HomeMy WebLinkAboutR88-015 Cities of CO Springs and Aurora Homestake II Water Diversion0 0 • Commissioner e () /) moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 88 -_L6 IN RE THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE CITIES OF COLORADO SPRINGS AND AURORA HOMESTAKE II WATER DIVERSION PROJECT DECISION WHEREAS, the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora (hereinafter the "Cities" or the "Applicant ") submitted a consol- idated application for the construction of the second of four phases of a water diversion project commonly referred to as the 40 Homestake Water Diversion Project; and WHEREAS, the Homestake Water Diversion Project cur- rently diverts water from Homestake Creek and tributaries in the Homestake Valley. The Phase II development proposal, which is the subject of the Cities' consolidated application, is the second of four phases and would divert waters from the headwaters of Cross Creek and its tributaries and Fall Creek in the Holy Cross Wilderness Area of the White River National Forest. The Phase II proposal is for 57,000 feet of tunnels, 3,000 feet of pipeline and four diversion structures. The diversion of water from the Cross Creek and Fall Creek drainages was originally estimated in the application to amount to approximately 19,600 acre feet per year (af /yr); the estimated amount increased to approximately 21,000 to 21,500 of /yr during the course of the Applicant's presentation of testimony and evidence concerning the Phase II Project (the "Project "). The potential cumulative diversions from Homestake Phase II and all other undeveloped water rights owned by the Cities in the Eagle River Basin total 36,900 a/f in an average year and 11,050 a/f in a dry year, according to an analysis made by a consulting hydrologist firm for the Cities in conjunction with the filing of their applica- tion. This water is to be delivered into the existing Homestake system for subsequent delivery to the Cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora for municipal use. The location of the Project is • described on the attached Exhibit A. i WHEREAS, the construction and operation of the Home - stake II Water Diversion Project constitutes a designated matter of State interest pursuant to Part 1 of article 65.1, Title 24, of the Colorado Revised statutes, and the "Guidelines and Regula- tions for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ", 1980, as amended, and there is no evidence in the record that the Cities fall within any of the exemptions set forth at S 24- 65.1 -1 -107, C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board "), conducted joint public hearings with the Eagle County Planning Commission on April 20 through April 24, 1987, May 14 through May 16, 1987 and May 18 through May 20, 1987, after publication and notice as required by law, to consider the Cities' application for the following permits: I. Permit to conduct the following designated activity of State interest: a major extension of an existing water collection system (S 6.04, Eagle County Land Use Regulations); II. Permit to conduct the following designated activity of State interest: the efficient utilization of a municipal water • project (§ 6.05, Eagle County Land Use Regulations); III. Special Use Permit (§ 2.09, Eagle County Land Use Regula- tions); and IV. Certificate of Designation (§ 30 -20 -101, et seq., C.R.S.). (the above applications hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Application "); and WHEREAS, the following persons and entities entered their appearance as parties to, and had an interest in, the proceedings: Avon Metropolitan District Town of Avon Colorado Council of Trout Unlimited Colorado River Outfitters Association Western River Guides Association Division of Wildlife Eagle County Sheriff Holy Cross Wilderness Defense Fund James Franklin Lamont Red Cliff Water and Sanitation District Town of Eagle • Town of Gypsum Town of Minturn -2- C: Town of Red Cliff Town of Vail Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Vail Associates, Inc. Eagle County Historical Society; and WHEREAS, the hearing concluded on October 30, 1987, and the Planning Commission conducted its public deliberation on November 18, 1987, and, based on all the evidence, exhibits and arguments presented, made its recommendation concerning the Application to the Board of County Commissioners in Eagle County Planning Commission Resolution No. 87 -1 dated December 30, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners conducted its public deliberation on January 13 and February 4, 1988; and WHEREAS, prior to the hearing, the Applicant made several motions in limine to prohibit the presentation of evi- dence concerning (a) need; (b) availability of alternatives to the proposed Project; (c) cumulative effects of all phases of the • Homestake Project; (d) costs; and (e) ownership of water rights; and 0 WHEREAS, the Board ruled to grant the Applicant's motions regarding need, the availability of alternative projects, ownership of water rights, and cost, and to deny the Applicant's motions regarding cumulative effects; and WHEREAS, because the Board granted the Applicant's request to prohibit any evidence relating to alternative projects outside the scope of the pending Application, the Board is unable to consider permitting any alternative to the Project described in the existing permit Application, and for purposes of these findings and decision, the Board has not considered or evaluated any evidence relating to alternatives to the Project described in the pending Application; and WHEREAS, all evidence submitted by way of an offer of proof which is not admissible pursuant to the Board's rulings on the Applicant's motions in limine has not been considered by the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all evidence, exhib- its, testimony and arguments presented which were not excluded by its ruling on the Cities' motion in limine. -3- • • 0 0 FINDINGS NOW, THEREFORE, based on the evidence admitted at the hearings, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, finds as follows with regard to that portion of the Application submitted by the Cities in accordance with the requirements and criteria set forth at the "Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado," which are regulations designed to protect the public health, safety and environment, promulgated pursuant to the authority of § 24- 65.1 -101, et sea., C.R.S. The "Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado," are codified in Chapter 6 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, there being no separate environmental code. (All references herein to said Guidelines and Regulations are shown in paren- theses.) I. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST: A MAJOR EXTENSION OF AN EXISTING WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM (§ 6.04, EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULA- TIONS). The Board of County Commissioners finds as follows relative to § 6.04: 1. (6.04.15.o) The evidence shows that the proposed development will significantly deteriorate marshlands or wetlands. 2. ( The Applicant has failed to show that the proposed development will not significantly deteri- orate aquatic habitats. 3. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the significant deterioration of the wetlands can be adequately mitigated. 4. ( There will be a significant deterio- ration in public outdoor recreational areas because of loss in the quality and quantity of the river rafting experience and construction disturbances in the Wilderness Area. 5. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the loss in the quality and quantity of the river rafting experience and the construc- tion disturbances can be adequately mitigated. -4- • 6. ( Reduction in stream flows and construction activities in the Wilderness Area will result in a significant degradation of natural scenic characteris- tics. 7. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the significant degradation of natural scenic characteristics resulting from reduction in stream flows and construction activities in the Wilderness Area can be adequately mitigated. 8. ( The proposed development will further decrease the quality of surface water below accept- able standards because of aggravated exceedances of heavy metals. 9. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the decrease of surface water quality to below acceptable standards because of aggravated exceedances of heavy metals can be adequately mitigated. 10. ( The benefits of the proposed devel- opment do not outweigh the losses of natural resources. is 11. ( There will be an adverse effect on water rights because water quality is a protected element of a water right, and there will be a reduction in downstream water quality. 12. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the adverse effect on downstream water rights can be adequately mitigated. 13. ( There may be a negative effect on the aquatic environment because of increases in water temperature which cause fish to be subject to disease. 14. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the negative effect on the aquatic environment can be adequately mitigated. 15. ( The proposed development will cause nuisance factors such as increased traffic, dust, fire hazards, and dangers from hazardous chemical contamination, explosives and fuels. The mitigation measures proposed by the Cities fail to adequately satisfy this criterion. 16. ( The proposed development will result in increased costs to the Town of Avon for water treatment. • However, the Board finds that such increased costs will not -5- • result in an undue financial burden to the residents of the County of Eagle. 17. ( There is no evidence that the proposed development will be subject to risk from earth- quakes, floods, fires, snowslides, landslides, avalanches, rockslides or other disasters. 18. ( The construction of the Project will not cause a significant impact on communities within the development area and source development area if construction impacts are mitigated. 19. ( The proposed development conflicts with the Eagle County Master Plan and the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan but thcse plans are advisory only under this criterion. 20. ( There may be easements required for tunnels through mining claims. 21. The following permit criteria under 6.04.15 do not apply: • ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ($) • II. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATED ACTIVITY OF STATE INTEREST: EFFICIENT UTILIZATION OF A MUNICIPAL WATER PROJECT. (§ 6.05, EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS). The Board of County Commissioners finds as follows relative to § 6.05: 1. (6.05.15.g) The evidence shows that the proposed development will significantly deteriorate marshlands or wetlands. 2. ( The Applicant has failed to show that the proposed development will not significantly deteri- orate aquatic habitats. • 3. ( Evidence the hearing presented t a_ failed to demonstrate that the significant deterioration of the wetlands can be adequately mitigated. • 4. ( There will be a significant deterio- ration in public outdoor recreational areas because of loss in the quality and quantity of the river rafting experience and construction disturbances in the Wilderness Area. 5. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the loss in the quality and quantity of the river rafting experience and the construc- tion disturbances can be adequately mitigated. 6. ( The proposed development will further decrease the quality of surface water below accept- able standards because of aggravated exceedances of heavy metals. 7. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the decrease of surface water quality to below acceptable standards because of aggravated exceedances of heavy metals can be adequately mitigated. 8. ( There may be a negative effect on the aquatic environment because of increases in water temperature which cause fish to be subject to disease. 9. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the negative effect on the aquatic environment can be adequately mitigated. 10. ( The U.S. Forest Service easement restrictions, Corps of Engineers permit requirements, and City construction management techniques contain provisions to ensure that construction of the water Project will not contaminate surface water resources. 11. ( No salinity and advanced wastewater treatment offset plans have been required. 12. ( The construction of the Project will not cause a significant impact to communities within the development area and source development area if construction impacts are mitigated. 13. The record indicates deficiencies in the Environ- mental Impact Statement. -7- • 14. ( The proposed development conflicts with the Eagle County Master Plan and the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan but those plans are advisory only under this criterion. 15. The following permit criteria under 6.05.15 do not apply: ( ( ( III. SPECIAL USE PERMIT (S 2.09, EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULA- TIONS). A. Section, Eagle County Land Use Regulations. With regard to the Special Use Permit, the Board of County Commissioners incorporates all relevant findings of fact under Sections I and II of this Resolution, "Guidelines and Regulations for Areas and Activities of State Interest ", as more fully set forth hereinabove, and, more specifically, finds as • follows: 1. ( There will be an adverse effect to private property owners. C� 2. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the adverse effect to property owners can be adequately mitigated. 3. ( The Project may adversely affect fish, wildlife or migratory ranges. 4. ( Evidence presented at the hearing failed to demonstrate that the adverse effect on fish, wildlife or migratory ranges can be adequately mitigated. 5. ( There is a sufficient supply of electrical energy to serve the Project. 6. ( The Project will be built in a safe and prudent manner. 7. ( The Project will utilize the minimum amount of private land. • • 8. The following criterion does not apply to the proposed Project: 5 2.09.13.a B. Section 2.09.04, Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 1. ( The Project is not compatible with other existing uses. 2. ( For purposes of this Application, "the neighborhood" is the Wilderness Area and adjacent lands. As such, there will be an overall negative effect on the character of the neighborhood. 3. ( There is adequate access. 4. ( Proper water and sanitation facili- ties will be supplied by the Applicant. IV. CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION (§ 30 -20 -101, et sec., C.R.S.) 1. The proposed disposal site does not conform with Eagle County's comprehensive land use plan, being the Eagle County Master Plan, and is specifically in contravention of § 4 ( "Environment "), § 6 ( "Recreation "), § 8 ( "Water Use and Diversion "), and § 10 ( "Public Lands "), Eagle County Master Plan, § 1.03, Eagle County Land Use Regulations. 2. The disposal site is not compatible with surround- ing property. 3. The disposal site is accessible. 4. The Applicant has the ability to comply with Department of Health requirements. DECISION The Applicant, having failed to satisfy the criteria set forth at §§ and, Eagle County Land Use Regulations, as described above, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, ACTING IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE EAGLE COUNTY PERMIT AUTHORITY: • THAT the Application submitted by the Cities of Colora- do Springs and Aurora for the following designated activities of State interest be denied: A. Major extension of an existing water collection system (§ 6.04); and B. Efficient utilization of a municipal water project (§ 6.05). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, that the Board hereby denies the Cities' Application for a Special Use Permit for the Homestake II Water Diversion Project, the Applicant having failed to satisfy the criteria of § 2.09, Eagle County Land Use Regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, that the application submitted by the Cities for a Certificate of Designa- tion be and is hereby denied, the Applicant having failed to meet the requirements of § 30 -20 -104, C.R.S. • The Board finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County Qf Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the _ag-_iday of ,,,�Y 1988. County Commissioners By: COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GeOrgeDA. Gates Chairman Donald Weich Co ' sion r Richard L. st4son Com�nrissio r d -10- • • i Commissioner _ the foregoing resolution. was as follows: tj .Z,/ C,/Al seconded adoption of The roll having been called, the vote Commissioner George A. GatesC' Commissioner Donald H. Welch Commissioner Richard L. Gustafson This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. -11- 0 DIVERSIONS AND TUNNEL PORTAL The second construction phase of the Homestake Project ( Homestake II) will divert water out of the Cross Creek and Fall Creek drainages. More specifically, diversion points will be located in the following unsurveyed and projected sections: Section 11 (West Cross Creek) and Section 12 (Upper Cross Creek), T7S, R82W of the 6th P.M.; Section 3 (Fall Creek), T7S, R81W of the 6th P.M.; and Section 29, (East Cross Creek, T6S, R81W of the 6th P.M., all located in Eagle County Colorado. The tunnel portal outlet and related construction will be located in the Fancy and French Creek drainages in Sections 32 and 33, T7S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado. CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATION The Certificate of Designation for which application is made requests approval for a sixteen -acre site to dispose of the excavated tunnel rock. The proposed disposal pile will be located in the NW 1/4 of the unsurveyed and projected Sec- tion 33, T7S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado. fj E %NIBITA