HomeMy WebLinkAbout5189 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194135202020Email * bill@snowbrideinc.com Pumping Report Inspection Report MM / DD / YYYY Systems Cleaner Company Information Snowbridge Inc. 970-453-2339 bill@snowbridgeinc.com Roy Sante (Owner) 5189 Bellyache Ridge Road, Wolcott, CO MM / DD / YYYY McDonald Farms Roy Sante Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Pumping & Inspection Report Reports should be submitted within: 10 days for observations or ndings of failing systems 10 days for recommended repairs and malfunctions 30 days for systems functioning as intended This report is for the services conducted: (check all that apply) Date of Service 09 14 2022 Name Phone Email Person Requesting the Service (name and contact): Address of Property Serviced Date of Service 09 14 2022 Sewage Disposal Site Property Owner Name 970-926-2226 royndeb@centurytel.net IS-2631-07 Yes No Yes No Tank 1 1500 Concrete Polyethylene Fiberglass Other: Yes No Yes No Yes No Property Owner Phone Property Owner Email OWTS Permit Number Was the tank pumped? Was the tank inspected?* Tank Size (gallons) Tank material Is the tank in good condition such that the tank functions are not compromised? Are tees or baffles in good condition? Is the top of tank or risers to grade? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No This is an Advantex system. Technically it does not have an outlet invert to determine liquid level (above or below). The system is operating correctly. Are risers in good condition such that their function is not compromised? Is the lid (riser or manhole) in good condition? Does the lid have secure closing mechanism to prevent easy access? Was tank water level above the outlet invert? Was tank water level below the outlet invert? Does the tank have an effluent filter? If yes, is the filter accessible for cleaning? If yes, is the filter clean and in good condition? Comments: Yes No Tank 2 Concrete Polyethylene Fiberglass Other: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Is there a second tank?* Tank Size (gallons) Tank material Is the tank in good condition such that the tank functions are not compromised? Are tees or baffles in good condition? Is the top of tank or risers to grade? Are risers in good condition such that their function is not compromised? Is the lid (riser or manhole) in good condition? Does the lid have secure closing mechanism to prevent easy access? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Dosing Systems, Pressure Dosed Systems Higher Level Treatment Was tank water level above the outlet invert? Was tank water level below the outlet invert? Does the tank have an effluent filter? If yes, is the filter accessible for cleaning? If yes, is the filter clean and in good condition? Comments: Does the system contain a dosing pump, siphon, control panel, and/or secondary treatment unit?* Was an inspection completed for any of these components? (dosing pump, siphon, valves, control panel, and/or secondary treatment unit)* Dosing Pump Floats Siphon Distribution zone valves Automatic distribution valve (ADV) Flushing Valves Audible Visual alarm Control Panel Advanced Treatment Unit Yes No Other: Yes No MM / DD / YYYY Yes No Soil Treatment Area, Absorption Area, Leach Field Yes No Yes No The system has (check all that apply) Are these components operating properly? Comments: Is there a current operation and maintenance (O&M) contract? If yes, when is it valid through? Was an inspection conducted for the soil treatment area?* Was the soil treatment area covered with snow? Are there odors? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No Are there wet areas on ground surface? Is irrigated landscaping planted over the soil treatment area? Is vegetative cover adequate to protect area from erosion? Is the vegetative cover excessive? Are driveways, animal corrals, patios, or other features constructed over the area? If the property is vacant,  were the lines hydraulically loaded? Are there observation ports? If yes, is there standing effluent in the observation ports? Is there a distribution box? Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No Building Sewer Yes No Yes No Yes No General Questions and Comments Yes No If yes, is the distribution box accessible to grade? If yes, is the distribution box in good condition and outlets level? Comments: Was an inspection of the building sewer line conducted?* Is there a cleanout on the building sewer from the house to the septic tank? Is there any evidence of damage, plugging or settlement of the building sewer from house to first septic tank? Is there any evidence of damage, plugging or settlement of the building sewer from the septic tank to the soil treatment area? Comments: Is the property vacant? Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Other: Yes No Other: Yes No If vacant, how long? Is the property served by a well? Is there a record drawing (as-built or diagram)? (If no or unsure, please provide a sketch to environment@eaglecounty.us) Does the system meet all required setbacks in Regulation 43? Comments: In my opinion, at the time of the inspection, the OWTS has deficiencies that require repairs. In my opinion, at the time of the inspection, the OWTS is functioning adequately. Were any non-permitted repairs completed? Please List All Completed Non-Permitted Repairs Below: Yes No This form was created inside of Eagle County Government. Was the rest of the system inspected?*  Forms