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301 Tree Farm Dr - 246502205001 - 1656-96IS
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 OP - YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. PERMIT NO. �Z/4q 1656 OWNER: Christine McKelvey PHONE: (970) 963-1287 MAILINGADDRESS: P.O. Box 28119 city:El Jebel Stine: CO zip: 81628 APPLICANT: Kit Excavation PHONE: (970) 963-2892 SYSTEM LOCATION: 19353 Hwy 82 - Kdn1t'Pf/grr7c D°mil~ AXPARCELNUMBER: 2465-022-05-001 LICENSED INSTALLER: Kit Excavation LICENSE NO: -71///,-- DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: _ High Country Eng. Tim Beck (970) 945-8676 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: ray y SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FTRENCHBOTTO . via infiltrato u s Zvi SIU �2 P.v /�IOV • g/ /gQro SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: I ponsible for final inspection. d v, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: N - DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COM Y WITH ALL REQUIREM LiLOINTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25. 10- 104. 1973. AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 144 SQUAREFEET.via 4 infiltrator units as per design INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLON DEGREES 13 5 FEET FROM _ 1-ha nnrtb tide of the barp SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 6" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY YES _ NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REQUIREMENTS: YES —NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: Sys 2S/C cOwvnGr� l /CP Glr1no, 4P7�/� ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: PERMIT PERCOLATION TEST FEE OWNER: RECEIPT A CHECKS v ,(Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) ************************************************************************** * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: A. M r MAILING ADDRESS: Ant APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: i S MAILING ADDRESS: -PO : -x / 3� PHONE: (!.b ) �l3- taP7 PHONE: urgs a LICENSED ISDS CONTRACTOR: iM bec-- C, PHONE: (92) 9VS- 86 >b COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: 5aZ3 raraP97L A{.6` 60 glfoD< *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: w%qM New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair *************************************************************************** LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building Permit # ( if known) �aV.CQi� Y Legal Description: Subdivision: ffir Filing: —Block: Lot No. Tax Parcel Number: 7i (�S - o a -1) S - 0 0 Lot Size: Street Address: *************************************************************************** BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( Well ( ) ( ) Public Name (Check applicable category) Spring ( ) Surface of Supplier: Number Number Type _ of Bedrooms of Bedrooms *These systems equire design by a Registered Professional Engineer.-- SIGNATURE: k o Date: I—allyllno *********** ***************** ***** ************************* ************* TO BE COMPLETED BY WE COUNTY ������ AMOUNT PAID: %50 RECEIPT #: DATE: CHECK #: CASHIER: I ILI Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO January 30, 1997 Christine McKelvey P.O. Box 28119 El Jebel, CO 81628 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1656-96, Tax Parcel #2465-022-05-001.. Property location: 19353 Hwy 82, El Jebel, CO, kennel/ dog grooming facility. Dear Ms. McKelvey: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: November 12, 1996 TO: Kit's Excavating Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1656-96. Tax Parcel # 2465-022-05-001. Property Location: 19353 Hwy 82, El Jebel, CO. McKelvey property. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1656-96. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files High Country Engineering, Tim Beck September 30, 1996 Chris McKelvey 19353 Highway 82 (P.O. Box 28119) El Jebel, CO 81628 Re: ISDS for Accessory Use (Dog Grooming) HCE File Number 96004.31 Dear Ms. McKelvey: 0) 0 Z x co LL r N O IL In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the information you supplied us, we have discussed the site and the system with Eagle County personnel, and we have arrived at a proposed system. We understand that you are proposing a dog training/grooming operation as an accessory to your residence. You have stated that the accessory building will contain a bathroom with a toilet and shower, and the shower will be used for washing the dogs. You have estimated that only about five dogs will be washed per week, and that should take ten to fifteen gallons each, for a weekly total of 50 to 75 gallons. Assuming no weekend usage, this would be 15 gallons per day. If we also count you as an employee, that could be an additional 15 gallons per day, for a total of 30 gallons per day. Increased by the usual 1.5 peaking factor, this would yield a design rate of 45 gallons per day. The percolation test done previously on the property indicated a percolation rate of 30 minutes per inch. However, the soils in the area are generally better than that, therefore, we concur with the County recommendation of using a loading rate of 0.8 gallons per day per square foot. Thus, a field size of approximately 58 square feet would be indicated. (That would be two "Infiltrator" units.) A septic tank with a capacity of less than 60 gallons would meet the 30 hour detention requirements. However, 1000 gallons is the smallest size normally available. It might be reasonable to size the field for the possibility of a future one bedroom apartment. Then, the design flow would be 225 gallons per day, the minimum septic tank size would be 300 gallons, and the field size would be 282 square feet, or 10 "Infiltrator" units. 923 Cooper Avenue • Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676 • FAX: (970) 945-2555 Chris McKelvey September 30, 1996 Page 2. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. / Ti o y P. Bec , P.E. PA(/ Pri icipal Engineer TP /soe /f//illli: i! -, t ittllt�i`�R IYUU-00-177o 14•J1 I"I1UM UUUNiKY tNU1NttK1NU November 8, 1996 Chris McKelvey 19353 Highway 82 (P.O. Box 28119) E1 Jebel, CO 81628 i i Ike: ISDS for Accessory Use (Dog 01ooming) HCE File Number 96004.31 Dear Ms. McKelvey: This letter is to follow up on our discussl'ons with Eagle County personnel regarding your septic system. Due to: topographic and other constraints, we understand that you wish to relocate the absorption area. Also, since you have stated that there is no chance to convert the .system for use by an apartment without a zoning change, you wish to use the smaller field size referred to in our letter of September 30 of this year. That size was only two. Infiltrator units. However, your contractor indicated that he could pr6bably fit four units int the newly proposed location, and I thought that would be a good idea. Note that the 20' building setback does not apply to uninhabited buildings, but the 100' well setback will still apply. I will fax this letter to Eagle County as a request for a change in the permit that they have already issued. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. J/K� , ec .E. cipal Engineersoe 923 Cooper Avenue',- Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676 • FAX. (970) 945-2555 TOTAL F.©1 !GH OUNTR Y NG/NE£RNNG I January 27, 1997 Eagle County Environmental Health Department- Via Fax 328-7185 Attn: Ray Merry P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: ISDS for Accessory Use (Dog Grooming) HCE File Number 96004.31 Dear Mr. Merry: On November 21, 1996, High Country Engineering, Inc: personnel observed the construction of the individual sewage disposal system for the garage/kennel building at the McKelvey residence. The construction was, based on our design letter of November 8, 1996. The 1000 gallon, precast concrete septic tank was in place, along with the ,cleanouts and connection to the building. The absorption area consisted of four Infiltrator units. We have included'a sketch of the "as constructed" measurements with this letter. Therefore, it appears that the system meets the intent of the design. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. Tiothy P. Beck, P.E. ( P ncipal Engineer ,1 TPB/soe enc. cc w/encl.: Chris McKelvey 923 Cooper Avenue • Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676 • FAX: (970) 945-2555 LLJ Q i cr, (Y) J \ 4 W '-' o N U X: 0� �,. .�.� 1JJV iL.• iv nlun l.uuly I fC I CINUIPICClSII`u i i i i .jf IL t EL4. 40 l Idwl --j x� s a=k���:� tit.Ou '-".+i 1. ti/ 1JJV 14J•1I Illull 41U.JI111\1 GIYLIII`ICLfFLIYU Ull. i -1. J-.i »U 10. 1 o n 1 un I.UUIY I M T GYL71 I-ICGIC 1 Iyu i I y � _ 2, -17 S., `JL. 8 7 W. e# �i� fail► ,P3�. . �. t4 Cpu�+,f l �t e.•to� rsMW "-- .1 no. es. h 1 -9 W-f W ` •a I- • j A.Mf UMIP L 7-. rf• �W Y.�•". Y pt:r. pay " Y. 4a 44*. Yi• .w.. a.t.......a NLI- waY N A • " as M .w.lt .•...a•a Y. a �� {�• y .tom._ .w�•. Y• M' O• A. 111.25 1- h. I- 1-. d a S-M •�... r• L s. aa.� 1.... r� i. 1.' a• x L 1•.7• m.. W N• IW 1t• ra. to. J' .arr• a• wflJf r«r_ qom t.�' >r L.p awd ...... •. N- rr r. {a.M ft - . waa. Y 1.. w«•aw ���4 .111 � aw1w� lw I.1.4..wt.i rY N riM{I rY.M+rYMrY11aY1 YN lY4.Y► IN a•a1�Y'1 1YM. Y. mwwww.w a_w' u- sr c an-s w1; A- K. n- x- c f1-M Iwe eb=ff a. H• Xr to V. Salts f..w..,_ a. 91' 1 r 1....1.,a• a�.a� a.t.w. 1. m R• it, t. UAL-4 Mti kft- a. Is' 1t. 16, .. 1tl.b A..w Y r .- I .t t•y►�.aK- 1tC4sJrA Rlt ♦ wwtw{..a« w{wN «.af.1, ft n.a r• tw.ra. poemiM Id" rat wvr.rr eaw. a.waaYaw as WtaA rc t►Ya r Yay y I- a. xww.r IYw M rr 1w�.{ aa.�N.... wk.•nN..... w. 1.tYrt+ ar ..ar. vc! ft Y I- y .r -0 4 J 1-.�.....�.�Irr -L •4wt 4M11 S. It• 4• R. .. u.N a..r .► . ara.r 1a w•farwlrw. Nw mow ,-YeatNr r,. U4 I% \*Za at «Rwa a#tewt « rM w""N/NN /14-4-01 w {it. d .0 ISM ttp..rt If:: ...... ai..a {w..warL•� +1 +ru y■ Is{ ..ww ..�� W aa.w .r.Y . L �iV1'r r w«.. R,wR' 1R• iT i 11.y i..1. s, W t,yT ar rr L. v 61, •0,ft L. / n' 11° h'r .. x a... srsa .. M• M` rY a: y,t1 r..te a. U' 1r` 1i' I. N.ta (.Mr dna.. a, tr It' JP.t. WU a...: 1..... •. Y• A..- t. WIN {.o.- ....aw + y{• y1 iN k p q /a.a 1w.ws r.1f' {F' u• R a F 1.1{I +...t. L ia• ! fe,11 1-- 1....ka .1 1f r.wr1y r.,a ty. a r_ yr- r �a- l- ♦a.yy 1+.1 i.++..F tr1.f f:.6 rf�e IN, Q a..r., r f' + .01'x yrr .+• r I Yy\ 1 i t IL S-ig aY+4 1. V44.k. QL •'v�+ssw b..�?. . an 1�r A-.7. � T� X �w�Y 1 tea': Q•ct.q , iv i - _ ... _.r. �..�.r...rwl •:�..:rifan:;::tyaZ-t:.-. .ti: ..ter.... . _ Ir.wArll�af UnTM n""XiH I •na.r a tur 1a11 Mf twrwra N1ttlw e!•alaN. hsr I. am hw t_ mart t►w{ It a{ ..t a iM V.• Nfa. Of E* .a �t ws or IN .al.-@ rw fa► as IN, w tv.w raraw r f+wn IMM , i iY�y ra Wool , GNM �Clr twlditL ft N IY I ER Wwo, /Waal p itf.aM. T1.{ so" aR Al lR.Otw fit$ 4 rwww-au r of awth It aftamamm wrwt. if It { rve w.kw�w ah Bill 0 aw ate -+a sa11s a.al.fetzem. a wa11f.' �bt+arS+�i�C �.a�rs�s•" �,a�rOayxr�a5 e • � , .. ... • .LY�'•�'�'iaaY:ii��► �r{•i: •t+:�M iiK �'i�yyi TOTAL P.04 It;" J9 H I UH C:UUNTRY ENGINEERING P.01 September 30, 1996 Chris McKelvey 19353 highway 82 (11'. U. Box '28119) El Jebel, CO 81628 Re: ISDS for Accessory Use (Dog Grooming) 144E File Nui'pber 96004.31 Dear Ms. McKelvey:! In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the information you supplied us, we have discussed the site and, the system with Eagle County personnel, and we have arrived at a proposed system. Wi� understand that you are proposing a dog traininglgroon sing operation as an accessary to your Oside ace. You have stated that the accessory building will contain a hathroom with a toilet and shower, and the shower will be used for washing the dogs. You have; estimated that only shout five dogs will be washed per week, and that should take ten to fifteen gallons wch, for a weekly total of 50 it) 75 gallons. Assuming no weekend usage, this would be 15 gallons r day. If we also count you as an employes:, that could to an additional 15 gallons per day, fvr a total of 30 gallons per day. <.Zncreased by the u:;ual 1.5 peaking factor, this would -yield a design rate of 45 gallons per days The percolatic n test 4o na previously on the property indicated a percolation rate of 30 minutes per inch. However, the soils in the area am generally better than that, therefore, we Concur with the County recommendation of using a leading rate- of ff 9 gallonsper-day per ra , foot. Thus, a, field size of approximately 5:8 squaw. feet:would be.indicatod. (Th-4t would be two "infiltrator" unit.) A septic tank with a capacity of less than 60 gallons would meet the 30 hour detention requirements. However. dt' 0 0o►ns is the smallest .size,normally av"able,j4. It might he reasonablp to size the field for the possibility of a future one bedroom apartment. Then, the design flaw would to 22.5^gallans per day. the minimum septic tank size would be 30tl gallons, and the field size wool be 282 square feet, or 10 "infiltrator" o nits. �j �0 � w► S u�d %e- 38 Ci 9 P°t��o(gp�cP 92� Cooper Avenue Glenv daCl Springs, CO 81 Sol Telephone_ (970) 945-6676 * FAX: (970) 945-2555 1�;13d HIUH WUNTRY ENGINEERING P.02 Chris McKelvey September 30, 1996 Page 2 If you have any ques0ons or need additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEFMNG, INC. Ti uothy P. Beck, P.F,. P 'cipal Enginwr (A 0"C' 6Aw (A) hx4 15 4V js 12 UKIk Pe,41- &OthtA-aCAa- TOTAL P. OP FEE $ '200: 0 File No. APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION. REGULATIONS Chapter II, Section Y EAGLE COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS OWNER: ��l %<. l 5 % / ICJ/ MAILING ADDRESS: l ' l Qj EL TF—AR, G U 6,1-9 Town State Zi TELEPHONE NUMBER: _ �� 7 J� / !S p 1. Location of parcel requested for exemption: L'--1_ e 2 Total Acreage of exemption: b , 3. Tax Parcel Number: Gi -7 -0 0 0 -(j) � 4. Read Section 2.15.03(2)' (c-d) and furnish documentation as required. 5. Proposed source of water: Zv- 6. Proposed source of sewage treatment: Slis — 7. Proposed access: 8. Date of parcel creation: ) 0. ) G % J 9. Existing land use on parcel : ,7 r, Number of dwellings: 10. Existing zoning:_ /L I do hereby certify that the foregoing information and attached documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Signature of Owner J Date 9/23/94 EAGLE CO*, ) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTI"`�EALTH Box 811 6th & Broadway .PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROPERTY Eagle, Colorado 81631 PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION PERMIT No 3 9 (this does not constitute • a building or use permit) Owner GNE GENE GRANGE System Location 2 Mi West of Basalt on Hwy 82: on top of hill behind 1649 Hwy 82 Licensed aPXJMRr In�17a11 erg RENE DUROUX * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted fora 1.000 gallon xxx Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: Pere rate 1 inches in 40 absorption area per bedroom _ # of bedrooms 3 x 275 May we suggest Date 24 July 1979 FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: minutes 825 sq. ft. 275 sq. ft. sq. ft. minimum requirement 1,000 gallon septic tank with 825 sq. ft. leach field o , Inspector Jo Ann Deighan No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved Wor to covering any part. c Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. materials and assembly. fF Adenliate absorption (or dispersal) area. Adequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date / Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE * CONDITIONS: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.24 requires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or both. ............................................................................................................................. CHARGES P ermit NY Name of Applicant Percolation Test $50.00 (includes final inspection) Amount Paid Permit Processing Fee $25.00 Date Paid Check (no cash) xx Money Order 379 GENE GRANGE $75.00 7-12-79 Cashier Nancy C. Morgan EHO #9102 Treas #31063 ALL CHECKS ARE TO RE MADE PAYABLE TO EAGLE COUNTY Eagle Cty. — White Copy Applicant — Green Copy Dept. — Pintc Copy ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH .PERCOLATION TEST FP. 0.-BOX 850 EIv $50.00•AGLE COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE $25.00 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NO. NAME OF 'OWNER: ADDRESS R/ NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS : . S )/ /"y 67 e _PHONE'' ej fy DESIGN ENGINEER F R SEPTIC SYSTENI: C' ('` �C PHONE_, ADDRESS:. LICENSED INSTALLER: Ci1P f �)L)iA20LAX PHONE ADDRESS: GA_ ':_�', CL } 0° d , IS PF'RMTT FOR (x? Nee: Ir?stallati on ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County ea Lot Si City or Town, if within City or Town Limits LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WASTES TYPE:_ (.X) Dwelling ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Other IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR.2.000 GALLONS PER DAY OR LESS? BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE--, �����`umber of Persons umber of Bedrooms 3 Garbage Grinder O Automatic Washer (X Dishwasher SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Stream or Creek Give depth.of all wells within 180 feet of system: , If suppliesby Community water, give name of supplier: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: Depth to Bedrock �y��'_i*,Aj(Depth to Groundwater Table: SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Hole No, l Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE T)TSPnSAT. SYSTEM PR(1Pf1gp.n O Septic Tank ( ) Aeration Plant Composting Toilet Incineration Toilet ).Other IMPORTANT! ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Recycling, Potable Use (- ) Recycling, Other Use APPOINTMENT FOR FINAL INSPECTION MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO COVERING BY CONTACTING THE INSPECTING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER. REFER TO PERMIT NUMBER NO APPROVAL WILL BE GIVEN ON ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION. TOLL -FREE NUMBERS 328-7311, Ext. 949-5257, Ext. 927-3823, Ext. 238 (Eagle Area) 238 (Vail Area) 238 (Basalt Area) 0 p �PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50 APPLICATION NO. , OWNER: 1-112 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: DATE OF TEST:�/ TEST HOLES PRESOAKED: YES ✓ NO ez-?u All # OF BEDROOMS: TYPE OF SOIL:ILG�,� C� a TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 as J /6 8 c23& l /'I `/L /� �Z / v /O 3 -7 a; 3h /5% 123/v — � . d � z 3 /lo g xq a;5 ;5r3 /438 // o a:S� 6` ./rvs 2 (, %Y j �� �o �zo g w 0 2 ge' 03 Ila Y 3f_2 tl3l* -3' 1) A0341 PERCOLATION RATE: © / ,P - TANK SIZE: ® O SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: c7� LEACH FIELD SIZE: Site has been reviewed and tested for percolation rate. We recommend: APPROVAL l0 DISAPPROVAL DATE: E _.. COUNTY N RONMENTAL HEALTH OFF R t EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ROUT FORM Ile- NA14E DATE REFERREDIle- 171 LO VON Please review the attached application and return it to the Environmental Health Office. P ING� ^ --- I - - - - - — Comments: BUILDING _ Set Back Site Access Other Recommen Comments: ,_ENGINEER: (not always necessary) Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval Comments: APPLICATION NO. G Gam. and tY�is completed form us i-y L2.- mi w or Basalt -on top 96 Tax#2465-022-05-001 JOB NAME _ of hill bad, - HwIIIy 82, McKelvey Sub. MCKELVEY ��1353 Ax $a 19353 Hyw 82 E1 Jebel, CO MIME • _ •� ICI � � � JOB LOCATION • '1 DATE STARTED • • - • DATE BILLED Eli ; zR,_L I MwE IN1111, m/.ap, W10IM/21=1117 FRIANW5M 141, Wwwazda • it if ��; —EIN L a Y ` PII JOB COST SUMMARY _ TOTAL SELLING PRICE i • 0®�Po OAF 1 RAN TOTAL_.- MEN$ I V�M Mn �J� FIE / • WM_ 01; IfA E U F91 ffItlrA.Millill 61111 • TOTAL •LESS UE, if IMA Vff, 170, VON I F GROSS PROFIT -ME,% OVERHEAD •• COSTS -NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 Q® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE INC., GROTON, MA '47471 JOB FOLDER J fZ & j.� , ( r" PERMIT #379 hs OWNER: Gene Grange LOCATION: 2 miles west of Basalt - on top of hill behind 1649 Highway 82 INSTALLER: Rene Duroux SIZE OF TANK: 1,250 gallons DWELLING: residential - 3 bedrooms x 275 sq.ft. PERC RATE: one inch/40 minutes (825 sq.ft.) 1,000 sq.ft. leach field Finalized: 7-24-79 By: Erik Edeen Printed in U.S.A. e Ss� �v �si ova. E.-yceim P�,� o vti rA7pmrc ek o-�'o-na f v`. -rro- s 3 8 o-v A H 6, G l e_ ccuti. ) C co i o7 acAv L. INES /N SPACE SYDNEY L/NC/COME (L.S. /4///) 60X 121- CARBONDALE COLORADO 81623 303- 963-385