HomeMy WebLinkAbout2802 Brush Creek Rd - 210910202001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone:328-8755 REPAIR PERMIT YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1692 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. ORIGINAL PERMT T # 7 hn RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # � i 17 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * .MAKE'ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO:' "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: APPLICANT/ CONTACT PERSON: c►�s o PHONE • 7 MAILING ADDRESS: a( � LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: t-� O-)'o''\ PHONE: COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: •© atol *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) New Installation ( ) Alteration Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # (if known) Legal Description: Subdivision: ng:—Block: Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: o� (�-� 0_ d Lot Size:c•O� Street Address: *************************************************************************** BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) QC) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ' ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface (-jQ Public Name of Supplier: eel A ap *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: 1C'� �. Date: *************************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: DATE:aL CHECK #: CASHIER: INT LOT 1, PETERS SUBDIVISION fro 1$Nwn COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO AIM Am 2802 BRUSH CREEK ROAD nou 4"M n+a "M LEGEND: 0 ► FOUND 5/8' REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP. LS �lT4t09 -GRAVEL DRIVE x x x >a FENCE .0- -UTILITY POLE 0 -TELEPHONE PEDESTAL LOT 2 163.6 .NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE Lt S17'07'22"W 20.20' L2 S60"06'15"E 80.80' L3 N64'11'26"W 155.55' L4 S67'52'57"E 21.81' 5'52' 11 "E 8 5 z M AL 1171 $ � . GARAGE S l,..':-::'::;': <.: •'• 1—STORY LOG CABIN is _ 2W's :.'.'.'.' , ..'TJ '.p.'7i ipxy.2' COVERED POR yC x W� Wl!' p EO HOUSE LOT 1' .?�Y� .`. X s. X` N `x` tr ra ^ A 20.5x8,5 COVEREC;,PORCH CRC E� 110110 x\ 41, AREA= 2.1685 Acres SCALE- 1" — 60' _-, NOTICE. ACCORDING TO COLORADO tAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS ILC WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVERED SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS ILC BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. Contra, Ltd. relied upon Title Commitment No. EL42306896 FROM AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY the recorded plot and found monuments to determine lot dimensions, easements and right—of—woys. Y Y p prepared for FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE ;�t�i0tltREG�s���/��� I hereby certify that this improvement location certificate was ?,"" that it is not o land survey plot or improvement survey plot. and that it is not to be relied O .� ���� jf• i upon for the establishment of fence, building. or other future Improvement lines. ` ��;�pj`(��•LL`!1/OC�t����� I further certify that the improvements on the .above described parcel, on this dote � THE 3RO OF OCTOBER, 7996, except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundaries of the 9 so . ;! . �, parcel, except as shown- that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicoted, and that there is no apparent ' evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. BY CONTRA LTD. BY GREG ELDRIDGE PLS # 30093./j�����Al LAN.���� w&-o LOT .1, PETERS SUBDIVISION s� COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO rinw ,gal 2802BRUSH CREEK ROAD ooa«teLl� aar>� LEGEND: Q + FOUND 5/8' REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP. M. LS #14109 -GRAVEL DRIVE X X X r FENCE .a. -UTILITY POLE r -TELEPHONE PEDESTAL LOT 2 7 63, 6 NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE 0 S17'07'22"W 20.20' L2 S60'06'15"E 80.80' L3 N64'11'26"W 155.55' L4 S67'52'57"E 21.81' METAL o, CARACE 1—STORY LOG CABIN m 5'jA.2' COVERED Pp VC ONE;.: RY ...WOOD•.'FRAMED HOUSE 1151 LOT"*'*"'*-'-'-'-*-*-'-'-'-*-*-*-'-* •1'... X-- N5' 1 k,_X X n6. '14.6 3.9 3.2. k20.5x6.5 CbVERC( PORCI "se;9�J•W i fX—X--x—x�x_XJ �� x x�x 2i .08, � .:•:.i max` / .;:•::••,� BR �s2s�i. S k 3 Ro ��41* M° Ns0 s tg`E1r>: AREA— 2.1685 Acres SCALE.• 1" s 60• -"- NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS ILC WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVERED SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS ILC BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. Contra. Ltd. relied upon Title Commitment No. ELL423061396 FROM AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY the recorded plot and found monuments to determine lot dimensions, easements and right —of —wogs. that it a that lo�dthis surr.ypplot ornlmp oation certif;ccte was emvnt survey Pt L onC that tred orsFln tTtANERICfW o be dNERRAGE \`TI � tREF�Sj',,, •• ....• upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future Improvement Imes. ` ��,� ��lOip/�,• �d I further certify that the improvements on the .obove described parcel, on this date = ; THE 3R0 OF OCTOBER. 1996, except vtility connections, ore entirely within the boundaries of the = 3�83 a parcel, except as shown• that there ore no enerodchmvnts upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises. except as indicated, and that there is no apparent j evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any port of said parcel. except as noted. BY CONTRA LTD. BY GREG ELDRIDGE PLS 111 30093. '����/�h,�L LOo:�\, EAGLE(,UNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONt "' TAL HEALTH Box 811 6th & Broadway PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROPERTY Eagle, Colorado 81631 CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION REPAIR PERMIT ONLY Owner T.ARRV SATTF.RFTRT n PERMIT NO 260 (this does not constitute • a building or use permit) System Location 2802 BRUSH CREEK ROAD Licensed Contractor SAME AS OWNER * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted for a 1 oO0_ gallon xx Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: Perc rate 1 inches in 2n_30 minutes 800 sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom 96h # of bedrooms 3 x 266 sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest 800 sq. ft. of drainage field. Date ` Inspector FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. Septic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. Proper materials and assembly. Adequate absorption (or dispersal) area. Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. 52 �`—" Date Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE *CONDITIONS: 1. All .installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.24 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or both. ..........................................................................................................0................. CHARGES Percolation Test $50.00 (includes final inspection) Permit Processing Fee $25.00 Check (no cash) n1c v Money Order Permit N o a Name of Applicant Amount Paid D ate Paid Cashier none 260 Larry Satterfield ALL CHECKS ARE TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO EAGLE COUNTY Eagle Cty. — White Copy Applicant — Green Copy Dept. — Pink Copy ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. BOX 811 PERMIT NO. EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE $25. 00 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NO 503 Name of Owner:Phone:2 Address of Owner: 16&P ( RIM Is facility within boundaries of a city/town or sanitation district? Ale. Distance to nearest sewer system: Location of Proposed System: J� &Z Legal Discription: 12,96 'Z !r' ae A? CA /go .4iQ Type of Structure: Single Family Dwelling (iC) Other: No. Bedrooms -WI u Water Supply: Private Well ( ) Location: Distance From leach field: Size of Lot: /. ( _flGRPS Public Water Supply: e , Zy An appropriate plat plan must accompany site inspection for this application showing required information. (See attached sheet.) The individual sewage disposal system will be constructed and installed in accordance with the regulations governing individual sewage systems within Eagle County, and shall comply with House Bill 1553 CRS 66-14, 1973. Payment shall be made to the Eagle County Treasurer. Permit, upon approval of this application, may be obtained at the Eagle County sanitarian's office. Appointment for final inspection must be made prior to construction by contacting the inspecting sanitarian. [Phone 328-7718 between 8:30 and 9:00 AM.] Refer to permit number. No approval will be given on any system without final inspection. Name, address, and telephone of person responsible for design of system: 44 6.47Z94 'e-l'a Ab x to r 6: 4 g„ .v, Y,040 The undersigned acknowledges that the above information is true and that false information will invalidate the application or subsequent permit. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: '0 Date: / his application becomes inv id 6 months from above date.) HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Percolation Information: [J c.� Permit No._ Tank Capacity: �'�f� gal. (minimum) Fee Receipt: Absorption Area: �, Sq. ft. (minimum) File: REMARKS: APPLICATION IS: APPROVED ( 11_T DENIED The above individual sewage disposal system was installed by AND HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Date: Sanitarian: M EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 December 20, 1985 Lynn Dycio First National Bank of Aspen P.O. Box 3318 Aspen, Colorado 81612 RE: Loan Inspection for property located at 2802 Brush Creek Road Dear Ms. Dycio: All water and sewage disposal system loan inspections are done under the authority of the Eagle County Building Regulations, Section 10, Sub -paragraph 3-A, adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners, September 20, 1982. An onsite inspection of.the sewage disposal system on December 19, 1985 revealed that the septic system appears to be functioning properly with no apparent problems. The individual sewage disposal system, Permit #260, was approved on May 22, 1978. This department recommends that the septic tank be pumped every three or four years. Potable water is supplied by the Town of Eagle Community Water Supply. If you.have any questions.concesning:this°inspection, please contact our office. SF/gp Sincerely, Sid Fox Asst. Environmental Health Officer EAGLE COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Try P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 =.0. �:-;9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ea*- Colas:. 316M, M c RedifTrm 7H724 Sold To Lynn Dycio First National Bank of Aspen j P.O. Box 3318 Aspen, Colorado 81612 Shipped T Address_ a "I'Ili De z-.=er = _ 8 =:OhAEer Loan. Inspection Fee for property located at 2802 =5iO4 brusri Creek � j 1 � I i Make Check Payable to: Eagle County Treasurer ( I I Remit To: Eagle County Community Development Environmental Health Office i Eagle, CO 81631 � t TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �Sj 1692-97 Tax# 2109-102-02-001 0260-2802 Brush Creek Rd Lot #1, Perters Sub. BENNICOFF JOB NAME. SATTERFIELD 2802 Brush Creek Rd. Eag1e,C0 JOB NO., I B LOCATION I BILL TO DATE ST RTED C DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL PERMIT # 260 a� GC OWNER: Lar LOCATION: 2802 Brush Creek Road INSTALLER: Owner SIZE OF TANK: 1,000 gallons DWELLINGS: Residential - 3 bedrooms x 266 sq.ft. PERC RATE: one chine/20-30 minutes (800 sq.ft.) Suggest 800 sq.ft. of drainage field. Finalized: 5-22-78 By: Erik Edeen ;OST O FIT COSTS PRICE O FIT JOB FOLDER -Product 278 ®pp NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., G Printed in U.S.A.