HomeMy WebLinkAbout6306 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 210704101003INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway u Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1710-97 BP NO. 11313 OWNER: EILEEN CLUNE PHONE: (312) 625-1112 MAILING ADDRESS: 161 EAST CHICAGO AVE., CHICAGO, IL APPLICANT: JOHN SEIPEL PHONE: (970) 328-7220 SYSTEM LOCATION: 6306 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD, WOLCOTT, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2107-041-01-003 LICENSED INSTALLER: JOHN D. SEIPEL CONSTRUCTION, JOHN SEIPEL LICENSE NO. 41-97 DESIGN ENGINEER: KOECHLEIN ENGINEERING FOR PERCOLATION TEST ONLY. PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 844 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH AREA VIA 27 INFILTRATOR UNITS AS REQUESTED BY INSTALLER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION IN TRENCHES WITH A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTS IN EACH TRENCH. CONFIRM FOUR (4) FT SEPARATION TO BEDROCK AT INSTALLATION AND PIPE AROUND ANY LARGE ROCKS ENCOUNTERED. DO NOT BACKFILL WITH ANY COBBLES LARGER THAN 8" IN DIAMETER CALL THE COUNTY FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACKFILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION. OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: JULY 17, 1997 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: _844 SQUAREFEET(VIA 27 standard infiltrator units INSTALLED 2 comp . s en t i cTANK: 1000 GALLONS IS LOCATED 160 DEGREES AND 2 1 ' 9 " FEET FROM tho rlaannnt_ COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: August 4, 1 9977 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1710-97 BP NO. 11313 OWNER: EILEEN CLUNE PHONE: (312) 625-1112 MAILING ADDRESS: 161 EAST CHICAGO AVE., CHICAGO, IL APPLICANT: JOHN SEIPEL PHONE: (970) 328-7220 SYSTEM LOCATION: 6306 BELLYACHE RIDGE ROAD, WOLCOTT, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2107-041-01-003 LICENSED INSTALLER: JOHN D. SEIPE/LCONSTRUCTION, JJOHN�S"EIPEL LICENSE NO. 41-97 l / DESIGN ENGINEER: C[ C V etayt.t' `V a� 3 �7 " t S PHONE NO. INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWIN::'LT �j �� ��5 x lb ( 1 Z-7.�i C0_ GALLON q, TANK b `I `t SQUAREUFEET OF a IM-!� �ZYC�U LjL+A yt I SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 4 a)i imdCat jj 1v'\�- ak"4-i&e &_'VId CST1 O C1 4 A,in1 ( ail CXw4s, 'R!l� 4yta( -- l aauc-�'t t r�►a a r�t�., c�a.,/�- r�r s v s �c.,.�., ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMrr IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS, CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMrr BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: h:'ite Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # l-?/ L9 - ! 7 _ APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************* * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * MAKE.ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" ************************************************************************* PROPERTY OWNER: 6htP5 ��ONE: MAILING ADDRESS: ° _ ('L�,t� >, //a,� , . J ,, APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: (i, PHONE: (970 ), 28-72CL MAILING ADDRESS: LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: C3 w & �e6ej C-ckSZ, Go, PHONE: (970) 303--72ZO COMPANY/DBA: 501". ADDRESS: 1Ax 52y eji & PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (j New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repai: LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # 03 (if known) Legal Description: Subdivision: (8e�4,,e v nq'� } Filing: _Block: Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: - L- �_0 Lot Size: 3j • 7 Street Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (7() Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ()() Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms 3 of Bedrooms *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: 7 8 TO BE COMPLETED BY �E-7� COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: /, RECEIPT. #: DATE: �` 7 CHECK #: i 1_'�3i CASHIER - / Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO August 4, 1997 Eileen Chme 161 East Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1710-97, Tax Parcel #2107-041-01-003. Property location: 6306 Bellyache Ridge Rd., Wolcott, CO. Dear Ms. Clune: Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, J44� Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: . July 17, 1997 TO: John Seipel Construction FROM: Environmental Health Division Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle. Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1710-97, Tax Parcel #2107-041-01-003. Property Location: 6306 Bellyache Ridge Rd., Wolcott, CO., Clune residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1710-97. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. Also enclosed is the ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form. The items on this form need to be completed before you call for your final inspection. Also, please note any special conditions which may have been placed on the permit. If all items are not completed, a reinspection fee of $42.50 must be paid before a reinspection is made. Your building permit CO will not be issued until final approval has been. given for the ISDS Permit. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Enclosure: ISDS Final Inspection Completeness Form il riblAY --do, PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS HOLE NUMBER DEPTH OF HOLE INCHES TIME ELAPSED MINUTES TIME INTERVAL MINUTES DEPTH TO WATER START OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES DEPTH TO WATER END OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES CHANGE IN WATER DEPTH INCHES PERC RATE MIN/INCH P-3 28 10 10 2.75 5.75 3.00 3.3 20 10 5.75 7.75 2.00 5.0 30 10 7.75 9.75 2.00 5.0 40 10 9.75 11.50 1.75 5.7 50 10 11.50 13.00 $e- (p 60 10 2.00 3.75 1.75 5.7 70 10 3.75 5.00 1.25 8.0 80 10 5.00 6.25 1.25 8.0 +� 90 10 6.25 7.75 1.50 e. 100 10 7.75 8.75 1.00 10.0 110 10 8.75 9.75 1.00 10.0 120 10 9.75 11.00 1.25 8.0 �. 130 10 11.00 12.00 1.00 10.0 / 140 10 12.00 13.25 1.25 8.0 150 10 13.25 14.50 1.25 8.0 160 10 14.50 15.50 1.00 10.0 170 10 15.50 17.00 1.50 IV b 180 10 6.00 7.50 1.50 190 10 7.50 9.00 1.50 200 10 9.00 10.50 1.50 1 �, Q JOB NO. 96-347 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS HOLE NUMBER DEPTH OF HOLE INCHES TIME ELAPSED MINUTES TIME INTERVAL MINUTES DEPTH TO WATER START OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES DEPTH TO WATER END OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES CHANGE IN WATER DEPTH INCHES PERC RATE MIN/INCH P-2 36 10 10 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.3 20 10 6.00 9.25 3.25 3.1 � 30 10 9.25 12.25 3.00 40 10 2.50 4.75 2.25 4.4 s 50 10 4.75 7.25 2.50 4.0 60 10 7.25 9.50 2.25 4.4 70 10 9.50 12.25 2.75 3.6 .� 80 10 12.25 14.25 2.00 5.0 ✓ 90 10 2.75 4.50 1.75 5.7 100 10 4.50 6.50 2.00 5.0 110 10 6.50 8.50 2.00 5.0 120 10 8.50 9.75 1.25 8.0 130 10 9.75 11.25 1.50 6.7 ✓ 140 10 11.25 12.75 1.50 6.7 150 10 2.00 3.25 1.25 .8.0 160 10 3.25 4.25 1.00 10.0 170 10 4.25 5.25 1.00 10.0 , 180 10 5.25 6.25 1.00 10.0 190 10 6.25 7.25 1.00 10.0 200 10 7.25 8.25 1.00 10.0 v JOB NO 96-347 KOF.CHT.rUN CONSULTING ENGINEERS PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS I HOLE NUMBER DEPTH OF HOLE INCHES TIME ELAPSED MINUTES TIME INTERVAL MINUTES DEPTH TO WATER START OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES DEPTH TO WATER END OF TIME INTERVAL INCHES CHANGE IN WATER DEPTH INCHES PERC RATE MIN/INCH P-1 38 10 10 6.00 9.00 3.00In 3.3 20 10 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.3 Ile 30 10 6.00 9.00 3.00 ) ) 40 10 3.00 5.00 2.00 5.0 50 10 5.00 7.50 2.50 4.0 ✓ 60 10 7.50 9.50 2.00 5.0 70 10 9.50 12.00 2.50 4.0 80 10 2.5.0 4.50 2.00 5.0 90 10 4.00 5.50 1.50 6.7 100 10 5.00 6.00 1.00 10.0 110 10 6.00 7.25 1.25 8.0 120 10 7.25 8.25 1.00 10.0 .� 130 10 8.25 9.50 1.25 8.0 140 10 9.50 10.50 1.00 10.0 150 10 10.50 11.75 1.25 8.0 160 10 11.75 12.75 1.00 10.0 170 10 2.50 3.50 1.00 10.0 180 10 3.50 4.50 1.00 10.0 190 10 4.50 5.50 1.00 10.0 200 10 5.50 6.50 1.00 10.0 J013 NO. 96-347 KOECIILEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS a SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions «were investigated at this site oil December 10, 1996, by excavating two exploratory test pits, using a rubber tired backhoe, and on January 23, 1997, by drilling 2 exploratory borings using a track -mounted drill rig. The locations of the exploratory test pits and borings are shown on Fig. 2, Locations of Exploratory Test Pits and Borings. A field engineer front our office was on -site to log the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits and borings and obtain soil samples for testing- in the laboratory. Representative soil samples were tested for the natural moisture o content, natural dry density. gradation and swell potential. The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits and borings, as well as laboratory test results, are shown on Fig. 3, Logs of Exploratory Test Pits and Borings, and on Fig. 4, Legend of Exploratory Test Pits and Borings. The results of the gradation tests are presented on Fig. 5, Gradation Test Results. The results of the swell -consolidation tests, shown on Fig's. 6 & 7, Swell -Consolidation Test Results, indicate the stiff to very stiff, sandy clay has a moderate to high swell potential. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory test pits and borings were similar. The subsurface materials encountered in the exploratory test pits consisted of 1.0 to 4.0 feet of topsoil, underlain by a moist, red, stiff to very stiff, sandy clay to 4 N depths of 10.0 to 12.0 feet, the maximum depth explored in the test pits. The subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings consisted of 4.0 to 4.5 feet of topsoil underlain in boring TH-1 by a moist, red, stiff to very stiff, sandy clay to a depth of 14.5 feet. The clay in boring TH-1, and the topsoil in TI-I-2 was underlain by a moist, red and tan, stiff to very stiff, calcareous, silty clay and sand to depths of 19.0 and 24.0 feet. The sand and clay was underlain by a red, medium hard to hard, highly weathered claystone bedrock with siltstone seams to depths of 34.0 to 35.0 feet. In boring TH-2, a layer of dry to moist, white and tan, very hard sandstone/siltstone bedrock was encountered at depths of 34.0 to 35.0 feet, the maximum depth explored. �No free ground water was encountered in the exploratory test pits or borings at the time of this investigation. PERCOLATION TEST A percolation profile hole was excavated on December 10, 1996, at the location shown in Fig. 2. The soils encountered in the profile hole consisted of approximately 4 feet of topsoil underlain by a moist, sandy, clayey silt to a depth of 7.0 feet. Neither bedrock nor ground water was cncouiitered in the profile hole) The percolation tests were performed December 12 and 24, 1996, near the proposed location of the leach field. Three percolation test holes were dug to depths ranging from 28 to 38 inches. The locations of the percolation test holes are shown in 5 Fig. 2. The holes were filled with water and the subsurface soils were allowed to saturate for about 20 hours prior to starting the tests. The water levels were measured at constant time intervals and percolation rates were calculated for each interval. Percolation test results are presented in Appendix A, Percolation Test Results. The last column of the table provides the water percolation rate for each time interval. The water percolation rate varied between 10.0 to ] minutes per inch. We recommend designing the leach field for at least �.minutes per inch EXCAVATION The near surface soils consisted of between 1.0 and 4.5 feet of topsoil underlain by a stiff to very stiff, silty clay and sand or a stiff to very stiff, sandy clay. We anticipate that standard excavation equipment will be capable of completing the excavation in the soils. • Care needs to be exercised during construction so that the excavation slopes remain stable. The near surface soil, which consisted of either a stiff to very stiff, silty clay and sand or a stiff to very stiff: sandy clay, classify as Type B soil in accordance with OSIIA regulations. OSIIA regulations should be followed in any excavations or cuts. Up to 4.5 feet of topsoil was found in the exploratory test pits and borings. All . topsoil beneath the proposed residence should be removed, it may be used in landscape 6 f I OF< < Yq Cy 190 O LOT 4 I ,-PROPERTY LINE SCALE: 1' = 400' ENVELOPE SVILDING LOCATIONS OF EXPLC JOB NO. 96-347 0 TH-1 • TH-2 • -2 S PTH 0 o ® • P-1 P_2 P-3 SCALE: 1' = 50' RY TEST PITS AND BORINGS FIG. 2 -- 0 5 10 15 W W �J 11.. Z 20 _! aI w r-- C� � r 25 30 r ~-- 3 5 40 TP-1 TP-2 TH-1 i.i i.i LL = 57 23/12 PI = 36 - WC=19 DD=105 WC=23 ��% DD=86 .�. ... WC=23 i.i -'' 200=33 WC=25 ✓��; -200=48 - iii .. 50/12 r:ra• !r: r.� • ':i:�� IX i:l J 50/9 TH-2 50/1 1 34/12 ® 75/4 5 10 15 �mm 2 20 Z m m m i 25 30 35 40 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS AND BORINGS 4 LEGEND: CLAY, sandy, moist, stiff to very stiff, red rxa• CLAY and SAND, silty, calcareous, moist, stiff to very stiff, red and tan CLAYSTONE, highly weathered, siltstone seams, medium hard to hard, red SANDSTONE/SILTSTONE, dry to moist, very hard, white and tan ® HAND DRIVEN SAMPLE. A 2-inch diameter brass liner driven into soil with a hammer. ® DISTURBED SAMPLE. Obtained from backhoe or auger cuttings. ®,,,DRIVE SAMPLE. The symbol 23/12 indicates that 23 blows of a 140 pound hammer were required to drive a 2.5 inch O.D. sampler 12 inches. Notes: 1 . Exploratory borings were drilled on January 23, 1997 using a 4-inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Exploratory test pits were excavated on December 10, 1997 using a rubber tired backhoe. 3. No free water was encountered in the exploratory test pits or borings at the time of this investigation. 4. The Test Pit and Boring Logs are subject to the explanations, limitations, and conclusions as contained in this report. 5. Laboratory Test Results: WC - Indicates natural moisture (%) DD - Indicates .dry density (pcf) -200 - Indicates percent passing the No. 200 sieve (%) LL - Indicates Liquid Limit (%) PI - Indicates Plasticity Index (%) t LEGEND OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS AND BORINGS JOB NO. 96-347 FIG. 4 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 5 77 ES MIN. 15MIN. 60 MIN. 19MIN. 4 MIN. 1 MIN. '200 ' 100 '50 '40'30 16 '10'8 '4 318' 314' VA' 3' 5'6' 0 100 I I 10 90 I l I 20 80 30 70 I O I I o 40 Z z 60 a I I 50 c z 50--T Z 60 do I I I 70 30 ,l I 80 20 90 10 I I I 0 '4 100 .001 .002 .005 .009 .019 .037 .074 A49 .297 .590 1.19 2.0 2.38 76 9.52 19 1 36A 76.2 127 200 - 0.42 152 _ DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS <_t . SAND GRAVEL CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON PLASTIC) FINE MEDIUM COARSE I FINE I COARSE I COBBLES Sample of CLAY, Sander ___ _ GRAVEL 0 % From Test Pit T P-1 at 9-0--feet SILT & CLAY._3 3__% PLASTICITY INDEX ---- SAND 67 % LIQUID LIMIT HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 25 45 HR. 77 HR MIN. 15 MIN. 60 MIN. 19 MIN. 4 MIN. 1 MIN. '200 100 50 '40'30 ' 16 ' 10'8 -4 3/8' 314' 11/2 3' 5' ' ' 1o0 I 10 ' I ( 20 80 30 10 I z i I '0ao z d 50 I i 5C 0 `z Z _1_ 60 Wa d0 I I I it 30 - 70 I l 80 20 90 10 I I I ' r ' ' ' 100 01 .009 .019 .037 .074 .149 .297 '590 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.52 19.1 3G.1 76.2 127 200 .001 .002 .005 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SAND GRAVEL CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON-PLAST)C) FINE MEDIUM I COARSE FINE I COARSE I COBBLES Sample of CLAY, Sandy From Test Pit TP-2 at 10 feet GRAVEL 0 % SILT & CLAY 4 8 % PLASTICITY INDEX SAND 52 % LIQUID LIMIT % GRADATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 96-347 FIG. 5 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 i 2 3 4 Z O <N Z 5 Q a. X W aR 6 Z O 2 us 7 ix CL i .O U a R C I I I itEXPANSIN PRESSURE DUE ITO WETTING NSTANT 0A i.0 io i0o APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, Sandy NATURAL DRY UNITWEIGHT= 86 PCF From Test Pit TP-1 at 6.0 feet NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT= 23 % SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 96-347 FIG. 6 1 KOECHLEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 z O cN z 5 Q a X W ae 6 z O 2 Lu 7 a O U s EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING 0A 1.0 10 10o APPLIED PRESSURE — KSF Sample of CLAY, Sandy NATURAL DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 105 PCF From Test Pit TP-2 at 5 feet NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT= 19 % SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 96-347 FIG. 7 ISDS Permit # 1110 qr Date 1 ( Q''i ISDS Final Inspection q Completeness Form Tank isI10 0 gal. Tank Material w-" Tank is located ft. and degrees from tvj--ro-t bu (permanent landmark) Tank is located ft. and degrees from (permanent landmark) ✓ Tank set level. ✓Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. t/Size of field 6 f t 2 C01 units lineal ft. Technology o(. h t Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). There is a "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber gasket etc. Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. ✓ Measure distance and relative direction to field. Depth of field ft. L.— Soil . interface raked. Inspection portals at the end of each trench. V—' Proper distance to setbacks. Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks removed from -,,,t--renches etc.) Type of pipe.used for building sewer line0A1tjM 4W leach field / Other y Inspection meets requirements. Copy form to installer's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: Setbacks Well Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 10 Tank 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 EAGLE -COUNTY ENV..HEALTH P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 FRODUCT2?4-1 Snees; 205-1 iPa=201 �— jr.c Gfotcfl Wass. 7:.'7' % TOLL '-REEl-800-225-6380 JOB I fl/0-W I c)-u m I -- SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY-�DATE ��� r.Wrl'WrF) AV nATF: ,y r • :.f. ,c . 5 . . -t. i {._ • x L {(7'}� .` Y y,'t � t t ? R '' •i + 1 K .+ 2, �14 e! n i i • a , i .t � . t,.. r+.iii�rr' ''i'•�iyii�t�.0 . �; �p " ..h; • .ry .et,'.\' 1"r �.� ':• , •;t.:` c .....: Fly}` r fi, t :-", :� > • :ru4�! ra.. ti�n�, t �� tr r ' Y l� I . 'a �.• ' iw'YS�� � �M a i " ..,2 1 � � ;> 'f Y : ;t .. t ':+ ���. .. - . Y . ,� jt, � r,.,�� •. w�� • .wtw � �,.t v r e } '. oar', } v .�.M• k-' f �' -. ++4'�'�.. '�r'�V �� ':•,C ♦ <,'. i�f }a lam+. 'a:i .� � i.ii�M �. f , ,.x a -f; f t -.� � 1 � '} rwr,,.' a F l •t..a,.<'?,,�;,. .. ' .4• : • �. t �'. 9 J ; •:, y3 r wt :.1�R Y, �• � 1 . 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