HomeMy WebLinkAbout100 Yacht Club Dr - 194115400004INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. Building rerm-7it P 6602 ic PERMIT NO. 1 U 12 OWNER: Gallegos CQrporation PHONE:_(A7(l) 926-3717 MAILING ADDRESS: P .0. Box 821 City: Va i l state: CoZ_ zip: 81658 APPLICANT: Bob Gallegos PHONE: 996-1737 SYSTEMLOCATION: 0100 Yacht Club D , Wolcott TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 1941-154-00-004 LICENSED INSTALLER: Double M Excavating, Larry Morgan LICENSENO: 33-97 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: High Country EnRinaaring Tim Reck INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK in addition to existing 1000 gallon tank, with a 1000 gallon dosing tank. ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: 1000 SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 4800 SQUARE FEET OFtftN +-eefrer•.— bas 1 area mound system SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install as per engineer's design dated�23-96-(�`�Engineer is responsible for final inspection- Building rn is ronfixigent nn final }1DSOV3L I ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: CONDITIONS: DATE: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLON DEGREES FEET FROM SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY YES —NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REQUIREMENTS: _ YES _ NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: APPLICANT / AGENT: PERMIT PERCOLATION TEST FEE (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS OWNER: RECEIPT # CHECK # DATE: Site Plan MUST be attached) E SCE DR(�wtPZ\3 ISDS Permit # nl APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" ************************************************************************** PROPERTY OWNER: PHONE: ( ) 926 ' 3737 MAILING ADDRESS: P.Q. ('pax 8 21 , APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON : I�So6 6; s Le ao g PHONE: ( 1 9Zlo • 3737 MAILING ADDRESS: LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: Larry !�PHONE: 1 COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) New Installation � v Alteration ( ) Repair *************************************************************************** LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # (if known) Legal Description: Subdivision: Filing: —/Block: Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: t 9 % S b D- a b ``/ Lot Size: Street Address: O Lop l KWA^r CLu6 *************************************************************************** BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms Nr Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ��Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: *These system r qui e de ign by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: ( 2 3 ************ ********** ************** ****************** ** ************ TO BE COMPLE ED BY H C UNTYv AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: DATE: 3� CHECK #: CASHIER:'- CommunliviDevelopment Departmem 970) 328-8 / 30 x:. 70i 328 185 0) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: April 3, 1997 TO: Double M Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle. Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1672-96. Tax Parcel # 1941-154-00-004. Property Location: 0100 Yacht Club Dr., Wolcott, CO, Gallgos Corporation. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1672-96. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files High Country Engineering, Tim Beck February 24, 1997 Eagle County Environmental Health Department Via Fax 328-7185 Attn: Janet P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO ' 81631 Re: ISDS for Gallegos Corporation Building HCE File Number 96004.33 .Dear Janet: This letter is to follow up on our recent conversations with you and Ray Merry regarding our design for the ISDS for the Gallegos Corporation building. This is a replacement system, to replace the current system which is not functioning adequately. It is our understanding that there has been'at least three percolation tests performed on the property. None of which agreed with any_ of the others. The first test was performed by Intermountain Engineering, I believe, and was the'basis for the designof the original system, which was designed by Johnson and Kunkle. That test was around 40 to 50 minutes per inch, as I' recall (I didn't get a copy of it, but I remember seeing the design). The existing field was constructed at a_depth of approximately, twelve feet; mainly due to topographic constraints. After,a few years., this field began to show signs of being overloaded. Johnson and Kunkle personnel then attempted to perform a new percolation test in the vicinity of the existing bed, but the hole collapsed due to too fast, a percolation rate.. (The test may have been performed in an area of loose fill material.) On December 12, 1996 HCE personnel conducted another percolation test in an, area proposed for a new field. The holes were soaked at least twice: during the preceding days, and all had water standing in them when we, arrived for the test. Four holes were tested, one was full of runoff water and couldn't be tested-. :One had water, actively running into it which we attempted to divert, but it broke through during testing. The other ,two holes were tested for two hours and showed percolation rates in excess of 100 minutes per inch. Our evaluation of the soils in the area indicates that the soils are actually quite consistent (except for disturbed areas) and are derived from the underlying shale type material. The material is evident on the slopes above, and since the well is several hundred feet deep (far below the river level), it appears that the same material- is present to a great depth. It is my 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676 FAX: (970) 945-2555 Eagle County February 24, 1997 Page. 2 opinion that the shale material decomposes; into a fine clay and probably has a 'low long term acceptance rate. That is why we had the holes pre-soaked, more than once, to more 'closely approximate "a long term rate. We believe that the uppermost layer of soil, which has: some vegetation in it, is the most pervious, and most able to absorb and spread effluent. Therefore, we have proposed a dual Wisconsin mound type system which will be placed on top of the upper soil- layer. The size of the nasal area was calculated based on a long term acceptance rate of 0.2 gallons per square foot per day. This will spread the effluent over a far larger area than the current system. Also, the elevated and,relatively shallow: mounds should be able, to make use of evapotranspiration in addition to absorption., Also, the dosing system will alternate doses between the two mounds in order to provide -some "rest" for each mound between doses. The remaining details for the proposed system can be found on the plans previously submitted. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH- COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. T, y P. Beck; .P oth Pri cipal Engineer TPB/soe cc: Bob Gallegos, Gallegos Corporation ` Tom Zancanella, Zancanella Associates Larry Morgan, Morgan Construction 10-- n HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 945-8676 - FAX. (970) 945-,' T— SUBJECT JOBNO. AkTTNi ,� _ FAX NO 102L —Sheet-Lof� )XKe- )ye re senjing the following: rewlth U Under separate cover oco Q Prinis Drawings i-ATrwr rrEM DATFD REMA : I If material received is not listeiii above, kindly notify us at once. Transmitted by-. Z) First class mail Q U.P.S. Next Cay Air Lj Federal Express * U.S. Express Mail * U-P.S. Std. Service Q Pickup TOTAL P.01 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1 130 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Gallegos Ventures, Inc. PHONE: 926-1012 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX G Edwards, CO 81632 AGENT: PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 0100 Yacht Club Drive, Wolcott LICENSED INSTALLER: Spiegel egel Construction LICENSE NO. 03-92 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: 525 SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install as Designed by Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc., provide as built to Eagle County. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: March 13, 1992 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25.10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH -THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM.. �, INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: v -® SQUARE FEET. Ala 1/1'1'�,4-5 INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: W00 GALLONS DEGREES FEET 49.5 pe" I? P F p gJq� SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS ANDASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: 12 r4e loev ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: >��� DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK #: CASHIER: 1t1QQ111P,LeLa AppilCations Will NOT Be AGcerted (Site Plan MUST be attached) 4 L.."1E'�'''» ISDS Permit # MAR ®� `'� Building Permit 4961 g EAGLE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM p�QM�iI�,NITY DEVELOPMEN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ,OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. b. BOX 179 EAGLE, C:0 81631 328-8',55/927-3823 (Basalt) •,�YC7YYa5k��j„)k,�kYCk%':kir7rkYt:kk9rA)Y:kx••.,7tr;�a:�9t:Kvtk4rXtY7kk�,x•XSk;tk:vYr7lrkty-'A xw.Y;�r•x�[kYtXYrk?'��t'it'?;:;'��'7'�:tK�: PERS�'iTT APPLlC1��TjN FEE . Q PERCOLATION TEST FEE $12'5. by " MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" �•k k4rYfYc7t9e ks+t7kytyk'.'/t)t'kYtX*��k���+'��tktklk* k1cYe�71rY�WiC'�YCYC:$�r7r�sri%r>YKytsk�k�F•kyeytlkll�r�YscYe�'#ytlkYr'Y,7tyr�Ye k PROPERTY OWNER: Gallegos Ventures, Inc. MAIL114G ADDRESS: P.O. Box G, Edwards, CO 81632 PHONE. 926-1012 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: Robert M. Gallegos, Jr. PHONE: 926-1012 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: Spiegel Construction ct (03 -'7.� PHONE : 524-7148 COMPANY/DEA: Spiegel, Construction ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2683, Avon, CO 81620 kJt7t�l•YtHiky�y:�9Cal'14;1YeYst4kY;7�fYtYtyry:iX7lfkY;KfttkY:y:1:KfYt1:tY7t5KYtYr31'SrY1Yti'tYeYt:Y7k'k'sl':kY:a:kxrKAf�}'i�f7C%t�Y;Sk)kSk3€Y{YEk' PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW 114ST-ALLATION jX) ALTERATION (X) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: A parcel of land located in Tract 48, Section 15, Township 4 Legal DeScr1pt1Qn : South, Range 83 West, 6th Principal Meridian Tax Parcel Number: 22134 Lot SiZe: 2.5 Acres Physical Address: 0100 Yacht Club Drive, Wolcott, CO 81655 BUILDING TYPE: (Check appilcable category) ( Residential/Sillgle Family Number of Bedrooms N ( } Residelitial/Multi-Familyw Number of Bedrooms (x) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (CtlecY applicable category) (x) Well ( ) Spring � ) Surface ( ) PublIc Name of Supplier: 'AThese, syste s - wire deslgil a Registered r essional En 4,�eer SIGNATURE � Date: � 6 Z..,. 9 'A. x Ir w .A * Yr X A•VC YC X Yt :1 •k Y[ 9t Ys AMOUNT PAID:��p-v RECEIPT s• •f. TIME L,,�iG: TRAVEL: PERC: DATE: CASHIER: FIN.--,L : CONRILINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO March 31, 1992 Robert M. Gallegos, Jr. P.O. Box G Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1130 Dear Robert, 500 BROADWA1 P.O. BOX 17 9 EAGLE. k OLORADO S 1 r- 1 FAX i3031 ,Ig-"0- This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. Also enclosed are informational sheets regarding the care of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado, 81631. Sincerely, zel- Brenda Henderson Office Assistant Environmental Health /bh ENCL: Information Sheets Final ISDS Permit cc: Files BP= 4961 �O,MMLINITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8 730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO March 13, 1992 Gallegos Masonry C/O Spiegel Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 2683 Avon, CO 81620 500 [ROADWAY P.O. PDX 179 EAGLE. k:OLORADO 31631 FAX (303) 328-7207 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1130 Spiegel Construction, Inc.: Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1130. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. You must call our office for final inspection before covering any portion of the installed system; the deadline for final inspections is December 1. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the following numbers depending on your calling area: Eagle Valley 328-8755; Basalt/El Jebel 927-3823, ext. 730. Sincerely, �V Roger Boyd Environmental Health Assistant RB:bh Enclosure cc: ISDS File ck S ,so . 1 I I � : I � I I l I. I t � ' I I I I I I I I I I I I { I I I ! Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 409 113 E. 4th Street EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303) 328-6368 TO a�LF�.wraty �ra�( i�4t�CrtCA� NEaL=rtd > WE ARE SENDING YOU � Attached ElUnder separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings M/ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ LIEUTEQ (01F MUMEOVUL DATE a s JOB NO. 1 ► ATTENTI,,gqN Kav RE: 5 - Est ca following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION � �8 ' °► �Ep � S`►s cM THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval I"For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS �t Als -1-Arc> -s uica ley cR tel-E C2 ..W[N USE On L-V) QEVt£w 0 K I.$ NE g"' C Pl.� ASr i^ic V E �NSTAIi_Q I11o11F4 %FtC CN s .� F —^ r► .ems i a 2� tF� e" �t (b.. �R�aJ1 a�t( C COPY TO SIGNED: ' ►t enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 409 113 E. 4th Street EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303) 328-6368 TO �Ra(��tL �yflr �Aais1-c �Ouc4TV (....��L►�O.�M'E ..C'Co,.l. �C4 IN LIEUTEQ (01F U1URz9fl-0VUQ1L DATE 3� JOB NO. 9t ocQ ATTENTION RE: SEA �S'tg. > WE ARE SENDING YOU CY Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings C5Prints ❑ Plans IILL ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change ordere�o I�cPa0.T5 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 3-s)-9s Jze:.�. Sys-�,��, 'qs- 6�,►`c S THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: J✓i�iw n PRODUCT240-2 _ , IncGroton, . Man 01471if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. . - JOHNSON & KUNKEL P.O. Box 409 EAGLE, CO 81631 Phone 328-6368 TO �o g, Gr THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: DATE - 3 7z. PROJECT - iC_ T Sir Q LOCATION �DL-Lu"CT CONTRACTOR OWNER Nt Ls boa CX WEATHER TEMP. .0 at AM -26 ° at PM PRESENT AT SITE C 5 So. AN.--s �i__ c�" fL C—C 0,4v.QS Vt%P h t _ Lf lh Ritz 4 �0� fl RP e 2 �k� r� o.U�( !n f , (2xcL^N_�_ � 17LL 1 fF c t"lpc�1 <4- hip- !E .P-C\Cs IA A� AT'C S Ta s]'-Asy �rot�fl t>rC R„ L--"(-u4,-roms . Li., Fi — Tc�a, COPIES TO P A vl� SIGNED CORM 241-3 - Available from Aer3srinc., Groton, Mass. 01450 JOHNSON & KUNKEL P_ O. Box 409 EAGLE, CO 81631 / -Phone 328-6368 TO BATE JOB NO.. ° -- PROJECT - LOCATION . CONTRACTOR OWNER 7-1 6bQ6 4 , Ly - WEATHER - TEMP. O at AM W i;S J ° at PM PRESENT AT SITE - - - l THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: zye .A `sit S�'� kjzk.4 �Ct�� �oi�>< S �;.! ` L 3%_F' 5 ( SIN lei (Y �1 C ismot- V �-n) �.= s_ �. -o ,AF L N- E -a C&0 A��.►� COPIES TO MGM SIGNED FORM 241-3 -Available from Ees Inc., Groton. Mass. 01450 j �' • JOHNSON & KUNKEL ►' P. O. Box 409 EAGLE, -CO 81631 Phone 328-6368 TO THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: DATE JOB N0.- o, " - tsz PROJECT T i �.r b P LOCATION W CONTRACTOR OWNER V WEATHER C.O TEMP. � O at AM Oat. PM PRESENT AT SITE ?C.CK-k!S-n\-t %I \ 'C '�� c l�� - ► "i c.r emu,-( C� Vi%s1tL%t, UtkQ,-4 6D COPIES.TO SIGNED FORM 241-3 - Available from Ees Inc.. Groton. Mass. 01450 EAGUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONS ASE CAAL FOR FINAL INSPECTION 1IT MUST BE POSTED ON LOCH G� Box)WA 6th & Broadway BEFORE COVERING ANY PART OF Eagle, Colorado 81631 INSTALLED SYSTEM. -7311; 949-5257; 927-3823 - P.O. Box 850, Eagle, CO 81631 (this does not constitute PERMIT N® 428 a building or use permit) Owner DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY System Location WOLCOTT, COLORADO ,,Licensed CjMKORK . INSTALLER: f * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted for a 1 gallon SEPT STEM DESIGNED BY: xx Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit INTER-MOU THIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: ��� um: 1,000 gal septic tank -s nimum: sq. ft. absorption Perc rate 1 inches in 40.7 minutes 120 sq. ft. 30� trench absorption area per bedroom n/a Commerci a Warehouse & Office *��lg1§d�cx x sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest that you must follow your engineer -designed system, as -a4 ; — �, Date 4-21-80 Inspector Jo Ann Deighan FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. Septic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. Proper materials and assembly. ✓ Adequate absorption (or dispersal) area. Adequate compliance with permit requirements. ✓ Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE *CONDITIONS: 1. All .installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Dispos 1973egulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, 2. This permit is valid only for connection tu use res which have fully an dwelling or structuresied with County notapproved by the building ing and building requirements. Connection too Y and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.2,Q requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or both................................................................................< ..............6............................. CHARGES Percolation Test Qq by engineer (includes final inspection) Permit Processing Fee $A $75.00 Check (no cash) *_� 7 q Money Order P ermit N® 428 Name of Applicant Orri son Frontier Distributing, o� Amount Paid I Date Paid �`" mil— X� Cashier ALL CHECKS ARE TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO EAGLE COUNTY Dept. - Pinx Copy Eagle Cty. — White Copy Applicant — Green Copy PEF.COL.AT 'S T FEE. .5 0 E1'1VIRr1^1'4FNTAL HEALTH BOX 850 EAGLE, COLOPADO 816.31 PERMIT FEE APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEVAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERIMIT NA".41' OF O[�'NER.: 1F ,per v' �� C>> .A� .�E WE Sri Z�� �4 +I_Qnll P-:]I0:1E b29 - 5s33 ��DDRESS .i�EZ Co. uo SOD-7 1�`JF. OF APPLICANT: PHONE ADDRESS: DESIGN ENCR. FOR SEPTIC (if necessary) ADDRESS: e--mc) , F)-J 0�1 0�`� . ���2� PHONE Q�-�0-7 2 LICENS171D INSTALLED.: PHONE -ADDRESS: IS PERMIT FOR: (X) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County Lot Size Oe� /�c2cS City or Town, if within City or Town Limits LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TJA ._STES TYPE: ( ) Dwelling (j�) Commercial or Institutional ( ) ?`don -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Other TS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR 2, 000 GALLONS PER. DAY OR. LESS? () yes ( ) no BUILDTN(, OR SERVICE TYPE: Number of Persons Number of Bedrooms ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Automatic ti,?asher ( ) Dishwasher t5 SC)URCE AND TYPE OF ?ti'ATER SUPPLY: (X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Stream or Creek Give depth of all wells within feet of system: 1157 YE �A If supplied by "community water, give name of supplier: i i ;.OU•ID CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: Depth to Bedrock: K10'1e C--<(J -icz0--_:) Depth to Groundwater Table: \No-, CyCc�J •t�t?c± :'YPE OF INDIVIDUAL SE?,7AGE DISPOSAL SYS=T PROPOSED: (jq) SeDtic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Vault Privy ( )„Composting Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet <, ) Greywater ( ) Other Chemical Toilet ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Recycling, Other Use ;OIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Bole No. 1 j Minutes per inch in Hole No.'2 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 IMPORTATIT t 1 t 1.PPOINTMENT FOR. FINAL INSPECTION MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO COVETING BY CONTACTING 1?E INSPECTIIdr ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER. REFER TO PER NUMBER. NO 'APP??0�;%AL ??ILL BE GIVEn1 ON ANY SYSTEMjIITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION. TOLL -FREE NUMBERS. 328-7311, Ext. 949-5257, Ext. 927-3823, Ext. 238 (Eagle area) 238 (Fail area) 238 (Basalt area) (OVER) Ei,IVIRONP4FNTAL HEALTH PERCOLATION TEST FEE BOX 850 PERMIT FEE $50 00 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 $15.00 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NO. The Denver and Rio Grande Western NAME OF OWNER:,. ,, Railroad Company PHONE (303 ) 629-5533 . ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 5482, Denver, Colorado 80217 NAMF. OF APPLICANT: Orrison Frontier Distributing, Inc. PHONE ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 128, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 J)ESIGN ENGR.. FOR SEPTIC (if necessary) : Inter -Mountain Engineering, Ltd. ADDRESS: P. 0. Box C-100, Avon, Colorado 81620 PHONE 949-5072 LICENSED INSTALLER: ADDRESS: PHONE IS PERMIT FOR: (X) New Installation ( ) Alteration LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County Eagle Lot Size City or Town, if. within City or Town Limits LEGAL 'DESCRIPTION: See attached sheet WASTES TYPE: ) Repair 0.856 Acres ( ) Dwelling ( X) Commercial or Institutional ( ) Non -Domestics Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Other IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR 2.000 GALLONS PER. DAY OR LESS? BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: Warehouse & Office (X ) yes C ) no Number of Persons 15 Number of Bedrooms ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Automatic Washer ( ) Dishwasher SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: 20) Well ( ) Spring ( )Stream or Creek Give depth of all wells within feet of system: None known If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: 8.21% Depth to Bedrock: None encountered Depth to Groundwater Table: Not encountered; TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( X) Septic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Recycling, Other Use ( ) Greywater ( ) Other SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: .20 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 �(o Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 MP-L aw. 4/0Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 J` J� J� JJ` il` J" i�� i�� i�C ��' J� n n :C " n J` i�C :C i� J• i�C i�C n i� itC J. L JV n i�� ,3qz - 6 l j Inter-MounWn Engineeringua. A July 28, 1980 Mr. Denny Meyer The Neenan Company P.C. Box 2127 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 Re: Revi--:,, Septic Tank Leach Field Design Job Nc. V-9373E Dear �-Ir. P.9eyer: Per our telephone discussion of July 28, 1980, we are submitting a revised design of the proposed septic tank -absorption field to serve Orrison Subdivision. The reason for this revision is the reduction in estimated sewage production for the proposed building. The reduced field size shall be 300 square feet. This can be accomplis;ed using a minimum of two (2) absorption trenches each three (3) fee- wide and 50 feet long. The attached sheet shows the calculations used to recompute the size o= the field. If you have any questions, please call. JMR: cjn Sincerely, _J� At - 411y� James M. Riley, P.E. 14461 Branch Manager BOX NO. C-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072 DENVER 893-1531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 r , r r Mr. Denny Meyer The Neenan Company July 28, 1980 CALCULATIONS Population: 10 persons Estimated sewage flow: 15 gallons/person/day Projected flow: 10 x 15 = 150 gallons/day Peak factor: 1.5 Peak flow: 1.5 x 150 = 225 gallons/day Percolation rate: 40.7 minutes/inch (see previous report) Size c' field: Area = Q I(T = 225 40.7 = 287 ft2 5 5 Use 300 square feet INAL DISPOSAL BY: ('/) Absorption Trench, Bed or. Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Underground Dispersal ( ) Wastewater Pond ( ) Other 'I XL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS 0-- TL;E STATE? �; O ITE (PLOT) PLAN: Include location of wells, springs, potable water supply lines, subsoil drains, lake'water course, streams, dry gulches. Show location of proposed system by direction. Shoe distance of proposed system from dwellings and other fixed reference objects. Please indicate scale of reference, if any. ` /V _. H low" I■■■■E■n6E■E■M- R ME as I ME on MM ■■ ■ so �■ MEMO '� n�i■■ii:n�a■m■m n■m ■inii�'n'■■ E■E■EEMEMnMMEn�n■E■■■=u ■■n ■ n ■■ ■ ■w■EM '�.. :::� :m :::::: ':E■n ...:..::�OWN ME ■■n MEN=■■■■■n■■■ . : m:NOME 0 ME OEM :�.:�::� ■■■ ■ IMMUNE n■n ...�.:�0 ::..::: ■■ I■n■■■..■■■■..■■■■n■.■■■■■■■= --- ■ ■■■■.: �0 • ■■O■■:■�'■■ENNEN 0 ::■ ■p.�n■n■■■: ■ ■■■■ ■■ n ■: 1■W■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■"MEMO■■■■n ■ �■ ■� �..■O■■■■■■■■■■....n.■■.....■MEMO ■■ .. . .. ■■■■■nM■M■EE■■■■onnm■E■■ME■M■■■ .Mm m ■ :iMM■: n ■uu n �M■nu■MMMmoons ■■a■n■Mu■■n■■■Mu■: M■nM■o■� mi ■ ■nE■aE■M■MEME■E MM■■■■■■■■■■EM■ M�i■iiii::ii■ i6=ii MnM■EMUM■m■ ii■■IM■ME■■_■■�■■■ ■uE■■■ ■Own■■aM■■n■■■■■■M■:■■�■■■MEN ■n■■■■■■■■'■ii:iv ■ ;un�M■M ■ EnnE■E■■■■■E■■ ■■■■■■■■■ M ■a■■■■o ME ■E■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ .■■ ... ...■■■■■■■■E■:■:■■■ so soon ■■■■ ■ MM dm:� SEEMS MEN —■■■■■■MM■M ■: All iG::'i■■�i /O :" ■ ■qE■ EM ■ ■■MMEN Mn M: ■M®■M ■■■ OE ��i MEOEEE ■MM -MEN son .....M.M.■M�■E■■M■MMMIMM■■EE■■MME soME MEN mill ME IMMUNE M.BEER ■■■..........MM..MM...M■■MM.■■ ■..■.ME MEMO MMM®a: ..,..pOOMOMlOEEMMMaaOMMM■MO.EM■MMMMM■Mmom ME ME so M M ME MI Ml Attach additional pages if necessary to give complete information. SIGNATURE DATE a IiAer-PAouIIntai n E ngi ne er nngLtd. l Legal Description for Orrison Subdivision: A parcel of land lying within Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 83 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows Beginning at a point from whence Corner No. 1 of Tract 48 of said Section 15 bears N 800 101 3011 E 3041.26 feet; thence due South 199.22 feet; thence S 850 37' 0111 W 200.59 feet along a chord of a 1749.35 feet radius curve to the left having a central angle of 060 341 24"; thence due North 176.83 feet; thence due East 200.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 37,295.84 square feet or 0.856 acres more or less E30X NO. C-100 1420 VANCE STREET 4;p TMENEENAN To: Fny' rnnmPntn 1 Tir--a l th P.O. Box 2127, 309 Commerce Ave. Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 (303) 493-8747 COMPANY TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date April 16, 1980 .lob: nrri son ni si-rihnti ng We transmit herewith for your - Information XX Approval Files 1 Sheet Nos. Correction Return Copies of Application for Septic System Pgive 11'a call if y-aihave any•1 ' • ■ Yours very truly, THE NEENAN COMPANY �-' By s Dennis M. Hog Enclosed EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONN—ENTAL HEALTH ROUTE FOP.M ZJ DATE REFERRED APPLICATION NO. LOCATION Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form torthe Environmental Health Office., i =IINC Complies with: Yes Subdivision Regulations Zor3,ing Regulations Recommend Approval Comments: -BUILDING: Set Backs LI/ Site l_Zc Other. Recommend Approval Comments: FNGTNEER. MZNka m necessary Grading nage Recommend Approval Comments: No (Reviewed By k PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS AND r , SEPTIC RECOMMENDATIONS ORRI50N SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 7OR THE NEENAN CO. Prepared by Inter -Mountain Engineering, Ltd. 1420 Vance Street, Suite 103 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 (303) 232-0158 PROJECT NUMBER V-9373E April 3, 1980 t; r j SCOPE This report presents results of a Percolation Test and provides Septic Recommendations for the proposed commercial warehouse located on Orrison Sub- division, Eagle. County, Colorado. SITE INVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on March 31, 1980, consisted of drilling three (3) borings to an average depth of 36 inches. Percolation tests were performed on April 1, 1980. Locations of the test borings are shown on the enclosed drawing. Results of the percolation tests are included in this report -- see PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located in a portion of Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 83 West of the 6th P.M., more particularly the site is described as Orrison Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The site has slope to the south and west and is covered by native grass and weeds. SUBSOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Approximately 9-1/2 to 13 feet of dark brown, sandy with some silt clay was encountered in the test borings presented in our soilsandfoundations in- vestigation, Project No. V-91496, dated August 31, 1979. No groundwater was encountered in the test boring at the time of this investigation. - 1 - I PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS A total of three percolation tests were run on the site using the standard test method as described by the Eagle County Board of Health. Percolation test holes were presoaked on March 31, 1980, and the test was performed on April 1, 1980. Saturated percolation rates are as follows: P.H. # 1 = 20 minutes per inch P.H. �� 1 2 ` 46 minutes per inch P.H. # 3 = 56 minutes per inch Average of Percolation Rates 40.7 minutes per inch SEPTIC SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended is a minimum 1000 gallon compartmented septic tank to be followed by standard Eagle County absorption trenches with a bottom area of at least 1200 square feet. The absorption field should lie a minimum of ten feet from property lines and twenty feet from the proposed buildings. This system should meet all rules and regulations of the Eagle County Board of Health as set forth in the INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS of that department. Inspection should be made by a representative of the EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH prior to backfilling, CONCLUSIONS The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained in accordance with accepted professional engineering practices in the field of - 2 - R Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics. There is no other warranty, either express or implied. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, INTER -MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD. Steve Reiner, P.E.>�G1�3 Chief Soils Engineer - 3 - 1672-96 Tax# 1941-154-00-0004 JOB NAME 0100 Yacht Club Dr. GALLEGOS Wolcott,CO CORP. � 0r/3a r-- JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A, LJ 7 4 -ff+jz�z.�k) i 5 MR q . fm IJLMP�5 _ -_ Z _ 6 S 'd' - 2 t-3 a"POZ, TAMMY (.iu tlP+QUj T-.4FOUA) s e d � ; \\ POLE , FOUND 5/8" REBAR FOUND 5/8" REBAR _ - - - _ I C N 90.0000 E - _ 590.00'—..-------• — — — — — — — — — — — — —� 16984 eL = 69V� ` ELEC. BOX V - _ - - - 6984 LOT 1 '_ GOS--IND-U-STRIAL GALLE 6°�., / r - r� ASPHALT DRIVE ` I _ "qP E _ & PARKING I — _ _ _ 6982 S-� � z_ PROFILE HOLE i SEPTIC SYSTEM po/ Curls ASPHALT DRIVE _ & PARKING _ --_ _ '� ' ' ---__A-S-BUILT / f 3' WIDE TRENCH (TYP) z l -�6972 ---- / it 6980 -j ' r f �' (TMP) C - 6978 �r f I 42.0' `t ,.I I I I•I 1 p • RAISED 2.0' DIA. _ _ . I ` MANHOLES (TYP) 6976 } _ — — — — — 6980 — — — — — — — — O ,� , , I I I� _� 0. -v - 6974 j N ,7 10.0' O 4' SEWER DIP . r' I i I I I , — — _ — IO_ I i N --------- 19.5' o r- �+ o % " �/ 38.9' DISTRIBUTION)PIP _ _ - - --B-PORT HOLD - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - - _ - - - - -- : �� / _ PORT INSPEXTION r ' I ' f DISTRIBUTION XIONO�BOX �- 6978-- --- _ - - - -- ; / I HOLE 1 I ► - - oo` RAMPzo I I I I I a mot• ��� �� f � I I I I ,� = - - - _ _ -- - � t c� ; b i / 69 70 I , i P.O.B. �--' - -- - •I I .,� 6976 - _- -- --_- - - -_--. _ --- _---- = --- - - 1 f, i = �— — _ _ INSPECTION PORT HOLES 6 (TYP) r I FOUND REBAR & �p =----------_ -_ ------ o; CAP, LS 4551 CJT EXISTING IIETIAL WAREHOUSE -- ' -- 6974 -- S �POLE , GAS SERVICE ISLAND ` . ; TRUCK DOCK r �t U-DERGRUND696$ � Ij , --697 66 -TANKS SAP@5pk.)- --- --` 04 DOCK AREA /// ��� 69j0 N 83 — -_ - - _ - _ _..- —• W 6 N S 87'41'40 W-1��--- ---- _ 85.24'14" W 122 20.4• — - — — .. — .. — .. _ .._ - ! 139.76' .49 N 89'44'59 W 83.89' i S 88 08 12 W --- f---------6968----= --- -- _ I F I DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD I I ' I I 5 1 20' min. OPENING - EACH COMPARTMENT b ' 6 - GRAPHIC SCALE Z INFILTRATOR CALCULATIONS - t _ J 1 � �— INLET TEE TEE f — — — — — — — — -� OUTLET Z X 3d _ TRANSFER PIPE o G W t + J OO FIRST COMPARTMENT SECOND COMPARTMENT = 1 - n?ICAL SEPTIC TANK DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEPTIC TANK NOTES 1. SOLID PVC PIPE MEETING ASTM STANDARD D3034 SDR35, PROPERLY SUPPORTED TO PREVENT FAIURE BY SETTLING SHALL EXTEND FROM THE SEPTIC TANK FOR A DISTANCE OF AT LEASE 5 FEET FROM THE INLET ApD OUTLET ENDS. 2. THE OPENING COVER OF A SEPTIC TANK MANHOLE, IN— SPECTION PORT OR ACCESS PORT SHALLBE NO DEEPER THAN 8• BELOW FINISH GRt,aE. 3. SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WTrISTAND H-20 AXLE LOADS, OR BARRIERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EXCLUDE VEHICLE TRAFFIC FROM THE TANK SITE i 4. THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE DESIGNED TC VATHSTAND 5 FEET OF SATURATED OVERBURDEN 5. USE 4' SEWER DIP WHERE NOTED. BUILDING j SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING I EXISTING GOUND I FOR 3TRENCHES ETRENCH =/// _ INFILTRATOR TY11 SIDES 3' MINIMUM I TRENCH COVER DISTRIBUTION PIPE - 3- .I. 6' - �- 3' -..I =///= DISTRIBUpN PIPE I TRENCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTE: i INSTALL INFILTRATOR TO MANUFACTURERS RECOMENDATION. SIZE: STANDARD INFILTRATOR 3' X 6 1/4' X 1' ; 1) TRENCH TOLERANCE .10' PER 100' ; EXISTING BUILDING - 30 EMPLOYEES PROPOSED 30 X 15 GPD = 450 GPD TOTAL = 450 GPD PEAKING FACTOR = 1.5 1.5 X 450 = 675 GPD T = 40.7 M.P.I. (INTERMOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, 1980) Q=675 GPD A=Q/5XT-5 A=875 S.F. INFILTRATOR 40% REDUCTION 875 S.F. -40% X 875 S.F. = 525 S.F. 525 S.F./18.75 S.F = 28 UNITS USE 30 UNITS NOTE: 1) AT THE TIME OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLEASE NOTIFY THE ENGINEER 24 HCURS BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION 2) CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATES BEFORE EXCAVATION. 3) NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN IS FOR EXISTING WAREHOUSE ONLY. ( IN >t = l i inch s 20 !t. NOTE: 1) CONTOUR INTERVAL 2' 2) TRENCH LOCATION BASED ON SURVEY.3-11-92 3) FIELD INSPECTION 3-20-92, 3-26-92,' 3-27-92 (SEE REPORTS) I I I I 0 >_ 03 In 59 N 90*00'00"' E 0.00' 4 0 k z z 0 0 C*GAF - IC -TANK > Ld Ld Z�Z� 5; ui -ADDITIONAL 4s % E 7f TANK s I AL SEPTIC EXIS_nNG WELL (IN USE) INSTALL 14 MPING- CHAMBER 2 SE ETAIL SHEE'l _3 0 0 0) Zakr (D - 0 Co o 0 rn CONSTRUC' 'D AINAGE T R �2_ SWALE AROUND MOUND, < 43 Mz to 7u YO CL-200 F A_e ul L 1311INU UUILU[INU EXISTING - ROAD E STI, G AqSO PTI N! A EA I u t- (o L) �P A, I'v L mL!i ON D Ch A A, CP EDGE OF GRAVEL cl SEE -SECTION A — A\ STUB OUT PIPE BED '(TYP Tn Pp'pp' A -SHE T OrL%., i r i %., UL I A I La ^a ^MC MLr LMMLV I V 1 F4 1 rlL ADUVL- MLFN t I UNLU REGULATIONS. 2. 35 EMPLOYEES AT 18 GALLONS PER PERSON PER DAY 630 GALLONS/DAY AVERAGE FLOW 945 GALLONS/DAY DES I GN FLOW (1 .5 * AVERAGE) (2) 1000 CALLON SEPTIC TANKS 1000 SQUARE FEET MINIMUM GRAVEL BASE AREA (0.95 GALLONS PER DAY PER SQUARE FOOT LOADING RATE) 4800 SQUARE FEET MINIMUM SAND BASE AREA (0.20 GALLONS PER DAY PER SQUARE FOOT LOADING RATE) SAND FILL SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 100% SHALL PASS THE #4 SIEVE (6.4 MM) <10% SHALL PASS THE #200 SIEVE (0.13 MM) AND SHALL HAVE A UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT LESS THAN 5 (D60/Dl0<5). CONCRETE SAND AND MASONRY SAND WILL BOTH GENERALLY MEET THESE CRITERIA. 4. CLEANOUTS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL BENDS AND AT LEAST. EVERY 100 FEET ALONG THE HOUSE SEWER- 5- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING ALL COMPONENTS OF THIS SYSTEM -PRIOR TO THE ABSORPTION AREA WATER GRAPHIC SCALE TIGHT TO PREVENT INFILTRATION. 6. LOW 21 0 10 20 40 w TOPSOIL COVER MAY BE VARIED (WITH 1 FOOT MINIMUM) TO AL LANDSCAPING. OEM 7. INSTALL RISERS AS NECESSARY TO BRING ALL ACCESS POINTS TO WITHIN ONE-HALF FOOT OF FINAL GRADE. IN FEET 8. LOCATIONS OF ALL COMPONENTS MAY BE VARIED AS NECESSARY AS LONG I inch 20 M AS ALL MINIMUM DISTANCES AND SLOPES MEET THOSE REQUIRED. 9. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM MOUND FILL AREA USING DRAINAGE SWALES AS NECESSARY. 01 L 6 13' m 74- .6999 !�M 74900 0 N % i u. SAND BASE LOAD I NG RATE BASED ON VAR I OUS PERCOLA I I UN I LZ�, I.,) UT INTERMOUNTAIN ENGINEERING AND JOHNSON, KUNKLE & ASSOCIATES, -INC.. AND HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, -%I K I I 'rk/ lk I A r% LLI M, 0 < 0 0 w -j u- L W. - _ MANHOLE RING - - AND RISER = ` - _ •: : .- c ,< _, Z _ SEWAGE --, LIFT STATION NOTEao IL 1. 4 ,R T R RA TYPE PUMPCONTROL PANEL" TO BE NEMA 0 BE TE IN . - - _ Z PUMPS MUST ALTERNATE OPERATION ATEACHON/OFF CYCLE. -- - _ DRILL 1 4 0 HOLES _ � BOTH PUMPS MUST OPERATE -WHEN WATER LEVEL-i'S�AT DUPLEX =FLOAT_ . _ ON CENTER FOR ENTIRE _ LENGTH OF ALL LATERALS = _ . Z - 1" -. 4. - - - ! T ANAD` !ANDAVAI L€ PUMP CONTROLS INCLUDE BOTH AUDIBLE 1 B rn W V M M J tl N J Q N M - Li tJ�f H W Lit Y p Ca U 1-1 1.Z PVC LATERALS 5 ID PRECAST RISERS W OR - - /FLO flit - AND UD, COPELAND CONCRETE - - - WA NING_SYSTEM. - OR APPROVED EQUAL) - _ 5, _ PUMP:CQNTROLS MUST ACTIVATE=BOTH THE ViSUAL.AND.AU0IBLE-WARNING SYSTEM.� _ . P P MANIFOLD O - 3 VC M t� 51- - - APPROXIMATE LOCATION 6 . P1J6AP CONTROLS: MUST ACTIVATE VATE BOTH THE VISUAL 'AND AUDIBLE - _ _ P _ PPE (SOLID} - - � - -OF - 4 DIA. INLET S E -. _ WARNING SYSTEM MEN ONE PUMP FA { LS', - . 4 g _ = _ 7 °PUMP CONTROLS SHALL -MAINTAIN ONE PUMP `OPERATION =WHEN OTHER , < _ 4 ALARM FLOAT - - PUMP FAILS, _ - . - . _ - RUBBERNECK AT. ALL - _. _ HOLES ON BOTTOM _ -- -- - _ - DUPLEX OAT co - _ DU E FL JOINTS 8. V I SGAL WARNING SHALL' REMAIN ON LINT t L BOTH- PUMPS ARE Of LATERAL.. _ — OAT � _ _ _ - � =_ OP ER.ATIONAL AND -THE WATER LEVEL IS BELOW THE ALARM FLOAT. : ' - _ _ - - _ , _ •,-_ � - - - _9'__- AUDIBLE WARNING SHALL ACTIVATE AND CONTINUEUNTIL.-- 5 - ACKNOWLEDGED, BY. MANUAL SWITCH AT: CONTROL PANEL. . \ ` 10.- - LIFT STATION SHALL BE SERVICED WITH -23OF VOLT UNDERGROUND . - POWER.- _ _ NOTE: _ - - _ 3 SOLID PVC FROM - ALL. PIPING DRAIN co 1 t , WATER LEVEL- SWLTCHES MUST _BE_ MERCURY, LEVEL FLOAT _TYPE_ _ - _AC _DOSING_ -_ TANK B K TO DOSING TANK - - 12. f ,CHECK VALVES SHALL BE SWING FLAPPER NON—CLQGGING`TYPE WITH - c. < - HEAVY DUTY HOUSING, --j - 13_ _ t PIPE SUPPORTw BRACKETS AND BOLTS MUST BE STAINLESS STEEL. . T PIPE LATERAL LAYOUT -OFF FLOAT - - - 14 RAW SEWAGE' PUMPS SHALL BE SINGLE PHASE 'EFFLUENT TYPE°_. - MODEL SPD•100H MADE BY:HYDROMAIIC PUMPS OR EQUAL:BE : - SU ( _ _: PPORT BRACKET TYP. - j _MUST ABL>: TO PUMP MINIMUM OF 100: GALLONS -PER MINUTE AT 30 FT.- (TWOREQUIRED -- - _-HEAD. T THE APPROVALOF- SPECIFIC -MAKE AND MODEL -SUBJECT 0 E _ N.T.S.N- - RAW SEWAGE PUMP (TYP.�_ - _ - _ THE -ENGINE ER, HYDROMATiC GUI DERAIL SYSTEM PREFERRED . - - , .T.S. F T LIFT OU , CONTRACTOR SHALL -PROVIDE ENGINEER WITH ACTUAL P 1 PE. LENGHTS ADAPTER(TYP.} - ° _- _ AND ELEVATION DIFFERENCE -TO ;VERIFICATION OF PUMP - -ALLOW = SELECTION. 2-6 THICK CONCRETE * ; - - - _ -- PUMP SUPPORT PAD. F: NOTE:_ . ADDITIONAL NOTES: ' _ - -ELECTRICAL WIRING NOT SHOWN _ .: M IV MUM -COVER OVER FORCLF MA1 N TO BE 4 SEW R L FT STATION--SECTION- _ N.T.S. E - '_-11111--. i- - - .-. - - - r-. - - [ JAIVV FttL.-JCC iVV tCJ� - - - - - - - - - -- [ - vu+ - - -1 - -.-. tv� v� __ - _ - - --. _ - / - - - - - _ \ .l /lVii 111V >`! /!l /IV .- Mlt\ VI /V-1 _/V - - - 1 1111 - EAGL- —)NTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONI(p JAL HEALTH t r.. _ • Box 811 6th & Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 PERMIT WO. 4-33 (this does not constitute a building or use permit) Owner The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company System Location Wolcott R.R. property; NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 15, R 83 W, T4S Licensed Contractor . Owner (E.P. Herrick, P.E.) * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted for a Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: Perc rate 1 inche$ in 40 minutes sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom # of bedrooms x sq. ft. minimum requirement gallon Engineer -designed greywater system: seepage pit and chemical toilet for RR outfit train; water supplied by tank car. May`we suggest compliance with design submitted. Call for final inspection May we suggest compliance with design submitted. Date May 29, 1980 Inspect FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: 3w1h No system shall be deemed to be in compliance the Sewage Disposal T,ra�Gvs until the assembled system is approved prior to covering any part. afftic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. Proper materials and assembly. V / Adequa absorption (or dispersal) area.���� G l de compliance with permit requirements. ��`��G �'� �(' ell Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. J � � Date J �) Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE * CONDITIONS: 1. All .installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21frequires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or hnth PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR SITE PLAN AND FEES 328-7.311 949-5257 927-3823 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH BOX 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE = $75 PERCOLATION TEST FEE = $50 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NAME OF OWNER: ADDRESS: THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY P. 0. Box 5482, Denver, Colorado 80217 NAME OF APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM OWNER): ADDRESS: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (IF APPLICABLE): E. P. HERRICK ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 5482, Denver, Colorado 80217 NO. PHONE: 629-5533 PHONE: PHONE: 629-5533, ext. 2444 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: E. P. HERRICK ADDRESS: PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X ) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County Eagle Lot Size RR R.O.W. City or Town, if within City or Town Limits LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RR property in NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 15, R83W, T4S STREET (RURAL) ADDRESS: IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY? (X ) Yes ( ) No BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential - Single-family dwelling ( ) Residential - Triplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Residential - Quadplex (X) Commercial - State usage RR outfit train # Persons up to app. 30 # Bedrooms WASTE TYPES: (Check all applicable) ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( ) Dwelling ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Non -domestic wastes ( X) Transient Use ( ) Dishwasher ( X) Other Sink and shower wastes ( ) Automatic Washer SOURCE AND TYPE OF 14ATER SUPPLY: ( ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek or Stream XI�XX�XXvXRIXi�iliXXX�iXl�Xl�CI� Water supplied by tank car If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( ) Septic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant (X ) Chemical Toilet (For human wastes) ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Recycling, Other Use ( X) Greywater ( ) Other WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO 14ATERS OF THE STATE? ( ) Yes (X ) No Signature E Date )U HERRICK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Profile Hole): Depth to Groundwater Table: SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 LkSo pe,(z D 4 rf CT- P1lvnu # r 28 -);-r Oms&-r\ Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 iwu-f uw_a,4'-W Mn -J40 - Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ( ) Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter nQw,� ► rX-_ Underground Dispersal ( ) 'Wastewater Pond d rf,S Other 1 NthA -4D lk% _ _Y r!/ 6 /V l/?- Job`._ , -.-A A D EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATE REFERRED ROUTE FORM NAME APPLICATION NO. '- 1s WCATION /E'f3 ,g� 7— 4,eS r/ J Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the Environmental Health Office. PLAM NG- Complies with: Yes No Reviewed By Subdivision Regulations Zo ing Regulations Recommend Approval Comments: BUILDING Set Backs Site Z is As:s- Other Recommend Approval Comments: EN GINEEP. • (- s Roads Grading Drainage cessary Recommend Approval Comments: i I !%a % Rd I 00 N O w� rN jr r- ON LL m� w h- a Ln va jw a: a - a _� ha- w O w X w w �3 ,w aU_ W -J U+ m aD a a. wm � O m a J U z 0 U in x N x N O w LL p a w m a a u' U w d U }a J a mm to-- h L C L L w o m a -J Z tna wo No W w Wz U = L+. cc O 0 Ln 02 x 3 > i 0- a W �� H N= ON off 2 mw -gym w W w tL 3U W ui O W o z c W a0 NwLL w doa- �w O= Gw aa. } cn �pMJ Oa Jh- U m U Z-j H U O � ZU - N. fr H ui O U LL _h w Uf- 2 L� H h- cn W U) h- O a w 2 -1 O LL ch J'Cr Z 00 OZ (fI O O n. n. F- W2 OZ w—,: ma OW Ua- _ N rM cr wi w O a O LLW W J = ax V1 a z Z 6 � LL O co } Q � wW > my w >M zo wz O_ w (D 2 a Q I � V J O c Z IW �IW 3o O �y Z I a O Q 4 4 a _^ a U a) ti(D -z _ 00 OQ O C 0,; X h a CCQ a O o — y } J �J a' N2 m 0iV�03 Q Cf) O :fo h-^ — — — — — — w -� W I O- I I O 1 J J W S W W w _j o za a ^ O J t"e W > a W a. w m w o O J �._ a Q N U) W OW ZQ WWOCD -oz ~ LL L) NOS Q. W WOa aU U �wa W z0J W joa w � E m� \ _j/\j } �\ �° « ��w © T�crcr o e I} �W cr U) > �WfL ® I > <w � 3� $ ��cc ��zi in IS 0� � ® ® < 0 W31: w Lj Ir � � /w w w 0 }0U-Z <w � 2 �� &§ 0- cn> Q- w 00«- uL ko� �K uj . �k§ \ S§k§\k ®§A �\ 2 \ b W e o 0& j// k � w � k§ LL w \ F-} 2 o_ eR wn 0< LL@ac z� G % �3 Ek§Eƒ�ƒ323ga 0� \ . & W If w §in §ad —0 i f2 W0 #y 0� m? �� , ]cr q� / xF- /'w$ k} o§ 2 k� � k d w d �$ \k�° D z /§{ •v��k 2 0 ' ' « Q k m ) \ Cl) §\§§k x �wtk3 m U C\j m w e � �. 0 . k� ®------------ -- m W) C , \ z . o- ) \ 0 # 6 Oor w .0 2 ) z[tjj ; L)u # o y /} k� �£ > �o w § $& § cr 0 � 2 � < n I k � � � S � �k �® � ��o � _J � /k / \�j /IE � � � .w§2 moo J« � zou W f§§ 0433 RR property, Wolcott JOB NAME DENVER & RIO GRANDE W RR 9--04i J1 , -f -� 1e r �(t + r--(LC6OB NO. JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED ow i ooyx [,,T C. L)�e- JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL PERMIT # 433 OWNER: Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad LOCATION: Wolcott - RR property INSTALLER: Ed Herrick Engineer designed graywater system - seepage pit and chemical toilet for RR outfit train - water supplied by tank car DWELLING: Commercial (outfit train -RR) PERC RATE: one inch/40 minutes C';,14�oeI• r-ii-Rn Bv: Erik Edeen JOB FOLDER Product 27S Qpp NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 014' Printed in USA. x i CDX �a p tU N w r - � p W k c 03 Q Chas SI977-. - t D6ed - �` sol# ¢ZZ3 //0' �9 0 pee,A E 5/00 v\'2'�� 296Z k ----- 00 mac• N oo U. S. GOv t _ --�- - ai --- - 1 cam' o peate es YORoy peed for Pip 'n -o i 9 °•• y \ �\ mod. - W - � - - , i\ \ lov ILO " sTo IVInIzIrn 100,OT �k / 0 �2, Co