HomeMy WebLinkAbout246 Aspen Bluff Ln - 194122302005Work Classification: NewPermit PO BOX 3939 VAIL CO 81658- Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 194122302005 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-10-15-13623 Expires: 2/23/2016 Issue Date: 10/26/2015 Parcel No. 246 ASPEN BLUFF LN Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (303)810-2300 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR PhoneEngineer(s) 406-388-7504ELIMINITE, INC Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number Holland Creek (970)343-0229 Yes09-15 STEVE ROITMAN Permitted Construction / Details: Connect the sewer line exactly as detailed on the design drawing stamped, signed and dated October 13, 2015 by Thomas J. Kallenbach, PE. The dwelling is being connected to the State Approved wastewater treatment works that serves the Fazio Clubhouse. Certification of proper completion of the connection in accordance with the design details is required prior to occupancy of the dwelling. Holland Creek Metropolitan District must submit a capacity report of the Fazio system along with final certification. Office Copy October 26, 2015 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Terri Vroman CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED OIRODEPARTMENT OF NMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www:e�ountv.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us -.OGLE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE $400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: SteveRoitman Phone: 303-295-7444 47517th Street, Suite 1390, Denver, CO._nolianccreei:�ater,tDcenturriinicnet Owner Mailing Address: 20202 email: Professional Engineer: Thomas Kallenbach Phone: Applicant / Contact Person: Phone: Creek Metro /Donald Odell Phone: Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: Holland Creek Metro / Donald Odell Contractor Mailing Address: 28 Second St, Suite 213, Edwards, CO.81632 Contractor Phone Number: 970-569-3045 OWTS Permit Application is for: x Tax Parcel Number: 1941-223-02-005 Assessor's Link: www.eaLdecount-y.us/patie/ Physical Address 246 Aspen sluff Lane, Wolcott Legal Deseriptioul:°t 06 Red Sky Ranch email: New Installation Building Type: X Residential / Single Family Residential / Multi Family 406-581-1613 970-569-3045 Contractor License #: 09-15 hollardereekwatert'a)centurvlink_net Alteration Repair Lot Size: 1.317 Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Commercial / Industrial Type of Use: s is of %/27,12014. ail systems require design by a Registered Profcssiwud Engineer Type of Water Supply: If Public, Name of Supplier: Private Well Spring Surface ' X Public PSWID: CO-0119673- Red Sky Ranch water treatment facility 10/15/2015 Applicant Signature: ''t4` r (, at G M� /14/ Date: Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # /D '/S - lJJ BUILDING PERMIT # Amount Paid: �� � Receipt #: 5 W Check #: ✓� ipQ Date: -��� October 12, 2015 Raymond P. Merry, RHES Environmental Health Director Eagle County Government P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Subject: Red Sky Ranch, Lot 6, Permit application for a new sewer connection to Fazio WWTS. Dear Mr. Merry: Holland Creek Metro District (HCMD) is requesting a permit from Eagle County Environmental Health Department to allow the owner of Lot 6, Red Sky Ranch, Steve Roitman, through HCMD, to complete a sewer connection between the home and existing sewer extension. Construction will consist of a 4” diameter PVC building sewer coupled to the existing 4” diameter PVC sewer stub. All required cleanouts will be installed by HCMD. Because there is no other construction planned than a simple connection to an existing, CDPHE approved, public wastewater treatment system, plans will be furnished as record drawings detailing the final location of the building sewer and cleanouts. Please contact me if you have questions. Warm Regards, Thomas J. Kallenbach, P.E. SPEARS MANUFACTURING P501-040CLEANOUT WITHIN 50 FTOF CONNECTION WITHPUBLIC SEWER.CLEANOUT4" PVC BUILDING SEWERREFER TO TRENCH DETAILAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONOF PUBLIC SEWER EXTENSION.VERIFY IN FIELDSTANDARD TRENCHSITE LAYOUTBI-DIRECTIONALCLEANOUT4" PVC BUILDING SEWERTHREADED CAP FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADEThis plan describes installation of approximately 140 ft of 4 in. diameter building sewerconnecting to an existing 4 in diameter public sewer stub. All work must be coordinatedthrough Holland Creek Metro District.HOLLAND CREEKMETRO DISTRICTDON ODELL970-569-3045RED SKY RANCH LOT 6ROITMAN RESIDENCE246 ASPEN BLUFF LN.WOLCOTT, CO1 OF 110/13/15NTS39&-RLQWV±$SSOLFDWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHƒ)WRƒ) WRƒ& Cut pipe straight (very important). This will allow pipe to bottom into the socket. The strongestpart of joint is the bottom 1/3 of the fitting.Remove burr (shaving), use clean dry cloth or knife. Do not use abrasive material.Clean pipe and fitting using E-Z Weld Pipe Cleaner (Part No. 214). It is very important that pipeand fitting is free of dirt, grease or any other foreign matter.Check dry fit. Pipe should easily go into the socket 1/3 to 2/3 of the way before any resistanceis felt. This is commonly referred to as interference fit. If pipe goes to the bottom of the fittingwithout any resistance (interference) ensures fitting is correct size. If it is not correct size getanother fitting.Apply a liberal coat of primer. Use E-Z Weld Primer (Part No. 212 or 211). Primer is highlyrecommended for 3" or larger diameter installation. Quickly proceed to step 6.Apply a thin coat of cement (while primer is still wet) into the socket and a full even coat on thepipe to the depth of socket bottom. Do not puddle cement in socket. Dauber applicator suppliedwith the can works well for less than 3" diameter installation. For 3" and larger diameterLQVWDOODWLRQXVHEUXVKDSSOLFDWRUWKDWLVòWKHVL]HRISLSH LHDSSOLFDWRUIRUSLSH Insert pipe into the socket quickly while cement is still fluid (wet), if cement has dried, re-coatSLSHDQGILWWLQJ,ISRVVLEOHWZLVWSLSHóWXUQWKLVZLOODOORZFHPHQWWRFRYHUDQ\GU\VSRW0DNHsure pipe goes all the way to the bottom of the fitting.Hold pipe and fitting together (30 second to a minute) to make sure pipe does not push out.Allow cement to set (approx. 15 minutes) before handling the assembly.Wipe off excess cement with clean dry cloth.Allow cement to cure before applying water (fluid) pressure. Cure time is dependent uponWHPSHUDWXUHKXPLGLW\HWF)ROORZWKHFHPHQWPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VUHFRPPHQGDWLRQRUUHIHUWRWKHchart in this booklet. Under normal conditions, allow 24 hours cure time. Lot 6, 246 Aspen Bluff Lane Tax parcel ID # 194122302005 Building Env Location of existing 4” sewer stub