HomeMy WebLinkAbout598 Frost Creek Rd - 210925302004Work Classification:New CO AddressOwner Information Permit Status:Active Project Address 210925302004 Permit Type:OWTS Permit Permit NO.OWTS-10-15-13607 Expires:7/1/2016Issue Date:11/5/2015 Parcel No. 598 FROST CREEK DR Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: Cell:(970)331-1150 Inspection For Inspections call:(970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-9088LKP Engineering, Inc Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DEFINA CONSTRUCTION CO (970)376-6702 Yes13-16 Louis Rinn Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as designed in the LKP Engineering, Inc. design drawing dated November 3, 2015, approved by Ben Elmore, PE retained by the developer to process all OWTS applications within the PUD. System consists of the installation of a state approved and manufacturer pre-approved1,500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank with effluent filter in the outlet tee conveying filtered wastewater to an Advantex AX25RT with 3B configuration which returns nitrified effluent to the first compartment of the septic tank for denitrification; and1,000 square feet of soil treatment area(prior to reductions for using chambers and pressure dosing) via the installation of 48 pressure dosed Infiltrator Quick4 Plus Standard chambers placed in 6 shallow trenches as shown on the design drawings. Do not install trenches in wet weather or frozen ground. Water softener discharge from softeners using salts must NOT be discharged to the septic system. Installer must be certified by Orenco to install this type of system. Control Panel connections to be described and covered in the electrical permit for this project. Contact Luiza Petrovska, PE with LKP Engineering to conduct all installation inspections and Simon Farrell, PE with JVA, Inc. to coordinate all other inspections necessary to certify the proper installation and functionality of the system. System certification along with as-built drawings and photos are required to be submitted to, and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO May 06, 2016 Date Customer Copy Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101,et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Work Classification: NewPermit CO Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 210925302004 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-10-15-13607 Expires: 3/4/2016 Issue Date: 11/5/2015 Parcel No. 598 FROST CREEK DR Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: Cell: (970)331-1150 Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970)945-5700BEN ELMORE Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number DEFINA CONSTRUCTION CO (970)376-6702 Yes15-15 Louis Rinn Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as designed in the LKP Engineering, Inc. design drawing dated November 3, 2015, approved by Ben Elmore, PE retained by the developer to process all OWTS applications within the PUD. System consists of the installation of a state approved and manufacturer pre-approved1,500 gallon two compartment concrete septic tank with effluent filter in the outlet tee conveying filtered wastewater to an Advantex AX25RT with 3B configuration which returns nitrified effluent to the first compartment of the septic tank for denitrification; and 1,000 square feet of soil treatment area (prior to reductions for using chambers and pressure dosing) via the installation of 48 pressure-dosed Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers placed in 6 shallow trenches as shown on the design drawings. Do not install trenches in wet weather or frozen ground. Water softener discharge from softeners using salts must NOT be discharged to the septic system. Installer must be certified by Orenco to install this type of system. Control Panel connections to be described and covered in the electrical permit for this project. Contact Ben Elmore, PE with Zancanella & Associates to coordinate all inspections necessary to certify the system and to prepare as-built drawings. System certification along with as-built drawings and photos are required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Heatlh prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. Office Copy November 06, 2015 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Terri Vroman CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED EAGLE, CO V63 x PAY To THEORDE OF g A U o Bwww.efimtbank.com /� (8W) 964,U" MEMO L4 f Cj ram+ ]C.J! e 1:10700Solt 71:223SSG383C3v 30 APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJUK KrrAuw aay.w - - �:� REPAIR FEE1400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: Phone: 91 O Owner Mailing Address: P.0 C3-0X 4'1 (,=, EaA� -2 email: OU 1S a� f 1 h►r� b tr11� C�2f S . Cs�r✓► Professional Engineer: L-K` Eta r-*. Phone: 97 0 - q26 QO IS Applicant / Contact Person: Lows (Z xv,\ v,\ Phone: 4 7 0 - 3 31 —1 IS'a Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: -(1f10. kcV, C O►1S +fIA(-+7Z))J Contractor Mailing Address: C • 0 )go X `- 1 4-o ontractor License #: Contractor Phone Number: 9 7 U -37 6 " 67 OA email: A e.Cm cransl AZ a OL • cur'1 OWTS Permit Application is for: New Installation Alteration Repair Tax Parcel Number: 21 0 q .15 3 b 2rO D 4- Lot Size: r, Assessor's Link: www.earlecounty.us/natie/ Physical Address: Eq & f-r 04- U-F-a� VV- Legal Description: I l oA Cu'-e-e - ci- Sa 63 Building Type: Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms: Residential / Multi Family Number of Bedrooms: 4-, 2 Commercial / Industrial Type of Use: *As of 06/27/2014, all systems require desigmby a Registered Professional Engi eer TypiraWater Supply: Private Well Sp , Surface Public If Pgblic, Name of Supplier: AppIkUnt Signature! Date: t0�13�-� Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # /Q —1 _ 1 v (00 q BUILDING PERMIT # Amount Paid: 9)Q Receipt #: 699900 Check #: _/030 Date: �� March 1, 2017 Louis Rinn PO Box 426 Eagle, CO 81631 louis@rinnbuilders.com RE: Final approval of septic permit OWTS-10-15-13607; Tax parcel #210925302004; Property location: 598 Frost Creek Dr., Eagle area Mr. Rinn, This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized. This permit was approved and sized for a total capacity for 4 bedrooms. Maintenance of your septic system will be scheduled by the Frost Creek maintenance team. The system is connected and can be monitored remotely as required in the PUD. JVA will be working with Frost Creek on the management of this more advanced remote monitoring technology. Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: OWTS electronic permit folder Energov electronic file LKP Engineering Simon Farrell – JVA – Designated Project Engineer DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. P.O. Box 1908 'Ar (970) 945-5700 1011 Grand Avenue (970) 945-1253 Fax Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 7ZZ4Il`4C4f4ELL4 4NA 4S OC14TM INC. ENGINEERING CONSULT41IN11TS November 2, 2015 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director of Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Louis Rinn, Frost Creek, Lot 63, Septic Design Dear Ray: As the engineer of record for the Frost Creek PUD for ISDS compliance, I have reviewed the ISDS design for Lot 63, Frost Creek & Salt Creek PUD Filing No. 1 dated November 2, 2015 (attached). The design was submitted by Luiza Petrovska and LKP Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Louis Rinn. The design is in compliance with the PUD's ISDS requirements. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (970) 945-5700 Very truly yours, Zancane & Assoc' s, Inc. Ben Elmore, P.E. z:\400's\441 - adam's rib ranch\isds\lot 63\lot 63 approval letter.dou i cn v m m IT m n moo r IT z c) m z v m �0X Dec z 0cnc m r ;;a N 1 � � m �v O-u cn m 0 r r t-4 K z II HIP z G� D m X O m O m 0 G) D m A c F) 46 r c N D r r z (5 z m N m z v 0 D m U) D W r m 0 m m 0 O m X m N -0 O m �z <N z cn a m n O z O 0 T m �� N \\ o W o 0 ° is Oo i XI \ 11 .Itvv"v < o 7� ��� �< O�� oo �� c / 0U)> 11 \ \ o�N1 y o i 0 o m D Nmzcn >0 0 v v / — ,� r I I mmD� \ -- �`3J2- � \\ Got Z - ------ --- o=_ \�D \ O II II J \ r N) \ 00 00 -P, O N / D \ / \ \ //oo�/ o ---- ---- ~ \ \ l000 /i / — 4j� A � V/ / �- - / \/ - - - � w I� Z'01-oo D D D D \ \ i— //� --/ , I m G / / m ' ao �/ I Zr- cn v / / —coo I �\/ v \ / W % DAD -7304 oZc) I \ I ( Xmo \ \ \ _ \ \ �m � -- I� 00� I \ \ oZ m or-m D 2Q� /- -- Orx ` (j ` �r D ` / r N L m� r0 �mAo / n�0 -\ D I �Ko o c/) I Z D m w. \ \ \ oO O�0O I cmmm I v-- r �Zm o mz �mnWt-- - ��m0 _���mX --0%�zm00 0�cn G)O� �/ cnao C70- �CJZCD - - - -- -- DDT �y� mC �T G)z—. zcn`� Drm I- �� \� zcn ���m0 Apo —__� m— ---- - \ \ \ 3�0� yo \ 1 T� cun�ccn0p< / _7 I \ \ * W --I m \ \ n S�^'mmmccn03 r- 7JO0 -0 > > m r- oO // =DOz_ \ �m------7298---- Kcn � —p L _r- mm 2p / mW -0 D;1w r \ �.. mmm 'p rnrrn r � �� -nXm �� m OZ rX \��,---7298 nCi- -- -- r-U)� / � ° Ayczi Z IM10 cnp rn� mo Drm= c Z�N�/ mD OD�rn Op0 rmmO m E - m �m C)�r m I r<Z � m NCJI� m �=m 0 z \ ��� \� znn ;D O=mOp CmO c) -mzp o � m \� \\ �O DOZ Yn =_ < �n�--�m�r OO�JD�/ zm Z / ----- m- / 6' \ �z z� cc Om*D mcn= �= c)T 29 _- \----7296- -- - --D�— n— O r� � �� �DwA 0zCOD >z/ .� --_ a _00 �m�> ��� �o /(Cocyo)l ZC) >D �y0 D0 n0 \ \ T D n n n m 0 cn / i— \DDO I / --- - - -- -- ---- -- - / 7294 \ \ = m I — 6' 'N PO ;;07294 - — — A o z / m�00 c� � O m m °°� ��- v�A� N m n / o Xo� o ---- ��— - 7292---110 �. 0TIm Kz= mo+ / / r — U) \ \ Ago <N \�/ O m --- CS` _ \ oC nZ 70 D (n \ z rOri 0 — 0Cv _ n` D m �_ D Z� I i —D - 2g� _ r m o A Z ZD �V 6� \ \ 0 Dm +--- 6 C) o D 133\ \ \T / ,m -- - _ O m 6 F\ \\ r / m-X _7,3 (n _ U p -0 0 IE 0 m D �, Z m 0 L cmi m 0 m D Z „ , ���I�p{leua....... ��� W G) c)Z O z O< Z C 00O 00 W ti� •.a `\ 6� r °. : 01 LKP cn m W 6 • +� ,; - � �. 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EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 tel (970) 926-9088 www.lkpengineering.com PREPARED FOR JAYME & LOUIS RINN NO. I DATE I DESCRIPTION 4m 0 m 0 r co m ZZ n N m m C am� VJ � W Liz There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NO.: LKPEn ineerin IncLOT 63, FROST CREEK & SALT CREEK PUD FIL. # 1 15-3055 g g, • AS -BUILT 0598 FROST CREEK ISDS PERMIT NO.: CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL SKETCH EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO OWTS-10-15-13607 DATE: MAY 7 & 9, 2016 RINN RESIDENCE LOT 63 4.151 ACRES / 598 FROST CREEK DRIVE ` APPROXIMATE / \ BUILDING NUMBER OF INFILTRATORS 7 80 ENVELOPE ` PER TRENCH (TYPICAL) 00'\ rv17 / \ / 32-FOOT LATERAL, 1-1/4' DIAMETER, O Ito QtoP / WITH INCH HOLES AT 5-INTERVALS. 8 �yfi Gomez \ ALTERNATING AT TEN(10) O'' CLOCK AND TWO (2) O'CLOCK - (TYPICAL) 8 ADVANTEX AX25RT MODE 3B TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR LEVEL 3 NITROGEN REMOVAL I AX25 800 GALLONS RECIRCULATING TANK 1500 GALLONS, TWO COMPARTMENTS, PRECAST CONCRETE, SEPTIC TANK 7- 1 1 \ 4- NCH DIAMETE , �DR35 \ BUILDING SE ER LINE L \ I 1 I I CONTROL I 81'- -� PANEL I 1'8" r I — — j 4 — 113„ - \ CLEANOUT I SEPTIC TANK COVERS AT SURFACE 4" DIAM SCH40 PVC RETURN LINE TO FIRST COMPARTMENT OF SEPTIC TANK 1 2-INCH DIAMETER, Si L — - - 1- 1 PVC, EFFLUENT INSPECTION PORT 1 / -19-FEET, 2-INCH DIAMETER, 3,7„ SCH40 PVC, CENTRAL MANIFOLD 36„ 4 4, / FLUSHING ASSEMBLY h B, •�„ 33„ / (TYPICAL) 3''9. / QUICK FOUR PLUS, / / STANDARD INFILTRATOR / OCHAMBER 8 / / 10 7'6"12'4- / / N H40 / .INE / .83 / .0 / 150.00' DRAINAGE EASEMENT �9 P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631, (970) 926-9088, www.lkpengineering.com November 3, 2015 Jayme & Louis Rinn Rinn Builders, LLC P.O. Box 426 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Soil and Site Evaluation Lots 63, Frost Creek Filing No. 1 0598 Frost Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project NO. 15-3055 On September 17 and 18, 2015, we met with you at your property on Lots 63, Frost Creek Filing No. 1, 0598 Frost Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe and test the area designated on the site plan that meets the criteria of OWTS #43, for a septic system for the proposed Rinn Residence. Lot 63 is a 4.151 acre parcel of land at 0598 Frost Creek Road, off of Brush Creek Road, approximately 5.4 miles south from the intersection of Brush Creek Road and Sylvan Lake Road, in Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado. The septic system will have a secondary treatment in order to meet the Frost Creek PUD regulations for nutrient removal. !Preliminary Investigation G Address: 0598 Frost Creek Road, southeast from the Town Of Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado G Legal Description: Lots 63, Frost Creek & Salt Creek PUD, Filing No. 1, Eagle County, Colorado G Existing Structures: There was an old shack on the southwest corner of the lot. G Location of existing and proposed wells on property: Water is provided by the Town of Eagle Water Department. G ECEHD records: There are no septic systems on Lot 63. G Topography: The topography of the property is rolling. Within the proposed leachfield area the topography was moderate, sloping gently to the east. The leachfield will be located on the lower east portion of the lot, in the back yard of the proposed residence. G Soil Data: Two profile holes were excavated and observed. Profile hole number one had about 18 inches of topsoil, over 14 inches of light brown, silty sand with angular rock fragments over about 16 inches layer of orange-brown, sandstone rock fragments over four feet of brown-orange, silty clayey sand. The soil was moist near the bottom, but no free ground water was encountered. The soil encountered in the profile hole No. 2 consisted of about a foot of Topsoil over about 20 inches of blocky clay P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com Proposed Residence November 3, 2015 Project No. 15-3055 2 over 4.5 feet of light, reddish-brown, silty-sandy gravel with subround to subangular cobbles and boulders. After 5 feet, the moisture increased and the soil profile had grayish-orange discoloration. There was no ground water or bedrock observed in the profile hole at the time of the excavation. G Location of applicable setbacks in Table 7-1: The proposed septic tank is about 28 feet away from the house, about 35 feet away from the leachfield. The leachfield is at least 70 feet away from the house, and over 100 feet away from the closest property lines. !Reconnaissance G Landscape position: The proposed leachfield site will be located in the back yard, on a linear slope, along the contours. G Topography: The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate and the trenches will run along the contours. G Vegetation: The vegetation of the proposed leachfield site consisted of wild grass. G Natural and cultural features: The natural topography of the site is moderate with a gentle slope to the east. A portion of 150 feet wide drainage easement runs along the south and east property lines of the lot. Also, there is 50-foot drainage easement at the southwest corner of the lot, and an old irrigation ditch transverse the lot from about the middle south toward the northwest lot corner. G Current and historic land use: Based on the records available, the property seems to have been used as a ranch by an early settler, W.E. Frost from the early 1880's. From 1973 the land had been developed into the residential subdivision Adam’s Rib Ranch with a golf course. Most recently, in March of 2015 the property had been repurchased and renamed to Frost Creek Ranch. The use remains as a residential subdivision with a golf course. !Detailed Soil Investigation G Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavation; OR G Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes or one or more profile test pit excavations: Two profile holes were excavated and three percolation holes were dug, presoaked and a perc test was run the following day. !Report and Site Plan G Name, address, telephone number, email address, and credentials and qualification of individual who conducted site evaluation: This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com Proposed Residence November 3, 2015 Project No. 15-3055 3 Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-926-9088 and Luiza’s email address is luiza@lkpeng.com G Dates of preliminary and detailed evaluation: July 21 and 22, 2015. G A graphic soil log, to scale: Attached G Setback distances in Table 7-1: The proposed septic tank is about 28 feet away from the house and about 35 feet away from the leachfield. The Secondary Treatment tank is about 6 feet from the leachfield. The leachfield is at least 70 feet away from the house and over 100 feet away from the property lines. G Setback distances in Table 7-2: No well. No cut bank. The trenches for proposed infiltrator chambers will vary from about one foot to three feet deep, with at least four feet of suitable soil (based on what we observed in the profile hole) below the trenches. G A drawing (to scale) with complete property boundary lines on minimum of 8.5 x 11" #Label profile test pits/holes #North Arrow #Graphic scale #Horizontal and vertical reference points of proposed STA #Contours OR slope direction and % slope #Location of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed, or compacted soils #The proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the STA from benchmark or ground surface G Anticipated construction related issues: No issues anticipated. G Assessment of known or foreseeable land use changes expected to affect the system performance: None known. G Narrative explaining difficulties encountered during site evaluation: There are no difficulties anticipated. Location of setbacks will be shown on the septic system design. The percolation test results and graphic soil logs are appended to this report. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2015\15-3055Soil-site-eval.wpd LKP Engineering, Inc.LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 926-9088 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Client:Jayme & Louis Rinn Rinn Builders, LLC P.O. Box 426 Eagle, CO 81631 Location:Lot 63, Frost Creek, Filing No. 1 598 Frost Creek Drive Eagle County, Colorado Project No. : 15-3055 P-1 P-2 P-3 T IM E /D E P T H 2 1 "2 2 "2 1 " 9 :1 0 am 7 "-7 -4 /1 6 "6 /1 2 /1 6 "- 9 :2 0 am 1 1 -3 /1 6 "4 -3 /1 6 "9 -1 3 /1 6 "2 -9 /1 6 "8 -1 3 /1 6 "2 -1 /1 6 " 9 :3 0 a m 1 2 -1 4 /1 6 "1 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 -5 /1 6 "1 -8 /1 6 "1 0 "1 -3 /1 6 " 9 :4 0 am 1 4 -2 /1 6 "1 –4 /1 6 "1 2 -1 1 /1 6 "1 -6 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "1 5 /1 6 " 9 :5 0 am 1 5 -2 /1 6 "1 "1 3 -1 3 /1 6 "1 -1 /1 6 "1 1 -1 0 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 " 1 0 :0 0 am 1 6 /1 6 "1 4 /1 6 "1 4 -1 3 /1 6 "1 "1 2 -6 /1 6 "1 2 /1 6 " 1 0 :1 0 am 1 6 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 5 -1 0 /1 6 "1 3 /1 6 "1 3 "1 0 /1 6 " 1 0 :2 0 a m /1 7 -6 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 6 -6 /1 6 "1 2 /1 6 "1 3 -9 /1 6 "9 /1 6 " 1 0 :3 0 am 1 7 -1 4 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 7 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 4 -1 /1 6 "8 /1 6 " 1 0 :4 0 am 1 8 -6 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 7 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 4 -8 /1 6 "7 /1 6 " 1 0 :5 0 am 1 9 "1 0 /1 6 "1 8 -3 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 4 -1 4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " 1 1 :0 0 am 1 9 -6 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 8 -1 2 /1 6 "9 /1 6 "1 5 -4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " 1 1 :1 0 am 1 9 -6 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 9 -4 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 5 -1 0 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " P E R C R A T E 2 7 M I N /IN C H 1 9 M I N /IN C H 2 7 M IN /I N C H A V G P E R C 2 5 M IN /IN C H Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Date Hole were dug and presoaked: 9-17-2015 Date Test Run: 9-18-2015 Test Run By: Kiril Petrovski S o il P ro file :0 -1 2 " T o p so il 1 2 - 3 2 " B lo c k y C lay 3 2 " - 7 ' L ig ht r ed d is h -b ro wn , s ilty-s a n d y grav e l w ith c o b b les a nd b o uld ers. S ub ro u nd to su b a n g u la r A fte r 5 fe et, in cre ased m o istu r e an d grayis h -o ra n g e d isc o lo r atio n N o fr e e g ro u n d wa te r e nc o untere d Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project Rinn Res - 4bedroom / 598 Frost Creek, Eagle County, CO Parameters Discharge Assembly Size Transport Length Transport Pipe Class Transport Line Size Distributing Valve Model Max Elevation Lift Manifold Length Manifold Pipe Class Manifold Pipe Size Number of Laterals per Cell Lateral Length Lateral Pipe Class Lateral Pipe Size Orifice Size Orifice Spacing Residual Head Flow Meter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 2.00 53 40 2.00 None 6 18 40 2.00 6 32 40 1.25 7/32 5 5 None 2 inches feet inches feet feet inches feet inches inches feet feet inches feet Calculations Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice Number of Orifices per Zone Total Flow Rate per Zone Number of Laterals per Zone % Flow Differential 1st/Last Orifice Transport Velocity 1.33 42 55.9 6 1.2 5.4 gpm gpm % fps Frictional Head Losses Loss through Discharge Loss in Transport Loss through Valve Loss in Manifold Loss in Laterals Loss through Flowmeter 'Add-on' Friction Losses 6.2 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 2.0 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Vol of Manifold Vol of Laterals per Zone To ta l V ol um e 9.2 3.1 14.9 27.3 gals gals gals gals Minimum Pump Requirements Design Flow Rate Total Dynamic Head 55.9 22.3 gpm feet 0 1020304050607080 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Net Discharge (gpm) PumpData PF5005 High Head Effluent Pump 50 GPM, 1/2HP 115/230V 1Ø 60Hz, 200/230V 3Ø 60Hz Legend System Curve: Pump Curve: Pump Optimal Range: Operating Point: Design Point: November 3, 2015 Jayme & Louis Rinn Rinn Builders, LLC P.O. Box 426 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Soil and Site Evaluation Lots 63, Frost Creek Filing No. 1 0598 Frost Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project NO. 15-3055 On September 17 and 18, 2015, we met with you at your property on Lots 63, Frost Creek Filing No. 1, 0598 Frost Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe and test the area designated on the site plan that meets the criteria of OWTS #43, for a septic system for the proposed Rinn Residence. Lot 63 is a 4.151 acre parcel of land at 0598 Frost Creek Road, off of Brush Creek Road, approximately 5.4 miles south from the intersection of Brush Creek Road and Sylvan Lake Road, in Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado. The septic system will have a secondary treatment in order to meet the Frost Creek PUD regulations for nutrient removal. !Preliminary Investigation G Address: 0598 Frost Creek Road, southeast from the Town Of Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado G Legal Description: Lots 63, Frost Creek & Salt Creek PUD, Filing No. 1, Eagle County, Colorado G Existing Structures: There was an old shack on the southwest corner of the lot. G Location of existing and proposed wells on property: Water is provided by the Town of Eagle Water Department. G ECEHD records: There are no septic systems on Lot 63. G Topography: The topography of the property is rolling. Within the proposed leachfield area the topography was moderate, sloping gently to the east. The leachfield will be located on the lower east portion of the lot, in the back yard of the proposed residence. G Soil Data: Two profile holes were excavated and observed. Profile hole number one had about 18 inches of topsoil, over 14 inches of light brown, silty sand with angular rock fragments over about 16 inches layer of orange-brown, sandstone rock fragments over four feet of brown-orange, silty clayey sand. The soil was moist near the bottom, but no free ground water was encountered. The soil encountered in the profile hole No. 2 consisted of about a foot of Topsoil over about 20 inches of blocky clay P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com Proposed Residence November 3, 2015 Project No. 15-3055 2 over 4.5 feet of light, reddish-brown, silty-sandy gravel with subround to subangular cobbles and boulders. After 5 feet, the moisture increased and the soil profile had grayish-orange discoloration. There was no ground water or bedrock observed in the profile hole at the time of the excavation. G Location of applicable setbacks in Table 7-1: The proposed septic tank is about 28 feet away from the house, about 35 feet away from the leachfield. The leachfield is at least 70 feet away from the house, and over 100 feet away from the closest property lines. !Reconnaissance G Landscape position: The proposed leachfield site will be located in the back yard, on a linear slope, along the contours. G Topography: The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate and the trenches will run along the contours. G Vegetation: The vegetation of the proposed leachfield site consisted of wild grass. G Natural and cultural features: The natural topography of the site is moderate with a gentle slope to the east. A portion of 150 feet wide drainage easement runs along the south and east property lines of the lot. Also, there is 50-foot drainage easement at the southwest corner of the lot, and an old irrigation ditch transverse the lot from about the middle south toward the northwest lot corner. G Current and historic land use: Based on the records available, the property seems to have been used as a ranch by an early settler, W.E. Frost from the early 1880's. From 1973 the land had been developed into the residential subdivision Adam’s Rib Ranch with a golf course. Most recently, in March of 2015 the property had been repurchased and renamed to Frost Creek Ranch. The use remains as a residential subdivision with a golf course. !Detailed Soil Investigation G Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavation; OR G Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes or one or more profile test pit excavations: Two profile holes were excavated and three percolation holes were dug, presoaked and a perc test was run the following day. !Report and Site Plan G Name, address, telephone number, email address, and credentials and qualification of individual who conducted site evaluation: This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com Proposed Residence November 3, 2015 Project No. 15-3055 3 Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-926-9088 and Luiza’s email address is luiza@lkpeng.com G Dates of preliminary and detailed evaluation: July 21 and 22, 2015. G A graphic soil log, to scale: Attached G Setback distances in Table 7-1: The proposed septic tank is about 28 feet away from the house and about 35 feet away from the leachfield. The Secondary Treatment tank is about 6 feet from the leachfield. The leachfield is at least 70 feet away from the house and over 100 feet away from the property lines. G Setback distances in Table 7-2: No well. No cut bank. The trenches for proposed infiltrator chambers will vary from about one foot to three feet deep, with at least four feet of suitable soil (based on what we observed in the profile hole) below the trenches. G A drawing (to scale) with complete property boundary lines on minimum of 8.5 x 11" #Label profile test pits/holes #North Arrow #Graphic scale #Horizontal and vertical reference points of proposed STA #Contours OR slope direction and % slope #Location of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed, or compacted soils #The proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the STA from benchmark or ground surface G Anticipated construction related issues: No issues anticipated. G Assessment of known or foreseeable land use changes expected to affect the system performance: None known. G Narrative explaining difficulties encountered during site evaluation: There are no difficulties anticipated. Location of setbacks will be shown on the septic system design. The percolation test results and graphic soil logs are appended to this report. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2015\15-3055Soil-site-eval.wpd LKP Engineering, Inc.LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 926-9088 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Client:Jayme & Louis Rinn Rinn Builders, LLC P.O. Box 426 Eagle, CO 81631 Location:Lot 63, Frost Creek, Filing No. 1 598 Frost Creek Drive Eagle County, Colorado Project No. : 15-3055 P-1 P-2 P-3 T IM E /D E P T H 2 1 "2 2 "2 1 " 9 :1 0 am 7 "-7 -4 /1 6 "6 /1 2 /1 6 "- 9 :2 0 am 1 1 -3 /1 6 "4 -3 /1 6 "9 -1 3 /1 6 "2 -9 /1 6 "8 -1 3 /1 6 "2 -1 /1 6 " 9 :3 0 a m 1 2 -1 4 /1 6 "1 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 -5 /1 6 "1 -8 /1 6 "1 0 "1 -3 /1 6 " 9 :4 0 am 1 4 -2 /1 6 "1 –4 /1 6 "1 2 -1 1 /1 6 "1 -6 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "1 5 /1 6 " 9 :5 0 am 1 5 -2 /1 6 "1 "1 3 -1 3 /1 6 "1 -1 /1 6 "1 1 -1 0 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 " 1 0 :0 0 am 1 6 /1 6 "1 4 /1 6 "1 4 -1 3 /1 6 "1 "1 2 -6 /1 6 "1 2 /1 6 " 1 0 :1 0 am 1 6 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 5 -1 0 /1 6 "1 3 /1 6 "1 3 "1 0 /1 6 " 1 0 :2 0 a m /1 7 -6 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 6 -6 /1 6 "1 2 /1 6 "1 3 -9 /1 6 "9 /1 6 " 1 0 :3 0 am 1 7 -1 4 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 7 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 4 -1 /1 6 "8 /1 6 " 1 0 :4 0 am 1 8 -6 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 7 -1 1 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 4 -8 /1 6 "7 /1 6 " 1 0 :5 0 am 1 9 "1 0 /1 6 "1 8 -3 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 4 -1 4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " 1 1 :0 0 am 1 9 -6 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 8 -1 2 /1 6 "9 /1 6 "1 5 -4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " 1 1 :1 0 am 1 9 -6 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 9 -4 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 5 -1 0 /1 6 "6 /1 6 " P E R C R A T E 2 7 M I N /IN C H 1 9 M I N /IN C H 2 7 M IN /I N C H A V G P E R C 2 5 M IN /IN C H Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Date Hole were dug and presoaked: 9-17-2015 Date Test Run: 9-18-2015 Test Run By: Kiril Petrovski P ro file H o le #1 0 -1 8 " to p s o il 1 8 - 3 2 " lig ht b ro wn , silty sa nd w ith an gu la r ro c k fra g m e n ts 3 2 " - 4 ' a laye r o f o ran g e -b r o w n , san d sto n e r o ck fr a g m e n ts 4 to a b o ut 8 fe et b r o w n-o ra ng e, silty claye y sa nd . M o ist, b u t no fre e g r o un d w ate r P ro file H o le #2 0 -1 2 " T o p so il 1 2 - 3 2 " B lo c k y C la y 3 2 " - 7 ' L ig h t re d d ish-b r o w n, silty- san d y g r av el with c o b b le s a nd b o uld ers. S u b ro u n d to s u b an gu la r A fte r 5 fe et, in cre ase d m o istu re an d g r a yis h -o r a ng e d isc o lo ra tio n N o fr e e gro u nd w ater en co u ntere d cn v m m m n moo m V z m z -�' h ::� cri �aGJ 0 SOX CA rzcn z 0cciJC m 0 Z77 ��N m � �v O� cn m 0 ZJ r W I t� z cn a m n 0 z O A c F) 46 r c cn n r r z (5 z m N m z v 0 a m U) ID r cn O I 0 = - 0 � O < 0 z m m i O D -- -o n o c �.3o1'n p 3 =n n aNwe m � c� = ti�oQ r_ T `a � z m X m C) c O z m Zl D m 0 T m M n -Tj > D r N � G m CA D 0 F X � �mc ���F o 0 N — Z C y S \ N �N� m cn O D rz M�osi U $ Z D z Z > a 0 yCoo m <N O 8 be bo q � z 3 h Z 3 0 a X b D C n X Z7 � � � o m N w W RR - � a o N It p ti r =o 0 w m D m D � z m ;;� Z W G7 z O p W C�TI 0 °sk 0.. oo r r w w � N o x cQ 0 m / z (f) / n r \ Z 1 Z w p .1m �3�7 m o cn zC �� mW \ z n cPm \ c �XI 3 \ \ O \ W ~ \\\ < 1\ \ Sr \ � y ` J %>c�i/ o� J2 / z cn Cfl \ t I n Z m cn D /r-- m m z m o II II 11 \ / mm < mo \\ / w W \\ DD N V 0 r- > 00 N r 7310 \ / �" / < // > D \ \ rrj O > \ > Z / DN// Gaya z o -0 OOT / e / / / ON M, °Z—♦ \\ \ / y�mo / /// ° =OD �p \ \ c) / p0 / k D / // O \ Z m - \ c> / m �a Z / c D / D Z�1 / .+ / / m o \ \ m ITI \ / 8 J D O7 \ /m7m > V) z � I // / \ n /> D \ 2 z pz � z / p �o D \ mp —m D _��_ m \ / W z z \ / \ r \ N m \ cn I m / n mL m � ao1 <v o > > \ � z � m o �Y_m ��9\ m z � � �' o \D G> ° I '-0 o� � I DN ��� Z _�-- � � 7304 I o� N Z p > \ m D X m 0 � r /oaDo \\ oz m L ��a � ohm ST \ r L J X n mcn z O�m �mD � < z Oc p p r � X \ \OQ' D pm °� J— zc^'0 \ \ \ � o D cziD 'z �� U'z� / RED CA � 1 �I O rT N .0 J � 03' m � I N c _ / Hs n\, 8 0 \ \ 0 zi O D0Xco I mU)D,w Czm �O I \ mm a �mnW� _ I `�-0z'D — �mm m ozo— m _L m0c) CJmcn m Z0D Zcn Ncn \ �>3 cJom` �voZSD zv°Dii D§� m-i �� n%� �Q rNTtC co MT 1 >T�m c�i��cci 0 m— z `oy 7-300 nZ /L7 tJ C�0 m0 DD2 c m� W I z z�O / m-0 Zc)Dw gym= �W �D cn --jc) =y o�mN 000 mm �r�p I m ��� �� rGZ M0 n>U,�O �Sm ��/ �z O� �O DZ \gyp m� O��O—OO�JD-0 mz Z / g6 >O ��D 2 / Z <z m z� _9cn _ cn� Om�D mcn= �= 0Z' 7 �� \I nv r0 Zr z ccci> ���m XDm rm =� 7296 D° C) 0 r G m� y�� moo �"'/ m� ram, W ��Nr �-0� mO /(Cocyo)l OC (D LD zzpp 0�z� ADO D0 D� 1 mm �7 ro = DDpT 0T r� / V �\ D I o o m y o 0 k z 0 7294 \ oo c, m \2A2 N m /+ � \•Qn, / n n o0 � 7292�0�0 N =T 21, p om < N T O � pn m= Z -io D D � r m Z m �O r (n � s' ,N oo Off/ m 72 g 4 � o O m cm/) O/ m O m D � � m O J G mC_ � mr� \ O o ZD \ m Gi'm / 7290 / o \�� F- / 7286CIO / / n V 1 V M F- �o��CO ; Do o�� m �� m Ln cj� m�m> (� rm ;;UmF- /\- V / / m rn CAVi N Z 12.27' < m cn Dm r � OZ �m r n Om m �o z� --I 000 rT—OOooD � Z(7Doocnw�o m ZOwmFmm c O�1TO�iviv� Ef X p��DNz00� � S 01°38'31" E — 325.84' � OmDmD=�� � A��O�yN� a ��Oa�ri� � � D����zC) z m=T�zO W m m CD°ODAr. m ccJ cm iv�XGcn mccn DXDDc»XfJDDmD 00KzG70 �wDDm c zz°�m�D o OOm�p=OD O= ���zD��0 =O�o ao � arnu, a wrv� p cnp (nT m m rcnc m ii v ==mc a ii Doi �3 DDc�m Ommpm m m�z� r zm m�0� ro• � mZ mT n�v DmX c �-DmC)—� cncn m X��cn GX cn ��p=vmD O OD�c ATr m �00Amn r m m G� mr w�pN� z�T cnc�`c� n rnm x W� � r =OToc m Z cz-W Om-< � O�TOX� W � cT=mDDzoom�Dm��m�D=mm��m cn m� c ocn v,n wD oC)o� o�owK�ooc� ii �m�G7 =mcJZ= mr�o��r � ZG�z X T m � z pm oo�o C) m � �o u c TZ m z ZDmOC�O O �m00G�r N mZ��OA° �cn�DGmO°cDJCDimc�i�rm°mm�Dn�mmz AOr �z Dom � Om cnocna���r. 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Box 1908 (970) 945-5700 1011 Grand Avenue (970) 945-1253 Fax Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Z4MC4RELL4 4Nn 4SSOG4 TES, imc. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS November 3, 2015 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director of Environmental Health PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Louis Rinn, Frost Creek, Lot 63, Septic Design Dear Ray: As the engineer of record for the Frost Creek PUD for ISDS compliance, I have reviewed the latest water quality data from Wright Water Engineers. Based upon the most recent data obtained from the implementation of the Water Quality Management Plan there is no degradation to Brush Creek or Salt Creek resulting from the PUD. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (970) 945-5700. Very truly yours, Zanca a & sso ' tes, Inc. Ben Elmore, P.E. z:\400's\441 - adam's rib ranch\isds\lot 63\1ot 63 approval letter - water quality.docx Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 2490 W. 26th Avenue, Ste. 100A, Denver, CO 80211 Tel. 303/480-1700; Fax. 303/480-1020, e-mail:wwe@wrightwater.com MEMORANDUM To: Ben Elmore Zancanella & Associates Inc. Via Email From: Wright Water Engineers, Inc. Anna Campbell Date: November 2, 2015 Re: Impact of Frost Creek PUD on water resources in Brush Creek Valley, upstream from Town of Eagle, CO Since 2003, Wright Water Engineers (WWE) has overseen the Water Quality Management Plan for the Frost Creek PUD (previously known as Adam’s Rib Ranch). Our work has been conducted for the owners of the PUD, working closely with the Eagle County Health Department. As part of this effort, WWE has monitored the surface water in Frost Creek, Salt Creek, and Brush Creek as well as the groundwater throughout the planned development. This had included water quality monitoring during both construction and post-construction conditions, including biological monitoring every three years. Limited wetland monitoring has also been conducted. We have been asked to provide an overall finding regarding the impacts to date of the Frost Creek PUD on water resources in the Brush Creek Valley. Based on all of the data that have been collected since 2003, and considering the written agreement that was reached between the Eagle County Health Department and the previous owner of Adam’s Rib Ranch regarding water quality monitoring and mitigation, there have not been significant impacts (ie. impacts which exceeded the “trigger limits” established in the agreement) to the surface waters that have been monitored. Surface water trigger limits for the Frost Creek PUD were established in 2005 using historical water quality data from the 1970s through the 1990s. Surface water trigger limits were established in April 2012 for the Salt Creek Equestrian Center Parcel using five years of background data. Surface water trigger limits were established for Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Total Phosphorus (TP). The last four years of sample results are summarized below to provide the basis for our finding that the Frost Creek PUD has not caused significant adverse impacts to water resources. During the 2012 sampling season there was one exceedance of TP in a surface water sample from Salt Creek during the April sampling event. This exceedance was seen at the upstream (background) sampling location and not at the location downstream of the PUD. Consequently, this exceedance represented background water quality data. In both the August 2012 and September 2012 sampling events, the Salt Creek locations exceeded trigger limits for TSS. These exceedances were attributed to a newly constructed beaver dam upstream in Salt Creek and not attributed to impacts by the Salt Creek Equestrian Center Parcel or the Frost Creek PUD. November 2, 2015 Page 2 During the 2013 sampling season no trigger limits were exceeded. During the 2014 sampling season there was one exceedance of TP in a surface water sample from Frost Creek during the October sampling event. This exceedance was not consistent with a long term trend of non-exceedance, one of the triggers in the original agreement. The most recent 2015 sampling season results are summarized by excerpts from the June 2, 2015 letter to Ray Merry and Matt Shoulders from WWE. “For both sampling locations of Brush Creek within the Salt Creek Equestrian Center Parcel (SWBC-3 and SWBC-4), the trigger limits for TSS and TP were exceeded. These exceedances of the trigger limits were likely caused by the rain event that occurred before and during the sampling. This sampling event is not consistent with a long term trend but rather shows a sudden increase in the TP and TSS concentrations found at SWBC-3 and SWBC-4. These locations will be monitored closely in the future to determine if there is an increasing trend.” [note: SWBC-3 is a background sampling point.] “Based on the updated surface water trigger limits for the Salt Creek Equestrian Center Parcel, the levels of TP at both SWSC-1 and SWSC-2 exceed the trigger limits shown in Table 4. The TSS level at SWSC-1 exceeds the trigger limit shown in Table 4 as well. These exceedances are not consistent with a long term trend but rather show a sudden increase in the TP and TSS concentrations found at Salt Creek within the Salt Creek Equestrian Center Parcel. These locations will be monitored closely in the future to determine if there is an increasing trend.” [note: SWSC-1 is a background sampling point.] On the basis of the data presented above from 2012 to 2015, the Frost Creek PUD has not significantly adversely affected surface water quality. Sincerely, WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS, INC. By_____________________________ Anna Campbell, E.I.T. Project Engineer CC: Ray Merry, Eagle County Matt Shoulders, Frost Creek November 2, 2015 Page 3 Jon Jones, WWE Shannon Tillack, WWE 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 http://www.colorado.gov/cdphe/wqcd John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer March 26, 2015 Joseph Soulia, Government Relations Representative Orenco Systems Incorporated 814 Airway Ave. Sutherlin, OR 97479 Subject: Orenco, Advantex Series, Proprietary Treatment Product - Acceptance For Use in Colorado On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems Dear Mr. Soulia: Pursuant to section 43.13 of the On-site Wastewater Treatment System Regulation 5 CCR 1002-43 (Regulation 43), the Water Quality Control Division (Division) has reviewed drawings and specifications received between October 6, 2014 and January 12, 2015 for the Advantex proprietary treatment technology products listed below. The Advantex treatment technology is accepted as a higher level treatment system for use as a component of an on-site wastewater treatment system (OWTS) subject to the design criteria in Table 1 below. This acceptance is not intended as an endorsement or third-party certification of the technology. This acceptance addresses the following product models:  Orenco, Advantex AX-20 for treatment level TL3N with flows up to 500 gpd.  Orenco, Advantex AX-20RT for treatment level TL3N with flows up to 500 gpd.  Orenco, Advantex AX-25RT for treatment level TL3N with flows up to 625 gpd.  Orenco, Advantex AX-100 for treatment level TL3N with flows up to 2,000 gpd. This acceptance applies only to OWTS with design capacity less than or equal to 2,000 gallons per day (gpd). Review and approval for the design of any OWTS proposing to use this technology will be reviewed by the local public health agency. As individual local public health agency regulations may be more stringent than Regulation 43, the Division cannot ensure the acceptance of a treatment technology within any given jurisdiction. Any modifications to the physical attributes or characteristics of this treatment technology must be submitted to this office for review and acceptance by the Division prior to sale in Colorado. The Division will review modifications, any additional third party verification reports and issue a revised acceptance letter, or denial, as appropriate. Joe Soulia, Orenco Systems Inc. March 26, 2015 On-site Wastewater Treatment System Treatment Technology Acceptance Page 2 of 4 Table 1. Design Criteria for Orenco Systems Inc., Advantex series models listed above: Design Criteria 1. A septic tank consistent with section 43.9(A) and 43.9(B) and an effluent screen consistent with section 43.3(44) and 43.9(I) must precede the treatment unit. Surge volume may be required for some applications based on manufacturer recommendations. Pretreatment for non-residential kitchens must include adequate separate grease separator tank(s) prior to the primary septic tank(s) as required in section 43.9(J) of Regulation 43. 2. Mode configuration requirements: a. In order to attain TL2, TL2N or TL3 effluent, the design of the treatment system may be configured in “Mode-1” or “Mode-3”. This will ensure the required BOD, TSS and TN reductions. Mode 1 is defined as recirculating all of the filtrate to the secondary chamber of the processing tank. b. The design of the treatment system for TL3N must be configured in “Mode-3” in order to obtain the required nitrogen reduction for this treatment level. Mode 3 is defined as recirculating all, or a portion, of the filtrate to the primary chamber of the processing tank. 3. Cold weather considerations, general: a. All units must incorporate 1-inch insulation attached to the bottom of all lids and risers covers integral to the treatment unit. Insulating around the process tanks, risers, and other components will be at the discretion of the design engineer. b. For installations in areas where snow accumulates each winter, the air vent must be extended to ensure it terminates above the peak snow level. 4. Cold weather considerations for TL2N, TL3 and TL3N: a. As per data supplied by Orenco Systems Inc., treatment systems that integrate “passive” ventilation do not require a warm air source for the treatment pod. This configuration would be typical of a single family residential treatment system. b. Systems that integrate “active” air ventilation will require a temperature controlled air source to ensure that the temperature of the filtrate remains above 50º F. This configuration would be typical of a commercial treatment system with an AX-100 treatment unit. 5. Timer settings for dosing the treatment unit: a. Timed-dosing to the treatment unit is required. The initial timer settings should be established based on the expected average daily flow and a 4:1 filter recirculation ratio. b. A residual pressure of 3 to 6 feet (5 feet desired) within the treatment unit is used to determine the initial timed-dose settings. c. AX-20 and AX-20RT: The “on” time should remain constant at 45 seconds per dose. The “off” time should be adjusted depending on the average daily flows. See the Orenco Systems design manual for further specifications. d. AX-25RT: The “on” time should remain constant at 60 seconds per dose. The “off” time should be adjusted depending on the average daily flows. See the Orenco Systems design manual for further specifications. 6. Design flow shall be for maximum occupancy. Design flow for single-family residential designs may vary based on the regulations adopted by the local board of health for each specific location. Design flow values and strengths for multi-family and commercial systems shall be consistent with section 43.6(A)(4). Therefore, all design criteria in this acceptance are based on total gallons per day and the assumption of residential strength wastewater. Joe Soulia, Orenco Systems Inc. March 26, 2015 On-site Wastewater Treatment System Treatment Technology Acceptance Page 3 of 4 7. The design must include pressure dosed distribution of effluent. Reductions in soil treatment area size or separation distances shall be as described in section 43.10(C)(4) of Regulation 43. 8. The designated higher level treatment rating is identified for each model on page 1. Use in higher level treatment applications requires system be designed by a Colorado Licensed Professional Engineer. The accepted treatment product may also be used for applications requiring less than the approved treatment level of the product. Reductions in soil treatment area size or separation distances based on higher level treatment may not be applied unless the local public health agency has a maintenance oversight program in place as described in section 43.14.D of Regulation 43. In locations where the local public health agency has not adopted a maintenance oversight program, the treatment system may be used but only with soil treatment area size and separation distances consistent with treatment level TL1 requirements. 9. In addition to these design criteria, other provisions of Regulation 43 and local regulations also apply to a specific design as well as good OWTS design practice. The Division does not approve manufacturer design manuals. Manufacturer provisions shall not be applicable if those provisions are not consistent with Regulation 43, these design criteria, and the regulations adopted by the local board of health for the design location. Local public health agencies will review proposed designs to confirm consistency with Regulation 43, these design criteria, the local board of health regulations adopted pursuant to Regulation 43, and good OWTS design practice. 10. Monitoring of the system may be required by the regulations adopted by the local board of health for the design location. 11. The treatment technology is not intended for industrial sources of wastewater. The treatment technology is intended to receive domestic wastewater with TL1 concentrations (see Table 6-3 in Regulation 43) exiting the septic tank. Wastewater with higher concentrations will require verification of the products ability to treat the wastewater and appropriate modifications or pretreatment. 12. Design shall provide access for maintenance and repair. As per the requirements of Regulation 43, septic tanks and all treatment components, other than the soil treatment area, shall be equipped with access manholes and risers that extend to or above final grade. All risers and lids shall be watertight and secure. Additional Operation and Maintenance Criteria 1. Design shall include an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual to be provided for all installations. Individual operation plans shall include scheduled inspections, assessments, and maintenance of the treatment. This plan for scheduled inspections and assessments should include a routine inspection as described in section 43.14(D)(4)(b) unless the local regulations require more frequent inspections. The owner of the OWTS is responsible for arranging proper design, operation, and maintenance of the facility to achieve the desired treatment level. Joe Soulia, Orenco Systems Inc. March 26, 2015 On-site Wastewater Treatment System Treatment Technology Acceptance Page 4 of 4 If you have any questions regarding the Division’s review or findings, please contact me at (303) 692- 2366 or chuck.cousino@state.co.us. Sincerely, Charles J. Cousino, REHS On-site Wastewater Treatment System Coordinator Engineering Section Water Quality Control Division Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment cc: SCG Enterprises, Roger Shafer P.E. (local representative) Files