HomeMy WebLinkAbout446 Jouflas Ranch Rd - 194126301005# N33HO # 1dl3038 33d 1S31 NOI1V10083d 33d 11W83d :d3NMO :IN3'0V / 1NV011ddV S(3M003M 1d13036 H11M NIY13M (A)JVSS303N A N01103dSNl-3d) :31VO :IVAOdddV HIIV IH IVINaNNQ81AN3 566T LT T Lnr'31tl(l :IVAOHddH HllV3H )V-LN3WN081AN3 •u isap s �.zaauz ua as sE paTTs�sui :slN3wwo� r '43103i1i100 SI MOM N3HM N01103dSNl-3M V 39NVMMY '3aM SI W31SAS 101VA021ddV 1VNId ROM NO1103MM00 S3=036 ON (33)103HO W311 ANY ON S3A g :S1N3W3dInO38 31tl1S /AlNnO0 H11M 30NVildV400 ON S3A X Al8W3SSV ONV 1V1831VW d3dOdd ONV 3OV8J lVNid d0 X NIH11M of SS300V NNVl OI1d3S WOdd 133d S33HOHO NO7^V!JC O NNVl 011d3S 0311VISNI '133d 38vnoS --------DOY:V3UV lVS83dS1O 80 NOI1ddOS8V 03llV1SNl 'W31SAS 3Hl dO N01180d ANY ONIM3A00 01 MOlbd a3AOMddY Sl W31SAS 3H1111Nn SNouvine3M W31SAS 1VSOdSIa 39VM3S 1VnalAlaNl A1Nn00 319V3 3Hi H11M 30NVlldW00 NI 39 Ol a3W33a 3911VHS W31SAS ON :(a0103dSNI A9 0313ldW00 39 O11:W31SAS 401YAOMddY 1VNI1 '03SN3011 38 Ol W31SAS 1VSOdSIO 30VM3S ltlnOIAIONI NV SlIViSNI HO Sd31lV'S10ndlSNOO OHM NOSd3d ANV S381no31d 6Z'£0.4 N01103S'AI d3IdVHO '£ 'llVW3d 3Hl 30 NOlIV0OA3d ONV NOIlOV lVJ31 H108 dOd 3Sntlo ONV IIWd3d 3Hl dO 1N3W3HIn038 V d0 NOlIVlO1A V 38 AlIVOI1VWOlntl IIVHS S1N3INldtld30 ONI011ne ONV JNINOZ 3Hl A8 03AOHddV ION 3dniondlS 80 JN1113MO ANV H11M 3Sn HO Ol NOI103NN00 'SIN3vauino3d ONIOlIne ONV JNINOZ A1NnO3 HIIM 031ldWOO Allnd 3AVH HOIHM S3dnlondlS Ol N01103NNOO 803 AINO 011VA SI lIWH3d SIHI 'L '030N3VYVSV'£L6t '40L Ol 5ZNI031NVd°JAlIdOHlnt101 1NtlnSdnd 031dOOV'SN011tlinE)3H W31SAS IVSOdS10 3JVM3S ItlnOIAIONI A1Nnoo 3lOV3 3H1 d0 S1N3W3HIn03d llV H11M AldW001SnW SNOI1Vlltl1SN1 11V 't :SNOILIONOO 31VO :IVAOdddV H1lV3H IVIN3NNOHIAN3 • U-B( ap s l zaauz ua aad SE TTPISuj :S1N3W38lnO3d 1V103dS 'W01108 HON381 d0133d 38VnoS 038 3JVd33S j0133d 3dtlnoS :S1N3W38Ino3d V3Htl NOIld8OS8V NNJ NVVl O11d3S NO11V'`'�. yC L :JNIMOIIOj 3HI dOj 031NVHD A9383H NOI1V11V1SNI ILP11PID, 1A :W31SAS jO d33N1'ON9 NSIS30 196—TZ :ON3SN3011 MOSSOg Xag :d31IV1SN103SN3011 10—'ILZ—T'161 :H38wnNl30dtldXVI xaaa0 sTAszs Z vuTTTJ OT :10j :NOIlV001W31SAS E85L—£i7Z £QC :3NOHd qd U O[)Z M :lNVOIlddV ZO£08 :dlZ 00 :ere'S-19PTnog :413 zQ POOmTTOux 9ZTZ :SS38OGVDNnlvw LL8:3NOHd ugzaZ • d uETV :H3NMO 'tuoish polleisul to uoluod Aue 6uuanoo aaolaq uolioodsul leug aol Ilso aseeld O g '/ L 'ON lIW83d '311S NOUV77b'1SNI1V 031SOd 381S/1W ilkVd3d d0 AdOO M0773A 55L8-8ZE :euoydajal l£9 L8 opelolo0 'al6e3 . AeMpeojg 005 - 6L l X08 'O'd L,859 � NOISIA10 HilVDH lV-LN3WN0UlAN3 kiNn00 319b3 Iffid3d Il431SAS lVSOdSIC] 3 )VM3S 1bnC3InlaNl (Site Plan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (El Jebel) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE Xffl�®€ PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * * * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: I REASURER!' ************************************************************************** PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: Alan R. Teran PHONE • ( 303 )444-6877 2126 Knollwood Drive, Boulder, CO 80302 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: W T Cohan, PE MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2226, Grand Junction, CO 8 5502 PHONE: ( 303 ) 243-7583 SED ISDS CONTRACTOR: �flSSy✓'�X[.��y'.�1T/Q� PHONE: (303) Z4- COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: c Vi�V'-y . e0b g✓fo 3 �� *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (x) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: IMIMlding Permit # 1 (if known) Legal Description: Subdivision: Travis Creek Filing: 2 Block: Lot No. 10 _ P rcel Number:-'-Q-_ _ Lot Size ,10.5 Ac Street Address: BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) (x) Residential/Single Family ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( x ) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public Name of Supplier: Number Number Type - of Bedrooms 4 of Bedrooms *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer AMNSF URE: /V �� -�` — Date: 3 -,-6-- 95' *************************************************************************** TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COUNTY AMOUNT PAID: C7 RECEIPT DATE: �o CHECK CASHIER: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328.8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO July 17, 1995 Alan Teran 2126 Knollwood Dr. Boulder, CO 80302 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1450-95 Parcel #1941-274-01-. Property located at:Travis Cr. Filing #21 Lot #10, Bellyache Ridge, Wolcott, CO. Dear Mr. Teran, This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and final*Lzed. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Shannon Garton Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure. Final ISDS Permit enclosures W.T. COHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. MINING & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 2226 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 (303) 243-7583 FAX (303) 245-9016 May 13, 1995 Mr. Jeff Feedizzi Eagle County Development Department„ Environmental Health Division P.O. Box 179jy Eagle, Colorado 81631 1' ��� d, 6 Subject: Alan R Teran residence r U,t)_ Dear Mr. Fredizzi: } t Enclosed is one set of the final plans and specifications for the Wisconsin mound septic system at the Alan R Teran residence on Bellyache Ridge. These are essentially the same as those left with you last April. However, field changes that were indicated in ball point pen on the plans left with you last April have been made part of the permanent documents. Also the mound construction procedures have been somewhat modified to be site specific. Otherwise, there has been no substantive change from the plans and specifications which you reviewed and upon which basis your office issued Mr. Teran's permit last April. Please call me if you have any questions. Yours truly; Z5� Zl W T Cohan, P.E. cc: A R Teran SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER OWNER Alan R. Teran 2126 Knollwood Drive Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) 444-6877 CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS Lot 10 Travis Creek Subdivision No. 2 Bellyache Ridge Wolcott, Eagle County, Colorado Lot size: 10.5 acres DESIGN BASIS Given• Four bedroom log .,home on grade beam and slab on grade foundations Detached double bay garage (2) Design flow rate, gal/day: 4 bedrooms @ 150 gal/day per bedroom = 600 gal/day Maximum flow condition @ 150% = 900 gal/day Septic tank sizing: Code requires minimum tank volume of 1250 gallons for 4 bedroom residence. * Use 1500 gallon tank for longer retention time and more treatment * Also greater solids storage capacity * Also surge capacity for additional guests during ski & holiday seasons (4Z Leach site conditions: Table No. 1: Lithology of test pit excavated by hydraulic excavator (Caterpillar Model 215). 0 - 2.0 feet Dark brown sandy silt, non -plastic fines, saturated. 2.0 - ? feet Bedrock, hard, light yellow brown quartzitic sandstone, poorly developed jointing, Dakota formation. Unable to advance pit with excavator. Teran Septic System 4/04/1995 -1- s Table No. 2: Percolation Tests; 03/15/1995 Test Hole Depth Perc. Rate Lithology Feet Min./inch P-1 2.5 17.25 Organic loam (OL), sandy silt (ML), rock @ 2.5 ft, saturated. P-2 2.5 93.3 P-3 2.5 1 17.10 Blocks of weathered sand stone, with some saturated sandy silt (ML). Sandy silt (ML), moist. Percolation rates in P-1 and P-3 are consistent with those measured in TB-13 (P-13) to north. TB-13 (P-13) has same soil lithology as P-1 and P-3, while P-2 contains mostly slabs of hard sandstone. Therefore, it is concluded that 17 min/inch is the percolation rate representative of soils on Lot 10. However, due to the shallow soil depth at the proposed leach site, a mound system will be required. MOUND SYSTEM DESIGN Basis is USEPA Document WWBLDM09, "Design Module No. 9, Mound Systems", by Converse & Tyler, January 1990. (11) Sand fill: Use washed sand conforming to ASTM C-33, fine aggregate for concrete (see attached gradation envelope). Table No. 3: Gradation for Sand Fill - ASTM C-33 (Fine Concrete Aggregate) Sieve Size Percent Passin 3/8 inch 100 No. 4(1) 95 to 100 No. 8 80 to 100 No. 16 50 to 85 No. 30 25 to 60 No. 50 10 to 30 No. 100 2 to 10 (1) Openings per linear inch of screen Design absorption rate with this material: 1.0 gal/day/sq.ft. For 900 gal/day of effluent, 900 square feet of absorption Teran Septicc System'4/04/1995 -2 t area is required. (2) Distribution system: Use "Infiltrator" Standard model chambers.. Colorado Department of Health rates them at 18.75 square feet of absorption area per chamber (see attached letter). Therefore: number of chambers required = 900/18.75 = 48 At 75" length per chamber = 48 x 75/12 = 300 linear feet of chambers are required. Divide system into two parallel rows, 150 feet long, parallel to the topographic contour. Thus absorption area is 6' x 150' (= 900 sq. ft.). Divide system into four.separate sections to provide uniform distribution of effluent over absorption bed. (3) Mound location: There is insufficient space south (up slope) from access and utility easement crossing Lot 10. Therefore locate mound 20 feet north (below) easement. This will provide 150 feet, more or less, of buffer zone between toe of mound and crest of road cut of Jouflas Ranch Road. Also, soil may be some what thicker in this area, providing greater absorption volume. (4) Supply system: Thirty three feet of static head is available. Therefore, use a gravity flow supply, regulated by a siphon operated dosing tank. Tank capacity is 900 to 1,000 gallons live volume, 225 gallons per cycle for 4 cycles per day. High level tank alarm system with audible alarm in building. Gravity force main: 2" I.D. schedule 40 PVC pipe. All distribution piping to be 2" I.D. schedule 40 PVC. All setbacks and separations to conform to State and County codes. (5) Estimate of discharge into system anti -frost drain system: (5.1) During siphon flow: Discharge rate is 62 gpm. Discharge volume is 225 gallons. Orifice diameter of anti -frost drain is 3/16" = 0.1875". Teran Septic System 4/04/1995 -3- Discharge time = 225/62 = 3.63, say 4 minutes. Static head is 33 + 3.5 = 36.5 feet Orifice head = H = (Q/(11.79 x d2))2 Where H = head, ft. Q = flow, gpm d = orifice diameter, inches 36.5 = (Q/(11.79 x 18.752))2 Q = 2.504 gpm at 2 orifices = 5.008 gpm x 4 minutes = 20.03 gallons (5.2) Drain back from force main: Force. main length is 182 feet Force main I.D. is 2.044 inches Volume = ((2.044/2)2 x 3.1416) x (182 x 7.48)/144 = 31 gal - Total discharge into dissipator/distributor pipe is 51 gal Dissipator I.D. is 3.975 inches Dissipator volume = ((3.975/2)2) x 3.1416 ) x (50 x 7.48)/144 = 32 gal MOUND CONSTRUCTION Mound construction shall conform to the following standards and criteria (USEPA WWBLDM09, pp. 20 - 21): A clear understanding between the site evaluator, designer, contractor and inspector is critical if a successful system is installed. It is important that the contractor and inspector understand the principles of operation of the mound system before construction commences otherwise the system may not function as intended. It is also important to anticipate and plan for the weather. It is best to be able to complete the mound before it rains on it. The tilled area and the absorption_ area must be protected from rain by placing sand on the tilled area and installing the Infiltrator absorption chambers prior to rain. The following points are essential: (1) The mound must be placed on the contour. Measure the average ground elevation (prior to tillage) along the up slope edge of the absorption area which will be used to determine the elevation of the absorption area. (2) Grass, shrubs and trees must be cut close to the ground Teran Septic System 4/04/1995 -4- n surface and removed excessive litter, it of it from the site. from the site. In wooded areas with is recommended to rake the majority (3) Locate the entrance of the force main into the mound. It is recommended it into the center of the up slope side. If it must be brought in from the down slope side, especially on sites with horizontal flow, it should be brought in perpendicular to the side of the mound with minimal disturbance to the down slope area. (4) At the proper moisture level, the mound must be tilled. The proper moisture level to depth of 7 to 8 in. must be such that the soil will crumble and not take on a wire form when rolled between the palms of the hand; The purpose is to roughen up the surface and incorporate most of the vegetation. This can be done with a mold board plow, chisel plow or chisel teeth mounted on a tool bar attached to the bucket of the bucket of a backhoe. The backhoe bucket teeth are not satisfactory and must not be used. Rototillers are prohibited. Tilling along the contour is required. Protect the tilled area from rain by placing a layer of sand on it. If a platey structure is present in the upper horizons, it is necessary to till it. Normally the chisel teeth mounted on a backhoe bucket is preferred as it can be used to till around stumps and till deeper than other methods. Stumps are not to be removed but tilled around. If there is an excessive amount of stumps or boulders, then the basal area should be enlarged or another site be found. (5) once the site is tilled, a layer of sand should be placed before it can rain on the tilled area. Placement of the sand should be such as not to rut up or compact the tilled area. All work should be done from the up slope side so as not to compact the down slope area. (6) Place a proper depth of sand to form the absorption area with area bottom being level. Protect this infiltration area from rain by installing the Infiltrator chambers prior to rain. The rock fill and common excavation forming the down slope apron may be place concurrently with the sand fill. However, care must be taken to not compact the sand fill. Install the drain/dissipator and thrust block during the placement of the sand fill. (7) Install the pressure distribution system and connect it to the force main and cover the piping and chambers with sand fill material to the top of the chambers. (8) Cover the entire mound with the required depth of topsoil. i Teran Septic System 4/04/1995 -5- R (9) Finish grade the mound and surrounding area with light weight equipment such that surface water drains away from the mound and does not accumulate on the up slope side of the mound. (10) Seed and mulch the entire exposed area to prevent erosion. Landscape with shrubs and plants as desired. The top of the mound may be dry during the summer months and the down slope toe may be somewhat moist during the wet seasons. (Schutt, K., J.C. Converse, D. Vala and R.J. Otis. 1981. Locating and Landscaping the Mound system of Onsite Wastewater Disposal. Scale Waste Management Project. 240 Agricultural Hall, University of Wisconsin -Madison, Madison, WI 53706). REQUIREMENTS OF OWNER/CONTRACTOR (1) Owner shall engage a Professional Engineer (hereinafter termed "Engineer"), currently registered in the State of Colorado, to inspect and supervise the construction and installation of the Works to insure that the Work conforms with the plans and specifications, as required by State of Colorado and Eagle County regulations. (2) Owner/Installation Contractor shall make no changes from approved design and plans unless previously authorized, in writing, by the Engineer. (3) Owner/Installation Contractor shall not cover, conceal nor backfill any portions of completed Works without having obtained prior approval of the Engineer. Owner/Installation Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the authorized representative of the Eagle County Health Department at least twenty four (24) hours before concealing, covering or backfilling any completed portion of the Works. (3) Owner/Installation Contractor shall have any new or additional electrical installation, which may be required for the Works, inspected and approved by the appropriate city or county inspector. Owner/Installation Contractor shall provide the Engineer with written proof of inspection and approval. (4) Construction shall not commence until the design and plans have been approved by Eagle County Health Department. (5) The Works shall not be placed in operation until the Engineer has issued his Letter of Approval. (6) Failure to comply with any of these requirements shall be cause for the Engineer to with hold his Letter of Approval until any and all of the above requirements have bee# complied with. The costs of any additional work required to comply with Teran Septic System 4/04/1995 -6- t 5 the above requirements shall be borne solely by the Owner/Installation Contractor and the Engineer shall not be responsible for any portion thereof. W T Cohan PE Colorado Registered Professional Engineer No. 11954 .reran Septic System 4/04/1995 -7 Pressure Dosing 11NN!FILTRAMRry INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS • 1. Drill hole through closed end plate with hole saw. Guide provided to locate top edge of hole for any size pipe. Closed end plates are used at both ends of trench. 2. Screw splash plate in place. Note: A cordless drill and self drilling screws work well for all connections. 3. Drill holes in pressure distribution pipe to spray upward off centerline to avoid blinding. Drill one downward facing drainhole at each end of trench, so pipe will drain at end of dosing cycle. 4. Run distribution pipe through end plate and lay in bottom of trench with holes oriented upward. 5. Place first INFILTRATORT"" unit over pipe and screw end plate in place. 6. Suspend distribution pipe at top of INFILTRATORT"" unit with plastic pipe hangers with holes oriented to spray upward off centerline. Run hanger up through slot in end flange and down through second slot, around pipe and cinch up tight. %. Add additional INFILTRATORT" units to full length of trench, fully engaging interlocks and securing with 4 self drilling screws. Suspend pipe with hanger at the end of each unit. 8. Run distribution pipe through end plate and cap ends or connect to manifold per design. INRLTRATOR" is a trademark of Infiltrator Systems, Inc. PAT. NO. 4,759,661 Canadian and other Patents Pending. © 1990 Infiltrator Systems Inc. PDI #0590 9. Screw end plate into place. LIMITED WARRANTY (a) The structural integrity of each INFILTRATOR^ unit, when installed in accordance with manufac- turers instructions, is warranted to the original purchaser against defective materials and workmanship for one year from date of manufacture. Should a defect appear within the warranty period, purchaser must inform Infiltrator Systems, Inc. of the defect within fifteen (15) days. Infiltrator Systems will supply a replacement unit. Infiltrator Systems liability specifically excludes the cost of removal and/or installation of the units. (b) THE WARRANTY IN SUBPARAGRAPH (a) IS EXCLUSIVE. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE UNITS. INCLUDING NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL SPE- CIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR PENALTIES OR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. INCLUDING LOSS OF PRODUCTION AND PROFITS, LABOR AND MATERIALS. OVERHEAD COSTS. OR OTHER LOSS OR EXPENSE INCURRED BY BUYER. SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED FROM WAR- RANTYCOVERAGE ARE: DAMAGE TO THE UNITS DUE TO ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR; ALTERATION, ACCIDENT, MISUSE. ABUSE OR NEGLECT OF THE UNITS; THE UNITS BEING SUBJECTED TO STRESSES GREATER THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED IN THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS; THE PLACEMENT BY BUYER OF IMPROPER MATERIALS INTO BUYER'S SYSTEM; OR ANY OTHER EVENT NOT CAUSED BY THE COMPANY. FURTHERMORE. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHE COMPANY BE RESPONSIBLE FORANY LOSSOR DAMAGE TO THE BIKER, THE UNITS OR ANY THIRD PARTY RESULTING FROM ITS INSTALLATION OR SHIPMENT. BUYER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM IS COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS (c) NO REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY HAS THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THIS WARRANTY IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER, OR TO EXTEND THIS WARRANTY. NO WARRANTY APPUES TO ANY PARTY OTHER THAN TO THE ORIGINAL BUYER. INFILTRAMRi SYSTEMS INC_ 1 0. Fill side wall area to top of slots with native soil. "Walk" fill into place to give proper support of sides. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ACHIEVE FULL STRENGTH. . Backfill to a minimum of 12" of cover after -compaction and settling for H-10 units and 18" for H-20 units. Avoid large rocks in the backfill material. CAUTION; Avoid vehicle traffic on system during construction since soil has not settled. This is par- ticularly important in sand, since loose sand offers very little structural support. Most states advise avoiding vehicle traffic to prevent com- paction of the infiltrative surface. (After proper depth of cover is compacted and settled, INFILTRATOR TM chambers will then support vehicle weight not to exceed 16,000 lbs. per axle for H-10 units and 32,000 lbs. per axle for H-20 units.) If you have special problems or questions call INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS'' or your local distributor. Distributed by 4 Business Park Road P.O. Box 768 Old Saybrook, CT 06475 (203) 388-6639 FAX (203) 388.6810 THE iINFlLTRATORi � SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 11 Excavate and level 3' wide trenches. © Prepare trench bottom and sides in accordance with state and local regulations. (Infiltrator Systems recommends raking sidewall and bottom infiltrative surfaces to eliminate smearing.) © Screw splash plate on bottom of open end plate. E]Screw open end plate into inlet end (without interlocks) of first INFILTRATOR'" chamber with splash plate extending into unit, © Place first unit in the inlet end of trench with interlocks downstream. 0 Run distribution pipe through inlet opening in end plate but not beyond splash plate. Single screw may be used to hold in place. Pipe does not normally run the length of system. U Connect INFILTRATOR'" units together, fully en- gaging interlocks to form desired trench length. a. The joints may be screwed together for ease in construction. b. Trench grade should be checked with a level or surveying equipment. 0 Screw closed end plate in downstream end of last unit to hold in place. NOTE: For serial distribution, or to loop the trenches together, use an open end plate at the down- stream end of the trench, and run a pipe from the opening to the next trench. 0 Fill side wall area to top of slots with native soil. "Walk" fill into place to give proper support of sides. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ACHIEVE FULL STRENGTH. compaction and settling for H-10 units and 18" for H-20 units. Avoid large rocks in the backfill ma- terial. CAUTION: Avoid vehicle traffic on system during construction since soil has not settled. This is particularly important in sand, since loose sand offers very little structural support. Most states advise avoiding vehicle traffic to prevent compaction of the infil- trative surface. (After proper depth of cover is compacted and settled, INFILTRATOR'" leaching chambers will then support vehicle weight not to exceed 16,000 lbs. per axle for H-10 units and 32,000 lbs. per axle for H-20 units.) INFILTRATOR" is a trademark of Infiltrator Systems, Inc. UExcavate and level desired bed area. Rake soil surface to eliminate smearing. Follow steps 3 through 8 on the other side. ElPlace rows of INFILTRATOR"' chambers next to each other to achieve desired bed area. ® Fill side wall area around perimeter and between rows of units with native material up to the top of slots and "walk" in place to give proper support to sides. PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION INFILTRATOR'* chambers are easily adapted to pressure distribution. Simply suspend a predrilled pressure pipe in the top of the units with simple, foolproof plastic pipe straps. Supplemental installation instructions, with complete details for pressure distribution are available. �'JIf�I:�r•T:7�tui1 a. The structural integrity of each INFILTRATOR' unit when installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions, is warranted to the original purchaser against defective materials and workmanship for one year from date of manufacture. Should a defect appear within the warranty period, purchaser must inform Infiltrator Systems, Inc. of the defect within fifteen (15) days. Infiltrator Systems will supply a replacement unit. Infiltrator Systems' (lability specifically excludes the cost of removal and/or installation of the units. b. THE WARRANTY IN SUBPARAGRAPH (a) IS EXCLUSIVE. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE UNITS, INCLUDING NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF HTNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE UABLE FOR PENALTIES OR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PRODUCTION AND PROFITS, LABOR AND MATERIALS, OVERHEAD COSTS, OR OTHER LOSS OR EXPENSE INCURRED BY BUYER. SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED FROM WARRANTY COVERAGE ARE DAMAGE TO THE UNITS DUE TO ORDINARY WEAR AND TEAR, ALTERATION, ACCIDENT, MISUSE, ABUSE OR NEGLECT OF THE UNITS; THE UNITS BEING SUBJECTED TO STRESSES GREATER THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED IN THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: THE PLACEMENT BY BUYER OF IMPROPER MATERIALS INTO BUYER'S SYSTEM; OR ANY OTHER EVENT NOT CAUSED BY THE COMPANY. FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COMPANY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE BUYER, THE UNITS OR ANY THIRD PARTY RESULTING FROM ITS INSTALLATION OR SHIPMENT. BUYER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM IS COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. c. NO REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY HAS THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THIS WARRANTY IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER, OR TO EXTEND THIS WARRANTY. NO WARRANTY APPUES TO ANY PARTY OTHER THAN TO THE ORIGINAL BUYER. If you have special problems or questions call INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS'" or your local distributor. IINFILTRAMR T I SYSTEMS INC. 0 Being careful not to shift units, backfill to a minimum of 12" of compacted, settled cover for H-10 units and 18" for H-20 units. Avoid large rocks in backfill material. For a large bed that cannot be filled from the sides, use a light tracked vehicle and be sure to maintain the proper minimum of compacted cover beneath tracks at all times. DO NOT USE WHEELED VEHICLES ON THE BED DURING CONSTRUCTION. Access port at the top center of each unit may be cut out and used for venting, inspection or manifold connection. Insert 4" pipe through hole and use a coupling ring as shown to keep the pipe from dropping into the chamber. Distributed by P.O. Box 768 Old Saybrook,0.4:00r PAT. NOS. 4759661, 5017041 and 5156488 Canadian and other patents pending. © 1993 Infiltrator Systems Inc. SSI #02 33 v C0 .L �'-1?13ANI � � V p �9 Z x 2 eh Z �o t% x N of Z 1 ! eh O N Z O I. - AC W a W N 3 N N 1000 Gal, Engle Auto Siphon Chamber ,.. 'Q:7 Note: 7'. S PLAN 72' In-, J f) i or 1 21-111 I r 4" Push Seal 2.1 clear i- -C Gasket typi 'MONOLITHIC TANK 1 '1 Spec;. for water aild Livaste water structures. Rut , rubber sealant meets Fed. IA IT Six CM5-6-21011, (Provided with P! uo?bll. -tq shown in diagram — -^ i + provided with tank. It i 111,, s- t n I o n qi n e e f s (-,,qui rezynent to determirle VO' ONE, LOADING aad RETUIRN TrMR NA Ono Gross Net Volume 1-050 Gal 890 Gal. 5-439 Discharge Per Cycle 225 Gal./300 Gal,/ 400 Gal.. Weight Tank/Lid -7 -- ' 9825 11)", " I PlIvate Residence - A.R. 'r(-rEjjj .......... W.T. Coliall A,-,,SQCr,, Inc —F.U. 13ox 6 nd * Jundjoij, Colorado 8M9.. P 7? 83 2 J N 40 m Ohl O Ji W s• ►. > w J ^ N > I c ' ^ C)I j ♦ N V O q^ � ♦ i N N � _J ICI Y � I Y .. z s U ti o> 1 (n W Q W Ln CY t W Z 3: LL " O W U Y c 2 m (n F— W U V Q CL ct W d a (n ? tab'" r�;gs :)lilt 4Yj11t Tank Alert ° I Alarm System - Indoor GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Tank Alert I is an easy -to -install NEMA 1 (indoor) liquid level alarm system designed specifically for lift pump chambers, sump pump basins, holding tanks, and water and sewage systems. The Tank Alert I alarm system includes an alarm panel, alarm float and splice kit. APPLICATIONS The Sensor Float@ control switch is lowered into the tank and secured at the desired alarm level. When the liquid ORDERING INFORMATION SJE' SERIES 101 level rises (high level alarm) or lowers (low level alarm), the Sensor Float tips and activates a loud horn on the alarm panel. In addition, a red, solid-state warning light is activated. The horn can be turned off, but the warning light will remain on until the condition is reme- died. An added green "power on" light assures you that there is power to the alarm panel. When used with a pump application, the Tank Alert I should be connected to a circuit breaker other than the pump cir- cuit. This allows the Tank Alert I to oper- ate even if the pump circuit should fail. Part No. Voltage Description Ship Wt. (lbs.) PW217-115 120V Primary/12V Secondary Tank Alert I Alarm System - Indoor 4 FEATURES ■ Can be used with any UL Listed switching mechanism rated 1 amp, 24 VAC minimum. ■ System operates, when property installed, even if pump circuit fails. s Switching mechanism operates on low voltage and is isolated from the 120V power line to reduce the possibility of shock. ■ Direct wire option (knock out holes provided on panel back and bottom) ■ Entire unit — alarm panel and float switch — is UL Listed and CSA Certified. ■ Alarm Panel — This NEMA 1 metal panel features a red warning light, a green `power on" light, push -to -test alarm button, and a horn silence switch. ■ Alarm Float — SJE's Sensor Float control switch (Model 15SWI). ■ Splice Kit — This UL Listed splice kit provides a safe means to make a strong, waterproof splice connection if additional cable length is required. warrant}r, SPECIFICATIONS Voltage: Primary 120V 60Hz. Secondary 12V 60Hz. Watts: 5 watt alarm condition Alarm Panel: 6 in. (15.24 cm) x 4 in. (10.16 cm) x 2.5 in. (6.35 cm) NEMA 1 metal enclosure with 6 ft. line cord and electrical knock outs for direct wire options. Alarm Switch Connection Terminal: 1 Amp, 24 VAC. Alarm Float: S.J. ELECTRO SYSTEMS, INC., Sensor Float Control Switch (Model 15SWI). Housing: 3.38 in. (8.58 cm) diameter x 4.55 in. (11.56 cm) long, high -impact - resistant, non -corrosive PVC plastic with internal stabilizing weight. For use in liquids up to 140OF (600C). Mercury Tilt Switch: Hermetically sealed steel capsule features mercury - to -mercury contacts. Cable: 15 ft. (4.57 m) long, 16-gauge, 2-conductor, SJOW-A (UL), SJOW (CSA) water resistant, Neoprene. Tank Alert° 11 Alarm System - Indoor/Outdoor - x -Z �a ININ SJE" SERIES 202 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Tank Alert II is a top-quality, indoor or outdoor liquid level alarm system. It is designed to provide resi- dential and commercial applications with a dependable high or liquid level warning device. The Tank Alert I alarm system includes an alarm panel and alarm float. APPLICATIONS The customer is alerted to a potentially threatening liquid level condition by the horn and the large, red light which can be seen from all directions. Common applications include lift pump chambers, sump pump basins, holding tank sewage systems, irrigation sys- tems, and other water systems. ORDERING INFORMATION FEATURES ■ NEMA 4X thermoplastic alarm panel ■ Horn and light warn of high or low liquid levels. ■ Auxiliary alarm contacts on alarm circuit. ■ Alarm system operates even if pump circuit should fail. ■ Entire unit — alarm panel and float switch — is UL Listed and CSA Certified. ■ Alarm Panel — This NEMA 4X non- corrosive, indoor -outdoor alarm panel comes pre -assembled. Panel exterior features a large, red light, specially designed non -corrosive horn, silence . switch (with automatic reset feature) and alarm test switch. ■ Alarm Float — SJE's Standard Sensor Float` control switch (Model 20PC) - / fiwQyearAmited warranty - ship Wt. Part No. I Voltage Description (lbs.) PW217.116 120V A C i TanK Alert 11 Alarm System - InaoorrOutaoor 5 SPECIFICATIONS Voltage: Primary 120V A.C. NOTE: Power to the alarm must be 120V A.C. only. Watts: 40 watts max. alarm condition Alarm Panel: 7.50 in. (19.05 cm) x 10.00 in. (25.40 cm) x 5.25 in. (13.34 cm) typical NEMA 4X, indoor -outdoor, weatherproof thermoplastic enclosure. Auxiliary Alarm Contacts: 5 Amps, 120V A.C. Alarm Float: S.J. ELECTRO SYSTEMS, INC., Sensor Float Control Switch (Model 20PC) Housing: 3.38 in. (8.58 cm) diameter x 4.55 in. (11.56 cm) long, high -impact - resistant, non -corrosive PVC plastic for use in liquids up to 140OF (60°C). Mercury Tilt Switch: Hermetically sealed steel capsule features mercury - to -mercury contacts. Cable: 20 ft. long (6.09 m) 16-gauge, 2-conductor, SJOW-A (UL). SJOW (CSA) water resistant, Neoprene. N it STATE, OF COLOFADO COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH p\ 421 U East 11 th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 Phone (303) 320-8333 Rov Romer Governor "larch 20 1989 Traumas tit. vernon, M.U. t Executrve Uuectur Mr. Jim Nichols Infiltrator Systems, Inc. 123 Elm Street Suite 12 Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475 .6 RE: Infiltrator System Sizing Dear Mr. Nichols, The Water Quality Control Division has previously granted certification as new technology to the Infiltrator Leaching Chamber (June 24, 19871). That certification specified that the absorption area requirements would be calculated in accordance with that specified in 5 CCR 1003-6, Section VIII.C.1.d. This is the same methodology which is required for sizing standard, gravel or rock filled absorption systems. At the time certification was granted it was suggested that a reduction in absorption area may be appropriate for leaching chamber effluent dispersal systems due primarily to the masking effect of rock matrix within the dispersal system. The Division has recently completed evaluation of a0CUnentation supporting that claim. Eased upon this documentation the Division has determined a reduction in the required absorption area for systems utilizing leaching chambers is appropriate. The Water Quality Control Division on February 3rd of this year modified its Certification of the Infiltrator Leaching Chamber to allow a reduction in absorption area required for systems utilizing leaching c'hazdbers for effluent. disposal., The Division's certification, however, failed to specify sizing criteria appropriate for bed versus trench configurations. This letter will supercede the Division's February 3 letter and specifies sizing criteria for both bed and trench installations: 1) The required absorption area will be calculated in accordance with the procedure cited in 5 CCR 1003-6, Section VIII 1.d. The value of (0.6)(A) may be used for sizing the required absorption area for chambered leaching systems when used in a trench configuation. When utilizied in a bed, a 50 percent reduction in the required absorption area ((0.5)(4)] may be allowed. 2) Regardless of..configuration, each unit shall be .counted as 18.75 square`feetJ'of,absorption area 3) All other applicable design criteria for absorption beds and trenches concerning soil percolation rates, maximum seasonal groundwater level, bedrock depth, slope, separation distances and cover shall remain as specified in a CCR 1003-6, Sections VI, VII and VIII. Please note that the Colorado Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Act (CRS 25-10) empowers individual counties to adopt and enforce criteria which may be more stringent than those contained in the state guidelines. In those instances any such county criteria may be applied in lieu of state criteria. Sincerely, Phil He e� g ISDS Program Coordinator Permits and Enforcement Section Water Quality Control Division xc: County ISDS Contacts m -12- O w i 1HO13M 18 2 i V3wj n LN33113d S N O e0 Ol +1 p -1 E E O 0 CA zoo* f E v1 d Gl Or > V mt" W v1 C O .0 di W J� O N u a s 0o w u C O 1n .-1 0 d u E W � �.Cr..Ci 0. m In p .1 ...1 too. Lccoo• U d w 41 L -4 • 10O• 0. t7 14 -4 0. N tp U u O -UI O Z e 10' N >a td to CA d -4 p W W p to E L 41 m F W c60 m u W u 41G w U 0 001 0 o1 i �^ C9 o► z o► oc oz -_. _ s 2 o1 Q ! Io- o• r Y r �02 oc • z o N CI .4 .rl 'C Od G i.l C 1+ v 7 O cO O r~ � E 4.I r-I eh C tC v1 y y L O C n1 O O L ni E m C 3 H LJ bo W -4 7-1 w L W O -4 O W y �+ O R! L N .4 V7 G m C o C L N •.+ 10 to Z O E C G '� O u O r .G G � •.-+ iJ O tl7 L - I U m vl 41 .-Or O In •.•I C G N O •.+ u to U C to > W 10 rA t0 ra c 01 d •-+ ec N > Id C C ..Or U .� to O L1 L d Z E po c0 N 10 E W W d C C W E C "4 r4 .0 41 r4 10 O J-I 41 LJ . f I. N "4 41 O L f 00 d t0 d d d E+ u o to i to � M Lr. IND13M L9 w3m1 vamd OWNER: PERMIT STATUS PROPERTY LOCATION: _ ff,, ISDS PERMIT # 46 � � ® �( � � 2 ) � u, i ---& �, .� BUILDING PERMIT #- PARCEL # 1) COMPETENESS LETTER ADDRESS DATE SENT E.H. INITIAL Ll 131 56i 1u e vL3nvz-� . cl vi co -a ' n�� y� SENT TO: P' !� Y7R P�,S o A --h-oAv ��n a ",1 i? .in������� INFORMATION CONTAINED YES NO Concerns 1) Percolation test fees......... 2) ISDS permit fees .............. 3) Site Plan .......................... 4) Tax Parcel number........... 5) Physical Address.............. 6) Legal address .................. 7) Percolation test................ 8) Licensed installer ............. 9) Other: 2) ISSUE LETTER ADDRESS DATE SENT E.H.INITIAL SENT TO INSTALLER Concerns: 3) FINAL LETTER ADDRESS DATE SENT E.H. INITIAL SENT TO: 4) NOTEWORTHY TELEPONE CORRESPONDENCES SPOKE WITH ABOUT DAATTE� E.H. INITIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303)328-8730 DATE: TO: FROM: EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO April 7, ?_995 Bossow Excavation Environmental Health Division 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No. 1450-95, Tax Parcel #1941-274-01-010 Property Located at: Bellycache Ridge Road. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No..1450 is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. cc: files Project No.: P. O. BOX 978 M � Moun Su/TE 1O1 _ AVO ME op ROAD 1t20 VANCE STREET IF All A KW, CLYQ 81620 • • (3Q3) 949-5O72 , eft'i it6d. LAKE(-W)?32-0158I d oece Issued: i WE ARE FORWARDING TO YOU: ❑ Herewith ❑ E t1mates Tints ❑ Copy of Letter RE:��c LET lc�� Q clGc�,� @ T24y.a ❑ Under Separate Cover Via ❑ Proposals ❑ Specifications ❑ Change Order ❑ Reports ❑ Survey NO. COPIES DRAWING NO. LAST DATED DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: ❑ For r Use or Approval PLEASE NOTE: ❑ For Review and Comment (] Approved as Submitted ❑ As Requested Inter -Mon tain En i erin Ltd. PER ( G Lakewood 1450-95 TERAN 1, JOB NAME Lot 10 Filing 2 Travis Creek 1941-274-01 JOB CVO JOB LOCATION DATE STARTED DATE BILLED ELIE r _ COST SUMMARY / 00 ON ` TOTAL SELLING PRICE MIN A94 2 m mw I /IN' IN I- Wdam p 2,0 • . - TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE MISC. COSTS ,� �! , �ii'ii"d R' R' _ilrrW­ OVERHEAD COSTS LESS % OF SELLING PRICE -� PROF JOB FOLDER Product 278 ®p NEW ENGLAN) BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 v U JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. Cleanout Ports HUIL DIN;` //V 11-11 OPE a I GROUND SURFACE J J 237 MIN. SLOPE FOR DRAIN PIPE 3 INFIL TRA TOR CHAMBER (TYP ) r ALL CHAMBERS ROWS TO BE AT THE SAME ELEVA 770N. 1. 5' MIN --� 3' MAY, 4" PVC Wl1N "T" + 4' MIN. TO 1 o BEDROCK m Y - BUiIL D!l\l v Ell VEL OPE, NOTE: SEE CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR INS TALLA 77ON REQUIREMENTS. SECTION A -A 1250 Gal. Two Compartment Septic Tank P"N " 11'-4" SECTION 4'-1 Q" 6" Jj } 5�wga� 5 2" Dimensions Capacities W&DO ) A i B Approximate Weights W L H Tank Lid Baffle Walls Total 4'-10' 11'-4' 5'-9' 820 420 7130lbs 3570lbs 1020lbs 11,720lbs I 17 STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER (3` x 6 %4' x 1') NOTES: 1. Building sewer line to septic tank shall have a maximum slope of 114" per foot. Bends in building sewer shall be limited to 45 degrees 2. Septic tank shall be installed level. Tank to have removable cover or manholes to within 8 inches of finish grade for access to each compartment, for cleaning and inspection. Septic tank to meet oil the requirements of Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, Section 4.07. J. Excavate and level 3 feet wide trenches, 3 feet deep and at least 6 feet apart. 4. Prepare trench bottom and sides in accordance with the state and local regulations. (For the Infiltrator System, raking sidewoll and bottom infiltrative surfaces is recommended to reduce smearing;) 5. Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the Trenches according to the manufacturers recommendations. 6. BackFill the side wall area with native soil for proper support, 7 Baekfill the trenches with a minimum of 12 inches of tamped soil co ver. 8. Avoid vehicle traffic over the system. 9. All installations shall meet the rules and regulations of Eagle County Environmental Health Division as set forth in the Individual Sewage Disposal System regulations. Construction of the system shall be inspected by the Engineer, prior to backfrlling. DESIGN FL OW Design Percolation Rate, T= 44 minutes per inch Number of 1§edrooms = 4 Maximum Daily Flow = Qmax Omax = 4 brms x 2 persons1brm x 75 gallons/personfday x 15OX Qmax = 900 gallons per day SEPTIC TANK V = Qmox x 3Ohrs 24hrs V = 900 x 3O = 1125 gallons 24 Use one 1,250 gallon two compartment septic tank. ABSORPTION _AECA A—Qmax 5 A 900 4-4 = 1194 sq. ft. 5 Check absorb tion area using .Table 7-2 (EPA Manual Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems) Amax = 1194 sq. ft. Infiltrator Chamber System in a trench configuration is recommended, with on allowed 5OX reduction in the required absorp tion area. 0.5 Amax = 0.5(1194 sq, ft.) = 597 sq. ft. Surface area of one Infiltrator Chamber = 18.75 sq. ft, Use 32 Infiltrator Chambers. Two trenches with 16 Infiltrators. SUBSURFACE SOIL COND117ONS Soil Profile (by In ter —Mountain Engineering, Ltd.) Soil Profile Location (refer to drawing) 0.0 — 8. 0' Reddish brown slightly silty and very clayey SAND with cobbles. GENERAL NOTES I. Percolation Test Results and Subsurface Soil Conditions obtained from Field Percolation Tests and Soil Profile by In ter —Mountain Engineering, Ltd. 2. It is recommended that the trenches be excavated to a maximum depth of 36 inches. A maximum cover of 2' shall be maintained over the top of the intittrotor chambers. J. Topographic information prepared by Inter-Mountoin Engineering, Ltd. Lot fayaut furnished by Alan Terah. Approximate location of percolation holes 0 Approximate location of test pit L 0 L"A /7-/ ON VA P r �, - ,,� _:_ _ - - _ - _ - - _ - -- - _ _ _ - - _ - _ --3 - - - r_ ., - -e - - - - - - - - - - - _- - - -- - - - .. -f _._- - -- - - - - - - - - �� -.. -�- ..� ; - - - � - - - - _ _ _ _. _ _ - r. _ - - . _, - - _- f - -- - _ - - - � - = - - - - - - - - - --_ -- _ - - ... _ - - •- = - - � - -- .. ., - - � - - _ _ ,. ,. -� - - _ - - ��` _, _ _: �.. _n3 -- � -- - - - - - - - - -- _ _ - - = - � - - -- - - -- - _- - - - - - - i _ - -_ _ -- - - - _ _ - --- - -_- �. - - -- �: _. r- - - - - - -- �.r ,, -- _ � .� �. r - _,