HomeMy WebLinkAbout1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Rd - 185517300073Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 Permit Permit No. OWTS-019341-2020 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Work Classification: New Permit Status: Active Issue Date: 8/18/2020 Expires: 5/24/2021 On-Site Wastewater Treatement System Project Address Parcel Number 1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH RD, WOLCOTT AREA,185517300073 Owner Information Address 1 Horse Mountain Ranch Road Llc PO Box 6376 Vail, CO 81658 Phone: Cell: Email: Inspections: For Inspections Call: (970) 328-8755 and call the Design Engineer Engineer Phone Email High Country Engineering, Tom Scott (970) 945-2555 TJS@HCENG.COM Contractor License Number Phone Email SRE casey@srebuilds.com(970) 376-5568 Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted in the High Country Engineering, Inc design dated May 1, 2020, revised, stamped, and signed November 10, 2020 by TJ Scott, PE. The system is designed to serve a two bedroom single family residence. The OWTS consists of a 1,000 gallon two-compartment Valley Precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet tee, followed by an eight-hole distribution box equipped with flow equalizers, set level atop compacted gravel and made accessible at grade. The distribution box will distribute effluent evenly to five shallow trenches of equal length, each with seven Infiltrator Quick4 Plus Standard Chambers, for a total of 35 chambers equivalent to 420 square feet of soil treatment area (STA).Install inspection ports on both ends of each trench, maintain all setbacks and elevations as shown on design. Note: Do not install OWTS components in wet or frozen ground. Contact Eagle County Environmental Health and the design engineer well in advance of requesting inspections prior to backfilling any component of the OWTS. The design engineer is responsible for conducting all inspections necessary to certify the installation and assure the functionality of the system. System certification, along with photos and a record drawing is required to be submitted to and approved by, Eagle County Environmental Health prior to the use of the system or occupancy of the dwelling. THIS PERIMT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Claire Lewandowski Date August 18, 2020 CONDITIONS 1. 2.ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN CR.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3.THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR PERFORMING WORK ON OWTS ASSOCIATED WITH STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH, ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4.1.6(A)(1) EAGLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM REGULATIONS REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED Tuesday, January 12, 2021 1 EAGLE COUNTY Environmental Health (970) 328-8755 Pa Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle. CO 81631 www.ea lecount .us APPLICATION FOR ON. -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWT4 INCQMPLETE APPLICAT IQNS MAY NOT BE ACC EpTED (PE Design MUST 8E INCLl1DED) ERM Fee Schedule: New or Major Repairs $800,.00 Alteration or inor Repair 40 .00 Fee includes the design review, permitting, inspection and maintenance of OWTS recordsMake all checks payable to: Eagle County Environmental Health Property Owner.- uwner Mailing Address: Professional Engineer: I 'I /1'�. A ,Q Phone: 9. 7 0 Ea i f *As of 46/27114, all ❑WTS;�563 agfe County require design by a RegisteredP.E. Applicant/Contact: Q'0 1'r r:� v . If 1.0 Licensed Contractor: Contractor License #: OVqTS Permit Application is for: /f New Installation Alteration Tax Pare! Number: �2 � '1(.W Assessors Link: www, lec _ut)r,uslp�t��/ Physical Address: Legal Description: one: Email: '�70 .-3 /- 1�e7 70 0I e-W 9 7d" S3"zr°S,�' Phone: ') -371)­ --ssxsr Ennail,C6�:t AK gu-u� Major Repair !±&UAI�Cc ; Building Type. Residential/ Single Family Residential 1 Multi Family Commercial 1 Industrial Tvf)eof Ator C;H I \6 size+ Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: Type of Use: v v y• � rr IVdLeIVVelI Spring It Public, Name of MuniQfmlity, Applicant Signature: Minor Repair Surface Public Date. } I -A Office Use only: OWTS Permit #: Suiiding Permit #: Amount Paid: Receipt #: Check#: Date: 500 Broadway, P.O. Box 779, Eagle, Colorado 81631 CG INVOICE (00076023) FOR EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT BILLING CONTACT 1 Horse Mountain Ranch Road Llc PO Box 6376 Vail, CO 81658 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE DUE DATE INVOICE STATUS INVOICE DESCRIPTION 00076023 10/02/2020 10/02/2020 NONEDue PERMIT NUMBER FEE NAME TOTAL OWTS-019341-2020 OWTS New Permit Fee $800.00 $800.00 SUB TOTAL1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Rd Wolcott Area, CO Owner: 1 Horse Mountain Ranch Road Llc TOTAL $800.00 REMITTANCE INFORMATION Eagle County P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Please include Invoice Number on check. TOTAL DUE: $800.00 Page 1 of 1October 02, 2020 www.eaglecounty.us (970) 328-8730 P.O. Box 179, 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us> Fwd: 1397 Horse Mtn. Ranch Rd - Septic Inspection - Letter & photos - 8/19/22 3 messages Rachel McKeefer <rachel.mckeefer@gmail.com>Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 2:12 PM To: claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us Cc: Sarah Wyscarver <sarah@srebuilds.com>, tjs@hceng.com, Mitch McKeefer <mitch.mckeefer@gmail.com> Claire, My husband, Mitch McKeefer, was in contact with you on August 10th about 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch. You let him know that the septic system was permitted but not finaled and you were waiting on reports of inspection, record drawing, photos, and final certification by the design engineer, High Country Engineering. I have the email from High Country attached below, as well as Tom Scott is copied on this email. The current building permit is under SRE and I have Sarah Wyscarver on this email as well. Please let us know if you need anything additional. Best, Rachel Rachel Sibley McKeefer Director of Operations | Lodge at Vail Condominiums & Lodge Apartment Condominium Association | www.lodgeatvailcondos.com Associate Broker | Viola Realty, Lodge Real Estate | www.vailviolarealty.com C 970.390.3105 | O 970.754.7853 176 E Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Tom Scott <tjs@hceng.com> Date: Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 5:52 PM Subject: 1397 Horse Mtn. Ranch Rd - Septic Inspection - Letter & photos - 8/19/22 To: sarah@srebuilds.com <sarah@srebuilds.com> Cc: rachel.mckeefer@gmail.com <rachel.mckeefer@gmail.com> Sarah: As requested, attached is the septic inspection letter and associated photographs for 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Road. Also, please send us the record drawing of the system, for our records. Thank you, Tom Scott High Countr y Engineering, Inc. 1517 Blake Avenue, Suite 101 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970.945.8676 Office Fax: 970.945.2555 1397 Horse Mtn. Ranch Rd - Septic Inspection.pdf 1086K Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us>Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 10:29 AM To: Rachel McKeefer <rachel.mckeefer@gmail.com> Cc: Sarah Wyscarver <sarah@srebuilds.com>, tjs@hceng.com, Mitch McKeefer <mitch.mckeefer@gmail.com> Received. Thank you! I will review and get back to you with any questions or a letter of approval. Claire Lewandowski, REHS Environmental Health Specialist III she | her | hers 970-328-8755 (office) 970-328-8747 (direct) environment@eaglecounty.us www.eaglecounty.us “To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well.” ― Isaac Asimov [Quoted text hidden] Claire Lewandowski <claire.lewandowski@eaglecounty.us>Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 10:37 AM To: Rachel McKeefer <rachel.mckeefer@gmail.com> Cc: Sarah Wyscarver <sarah@srebuilds.com>, tjs@hceng.com, Mitch McKeefer <mitch.mckeefer@gmail.com> The final certification is missing two things, a record drawing, and confirmation of the OWTS installer that completed the installation. Thank you [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] CIVIL ENGINEERING M Employee. me d Cognpany SRE Building Associates Attn: Sarah Wyscarver PO Box 6376 Vail, CO 81658 RE: On Site Waste Water Treatment System Inspection 1 Horse Mountain Ranch Road LLC 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Road Lot WC 45, Waterford Ranches Permit: O W TS-0193 41-2020 Parcel Number: 185517300073 Dear Ms. Wyscarver: LAND SURVEYING August 19, 2022 HCE Project: 2191043.00 High Country Engineering, Inc. performed field inspection of the On Site Waste Water. Treatment System (OWTS) on November 14, 2021 During the installation we observed the presence of: the clean out riser and cap neaz• the house foundation, influent pipes, septic tank, inlet tee, effluent filter, effluent pipe, distribution box, distribution pipes, and chambers. Most observation ports had not been installed at the time of inspection, and back filling above the system had not been started. As noted on the permit, an additional test pit was conducted down -gradient and adjacent to the Soil Treatment Area (STA) to confirm soils tests in test pits 1 and 2. Photographs of the system taken on November 14, 2021 are attached. Please provide an As Built map of the completed On Site Waste Water Treatment System to the Eagle County Environmental Health Department. Please contact us if we can be of flnther service. Tom�ott, PE Project Manager cc: Rachel McKeefer 1517 Blake Avenge, Suite 101 Clemvood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone (970) 945-8675 Fas(970)945-2555 On Site Waste Water Treatment System Inspection 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Road use foundation n septic tank beyond ZJ K� Id ; 22 1 x 1 VI R i v �F�,. + ... k �fi r 9 . LF �r • On Site Waste Water Treatment System Inspection 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Road Photograph 11: Effluent distribution pipe Correct number of soil treatment area (STA) chambers One (1) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) observation port riser, cap not installed MEMBER UTILITIES.FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUNDBEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATELakewood, Co 80215CALL 2-BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE12600 W. Colfax Ave., Suite B-310Administrative Office 303-232-1991UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Center of ColoradoUtility Notification “” BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC.PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555www.hceng.comdrawn by:checked by:date:file:1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601UNCC CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-922-1987 Utility Notification Center of Colorado 2191043.00 SP - 01 C21 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLCEAGLE COUNTY, CO1397 HORSE MOUNTAN RANCH ROADLOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHESSITE PLANHCETJSMAY, 2020SP - 01 BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00PP - 01C31 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES DRIVEWAY PLAN AND PROFILE HCE TJS MAY, 2020 PP - 01 ORFREVIEW BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC.PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555www.hceng.comdrawn by:checked by:date:file:1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601UNCC CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-922-1987 Utility Notification Center of Colorado 2191043.00 GR - 01 C41 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLCEAGLE COUNTY, CO1397 HORSE MOUNTAN RANCH ROADLOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES GRADING, EROSION, SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANHCETJSMAY, 2020GR - 01 BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 RUNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00OWTS - 01C 51 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES ONSITE WASTEWATER TREAMENT SYSTEM PLAN HCE TJS MAY, 2020 OWTS - 01 BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00DT - 01C61 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES STANDARD DETAILS HCE TJS MAY, 2020 DT - 01 MEMBER UTILITIES.FOR THE MARKING OF UNDERGROUNDBEFORE YOU DIG, GRADE, OR EXCAVATELakewood, Co 80215CALL 2-BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE12600 W. Colfax Ave., Suite B-310Administrative Office 303-232-1991UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Center of ColoradoUtility Notification ‘’‘’ BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC.PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555www.hceng.comdrawn by:checked by:date:file:1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601UNCC CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-922-1987 Utility Notification Center of Colorado 2191043.00 SP - 01 C21 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLCEAGLE COUNTY, CO1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROADLOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHESSITE PLANHCETJSOCT, 2020SP - 011 8/17/20COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTS HCE28/27/20COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTSHCE BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00PP - 01C31 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES DRIVEWAY PLAN AND PROFILE HCE TJS MAY, 2020 PP - 01 1 8/17/20 COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTS HCE 2 8/27/20 COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTS HCEORFREVIEW BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC.PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555www.hceng.comdrawn by:checked by:date:file:1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601UNCC CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-922-1987 Utility Notification Center of Colorado 2191043.00 GR - 01 C41 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLCEAGLE COUNTY, CO1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROADLOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES GRADING, EROSION, SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANHCETJSMAY, 2020GR - 011 8/17/20 COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTS HCE28/27/20COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTSHCE311/9/20COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTSHCE BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 RUNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00OWTS - 01C 51 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES ONSITE WASTEWATER TREAMENT SYSTEM PLAN HCE TJS MAY, 2020 OWTS - 01 1 8/17/20 COUNTY REVIEW COMMENTS HCE BYNO.DATEPROJECT NO.REVISIONHIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. PHONE (970) 945-8676 - FAX (970) 945-2555 www.hceng.com drawn by: checked by: date: file: 1517 BLAKE AVENUE, STE 101, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 UNCCCALL BEFOREYOU DIG1-800-922-1987Utility NotificationCenter of Colorado2191043.00DT - 01C61 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD, LLC EAGLE COUNTY, CO 1397 HORSE MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD LOT WC 45, WATERFORD RANCHES STANDARD DETAILS HCE TJS MAY, 2020 DT - 01 Email * aaseptic.co@gmail.com Pumping Report Inspection Report MM / DD / YYYY Systems Cleaner Company Information A&A Septic LLC 970-557-4257 aaseptic.co@gmail.com Kevin Meskill 1397 Horse Mountain Ranch Rd. MM / DD / YYYY None Unknown Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Pumping & Inspection Report Reports should be submitted within: 10 days for observations or ndings of failing systems 10 days for recommended repairs and malfunctions 30 days for systems functioning as intended This report is for the services conducted: (check all that apply) Date of Service 05 27 2023 Name Phone Email Person Requesting the Service (name and contact): Address of Property Serviced Date of Service 05 27 2023 Sewage Disposal Site Property Owner Name Yes No Yes No Tank 1 1000 Concrete Polyethylene Fiberglass Other: Yes No Yes No Yes No Property Owner Phone Property Owner Email OWTS Permit Number Was the tank pumped? Was the tank inspected?* Tank Size (gallons) Tank material Is the tank in good condition such that the tank functions are not compromised? Are tees or baffles in good condition? Is the top of tank or risers to grade? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No This system is part of an unfinished build. It is not currently in use. Are risers in good condition such that their function is not compromised? Is the lid (riser or manhole) in good condition? Does the lid have secure closing mechanism to prevent easy access? Was tank water level above the outlet invert? Was tank water level below the outlet invert? Does the tank have an effluent filter? If yes, is the filter accessible for cleaning? If yes, is the filter clean and in good condition? Comments: Yes No Tank 2 Concrete Polyethylene Fiberglass Other: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Is there a second tank?* Tank Size (gallons) Tank material Is the tank in good condition such that the tank functions are not compromised? Are tees or baffles in good condition? Is the top of tank or risers to grade? Are risers in good condition such that their function is not compromised? Is the lid (riser or manhole) in good condition? Does the lid have secure closing mechanism to prevent easy access? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Dosing Systems, Pressure Dosed Systems Higher Level Treatment Was tank water level above the outlet invert? Was tank water level below the outlet invert? Does the tank have an effluent filter? If yes, is the filter accessible for cleaning? If yes, is the filter clean and in good condition? Comments: Does the system contain a dosing pump, siphon, control panel, and/or secondary treatment unit?* Was an inspection completed for any of these components? (dosing pump, siphon, valves, control panel, and/or secondary treatment unit)* Dosing Pump Floats Siphon Distribution zone valves Automatic distribution valve (ADV) Flushing Valves Audible Visual alarm Control Panel Advanced Treatment Unit Yes No Other: Yes No MM / DD / YYYY Yes No Soil Treatment Area, Absorption Area, Leach Field Yes No Yes No The system has (check all that apply) Are these components operating properly? Comments: Is there a current operation and maintenance (O&M) contract? If yes, when is it valid through? Was an inspection conducted for the soil treatment area?* Was the soil treatment area covered with snow? Are there odors? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No Are there wet areas on ground surface? Is irrigated landscaping planted over the soil treatment area? Is vegetative cover adequate to protect area from erosion? Is the vegetative cover excessive? Are driveways, animal corrals, patios, or other features constructed over the area? If the property is vacant,  were the lines hydraulically loaded? Are there observation ports? If yes, is there standing effluent in the observation ports? Is there a distribution box? Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No Building Sewer Yes No Yes No Yes No General Questions and Comments Yes No If yes, is the distribution box accessible to grade? If yes, is the distribution box in good condition and outlets level? Comments: Was an inspection of the building sewer line conducted?* Is there a cleanout on the building sewer from the house to the septic tank? Is there any evidence of damage, plugging or settlement of the building sewer from house to first septic tank? Is there any evidence of damage, plugging or settlement of the building sewer from the septic tank to the soil treatment area? Comments: Is the property vacant? Never occupied Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Other:One lid should be replaced. Yes No Other: Yes No If vacant, how long? Is the property served by a well? Is there a record drawing (as-built or diagram)? (If no or unsure, please provide a sketch to environment@eaglecounty.us) Does the system meet all required setbacks in Regulation 43? Comments: In my opinion, at the time of the inspection, the OWTS has deficiencies that require repairs. In my opinion, at the time of the inspection, the OWTS is functioning adequately. Were any non-permitted repairs completed? Please List All Completed Non-Permitted Repairs Below: Yes No This form was created inside of Eagle County Government. Was the rest of the system inspected?*  Forms