HomeMy WebLinkAbout554 Mountain View Rd - 239122202010 - 1431-94ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 900 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Richard Backe Jr. MAILINGADDRESS: 102 Badger Rd. , Carbondale city: Carbondale APPLICANT: SAME PERMIT NO. 1 4 3 1 PHONE: 963-0619 State: CO Zip: 81623 PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 0554 Mt. View Rd., Carbondale TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2391-222-02-010 LICENSED INSTALLER: Rose Lane Excavating LICENSE NO: 48-94 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: Schmueser-Gordon, And Meyer -Dan Corkle INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 100 0 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 618.6 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Install as per engineer's design. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLON DEGREES FEET FROM SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY x YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/ STATE REQUIREMENTS: % YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: Installed as per engineer's dgsign via 24 infiltrators. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATE: July 3 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: ERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO July 3,1995 Mr.Richard Backe Jr. 102 Badger Rd. Carbondale,Co. 81623 725 CHAMBERS AVE. P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX (303) 328.7207 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1431-94 Parcel #2391-222-02-010. Property located at: 0554 Mt. View Rd., Carbondale,Co.81623 Dear Mr.Backe, This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincere Sha n Garton Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit enclosures lU/ 14/ 1 774 14. 4J JVJ JLJr i QQ "'I UZ Nelson EnrjrronnWnUd Wi $ w w Solo Ltd E October 12, 1994 W Mr. Rich Backe 102 Badger Lane S Carbondale, CO e1623 Subject: Soils Evaluation and Percolation Tests for Individual Sewage System Design for Lot 9, Aspen Mountain View Subdivision, Eagle County, CO at 0544 Mountain View Drive Dear Rich, As requested, Nelson Environmental and Wastewater Solutions, Ltd,, performed a $ofas study and percolation tests to recommend a design for a septic system for the proposed residence being moved from another part of the property. We conducted this study according to Sections 4.04 and 4.05 h er IV �l do ividgal Sewage Di gal Systo of the Eagle County Code on October 4, 1994. We have based our recommendations on the subsurface conditions encountered. This planned residence is a two bedroom, two bathroom, two-story house. There is a potential that the system will be expanded to three bedrooms in the future. The location of the proposed residence and sewage disposal field are shown on Figure 1. With water conserving toilets, the ultimate wastewater flow from this residence is estimated to be 450 gallons per day (GPD). The investigated site is a 3-acre lot on Missouri Heights. The property is served by subdivision wells. The ground surface, which appears natural in the proposed area of the absorption field, slopes to the South and Southeast at a 20% grade. The foundation of the house was staked at the time of our investigation, but otherwise, the site was vacant. There was a typical vegetation pattern of oak brush, sagebrush, grasses and cactus over the property. �[_� .�.i.�li�,• is A soil profile pit, within 25 feet of the proposed absorption area, was excavated to a depth of five feet where digging became difficult. No ground water was encountered in the profile excavation. Bedrock was not present within profile pit. However, there was an abundance of loose cobble and basalt on the surface and within the subsoil matrix. The basalt exceeded 40% of the volume below three feet. These rocks were from P.O. Box 6%1 Snowmass Village, CO. $1615 Office (303) 923.3289 Home (303) 923.2766 Backe Property Septic System Site Evaluation October 12, 1994 Page 2 three inches to forty -inches in diameter and intermixed with the subsoil from approximately two feet and down. The soil textures encountered were a clay loam topsoil about six inches deep, and a calcareous sandy silt about sixteen inches deep that grades into a matrix of calcareous, very cobbly, sandy clay loam and basalt to the bottom of the profile hole Percolation Testiu The subsurface soil conditions were evaluated with the standard percolation test procedures at the approximate location shown on Figure I. In two instances the test Wes were hand dug in the bottom of shallow backhoe excavations. One test hole was excavated to a depth of thirty-five inches by hand from the ground surface. The subsoil in which the percolation testing was run, consisted of sandy loam or clay loam. This soil was well consolidated, and showed little tendency to swell. No smearing or compaction was observed in the backhoe excavations. Percolation testing was performed in the proposed absorption area South of the building footprint. The percolation holes were hand dug in the location of the proposed absorption field at the bottom of backhoe excavations prepared earlier. Three inches of gravel were placed in the bottom of each hole. The holes were dug to a total depth of from thirty-five to sixty inches. The percolation holes were pre-soaked the evening before the percolation testing by adding ten gallons of water to each hole. Water was then added approximately every three hours for a period of eight hours before beginning the percolation test. The results of the percolation testing are presented in Table 1. These results indicate the clay loam soils have an average percolation rate of 21 minutes per inch and are acceptable for an infiltration design for the on -site sewage system. Some variability in the percolation test measurements can be accounted for because of the varying depth and because of the presence of the stones in the subsoil. t tt �t � •.. t � • The minimum Eagle County requirements for this installation are based on a system loaded at an average of 460 gallons per day. This flow would require a septic tank of 1000 gallons and a minimum of approximately 700 square feet of standard absorption trench. However, because of the plat recording, on -site sewage disposal systems within this subdivision are required to be designed by a registered professional engineer. We refer you to Dan Cokley of Schmeuser, Gordon and Meyer Engineering 1 V? I- 1 J l Y. Y-! JVJ JGJG f LSO 01JCl Yr.&D, - I L' U4 Backe Property Septic System Site Evaluation October 12, 19W Page 3 for this site -specific septic system design. Um�ns; This report has been prepared according to generally accepted practices in this area for use for sewage disposal design purposes. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon data obtained from our site visits at the location indicated. There is some possibility that the nature and extent of variations in the subsurface soils across the site may not have been evident at the time of this investigation, and may need additional evaluation if further excavation reveals conditions different from those described. This office should be advised of any unusual situations as soon as possible so we may reevaluate our recommendations. If you have questions or if we may be of further assistance, please call the office. Sirroereiy, fo&l r-11"— Robert F. Nelson President Attachments cc: Jim Kehoe ---------- J�'VAITA!N VIEW "AD rlr/ (11 rXiv(-W^f &Z .tart PWK '76 y5lu Uty. l_ -� �..� lv.� 7,7 r � 'O 7C, W. xrkz. �E A Home for Richard a d Dana""''.'-, Bac#ke Nersan Enytronnental t, Wasau maw Solui>�ofes, Ltd! Ill�i�l E w S Table I PERCOLATION TEST RESULT FORM —Depthat � bepth it vamps Length of Start of and of Drop In PerooWon Hole Depth Interval Interval Interval water Level Rate Hole No. (in.) (Mirwbes) (inches)(inches) (tnotm) (MinAro) 1 35 10 711116 51116 2 16 10 511116 4 5116 1 3/8 10 4 6/16 3 7118 7/8 10 3 7118 2 518 13/16 10 2 5/8 2 5/8 10 1 2 1 3/8 5/a 2 40 10 4 518 3 1 5/8 13 10 3 1 3/4 1 1A 10 1 314 1 314 10 1 1/4 3/4 refill 1 10 1 1 3/4 3/4 1 10 3/4 0 3/4 3 60 10 6 7/8 6 318 1/2 32 10 6 318 6 1/9 114 10 6 Ira 5 3/4 318 10 5 3/4 5 9/16 3/18 10 1 5 9/18 1 5 1 /4 1 5/113 10 I 5 1/4 1 416/18 1 5/18 Name: Rich arts Dana Bache Property: 0544 Mountain View Drive Date of teat: 1014/94 P.O. Box 6%1 Snowmass ViUage, CO.8'1615 Office (303) 923.3289 Home (303) 923.2766 Nelson Bnvltronmenad & Wastewater SolutYM Ltd Property Address: 0544 Mountain View Drive W Legal Description: Lot 9 Asoen Mountain V"ew S Property Owner: Name , Rich and Dana 8gcke Address 102 §adder Lane, Carbondale. fg0 Q1 23 Phone Contractor: Excavating Contractor: Name Jim Woe Co strue ionn. Name nU knQWn Address §51 Buck 8tGr9Ct. Caondal- CO 81523- Phone 2§3-2621 Satnrad" and Swellisa o Smeared surfaces removed X o Gravel Added X Ye4 o Date and Time presoak w4a added 1014194 a.10:30 a.m. o Amorist of presoak water added 30 gallons /bale o Water remaining in holes after premak? Hole 1: Yes �x No Hole 2: __,_Yes _ x N4 Hole 3: _Yes x No Percolation Rate 1Meawrement Hole 1: 16 rninuteslinch Hole 1: 13 Wnutcalinch Hole 3: 32 minatedinch AVERAGE 21 minuteslinch I certify that the above Information is correct and { t th bet of m knowled a and that Grumadwater. o Not Er mnitered to S ft. o 1stimated depth to high seasonal no water if nencourdered-130 feet ed o is area believto be snbjoet to seasonal fluctuations which =dd M-Wt in a seasonal water table? _on Yes X No Slope io absorptiarea 13% to the SSE Bedrock o Not EnpouoWW o Estimated depth if not enoountered-20 ft. o Type of bedrock' Sandstone Clay"ne Siltstaac ,K Othet:Basalt _Fracitind Weatherul Is bedrock believed to be permeable? X Yes _No comp ete d e s y g all tests were performed in accordance with the provisions of Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal SyVqM Regulations, Section 4.05.01 through 4.05.08. Robert E. Nelson President P.O. Box 6961 Snowmses VMag@. CO.81615 Office (303) 923.3289 Hoene (303) 923-2766 lflli4figg4 15:11 3039232769 BOB NELSON. NEWS.LTD PACE. a2 October 14,1994 hffFedrizzi Foe C umy. En Am=ennW Health Departmeut P. 0. Box 179 Eagles Colorado 81631 Subject: Sons, EvahwSon and Percoh6on Test for Individual Sewage System Design for the Backe Reddeice, Lot 9 AS* Mountain View Subdivision Deer Jex After disazssWg and reviewing the sons study and mmobition tests perfort0d by Nelson EnvkomnenW acid Wastewater Solutions, Ltd. to design a septic system for the proposed residenm iris our opinion that an engineered on -site wastewaW disposd system on be designed for this property in accordance with the subdivision plgt. We base our findings on the subsume ooeditions encountered is this area We have sefieduled a site inspection for Monday, October 17,1994 to ftntba evaluate the termiri and site conMoaa, and wM begin our detaHed deigu recommendations at that time. Ifyou-have questions or if we snap be of further assistance, please call the office. Dan Coidey, P.E. Scbrneuser, Gordon, Meta' En&aetiag y Tm P FAX is %k k.Ouc _.._.._ ._ I FFM- i pAf m o+ t P- (970) 945-1004 FAX (970) 945-5948 June 19, 1995 Ms. Marsha Blair Hanover Mortgage Corporation 7000 East Bellveiw, Suite 360 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS �SGM SCHNUESER GORDONNEVER 118 West 6th, Suite 200 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 VIA MAIL AND FAX: (303) 779-3666 RE: Backe ISDS, Lot 9, Aspen Mountain View Subdivision Dear Ms. Blair: This letter should serve as a final inspection report for the Backe residence Individual Sewage Disposal System located at Lot 9, Aspen Mountain View Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The inspection was done Thursday, March 23, 1995. While on site, it was noted that a new 1000 gallon septic tank, proper piping to and from the tank, and the specified 24 infiltrator units arranged in three trenches. This installation was. done according to the revised plans prepared by SGM dated 2/24/95, and operates properly. Please do not hesitate to call if further information is required. Sincerely, SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER, INC. Dan Cokley, P.E. DC:lc/94145 cc: Mike Kehoe, Kehoe Construction MOUNTAIN VIEW WA Y f oRacowwvo F� fROA/ TRENCH ARE powmAnoN rEsr HOLE ( ccrRarxS TO MANIITAIN.• POTABLE WATER LINE = 25' DWELLING = 20' PROPERTY LINE = 10 IRRIGATION DITCH OR WATER COURSE = 50' 1431-94 - Tax Parcel #2391-222-02-010 .JOB. NAME Lot 9, filing 2, Aspen Mt. View BACKE�� 0554 Mt'"." View Rd., Car`bondale "` JOB 1VQ. IL 3I xe-�- 94"&e. q 70 - yo C/- l SILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED Ste— J t-ij 7:tf—Jt JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 ®® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE. INC., GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER a Printed in U.S.A. GENERAL NOTES. DESIGN CALCULATIONS BACKE I.S.D.S. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1. DESIGN PERCOLATION RATE (NATIVE) = 40 MINUTES/INCH 2. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE DESIGN. 2 PERSONS PER BEDROOM 75 GALLONS PER PERSON DAY 3. DETERMINE AVERAGE DAILY FLOW: Q = (3)(2)(75) =- 450 GALLONS PER DAY 4. DESIGN FLOW AT 150% PEAKING FACTOR: Q 450 (1.5) = 675 GALLONS PER DAY 5. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: 30 HOURS DETENTION (675 GALLONS PER DAY) = 844 GALLONS 24 HOURS PER DAY USE 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ' PER CODE MINIMUM 6. SiZE ABSORPTION AREA: A (NATIVE) (Q)(SQRT(T)) WHERE: Q=PEAK DESIGN FLOW 5 A= ABSORPTION AREA T= PERCOLATION RATE A (NATIVE) = (675)(SQRT(40)) = 853.82 'SQ.FT. . 5 THE ABOVE ABSORPTION AREA REPRESENTS THE AREA NECESSARY ' FOR A TRENCH TYPE SYSTEM- SAND AREA REQUIRED CONTROLS DESIGN. 7, ADJUSTMENTS TO ABSORPTION AREA: FOR INFILTRATOR TRENCH: DECREASE AREA BY A FACTOR OF 0.50 8. FOR USE OF TRENCH TYPE SYSTEM: A = 853.82 * 0.5 426.91 SO- FT. 426.9f S.F./3' _ 1423 L.F. INSTALL (3) 48' INFILTRATOR TRENCHES (8 . UNITS EACH TRENCH) EFFECTIVE AREA = 4J2 S.F. 1.- All materials, installation practices, setback requirements, etc., shall comply with the -Eagle County - - Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations_ - 2. -\Thabsorption trench shall -be -constructed-so thotTthe \bgttom level +/ 0. 1 inches. Place trench in natural ground; no portion of the trench shall- be placed in fill. Provide positive drainage away from the trench; J. The location of the trench may be field adjusted to better - -.fit the site, provided all setbacks ore met, and Health Officer and Engineer ore notified. 4 Piping to, system shall be 4" ASTM 2729 PVC pipe_ 5, The area disturbed by construction shall be reseeded with native grasses to prevent erosion. 6. Use risers as needed to bring septic tank access hatch within 6" of finished grade- 7 ASTM 3034 PVC- pipe or pipe of. equal strength or other pipe properly supported to. prevent failure by settling shall extend from tank for a distance of at least five feet (5) from the inlet and outlet rends. A 8, The Contractor and Owner shall take whatever measures are necessary to assure that. a) the 'septic tank and sewer lines are completely water tight to prevent infiltration -of groundwater into the system, and b) the system_ is installed: to prevent freezing of gravity sewer lines. 9. The County Health Officer and Engineer- shall be notified when construction commences and- kept abreast of the . construction progress so that sufficient inspection can be performed to assure conformance with these plans_ 10. It is the Contractor's responsibility ,to verify all { !_ locations of utilities that may affect location of facilities drawn. Verification is to be made with the Owner and the affected utility company. 11. Substitution of materials (i.e. pipe, tonks, etc.) is acceptable provided verification - and acceptance by the Engineer and the Environmental Health Officer is made. 12. ' The location and elevation of the house is schematic. -It is paramount that verification of sewer line location and elevation be checked with building plans prior to construction. 6 !nCE 13. Site map supplied by Owner. o��,, , _Cn in a