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349 Big Dipper Rd - 194135203004
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1 4 O 1 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Katherine Hunt PHONE: 476-1008 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 2224 city: Avon state: c0 ZIP: 81620 APPLICANT: Same PHONE: SYSTEMLOCATION: 0349 Big Dipper Road TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 1941-352-03-004 LICENSED INSTALLER: Jack Basking LICENSE NO: 52-94 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: InterMOuntain Engi a ring INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 1581 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:_ See Engineers design _ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALC REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10. 104. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1533 SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLON DEGREES FEET FROM see Engineer design SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY X YES —NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/ STATE REQUIREMENTS: X YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: O ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROV DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: OWNER: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Site Plan MV.�'T be attached) NOISDS Permit # 1 Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE.- EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) * PERMIT.APPLICATION FEE $150.00' PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE'.TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY .OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: �Q� (7 �� ��� 'I'�PHONE: '7�1,,100e APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: ��D 7 u4xeJ� c COMPANY/DBA: ADDRESS: 1 64L PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: �i ' Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: -oo V Lot Size: Physical Address: BUILDING TYPE:. (Check applicable category) (X) Residential/S' ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* ( ) Commercial/Industrial* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface Public Name of Supplier: Number of Bedrooms 13 Number of Bedrooms Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer SIGNATURE: Date: AMOUNT PAID: 18 ©C) Q RECEIPT #: L& DATE: CHECK #: � CASHIER: %LS COMMUNITY DEVLOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303)328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO January 20, 1995 Katherine Hunt P.O. Box 2224 Avon, CO 81620 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO_LORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1401-94 Parcel 1941-352-03-004, Property located at: 0349 Big Dipper Rd, Bellyache Ridge. Dear Ms. Hunt, This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincer ly, Jef f Fed i Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit enclosures COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO December 2, 1994 Katherine Hunt P.O. Box 2224 Avon, CO 81631 Dear Applicant, 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 The Environmental Health Division would like to notify you to make a formal request to extend your Individual Sewage Disposal System(ISDS) Permit #1401-94 into the 1995 construction year. The Environmental Health Division discontinued percolation tests on November 15, 1994 and final inspections on December 2, 1994 due to climatic conditions. ISDS permits are active for 120 days after the date of issue if no Building Permit has been issued for the same property. If a Building Permit has been issued for the same property the ISDS will expire at the same time as the building permit. If you still plan to apply for a Building Permit this year or in the early months of 1995 you will need to have a percolation test conducted before your Building Permit will be released. You will have to contact a Registered Professional Engineering(RPE) firm to conduct your percolation test. If you have had your permit issued and have not had your final inspection completed, but plan on constructing the system in the next few weeks, please give our office a call and we will evaluate your permit on a case by case situation. Please give the Environmental Health office a call at 328-8755, if you have any questions regarding your permit extension process. cc: ISDS Permit #1401-94 File nIntey-Mountain Engineering Ltd. July 19, 1994 Mr. Lee Dorothy O.K. Construction P.O. Box 401 Gypsum, CO 81637 Re: Preliminary Septic System Design Information Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 94551G Dear Lee: As requested we performed a percolation test for the proposed leachfield on Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge, Eagle County, Colorado. The first percolation test performed on July 11, 1994, located close to the proposed residence failed. A second test was performed on July 13, 1994, downhill about 65 feet northwest from the proposed septic tank location. The test results were as follows: Perc No. 4 Perc No. 5 Perc No. 6 83.3 min/inch 31.3 min/inch 44.1 min/inch Percolation rate of 60 minutes per inch was selected for design purposes. This rate is within the allowable range of 5 to 60 minutes per inch in the Eagle County Health Department Regulations for subsurface sewage disposal system. We are in a process of designing your septic system. The final plans should be completed within 10 days. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Inter-Mounta ��. F / I Luiza Petrol Project Engj , Ltd. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street 9 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 J rZ� Mountain neering Lta. January 3, 1995 Mr. Lee Dorothy O.K. Construction P.O. Box 401 Gypsum, CO 81637 Re: Inspection of Septic System Installation Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge (Hunt Residence) Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 94551G Dear Lee: At your request on September 22 and 28, 1994 we visited the construction site on Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge, Eagle County, Colorado for an inspection of the septic system installation. In addition, photographs taken by Mrs. Katherine Hunt and invoices for purchases of the septic system components provided by Mr. Jack Baskins, the installer, were reviewed. The septic system was installed in general compliance with the Septic System Design, Drawing No. 94551E, dated July 27, 1994. The septic system consisted of 1,000 gallon two compartment, plastic tank and three rows of Infiltrator Chambers with total of 42 units. At the bottom of the leachfield (north -center from the northern most row of Infiltrators) a- test pit was excavated to verify the soil conditions. The soil profile in the test pit consisted of 6 inches of Topsoil, over 5.5 feet of brown, clayey - gravelly SAND with cobbles and boulders. A copy of this letter must be submitted to the Eagle County Environmental Health Division before Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,. �Q\\`\\\��,,,� \�� R EGsl,, �f7"Od _ Luiza Petrovska, P.E. '=_-o 29526 0;r_ Project Engineer A!c* _ 3�ci``' . �. •ccam_ `�\ — 70N�A�� 77 Metcalf Road, #200 • Box 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • Phone: 949-5072 • From Denver Direct: 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 ° Phone: 232-0158 LKP Engineering, Inc. August 23, 1995 Katherine Hunt-Menser P.O. Box 2224 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Septic Systern Installation Inspec Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9532 Dew Katherine: Post -it' Fax Note 7671 Date - pgesI. From L z CoJbepl. '. t) v { F-o p M e, vT Go. L Y_ F Phone # Phone # +� ) 8 L• Feu # ° b Far' At your request on August 17 through 22,1995, we visited the site of Lot 22, Bellyache Eidge, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to inspect the visible septic system components and the condition of the leachfield. During the first site. visit the cleanout port between the house and the septic tank was not visible. The inspections covers on the septic tank were not within eight inches of the finished ground surface. Also, there was wetness near the east end of the south trench. We contacted the installer, Mr_ Jack Baskin, for assistance with the listed concerns. Mr. Baskins uncovered the inspection covers on the septic tank. He installed a riser ring on the south cover, and graded mown some backfiil, which brought both covers within eight inches of the ground surface. The north inspection cover is located 18 feet east and 34 feet nor* from the northwest corner of the building. The south cover is 17 feet east and 30 feet north from the northwest building corner. As another reference, the north cover is 10 feet west from the west corner of a six by 2.5 feet boulder and 10 feet east from a pine tree. W. Bask -ins installed new cleanout port between the house and the septic tank. This cleanout is 13 feet oast and 1 foot north from the northwest corner of the building. They uncovered the entire south trench, and removed all of the infiltrators (10). They lowered the trench elevation by one foot, to provide at least one foot of undisturbed wall surface in the entire trench. They raked the bottom of the trench and hand removed the large loose cobbles. They installed ten new Infiltrator Chambers in the trench. Mr. Haskins connected the three trcmhes with a high-level overflow distribution. The third infiltrator from the west is the inlet unit. They installed a clearuout port in the westernmost infiltrator. Mr. Baskin backfilled the trench roughly. For the final grading they should remove some backfill to maintain no more than d= fed of cover over the infiltrators in each trench. At the completion of the inspection one cleanout port was visible at the west end of each trench. The cleanout between the house and the septic tank was also visible. For fitture maintenance Mr. Mike Menser, the homeowner, observed the location of the inspection covers on the septic tank. If you have any questi,nMjp,se do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ?fB -2imska, PE President cc: Ms. Jeeune#,"a�ilp Environmental Health Division Mr, Jack Basktns, Installer P.O. Box 1452, Avon, Colorado 81620 • (970) 827.9088 Tel 0, (970) 827-9089 Fax First Western Mortgage Services, Inc. TO: LAURA FROM: MARKA BRENNER RE: MENSER SEPTIC INSPECTION LAURA: PLEASE FIND: 1. CHECK FOR $200.00 FOR SEPTIC INSPECTION 2. PLEASE FORWARD INSPECTION TO: MARKA BRENNER FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE P.O. BOX 1237 VAIL, CO. 81658 THANK YOU -:Uy_j �ff_L d lto t 10- c a-tc_ -ate isu dre w-e�� 4tiQ tic( Zqj o &b 44�,j Qmmjtb O_A� _41C�ra tkJq_ tl� cr� AY)1� um_ 4- J_� "T _w rD-t A 51 Eagle Road West Building Eagle -Vail, CO 81620 Phone (970) 949 6060 PO BOX 1237 Vail, CO 81658 Fax (970) 9491001 ^^gyg�p August 23,1995 Katherine Hunt-Menser P_O. Box 2224 Avon, CO 81 620 RE: Septic System Installation Inspection Lot 22, Bellyache .Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9532 Dear Katherine; At your request on August 17 through 22, 1995, we visited the site of Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visit was to inspect the visible septic system components and the condition of the leachfield. During the first site visit the cleanout port between the house and the septic tarok was not visible. The inspection covers on the septic tank were not within eight inches of the finished ground surface: Also, there was wetness near the east end of the south trench. We contacted the installer, Mr. Jack Baddns, for assistance with the listed concerns. Mr. Baskins uncovered the inspection covers on the septic tank. He installed a riser ring on the south cover, and graded down some baddill, which brought both covers within eight inches of the ground surface. The north inspection cover is located 18 feet east and 34 feet north from the northwest corner of the building. The south cover is 17 feet east and 30 feet north from the northwest building corner. As another reference, the north cover is 10 feet west from the west corner of a six by 2.5 feet boulder and 10 feet east from a pine tree. Mr. Baskins installed new cleartout port between the house and the septic tank. This cleanout is 13 feet east and 1 foot north from the northwest corner of the building. They uncovered the entire south trench, and removed all of the infiltrators (10). They lowered the trench elevation by one foot, to provide at least one foot of undisturbed wall surface in the entire trench: They raked the bottom of the trench and hand removed the large loose cobbles. They installed ten new lnfltrator Chambers in the trench. Mr. Baskins connected the three trenches with a high-level overflow distribution. The third infiltrator from the west is the inlet unit. They installed a cleanout port in the westernmost infiltrator. Mr. Basin backt'illed the trench roughly_ For the final grading they should remove some backfill to maintain no more than three feet of cover over the infiltrators in each trench. At the completion of the inspection one cleanout port was visible at the west end of each trench. The cleanout between the house and the septic tank was also visible. For future maintenance Mr. Mike Denser, the homeowner, observed the location of the inspection coven on the septic tank. If you have any questi,qNt1j#N= do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, uiza Pwska, PE 29625 i President cc; Ms_ 1euneZJNQ;1tW Environnnental Health Division W. Jack Basking, Installer P.O. Box 1452, Avon, Colorado 81620 • (970) 827-9W Tel • (970) 827-9089 Fax LIB Engineering, Inc. September 22, 1995 Mr. Ray Merry Eagle County Environmental Health Division P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81.631 RE: Katherine Hunt-Menser's Septic System Design Lot 22, Bellyache Ridge Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 9532 Dear Ray: After our conversation today, I realized that I promised you some photographs of the site. Included please find five photos. After the pictures were taken, Jack Baskins did the final grading. The area north of the septic tank has more fill over it, and of course the outlet pipe, visible on the pictures, is now covered. If I can be of further assistance, please give me a call. Sincerely, Luiza Petrovska, PE President Enclosure P.O. Box 1452, Avon, Colorado 81620 0 (970) 827-9088 Tel • (970) 827-9089 Fax JOB NAME, 1401-94 Parcel# 1941-352-03-004 Katherine Hunt 0349 Big DiDDP_r Road .dos Na NO/ E5 BILL TO DATE.STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE. BILLED © rriL Z AA ��l Al --V /hp JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL C S. Ci-41 y, TOTAL LABOR `J ✓� INSURANCE v SALES TAX MISC. COSTS — /CrtS TOTAL JOB COST xl�d/ IJ111,41 h-'ott'e-j JAr GROSS PROFIT c I LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 Qp NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC„ GROTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. ter." 'MR- p-���� (��� - �� c ., �,�\''} s`,� J --� _ 1�� - ` -. _ - - � ���� � �� j -�� I — — -� — — 920 GRAPHIC SCALE \ _ _ _ 80 LOT 22- 1 0 10 20 i 40 _ - -- = - _ -- � _ — `. 341 ACRES I ( IN FEET) i inch = 20 ft. 93 �- PLACE GRA VEL A T MIDDLE OF EACH` INLET - n� CLEANOUT PORT CHAMBER TO- PREVENT EROSION _TYPICAL) HIGH LEVEL OVERFLOW ' _ �O DISTR/BUT/ON A \-- PERC 5 - — — — 6 (TYPIcAL) — — INF/L TRA FOR CHAMBER\ PERC 4 — — — (TYPICAL) 9�0 O 4" D/4�M. SOLID PVC PIPE _ O A - _PERC 6 — LOT 23 1000 - GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT\ 960 SEPTIC TANK - PERC 1 _ - PERC 2 o p = 01 'S2'36 " 0o R 2273.50' L = 74.47' p1PPER BIG LOT 27 NO TES �- -- 6' I. Building sewer line to septic tank shall have a maximum slope of 1/4" foot. Bends in building per sewer shall be limited to � 45 degrees.' I 2. installed level. ank to Sepaeticotonk shallmanhole � s /O10e to within 8 e'nchese of finish grade rode for g access to ; each compartment, for cleaning and inspection. Septic tank to meet all the requirements of Eagle County ' Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, Section 4.07. ----- J. Excavate and level 3 feet wide trenches, 3 feet deep and 6 feet apart. HIGH LEVEL OVERFLOW DISTRIBUTION i -----J Lax 4. Prepare trench bottom and sides in accordance with the state SECTION A —A = and local regulations (For the Infiltrator System, raking sidewa// and bottom infiltrative surfaces is recommended to N. T.S. reduce smear/ng.) 5. Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the Trenches according to the manufacturers recommendations. 6. Backfill the side wall area with native soil for proper support. 7. Backfill the trenches with a minimum of 12 inches of compacted cover, STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER (3 x 6 /4 x 1 ) - _ 1000 Gal: Two Compartment 0 9, Septic Tank PLAN --- f F 960 � SCCTION ELECTRICAL ii� F-' r G. l TR,4NSFORMER _/y90 ; Li - 4 I ! t eHOIVF` — — 70O f _ I j ! Q ESTAL f �� _ . 09 °01 '17" R - 728.51 ' L = 114.71' ROAD (80') - S. Avoid vehicle traffic over the system during construction. 9. All installations shall meet the rules and regulations of - Eagle County Health Department as set forth in the Individual Sewage Disposal System regulations of that department. - Construction of the system shall be inspected by the Engineer, prior to backfilling. i i I � DESIGN FL OW Average Percolation Rate, I= 60 minute per inch Number of Bedrooms = 3 Number of Bathrooms = 3 i Number of Kitchens = 2 � I Maximum Daily Flow = QMCx Qmox = 3 brms 'x 2 persons/brm! x 81 gallons/person/day x 150Z +f Qmax = 729 gallons per day f SEPTIC TANK V = Qmax x 30hrs-- �>-=24hrs V = 729 x 30 = 911.3 gallons ` 24 Use one 1,000 gallon two compartment septic tank. ABSORPTION AREA A = Qmox 5 I I A = 729 60 = 1129.4 sq. ft. 5 ! plus 409 increase for automatic washing machine Am ax = 1581 sq. ft. Infiltrator Chamber System in a trench configuration is recommended, with an allowed 509 reduction in the required absorption area 0.5 Amax = 790.6 sq. ft. Surface area of: one Infiltrator Chamber = 18.75 sq.ft. i Use 42 Infiltrator. Chambers. Two trenches with 10 Infiltrators and two trenches with 11 /n fil tra tors. ISUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS Test Pit No. 1 z 0.0 0.5' Topsoil 0.5' - 2.0' Light brown silty SAND, with cobble and boulder size rock fragments of 'Sandstone Bedrock 2.0' - 4.0' Sandstone Bedrock, fragmented NO TE.- IF DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE LEA CHF/ELD SOLID OR _- FRAGMENTED BEDROCK /S ENCOUNTERED A T OR Wl THIN 4 FEET FROM THE BO TTOM OF THE LEA CHFIELD, THE ENGINEER SHOULD BE CON TA C TED IMMEDIA TEL Y FOR ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDA 77ONS. F i I i