HomeMy WebLinkAbout395 Valley Rd - 246503208001 - 161196ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone:328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1611 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. REPAIR TO EXISTING SYSTEM OWNER: James and Adair Walsh PHONE: (970) 963-1 188 MAILINGADDRESS:0395 Valley Rd. , city: Carbondale State: CO Zip: 81623 APPLICANT: same PHONE:W (970) 920-1000 SYSTEM LOCATION: 0395 Valley Rd . , Carbondale TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2465-032-00-003 LICENSED INSTALLER: Zmora Excavating, Joe Zamora LICENSE NO: 5-96 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: E.O. Church, Inc., Ed Church INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 12 5 n GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 556 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. via 20 infiltrators as per design SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install a8 =er engineer'-, deGign_aated 7-30-91, fin include the revisions found in the latter dated 9-19-96- Also, fence off the leach field to restrict griming of live- atnck in the area T)n not barb fill with rpckks larger than 8" in diem tar Engineer_ r rp- ponsible for final inspection. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: August I'll, 1996 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25. 10- 104. 1973. AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 556 SQUAREFEET. via 20 infiltrator units INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1250 GALLON DEGREES FEETFROM see site plan for details SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY X YES _ NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REQUIREMENTS: X YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: Engineer certification received 12-9-96 Eagle County recommends against any surface activity over leachfields. Engineer has submitted letter indicating reasons for not fencin2 off leachfield. / ��� DATE:.Tannary 1 7, 1 997 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: ��Tf'l�� ti ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # site plan RUST be attached) r.I%4 ISDS Permit 0rllP APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL $MGM aYBPOSAL BYS`1'EM P1 t];T ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE -- EAGLE CotMy F• 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 28r �**a/*27 �8*3*(El J+k�Mei42) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE �150.00 ** * PERCOLATION�TEST PEE $200.00 � MANE 'ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE To.-' "EAGLE CO ONTY TREASUI+tER'r ,�www,�,�***yaw**�r�*,�*w*war*+traww*,�w,t*****�r*w�e�e*,��r�r�r,�,�•w*,��r***,�www�►*,a*r�t,�w*w��r�ww MAILING :. ADDRESS: PHONE: APPLICANT/CONTACT PEiRSON- r�kxLING ADDRESS: LICENSED xSDS CONTRA R: COMPANY / oBA : ti < - -f`.�_ �,r .1 1 % 2 pt&70NE : F0 -43 �� ADDRESS ......�*v4�r;kirw*wi�w,�•��rw•w�4��rw��o�k,r*wi��k*+�w�e��w*wow*�www*iew�a�r�ki���r�drse*+tw*�k�Y�r�rir*wk��•�k*fir#fir PERMIT.. APPLICATION.. xS ,. FOR: New AA' www*w***a Repair w ..�c:.��y?il. •:�7+Yi.iIIPS is e+liFS+N9wi .... . t�F'' RCIPO$ LS°"I�#DIv 1 UA-LSEWAGE 'DISPOSAL sYSI°El4: 4 BUi1ding' 'P'ermjt # (if known) Legal Description: subidivLojon: ACT- Set- .o 7$5,e ; g 76 Tax Paircel Number: . Lot Size: Street Address: VOPIZ LLY (Pf !',rrr0 ,l v% ^ I --- -r . BUILAING-TYPE: (Check applicable category) P} Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential,/Multi-FaMilyw ( ) Commcrcial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check appYicable category) DQ Well. ( ) Sprigs i J Public Name of Suppller:) surfaoe *These systems SIGNATURE: *ww*mow***•�� TO BE CoMPn AMOUNT PAID Number Of Bedrooms Number of Bedrooms Type "----- aqui a 'gn by a Registered Professional Errginear 14 Date: �w* ,� s�,�**�w�•�-�w�r�r•�ww*ww�*•�**+k�r•t� *M,k�kw�r�,t�r(�rw���w,���. �+to (•CHECK 0: CASHIER: WA lta At /k.6T"t Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO January 17, 1997 James and Adair Walsh 0395 Valley Rd. Carbondale, CO 81623 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1611-96, Tax Parcel #2465-032-00-003. Property location: 0395 Valley Rd., Carbondale, CO. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Walsh: Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970)328-8730 Fax:(970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: August 13, 1996 TO: Zamora Excavating l Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1611-96. Tax Parcel # 2465-032-00-003. Property Location: 0395 Valley Rd., Carbondale, CO., Walsh residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1611-96. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files E. O. Church, Engineers & Geologists, Ed Church, R.P.E. E.O. CHURCH, INC. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS December 9, 1996 James Walsh 0395 Valley Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Subject: installation Observation - OWS 'tract 39, Section 3, '18S, R87W, 6TH Y.M. 0395 Val!ey Road Eagle County, CJolvrado Job No. 76di Dear Mr. Walsh, This ietter is to address an -n cne Lagie County 161JS ermlL -for the lo-c. The OWS Was designed oy our office in a ieLLer of Auaust 1� , 1996. The permit requlrc--_a iifenca of= _ine _each rleia co resLriCc Jf Scocx in -.he area. lnac recc",-LlmenaaL on Was noc regulyed 1n cur design. Aicigouan a reasonable r^;auiremenc, We ao _ Oc oeileVe _c _S essential =or chis s1ce for zwo reasons: I. the existing fenced area is relative i v iarqe , 0.5 acre, ai_a 2'. cite native soil aL `Ile Size =: a coarse granuiar maLeriai. 3ecause of zne reiazlveiv iarue area of the pasture; we ao noz oelieve zne iaacil fleid area. Wili be aamagea. Tne rleia, Lencn eS, are iocatea in zne center or zne pasture ana Wlil not be excessiveiy used as are the edges along the rence. Seconal`J: the soil is granuiar, which is i,oc as suscepzi-oie co compaction as ciaV and slit sells. We beileve one fieia as insLailed wili runcr-ton aaequazeiy WlchcuL fencing or the ieacn field area. if here are an call . ®4}^0®••••s®: � XNA o 6 1317 �o , or if we can be or further service, please tts Edward 0. Lh N�9� 2 copies sent xc: Eagle County Environmental rieaith, ATTN: Heather Y.U. BOX 179 Eagle, CO 81631-7185 xc: Robert Nelson, P.O. BOX 6961, 5nowmass Village, CO 816i5 925 East 17th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80218-1407 P.O. Box 2869 • Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 832-9692 FAX (303) 832-3517 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 • E.O. CHURCH, INC. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS July 30, 1996 James Walsh 0395 Valley Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Subject: OWS Renair Design - Walsh 0395 Valley Road Tract 39, Section 3, T8S, Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 7641 Dear Mr. Walsh, Property R87W, 6TH P.M. As requested, we visited the site and preuared an Onsite Wastewater System (OWS) design for the home. Subsurface conditions were investi- gated by Nelson Environmental & Wastewater Solutions. Ltd. SITE CONDITIONS - The home is a 3 bedroom residence on a <1"-_acre 'act as presented on Fig. 1. The home is located in an area where OWS and wells are used. There is sewer service in the area, but the property is not located in a district, and the Mid-Vallev Sanitation District decided not to include the property in the district. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION - A 2000 sauare foot (SF) three bedroom home exists as indicated on Fig. 1. There is plumbing in the basement which resulted in a deer tank and seenaae nit. The seen_aa_e pit is failing with sewage backing into the basement. The sewage load for a 3 bedroom home is 450 gallons ner day (GPD) at 75 GPD per patron, assuming 2 people per bedroom. Eagle County re- quires a neakina factor of 1.5 which includes a garbage grinder and washing machines. The around surface slopes aently to the north. The proposed field is located in a corral area. The slope at the drain field is 2% to the north. T ere is a cover of native grasses. There are rounded boulders at the surface. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS - The site is located in a broad valley. The valley has alluvial origins. Subsurface conditions were exposed in a test pit at the proposed field and indicated 11 feet of gravelly_ and silty_ rou sand with cobbles and boulders. Gravel and cobbles to 12 inches in iameter were observed. No gnd water observed to a depth of 11 feet. Percolation tests were performed by Nelson indicate percolation rates ranging from 16 to 18 minutes per inch (MP1), with an average percolation rate >f17 MPI RECOMMENDATIONS - The results of our site visit indicates an OWS can be installed as presented on Fig. 1. The OWS design is based on a sewage load of 450 GPD and an average percolation rate of'17 MPI. The 925 East 17th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80218-1407 P.O. Box 2869 • Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 832-9692 FAX (303) 832-3517 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 s- 2 o OWS wil=1 rea_uire a 1/000 gallon two co 6artment se i_c_.tank and 556 SF of drain pump will be re ired to access a shallow field. We recommend upsiina the septic tank by 250 gallons and installing an Orenco screened�ault pump sv /, as indicated on Fia. 2. Based on a sewage load' a of 675 GPD, 843 gallons of septic tank capacity is required for 3 our retentio With the pump installed a minimum of 12 inches of of the base of the tank, the 843 gallons of capacity will be stored in a 1250 aallon tank. An alternative is a 1000 aallon two compartment tank and a separate 500 gallon lift station. With the use of Ichambersl0 a reduction of 40% in area is allowed which results in 334 SF of -trenches. Based on the variable and coarse materials, we recomme a is ina 2 feet of filter material below the dispersal laver/chambers. We understand the installer would like to be "cham- ber" units such as,-- Ifiltrat�r We recommend the overexcavated 2 feet below the planned bottom of Infiltrators with minus 3 inch onsite material. We recommend the installation of two trenches each a minimum �W of. 10..Infiltrators long, 63 feet in lenath. Distribution pipe s ould be "suspender,, orom e nnamber units fcr distribution throughout the trenches. The trenches should be constructed similar to the details U presented on Fig. 1. We do not recommend the reduction if a bed field configuration is selected. , If additional bedrooms are anticipated, w��recommend the OWS be sized for the number of bedrooms the house could be sold for. The owner must realize an OWS is different from a public sewer system. The owner must be aware of and assume responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. We recommend the septic tank be pumped at every 2years. There are daily considerations such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable materials down the system. Water use must be moni- tored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, it should be noted a running toilet will use in excess of 1,000 GPD if allowed to run. As the OWS is designed for 450 GPD, an excess 1000 gallon loading will flood and harm the trenches. We caution you against installation of a water softener. The hydraulic loading from the acwash of a water softener is detrimental to OWS and a separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste. LIMITATIONS - Our layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be called to observe the sub- surface conditions. If proposed construction is changed, we should be notified to evaluate the effect of the changes on the proposed system. If there are any E. O. CHURCH, Edward O. Church 'M :..... ?.D 0. 72 's 31- /1411 ease call. 2 copies sent cc: Eagle County Health Department, ATTN: cc: Nelson Environmental Solutions, Ltd. Ray Merry SCALE : 0395 • VALLEY ROAD . ~ 1 = 40 EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO 1 y- 1 i i i i TWO INFILTRATOR TRENCHES. �t�eti� y OVEREXCAVATED 2 HEET pC : AND REPLACE MINUS 3 INCH MATEERIAL EACH THE CH 'N too" fi Y�, Is DIVERTE VALVE ? C Jai T S + i 2 fNCH SCHEDI.L_ =0 PUC COMPARTMEN—`SEPTIC 1 TANK WITH SLaEENED JD VAULT IN 2 CHAMBE�-O� 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE b� = i i SITE PLAN AND LOCATION OF OWS JOB NO. 7641 FIG- I w 1250 GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK 6" DIAMETER PVC WITH ACCESS LID POWER LINE FROM DEDICATED CIRCU INLET FROM FIRST SEPTIC TANF' CAST -IN -PLACE BAFFLES ACCESS LID PUMP LINE TO DISTRIBUTION VALVES 7-1 --- UNION JOINT FOR QUICK DISCONNECT HCi WATER' LARM ON/OFF FLOAT EFFLUANT PUMP 1 . VAULT MINIMUM PUMP CAPACITY - 10 GPM AT A 25 FOOT HEAD 30 FLOATS SET TO PUMP APPROX. 100 GALLONS PER DOSE. EFFLL ENT LIFT STATION JOB NO. 7641 FIG. 2 EOC E.O. CHURCH, INC. — -ENGINEERS &-GEOL-OGISTS November 15, 1996 James Walsh 0395 Valley Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Subject: OWS Installation Observation Tract 39, Section 3, T8S, R87W, 6th P.M. Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 7641 Dear Mr. Walsh, Our representative Bob Nelson observed the installation of the repair OWS at the subject site. The purpose of our observation was to confirm the repair was installed in conformance with our repair design dated July 30, 1996 and an addendum dated August 12, 1996. Two trenches with a overflow cross -over were installed in the general conformance with the design. The trenches were over -excavated 2 feet and suitable filter material imported prior to placement of the graveless chambers. If there are �EG� �s please call. E . 0. CHURCH :u' 13172 ° cc s ea 4'y.e1s Edward O . Chu P O E k_ � 3 copies sent cc: Eagle County Health Department, ATTN: Heather 925 East 17th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80218-1407 P.O. Box 2869 • Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 832-9692 FAX (303) 832-3517 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 EOC E.O. CHURCH, INC. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS August 12, 1996 James Walsh 0395 Valley Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Subject: OWS Repair Design - Walsh Property, Addendum 0395 Valley Road Tract 39, Section 3, T8S, R87W, 6TH P.M. Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 7641 Dear Mr. Walsh, Per a telephone conversation with Ray Merry of the Eagle County Health Department, we are providing this addendum to our design of July 30, 1996. The addendum is to provide a 4 inch pipe cross -over at the far end of the two trenches. The 4 inch cross -over will be a solid PVC pipe installed similar to a serial overflew, except that at this site the two trenches are at the same elevation. The crossover will provide an overflow if the owner does not alternative the fields. The fields should be alternated twice a year, with one being used January to June and the other July through December. If there are Any q lease call. E . 0. CHURCH, I �•`�.0 0. coo y�°%�$ 1 31 72 ye Edward 0. Churc P.. E . SS/O AL 2 copies sent cc: Eagle County Health Department, ATTN: cc: Nelson Environmental Solutions, Ltd. Ray Merry by FAX 925 East 17th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80218-1407 (303) 832-9692 FAX (303) 832-3517 P.O. Box 2869 • Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 (303) 674-0660 FAX (303) 674-0813 I W-h--u r 10.J r. r11 -E{)C I E.O. CHURCH, INC- ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS L Auqust 12, 1996 James 'Walsh 0395 Valley Road Carbondale, Co 81621 Subject: OWS Repa_r Des;gn - wa?sh Property, Addendum 0395 valley Road Tract 39, Section 3, TSS, R87w, 6TH P.M. Eagle County, Colorado JCh No. 7641 Lear Mr. Walsh, Per a telephone conversation with Ray Merry of the Eagle Cotzrty Health department, we are providing this addendum to our desiq:: of July 30 1996. The addendum is tc"_, —rr'CVide a 4 inch pipe cross—ov8r 4t- far end of the .torn trenches. The 4 inch cross -ever *gill to a scild p�1C pMpe �� instaiied sim?lad to a serial overflew, except 1--hat at this site the twC trBr:Ches are at the saute e�evaticn. The crossover ,gill pr.v_de an overf11 yf }`'e owner does nct al*a_= ative the fiflids _ t 'The fields should wt e alternated trice a year, with one be" g used .taa..ry tc 7—ne and the other July through Decembez . \ Ja \ I �. a_ € there ra re any q lease call. E. o. CHURCH, I `;:�`�0.C'(E:fi c.� & �3172 ; Edward o. C::urc 4, •,�E. ��"/01VAL���.a 2 copies sent cc: Eagle County Health Depart=aent, ATTN: Ray berry by FAX CC,. Nelson Environmental Solutions, Ltd. P,o. Spx 2889 + Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2869 925 fast 17th Avenue - Denver, Colorado 80218.1407 ($03) 674-0660 FAX {303j 674-0813 way IvM 832.3517 TOTAL P.01 Mid Valley Metropolitan District 0031 Duroux Lane, Suite A • Basalt, CO 81621-9357 Phone: (970) 927-4077 • Fax (970) 927-1017 18 July 1996 Mr. Ray Merry Environmental Health Division Manager Eagle County Community Development PO Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 via fax (970) 328-7185, 1 R ,, sent Re: Walsh Residence at 0395 Valley Rd., Carbondale, CO Dear Mr. Merry: James Walsh, owner of the property located at 0395 Valley Rd., Carbondale, CO, attended Mid Valley's Board meeting on July 16, 1996, to discuss connecting his residence to the District's sewer system. Mr. Walsh's property is currently outside of the District's boundaries but the District's sewer line does run in front of his property. However, there was a concern the District's sewer line was too shallow on Mr. Walsh's side of the street for Mr. Walsh's waste to gravity flow into the line. The Board agreed that if Mr. Walsh could connect to the District's system on his side of the street, and if, his waste would gravity flow into the lines, then he would need to connect to the District's system. However, if the District's line was too shallow on his side of the street and he would have to connect on the other side of the street to be low enough to allow for gravity flow, then the Board would not require him to connect to the District system. The Board did not want Mr. Walsh to have to cut the road and obtain a road cut permit. Today, Bryan from Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc., the District's engineers, met with Mr. Walsh to determine if it was feasible for him to connect to the District's system on his side of the street. Bryan determined that the District's sewer line was too shallow on Mr. Walsh's side of the street for his waste to gravity flow into the system. Therefore, Mid Valley Metropolitan District is not requiring Mr. Walsh to connect to its system and Eagle County should proceed as necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Or you may contact the District's engineer, Louis Meyer, at (970) 945-1004. Best Regards, MID VALLEY METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ICE W`&a.,.,L -0- <o .v._ Kelly Administrator y �, cc: James Walsh Louis Meyer (via fax 945-5948) Nelson Environmental & Wastewater Solutions, Ltd E .W S July 24, 1996 Mr. Jame:, Walsh r. 0395 Vaiiey Road Carbondale, Colorado 81623 RE: A Parcel of Land in Tract 39, Section 3, Township 8 South, Range 87 West of the 6th P. M. and numbered as 0395 Valley Road, Eagle County, Colorado, Dear James and Adair, This company has conducted an inspection of the referenced property for the purpose of evaluating the possible replacement of the on -site wastewater disposal system serving the existing dwellings constructed in about 1970. It is reported that septic tank effluent was backing up from the seepage pit and it was clogged. While there are some central collection sewer lines in the area provided by the Mid -Valley Sanitation District, this particular property is not within the district boundaries, and the Sanitation District Board, at its meeting last week, decided it was not necessary to serve the property. As a result of these conditions and as requested, Nelson Environmental and Wastewater Solutions, Ltd., performed a soils study and percolation tests for a replacement septic system for the structure. We conducted this study in accordance with Section 4 of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulation. We have based our recommendations on the subsurface conditions encountered. We will furnish this letter to the Eagle County Environmental Health Department as soon as possible in order for you to obtain a permit to reconstruct this individual sewage system. Existing Construction and Building Site: The building was originally constructed in the late 1960's or early 1970's. The residential property is on a tract of approximately 1 acre. The existing residence is a single-family house with a total of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a finished basement. The living area of the residence is approximately 2000 square feet The site is a lot in the Summit Vista area of El Jebel. The topography is gently sloping toward Highway 82, to the Northwest at grades of less than 5%. The area of the proposed replacement absorption filed is_in--a-pasture-area toward--the-rearofthe. property -to the North. --water to the residence is supplied from a well drilled on the southeast side of the 60 feet away -from the house. The well is located a sufficient distance from obvious sources of contamination, such as the-. exi pptic,_ em locations and corrals — ---- -Walsh- Septic System -Investigation ---------- and Percolation Tests 0395 Valley Road July 24, 1996 Page 2 Existing On -site Wastewater Disposal System Eagle County was unable to locate a permit for the existing septic system by reviewing the County Environmental Health Department records. The current septic system, however, is reported to be a small 750 or 1000 gallon metal septic tank and a seepage pit of cinder block cone construction. Subsurface Conditions: A sail ` profile within the proposed absorption area was excavated to a depth of eleven feet. The excavation revealed that there was no groundwater apparent or bedrock present within the excavation. The soils consisted of about 6 inches of dark reddish gray sandy loam topsoil. The subsoil below that to a depth of thirty inches was a sandy loam grading to a very gravelly sand with numerous cobbles from two inches to eighteen inches in diameter to the bottom of the soil profile pit. The soil was calcareous below a depth of twenty inches. The subsurface soil conditions were evaluated with the standard percolation test procedures at the approximate location shown on Figure 1. Before the test, the sidewalls were scraped and gravel was placed in the test holes to prevent scouring when water was added. Percolation Testing: Percolation testing was performed in the proposed absorption bed area North of the residential building. This testing was performed in holes excavated by hand to a total depth of thirty inches. An initial filling of the percolation test holes was done by adding approximately 5 gallons of water to the hole in the morning of the day the percolation test was conducted. The percolation holes were then further pre-soaked by adding water to refill the test holes to a depth of fourteen inches several times for the eight hour period before beginning the percolation test. The results of the percolation testing are presented in Table I. These results indicate the sandy loam in this area has an average percolation rate of 17 minutes per inch, a satisfactory percolation rate under Eagle County criteria. However, it was noted that just below the depth of the test holes the subsoils become a quite course gravelly sand with numerous cobbles. This is considered, by regulations and State law, an unsuitable soil for use in conventional septic construction. Further, because of the depth of the basement plumbing, a _pump is required to lift and distribute septic tank effiuent inthe.- proposed absorption field area. Because this soil is not considered acceptable for a conventional infiltration design for the on -site sewage system and because a pump is required for use in the septic 2 Walsh Septic System Investigation and Percolation Tests 0395 Valley Road July 24, 1996 Page 3 system, we refer you to E. O. Church, Inc -,Consulting Engineers and Geologists to develop a s119, specific design to address these soil and site`conditions. Limitations: This report has been prepared according to generally accepted practices in this area for use for sewage disposal design purposes. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon data obtained from our site visits at the location indicated. There is some possibility that the nature and extent of variations in the subsurface soils across the site may not have been evident at the time of this investigation, and may need additional evaluation, if further excavation reveals conditions different from those described. This office should be advised of any unusual situations as soon as possible so that we may reevaluate our recommendations. We hope that this investigation is sufficient to letter or if we may provide additional assistance Sincerely, Robert F. Nelson, R.E.H.S. President 3 is regarding this and Geologists PERCOLAUON TEST RESULT FORM w 21 Hole Length Depth at Depth at Drop in Average Hole Depth of Interval Start of Interval End of Interval Water Level Percolation No. (in.) (Minutes) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Rate(Min./Inch) 1 30 10 4 7/8 4 1/8 3/4 10 41/8 31/2 5/8 ' 10 3 1/2 2 7/8 5/8 10 2 7/8 2 5/16 9/16 10 2 5/16 1 3/4 9/16 18 2 31 10 31/8 21/16 11/16 10 21/16 11/8 15/16 10 11/8 1/2 5/8 (refill) 10 61/2 6 1/2 10 6 5 3/8 5/8 10 5 3/8 4 3/4 5/8 16 3 29 10 4 3 7/16 9/16 10 3 7/16 2 15/16 1/2 10 2 15/16 2 5/16 5/8 10 2 5/16 1 11/16 5/8 10 1 11/16 1 1/8 9/16 18 James and Adair Walsh Property 0395 Valley Road Tract 39, Section 3, Township 8 South, Range 87 West of the 6th P.M. Date of Percolation Test: 07/23/96 �`l Nelson Environmental & Wastewater Solutions, Ltd! W Property Address: 0395 Valley Road S Legal Description: A Parcel of Land in Tract 39, Section 3. TBS, R87W Property fawner: Name: James and Adair Walsh Address:0395 Valley Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Phone: 963-1188 Contractor. Name: N/A Address: Phone: Saturation and Swelling o Smeared surfaces removed X Yes o Gravel Added X Yes No o Date and Time presoak water added 07/23/96 na 10:45 a.m. o Amount of presoak water added ±25 gallons per test hole o Water remaining in holes after initial presoak period? Hole 1: _Yes X No Hole 2: _Yes X No Hole 3 X Yes _ No Percolation Rate Measurement Hole 1: 18 minutes/inch Hole 2: 16 minuteslinch Hole 3: 18 minuteslinch AVERAG 17 minutes/inch Excavating Contractor: Name: ZamoraExcavatinu Address: P. O. Box 754 Carbondale, CO 81623 Phone: (970) 963-1399 Groundwater. o Not Encountered at 11 ft. o Estimated depth to high seasonal water if not encountered- 80 feet o Is area believed to be subject to seasonal fluctuations which could result in a seasonal water table? _ Yes X No Slope in absorption area <5% to the NW Bedrock o Not Encountered o Estimated depth if not encountered-100 feet o Type of bedrock: X Sandstone _Claystone Siltstone o Is bedrock believed to be permeable? Yes X No I certify that the above information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and that all tests were performed in accordance with the provisions of Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, Section 4.05.01 through 4.05.08. Gf%GL� Robert F. Nelson Ed Chuch, P.E. President E. O. Church, Inc. Engineers & Geologists .ption s Sett Page 2. 1 _ V- .Ale" iROo'cl Dperty described hereon does not lie within the .limits of a 100 Year 5 Boundary. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE: ry that this improvement Location Certificate was prepared for r Walsh that it is not .a land survey plat or improvement .. , .--- r, . t.I.- -. 4--1I;rk. m"* of fonro. build- 1-1 — f-1VICL JL.MunC P.2✓4 t � � s• �q 1 Sra.5-c, cap r AA t�u. � Tra►ct.1> Le -al Descriptions See Page 2. T 90 0 �k�..wellpp 94lsCY . '41 , lal �i, ii 0 �tie:I`r Naccs VOAIP.'� Rooa The real property described hereon does not lie within the limits of a 100 y0ar Plood Hazard Boundary, 1MPROVEMENIT LOCATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared for James and Adair Walsh , that it Is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, build- ing, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, 21 October. 1992 , except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except as indicated, and that thdre Is no annarent eviden a or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, x pt as no d. py-�_ yd y L ; C come P.L.S. 14111 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE aYr 1.IN S IN SPACE, 1- - 8YDNEY LINCICOME (L.S 14111) avn IZI GM ONDAL6 GOLO. 303-96 r .{ ►x JUIY IL 7b UtJ- JU'HI'1 P V I t-L JtNUMt 1 P.3/4 !� LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcal of land situated In Traet 39 of Section 3 Township a south, Range 07 west of the 6th-P.M. lying SouLheiTay. cif tho Northerly line of said Tract 39, being Via samo a3 the Northerly lima of Said Seat iOn 3, and Northerly of the Northerly line of a County Road ae constructed and in place, deacrWed as followa. / Ile -ginning at a point oxa the Northerly line of Traot 39, wltunce an iron post with a brass cap properly set and marked for Angle ,Point 13 of Tract 39 bears N U0 degrees 07FW 1055,39 feut; thence S 8B dg9rees 07' 9 120.27 feet along tile Northerly lino of caia `ec 39; thence 9 paint on the Northerly L'aicnce a 07 degrees p7'dl" E 3Gp.�6 feet ka a line of said road; thenoo 5 89 degrees 49 4411 W 120.05 feet along the Northerly line of said road; thenco N Ca degrees 0714111 W 365.27 felt to A point oil the Northerly line of laid Tract 39 The Point Of Beginning. COUNTY OIr &AGbk; STATE OF COLORADO M Pq �.f�'►�rV�flPl@bce w� e rr .!ill SPACOC SY NFr L INCICOME (L.514111) Sox 1Z1 CAR20NDALE, COLO. 303-963-3632 SCALE'.1"m e I i14®7A1�1 � � IIII�1 1�� 1 I I III 1111111�IIII II II II M1 11 I��� 1611-96 Tax# 2465-032-00-003 .JOB NAME . 0395 Valley Rd. WALSH Carbondale, CO REPAIR PERMIT JOB NO. a I nf`AT1n PI - a-ItL -� - — F BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED Z/ l v U( G tC ,li a_4L G /J 61 fiv(d C,IdIj-k" i ivw�� G6vh �Yj �, 6-KA l �r'� �L. -h Noi C o U-z5j- ic GL" �t wl � . l('f2Fii� has .SG(��%1'Li titG /elm r,,ldlrcah,-I� r t317" 6r JOB FOLDER Product 278 ®p NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER