1vTMENTAL IIE.XLTH APPROVAL: DATE: JUNNE i ;00; CONDITION& -- - I, ALL INSTALLATIONiS MUST COMPLY W ITH . KEQL 1Ft£MEhTS �EA<3LETY INDWIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYS1E141 Rl GLI ATIGNS, ADOPTED PURS1 A4T TO UtHORMY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. j 2 THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY F'UK f-TJNNL II0N IU SrTKUCtURE5 WHICH HAVE FULLY C )UPL1ED WITH COLTNTY ZONII G AND BUILDING j REQUIREMENT& CONNECTI011. TO. OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRuMR6 NOT APPRG%'TD Bii THE ZONING AND Bt iL wr, DEPARTmE'N S SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A V-MLATION OF A REQUtRF-mE qT OF THE PERMi`I. AND WILL RESULT IN PIOT14 LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF TH£ PERAIA- I 3. CHAPTER IV, SECUON 4-W21v REQUIRES ANY PERSON %VT10 CONSTRUCTSALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE T7iSPUSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICEN'SFD. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYMNI (TO BE COMPLETED BY D;SPLCTOR} NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WCTH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SY'TI.H REGULATION'S UNTIL THESYSTML IS AFMCJVEU riuoR vo covEki'4G AtiY rONTION Of THE SYSTEM. i i INSTALLED ABSORPTION OP. DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) I INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET WCHCS FROM INSTALLED TANK:' GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGRL S AND FEET DES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM Nisi MEETING R€QUIR€NLEN I S WILL SE CORRF'.C'TED --EMU AFf ROYAL. f3F S!`STE11 IS AfADE ARRANG€ A RUI`iSPFSi ION VYH€!1 VCNtK IS COMPLETED. j ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: j I 15f NOI�MAN GOB WASH WATF,,., 1�I ATM[ N-r 5Y5TOE M C11,0 Sly MAN 1N1�51" NOf�M�UV f��5�?OOM ICll,l WASTI�WAI-IX, rrfA/1,5 Cll.2 WA5 rZ�wArZ�p rZ�rAiI,s TH15 5�f OF F�AN5 AN12 5MCIFICA110N5 NAVE MN WATT FOE T�E 51NCA I,Ai; PUPTO5� OF WUNG MAIMFING 12�f&5 FGV TH- WA5tWAV TREAW%f 5Y5tM FOP 1Tf2 5KY VICH M5f NOFMAN 601,E COLF\ 5� IT,5VOOM, OTHN F A5MCf5 OF THN FP\OJ�Cf PIT5MP FNTIN MVO MN REPAITT UNP? F THN F 5TON51M CWCZ OF 011- 6. scar MI-07�n ro., C P 051ON5. V/51I t"?- 13 Y.• FIC?5f 1551.E; 05-02-2002 CI Nfix �� \ 1 i n�\> (1, /)��J I\r�/%'� ✓ I I ; ' ? AREA OF D 1L -Lou I f i � ► 1 1 (D z'q I I co Lu f _ ccql4 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 i SCALE 1'= 10' CONTOUR INTERVAL: 2 FEET d, � f ux `c m a aa� ir i i f i j I i r f u, a 28' DIA. LID INSULATE BOTTOM OF LID >00 ���rrrrrrrl�i�`rrl.`��l�lrl� / / / /\!\/!rr'/r 1!''rr t�lr�r ;r� - D _ •r a-- s - ' p -► i + .� ► lr�r /!,!/i \!/r,r/ �Sr! r;irlr/r�, rrr�r'r ;, r rr FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 140N (OR \rr� /r�r/ �r�!// • a - ° - Q - - v - - - _ - - - EQUIVALENT) d -• a - ' d• d • - a - d - .- e . - � - - =\1\�1 d14. G a 470 SCH 40 PVC a v ° a ' d Q 1" TO 1 1/2" GRAVEL FILL TO SEPTIC TANK d ° e AROUND ENTIRE TANK 2' v d v - - MINIMUM WIDTH D-WE UNIT PROVIDED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR USA PATENT N0. 5534147 & N0. 5676828 D—NITE UNIT COMES COMPLETE AND READY TO INSTALL ���l LB BOD5 FROM SCH 40 PVC / DAY CONTRACTOR TO MAKE CONNECTION TO 4" SEPTIC TANK 1 1 RETURN LINE AND 1 1/2' DOSE LINE. ALL OTHER PIPING FROM DOSE TANK. SHOWN ON D—NITE UNIT IS PROVIDED BY FLUIDYNE Inc- SLOPE TO DRAIN. j j 28" I.D. RISER GREEN FIBERGUESS, INSULATED, =0 GAL -ON PRECAST CONCRETE DOSE TANK 1= GALLON PRECAST BETE DUAL COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK LOCKING LID (TYP OF ALL LIDS) FINISHED GI nF INSULATE BOTTOM OF LIDS (TYP) _____ - _-____ VA - - - WATER TIGHT JUNCTION BOX ° 1 1/2" PVC UNION DRILL 3 16'0 WEEP HOLE e AT y 4'� SCH 40 PVC RETURN LINE SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT 1 1/2-0 SCH 40 PVC ELBOW TO D—NITE UNIT SLOPE TO DRAIN FROM D—NITE DRAIN INSTALL • 4'� SCH 40 PVC TEE WITH 12" STUB DOWN -------------------------------------- 2" THICK EXTRUDED CLOSED CELL, 1 1/2"0 SCH 40 PVC 18' BELOW USE TEE OR SUBGRADE INSULATION (TYP) LIQUID LEVEL CONCRETE BAFFLE "-HIGH WATER ALARM PRESSU=WER ON CID CID 4'0 SCH 40 PVC FROM a PRESSURE SEWER OF RESTROOM SLOPE 1/4' PER FOOT 4' D—NITE TIMER DN IFF A DETAIL C6.0 SCALE: 3/f=1' 4"0 SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LINE TO SEPTIC TANK EAST NORMAN GOLF COURSE RESTROOM NOTES: SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK DOSE TANK: 1000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE DOSE TANK D—NITE UNIT: PROPRIETARY NITROGEN REMOVAL SYSTEM. SUPPLIED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. USA PATENT N0. 5534147 AND N0. 5676$2$ DOSE PUMP: HYDROMATIC SKHS 50 SEWAGE EJECTOR PUMP DOSE PUMP CONTROLS: SJE RHOMBUS SIMPLEX CONTROL PANEL MODEL N0. 112, WITH AUDIBLE /VISUAL HIGH WATER ALARM RECIRCULATION PUMP: GRUNDFOS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP RECIRCULATION PUMP CONTROLS: SUPPLIED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. DRAINFIELD FLOAT ASSEMBLIES: 3 ANCHOR MINI —FLOATS, OR EQUIVALENT 1. PVC TO BE JOINED w/ PRIMED SOLVENT/CEMENT WELD JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. FITTINGS PRIMED w/ COLORLESS PRIMER WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PRESSURE TEST SYSTEM IN PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER. 3. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY FLUIDYNE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO TEST SEPTIC TANK & DOSE TANK FOR WATERTIGHTNESS. ANY MEASURABLE WATER LOSS IN A 24 HR PERIOD WILL BE REJECTED. 5. SLOPE ALL PIPES T7 DRAIN. QUICK RELEASE COUPLING `-2'0 SCH 40 PVC FORCEMAIN SLOPE TO DRAIN DRILL 3/16"0 WEEP HOLE 2' SCH. 80 PVC -FLOAT SWITCH t'i(iVY-tiAG = 4.I F 1OFF d O N v 04 • T CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TANK BEDDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUFFICIENTLY BED PIPING INTO AND OUT OF TANKS TO PREVENT SETTLING. 1 1/2"0 SCH. 40 PVC DOSE LINE FROM DOSE TANK D-NITE UNIT 0 J ti GRUNDFOS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP (TYP ALL LOTS) HYDROMATIC SKHS 50 SEWAGE --� EJECTOR PUMP RAW SEWAGE LINE FROM RESTROOM > 4 1000 GALLON PRECAST 1500 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE DOSE TANK CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK GRUNDFOS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP TO D-NITE UNIT INSTALL 'PIGGY -BACK' FLOATS T RECIRCULATION PUMP FOR LOW WATER CUT-OUT HYDROMATIC SKHS 50 SEWAGE EJECTOR PUMP TO DRAINFIELD FORCEMAIN TO DRAINFIELD mm NOTE` FORCEMAIN: APPROX. 50' OF 2"0 SCH 40 PVC. SLOPE TO DRAIN. MANIFOLD: 1 1 /2'b SCH 40 PVC CENTER MANIFOLD 20' IN LENGTH TOP VIEW OF MAMFOL D AND LATERAL LATERALS: (3) 1 1/2„0 SCH 40 PVC 56.25' LONG PLACED ON 10' CENTERS ORIFICES. (11) 3/16 ORIFICE oPER ATERAL DRILLED 5-0 �O.C, ,DRILL IN A�MANNER , -----� 1 1/2 '+b SCH $0 PVC UNION .,L.,H THAT AFL $J��{tS ARE REMOVED rr{TIiQ'�iT DnMnG{{`ry Ti i� {r`,niu ,CE.�. - J '`` ABSORPTION FIELD LAYOUT y__ WITH ORIFICE PLATECHAMBERS:27 CHAMBERS, 6 END CAPS --------- ------------- 2' X 1/2' REDUCING COUPLINGT -�1DRAINFIELD FLOAT ASSEMBLIES: 3 ANCHOR MINI-FLOATST------------------------, , 2'0 SCH 40 PVC FORCEMAIN 1. PVC TO BE JOINED w/ PRIMED SOLVENT/CEMENT WELD JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. FITTINGS PRMED w/ COLORLESS PRIMER WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER - _� ; i ---------------J---------------1----------- --- AND REPLACED AI COL A�i1��J CXrCIVSE i i 1 3 ------------------ E THE C I tt ; I C _ ' 1 1/2-0 SCH 40 PVC TEE t 1 1` 15• I 25 2. ORIFICES SHALL BE DRILLED ON CROWN OF PIPE //12 00 EXCEPT EVERY 5711 l ) 1 1/2' SCH 40 PVC MANIFOLD ORIFICE WHICH SHALL BE DRILLED AT BOTTOM (6:00) FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL SPLASH PLATE BELOW EACH ORIFICE DRILLED ON PIPE BOTTOM. 1 1/2 0 SCH 40 PVC LAIERAL } } ' 'j ; \ ALL FLUSHING VALVES BEFORE THE DRAINFIELD S R ! i d , I l� ----- 3_ F USHIN LVE MUST BE OPEN,,BBE nRE�} 1 D�R�AIN I I 7P�R�EpS7�SURIZED FO Cn TUC fD THE SO THAT VL�1\IS IS PVI\VET! FROM TI ,L PIPING NE rF t111\f\. - - - '- I 4. TRENCH BOTTOMS ARE TO BE LEVEL s , 5. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY FLUIDYNE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. CONTRACTCu TO TEST SEPTIC TANK & DOSE TANK FOR WATERTTGHTNESLS ~ AN 1' I I N S I `-------- -- -- ----------------------------------------------- ALLOWABLE �OSS IS LESS THAN I 24 HR . INSPECTION PORT (TYP) ;T 1 x 1 ; ; 7. SLOPE ALL PIPES TO DRAIN. .._. _ PLATE S I P SEGMENT/ ORIFICES ORIFICE ' LACED INSIDE SCH 80 PVC UNION I I `—--------------- f---------------1---------------- '-------------- LATERAL MANIFOLD LENGTH PER DIAMETER PER PLATE 25• 1/8" TO 316" NUMBER LENGTH L D R i fz GR 5 I 'f IN THICKNESS 1. iV JV.2J 11 -3/4 _ 2 10' 56.25' 11 7/8 TOP VIEW OF MANIFOLD AND LATERAL / _ 3. 0 56.25' 11 N A _ SZi ' f ------------ ! 1 1/ SCH 40 PVC MANIFOLD C3.0 SCALE: 1 4��=1' _ { 1 � I / „ .lFICE DRILLED ACCORDING TO ` \------------------ 1 1/2 SCH 40 PVC ELBOW UNION PLATE ORIFICE DRILLING SCHEDULE I i --- ,1------------------------ r- T--- ! - ; _ _ L---------- -------------- ---- ---------------------- {{ 1 I 7 s -- to i 25' ILL THREADED CAP APPROX 1' BELOW : \\\ \\\ SURFACE TO BE 4!.aRuED WITH A PIECE `� I #4 ,MBAR i 1 1/2"� SCH 40 PVC LATERAL J 10 OF #4 REBAR, FOR LOCATION W/ tom_;'' 1 s ' METAL DETECTOR, (REBAR IS APPROX. \ 0 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE). 6'd GR LAR VALVE BOX (ORBIT PART O \ %— ivfl. U21 OR tt,tUi`YAI`E1NT) G'vtrc 1 f FLUSHING VAL USE PVC 6'0 PIPE TO 1 �r . �1r Dn „c WITH- 1 1 2' SCH 40 THREADED CAP EX{�ND Y(tLYI .,.,X f��.,H _= / \ FIN13HED GRADE. 1 1 2a SCH 40 THREADED UNION / THE STANDARDINFiL TOR >- I � T'RATCR QTAI'�.�j a " 1 1/2' SCH PVC TEE. "•' " I 1 1 /2 SCH 4V 45' uL"�D (9 REQ'D AT EACH TRENCH) I �\ � r9 �tCEMAiN TENCH MA L LAST ORIFICE POINTED DOWN (6: 00). SEE NOTE 2. r w cm C 1 1/2' SCH 40 PVC BALL VALVE " 75= _ CLOSED DURING NORMAL : 6 0 PVC PIPE FOR INSPECTION PORT NuitS: j OPERATION_ SEE NOTE 6_ I W/ CIRCULAR VALVE BOX FLUSH WITH 1. SCARIFY TRENCH B07T0M AND SIDE WALLS WITH HAND RAKE. m o u�—, I FINISHED GRADE — ONE PER LATERAL" � `�, 1'iv�TAtL STANDARD iNFitTrcATurt 2 TO AVOID DAMAGE TO NATURAL SOIL STRUCTURE, PERSONAL Z — END PLATE BORE 2' HOLE TO OR MACHINERY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON INFILTRATIVE Y Q -x i w n♦r♦r i { iAin _ _ _ SURFACE —ME.ev, - V LL AL�Orr n AQ A PASSAGE' OF F�USl iuvv ` \ JUrcFACE OF GKAiIvr 1ELD i KtlVt,nElf i LLJ LINE. 1 1/2' SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED I FLUSHING LINE. SLOTS TO BE CUT Lu I 3 16' WIDE & 4' O.C. ON BOTTOM_ PIPE SUPPORTED BY \ n " ' . TIE.> 2„ MAIN { E I / PLASTIC ZIPPIPE u NG MUST BE FREED OIF LARGE QOf ! 1 { ! f I I 4 CLEAN GRAVEL I I " ROCKS, SHARP ROCKS, _ . -; .: �� : ; ; I SPLASH PLATE UNDER 1 1/2 SCH. 40 PVC -=t_.<_.. _, _ - -_�� 0R SAND 1 J SEE NOTE 2. LATERAL TREE STUMPS, LOGS, ''ram%' -`' ��- LAST ORIFICE 5_ `. r: _ `,r phi 4" CLr�s, r_gA>,rf - Q. I ! & OTHER UNSUI T A[SLt '->`� _ _ ' "�.r:. EA N v{ YES _ - /� OR SAND ' DO NOT CAP END. DEBRIS_ 1 I STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER. I i i V- L)t I AIL C U �;w E C3.0 SCALE: 3/8"=1' 1 j W VARIES TO MAINTAIN ELEVATION ! } NFa SFcT ! ci I w IIVIa[SfiIIC ! \ l \\ \\ \/ I € t I ELEV. 8006.00/\ %` VARIES TO MAINTAIN ELEVATION ---------------- a I 1 it i DRAINFIELD � l f TRENCH DETAIL ' ` ►�' I r MOUND NATIVE ! I �� \ BACKFILL TO - 3- \/\//\y//\ \l\� \ �/\// \ / / /\ COMPENSATE ' EXISTING `��\ FOR SETTLING GRADE 1 /2"0 SCH_ I j E 40 PVC LATERAL \// \//\%\ \ 36 11 DETAIL F a DEML F C3.0 SCALE: 3/8"=1' C3.0 SCALE: 3/8"=1' f — — — f A B C D E F G I iydrau(1c Aq allysis WEST Norman Restroom, --- -- -- Rod Sk Ranch - � - INFILTRATION'PERCOLATION FIELD CONSTRUCTION PART1-GENERAL PREPARATION OF THE PIPE SURFACES AND THE ACTUAL CEMENTING PROCESS SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED AS LISTED BELOW (AWWA, 1981)_ 1.1 DESCRIPTION BECAUSE SOLVENTS ARE HIGHLY FLAMMABLE AND THEIR VAPORS MAY PRESENT A HEALTH HAZARD IN ENCLOSED AREAS, SOLVENT CEMENTS ANY ACTIVITY ON OR ABOUT THE INDICATED ABSORPTION FIELD AREA IS SHOULD BE USED WITH CARE; AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES AND SKIN AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG-TERM BREATHING OF VAPORS. COMPLYING WITH THIS CONDITION. ANY CHANGE TO THE SITE WHETHER DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR OR BY OTHER WILL BE REPAIRED, OR A NEW STEP 1. CUT CASING USING A FINE-TOOTH SAW AND A MITRE BOX TO SITE WILL BE SELECTED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR IS AVOID ROUGH OR UNEVEN CUTS. i RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXPLORATORY FEES, PERMITTING COSTS, PROFESSIONAL FEES AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. STEP 2. SMOOTH THE CUT END WITH A KNIFE, FILE, OR SANDPAPER. I REMOVE ALL BURRS AND CUTTINGS. THIS SECTION COVERS THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION CELLS, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF PIPING STEP 3. CLEAN THE CONTACT SURFACES OF THE PIPE END AND SOCKET NETWORKS, PURGING/PRESSURE TESTING, CHAMBER INSTALLATION, WITH A CLEAN, DRY COTTON CLOTH OR PAPER TOWEL GREASE MUST BE I BACKFILLING, DRESSING AND CLEANUP OF THE SITE. REMOVED WITH A CLEANER RECOMMENDED BY THE SOLVENT CEMENT j MANUFACTURER. ROUGHENING THE CONTACT SURFACES WITH ABRASIVE 11 SITE PROTECTION f PAPER AIDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BETTER BOND. 1.2.1. BEFORE DOING ANY WORK, FENCE OFF DRAINFIELD AREA_ DO NOT STEP 4. CHECK THE FIT OF THE SECTIONS TO BE CEMENTED. A GOOD DRIVE OVER DRAINFIELD AREA BEFORE OR AFTER INSTALLATION OF 'DRY FIT' SHOULD SHOW THE SPIGOT END ENTERING THE SOCKET TO INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS. ABOUT ONE-HALF TO TWO-THIRDS OF ITS DEPTH. SOME MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CASING WITH MARKS TO DESIGNATE PROPER FIT. INCORRECTLY 1.2.2 SCHEDULE WORK FOR TIME WHEN DRY CONDITIONS ARE FORECAST DIMENSIONED PIPE, BELL, OR COUPLING SHALL NOT BE USED. FOR ONE WEEK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCURATE SET OF DRAWINGS SHOWING 'AS STEP 5. IF THE CASING IS MADE OF PVC, APPLY A PRIMER TO THE BUILT' CONDITIONS THESE RECORDS SHALL BE ON SITE AND READY FOR INSIDE SURFACES OF THE SOCKET. THE PRIMER MAY REQUIRE MORE TIME INSPECTION AT ALL TIMES WORK IS IN PROGRESS I TO SOFTEN THE BELLED END CASING SOCKETS THAN IS NECESSARY TO PREPARE THE SOCKETS OF A MOLDED COUPLING. PART 3 -EXECUTION k STEP 6. PRIMER SHALL BE APPLIED TD THE OUTSIDE OF THE PVC 1 3.1 SITE PREPARATION INFILTRATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION CASING (SPIGOT) END TO PREPARE IT FOR JOINING. ALL SURFACES TO BE CEMENTED SHALL BE COATED WITH THE PRIMER. 3.1.1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING, CLEARLY, THE LOCATION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS OF THE STEP 7. APPLY A THIN COAT OF SOLVENT CEMENT TO THE INTERIOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM SO CONSTRUCTION SURFACE OF THE SOCKET: THE USE OF TOO MUCH SOLVENT COULD TRAFFIC AND EQUIPMENT IS ALERTED TO THE PRESENCE OF THESE WEAKEN THE CASING WALL. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. AT NO TIME WILL ANY EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER ANY PORTION OF, THE STEP 8. APPLY A UNIFORM COAT OF SOLVENT CEMENT TO THE OUTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OR WASTEWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UNLESS SURFACE OF THE SPIGOT END OF THE CASING. THAT PORTION OF THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND THE LOADING OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. DAMAGE CAUSED BY STEP 9. INSERT THE SPIGOT END OF THE CASING SECTION FORCEFULLY SUCH ACTION WILL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. IN INTO THE SOCKET TO THE ENTIRE DEPTH OF THE SOCKET WHILE BOTH THE ORDER TO PREVENT UNNECESSARY COMPACTION AND SOIL DAMAGE, IT IS INSIDE SOCKET SURFACE AND OUTSIDE SURFACE OF THE CASING ARE RECOMMENDED THAT EACH CELL IS CONSTRUCTED INDIVIDUALLY, AND COMPLETELY COATED WITH WET CEMENT. BACKFILLED WITH THE SOIL EXCAVATED FROM THE NEXT CELL OTHER STEP 10. TWIST CASING 1/8 TO 1/4 TURN THEN HOLD THE SOCKET AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL BE EVALUATED BY THE ENGINEER FOR CASING SECTIONS TOGETHER FOR AT LEAST 15 TO 20 SECONDS OR UN11L APPROVAL AN INITIAL SET TAKES PLACE_ 3.1.2 TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT VEHICULAR TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MAY CAUSE SOIL COMPACTION ARE STEP 11. WIPE THE EXCESS CEMENT FROM THE SOCKET. A PROPERLY PROHIBITED FROM DAMAGING THE INFILTRATION AREA. ANY DAMAGE TO CEMENTED JOINT MOULD SHOW A BEAD OF SOLVENT CEMENT AROUND THE INFILTRATION AREA WILL BE REPAIRED IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE CASING WHERE IT MEETS THE THE ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. SOCKET. 3.1.3 THE ELEVATION OF EACH CELL BOTTOM IS PROVIDED ON THE STEP 12. TO INSURE A STRONG BOND, A JOINT SHOULD REMAIN PLANS. LATERAL CELLS SHALL BE EXCAVATED LEVEL AT THE SPECIFIED UNDISTURBED UNTIL AN INITIAL SET IS REACHED (TABLE 1). ELEVATION. 3.1.4 IF SOIL SMEARING OCCURS, WORK SHALL CEASE UNTIL THE SOIL TABLE 1. SOLVENT CEMENTING OF BELLED END CASING - APPROXIMATE DRIES SUFFICIENTLY SMEARED SOIL SHALL BE REPAIRED IN A MANNER INITIAL SET TIMES* ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 3.2 PRESSURE NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 ALL INFILTRATION PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D1785, STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PVC PLASTIC PIPE SCHEDULE 40. 3.2.2 ALL SOLVENT -CEMENTED JOINTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE *DEVELOPMENT OF FULL OPERATING STRENGTH REQUIRES CURE PERIODS WITH ASTM D2855, STANDARD PRACTICE FOR MAKING SOLVENT -CEMENTED ABOUT TEN TIMES LONGER THAN SHOWN EY THIS TABLE. JOINTS WITH PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS. PRIMER USED SHALL IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION. ANY SOLVENT CEMENTED JOINT NOT EXHIBITING SUCH COLORATION SHALL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. (SEE SECTION 3-3 PREPARATION OF PIPE 3.4 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING SURFACES AND CEMENT PROCESS FOR PLASTIC PIPE). I 3.4.1 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING 3.2.3 CONSTRUCT THE FORCE MAIN AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR EACH ONCE THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED TO THE POINT OF TESTING INFILTRATION CELL TRENCHING, EXCAVATION, AND BEDDING SHALL BE IN AND PURGING, THE SYSTEM IS TO BE PURGED AND PRESSURE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION fl2221 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BAGKFILL THE PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER USING THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE FOR PIPELINES & APPURTENANT STRUCTURES, OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. FORCEMAIN SHALL NOT BE BACKFILLED WITH STONES LARGER THAN 3 1. FILL THE DOSE TANK WITH CLEAN WATER - INCHES. 3.2.4 CONSTRUCT MANIFOLD AND LATERALS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2 BE CERTAIN ALL FLUSHING VALVES ARE OPEN_ 3. FILL THE DOSE TANK TO THE LEVEL WHICH ACTIVATES THE DRAINFIELD 3.2.5 LATERAL ORIFICES ARE TO BE 3/16 INCH DIAMETER. ORIFICES PUMP(S) AND ALLOW THE LATERALS TO PLRGE- REPEAT UNTIL ALL SHALL BE DRILLED ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE EXCEPT THAT EVERY FIFTH FOREIGN OBJECTS HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED FROM THE FORCE MAIN AND ORIFICE SHALL BE DRILLED ON THE UNDER SIDE OF THE PIPE TO ALLOW LATERALS FOR DRAINAGE. THE FIRST ORIFICE SHALL BE DRILLED 18 INCHES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE LATERAL ORIFICES ARE TO BE DRILLED IN A 4. DRILL 3/16' ORIFICE IN THE CLEANOUiT CAP OF EACH LATERAL MANNER THAT MINIMIZES DEVIATION FROM SPECIFIED DIAMETER AND MAINTAINS A SHARP EDGE. ALL BURRS, CUTTINGS AND/OR OTHER 5. FILL THE DOSE CHAMBER TO THE P011117 WHERE THE PUMP(S) MATERIAL ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM WITHIN AND AROUND EACH ORIFICE ENGAGES_ THE ENGINEER SHALL BE PRESENT DURING PRESSURE TESTING WITHOUT DAMAGING THE ORIFICE. OF THE INFILTRA11ON CELLS, TO MEASURE THE DIFFERENCE IN DISCHARGE 3.2.6 FLUSHING ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO 1N THE LATERAL ENDS. PLANS. ALL FLUSHING VALVES SHALL BE OPEN. 6. REPLACE CLEANOUT CAP ON EACH LATERAL WITH NEW, UNDRILLED 3.2.7 THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON CAPS. THE BOTTOM OF THE CELLS. 3.5 CHAMBER INSTALLATION 3.2.8 EACH LATERAL IS TO BE COVERED AND SECURED TO THE 3.5.1 INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS, STANDARD CAPACITY, SHALL BE USED TO CHAMBERS IN THE CELLS BEFORE FINAL BACKFILLING AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS (SEE SECTION 3-5 CHAMBER INSTALLATION). ONCE THE SYSTEM COVER THE LATERALS. HAS BEEN COVERED, IT SHALL BE PURGED AND PRESSURE TESTED, (SEE 3.5.2 USING A HOLE SAW, CUT ONE HOLE IN EACH END PLATE. THE SECTION 3.4 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING), AND APPROVED BY HOLE SHALL BE SIZED SO THAT LATERALS PASS WITH LESS THAN 1/4 THE ENGINEER. INCH OF CLEARANCE 3.2.9 EVERY PRECAUTION SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT FOREIGN 3.5.3 AN END CAP SHALL BE SECURED TO THE FIRST CHAMBER WITH 4 MATERIAL FROM ENTERING THE PIPE WHILE IT IS BEING INSTALLED. AT SELF DRILLING SCREWS. THE DISTRIBUTIOI LATERAL SHALL PASS TIMES WHEN PIPE LAYING IS NOT IN PROGRESS, THE OPEN ENDS OF PIPE THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE END CAP ANC THE CAP SHALL BE RETAINED SHALL BE CLOSED BY A PLUG OR OTHER MEANS APPROVED BY THE BY A SLIP X SLIP COUPLING ON THE L.ATRAL ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN AND REMOVE ALL DEBRIS THAT HAS ENTERED THE LINES IN THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY 3.5.4 THE DISTRIBUTION LATERAL SHALL BE SUSPENDED FROM THE FOREIGN MATERIAL REMAINING IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AFTER CHAMBER USING PLASTIC 'ZIP' TIES. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 3.5.5 STARTING FROM THE FIRST CHAM90E ADD ADDITIONAL CHAMBERS 3.3 PREPARATION OF PIPE SURFACES AND CEMENT PROCESS FOR PLASTIC PIPE DOWN THE LENGTH OF THE LATERAL. FULLY ENGAGING INTERLOCKS AND SECURING WITH 4 SELF DRILLING SCREWS. SPLASH PLATES SHALL BE JOINING PLASTIC CASING IS A RELATIVELY SIMPLE PROCESS, BUT THE INSTALLED BELOW ALL DOWNWARD POINTING ORIFICES. DISTRIBUTION INTEGRITY OF THE JOINT WILL BE A FUNCTION OF THE THOROUGHNESS OF LATERALS SHALL BE SECURED TO EACH CAMBER. THE JOINING TECHNIQUES. THE MATERIALS AND TOOLS REQUIRED INCLUDE (AWWA, 1981): 3.5.6 AFTER THE LAST CHAMBER IS INSTALLED, SECURE AN END CAP TO THE LAST CHAMBER WITH 4 SELF DRILING SCREWS. THE DISTRIBUTION 1 . AFINE-TOOTHED SAW 1. LATERAL, AND FLUSHING LINE SHALL PASS THROUGH HOLES IN THE END A MITRE BOX CAP AND THE CAP SHALL BE RETAINED BY A SLIP X SLIP COUPLING ON 3. A SMALL KNIFE, FILE, OR BEVELING TOOL THE LATERAL. 4. FINE-GRAINED, ABRASIVE PAPER j 5. CLEAN, DRY CLOTH OR PAPER TOWEL ; 3.5.7 BACKFILL CHAMBERS, MANIFOLD AND RISERS CAREFULLY WITH 6. CLEANER AND/OR PRIMER CAPABLE OF IMPARTING COLOR. NATIVE SOIL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 7. THE PROPER SOLVENT CEMENT 8. A NATURAL BRISTLE BRUSH APPROXIMATELY HALF THE DIAMETER OF THE CASING BEING JOINED OR A SPECIALLY DESIGNED APPLICATOR WHICH MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE SOLVENT CEMENT CONTAINER 151)5 ne5ign Criteria Facilitq: West Norman Golf Course Festroom at lamed 5kq Fanch Festroom Wastewater Generation Plagcr5: 192 pl Fgcr5/ da( C I ,6 colon/ flush + 0.4 gallon/ wash) - 304 gallons/ dale Total Wastewater Generation : 384 gallons/ dau Soil Application rate: 0,16 gallon/ ( fV *- flail) Based upon sod type and treated wa-A ewater Gravel Absorption Area required: ( 304 gallons/ dal) / ( 036 gallon / ( W *- JA) - 505,3 fe Infiltrator reduction: 507-: 5050*-O,50) - 252,6 ft2 reduction for nosing: 257-: 252,6-(252,6*-0,25) -1695 W Number of Infiltrator Chambers required: 189.52/ 15.5 fj2/ chamber 12 chambers tual Number of Chambers in Pe5ign: 21 CONCRETE STRUCTURES: 1. CONCRETE SPECIFICATION: STRENGTH: 4000 psi AT 28 DAYS AGGREGATE 3/4' MAXIMUM SIZE CEMENT: TYPE 11 SULFIDE RESISTANT 540 lbs / cu yds SLUMP: 3' MAXIMUM SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT: 5% TO 7% CACL 2: 0.03% MAXIMUM 2. REINFORCING STEEL TO BE ASTM A-615 GRADE 60. 3. SEWER PIPE SEALS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT, WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER BOOTS. RUBBER BOOTS SHALL BE CLAMPED AROUND SEWER PIPE WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. 4. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND WALL CORNERS AND FLOOR JOINTS. 5. TANK SHALL PASS A 24' HOUR WATER 11GHTNESS TEST WITH NO MEASURABLE DROP IN 24 HOURS. TANKS NOT MEETING THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACE / REPAIRED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSES. 6. CONCRETE DISPLAYING 'HONEYCOMB' FINISH WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 7. SUBGRADE AND CRUSHED ROCK TO BE INDIVIDUALLY COMPACTED TO MINIMUM OF 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D698, DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD 8. CONTRACTORS SHALL PREPARE ALL BEARING SURFACES TO A TRUE AND LEVEL LINE PRIOR TO ERECTION. STRUCTURE BEDDING SHALL MEET THE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. ALL SUPPORTS OF THE PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE ACCURATELY LOCATED AND OF REQUIRED SIZE AND BEARING MATERIALS. TANKS SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL 9. NO CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR ANY OF HIS EMPLOYEES SHALL ARBITRARILY CUT, DRILL PUNCH, OR OTHERWISE TAMPER WITH THE PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES. 10. SUBGRADE ELEVATION NOT TO VARY BY MORE THAN 1/2' AT ANY LOCATION. 11. DO NOT INSTALL TANKS ON OR BACKFIL.L WITH FROZEN SOIL 12. CONTRACTOR TO INSULATE PIPING THAT DOES NOT DRAIN BELOW FROST PENETRATION DEPTH. 13. SEALANT FOR JOINTS BETWEEN PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL BE FLEXIBLE BUM RESIN SEALANT CONFORMING TO FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SS-S-210A AND AASHTO M-198-B. 14. THE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE LIFTING INSERTS. 15. PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES SHALL NOT BE TRANSPORTED AWAY FROM THE CASTING YARD UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS REACHED 75% OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND A PERIOD OF AT LEAST 5 DAYS HAS ELAPSED SINCE CASTING, UNLESS_ OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE ENGINEER. 1' MINUS CRUSHED ROCK SPECIFICATION SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 1' 100 3/4' 75 - 100 NO. 4 25 - 45 NO. 200 1 - 10 50 48 46 44 42 38 36 34 - Q 32 ' 30 'a 28 a 26 x 24 22 - 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 10 10 117 11 12 12 13 13 0 5 0` 5 0 5 0 5 F10W Q Ill System Curve - - - SKHS50 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2193-02 BP NO. 14181 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT PHONE: 970-845-2528 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO 81620 APPLICANT: THOMAS J. KALLENBACH PHONE: 406-586-2289 SYSTEM LOCATION: RED SKY RANCH NORMAN GOLF COURSE EAST RESTROOM FACILITY TAX PARCEL NO. 1941-224-021-002 LICENSED INSTALLER: VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT, JAMIE PAPPAS LICENSE NO.45-02 PHONE: 970-845-2528 DESIGN ENGINEER: FLUIDYNE ENGINEERING, THOMAS J. KALLENBACH PHONE NO. 406-586-2289 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESTROOM FACELITY 1500 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK, 1000 GALLON DOSING TANK, D-NITE UNIT, 837 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 27 PRESSURE DOSED INFILTRATOR UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED MAY 2, 2002. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL EXACTLY AS DEPICTED ON THE ENGINEER'S DESIGN SIGNED AND DATED 5/2/02. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. THE ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: RAYMOND P. MERRY DATE: JUNE 3, 2002 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 837 SQUARE FEET (VIA 27 PRESSURE DOSED INFILTRATOR UNITS AS PER DESIGN INSTALLED: CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GALLONS IS LOCATED 11 FEET FROM THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF THE BUILDING AND 14 FEET FROM THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF THE BUILDING. INSTALLED: DOSING TANK: 1000 GALLONS IS LOCATED 5 FEET WEST OF THE SEPTIC TANK COMMENTS: FINAL ENGINEER CERTIFICATION RECEIVED ON 6/23/03, AND THE CONTRACTOR'S AS -BUILT DRAWING WAS RECEIVED ON 6/26/03. THIS SYSTEM IS SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE THE EAST NORMAN GOLF COURSE RESTROOM. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE F PROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: DULY 14, 2003` `-- •• •� � -- ------•.J.Jr FrLur'I: r_H1aLt k_uuN 1 Y LNV HER 9703288788 T0:914065862335 P:1/1 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted. (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # ( "� Building Permit' # *+, APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax AG0(970)328-03491 E1 Jebel (970)927-3823 * FEE SCHEDULE * APPLICATION FEE $350.00 * THIS FEE INCLUDES THE ISDS PERMIT, SITE EVALUATION -(PERCOLATION TEST, * SOIL PROFILE OBSERVATION) AND FINAL`INSPECTION �r ADDITIONAL FEES.. MAY BE. .CHARGEA.IF,A REINSPECTION,IS NECESSARY, OR A * PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT OR'CONSULTATION I$'NEEDED' * REINSPECTION FEE $47.00, PRE -CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: n EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER n PROPERTY OWNER: Dev.elo ment C_om any MAILING ADDRESS•P.O.. Box .9.59.Avon, _ CO &162.0 845-2528 • PHONE: APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSONThomas J..Kallenbach,..P E 406)586-2289 PHONE. LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: J,amic Pip, as- pHONEc COMPANY/DBA: Vail Resorts, Inc. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 959 Avon CO 81620 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: OC) NEW INSTALLATION { ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE -DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: Physical Address: BUILDING k X) Sec 22, T4s, R8W, Red Sky. Ranch. Subdivision 122 9444-6- Ua U 0 Lot Size .1.5 Miles S.of I-30@ Red Sky Golf Course West Side TYPE: (Check applicable Cate o Road Residential/Single Family 9� Residential/Multi-Family* Commercial/Industrial* *These systems require design by a Registered of Bedrooms of Bedrooms Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) S ring ( ) Surface (xg) Public Name f i APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: S 7 02 AMOUNT PAID- RECEIPT # �% C CHECK #: DATE - CASHIER: — CASHIER: Number Number Type _ Professional Sky DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com July 14, 2003 Vail Resorts Development Jamie Pappas P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2193-02, Tax Parcel #1941-224-02-002. Property location: Red Sky Ranch Norman Golf Course, East Restroom Facility, Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Pappas: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure, Final ISDS Permit cc: files, July 2003 Chrono file OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: June 3, 2002 TO: Vail Resorts Development FROM: Environmental Health Division Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit #2193-02. Tax Parcel #1941-224-02-002. Property Location: Red Sky Rd., Wolcott, CO., Norman Golf Course East Restroom Facility. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit #2193-02. Please obtain a field copy of the engineer design stipulated on the permit from the engineer. It is valid for 120 days, or for the duration of your current building permit for this property. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County Environmental Health must also view the installation prior to back filling. Please call well in advance for your final inspection. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification from the engineer, and views the installation. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Fluidyne Engineering, Thomas Kallenbach OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists Engineers - Inventors June 23, 2003 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Ray Merry, Director 500 Broadway P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch East Norman Restroom Certification of Completion Dear Ray: Please accept this letter as confirmation of completion of the components serving the Red Sky Ranch East Norman Restroom. The individual system is comprised of a 1500 gallon septic tank, a 1000 gallon dosing tank, the Eliminite ® and an absorption system. Vail Resorts Development Co. engineer Jamie Pappas, P.E, has tested the system. The certification process involved a leak test on the septic and dose tanks and a squirt test to assure the distribution of wastewater through the absorption system (see enclosed). The inspection reveals the functionality of the system and its ability to support the treatment of wastewater. This letter serves as a certification of the system, that it is operative to provide wastewater treatment and that it was built in accordance with the plans. Please call with any questions. Respectfully, Adie P illips for homas J �Kallenbach, P. E. Cc: Jamie Pappas d LU vi t ul-' e" I ___ .. .+c 1 _1 - 7O{' 1 M 1— . S S SAS S Sr — a -- S S — . — — r H • =,Qa Y11 It:)Jhi f I -d A1NI IU J d1c-)r1d : tJI WdL f :20 3m P-oop--d?-1,uk May 28, 2002 Ray YMerry Eagle Comty Department of Environmental Health PO Box 850 Lagle, CO- 81631 As you requested I am vvri ftg this. Iptter to- CWA= that the two G011-Corse Rest ooms at the Norman Golf Course at Red Sky Ranch vah 110t ve 00ns cted t odor Tee Boxes or Grechs. The drainflelds have been Specifically located to be out 1•rOm play. under GolfGolfCourse Please call me during the day at 845-2528 if you would like to go over this gig. rmatic�rt in more detail. S. LnC$Tfiljf Vail worts Develo ]li ent C.01 n; n y, f 4G: D1a I iy fkmwey ,. � a�,pas PTOJO4 ArImager YIWI Resorts 13eva1opmarIt Cmnpany • 137 Denc!6..s:k Road _ rv4t C�c@ Box �5� + Rvab, GuioratiU sIb2U _ i��Y • tYr4+% i7��7-soya � igac !�'fU1 Y" - - - Vail • Br9eken6d9a • I eyslonc* * beaver Cregk® ■ Bur helor Gola6"' Arrnwnwnel .Rat I lil t . " . C.1C]L "- -Mdrl l 11 i IV. G110 T`. 1-, i V A! L R E 5 0 R T S V E L C P M E N T C Q M P A N Y May 29, 2002 Ray Meier Eagle County Department ofEaNdronnoental Health PG Box 850 Eagle, co 81631 Lear Mr. MmTy As you requested I am writing this letter to confirm the location of the two Crolf Course Restroo ms at the Norman Golf Course at Red Slay Ranch. The R.estroom on the west side of the Norman Gold' Cow —se Titled "West NO. -man Golf Corse Resucio&' on the Fluii gne Engixaeering plans dated May 2, 2002 will to located between the 5 h Caen and the 6 Tte. The Restroom on the east side of the Norman Coll' Course Titled "Fast Norman Golf Course R69tr6om?' on the Fluidyne Engineering plans dated May 2, 2002 will be located between the 12"' Green and the 13`' Tee. Maio call me during the day at 845-2528 if you would like to go over this information in more detail. Sincerely Vail Resorts Development Company Go; bill Kennedy We Pappas Project Manager 44ir Rcsan�ar Vail Resorts Development Company . �37 Unchmark Rona - host office Box 959 - Avon, Cglorado 8100-0950 - (970) 845-2535 • fL)x (970) 845.2555 • wWw.snox apm Vail - Brecmenrihe - Key^atone2 • Beaver t: wk* - Bachelor Gui&' - Arrowhead -iced Sicy Raw h' 0 F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors May 7, 2002 Ray Merry 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Ray: Included in this submittal are the design plans and design report for the two restroom's ISDSs on the west side of the Red Sky Ranch of Wolcott, Colorado. These restrooms are associated with the Norman Golf Course. Plan sheets C10.0 to C10.3 show the design criteria for the East Norman Golf Course Restroom Wastewater Treatment System. Plan sheets C11.0 to C11.3 indicate the design parameters of the West Norman Golf Course Restroom Wastewater Treatment System. If any questions arise during your review please feel free to call Thomas Kallenbach, P.E. or myself at Fluidyne, Inc. Sincerely, Adie Phillips Cc: Jamie Pappas F L U 1 D Y N E Scientists Engineers - Inventors Norman Golf Course Restrooms: Individual Septic and Disposal System Design Report Introduction Vail Resorts Development Company is in the process of developing Red Sky Ranch, a planned community consisting of 87 residential lots and two championship golf courses in Eagle County, Colorado. Additionally, the community will host two clubhouses and several small maintenance related facilities. The purpose of this report is to provide site and engineering data necessary to obtain a permit to construct an individual septic and disposal system (ISDS) proposed to serve two restrooms for the Norman Golf Course. Description of Facility The proposed ISDS will provide wastewater disposal for a two golf course restroom buildings located in the west side of Red Sky Ranch. The facilities will be distinguished as the East Norman Golf Course Restroom and the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. The facilities will accommodate men's and women's restroom accessible to golf course patrons and operations and maintenance personnel. Wastewater Generation Tee times will be scheduled in groups of four players spaced at 10-minute intervals during an eight -hour day. Consequently, the maximum number of players passing the restrooms is 192 per day. If every player used the toilet (1.6 gal/flush) and sink (0.4 gal/wash), golfers would account for a maximum daily wastewater flow rate of 384 gal/day. This is clearly an unrealistic scenario and used only to illustrate the maximum possible flow. A better estimate will expect 50% of the golfers passing by to utilize the restroom facility for a total daily flow rate of 192 gal/day. However, as described below, the system has been designed to handle flow rates exceeding this predicted daily maximum. The design flow rates of the system are 384 gallons per day (GPD). Site Information Sheets C10.0 (East Norman Golf Course Restroom) and C11.0 (West Norman Golf Course Restroom) provide pertinent site information such as layout of the proposed ISDSs, topography, separation distances from property boundaries, surface water, roads, etc. I In K During the course of field investigation at Red Sky Ranch, 40 soil pits have been opened and examined. All pits have been greater than eight feet deep with many excavated beyond 9 feet. The soils investigation has resulted in a detailed log of each soil horizon in every pit describing physical, textural and chemical characteristics. Each pit was individually evaluated for depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock and suitability for utilization as a wastewater treatment and disposal medium. Soil Pit # 20 is located close to the East Norman Golf Course Restroom. Soil Pit #309 is located near the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. In general, soils at Red Sky Ranch display gentle to moderate slope, north aspect, loams in the upper horizons grading to clay loams with depth, acidic conditions, moderate percolation rates and good root penetration. Further, bedrock is generally below the limit of the excavation and there is no indication of a groundwater table to the depth of the pit. Methods employed in the depth to groundwater assessment have been detailed in a previous submittal to Eagle County and are incorporated here by reference. Absorption field area was determined by soil type and with percolation tests conducted in similar soil at various locations. Calculated application rate is 0.76 gal/(day*ft2). The soil pit logs are seen in Table 1. TABLE 1: Soil Pit Logs (#20 and #309) Soil Profile Data Pit No.: 20 Client Name: Red Sky Ranch Job No.: Lot No.: Location: East Norman Golf Course Restroom Date: 12/21/01 Horizon Depth Thickness Texture Color RXN CF% Mottled Roots Structure A 0-42 42 Fragile Clay Loam 10YR 3/2 0 0% No yes med med strong ang blocky Bt 42-65 23 Crumbly Clay Loam 2.5 YR 4/3 0 20% No yes strong medium prismatic C2 65-115 50 Clay 2.5 YR 7/1 3.5 45% No yes to 106" structureless Soil Profile Data Pit No.: 309 Client Name: Red Sky Ranch Job No.: Lot No.: Location: West Norman Golf Course Restroom Date: 07/20/00 Horizon Depth Thickness Texture Color RXNCF%Mottled Roots Structure A 0-18 18 Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 20% No yes weak medium granular Bt 18-24 6 Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 50% No yes structureless C1 24-108 84 Sandy Loam 7.5YR 4/4 0 75% No yes to 77" structureless System Design As described above, the projected maximum daily wastewater flow is 384 GPD. Utilization of common and readily available components, however, results in a F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers Inventors 0 system capable of handling flows far in excess of the predicted value. Sheets C10.0 to C10.3 and C11.0 to C11.3 provide engineering details of the proposed system. Hydraulic analyses are provided on C10.3 for the East Norman Golf Course Restroom and the C11.3 for the West Norman Golf Course Restroom. The hydraulic analysis shows the East Norman Golf Course Restroom system will discharge 45.7 gal/min. Discharge variation across the entire piping network will be 2.44%, well below the generally accepted variation of 10%. A low difference in orifice discharge indicates a uniform application rate and even dispersion of effluent. The system, at design flow, will discharge 2.1 times per day with 182.2 gallon doses resulting in a application rate of 0.36 gallons per dose per ft2. The hydraulic analysis shows the West Norman Golf Course Restroom system will discharge 47.4 gal/min. Discharge variation across the entire piping network will be 3.05%, well below the generally accepted variation of 10%. A low difference in orifice discharge indicates a uniform application rate and even dispersion of effluent. The system, at design flow, will discharge 2.0 times per day with 189.0 gallon doses resulting in a application rate of 0.373 gallons per dose per ft2. Absorption trenches will be constructed with infiltrator chambers. A control panel equipped with audible and visual high water alarm, elapsed time meter, event counter and manual override switch will be installed in the restroom's electrical and mechanical closets. F L U I D Y N E Scientists - Engineers - Inventors IUUre] ( aas5 -UN f1Ur j vs;s lud Co0Zi0Z/90 V A I L R E S O R T S June 20, 2003 Justin Buchanan Fluidyne 25 N. Willson Ave. Suite F Bozeman, MT 59715 Fax: 406-5S6-2335 Dear Justin: D E V E L O P M E N T C O M P A N Y As you are aware we have completed the necessary testing requirements for the East Norman Rest>room located on the Greg Norman Golf Course at Red Sky Ranch, I have completed the testing requirements as instructed by Fluidyye, Inc. The water -tightness test and verification of squirt test is discussed below, 1000 and 1500 Gallon Tank; A water tightness test was conducted over a 2 day period from February 17 —February 19, 2003. There was no measurable drop in water level. Thus indicating no measureable leak in the Septic/Dose Tank. Although this testing was performed in the 'winter the system was built in the Fall of 2002. On February 19, 2003 a squirt test was performed on this system. Each lateral squirted approxaimatly 5 feet above the flushing assembly. Please feel free to call the during the day if Y can provide you with any further information. Thank you, Vail esoarts Development Company 'A� Jamie Pappas, Project Manager VAIL RCSOhYa' Vail Resorts Aevelopmont Company - 137 Benchmark Road - Post Office Box 959 . Avon, Colorado 81620.0959 . (970) &1-5-2535 . fax (970) 845-2555 • wwWvrde.-Com Vail . Biwkenridge - I aptone® - Beaver Cseekm • Bachelor GulthQO - Arrowhead" • Red Sky Ranch... a/T'd 6bS'ON 1N3Wd013A3G WUST:6 S©aZ'o7,"wnf 2193-02 Tax#1941-224-02-002 JOB NAME_ Red Sky Ranch Norman Course VAIL RESORT_,` East Golf Course Restroom v--a cy— n a rs ,1 -- - LOCATION J BILL TO DATE STARTiED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED a - (.� a; rn 'fho61 v�o a v ram., ' . X), l �� ;�� L �; .� 4-- a� f �Z !, �S �,�, J � 7� �' `� e1 � r 3 0 3 ' '� • JOB COST SUMMARY / TOTAL SELLING PRICE 1LCt vl//`� r vow -k-' s � rs o TOTAL MATERIAL ` 4 '4e g!?TAL LABOR INSURANCE /I SALES TAX 1 MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product ra JOB FOLDER PrfnIed In uZA F,.IA5f NOpMAN GO�� COUpS� WA51-F WAl-0 Af MF,,, N f �SSjQNAt ENG\ i - TH15 5�f OF PLAN515 NOr FOP COM5TRLlC-1ON UNL. 55 PFOJ�Cf Mi M W 5M, ANG 516NATUPT 15 AFF10) HNT. ANG A VAI.IG p WIf 155TP PY �AGL� COUMIY - MIFONMMAI, NMTH MPMMM,15 P05tP WT,. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PEWIT EAGLE COLTINT'Y ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P_0. Box 179 - 500 Bmadway + Eap1e, CO 81631 � � � � g I n �' r � n n o s Tekpioue: (970) 32&-9755 _. - -- - - -- - - -- copr or PER-minvus r BE PQSTEII AT IhST4LLATIONSITE I PEF.)6UT h'0. 2143- 2 BP NO. 14181 f OWNER- FAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT PIIONE-970-$45-2529 j "LING ADDRESS- PO, BOX 959 AVON CO 8I629 APPLICANT: THOMASJ. KALLENRACH -- PHONES C/6-386-2289 SYSTEM LOCATtON:yX_Q_ )LkANCti NORMAN GOLFC'OURSE FAST RFSTROOM FACILITY TAXPARCEL NO. 194t-224-021-002 f LICE?TSED INSTALLEIL- VAII. RESORTS DEVI'I.C3t MEN''T JA0412 PAPPAS r LICENSE NO.454r- PHONE- 97€1-945-2529 / � DESIGN &NOINE€R: FLUIDYNF ENGINEERING Tt�# -IMAS I- KAI t:F;rt ACH PHO14E NO, a =5S6-2289 --- 5ul3 V1 INSTAI.tA'n()N 14FRFHY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING- MI INi%jt?M REQIUMEMENTS FOR TILE RESTROOM FACILITY A. I S00 GALLON CCI�I'�`R 71P SEPTIC TANK. 1000 GALLON DOSIN43 TANK. D-N'ITE LlNfT, $37 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT. VIA 27 PRESSURE DOSED LNF I TRATDR I N]TS AS PER EMCINEER°S DESlGN MATED MAY 2 2002 - � = IAiFER' C#F.SI��i s���.a Alwi313ATEC) ��.�_. BE SURF TO �AtNTA N CPE(`L4I. E?+='ST1ZI3CTLD"�S- I�+STALL �CA.CTLY AS DEPICTED t�t3 THE E'�tt; S APPLICABLE SElBA(K RfQtjjRf'.ME14TSs RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACE—C TO PREVENT IU SLF,AK flyer OF SOILS AND DO NOT INSTALL IN t4F4TtTER TILE E4GME@R LS RESPONSIBLE FDR TI€F FiNI 1\SI'FCTit7N[KINOT RACK FILL A`Y PART 4PT1 IN5TALLATI4Y U"--RL_ C10, 0 511I� MAN �A51-- i\IOPMAJ\l 1��s1P,,,DOM THE ENGINEER IT S 1%15PECTED AN AtPRON L) IT. THE 1113LDING CERTIFICATE +ELF OCCL'PAIVCY WILL NOT BF ISRt ED [nVM Mr SEPTIC SYSTE i HAS REFN I . PFC`TF.D AND APPRO F ENA'IRONhiINTAi_ tIFALTtI APPROVAL; DATE; dL'NI= 3.202 003 WA. WA k -rA IL, -5 �i �t?t13ii'Ic�hS: 'f i. ALL Lt"St`ALLd4titiRS 3IL'S P C[ P I Y iL'F17t wLl RLQlf##E a CoL�m t�i t IDUAL W-WA iE DISPOSAL 5YSiTSI RE ULA 11ON& { !.r)opTED m--RsuA-4T To AL-mokt3'Y GitA' TED IN 25-MI , I473, A.St�ED- j 2- THIS PEELI~ITT IS VALID ONLY FOR t1Ck-NIE-`MON TO STRUCTURES WHIC}i HAVE FULLY (MIPLtED WrrH CMNTY ZOIIM AND BUILDING ttE t11RE-i:E ATS CONNECTION TO, OR USE *AtTti ANY i)WFlLIThG OR STRLrTURE NISI RF"P R4VI I] BY THE 7At"±1?Ri AND BUILi3thYi DEPARTMENTSOFTiP�11.i 00.2 Y Y �s1 �� / \ �� r�lY s ALfTOMATIC.AXLY � A VIOLATiC-? (1F A R EQL4PE',IFT'T OF THE PER%(M V?D WILL RESULT tN BOTH LMAL ACTION ANI) REVOCATION ;tTiLK OF TIC PER-u#I t 3. CKAPTEII IV, SKT1 N 4.03 V u" 7RE3' ANY PERSON WHO COn MUCTS. ALTER OR INSTALLS AN LtiiMliUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL MUM TO BE LICEiS. FfN`AL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM! [TO BE C'OMPLEWD BY INSPECTOR): ^ % � /! �( �/ �j � / �i NO SVSTE_M SHALL SE D€EME01`0 BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EACLE COUNTY EN-D 11)VAL SEvlAG[ DISPOSAL SYSTEM RECLLdTK7?Y$ LttiTIL THES1i5Tfikt Cl / /. � Pjt CI IC I / / /, � _5 ! ►! Y 12 VCsl al N IS APPROVED PRIOR TO GOf`ESUNG ANY PORTION OF THE: SYSTEM. V / // l / i! / ► C� V INSTALLO) ABSORPTION OR DISPMAL AREA- - SQUARE FEET (VIA j i Ir STALLTXI TAN T_ GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET KCHFS FROM i f --- INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DBGREES AND FE.PT _QLCHES FRO -- TH15 5�f OF FI AN5 ANG 5MCIFICA110N5 NAVE MN p�pATG FR T1f t #MIt�#E t5: -_ 51MMA FUPTO5� OF MPICINC4 M41WFIN6 M1"M5 FR 11f WA5tWAV f --- aAM NT 5Y5t M FR I?V? 5KY MCH �Mf NOP" CAW COW-T f - - --- IT,51VOOM. OTHW A5MCf5 OF THN PFOJ�Cf M5ENM9 WTIN NAVE MN AwY ITUM NOT MEETLNG R€QCIRF-MENTS N-V7LL BE CQRRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM 13 MADE- ARRA-qGE A RE-#-SPECTIO'% WHE"i VORK iS ct�zl L�rEa FVMP UNME THN ITTON5M CW6� OF OW5, ENViILONmriNTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE:. l:� 1/is101tls: pUl"P05t F 1P5f 155T : 0�-02-2002 IZ 03 tV O LL FEW jIi LLJ LJ ILL; m V t1i >6 Z J Q U F G 2" EXTRUDED FOAM INSULATION 28' DIA. LID _ INSULATE BOTTOM OF LID / ,err/�r1--.irr-lr / \\\ rr rir�r\�` ' /=rri„, ,ir'r,r_\11i��\,\\1,�r`i\\,\��r�r,\�\�,� rir,\I�rr' - r, i r�'r '� rr� �D- .-� --e0 '►i _ ► r \� // rr'� /r'rrrir,r ;�rrir�r `�,r��r/ 17 FILTER FABRIC s d a Q MIRAF! 140N (OR EQUIVALENT) a °a a a - ° ` :° d Q 4"0 SCH 40 PVC d- c n a° a a 1 TO 1 1/2" GRAVEL FILL TO SEPTIC TANK AROUND ENTIRE TANK 2 a a v : ' MINIMUM WIDTH a ° D-NM UNIT PROVIDED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR USA PATENT No. 5534147 & No. 5676828 D—NITE UNIT COMES COMPLETE AND READY TO INSTALL 1 LB BOD5 / DAY CONTRACTOR TO MAKE CONNECTION TO 4' SEPTIC TANK 1 1/2.0 SCH 40 PVC RETURN LINE AND 1 1/2' DOSE LINE. ALL OTHER PIPING FROM DOSE TANK. SHOWN ON D—NITE UNIT IS PROVIDED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. SLOPE TO DRAIN. 28" I.D. RISER GREEN FIBERGLAS3,INSULATED, 100Q GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE DOSE TANK tM GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE DUAL COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK LOCKING LID (TYP OF ALL LIDS) ADF INSULATE BOTTOM OF LIDS (TYP) WATER TIGHT W: Q_d. y 4"O SCH 40 PVC RETURN LINE FROM D—NITE DRAIN INSTALL TEE WITH 12" STUB DOWN ------------------------------------- LAI 18" BELOW LIQUID LEVEL USE TEE OR - CONCRETE BAFFLE a L 4"0 SCH 40 PVC FROM 00 RESTROOM SLOPE 1 /4" PER FOOT 4. d A DETAIL C6.0 SCALE: 3/4'=1' 4"0 SCH. 40 PVC RETURN LINE TO SEPTIC TANK FA D—NITE UNIT JUNCTION BOX ° 1 1 /2' PVC UNION DRILL 3 16'0 WEEP HOLE a A. A,. SLOPE 1 /r PER FOOT 1 1 /2"0 SCH 40 PVC ELBOW 4" SCH 4t PVC TO D—NITE UNIT SLOPE TO DRAIN 2" THICK EXTRUDED CLOSED CELL, 1 1/2.0 SCH 40 PVC SUBGRADE INSLI ATION (TYP) HIGH WATER ALARM EAST NOR" GOLF COMSE RESTROOM NOTES: SEPTIC TANK: 1500 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK DOSE TANK: 1000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE DOSE TANK D—KITE UNIT: PROPRIETARY NITROGEN REMOVAL SYSTEM. SUPPLIED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. USA PATENT No. 5534147 AND No. 5676828 DOSE PUMP: HYDROMATIC SP 40 SEWAGE EJECTOR PUMP DOSE PUMP CONTROLS: SJE RHOMBUS SIMPLEX CONTROL PANEL MODEL_ No. 112, WITH AUDIBLE / VISUAL HIGH WATER ALARM RECIRCULATION PUMP: GRUNDFOS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP RECIRCULATION PUMP CONTROLS: SUPPLIED BY FLUIDYNE Inc. DRAINFIELD FLOAT ASSEMBLIES: 3 ANCHOR MINI —FLOATS, OR EQUIVALENT 1. PVC TO BE JOINED w/ PRIMED SOLVENT/CEMENT WELD JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. FITTINGS PRIMED w/ COLORLESS PRIMER WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PRESSURE TEST SYSTEM IN PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER. 3. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY FLUIDYNE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO TEST SEPTIC TANK & DOSE TANK FOR WATERTIGHTNESS. ANY MEASURABLE WATER LOSS IN A 24 HR PERIOD WILL BE REJECTED. 5. SLOPE ALL PIPES TO DRAIN. oil PRESSURE WER ON LOAT ao SWITCH PRESSURE SEWER OFF 4' D—NITE 11MER ON OF OFF GY—BAC n N _ - GRUNDF\/OS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TANK BEDDING IN EFFLUENT PUMP TO D—NITE UNIT ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFAC,URER RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL "PIGGY —BACK' FLOATS TO CONTRACTOR SHALL SUFFICIENTLY BED PIPING INTO AND RECIRCULATION PUMP FOR LOW WATER OUT OF TANKS TO PREVENT SETTLING. CUT—OUT HYDROMATIC SP 40 SEWAGE EJE, PUMP TO DRAINFIELD —' 1/2"0 SCH. 40 PVC DOSE LINE FROM DOSE TANK 0 J L.� GRUNDFOS KP 250 SUBMERSIBLE EFFLUENT PUMP (TYP ALL LOTS) HYDROMATIC SK 40 SEWAGE EJECTOR PUMP o � o RAW SEWAGE LINE FROM RESTROOM 4' 1000 GALLON PRECAST i500 GALLON PRECAST CONCWTE DOSE TANK CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK B DETAIL C6D SCALE: 3/4'=l' FORCEMAIN TO DRAINFIELD QUICK RELEASE COUPLING \-2"0 SCH 40 PVC FORCEMAIN SLOPE TO DRAIN DRILL 3/16"0 WEEP HOLE 2' SCH. 80 PVC EI �1 I( E� W 0 L.LI m 8 N i N a c ui ®a� LL i ij I �4 r J I I I_ E F w 1C3 E O :w M Af I I� t EXISTING GRADE ELEV. 7802 Z.,, ttI F e TOP VIEW OF MAW*.-D AND LATERAL ----- "' SCH 40 PVC FORCEMAIN i X 1 1 /2" REDUCING COUPLING 1/2.0 SCH ''40 PVC LATERAL I 1/2.0.SCH 40 PVC TEE 1/2'0 SCH 40 PVC MANIFOLD I I f i TOPME19 OF `nnAivT—a D AND LATERAL - - - - - - - - - 1 1 /2'v SCH 40 PVC B 1 1/2-0 SCH 40 PVC ELBOW 1 1/2'0 SCH 40 PVC LATERAL_ i 4 1 1/2"d SCH 80 PVC UNION ! WIT14 MIFIf_F PI ATF U N C D F F u NOTE PC m FORCEMAIN: APPROX. 10" OF 2*0 SCH 40 PVC. SLOPE TO DRAIN. _. ABSORPTION RELD LAYOUT --------------------------------- r----------------i--------------_--T---------------- r----------------r----------------. MANIFOLD: 1 1/2'0 SCH 40 PVC CENTER MANIFOLD 20' IN LENGTH - EG LATERALS: (3) 1 1/2 0 SCH 40 PVC 56.25 LONG PLACED ON 10 CENTERS k i i i r i i i ORIFICES: (11) 3/16-0 ORIFICES PER LATERAL DRILLED 5-0- O.C. DRILL IN A MANNER ' t --------1----------------J----------------J ----L--------------------------------- ---� - SUCH THAT ALL BURRS ARE REMOVED WITHOUT DAMAGING THE ORIFICES. CHAMBERS: 27 CHAMBERS, 6 END CAPS DRAINFIELD FLOAT ASSEMBLIES: 3 ANCHOR MINI -FLOATS 1: PVC TO BE JOINED w/ PRIMED SOLVENT/CEMENT WELD . JOINTS. PRIMER MUST IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION TO THE COMPONENTS BEING CEMENTED. o = FITTINGS PRIMED w/ COLORLESS PRIMER WILL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER = AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. f - 2. ORIFICES SHA.L! BE DRILLED ON CROWN OF PIPE (12:00) EXCEPT EVERY 5TH .. _ - r O ------------------------ -- ----- - - _ _ ---------------T------------- —�--------------- ---------------------------------_ i i € + + ORIFICE WHICH SHALL BE DRILLED AT BOTTOM (6:00) FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL 11 i i SPLASH SPLASH PLATE BELOW EACH ORIFICE DRILLED ON PIPE BOTTOM, III € € + + + € 3_ ALL FLUSHING VALVES MUST BE OPEN BEFORE THE DRAINFIELD IS PRESSURIZED FOR i r f ---L-------------- J----------------- Ter rrnr�T TIMET rnn r rnnr i T rr n ier r ne rnf= F m t TIME SO THAT DEBRIS 1S PURGED FROM t n� PIPING NIETW0mmK. - Q € z -------------L------------------�---- 4. TRENCH BOTTOMS ARE TO BE LEVEL r m G7 5. SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE DESIGN ARE TO BE EVALUATED BY FLUIDYNE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 6. CONTRACTOR TO TEST SEPTIC TANK & DOSE TANK FOR WATERTIGHTNESS. ALLOWABLE LOSS IS LESS THAN 1" IN 24 HRS. 7. SLOPE ALL PIPES TO DRAIN. TYPICAL UPON PLATE ORIFICE PLATE DR21. SCHEDULE f PLACED INSIDE SCH 80 PVC UNION SEGMENT/ ORIFICES ORIFICE I I INSPECTION PORT (TYP) LATERAL MANIFOLD LATERAL PER PLATE 3 0 ------------r-------------------------------T----------------r---------------,--_-------------T------------ i ----.--------------------------� + t t t ` NUMBER LENGTH LENGTH LATERAL r 1 /8A TO 3/16" DIAMETER - I r t IN THICKNESS 1. 10' S6.25' 11 N A , I 2. 10' 56.25' 11 1 € I -------------- 3 56 11 1 13/16 --------------------J_ --------------------� — ------ —__—_------ —-------------J--_--- —1-- A, DETAIL j N C30 SCALE: 1 /4"=1 s f \ ,,' \� ..r.rr a, .,,,.,ter. +r RIFICE DRILLED errnnDING TO 0 75' NOTES: 1. SCARIFY TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDE WALLS Vv1TH HAND RAKE. 2. TO AVOID DAMAGE TO NATURAL SOIL STRUCTURE, PERSONAL OR MACHINERY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON INFILTRATIVE SURFACE OF DRAINFIELD TRENCH 10' N UNION PLATE ORIFICE DRILLING SCHEDULEit \� THREADED CAP APPROX. 1" BELOW j #4 REBAR SURFACE TO BE MARKED WITH A PIEC \ i OF #4 REBAR, FOR LOCATION W/ m t tI \� METAL DETECTOR, (REBAR IS APPROX. r 600 CIRCULAR VALVE BOX (ORBIT PART \ 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE). I NO. 53021 OR EQUIVALENT) OVER FLUSHING VALVE. USE PVC 6'0 PIPE TO EXTEND VALVE BOX FLUSH WITH 1 1/2A SCH 40 THREADED CAP I + FINISHED GRADE. i 1 1 /2- SCH 40 THREADED UNION I 1 1 /2 SCH 40 PVC TEE. 2' SCH 40 45 1 1 ' BEND / °�° a Lu 1 LAST ORIFICE POINTED DOWN (6:00). SEE NOTE 2. 6"0 PVC PIPE FOR/ INSPECTION PORT 1 1/2- SCH 40 PVC BALL VALVE CLOSED DURING NORMAL Aj w/ CIRCULAR VALE E BOX FLUSH WITH OPERATION.` SEE NOTE 6. coo p FINISHED GRADE +ONE PER LATERAL INSTALL STANDARD INFILTRATOR ; END PLATE. BORE 2' HOLE TO °C ' ALLOW PASSAGE OF FLUSHING LINE. 1 1/2-0 SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED = r ' FLUSHING LINE. SLOTS TO BE CUT PIPE SUPPORTED BY i PLASTIC 'ZIP' TIE. 3/16 WIDE & 4' O.C. ON BOTTOM. 1 1/2-0 SCH. 40 PVC LATERAL SPLASH PLATE UNDER f LAST ORIFICE. SEE NOTE 2. I lI DO NOT CAP END. , + € STANDARD INFILTRATOR [ .ri CHAMBER. I r r I I FORCEMAIN TRENCH DETAIL ' i s _ DRAWELD a a TRENCH DETAIL w w MOUND NATIVE a 0° BACKFILL TO - w o \\ \\\/�\/j\\f/%f/\\ COMPENSATE Y Q EXISTING fj\\\f��tf/\ffj\ff� GRADE FOR SETTLING I 3 /\\ + > a _ YO MAIN ¢ j\\jf\/j _// \ \ ��/� r z r PIPE BEDDING MUST a-o co BE FREE OF LARGE a 47 CLEAN GRAVEL I ROCKS, SHARP ROCKS, _ .}., .. - _ .: - R S _ TREE STUMPS, LOGS, =.. w, =:r:. = r- 40 PVC LATERAL & OTHER UNSUITABLE _ = v GRAVEL ->~; -.�. _ ...: ..t.�:. -�... - ...„.. = � CLEAN 36 DEBRIS.,;--r _ .-�'� Y, t; : OR SAND C DETAIL D DETAIL C3A SCALE: 3/8"=1' C3.0 SCALE: 3/8"=1' e INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION FIELD CONSTRUC11ON PART 1-GENERAL PREPARATION OF THE PIPE SURFACES AND THE ACTUAL CEMENTING PROCESS SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED AS LISTED BELOW (AWWA, 1981). 1.1 DESCRIPTION I BECAUSE SOLVENTS ARE HIGHLY FLAMMABLE AND THEIR VAPORS MAY PRESENT A HEALTH HAZARD IN ENCLOSED AREAS, SOLVENT CEMENTS ANY ACTIVITY ON OR ABOUT THE INDICATED ABSORPTION FIELD AREA IS SHOULD BE USED WITH CARE, AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES AND SKIN AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG-TERM BREATHING OF VAPORS. COMPLYING WITH THIS CONDITION. ANY CHANGE TO THE SITE', WHETHER DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR OR BY OTHER WILL BE REPAIRED, OR A NEW STEP 1. CUT CASING USING A FINE-TOOTH SAW AND A MITRE BOX TO SITE WILL BE SELECTED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR IS AVOID ROUGH OR UNEVEN CUTS. RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXPLORATORY FEES, PERMITTING COSTS, PROFESSIONAL FEES AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. STEP 2. SMOOTH THE CUT END WITH A KNIFE, FILE, OR SANDPAPER. I REMOVE ALL BURRS AND CUTTINGS. THIS SECTION COVERS THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION CELLS, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF PIPING STEP 3. CLEAN THE CONTACT SURFACES OF THE PIPE END AND SOCKET NETWORKS, PURGING/PRESSURE TESTING, CHAMBER INSTALLATION, WITH A CLEAN, DRY COTTON CLOTH OR PAPER TOWEL_ GREASE MUST BE BACKFILLING, DRESSING AND CLEANUP OF. THE SITE. REMOVED WITH A CLEANER RECOMMENDED BY THE SOLVENT CEMENT I MANUFACTURER. ROUGHENING THE CONTACT SURFACES WITH ABRASIVE 1.2 SITE PROTECTION 1 PAPER AIDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BETTER BOND. 1.2.1. BEFORE DOING ANY WORK, FENCE OFF DRAINFIELD AREA. DO NOT STEP 4. CHECK THE FIT OF THE SECTIONS TO BE CEMENTED. A GOOD DRIVE OVER DRAINFIELD AREA BEFORE OR AFTER INSTALLATION OF 'DRY FIT- SHOULD SHOW THE SPIGOT END ENTERING THE SOCKET TO INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS. ABOUT ONE-HALF TO TWO-THIRDS OF ITS DEPTH. SOME MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CASING WITH MARKS TO DESIGNATE PROPER FIT. INCORRECTLY 1.2.2 SCHEDULE WORK FOR TIME WHEN DRY CONDITIONS ARE FORECAST DIMENSIONED PIPE, BELL, OR COUPLING SHALL NOT BE USED. FOR ONE WEEK PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION." CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCURATE SET OF DRAWINGS SHOWING 'AS STEP 5. IF THE CASING IS MADE OF PVC, APPLY A PRIMER TO THE BUILT" CONDITIONS. THESE RECORDS SHALL BE ON SITE AND READY FOR INSIDE SURFACES OF THE SOCKET. THE PRIMER MAY REQUIRE MORE TIME INSPECTION AT All TIMES WORK IS IN PROGRESS. TO SOFTEN THE BELLED END CASING SOCKETS THAN IS NECESSARY TO k PREPARE THE SOCKETS OF A MOLDED COUPLING. PART 3-EXECUTION j STEP 6. PRIMER SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE PVC 3.1 SITE PREPARATION INFILTRATION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION CASING (SPIGOT) END TO PREPARE IT FOR JOINING. ALL SURFACES TO BE CEMENTED SHALL BE COATED WITH THE PRIMER. 3.1.1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING, STEP 7. APPLY A THIN COAT OF SOLVENT CEMENT TO THE INTERIOR CLEARLY, THE LOCATION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM SO CONSTRUCTION SURFACE OF THE SOCKET. THE USE OF TOO MUCH SOLVENT COULD TRAFFIC AND EQUIPMENT IS ALERTED TO THE PRESENCE OF THESE WEAKEN THE CASING WALL. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. AT NO TIME WILL ANY EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE OVER ANY PORTION OF THE STEP 8. APPLY A UNIFORM COAT OF SOLVENT CEMENT TO THE OUTSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OR WASTEWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UNLESS SURFACE OF THE SPIGOT END OF THE CASING THAT PORTION OF THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO STEP 9. INSERT THE SPIGOT END OF THE CASING SECTION FORCEFULLY WITHSTAND THE LOADING OF SUCH EQUIPMENT. DAMAGE CAUSED BY INTO THE SOCKET TO THE ENTIRE DEPTH OF THE SOCKET WHILE BOTH THE SUCH ACTION WILL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. IN INSIDE SOCKET SURFACE AND OUTSIDE SURFACE OF THE CASING ARE ORDER TO PREVENT UNNECESSARY COMPACTION AND SOIL DAMAGE, IT IS COMPLETELY COATED WITH WET CEMENT. RECOMMENDED THAT EACH CELL IS CONSTRUCTED INDIVIDUALLY, AND BACKFILLED WITH THE SOIL EXCAVATED FROM THE NEXT CELL OTHER CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL BE EVALUATED BY THE ENGINEER FOR STEP 10. TWIST CASING 1/8 TO 1/4 TURN THEN HOLD THE SOCKET AND APPROVAL CASING SECTIONS TOGETHER FOR AT LEAST 15 TO 20 SECONDS OR UNTIL AN INITIAL SET TAKES PLACE. 3.1.2 TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT VEHICULAR TRAFFIC STEP 11. WIPE THE EXCESS CEMENT FROM THE SOCKET. A PROPERLY OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MAY CAUSE SOIL COMPACTION ARE CEMENTED JOINT SHOULD SHOW A BEAD OF SOLVENT CEMENT AROUND PROHIBITED FROM DAMAGING THE INFILTRATION AREA. ANY DAMAGE TO THE INFILTRATION AREA WILL BE REPAIRED IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENTIRE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE CASING WHERE IT MEETS THE THE ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. SOCKET. 3.1.3 THE ELEVATION OF EACH CELL BOTTOM IS PROVIDED ON THE STEP 12. TO INSURE A STRONG BOND, A JOINT SHOULD REMAIN PLANS. LITERAL CELLS SHALL BE EXCAVATED LEVEL AT THE SPECIFIED UNDISTURBED UNTIL AN INITIAL SET IS REACHED (TABLE 1). ELEVATION. 3.1.4 IF SOIL SMEARING OCCURS, WORK SHALL CEASE UNTIL THE SOIL TABLE 1. SOLVENT CEMENTING OF BELLED END CASING - APPROXIMATE DRIES SUFFICIENTLY SMEARED SOIL SHALL BE REPAIRED IN A MANNER INITIAL SET TIMES* ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 3.2 PRESSURE NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 3.2.1 ALL INFILTRATION PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D1785, STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PVC PLASTIC PIPE SCHEDULE 40. 3.2.2 ALL SOLVENT -CEMENTED JOINTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE *DEVELOPMENT OF FULL OPERATING STRENGTH REQUIRES CURE PERIODS WITH ASTM D2855, STANDARD PRACTICE FOR MAKING SOLVENT -CEMENTED ABOUT TEN TIMES LONGER THAN SHOWN BY THIS TABLE. JOINTS WITH PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS. PRIMER USED SHALL IMPART A SALIENT COLORATION. ANY SOLVENT CEMENTED JOINT NOT EXHIBITING SUCH COLORATION SHALL BE REJECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND REPLACED 3.4 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. (SEE SECTION 3.3 PREPARATION OF PIPE SURFACES AND CEMENT PROCESS FOR PLASTIC PIPE). 3.4.1 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING 3.2.3 CONSTRUCT THE FORCE MAIN AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR EACH ONCE THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED TO THE POINT OF TESTING INFILTRATION CELL. TRENCHING, EXCAVATION, AND BEDDING SHALL BE IN AND PURGING, THE SYSTEM IS TO BE PURGED AND PRESSURE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 02221 TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL THE PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER USING THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE. FOR PIPELINES & APPURTENANT STRUCTURES, OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. FORCEMAIN SHALL NOT BE BACKFILLED WITH STONES LARGER THAN 3 1. FILL THE DOSE TANK WITH CLEAN WATER - INCHES. 3.2.4 CONSTRUCT MANIFOLD AND LATERALS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. BE CERTAIN ALL FLUSHING VALVES ARE OPEN. 3. FILL THE DOSE TANK TO THE LEVEL WHICH ACTIVATES THE DRAINFIELD 3.2.5 LATERAL ORIFICES ARE TO BE 3/16 INCH DIAMETER' ORIFICES PUMP(S) AND ALLOW THE LATERALS TO PURGE. REPEAT UNTIL ALL SHALL BE DRILLED ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE EXCEPT THAT EVERY FIFTH FOREIGN OBJECTS HAVE BEEN DISCHARGES FROM THE FORCE MAIN AND ORIFICE SHALL BE DRILLED ON THE UNDER SIDE OF THE PIPE TO ALLOW LATERALS FOR DRAINAGE. THE FIRST ORIFICE SHALL BE DRILLED 18 INCHES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE LATERAL ORIFICES ARE TO BE DRILLED IN A 4. DRILL 3 j16' ORIFICE IN THE CLEANOUe CAP OF EACH LATERAL MANNER THAT MINIMIZES DEVIATION FROM SPECIFIED DIAMETER AND MAINTAINS A SHARP EDGE ALL BURRS, CUTTINGS AND/OR OTHER 5. FILL THE DOSE CHAMBER TO THE PONT WHERE THE PUMP(S) MATERIAL ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM WITHIN AND AROUND EACH ORIFICE ENGAGES. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE PRESENT DURING PRESSURE TESTING WITHOUT DAMAGING THE ORIFICE. OF THE INFILTRATION CELLS, TO MEASURE 1HE DIFFERENCE IN DISCHARGE 3.2.6 FLUSHING ASSEMBLIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO IN THE LATERAL ENDS. PLANS. ALL FLUSHING VALVES SHALL BE OPEN. 6. REPLACE CLEANOUT CAP ON EACH LATERAL WITH NEW, UNDRILLED 3.2-7 THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON CAPS. THE BOTTOM OF THE CELLS. 3.5 CHAMBER INSTALLATION 3.2.8 EACH LATERAL IS TO BE COVERED AND SECURED TO THE 3.5.1 INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS, STANDARD CAPACITY, SHALL BE USED TO CHAMBERS IN THE CELLS BEFORE FINAL BACKFILLING AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS (SEE SECTION 3.5 CHAMBER INSTALLATION)- ONCE THE SYSTEM COVER THE LATERALS. HAS BEEN COVERED, IT SHALL BE PURGED AND PRESSURE TESTED, (SEE 3.5.2 USING A HOLE SAW, CUT ONE HOLE IN EACH END PLATE. THE SECTION 3.4 PRESSURE TESTING/SYSTEM PURGING), AND APPROVED BY HOLE SHALL BE SIZED SO THAT LATERALS PASS WITH LESS THAN 1/4 THE ENGINEER. INCH OF CLEARANCE. 3.2.9 EVERY PRECAUTION SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT FOREIGN 3.5.3 AN END CAP SHALL BE SECURED TO THE FIRST CHAMBER WITH 4 MATERIAL FROM ENTERING THE PIPE WHILE IT IS BEING INSTALLED. AT SELF DRILLING SCREWS. THE DISTRIBUTION LATERAL SHALL PASS TIMES WHEN PIPE LAYING IS NOT IN PROGRESS, THE OPEN ENDS OF PIPE THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE END CAP AND THE CAP SHALL BE RETAINED SHALL BE CLOSED BY A PLUG OR OTHER MEANS APPROVED BY THE BY A SLIP X SLIP COUPLING ON THE LATERAL ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN AND REMOVE ALL DEBRIS THAT HAS ENTERED THE LINES IN THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY 3.5.4 THE DISTRIBUTION LATERAL SHALL BE SUSPENDED FROM THE FOREIGN MATERIAL REMAINING IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AFTER CHAMBER USING PLASTIC 'ZIP' TIES. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE 3.5.5 STARTING FROM THE FIRST CHAMBER, ADD ADDITIONAL CHAMBERS 3.3 PREPARATION OF PIPE SURFACES AND CEMENT PROCESS FOR PLASTIC PIPE DOWN THE LENGTH OF THE LATERAL. FULLY ENGAGING INTERLOCKS AND SECURING WITH 4 SELF DRILLING SCREWS. SPLASH PLATES SHALL BE JOINING PLASTIC CASING IS A RELATIVELY SIMPLE PROCESS, BUT THE INSTALLED BELOW ALL DOWNWARD POINTIIZ ORIFICES. DISTRIBUTION INTEGRITY OF THE JOINT WILL BE A FUNCTION OF THE THOROUGHNESS OF LATERALS SHALL BE SECURED TO EACH CHAMBER. THE JOINING TECHNIQUES. THE MATERIALS AND TOOLS REQUIRED INCLUDE (AWWA, 1981): 3.5.6 AFTER THE LAST CHAMBER IS INSTALLED, SECURE AN END CAP TO THE LAST CHAMBER WITH 4 SELF DRUNG SCREWS. THE DISTRIBUTION 1. A FINE-TOOTHED SAW LATERAL, AND FLUSHING LINE SHALL PASS THROUGH HOLES IN THE END 2. A MITRE BOX CAP AND THE CAP SHALL BE RETAINED E3Y A SLIP X SLIP COUPLING ON 3. A SMALL KNIFE, FILE, OR BEVELING TOOL THE LATERAL. 4. FINE-GRAINED, ABRASIVE PAPER 5. CLEAN, DRY CLOTH OR PAPER TOWEL 3.5.7 BACKFILL CHAMBERS, MANIFOLD ANID RISERS CAREFULLY WITH 6. CLEANER AND/OR PRIMER CAPABLE OF IMPARTING COLOR. NATIVE SOIL AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 7. THE PROPER SOLVENT CEMENT 8. A NATURAL BRISTLE BRUSH APPROXIMATELY HALF THE DIAMETER OF THE CASING BEING JOINED OR A SPECIALLY DESIGNED APPLICATOR WHICH MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE SOLVENT CEMENT CONTAINER 15V5 Pc5ign Criteria Facility: Fast Norman Golf Course FeAroom at red 5kq Fanch Ve5troom Wastewater Generation player5: 192 players/ day C 1,6 gallon/ flush + 0,4 Olonl wash) - 584 gall on5/ dag T� U Wastewater Generation : 304 gallons/ day 5oil Appl ieation rate: 0.76 gallon/ (ft2 *- day) Payed uWn soil +ape and Ire" wa5t ewaLer Gravel Absorption Area Feauired: ( 384 gallons/ day) / C 0.76 gallon / C fy � day) - 505,3 ft2 Infiltrator Feduction: 50 : 505,3-C 505,30,50) - 252,6 ft2 Feduction for no5inq: 25% : 252,6-(252.6*-025) -189,5 W Number of Infiltrator Chambers Feauired: 169.52/ 15,5 W/ chamber 12 chambers WA Number of Chambers in ne5ign: 27 CONCRETE STRUCTURES: 1. CONCRETE SPECIFICATION: STRENGTH: 4000 psi AT 28 DAYS AGGREGATE: 3/4- MAXIMUM SIZE CEMENT: TYPE II SULFIDE RESISTANT 540 Ibs / cu yds SLUMP: 3' MAXIMUM SLUMP AIR ENTRAINMENT: 5% TO 7% CACL 2: 0.03% MAXIMUM 2. REINFORCING STEEL TO BE ASTM A-615 GRADE 60. 3. SEWER PIPE SEALS SHALL BE WATERTIGHT, WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER BOOTS. RUBBER BOOTS SHALL BE CLAMPED AROUND SEWER PIPE WITH STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS. 4. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AROUND WALL CORNERS AND FLOOR JOINTS. 5. TANK SHALL PASS A 24' HOUR WATER TIGHTNESS TEST WITH NO MEASURABLE DROP IN 24 HOURS. TANKS NOT MEETING THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACE / REPAIRED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSES. 6. CONCRETE DISPLAYING 'HONEYCOMB' FINISH WILL BE REJECTED AND REPLACED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 7. SUBGRADE AND CRUSHED ROCK TO BE INDIVIDUALLY COMPACTED TO MINIMUM OF 95% MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY PER ASTM D698, DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD B. CONTRACTORS SHALL PREPARE ALL BEARING SURFACES TO A TRUE AND LEVEL LINE PRIOR TO ERECTION. STRUCTURE BEDDING SHALL MEET THE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. ALL SUPPORTS OF THE PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE ACCURATELY LOCATED AND OF REQUIRED SIZE AND BEARING MATERIALS. TANKS SHALL BE INSTALLED LEVEL 9. NO CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR ANY OF HIS EMPLOYEES SHALL ARBITRARILY CUT, DRILL PUNCH, OR OTHERWISE TAMPER NTH THE PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES. 10. SUBGRADE ELEVATION NOT TO VARY BY MORE THAN 1/2' AT ANY LOCATION. 11. DO NOT INSTALL TANKS ON OR BACKFILL WITH FROZEN SOIL 12. CONTRACTOR TO INSULATE PIPING THAT DOES NOT DRAIN BELOW FROST PENETRATION DEPTH. 13. SEALANT FOR JOINTS BETWEEN PRECAST SECTIONS SHALL BE FLEXIBLE BUM RESIN SEALANT CONFORMING TO FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SS-S-210A AND AASHTO M-198-B. 14. THE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE LIFTING INSERTS. 15. PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES SHALL NOT BE TRANSPORTED AWAY FROM THE CASTING YARD UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS REACHED 75% OF THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 28 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND A PERIOD OF AT LEAST 5 DAYS HAS ELAPSED SINCE CASTING, UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE ENGINEER. 1' MINUS CRUSHED ROCK SPECIFICATION SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 1' 100 3/4' 75 - 100 NO. 4 25 - 45 NO. 200 1 - 10 Hydraulic Analysis Red Sky Ranch East Norman Golf Course Bathroom 30 -� ' 27 _ Pinup Operating Point - 24 21 1 18 � - a -� w 1 12- 9- 6- 3 i i 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 Flow (gPm) System Cove - - - SP40 01 i