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3000 Salt Creek Rd - 210729200055
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2000-00 BP NO. 13188 *,**A separate �permit'is required for the riding arena system. Do not start construction of that;'system until permit is'issued *** ' OWNER: RICHARD RODRIGUEZ PHONE: 203-629-1575 MAILING ADDRESS: 2800 SALT CREEK ROAD, EAGLE, CO 81631 APPLICANT: JON BECKER - ZEEB CONSTRUCTION IS NOW GC PHONE: 970-949-1753 -- 479-9654 SYSTEM LOCATION: 3000 SALT CREEK ROAD, EAGLE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2107-292-00-055 LICENSED INSTALLER: RON BOOK & SONS EXCAVATION LICENSE NO. 63-00 PHONE: 970-524-9409 DESIGN ENGINEER: LKP ENGINEERING, LUIZA PETROVSKA PHONE NO. 970-926-9088 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE (GUEST HOUSE) 1000 GALLONI COMPARTMENT CONCRETE SEPTIC., 1488 SQUARE FEET OF EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA, VIA 48 INFILTRATOR UNITS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED8/28/00. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIRE- MENTS. CLEANOUTS TO BE INSTALLED EVERY 100 FT & ON EITHER SIDE OF DOUBLE CASED DITCH CROSSING. AN 8 FT SOIL PROFILE HOLE MUST BE DUG & OBSERVED BY ENGINEER BELOW THE LEACHFIELD AREA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM. PROVIDE SUCH DOCUMENTATION TO EAGLE COUNTY. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROV DATE: October 2, 2000 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 14 8 8 SQUARE FEET (VIA 48 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTICrANK:1 0 0 0 GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM SEE ENGINEER'S AS—BUILTS FOR SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATIONS. COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS —BUILT DRAWING RECEIVED ON 2-7-01. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE. L_K-P ?P_0_ e-e.i # "`604 IZoDRt6U,OZ ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED, BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: FEBRUARY 14 r 2 0 01 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted ,(Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # U Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SIZING AND SITE VISIT FEE $85.00 (WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: �,1 C/ OW) Awl- t a� MAILING ADDRESS: w S' APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: JdY7 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: COMPANY/DBA: �/1hZ--1 1)6 �� ADDRESS: PHONE : �03 (� /J PHONE: 97d PHONE: *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: \�4 NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: 3cm SAI"7 C � O�D' Tax Parcel Number: ���7-"�`�2--oo"'0�j� Lot Size: 7©Ar,-KT Physical Address: A��`�Y� BUI DING TYPE: (Check applicable category) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms 3 ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Na e of upplier: APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: 6—132 - Q3 AMOUNT PAID: c RECEIPT #: 1100 DATE: CHECK #: 0-1: 0 CASHIER: Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: October 2, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Book & Sons Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2000-00. Property Location: 3000 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Rodriguez residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2000-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. *Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. If you have not been contracted to do this installation please contact Eagle County Environmental Health. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska *An 8 foot soil profile hole must be observed below the area of the proposed leach field prior to the installation on this system and the riding arena system. Do not start the installation of the riding arena system until after you receive the permit for that system. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO February 14, 2001 Richard Rodriguez 2800 Salt Creek Rd. Eagle, CO 81631 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2000-00 Tax Parcel #2107-292-00-055. Property location: 3000 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO. Dear Mr. Rodriguez: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 TRANSMITTAL LKP Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-9088 (970) 926-9089 Fax TO: Zeeb Construction RE: Guest Cottage & Riding Arena Sam Zeeb NW 1/4 of Section 29, T5S, R83W, of the 6t" P.M. Eagle County, Colorado DATED PROJECT NO. COPIES PRINTS DESCRIPTION 08-28-00 2056 - 7 Septic System Design 08-28-00 2056 7 - Percolation Test Results 08-28-00 2056 1 - Pump Specifications COMMENTS: PER: Luiza Petrovska DATE: August 28, 2000 LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Salt Creek Client: Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez _ Eagle County, Colorado 28 Stiles Lane _ Greenwich, CT 06831 Project No.: 2056 P-1 P-2 I P-3 TIME/DEPTH 14" 15-4/16" 14-8/16" 11:1Oam 5-12/16" 3-12/16" 9" 5-12/16" 7-12/16" 4-4/16" 11:20am 7" 1-4/16" 9-12/16" 12/16" 8-8/16" 12/16" 11:30am 8" 1" 10" 4/16" 9" 8/16" 11:40am 8-12/16" 12/16" 10-4/16" 4/16" 9-4/16" 4/16" 11:50am 9-4/16" 8/16" 10-8/16" 4/16" 9-8/16" 4/16" 12:OOpm 9-12/16" 8/16" 10-12/16" 4/16" 9-12/16" 4/16" 12:10pm 10-4/16" 8/16" 11" 4/16" 10" 4/16" PERC RATE 20 MIN/INCH 40 MIN/INCH 40 MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 32 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Holes Dug and Presoaked: 8-9-00 Test Run: 8-10-00 PROFILE HOLE: 0 to 6" Topsoil 6" to 2' Blocky, sandy clay T to 6' Sandy clay No Ground Water LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Salt Creek Client: Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez Eagle County, Colorado 28 Stiles Lane _ - Greenwich, CT 06831 Project No.: 2056 P-4 TIME/DEPTH 1 14" 11:1Oam 5-12/16" 3-4/16" 11:20am 6-8/16" 12/16" 11:30ani 6-10/16" 2/16" 11:40am 6-14/16" 4/16" 11:50am 7-2/16" 4/16" 12:00pm 7-6/16" 4/16" 12:1Opm 7-10/16" 4/16" PERC RATE 40 MIN/INCH MIN/INCH MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 32 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Holes Dug and Presoaked: 8-9-00 Test Run: 8-10-00 PROFILE HOLE: 0 to 6" Topsoil 6" to 2' Blocky, sandy clay 2' to 6' Sandy clay No Ground Water �v( CJL( tiol 4tiril 14. ,7:] 7 1VDZ0MV0'1 L_Nr r1NU11NLLM11,gU 11Y11 t kutl_ U1 February 6, 2001 Nts. Mftrjorle Stone -Rodriguez 28 Stiles Lane Greenwich, CT 06831 RE: Inspection of Septic System. Installation for Earn Remodel, Located in the NW1/4 of Section 29, T5S, R83W of the 6TH P.M. On Salt Greek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 2056 - Permit No. 2000-00 Dear Marjorie: At the request of Jamie Yantzez with Zeeb Cans cticz�, From October 17 throuth Feb 5, 2001, we visited the construction site for the for axn emodel . cated in the NW1/4 of Se iota 29, TSS, R83W of the 6rH P.1N[., oil Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of.6urr site visits was to observe the installation of the septic system. They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic s e , as shown. on. the as -built Drawing No. 2056osicottage.DWG, dated February 6, 2001. - Ion o-compartment septic tank was installed, and due to insufficient elevation a, 1000-ga xft station was also installed. .Forty-eight, Standard Infiltrator Chambers were installed as show on the above -named, as -built plan. The infiltrators were connected with serial distribution. At each end of the trenches, inspection ports were installed. Horizontal distance from center to center of the trenches, was 9 feet or more. The delivery line from the pump station to the first infiltrator of the top trench was a 3-inch di.aineter, Schedule 40 pvc. All other piping was SDR-35, 4-inch PVC. The depth of the trenches was no more than 36 inches. The pump and the dosing amount were tested as recommended, The pump installed was Zoelr �� 282, and the pump tank was 1000-gallon, plastic tank. A If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. u Sincerely, 2 I..XP l�giaee]r_WW1 " FRr'.4+. -A_ r' President v ti; 1-e r 4/ J*4��4k cc: Ms. Laura Fawcett, Eagle County Environmental Health. Division, fax: 328-0349 Jamie, fax: 328-2248, 524-0594. C:V4YFlicalGorel aockWEVocSU055cu.wpd P-0. Rnx 7R;7 Firlwnrra 11 1, + Ao 01 Z!zq f„-,.,. ^^� , I I--11--Q, +viauV OlU.)G - VIV) WO-9 db I --el • (970) 926-9089 Fax CJL/ Unj LCJCJI 14; 110 h 'jfCJ7zn,.ju '" LKr r—INUI LLMI4u INN rMut- uz �♦� _ ♦ `. tom. \ \ is a;/# I If AM 1 \ \ N Ilk 4p \ 1 • 4t `\\\,. - �� I I"-, } �� 1 }jl �•.♦ll\1` 1lls1 II q�z .,dn9L filosa i970I Y73-012 yJ Jill I r l V I l V I+ 1 t t /t fl 11 a•• IIIi V + f ! l (f ! I1lI lttf (rrr �% Vlll�l�t lljr !! Iii{ It l l r r r! l/ �� liii ail+ rr+� rrlrl III++ilil ++rr trrtr ' Ili Jill i+111 1111r'! t ti Jill lli, i+ t I ,i i l•, 1 h Jill t I I l \ 1\ 11, 1 Vllt ll it \1\\ 1 1 j+', f l j111 llllll\ m\1 11 It !j1, i l I11 AD -MOW �� rwrimr auw7Fp W M NwW 01 w 24 79S ARM EAJ CQUNrK API N D 9— moumn u.41 CJ f f zuril 1 L: LL 7 f u'bZblJuo•IJ post-ItIm Fax Note RECEPTION NO. 715868 STOVE—ROPRIGUEZ rm Km LKH LNUINttNiNla 1NU HAUL, ul 6 s SAW �o 1 i IF�N CE 'POST A A - 11 .j I ri r I Lriri1 14. LL 11111, P fil7t uz4" SEWER eS CLEANOUT TrPICAI FENCE IJV f. 1000-G L. CONC.,�,. PT1C TANK 9!AMETER CONCRETE- POND SURFACE ELEV' 7521.4' \ .� 4- SE,WEQ./ ` CONCRETE t CLEANOUT MANHOLE r ' PIPE r- _' doo /CLFANOQU ,f ,.�yti4 "r, - '''` " H44* Tw LI orcw owd= somEbtu w PC °° "'W arc tAaa,r ax► r R VE are SIGN s.Rle�c cr�c ..r � tea" naavc F 2 1 6 SS�CALSA P i IRCp �PIPS ti• �uispre FENCE =___- - -_ -=-METAL__�= =-_ rq E CE `,�, �=_-M--=_-_ ---BARN_ - _------------- post : 1 -_--_— -- -- cc) - CJLf ri r j LCJCJl l.C: L.0 a rr�a oar�aa LY t" t14Ul1YttK114U 1141, h'Fil7t U',� i( l I llt ( 1 1 CIO 11 � tt 1111 I It j IFrir Frl III Itl 1 1 f�/�, rv, II l l t ii I I il0 �� 11 I its t i I Z2fri ,,� I I (III I! rrl -Do z \ I l I 1 —10 rrk rizt 14f LCJG1 11: 44 7 fKJblbbCJt3'y LKr LNUINttKlNU 1NU h-Aut U.L } 131 FAX TRANSMISSION LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.C. Box 2837 F:❑WARDS. CO 81632 (970) 928-90B 8 FAX: (970) 9245-9089 To: Laura Fawcett Date: F ebruM 14, 2001 Fag: 328-0349 Pages: 7 including this cover sheet. Phone: 328-8755 From: Luiza Petrovska, PE Project: 2056 - Rodriguez Subject: Revised copies for your files of the as -built and inspection letter COD'S: V zt 141'dutil 11: 44 '1 fYJb1b7CJb7 Lam.' Engineering, Inc. February 14, 2001 m,q. Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez 28 Stiles Lane Greenwich, CT 06831 Dear Marjorie: LKC r—INUINLLK1NU 1NU RE: Inspection of Septic System Installation for a -4"4"'..a� ; Located in the NW1/4 of Section 29, T5S, R83W of the 6TH P.M. On Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 2056 - Permit No. 2000-00 t-Aut b'1 J U I At the request of Jamie Yantzer with Zeeb Construction, from October 17 through February 5, 2001, we visited the construction site for the Cwage Eetnodel, Located in the NW 1/4 of Section 29, T55, R83W of the 6TH p.M., on Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the installation of the septic system_ They installed tlae system, in overall compliance with the septic system design, as shown on the as -built Thawing No. 2056osicottage.DWG, dated February 6, 2001. A. 1000-gallon, two -compartment septic tank was installed, and due to insufficient elevation a, 1000-gallort electric lift station was also installed. Forty-eight, Standard Infiltrator Chambers were installed as shown on the above -named, as -built plan. The infiltrators were connected with serial distribution. At each end of the trenches, inspection ports were installed. Horizontal distance from center to center of the trenches, was 9 feet or more. The delivery line from the pump station to the first infiltrator of the top trench was a 3-inch diameter, Schedule 40 pvc. ,All other piping was 5DR-35, 4-inch PVC. The depth of the trenches was no more than 36 inches. The pump and the dosing amount were tested as recommended. The pump installed was Zoeler 292, and the pump tank was 1000-gallon, plastic tank. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,'� q„s°rNvaMa vd ll r� LKP Engineeift'T: ° e F e Q ueiza/_P etrov skkA Presidents�og�„ep6o"�K%'��` cc: Ms. Laura Fawcett, Eagle County Environmental Health Division, fax: 328-0349 Jamie, fax: 328-2248, 524.0584. C-,WyFaeakmda,v-%Wpdmr, S6".wO n i'l 'Q7 102"T r,t.,..,_4, r..t„�. A_ 07421 . fn"hN 614'' WQQ Tat • KIWIN 01AI i0nQo W. ..C•W, A] � ,rroJ /, N4� W 1.10, 44�AVk4L%�V Q kVJ4 - `;l I V f lLu-7V0U I --I - `71V] 7cv-.7VQ;1 .1 aA u z I 14f LCJ CJI 11: 44 7 ICJ7L47KJO7 L-Nr CIYUINLLMINU INN IA \\\ \\\\ \ \ \\ 2 vo 1 oaTOT�d=c iS�,- 1A <Y< , 6 22 EngineetinAr, Inc. FA 6- 3"? eftip CO lI4A ,• t1170) W— fk- JWM M-91511111 21 \ AS —,BUILT SEPTIC FiYMM J.WAftb M At WW t/� Cr BIT to 1= MM M h! !fh RR [oat LEWrr. C&WMO rJt114( zriCJ1 I.L. 44 fulizoliuo'.1 LK' tNUINttKINU 1NU HAUL U4/bf LIB' Engm* eenn , Inc. November 27, 2000 Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez and Rick Rodriguez 28 Stiles Lane Greenwich, CT 06831 Dear Marjorie: RE: Septic Systems Revisions for Barn Remodel, Located in the NWIX of Section 29, T5S, R83W of the 6"' P.M. On Salt Creek load Eagle: County, Colorado Project No. 2056 At the request of Mr, Jamie Yantzer of Zeeb Construction, on November 24, 2000, we visited the construction site for the Barn Remodel, located in the NW1/4 of Section 29, TSS, R83W of the 6` P.M., on Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the first infiltrator trench and provide consultation for the remaixtder of the leachfield. aeld. On October 17, 2000, we inspected a portion of the effluent line, at about 200 feet west from the building, where they had encountered, ground water seepage. We reeoinnlended that the crossing over the ground water seepage be done with schedule 40 pvc, double encased. Double encasing was also recommended for the crossing of the ditch along the fence, west of the pond, On November 24, 2000, we met with Jamie and Ron, the installer. We observed the first, partial trench with infiltrators. Tile trench was much lower than the proposed leachfield area for the guest cottage. Also, the first trench was excavated too deep. From our corrversation with Ron and Jamie, we understand that the building sewer corning out of the cottage was 40 inches below the finished floor elevation, instead of the 2 feet, assumed in the design. Also, instead of the I % slope on the effluent line, (based on lion) they were slightly higher, but didn't know exactly how much_ if they continued with the Ieachfield from the first trench, which was partially constructed, they would have run out of suitable area for the leachfield for the cottage and that for the leachfield for the riding arena. To resolve the problem, we recommended that a small lift station be installed to lift the effluent to the proposed leachfield area, shown on drawing number 2056sd-cottage-arena.dwg, dated August 2.6, 2000, All the applicable setbacks should stilt be maintained. Since the effluent line is already buried, the lift station can be installed east or west from the flitch, as long as the 50-foot setback from the pond and from the ditch is snaintained. We can size the pump for the lift station, after you provide us with the elevation difference between the top trench of the leachfield and the invert of the pump tank. We also, recommended that the proposed leachfield be laid out, and we should be called before excavation of the trenches begins. The maximum depth of the trenches should be 18 inches. Also, an 8- foot profile hole should be excavated on the'downhill side of the leachfield, outside of any part of the leachfiled, for the cottage or for the arena. If you have any? 4q ?. , t ,pns, please do not hesitate to call. ° Sincerely,1uy` LKP En ineerAg, Ii ll �"7`?0 q Aut2a ovska, President One copy faxed at 328-0659 to Mr. Sam.Yantzer, original mailed C:IMypilcslcoreldoctWPDOCs12056sd-rev. WPD PA Box 2837, Edwards, Colorado 8x632 - (970) 926-9088 Tel • (970) 926,9089 Fax utI1L+ftout J.1.L+Lt 7fU7t07CJa7 Lr\l- tIYUlIVtr-N.LNU INU h-Aut un/elf LIKP Enginecring, Inc. November 28, 2000 Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez and Rick Rodriguez 28 Stilo Lane Greenwich, CT 06831 Dear Marjorie; RE: Septic System Revisions - Pump Sixiog for Cottage and Riding Arena, Located in the NW l /4 of Section 29, T5 S, R83 W of the 61'� P.M. On Salt Creek Road Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 2Q56 At the request of Mr. Jamie'Yantzer of Zeeb Construction, on November 28, 2000, we visited the construction site for the Barn Remodel, located in the NW 1/4 of Section 29, T5S, R83W of the 6"' P.M., on Salt Creep Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the layout of the leachfield ,for the cottage and the riding arena. The leachfield for the cottage barely fit, with the west edges being too close to the gully. The area for leachfield for the riding arena was in extremely rocky terrain. Due to these constrains, we looked over the West part of the site, west of the power pule and the guy wires_ In this area appeared to be enough room for about one half ofthe proposed leachfield for the cottage. Ron will lay out the leachfield in this area and dig an 8-foot profile hole so we can verify the soil conditions and give us a call. Based on the new field measurements provided by Ron and Jamie we have resized the punnp for the riding arena and sized a new pump for tire cottage. For the riding arena Zoeler 294, high Bead pump or equivalent can be used. This pump is capable of'delivering 42 gpnn against 53 feet of head, with a 3- inch diameter, 335-feet, delivery pipe. The pump to be used for the lift station for the cottage is also, Zoeler, 282 with a 3-inch flanged discharge. This pump is capable of delivering 20 gpm against 8 feet of head, with a 3-inch diameter, 60-feet, delivery pipe. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LIU ExigHleering XUi Yetrovska fir' president rra s •� ?7 ���ED Pt i-�RS Enclosure One copy famed at 328-0659 to Mr. Sara Yantzer, original mailed C;IMXF'ilesicoreldoc\WP trS12o56sd-rev2.WPD P.O. Box 2937, Edwards, Colorado 81632 • (970) 926-9088 Tel * (970) 926.9089 Fax CJG/ 14{ /-uv L 11 : 4L+ 7 f U = z 0 -J U07 Vt s V trr� ,1�utaP.s 91Nc'E Product information prasenied here reflects . conditions at time of UL publication. Consult factory , regarding discrepancies or Inconsistencies, LKl- tNUINttKINU 1NU MAIL TO.' P_0. BOX 16347 • Louist6a, KY 40256,0347 SNIP TO 3649 Cane Ru►r RaM • Louisville, KY 402114961 (502) 778.2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP - FAx f502) 774.3624 COMPARE THESE FEATURES • Non -clogging vortex impeller. • Durable cast construction, Cast iron switch case, motor and pump housing, base and impeller. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode. All cast iron class 25-30 25000# tensile strength. • Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle, guard and arm and seal assembly. • Shaft Seal - Carbon & ceramic rotary face seal, with stainless steal wetted parts. • UL-listed 3-wire neoprene card and plug. 1 Oft, standard for automatic, 15 ft, standard for nonautomatic, • Uppersleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in a bath of oil. • Maximum temperature for sewage or dewatering 130"F.-54"C. • Motor - 50 cycle, 1750 RPM, oil -filled, hermeti• calfy sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protected (1 PH and Auto 3 PH). • All models are available in 2" or 3" discharge. • All models pass 2-inch solids (sphere), • Automatic units available with float operated, submersible (NEMA 6) mechanical switch, Available in both 1 and 3 Phase Units,** • Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy finish_ • On point 15"/'r, Off point 5'/11. • Major width 13 Major height 18 13i,s'. (Single seal pumps) MODELS 4282,4284 DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (non -auto only) • Protects motor from seal leaks. Improved bearing lubrication_ • Helps eliminate seal and bearing damage from dry runs. Major width 13 al,e'. Height 20 "ha". SECTION: 2.30,040 f; M0404 osoo �� SNpersedas 1097 Visit our web site; http.ftwww.zoetier.fcom 282 - .284 Single Seal ,series (a' 4282 - 41284 Double Seal Series LISTED (For Pump Prefix identification see News & Views 0052) ," T - E " CID SUBMERSIBLE 11� a"nSEwF6E 9 SEWAGE vWdPUFR& aux. OR DEWATERING PUMP 2" OR 3" FLANGED DISCHARGE* PASSES 2" SOLIDS AUTOMATIC Tht R EE PHASE PUMP", till POWDER L COATED :10YOUG"M MODELSAVAILASLE •Automaticor Nonautomatic with single seal • Nonautomaticwith double seals • 2" or 3" discharge. �lll'1'T'F. AI..1 11 n DOUBLE SEAL_ PUMP • Single phase or three phase motors avilable, • See selection Chart for specifications or spedfic models. Se®baCkpagi-i--UBCSALiBfingB �Vf���•irnuremreuulytrojpUmpaorDwoleseal Ssri99. Ifor `r ARRE WASE AUTOMATIC UNITS AVAILABLE IN 230V SINGLE SEAL ONLY, 0 Copyright 2000 Zoeller Co, All rights reserved. rJLf 14( 4Uri.L 11. L+4 3 f CJ3L0DUOM ,U-1 w . HEAD CAPACITY CURVE LU L_ 282/4262-284/4284 � 35- 7 l} n 30 Lu 2 $ � 25 6 20 0 15 a 10 2 282/4282 s L-Nr tIYl711YttK11Y47 11NU N1QDE•L 282 4282 284 428' FT. M. GAL, LTRS, GAL, LTRS, 5 1.82 130 492 180 661 10 3.05 95 360 158 99a 15 4,57 63 23B 135 511 20 9.10 33 125 106 401 25 7.62 5 19 75 2841 30 9.14 43 163 LOCK VALVE: 28' 35, 234/4284 D GALWNS' . 20I 40 60 8D 10 i 2D 14Q t 6D 1-8.0--J..2oU I LITERS0 at fYY'160 240 320 400 480 550 640 720 800 FLOW PER MINUTE DOW7 CONSULT FACTORY FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS • Three phase pumps are available in 200/208V, 230V, or 460V, automatic and non- automatic {. Electrical alternators, for duplex systems, are available and supplied with an alarm. • Meohanicai alternators, for duplex systems, are available with or without alarm switches. • Combination starters are available • Variable level Control switches are available for controlling single and three phase systems. • Double piggyback variable level float switches are available for variable level long Cyclecontrols. Long cords are available; in lengths or 25 - 35 - 50 feet, Simplex and duplex basins are available. SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL $ELECTION Listings single seal Model Doublascgl Model Volt -Phase Made Amps HP Card Lgth. Simplex Duplex LIL GSA M292 ii6 iPh hlonWic 10.3 112 10 1 Y Y N82 N4282 115 1Ph Nonallta 10.3 712 15 2 3 or 5 & 6 Y Y - 230 1 h Aut6rhalic r, 72 10 i •-- y y 82 428 1Pn onaula .0 1/2 15 2or5&6 H282 - 200.208 iph 7u10mati4 6,1 112 10 1 - IN N '1262 4282 200-208 iPh Noneulo 6.1 tr2 15 2 3or8&6 N `J2V JA282 200,208 3Ph Noneulo Noneulo 3.6 3.0 112 112 15 15 4 & 6 496 284 0r 6&6 714 or 586 Y Y Y Y '.F, 'F4282 230 3P11 'CF282 230 3Ph utom Aatic 3.0 1t2 16 9 - Y Y G232 14262 460 3Ph Noneulo 1.7 112 15 4 & 6 334 or 5&8 Y Y D284 250 1Ph ADMlnelio 8.9 1 10 1 y y Q04 E428A 230 1Ph Noneulo 8.9 1 15 2 3 or 5 & 6 y Y.1, '1•rd34 200120 11Ph Aulorna6c 0.3 1 10 1 - N N 2-64 ' 14284 200l208IPh Nonauto 9.3 1 15 2 3 or 5 & 6 N N '7284 'J4284 2001208 3 NonOuto 5.5 1 15 & 6 3&4 or 596 Y N 'FEE- 1 'F4284 1 230 3Ph Noneulo 5.0 1 15 4 & 6 3&4 or 5&6 y Y 'CF2P4 230 3Ph AuWalic 5.0 1 15 1 Y Y 'G2&4 'G4284 460 3Ph Non&& to 2,$ 1 15 4 & 6 3&4 or 5&6 y y 18 I-ALmt to (I tj r 2' - 11 1/2 NPT S'-8NPT /4 ' � SK1429 r 3 - 8 teal �iL'uLMi� _.L- SK1414 SELECTION GUIDE 1. Integral float operated 2•pola mechanical switch, no external control required. 2. Single piggyback variable level Float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Refer to FM0477. 3, Mechanical alternator M-Pak 10.0072 or 10-0075. Refer to FMO495 4. Slmpiax three phase control pane[. Refer to FM1228, 5. See FMO712 for correct model of Electrical Alternator. 6. Variable level Control switch 10-0225 used as cantrol acdvator, specify simplex (3) float or dupbx (3) or (4) float system. ' No MDlded Plug a C5A Approval w01110u1 PILO. Three phasa eVMmM avellebte in 230V only. ,A CAUT1t7N For infohnation an additional Zoeller products refer to Catalog an Piggyb$rk Wflkle Level Float WicheS, All Installation of controls, protection dovices and wiring should be done by a qualified 11COnsed ; FMt7477; Eteotrical Alternator, FM0486; Mechanical ARemStor, FM0495; Sump/Sewage Basins, FM6487; alectrician. All electricalsndSafetycodesshouIdbefollowedIncludingthemostrecsntNational Sinrplax Pump Control, FM1596; Alarm Systems, FM0732: and Disconnecolall $ystorn&, FM0787. Electric Code (NEC) and the 0ccup2110haf Safety and Health Act (DSHAt, RESERVE POWERED DESIGN For unusuai conditions a reserve safety factor is engineered into the design of every Zoeller pump. ® Copyright 2000ZDeller CO. All rights reserved. 2000LOO Tax #2107-292-00-055 JOB NAM.E.3000 Salt Creep Rd., RODRGUEZ 1.Eagle JOB NO. l % / y F OtW co R 1 n!`ATtnN • • - ■ DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED O 1, l _ ! _ �' . b� • ��� _1 I 1 ( .►�_! _ ' ' ml au'_ _ _ G ' /1_ !L� �L-j • i� '1 1 iL.._ • 1 �, , _�� �� ��[� _! CAI ./l d .1 _ /w o_/ %/LJ{ AL..I[ r<• �i �, i i� _i� i �� I_ri' ��� 4 "Joill 20c E., INIM. ' OWN E1-- tip !� �1A. WAVE N MOM�..0 . 11 .: . 1 :b /V . 1 l / l i .� / • • • - TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL � 1 %/� � s�i..� . � .. � � ... rat✓.. � �.:. � ' �. iA, TOTAL LABOR -■ �, / . �■ ' MISCCOSTS -■ I /FA iiiiiin ONTOTAL -■ JOB COST 1Opp GROSS PROFIT _■ r ARK1,11 -1-1 A EIN11 LESS OVERHLIAD COS -■ WEIMAR = W-01. in NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 Q U v JOB FOLDER Printed In U.SA 0t( a X Illy OX- 74 T/-- GnL < ! -V,2-ArclQ 4 (.S e 5G �esl ,1q i 1,61,161 S — ot,)TS %0 /s' >Sb,3 tts Td Y'As7�11 a . t s7-4 �xcS�i4 J one, Recycled Content 10% Past -Consumer Dimensions Capacities Lift Station Chamber Discharge Per Cycle wL H A B Variable 4' — 10' 11 ' — 4' 5' — 9' 625 380 -. 330 6.6 gallons per Vertical Inch INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 2041-00 BP NO. 13188 ***Riding arena system*** OWNER: RICHARD RODRIGUEZ PHONE: 203-629-1575 MAILING ADDRESS: 2800 SALT CREEK ROAD EAGLE CO 81631 APPLICANT: ZEEB CONSTRUCTION IS NOW GC PHONE: 970-479-9654 SYSTEM LOCATION: 3000 SALT CREEK ROAD, EAGLE, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2107-292-00-055 LICENSED INSTALLER: RON BOOK & SONS EXCAVATION LICENSE NO. 63-00 PHONE: 970-524-9409 DESIGN ENGINEER: LKP ENGINEERING, LUIZA PETROVSKA PHONE NO. 970-926-9088 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 1 BEDROOM RESIDENCE (RIDING ARENA) 1000 GALLON3-COMPARTMENT CONCRETE SEPTIC WITH LIFT STATION 496 SO. FEET OF EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA, VIA16 INFILTRATOR UNITS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 8/28/00. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIRE- MENTS. INSTALL INSPECTION PORTALS ON DOUBLE CASED PIPE ON EITHER SIDE OF DITCH CROSSING. AN 8 FT SOIL PROFILE HOLE MUST BE DUG & OBSERVED BY ENGINEER BELOW THE LEACHFIELD AREA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM. PROVIDE SUCH DOCUMENTATION TO EAGLE COUNTY. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: (il DATE: October 4.2000 CONDITIONS: I. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR.USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 4 9 6 SQUARE FEET (VIA 16 INFILTRATOR UNITS ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTICTANK:1000 GALLONS.ISLOCATED 10 DEGREESAND 25 FEET INCHES FROM the cleanout on the northeast side of the building COMMENTS: The final inspection was done by Laura Fawcett of Eagle County Environ- mental Health and the design engineer on June 12, 2001. This system is large enough to accommodate the 1 bedroom apartment in the riding arena ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: November 14, 2001 Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted .(Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3.823 (El ..Jebel) * FEE SCHEDULE * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * SIZING AND SITE VISIT FEE $85,00„_(WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SIZES THE * SYSTEM`USING YOUR SOILS REPORT) * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE -TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER-'*' PROPERTY OWNER: I1 L [Q c> C3 Y` G Li. e MAILING ADDRESS: 0 �1� % /�cdC(f'ewn) PHONE: ae7J - 6.r/ -151S APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: -ash LPG LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: h) !�`�a,)C PHONE;S�21/-q/V05,4°'r`, h COMPANY/DBA no-t) X-4-_S0kk6 ADDRESS: )( (D�J `L- k?v PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: X) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: 000 .s5-I% ra ec, M �a Tax Parcel Number: o;L 10 OCR J 6 Lot Size: '`i o /7'R"S Physical Address.: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ' (4--)-tesidential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) (. Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Namee of Supplier: APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Date: / V ✓ C) — b V AMOUNT PAID: V i , bU RECEIPT # : HI 33 6 DATE - CHECK #: CASHIER: Community Development Department (970)328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: October 2, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Book & Sons Excavating FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.2000-00. Property Location: 3000 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO., Rodriquez residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 2000-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. *Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. If you have not been contracted to do this installation please contact Eagle County Environmental Health. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files LKP Engineering, Luiza Petrovska *An 8 foot soil profile hole must be observed below the area of the proposed leach field prior to the installation on this system and the riding arena system. Do not start the installation of the riding arena system until after you receive the permit for that system. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970)328-8755 FAX (970) 328-8788 TDD: (970) 328-8797 TOLL FREE: 800-225-8136 www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO November 14, 2001 Richard Rodriguez 2800 Salt Creek Rd. Eagle, CO 81631 Raymond P. Merry, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2041-00 Tax Parcel #2107-292-00-055. Property location: 3000 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle, CO. Dear Mr. Rodriguez: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have. any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, , f Janet Kohl / Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 ���'-"-'(Lam+•++ +�+.-++ JrVJLV JVVJ I-FAI- GIY4711'4CCfz.11YL7 11AU r'HL-1t riI YU_ fvIarjorie Stone -Rodriguez lam+': Inspection of Septic System Instalia.tion yia C14,I__ 7' _ �- Oeellwich, CT 06831Located ocatet�in�t-hhe� Y:T. Tl4 ofSee. 29, T Y R83 , 6TH P.M. ey OaCjVVV Nah Ur - Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mariorie: At therequest. of jar. Y antzr}a" vvA i AF-VV i onsmuction, On )e0em1bCi ly 2000, May, and Tune 12, 001, we visited the construction site for the Riding A,tena Located in the NW.1 4 of Section 29, TES, F S3W cif. tl1e ' 1'.1VI., at 3000 Salt Crock Road Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to observe the installation of the septic system. They xastalled the system in Overall compliance with the septic System design, as shown or, tbx as -built sketch, dated November 00, 2001, A 1000-gallop, t ee-compartment Lift Station was installed on the east side of the riding arena. Sixteen, Standard Infiltrator Chambers were installed as shown on the above -named, as - built sketch, in two trenches with eight it0trators in each. The infiltrators were connected with serial distribution. At each end of the trenches, inspection ports were installed. Horizontal distance from cimter to center of the trenches; was 9 feet or more. The delivery line from the pump station to the leachfield was a 3-inch diametei, Sr-hedule 40 PVC. All other piping was SDI,-357 4-inch PVC. The depth of the trenches was no more than 36 inches. Also, the effluent line was double encased with a 6-inch diameter sch40 PVC at the road crossing, and v4th a 4= inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC at the ditch. crossil1g. The pump and the dosing amount were tested as recommended by '*eeb and Book and Sams. The pump JnStalled was Zoelez 294. Tx ;'emu I'";vc any u�ggns, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, r``•`�;` 295213 Luiza Pekxovsks ' President r�li�ll�rrn.� . cc: Ms. Laura Fawcett, Eagle County Environmeiatal Health ljivisign, fax: 328-0349 -���1'nie, fax: 328-2248, 524�-0584. r,.%MYP ijcslcoreldoc\WPDOC 512056osi-,ARENA.wpd P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (97o) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax I.If-11 I-O_'nf M1J -rLJI 1 MA . ACMM Tn. =ne-_1 C -fll 1KI-rW C1,11 1 "=n] -r" F --L47G Q4 I Y11� e1 g i OJL �� . EEAGLE SCRlP710h PRUZCT NO- RENA, -VQG SALT CREEK ROAD 2089 Ql GEQTECEWMAY $ETCHOUNTY, COLORACO ��! 2041-Da 75 FART DF' LEACHFIELp FOR COTTAGE M& MARJORIE IRODRIGUEZ PA. Mr 1�-os-zaai 1000—GAL ELECTRIC LIFT STATION CLEA,NOUT 0Lu=__- _ - LEACHFIELD FOR AIDING A -Re `` -TWO TRENCHES WITH 8 INFILTRATORS EACH P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO $1632, (970) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax h!f11I-14-2GIG11 TL411 P4.4r=PM Tn -EAf-�Y F rni IWTV PHI I-IPOI TW r3n( G-a LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632=2837 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Salt Creek Client: Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez _ Eagle County, Colorado 28 Stiles Lane _ Greenwich, CT 06831 Project No.: 2056 P-1 P-2 P-3 TIME/DEPTH 14" 15-4/16" 14-8/16" 11:10am 5-12/16" 3-12/16" 9" 5-12/16" 7-12/16" 11:20am 7" 1-4/16" 9-12/16" 12/16" 8-8/16" 12/16" 11:30am 8" 1" 10" 4/16" 9" 8/16" 11:40am 8-12/16" 12/16" 10-4/16" 4/16" 9-4/16" 4/16" 11:50am 9-4/16" 8/16" 10-8/16" 4/16" 9-8/16" 4/16" 12:OOpm 9-12/16" 8/16" 10-12/16" 4/16" 9-12/16" 4/16" 12:1Opm 10-4/16" 8/16" 11" 4/16" 10" 4/16" PERC RATE 20 MIN/INCH 40 MIN/INCH 40 MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 32 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Holes Dug and Presoaked: 8-9-00 Test Run: 8-10-00 PROFILE HOLE: 0 to 6" Topsoil 6" to 2' Blocky, sandy clay T to 6' Sandy clay No Ground Water LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 2837 Edwards, CO 81632-2837 Fax (970) 926-9089 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Location: Salt Creek Client: Marjorie Stone -Rodriguez Eagle County, Colorado 28 Stiles Lane _ Greenwich, CT 06831 Project No.: 2056 P-4 TIME/DEPTH 14" 11:10am 5-12/16" 3-4/16" 11:20am 6-8/16" 12/16" 11:30am 6-10/16" 2/16" 11:40am 6-14/16" 4/16" 11:50am 7-2/16" 4/16" 12:00pm 7-6/16" 4/16" 12:1Opm 7-10/16" 4/16" PERC RATE 40 MIN/INCH MIN/INCH MIN/INCH AVG PERC: 32 MINUTES PER INCH Average Percolation Hole Diameter: 8" Holes Dug and Presoaked: 8-9-00 Test Run: 8-10-00 PROFILE HOLE: 0 to 6" Topsoil 6 to 2' Blocky, sandy clay T to 6' Sandy clay No Ground Water `QV4L/TYPUMPS �//NCE �,9i1��� SECTION: 2.30.050 FM0450 / 1 / - 0300 t``ER Co Product information ; : �. \L p O Supersedes U �,i�. o. presented here reflects • L :,cam/ //P' /� i Z �� 0399 conditions at time of L//V j_ publication. Consult factory �R,; ;,•�' regarding discrepancies or MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 16347 • Louisville. KY 40256-0347 visit our web site: inconsistencies. SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211-1961 http://www.zoeller.com (502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP • FAX (502) 774-3624 COMPARE THESE FEATURES • Non -clogging vortex impeller design bronze class 84-8-0-4. • Durable cast construction. Cast iron switch case, base, motor and pump housing. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode. All cast iron class 25-30 25000# tensile strength. • Stainless steel screws, bolts, float rod, handle guard, arm and seal assembly. • 20 foot UL listed 3-wire neoprene cord and plug. Extra cords lengths available in 25-35-50' length only. • 3-phase models available. (292, 115V, 1PH only) • Motor - 60 cycle, 3450 RPM, oil filled, hermetically sealed, automatic reset thermal overload protected (1 PH only). • Maximum temperature for sewage or dewatering 130° F (54° C), 120° F (49° C) for WD295. If over 1300 F. consult factory. f Shaft Seal - Stainless steel carbon & ceramic rotary. • Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy finish. • Upper sleeve bearing and lower ball bearing running in bath of oil. • Square Ring & Gasket - Neoprene. • All models pass 2" solids (sphere). • Major width 121/6". Height 189/,6". (Single seal pumps) Automatic units available with float operated, submersible (NEMA 6) 2-pole mechanical switch. On point 14 3/4" - Off point 5". • Specify 2" or 3" NPT female flanged vertical discharge. 100% computerized testing. MODELS 4292-4293-4294-4295 DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS (nonauto only) • Protects motor from seal leaks. • Improved bearing lubrication. • Helps eliminate seal and bearing damage from dry runs. Major width 121/8R. Height 201/,6". Note: The sizing of effluent systems normally requires variable level float(s) controls and properly sized basins to achieve required pumping cycles. 292 - 293 - 294 - 295 Single Seal Series 4292 - 4293 - 4294 - 4295 Double Seal Series (For Pump Prefix Identification see News & Views 0052) C3D L E'l�; _ •,.� ir: S' CRAFTS SSPi11A MEMBER/ IE POWDER SUBMERSIBLE COATED � - E TOUGH' Ii'� (( =s.s$R l` G [- OR DEWATERING PUMP 'See bade page For UL B CS, L:s:-nos I © Copyright 2000 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. EAD CAPACITY CURVE ®�E07ZIM IIttIIm Kom= ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ��■■■■■■■■■■■■MMMMIM s® MIME tIltl�IIII��®� mom No ME ■■■\�■�■■. . ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■�V r■■►V►V■■■■■n■ ■■■■■■■�'V'■■■■. '�■■■■■E■ ■�■■■■■M■►v��►.. ■■n■ lR6M p 60 '60 2.0 320 .O0 - .BO 560 -. 6-0 y 220 .w 800 „ •550 rlo"' Kr .-Ir A CAUTION Model 293 should not be subjected to less than 15 feet TDH. Standard nit m 4,1c - 90 R _n 11 u D 292MODELS 4292140DELSI Control Selection Listings SingleSeal DoubleSeal Phi Mode Amps Simplex Duplex CSA UL M292 11 Auto �115 15.0 1 or 1 8 9 Y Y N292 L_ N4292 11 Non I 15.0 I 2& 8 I 3 or 5& 6 I Y I Y'I Standard all modplc - 7n T7 r ,I -1 w D 293MODELS �4293MODELS Control Selection I Listings SingleSeal D293 DoubleSeal •-- Volts - Ph 230 1 Mode 1 Auto Amps 10.2 I Simplex 1 or 1& 9 Duplex I I CSA -yi I UL Y E293 E4293 230 1 Non ___Auto 10.2 2 or 2& 8 3 or 5& 61 Y'M I Y H293 200.208 1 12.0 1 or 1& 9 Y I N ' 1293 14293 200.208 1 Non 12.0 2& 8 1 3 or 5& 6 i Y N F293 " F4293 230 3 Non 7.6 2 & 41 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y I Y J293 ' J4293 200.208 3 Non 8.2 2& 4 I 3& 4 or 5& 6 I Y I Y G293 G4293 460 3 Non 4.0 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y I Y BA293 _ 575 3 Non 3.3 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 I N N c'1n dIt,1 III. nW,- 294MODELS 4294MODELS Control Selection Listings SingleSeal D294 DoubleSeal - Volts - Phi 230 1 Mode I Auto Amps 13.7 Simplex 1 or 1 & 9 Duplex I CSA Y I UL Y'1 E294 E4294 230 1 Non 13.7 2 or 2& 8 3 or 5& 6 1 Y 11 I Ya ' H294 I - 200.208 11 Auto 16.5 1 or 1& 9 N N ' 1294 14294 200 208 1 Non 16.5 2 & 7 3 or 5 & 6 N N ' F294 4294 �J4294 230 3 . Non 9.5 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' J294 ' G294 I' _ G4294 1 200-208 31 460 31 Non I Non 10.8 I 4.8 2& 4 2& 4 I 3& 4 or 5& 6 I 3& 4 or 5& 6 I Y Y I Y Y ' BA294 --- 1 575 31 Non 3.8 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 I Y N Standard 211 modpls - so II 1nr11-1 u D 295MODELS SingleSeal 4295MODELS DoubleSeal Control Selection Volts Phi Mode Simplex Duptex Listings CSA ' UL D295 E295 - E4295 230 1 230 1 Auto Non 72E0.5 1 or 1& 9 2 & 7 3 or 5 & 6 I N Y3 I Y Y WD295 - 230 1 Auto N N ' H295 -- 20D-208 1 I Auto 1 or 1& 9 N N ' 1295 14295 200-208 1 Non 20.5 2& 7 3 or 5& 6 N N ' F295 F4295 230 3 Non 12.2 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 Y Y ' J295 ' J4295 200.2D8 3 Nan 14.3 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' G295 ' G4295 460 3 Non 6.1 2 & 4 3 & 4 or 5 & 6 Y Y ' BA295 - 575 3 Non 4.9 2& 4 3& 4 or 5& 6 I Y N n1 UL listed unH available with 20 Amp plug. CSA Approval without plug cap. 18 9/16 I 11 1/2 NPT 8 20 7/16 SK1415 SELECTION GUIDE 1. Integral float operated mechanical switch, no external control required. 2. Single piggyback wide angle variable level float switch or double piggyback variable level float switch. Refer to FM0477. 3. Mechanical alternator '10-Pak" 10-0072 or 10.0075. 4. Simplex control panel. Refer to FM1228. 5. See FM0712, for correct model of Electrical Alternator. 6. Variable level control switch 10-0225 used as a control activator, with electrical alternator duplex (3) or (4) float system. 7. SIMPLEX CONTROL BOX 10-0050, 115/230V, 1 Ph. max. 2 HP uses: One (1) single piggyback wide angle variable level float switch or two (2) 10.0225 control switches for level control. 8. 4-hole "J-Box", junction box, for watertight connection or wired -in simplex or duplex operation. 9. 2-hole "J-Box", junction box, for watertight connection or splice. A CAUTION All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a qualified licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be followed including the most recent National Electric Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safetyand Health Act (OSHA). For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog on Simplex controls, FM1596; Piggyback Variable Level Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, FM0486; Mechanical Altemator, FM0495; Sump/Sewage Basins, FM0487; and Simplex Control Box, FM0732; Rail Systems, FM0787; and Junction Boxes, FM1597. RESERVE POWERED DESIGN For unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is engineered into the design of every Zoeller pump. © Copyright 2000 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved. • �'v �x Wl.�.c� /l�eru d2-Q�v� �--e �v�,..-� t:� rls�� - C(rrsUL(�_j . ZSDS Permit #� U Date U (� b l ISDS Final Inspection Comflletensss Form V Tank is InOO gal. Tank Materia/'l� 0,W�-el _Tank is located a5/ ft. and �Fv degrees from_L-,( cam (per ent landmark) Tank is located ft. and degrees from_ Iparseaa= laadmark) Tank set level. Tank lids within 6" of finished grade. Size of field ft2 units lineal ft. Technology Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). V There is a "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. . Inlet.and outlet is sealed with tar•,tape,+ rubber gasket etc. v k ;has t*0. compartments with the.; 3,a �ger...:cp partment closest to the house. e. distance and relative dw ..Depth of field._ ft. Soil interface raked. 1� Inspection portals at the _end of each trench. Proper distance to setbacks. Chambers properly installed+as per fiadufac� specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks 'removed from trenches, etc.) . Type of pipe used for building sewer Line L 3� , leach f ieldSJ\� C) V/ other CAJL In ectioa m et requirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. I Cho � Ak1&t� 40 ACTION TAKEN . Acfrt . L`() Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 10 ZaI1k, 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 2041-00 Tax#2107-292-U0-U55 JOB NAME_ 3000 Salt Creek Rd., RODRIGUEZ Eagle JOB NO. BILL TO DATE STARTED 1a o0 DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED ' 4 � CIA Z) < rJ��iU Q c 1-000 , YID C �Le Oh c Q� -06 VNIOY alk elirc k, X41 —&�4 JO COSTS MMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL ell TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 JOB FOLDER Printed In U.S.A. M T S _ Dir»enslons Capacities Work Classification: AlterationPermit CO Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 210729200055 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-10-15-13563 Expires: 2/23/2016 Issue Date: 10/26/2015 Parcel No. 3000 SALT CREEK RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (303)521-3330 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970)926-9088LKP Engineering, Inc Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number SPIEGEL CONSTRUCTION (970)904-0694 Yes28-15 SPIEGEL CONSTRUCTION (970)904-0694 Yes28-15 Jeff Oberg Permitted Construction / Details: Install the new soil treatment area and 500 gallon lift station exactly as depicted on the LKP Engineering, Inc. design dated September 15, 2015 and as revised October 19, 2015. System is designed to serve a three bedroom residence. Project consists of installing a new 500 gallon electric lift station and 900 square feet of soil treatment area (prior to adjustment for chambers) via 3 shallow, serially connected trenches of Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers as shown on the design drawing. The first twenty feet of the top row of 18 chambers will be receiving effluent under pressure from the lift station and as such, will have orifices drilled into the pipe as described on the plans. Do not install soil treatment area in wet or frozen ground. The existing 1,000 gallon concrete tank will continue to be used and will have an effluent screen placed in the outlet tee with the existing effluent line capped as described on the design drawing. Risers will be installed to bring access to grade. A new 500 gallon electric lift station will be installed and equipped with a pump capable of delivering 30 gallons per minute over 23 feet of head. Float levels shall take into account the drain back and be set to deliver 130 gallons per dose. Contact the design engineer to conduct all inspections necessary to certify the system and to prepare the as-built drawings. System certification along with as-builts and photos are required to be submitted to and approved by Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the new system. Office Copy October 26, 2015 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Terri Vroman CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaalecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 400.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: _.SCOFF abed,. Phone: 3b 3 74 5 Owner Mailing Address: ��� La`�UZ'� — emaiil Sj� e V. Professional Engineer: �, Phone: q7r! —7 Applicant / Contact Person: Phone: Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: 11&1 Contractor Mailing Address: P.O. e&)( Contractor License #: Contractor Phone Number: �t76r-ail email: OWTS Permit Application is for: New Installation Alteration Repair air ��9a000ss C�32`7`7d c�S Tax Parcel Number:-1C Lot Size: Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/natiel Physical Address: 30M Legal Description: Building Type: A Residential / Single Family Residential / Multi Family I — of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Commercial / Industrial Type of Use: *As of 06/27/2014, all systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: Private Well If Public, Name of Supplier: Spring Surface Public Applicant Signature: ,�— j Date: &4id%R l/ Office Use Only: OWTS PERMIT # 10-1 — /35&3 BUILDING PERMIT # Amount Paid: ROO �!o Receipt #: Check #: ID 3!Z/ Date: ID19115 0 — 00 =S au -co l s March 8, 2016 Jeff Oberg 1720 Wazee #1A Denver, CO 80202 jeff@readev.com RE: Final approval of septic permit OWTS-10-15-13563; Tax parcel #210729200055; Property location: 3000 Salt Creek Rd., Eagle area Jeff: This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized. This permit was approved and sized for a total capacity for 3 bedrooms. Additional information about the maintenance your septic system needs can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department’s home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: OWTS electronic permit folder Energov electronic file LKP Engineering – Project 15-3028 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director October 14, 2015 Sue Johanning 3555 Belcaro Drive Denver, CO 80209 E-mail:suejoco@comcast.net RE: Inspection of Septic System Installation 3000 Salt Creek Road near Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado Project NO. 15-3028 - OWTS-10-15-13563 Dear Sue: At the request of Chris Spiegel, on November 13, 24 and December 10, 2015, and January 13, 2016, we visited the construction site at 3000 Salt Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to inspect the installation of the septic system for the existing 3-bedroom cottage. They installed the system in overall compliance with the septic addition sketch, Drawing No. 15-3028owts.dwg, last dated October 19, 2015, and as shown on the attached as-built sketch. At the time of the inspections we observed the following: The existing effluent line was cut and capped. A new, 4-inch diameter, sch40 PVC effluent line was constructed from the outlet of the existing 1000-gallons, two-compartments, concrete, septic tank to the new, 500-gallons, concrete, lift station. In the lift Station they installed a Gould Pump P51 ½ hp. Fifty-three, Q-4 Plus, Standard Infiltrator Chambers were installed in three trenches. There were eighteen (18) infiltrators in each of the first two trenches and seventeen (17) infiltrator chambers in the last trench. In the first trench they installed a 20-ft section of a 2-inch diameter, perforated sch40 PVC. The pump test was done by Chris Spiegel and his email memo is attached. They did one adjustment to the floats to increase the dosing closer to the design volume of 130 gallons per dose. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure cc: ECEH Department, E-mail: Terri.Vroman@eaglecounty.us J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2015\15-3028OSIQ4Plus-modify.wpd P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 Tel. (970) 926-9088 September 15, 2015 Sue Johanning 3555 Belcaro Drive Denver, CO 80209 RE: Soil and Site Evaluation 3000 Salt Creek Road near Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado Project NO. 15-3028 On July 8 and 11, and August 11, 13, 14, and 15, 2015, we visited the property at 3000 Salt Creek Road, southeast from the Town of Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits was to select the most suitable site to relocate the existing leachfield that meets the criteria of OWTS #43 for a septic system for the use of the existing 3-bedroom cabin. !Preliminary Investigation G Address: 3000 Salt Creek Road, southeast from the Town of Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado G Legal Description: Section: 29 Township: 5 Range: 83 PT OF NW1/4 PCL 1-W, Eagle County, Colorado G Existing Structures: The existing 3-bedroom log cabin was on the north side of the road. On the south side of the road, there was a horse riding arena. G Location of existing and proposed wells on property: The well, as shown on the plan for the septic system design, is located to the northeast of the cabin. G ECEHD records: The existing septic system is located to the southwest of the cabin, on a parcel of land owned by others. G Topography: The topography of the property is rolling. Within the proposed leachfield area the topography was moderate, sloping gently to the south and southeast. The new leachfield will be located on the hillside above the driveway, at about 150 feet east of the cabin. G Soil Data: The soil encountered in the profile hole consisted of about one (1) foot of topsoil over 3 feet of sandy, gravelly clay with angular rock fragments over 3.5 feet of clayey, sandy gravel with angular cobbles. There was no ground water or bedrock observed in the profile hole at the time of the excavation. G Location of applicable setbacks in Table 7-1: The septic tank is existing and is located to the west of the existing cabin. The leachfield is at least P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com \ I 11 1 I �X / zc 1 II \ I / \\ I II 1 \ D D / 0 \\ 1 I I O m =r-0 \ I \ \ I I m „cZ / mD \ mOx mm� m� \ \ 1 1 \ mZ� DZm m \ \ I I 0mm0 / Dmm m cn N � z \ \ \ \ I m��0 / m000 \ \ \ \ m \ \ \\ ��zn / >m> z 71 ;0 m z m D O r m / \ Z2W0 I \ \ cnmm \ Dm Zm zm o \ I \ \\ c m O Zco O H \\ \ \ \ \ \ I elm cn cn p rn v $ 00 OO O N \\ \ \ \ \ o 0= mm 0 U) m5� V z m nmm D �mz D;a 0U)0 C m m 2 z0m U) Z r— � 0 0 O:q(n _KDO mc') 0n -q�co mz-< 0� �m K F W W �O; = W r z z n 0 C mr N 00 >0 z-0 U) m 0 0 A c A r c N z 0 z m N m z a 0 D -q 0 m m A Z c cn -0Xz 0 X tZ -n 0 vm� v Z 0 co > 0 Z-'cn0 °cn mzcn >0vy m TI m v 1 = cn Z 9 n W m W_ zo w U) z m 0 0M m m c� 0cm� O>, mD0 m°' > -n mzm m n mp oT� ��Z r > co n Cn�C� W y Z n W U- ;Jm Z o=� - m a �o n 0Zzo� c<i v �— -jDU) W m m cn < D = m mo�o0 D m D Zll m m r _ z 0 > A �I G Iill m (�J W D C) T r r 1 - �IO mz 0 X 2 � cn m D 0 m D m m O 0 Z m 71` Z `111��g111uH,trt.� m 0 z m z W ��~`�f� s■•••■■ t . i v oN W r r - rr O �. 00.n��7 Cn N rrr`�js ■•i•�R����' ff �i Cn fir ffllttttn"`�'" ' G) V I o 00 z FT-1 M Z C) mC) F- D Z r m O S07-29'16„w 41. 6 7' cn m C� O � 0 D Z CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL cn C) 0 ) r r O Z m r m C) ;CJ 0 r n Cn D O Z 0 w / <Oyo r I I 1 m'- T m O ID I f,u m m � m I I I / I / / � o O I I O cn? 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Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 tel (970) 926-9088 www.lkpengineering.com PREPARED FOR SUE JOHANNING 7ccn DDODDooD ��Gcn 00�z00 0 Dmc Qzc u u >m zn u m �� Dc„m m m X o _ Z> ��oo0.0 �Kon Xx CEm�0 OZ C) m OA G� '0 u wc�OZ Z cDIT, n mmn zDz o0700pm D w0ccn o Z 0F7 00D W n n aD cn�cn ��X 02 00rm O c z -n 0 r r CO TmD oyD m- ��0 - cn0 �p c)- �p cnp0 O 0 cnm mD mZ =� Xm Z cn D0 �0 �� �pw > O Zc m� z r m y� mT m Dw m � 0 A 0c n W Z Zc 0 X m; W 1cn 000 00 m Z7 0 ZC) oU) 0 C 00 m� �r m cn D W r0 c) X m Ki �-< --I G) D Z C) W � mm pD U) Oz � 0 00 O O 20 DZ Ktn D mD y-n m �1 C) D � > O 0 n K z m Oz 0 m �mnm U) 0 >iZ� O D 0T oc �O m z OD 0 W mD z zz m m0 IT _ �O D m = 00 IT NO. I DATE I DESCRIPTION D 4 m m m G) m � m O m D �00 c � m D G) m O Z c z Z 0 u m C7 C w cn ry m A n N T N m z c 0 I m O C) Z0�D0T OX�zX X 0<OcG00 O 0 ul> T T r cz mm0 = O�m�C)�� 0 �OD�� m mG1*0 � mDZ.=.O nmpz o�zWWmm m < D mm z U) D 0 0 Z a Proposed Residence Page 2 of 3 September 15, 2015 Project No. 15-3028 150 feet away from the house, about 200 feet away from the electric lift station, about 200 feet away from the septic tank, about 330 feet from the pond on the west side of the cabin, about 220 feet away from the pond west of the riding arena, and about 70 feet away from the closest property lines. !Reconnaissance G Landscape position: The proposed leachfield site will be located in the side yard, between the east side of the cabin, the north side of the driveway, and near the eastern property boundary. G Topography: The topography of the proposed leachfield site is moderate and the trenches will run along the contours. G Vegetation: The vegetation of the proposed leachfield site consisted of wild grass. G Natural and cultural features: The natural topography of the site is rolling with steep slopes to the north and steep bank down to the road. South from the road and the riding arena is Salt Creek. The property is in a narrow valley of Salt Creek. G Current and historic land use: It appears that the property was used for ranching. At present it is used as a horse ranch. !Detailed Soil Investigation G Visual and tactile evaluation of two or more soil profile test pit excavation; OR G Percolation tests plus one or more soil profile holes or one or more profile test pit excavations: One profile hole was excavated and three percolation holes were dug, presoaked and a perc test was run the following day. !Report and Site Plan G Name, address, telephone number, email address, and credentials and qualification of individual who conducted site evaluation: This site evaluation was completed by Luiza Petrovska, PE, of LKP Engineering, Inc. LKP Engineering, Inc., is located at 67 Robins Egg Lane, Eagle, Colorado. The phone number is 970-926-9088 and Luiza’s email address is luiza@lkpeng.com G Dates of preliminary and detailed evaluation: July 8 and 11, and August 11, 13, 14, and 15, 2015. G A graphic soil log, to scale: Attached G Setback distances in Table 7-1: The septic tank is existing and is located to the west of the existing cabin. The leachfield is at least 150 feet away from P.O. Box 724, Eagle, CO 81631 www.lkpengineering.com Proposed Residence Page 3 of 3 September 15, 2015 Project No. 15-3028 3 the house, about 200 feet away from the electric lift station, about 200 feet away from the septic tank, about 330 feet from the pond on the west side of the cabin, about 220 feet away from the pond west of the riding arena, and about 70 feet away from the closest property lines. G Setback distances in Table 7-2: From STA to well, 100 feet. From STA to ponds, greater than 100 feet. No gulch or cut bank. From STA to restrictive layer 7.5 feet. No ground water. G A drawing (to scale) with complete property boundary lines on minimum of 8.5 x 11" #Label profile test pits/holes #North Arrow #Graphic scale #Horizontal and vertical reference points of proposed STA #Contours OR slope direction and % slope #Location of any visible or known unsuitable, disturbed, or compacted soils #The proposed elevation of the infiltrative surface of the STA from benchmark or ground surface G Anticipated construction related issues: Due to the location of the proposed new leachfield, a lift station will have to be used in order to bring the effluent to the leachfield.. G Assessment of known or foreseeable land use changes expected to affect the system performance: None known. G Narrative explaining difficulties encountered during site evaluation: There are no difficulties anticipated. Location of setbacks will be shown on the septic system design. The percolation test results and a graphic soil log are appended to this report. Sincerely, LKP Engineering, Inc. Luiza Petrovska, PE Enclosure J:\_WP X4-LKP\_2015\15-3028Soil-site-eval.wpd LKP Engineering, Inc.LKP Engineering, Inc. DATE OBSERVED: August 11, 2015 PROFILE HOLE ELEVATION: S S Y A DEPTH M M DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL LABORATORY REMARKS FEET B P AND SAMPLE LOCATION TEST RESULTS 0 L L E Topsoil, clayey, blocky If/ fBrown, sandy, gravelly clay with roots and angular rock fragments o. :. o Brown, clayey, sandy gravel with 5 Very rocky angular cobbles an d firm o. BOTTOM OF HOLE ® 7.5 FEET NO GROUND WA TER ENCOUNTERED 10 15 20 LEGEND: 0 — 2—inch O.D. California Liner Sample ■ — Bulk Sample DD — Natural Dry Density (pcf) MC — Natural Moisture Content (90) —200 — Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve LL — Liquid Limit Pl — Plasticity Index GW — Ground water PROXCT NO.., 15—JO28 LKP ENGINEERING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG RGUR£ NO.: 1 LKP ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 926-9088 www.lkpengineering.com PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Client:Sue Johanning 3555 Belcaro Drive Denver, CO 80209 Location:3000 Salt Creek Road near Eagle, Eagle County, Colorado Project No. : 15-3028 P-1 P-2 P-3 T IM E /D E P T H 1 9 -6 /1 6 "1 7 -6 /1 6 "1 9 -6 /1 6 "s ta n d in g w a te r a t start 1 5 -1 3 /1 6 " 8 :3 5 am 8 "7 /1 3 /1 6 "1 0 -1 2 /1 6 " 8 :4 5 am 9 -9 /1 6 "1 -9 /1 6 "9 /1 0 /1 6 "1 -1 3 /1 6 "1 0 -1 2 /1 6 "0 8 :5 5 am 1 0 -5 /1 6 "1 2 /1 6 "1 0 -7 /1 6 "1 3 /1 6 "1 0 -1 3 /1 6 "1 /1 6 " 9 :0 5 am 1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 1 -1 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 0 -1 3 /1 6 "0 9 :1 5 am 1 1 -6 /1 6 "7 /1 6 "1 1 -1 2 /1 6 "1 1 /1 6 "1 0 -1 4 /1 6 "1 /1 6 " 9 :2 5 am 1 1 -1 4 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 2 -5 /1 6 "9 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "1 /1 6 " 9 :3 5 am 1 2 -8 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 1 -1 5 /1 6 "1 0 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "0 9 :4 5 am 1 2 -1 4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 3 -6 /1 6 "7 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "0 9 :5 5 am 1 3 -4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 3 -1 1 /1 6 "5 /1 6 "1 0 -1 5 /1 6 "0 1 0 :0 5 am 1 3 -8 /1 6 "4 /1 6 "1 4 -3 /1 6 "8 /1 6 "1 1 "1 /1 6 " 1 0 :1 5 am 1 3 -1 4 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 4 -1 0 /1 6 "7 /1 6 "1 1 -1 /1 6 "1 /1 6 " 1 0 :2 5 am 1 4 -1 /1 6 "3 /1 6 "1 5 "6 /1 6 "1 1 -1 /1 6 "0 1 0 :3 5 am 1 4 -5 /1 6 "4 /1 6 "1 5 -5 /1 6 "6 /1 6 "1 1 -1 /1 6 "0 P E R C R A T E 3 7 M I N /IN C H 2 5 M I N /IN C H --- M IN /I N C H A V G P E R C 3 1 M P I A ve r ag e P e r c o la tio n H o le D ia m e te r : 9 " H o le s D u g an d P r e so a k e d : 8 -1 3 -2 0 1 5 T e st R u n : 8 -1 4 -2 0 1 5 P ro file H o le : 0 - 1 ' - T o p so il. 1 ' - 4 ' - B r o w n , sa n d y, g ra v e lly c la y w ith r o o ts an d a n g u la r ro c k fra gm en ts. 4 ' to 7 .5 ' B r o wn , c la yey, sa n d y g ra ve l w ith an gu la r c o b b le s. N o g r o un d wa te r e nc o un te r e d . B y: K ir il P e tro v s k i. Note: N.T.S. -35- Front Range Precast Concrete, Inc. 5439 N. Foothills Highway, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Phone (303) 442-3207 • (800) 783-3207 • Fax (303) 442-3209 www.flxx.com Watertight 00 GPM FEET PS51 CAPACITYTOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD20 40 60 80 100 120 140 5 10 20 15 30 25 00 GPM FEET PE31 PE51 CAPACITYTOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 5 10 20 15 30 40 35 25 Goulds PumpsSubmersible Effluent Pump moDel PE ApplicAtions Specially designed for these uses: • Mound Systems • Effluent/Dosing Systems • Low Pressure Pipe Systems specificAtions: Pump General: • Discharge: 1-1/2" NPT • Temperature: 104°F (40°C) maximum, continuous when submerged. • Solids handling: 1/2" maximum sphere. PE31 Pump: • Max. capacity: 50 GPM • Max. head: 25' TDH PE51 Pump: • Max. capacity: 70 GPM • Max. head: 37' TDH motor General: • Single Phase • 60 Hertz • 115 Volts • Built-in thermal over- load protection with automatic reset. • High strength carbon steel shaft. PE31 Motor: • .33 HP, 3000 RPM • 12.0 Max. amps • Shaded pole design PE51 Motor: • .50 HP, 3400 RPM • 9.5 Max. amps • PSC design feAtures n Corrosion resistant construction. n Cast iron body. n Thermoplastic impeller and cover. n Upper sleeve and lower heavy duty ball bearing construction. n Motor is permanently lubricated for extended service life. n Quick disconnect power cord, 20' standard length, heavy duty 16/3 SJTW with NEMA 5-15P, three prong, 115 volt grounding plug. n Mechanical seal is carbon, ceramic, BUNA and stain- less steel. Goulds PumpsSubmersible Sewage Pump moDel PS ApplicAtions Specially designed for these uses: • Residential Sewage Systems specificAtions: Pump General: • Discharge: 2" NPT • Temperature: 104°F (40°C) maximum, continuous when fully submerged. • Solids handling: 2" maximum sphere. PS51 Pump: • Max. capacity: 130 GPM • Max. head: 27' TDH motor General: • Single Phase • 60 Hertz • 115 Volts • Built-in thermal over- load protection with automatic reset. • High strength carbon steel shaft. PS51 Motor: • .50 HP, 3400 RPM • 13 Max. amps • PSC design feAtures n Corrosion resistant con- struction. n Cast iron body. n Thermoplastic impeller and cover. n Upper sleeve and lower heavy duty ball bearing construction. n Motor is permanently lubricated for extended service life. n Quick disconnect power cord, 10' and 20' standard lengths, heavy duty 16/3 SJTW with NEMA 5-15P, three prong, 115 volt grounding plug. n Mechanical seal is carbon, ceramic, BUNA and stain- less steel. 1 Luiza Petrovska From:Chris Spiegel [dirthog3@gmail.com] Sent:Monday, March 07, 2016 8:55 PM To:Luiza Petrovska Attachments:IMG_4531.JPG; ATT00001.txt; IMG_4533.JPG; ATT00002.txt Hi Luiza 3.5 minutes is how long it took to pump out a dose. The guys at Front Range Precast said that should be about right. The first picture is the filter on the ground before Josh the Yuck truck put it in. The second us from the top so he can pull it out to clean it. zo om m D C) �00 �Z5 (j) z _m / \ r0 m�_ U)� r / I \ / I I z D� U)X z O D m D z m / 1 1 III D \ I = O OrzDOm m0co C)IT\ \ \ m 0 mmmZmM DmZ / zC \\ \ I I I 0 m O Ox�O-r C)�O Dr �7 C Z D O m> Z m c z m z O D m 2 \ \ \ \ I �mm6� I ��m m0DAm0 0�m / \ \ I 1 \ m O m O > r D \ \I �DmN I �z� �zm=�� / mnm0 \ . c) ;R Z ��m c0-qm \ \ XX�0 �0� miO2-AZ / m�2� m z2D2 \ \ ��z0 I AZoo zm�m0m �mzm \1 \ \ �O�m mho \z�n���� / zmm0 VA \ \ \ �--j \ DAD C)m�m2m m�00 O0FC zmr m�2Xmm \ / \ z29o0 \ cnmmcn \ m U) Z M V \ \ \ \ \ I , Z'99 Fri O H \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I C1 �l m Cn Cn p r- C) OO O . 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NEAR EAGLE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO P.O. Box 724 Eagle, CO 81631 tel (970) 926-9088 www.lkpengineering.com PREPARED FOR SUE JOHANNING mccn DDODDWD Gcn 00z 0 0 0 rU)C v ZC II II D W Dm II m �� DCTIm m Zm� C DnmAUcn zc) m Dm X_�ocn Cl) c,>- � ��oo0Z01 �oi7 xx �m�0 OZ (7 K 0 Q m d II wC�OZ Z pD n m n z0 zDz o07pOpm D zM wOCCn o�Z 0r7 G�DD aD cn�cn ��� 00 m0rm O c Z 0 r r cO TmD oyD m� ��m0 Cn0 'mo C)= 00 U)00 0 0 Z C) D TI O = x Z Z U> m m z u cn D Q � 0 X r m o w D �o DD y� m- m Dw U) � A C� 0 Z II Zc 0 X 0 W �cn 0Z0 00 m Z7 0 �� zc) o� o c �z =D D� O m 0 c Xm U) ;u ;u D w p (n x m 00 W X u) o X Ki ;0 �O D Z W Cl) O D r C) x U) z K O OZ O z 20 Dz �� D �m mD Dm0 ;u r X0 D O 0 zK D z O m m 2 Z, 2 D m u) > Z O � D 0T 0c 1)0 m z OD �> O mW D z z m p IT 2 �O D m = 50 m D -4m m X �_ m G) mu � O D �m 00 C � m yc�0 n m O Z C Z Z G) u --1 C) C_w(n - N m --i X Aim N 0 C)m cn K (n m O C) X - c� 1. 10-19-15 ADD EFFLUENT FILTER AND PIPE CAPPING NOTE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION L.P. 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