HomeMy WebLinkAbout2377 Upper Cattle Creek Rd - 956IS - 156796ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ' P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 956 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Boone & Janel l e Caudill PHONE: 925-4969 MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 8111, Aspen, CO 81612 AGENT: PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: Lot 4, Los Pi hones Estates Subdivision LICENSED INSTALLER: Engineer Design. F. Patrick Dobia PE Engineer LICENSE NO. DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: -same- INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: 1350 SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Engineer design for 1350 sq. ft. of absorption bed .total, 1000 gal tank. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER "` - DATE: r A A CONDITIONS: 71 1. ALL INSTALLATI NS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIR OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY ANTED IN 25.10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO S RUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION 111, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED' PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: / JJ SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: IS-6 GALLONS /S0 DEGREES a25) FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS ANDASSEMBLY _k YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTYISTATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: �y YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. 4 COMMENTS: � r'. "A aC :i !7-Pi ,teI ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECE RY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANTIAGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK #: CASHIER: APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT i ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY No. 601(0 P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823 Basalt PERMIT APPLICATION FEE S150.00- PERCOLATION TEST FEE $12`500 NAME OF OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: 1ap)(_ PSLl L A{3j:'�;JV C.CX-,d RU42PHONE : NAME OF APPLICANT (If different from owner): i5Z ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): ADDRESS: PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: Vomr�i��.` LICENSED INSTALLER: ( ) YES (X) NO ADDRESS: 53' jl j ,t-Y1,�•� g1(o / Z_ PHONE: ( 9ZS'—W6 7 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: Parcel Number: Lot Size: jA Legal Description: j �, f 5f _ L cis T->irvcnes BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check applicable category): Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (Type) ( ). Residential - Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: 12NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: WASTE TYPES Check applicable categories): Commercial or Institutional (< Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use (<) Garbage Disposal .(x) Dishwasher (- Automatic Washer ( ) Spa Tub ( ) Other (Snecifv)• > - . :3NOHd '3NOHd :31VG SS3bGOV 1NV3 I -1 d dV - :SS3KG V :W3ISAS 10 213NMO 0 PERCOLATION TEST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $125.00 ISDS APPLICATION NO OWNER: i;f 71f LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 74US"�`�S��� RURAL ADDRESS:vE�6�, TYPE OF DWELLING: /`^ -/ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: Obi/ 672-'S '7' q 6 DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: Imo—� TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO -7-12C OL &G t J PZ!`C S' % h0 )j25 �( D �_ a- -,�%�ocKs t� �Grdu�1 61YAJe—,� /I Y(v cy — IF 7 2,44E- — � Z "" 1/S. _C-0 "" ROUTE FORM EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE Cl; LJIDt l ,L Name y (� Date Routed Application No. Location Please review the attached Individ plication and return it with this completed form F16" t PLANNING: Complies with - _ DATE Subdivision Regulatio"`���`9�`� C��2 Zoning Regul ati o J Recommend Approv 1 z Z g COMMENTS: BUIL^ING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied I Buildina Permit Issucu: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENGINEER: Complies with - COMMENTS: YES NO Roads: � I Grad Drai r� T v Recommend Apprc'`.: -� PAT S>8 -? 2 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Complies with - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ,cad =�{ r fib C" -7--3f 1 YES dz, Nn REVIEWED BY RFVTFIJFn RY 01 DATE DATE nATF BOONE CAUdIIUCONTRACTOR P.O. BOX 8 1 11 ASPEN, ColoRAdo 81612 (303) 925,7213 January 28, 1990 Ray Merry, Environmental Health Eagle County Building Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Ray, RECEIVED EAGLE COUNTY r f. NI Enclosed you will find a slide of the septic tank installed at the Caudill residence, 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road, Building Permit # 4028. The 1250 gallon tank was installed 26 feet from the house as specified in the original drawings. All phases of installation were completed according to code. Riser rings were installed on access covers to bring them up to within 6 inches of final grade. Yours tru y, It Boone Cau ill MW August 2, 1989 Boone & Janelle Caudill Box 8111 Aspen, CO 81612 EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 Re: Individual Sewage Disposal System -- Lot 4, Los Pinones Estates Subdivision Please be advised that the Individual Sewage.Disposal System for this lot must be designed by.a registered Professional Engineer. Please make arrangement for a site review and design by a registered professional engineer. Upon receipt of an engineer design system for this lot, a permit can be issued. No'further building permits can be issued until an individual sewage disposal permit is approved. If you have any questions, please call or write. Sincerely, 5�* Fox C Acting Director Community Development xc: G Best SF/tt Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O.Box 179 INSPECTION REQUEST C�� ' Phone: 328.7311 ` t� �`/� BUILDINGPERMITNO. DATE: JOB 9s! Y NAME:.. -- TIME ` fi ` /U AMi CALLER: ✓ x ` RECEIVED: /' _ / Q PM !i Post-it"routing request pad 7664 ROUTING - REQUEST Please ❑ READ To `✓� �- HANDLE � APPROVE J ION:-;- i ✓� and L , r- r FORWARD ❑ L� ❑ THURSDAY '� j j}FRLDAY " RETURN � ❑ KEEP OR DISCARD �` <_ REVIEW WITH ME Date From M ❑ PM EAGLE COUNTY BUILDINGSIGN INSPECTION QUEST _�7�. 95711--2 P. O. Boxx179 179 Phone: 328-7311 BUILDING PERMIT NO. DATE: JOB NAME: TIME /1 M iCALLER: � �® RECEIVED: _ �'1 I Ready for Inspection: ❑ MONDAY ❑ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ❑ THURSDAY ❑ FRIDAY ❑ AM ❑ PM COMMENTS: IL %/ P G r._rairICK J0D1e:r.t. tonsumng tngineer 2666 Hawthorn Pf. Boulder CO 80203 447-2681 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: SID FOX, EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FROM: PATRICK DOBIE P.E. RE: CAUDILL RESIDENCE SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1989 ATTACHED IS THE REVISED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE CAUDILL RESIDENCE AT LOT 4, OF THE LOS PINONES SUBDIVISION. THIS SUBMITTAL SUPERCEEDS THE PREVIOUS SUBMITTAL OF SEPTEMBER 27. 1989 EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT JOB: INDIVIDUAL SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN CAUDILL RESIDENCE LOT 4 LOS PINONES EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1989 NOTES General: 1. All materials and installation practices shall conform to Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations as amended. 2. TOPSOIL shall consist of on -site material free from rocks clays and basalt rocks. Natural material shall be amended with mountain peat at a rate of 2 cubic ,yards. 3. SEED MIX shall be applied at a rate of 6 lbs. Mix shall consist of tall fescue and brome (50-50 mix) 4. SAND shall be clean, washed material with an effective size between .25 mm and .6 mm with a uniformity coefficient of 4.0 or less. 5. GRAVEL shall be 3/4" to 2 1/2" washed rock. 6. FILTER FABRIC shall be Dupont TYPAR 3341 or equivalent. Filter fabric shall be wrapped around pipes and installed between bedding layers (see section). 7. SELECT BACKFILL shall consist of natural materials removed from the excavation mixed with 100 cubic yards of pit run gravel. Backfill shall be compacted to 85 percent density (ASTM T99) prior to installing the gravel course. 8. PIPING shall conform to the following requirements: a) Building sewer lines shall be 4" Schedule 40 PVC installed at a minimum depth of 4' with a minimum grade of 4 percent. b) Gravel course shall be mechanically compacted before placing distribution pipes and sand course. c) Distribution sewer lines shall be 4" Schedule 20 Perforated PVC installed at 0% grade. Distribution lines shall be thoroughly wrapped in filter fabric before sand bedding is installed. d) Distribution headers shall be solid wall 4" PVC with air vents installed as shown on the plans (2 each). 9. SOIL CONDITIONS: The soil consists of volcanic debris and and poorly consolidated materials. The site specific soils are non -uniform in percolation rates (often above 60 minutes per inch). Design objectives included bed filtration to remove organics and fluid dispursement to compensate for the rapid soil conditions. The site has excellent solar exposure_. and evapotransporation losses were considered. 10. LOT GRADING shall direct surface runoff away from the disposal area. 11. The Eagle County Environmental Health Department and the Engineer shall be notified when construction commences and kept informed of the construction progress so that sufficiet inspection can be performed to assure conformajice with all these plans. DESIGN CRITERIA Sewer System: 1. No. of bedrooms = 3 @ 2 persons/bedroom @ 75 GPD 2. Design percolation rate based on assumed conditions for the select backfill L = .95 gal/sf/day 3. Ave. Flows: 450 gallons per day Design Flows: 675 gallons per day 4. Sewer Bed Size: [30 X 451 = 1350 square feet 5. Absorption Capacity a) Area = 1350 square feet b) Rate = .95 gal/sfiday c) Q = 1350/(1.95/.95 - .055) = 622 gallons per day 6. Evapotranspiration Capacity a) Area = 1350 square feet b) E.T. Rate = 32%inches/year .055 gal/ft/dav c) Q = .055(1350) = 74 gallons per day 7. Total Capacity 8. Septic Tank Capacity = 696 > 675 " ok 1000 gallon concrete tank 9. Site Grading cut slopes 1.5:1 max fill slopes 3:1 min. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO October 17, 1991 Boone and Janelle Caudill 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road Carbondale, CO 81623 RE: Water supply and sewage located at: 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 disposal inspection for property 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road Carbondale, Colorado Lear Ms. Caudill: All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03, A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. on October 16, 1991, this department conducted a site inspection of the above referenced property. The inspection was requested by you for the purpose of evaluating the existing condition of the on -site wastewater disposal and water supply systems. A review of the County records indicates that: Oil. December 11, 1991, the sewage disposal system was permitted under Permit Number 956, inspected and approved in accordance with County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations. The system consists of a 1250 gallon septic tank and 1350 square feed of absorption area. A visual inspection of the ground surface indicated that the system is apparently functioning satisfactorily at this time. Obviously, this does not guarantee the continued satisfactory performance of the system. The water supply to this residence is a private well. An inspection of this source revealed that it was properly constructed and located. The water is to be sampled by the property owner and sent to a State Certified Laboratory. for bacteriological analysis. A report of this test should be provided by the property owner. If you have any further questions concerning this inspection, please feel free to call me at 328-8755. Respectfully Submitted, Roger Boyd Environmental Health Ass-Lstant JOB: INDIVIDUAL SEWER SYSTEM DESIGN CAUDILL RESIDENCE LOT 4 LOS PINONES EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1989 L " NOTES ------ General: 1. All materials and installation practices shall conform to Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations as amended. i l 2. TOPSOIL shall consist of on -site material free from rocks clays and basalt rocks. Natu al material shall be amended with mountain peat at a rate o' 2 cubic yards per 1000 square feet 3. SEED MIX shall be applied at a r to of 6 lbs. per 1000 square feet. Mix shall consist o tall fescue and brome (' 50-50 mix). 4. SAND shall be clean, washed materia with an effective size between .25 mm and .6 mm with a unif rmity coefficient of 4.0 or less. 5. GRAVEL shall be 3/4" to 2 1/2" washed g avel. 6. FILTER FABRIC shall be Dupont TYPAR 3341 or equivalent. Filter fabric shall be wrapped around pip s and installed between bedding layers (see sect on)_ 7. SELECT BACKFILL shall consist of natural mat rials removed from the excavation mixed with 100 cubic yar of pit run gravel. Backfill shall be compacted to 85 pe ent density (ASTM T99) prior to installing the gravel cour 8. PIPING shall conform to the following requirements: a) Building sewer lines shall be 4" Schedule 40 P C installed at a minimum depth of 4' with a minim m grade of 4 percent. b) Sand beds shall be mechanically compacted or sett�Qed by flooding before placing distribution pipes. c) Distribution sewer lines shall be 4" Schedule 20 Perforated PVC installed at 0% grade. Distribution lines shall be thoroughly wrapped in filter fabric before sand bedding is installed. d) Distribution headers shall be solid wall 4" PVC with ai vents installed as shown on the plans. 9. SOIL CONDITIONS: The soil consists of volcanic debris and and poorly consolidated materials_ Particles range from The site specific soils are non -uniform in percolation rates (often above 60 minutes per inch). Design objectives included sand filtration to remove organics and fluid dispursement to compensate for the soil conditions. The site has excellent solar exposure, and evapotransporation losses were considered. 10. LOT GRADING shall direct surface runoff away from the disposal area. 11. The Eagle County Environmental Health Department and the Engineer shall be notified when construction commences and kept informed of the construction progress so that sufficient inspection can be performed to assure conformance with all these plans_ DESIG CRITERIA Sewer System: 1. No_ of bedrooms = 3 @ 2 persons edroom L '75 GPD 2_ Design percolation rate based on S nd Filter System L = .95 gal/sf/day 3. Peak Flows: (75 gal/person/day) /12.S Sewage System: 450 gallons per day ,7S 4. Sewer Bed Size: [24 X 361 864 square feet 5. Absorption Capacity a) Area = 864 squa e feet c) QRate1800/(1.95/.95 - .055) = 396 gall f/day gallo�s per day 6. Evapotranspiration Capacity a) Area = 1800 square fee b) E.T. Rate = 50/inches/year _ .086 gal/ft/day c) Q = .086(1800) = 74 gallons per da 7. Total Capacity 8_ Septic Tank Capacity = 470 > 450/ok 1000 gallon concrete\ tank 9. Site Grading cut slopes 1.5:1 max fill slopes 3:1\nin. I Z ol G of 14 ?1? 2-5 q" To�Bo, EL�-c --lAc -.-CAUDILL. RC-SJD-E-1,�CE- LOS RA�CLE- COU�t7`50' C 0. 0 WELL —WEPAREI) ...... ks 'RE:) IbE tJC eve— Yll OAw-f H 0?-t) RL, 100 C> qa, 0 1--� ? A oo\ ?ELCAg,t Cowcef-TC,- CO.- -4 U11 4-4 5a1ief p\)C 3 6 `fog vr-1-4--- / NO RT/-/ ?IQ OWES col ----- A\e— � -rou ►3 E"U i �- I ..�—.. i 2 10 �m IR-r, PV r- ?E f Ac I Q6, L 2.5 ('l ule- 4L-e— 6-lawb U. UTIE k 'F�\Jg I L3 C� C) 0 61, (S CAUDI-LL RE-5-LDER- \10 0 WELL fl( JIK zo, eve- 0 000 0 P A,(LT n e N -T "'30ULDER it -Solfcf WAII IPVC I cl V-A, e v s '-IT NO IQ 714 ex, 54 DISTRI �-IRAVC- /�1Q, �N� 4� 11/Oid/t!!!illtttbtit��'� :. !�Urof'L ?ll>S ............ ............ ... .............................. *Y- 't 5- 13 VD DIS7tPL%laUT1cQ ?%Pet) 4"14EADIML"Sqlib L,,ALt-:) SLA PE :floo/ ZV j\,IO.Trz 956 Caudell Lot-4 Los Pinones 1 JOB NAME Estates 2391-2.74-02-002 JOB NO.�-'"� JOB LOCATION / BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED / n of JOB FOLDER Product 278 �W® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE COSTS PRICE PROFIT ,JOB F Printed in U.S.A. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 pp l V q0 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 15 6 7 / Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. *ADDITION TO EXISTING SYSTEM OWNER: Boone Caudill MAILINGADDRESS: 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Rd APPLICANT: same SYSTEMLOCATION: 2377 Upper Cattle Creek R LICENSED INSTALLER: Construction, B DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: Schmueser Gordon MP INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK existing tank ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 448 SOLAR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: area, for a total Of 1 bution box) via 12 infiltrators, as final inspection Building CO will ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREI TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973. AS AMEN 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRI TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT / REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH 1 3. CHAPTER IV. SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON' FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EA PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 448 SOUJ INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1250 GALLON DEG SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REQUIREMENTS: ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FIB COMMENTS: Site plan received from owner ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT# CHECK# SENT BY 4-10-36 12;14 ;CommunityDevelopment-° 303 825 23821# 2/ 3 (Site plan XUBT be attached) ISDS Permit # �� AL APPLICATION FOR YNDIYIDUAIL BXWAGZ DISPOSAL SYSTEM V30RMIW 9XVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE -- EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO $1.631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) �'#ktrk�r��** tww*ie•kdk�****4tir�t* icalt�ltiedr,t•*yt,kt��airik�*�E�#�r�t��kiskdeik�kyk�k# * drk ��e�►�k ��Paat+t�elr�r*h * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASUPIR", +� PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: APPLICANT/ CONTAC MAILING ADDRESS: -To SF - LICENSED YSDS CON COMPANY / DBA : �' r ILA-- PHONE: [ (l�]--�(�Lf M T PERSON* F- N olL-C.. PHONE: C'>y0R: COW-, C iL4- ADDRESS: PHONE : f w***ww�******ww*�r****w*w*wwww****w***,�**w**o�r�rww**ww,�w�r*w*�r*w**•**w**w•****w� PERMIT APPLICATION IS TOR: ( j Rew Installation { AltGration ( j Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL.., SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Building hermit # 1 (if -known) Legal Description: Subdivision: P<ling:.18look:_ Na. W.. Tax Parcel Number: .---A -fL Lot Size: Street Address; 9-7 7 u / Pfe- c,.4� rrGr- c .4? ka - BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms_ .. _. ( Res,idential/Multi-•Family* Number of Bedrooms wr ( ) Ccmmercial/industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) Well ( ) Spring ..( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: —� *These systeaa"quire d icon > y egi.stered Professional, Engineer SIGNATURE: / � fit! t/`,� Date: „.- �**�**��r* TO BE COMPLETED $Y THE COUNTY PATE: AMOUNT PAID: _ f r�� � RECEIPT # CHECK CASHIER.! Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO June 6, 1997 Boone Caudill 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Rd. Basalt, CO 81621 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1567-96, Tax Parcel #2391-274-02-002. Property location: 2377 Upper Cattlr Creek Rd., Basalt, CO. Dear Mr. Caudill: Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle,. Colorado 81631-0179 This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL:Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970)328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Date: July 18, 1996 TO: Caudill Construction Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadwav Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1567-96. Tax Parcel # 2391-274-02-002. Property Location: 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Rd., Carbondale CO., Caudill residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1567-96. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc., Jay W. Hammond April 11, 1996 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road Carbondale, CO 81623 Missy Trujillo Eagle County Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Ms. Trujillo: Enclosed you will find my ISDS application for Lot 4, Los Pinones Estates Subdivision, a check for $150 for the permit fee, a site plan, and specifications for the planned expansion of our ISDS. I spoke with Ray Merry Tuesday afternoon, April 10. He requested information on the percolation rate. the original field was designed using a three foot bed of select backfill consisting of 33% native fill mixed with 66% pit run sand and gravel. The percolation rate approved for this mixture was established at .95 gallons/s.f./day, as documented in our original ISDS specifications. As specified in Mr. Hammond's letter, we will use the same select backfill with the same percolation rate in the additional 229 square feet of bed area. (Please see section detail of the proposed new bed area.) As regards the licensed installer, 1 have installed and supervised the installation of numerous individual sewage disposal systems. Mr. Merry indicated I could take the test to become a licensed ISDS contractor. Please send me a copy of the test as soon as possible. Please call me today at 925-1161 or 379-7550 if you need any additional information in order to issue a permit. Thank you for your help. Yours truly'? Boone Caudill C?-11(er e �12�' I,, Z�gi2 Community Development Department (970)328-8730 Fax: (970) 328-7185 TDD: (970) 328-8797 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO April 10, 1996 Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. Jay W. Hammond 118 W. Th Street, Ste. 200 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 re: Caudill design Dear Mr. Hammond, Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 We have received your letter and sketch of the Caudill septic system expansion. Our initial review indicates that we need additional information. We have not received an application for an Individual Sewage Disposal System permit, $150.00 permit fee or the name of a licesenced installer. I will enclose an application along with this letter for your convince. State statute Title 25 Article 10 does not allow a building permit to be issues without first having an approved sewage disposal method. We will continue to route your permit through out the department while we review the ISDS design. If you have any question please contact our office at 328-8755. Sincerely, Missie Trujillo Environmental Health Specialist enc cc: Boone Caudill ENGINEERS SG SURVEYORS (970) 925-6727 SCHMUESER M P.O. Box 2155 FAX (970) 925-4157 GORDONMEYER Aspen, CO 81612 December 6, 1996 Ms. Missie Trujillo EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Caudill Residence, Lot 4 Los Pinones, ISDS Expansion Permit No. 1567-96 Certification of Installation Dear Missie: This letter represents certification of the construction of the Caudill residence individual sewage disposal system (ISDS) expansion under Eagle County Environmental Health Division Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1567-96. Boone and Janelle Caudill are expanding their residence to add another bedroom to the existing 3-bedroom home at 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road, Lot 4 of the Los Pinones subdivision, in Eagle County, Colorado. The required expansion of their on -site ISDS has been completed pursuant to a sketch plan and recommendad / specifications prepared by Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. including the serial installation o 12 ✓ INFILTRATOR® graveless chamber units. I have inspected the installation of the trenches and collection system pursuant to our sketch plan and correspondence regarding design specifications dated April 9 and 10, 1996. My inspection and review of photographs taken during the construction process indicate that the system was installed in a manner consistent with our sketch plan and the approval conditions of the ISDS Permit. I also took photographs of the work for my file. I trust this letter will provide adequate certification of the installation of the Caudill residence ISDS expansion pursuant to a sketch plan and recommended specifications prepared by our firm. Please feel free to contact me if I may provide further information or provide you with copies of the photographs that Boone and I took during the course of construction. Very Truly Yours, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER INC. (lay W. Hammond, P.E. Principal, Aspen Office 441 JH/jh 96046MTI cc: Boone Caudill v �dt cw17�J 118 West 6th, Suite 200 • Glenwood Springs, Colorado • (970) 945-1004 . I- z (970) 945-1004 FAX (970) 945-5948 April 10, 1996 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS -11 SUM + µ ` a SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER Ms. Missy Trujillo EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Caudill Residence, Lot 4 Los Pinones, ISDS Expansion Dear Missy: 118 West 6th, Suite 200 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 After faxing you my earlier letter regarding Boone Caudill's ISDS expansion (with the incorrect last name I had been given), I spoke with Ray Merry about the system design. Based on that discussion, we will modify the expansion design to utilize a "serial" distribution approach without the stributipn _b x. Flow will be routed through the existing bed system initially and on to the a-irtitinnal trench area only if the existing system should reach saturation and overflow downstream. Ray seemed ok on the use of the Infiltrator chambers using only the bottom area for absorption and with a 50% area reduction. Thank you for your assistance and please call if you have questions. Very Truly Yours, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. Jay W. Hammond, P.E. Principal, Aspen Office JAY:jh/96046A.02 �: Al I { fr"OJtV oj a a a' ,J cc: Boone Caudill m APR 11 196 05: 46AM HARRIMAN llsz,. r P. 2 '2 IV r, n L) {- ' . l Ord , r�r�= rr Kim l�5 Now00 Q�t t` \ !� 19 ----w / /I • � r a QT -b 'bclE i� 7, . � ` 71 - _ 7 . _ J. .o..t _ . r `R1 1. D�Sl 1St7T'tp1� (970) 945-1004 FAX /07M QAr-rQAA qTR_) - 6 7,1 1 April 10, 1996 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS SG M SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER Ms. Missy Trujillo EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Caudill Residence, Lot 4 Los Pinones, ISDS Expansion Dear Missy: 118 West 6th, Suite 200 -............... .. �.... .�.., .. ., ..,.,. I am writing at the request of Mr. Boone Caudill regarding the proposed expansion of his residence at 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road, Lot 4 of the Los Pinones subdivision, in Eagle County, Colorado. Mr. Caudill is expanding his residence to add another bedroom to the existing 3-bedroom home. He contacted our firm to review the adequacy of the existing on - site septic system and provide a recommendation regarding its adequacy or expansion to accommodate the additional bedroom. The existing system for the 3-bedroom home was designed by a registered engineer, F. Patrick Dobie, (not by our firm) and installed in late 1989 under Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal Permit Number-gU The final permit sign -off on February 28, 1990 indicates that the system was installed per the engineer's design. The Caudill's now wish to increase the home from three bedroom's t four : nd have requested our review of the system design for the additional bedroom. From t e standpoint of the septic tank, the original tank as installed was larger than required by the engineer at C - the time, 1.250 _ allons rather than the 1,000 gallons called for in his calculations. The design flow associated with the four bedroom home would now be: 4 bedrooms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gpcd x 1.5 =900 gpd The septic tank for 30 hours detention (1.25 x 24 hour flow) is 1,125 gallons, therefore the 1,250 gallon tank in place is adequate. This is also consistent with the criteria of Eagle /��i County Regulations Chapter IV, INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, SectionC 4.07.01, Table 4, for a four bedroom home. The seepage bed, however, was designed at the ti to be a little more than adequate (696 gpd versus the 675 gpd called for in the de ' n) fora three -bedroom home. We would therefore propose to and the seepage b syst0with the installation of a distJ' and additional4ed area utilizing Infiltrator -type chambers in the additional-f3ed area. Utilizing the same bed sizing and soil assumptions used in the original design and bedding the new chamber systems on 3 feet of "Select ...Backfile" of the same type used in the original system, we calculate the bed area requirement M April 10, 1996 Missy Trujillo Page 2 as follows; A = (1.95/.95 - 0.055) Q Q is now 900 gpd so A = 1,798 square feet We have 1,350 square feet of existing bed so we need 448 squ _� et of additiona(bed' rea. Utilizing an Infiltrator Chamber system with a 3 foot wid renc ottom and taking a 50% reduction in the area requirement for the chamber -type system, two trenches of 37.5 feet in length with infiltrator chambers (set on 3 feet of the select backfill) will meet the requirements of the additional bedroom. I know that Boone is proceeding with his expansion construction so we need to gain your approval of this plan to expand the ISDS as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions or concerns about this design revision. Very Truly Yours, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. VV . Jay W. Hammond, P.E. Principal, Aspen Office JAY:bh/96046A.01 cc: Boone Caudill SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. a r__ I to APR 11 '96 05:46AM HARRITMAN CONS I ZI ' S- I . P.2)' 2 aF — L) 4- 40 0 T L) 34, cku 00/ � I " � � �w p� (w �� �. d -Tb 6cP-LE Vf/GJ/OV 1L.'AJ VJVJ VLJ '21J7 APACE LF--jVVL Glenwood Springs Office: FAX: PROJECT: (,-t -Au. ! MOW iCmJr �= SLR Ur+= G©RWN WYE,% INC 118 WEST,6THSTREE , sum 2,00 GLRNWOOD SPRIYM Q 6060I (303) 945-1004 (303) 945-594 8 I�SID PROJECT NO: �A _-- TO: S 0 —:E�0.dt ko_ Lk.. ._ _. Lt1_._r�-r.a.... FROM: Aspen Office: (303) 925-6727 FAX:: (303) 9255-4157 DATE: [ I Original maned. 1%4 Original not rttaled. = This fimmim'Ie transnx&bn (au&or doemnauts accompanying it) may, cioutak conffventiai i,aformation belonging to the sender which is pCotected by the ed&eWICLWtf pdvnege, The information is inteuded only for the use of the inamuai or eatiy named. above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, avgr;ag, distribution, or the taking of aay action in refiance on the contents of this information 4 sirk* pwhWded if you bave received this trausufw&a is error, please immediately notify ors by telephone to arrange for rdmm of the documents. Thank you_ TOW pages (including this page): � Please call if this amount of pages was not received. U1/G3/k!o 16:43 p3U3 VZO 41*1 blym Ig/. UUG ENOOMERS StlKVEYOHS (970) 945-1004 918 West 6tii, Suite 200 FA7t: (SM 945-5945 " Glenwood Springs, CO 91601 April 10, 1996 Ms. Missy Trujillo I=AGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Caudill Residence, Lot 4 Los Pinonesy-ESDS Expansion Dear Missy: I am writing at the request of Mr. Boone Caudill regarding the proposed expansion of his residence at 2377 Upper Cattle Creek Road, Lot 4 of the Los Pinones subdivision, in Eagle County, Colorado. Mr- Caudill is expanding his residence to add another bedroom to the existing 3-bedroom home. He contacted our firm to review the adequacy of the existing on - site septic system and provide a recommendation regarding its adequacy or expansion to accommodate the additional bedroom. The existing system for the 3-bedroom home was designed by a registered engineer, F. Patrick Dobie, (not by our firm} and installed in late 1989 under Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal Permit Number 956. The final permit sign -off on February 28, 1990 indicates that the system was installed per the engineer's design. The Caudill's now wish to increase the home from three bedroom's to four and have requested our review of the system design for the additional bedroom. From the standpoint of the septic tank, the original tank as installed was larger than required by the engineer at the time, 1,250 gallons rather than the 1,000 gallons called for in his calculations. The design flow associated with the four bedroom home would now be- 4 bedrooms x 2 persons/bdrm x 75 gpcd x 1.5 = 900 gpd The septic tank for 30 hours detention (1.25 x 24 hour flow) is 1,125 gallons, therefore the 1,250 gallon tank in place is adequate. This is also consistent with the criteria of Eagle County Regulations Chapter IV, 1101VIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, Section 4-07.01, Table 4, for a four bedroom home. The seepage bed, however, was designed at the time to be a little more than adequate (695 gpd versus the 675 gpd called for in the design) for a three -bedroom home_ We would therefore propose to expand the seepage bed system with the installation of a distribution box and additional bed area utilizing Infiltrator -type chambers in the additional bed area_ The distribution box would include four outlet lines, three of which will route to the existing seepage bed and one to the new bed area_ Utilizing the same bed sizing and soil assumptions used in the original design and bedding the new chamber systems on 3 feet of "Select Backfill" of the same type used in the original system, we calculate the bed area requirement V II GV/VV 1G.•!'! tAVVV Vru ',lilt DWI IEJi VVJ April 10, 1996 Missy Trujillo Page 2 as follows; A = (1.951-95 - 0.055) Q Q is now 900 gpd so A = 1,798 square feet We have 1,350 square feet of existing bed so we need 4-4-8 square feet of additional bed area. Utilizing an Infiltrator Chamber system with a 3 foot wide trench bottom and taking a 50% reduction in the area requirement for the chamber -type system, two trenches of 37.5 feet in length with infiltrator chambers (set on 3 feet of the select backfill) will meet the requirements of the additional bedroom. I know that Boone is proceeding with his expansion construction so we need to gain your approval of this plan to expand the ISDS as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions or concerns about this design revision. Very Truly Yours, sCHMUESi GORDON MEYER, INC. VLJ, immond, P.E. runcipai, Aspen Office JAY.bh19604SA-(n cc: Boone Caudill GORDON MEYER, mc- V!1.1.01 V 1Ir. :YY-(j-dVJ VGA 4101 0V2A Lid VU4 (970) 9455-1004 FAX (970) 945-5948 April 10, 1996 _ E•IIif�YAIEiRS wavErOHS sa?.w5SW sowoon.+ev� Ms. Missy Trujillo EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 RI✓ Caudill Residence, Lot 4 Los Pinones ISDS Evansion Dear Missy: 118 West W Suite 200 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 After faxing you my earlier letter regarding Boone Caudill's ISDS expansion (with the incorrect last name I had been given), I spoke with Ray Merry about the system design. Based on that discussion, we will modify the expansion design to utilize a "serial" distribution approach without the distribution box. Flow will be routed through the existing bed system initially and on to the additional trench area only if the existing system should reach saturation and overflow downstream. Flay seemed ok on the use of the Infiltrator chambers using only the bottom area for absorption and with a 50QA area reduction. Thank you for your assistance and please call if you have questions. Very Truly,Yours, SCHM[IESER GORDON MEYER, INC. �kL)). d�v � � � � day-W' Hammi ond, P-E_ Principal, Aspen Office JAY;W9604SM2 cc: Boone Caudill V f / GJ/ OV 1G,'!U 4j Qmv PA-2 't.Lu l OU111= ;r � „APR ii '9G 05, 45AM HARP.! Cdl'lsjj�� R cf-) h�D � W.JvvO ti- rp f-ft"i d" rr kffl5th O 3 �O 13 ..�0 A W, Fei iml"NMA -to - WOb cv� f J UN Ob ` y ( 11 ; '1:DHF1 HHKKI I IHIN 1. A Ib I K JUNE 691997 TO: EAGLE COUNTY EVN HtONMENTAL HEALTH AT'1EN: JANET FROM: BOON]E RE: CAUDILL RESIDENCE ISDS ENPAN'SION hollowing you will find the etas bWV drawing of our septic system as you requested. If you need anything else please let me know. , THINK YOU J Ul7 vJ0 - -7 f 11 • L - Hl' l r lHMMI I' IHI'i LUINI I K N. CA II.� RESIDENCE SEPTIC SY.1 AS -BUILT l ,SEPT, 21 I99 n 1L c� 11 it 4.N o --�rt-er a %14," 1567-96 Taxis 2391-274-02-002 JOB NAME 2377 Upper Cattle Cr. CAUDILL Lot#4,Filing#l, Los Pinones .10B TVO. ` Me& LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTE DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED G �e 13 waa -/07 X/f& AIM4 U4�u� )a JOB COST SUMMARY `� TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL c TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 �@ NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC.. GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.SA