HomeMy WebLinkAbout66 Crown Mountain Dr - 246511302003 - 0473IS - 2248-02ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Telephone: (970) 328-8755 P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway, Eagle, CO 81631 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT# 2248-02BUILDING PERMIT # 15229 OWNER: DAVID AND KIM FLORIA PHONE: 970-9268027 MAILING ADDRESS: 66 CROWN MOUNTAIN DRIVE, BASALT, CO 81621 SYSTEM LOCATION: 66 CROWN MOUNTAIN DRIVE, BASALT, CO TAX PARCEL NO. 2465-113-02-003 LICENSED INSTALLER: SHAG' S EXCAVATING, MICHAEL STERLING LICENSE NO. 62-03 PHONE: 970-927-4110 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH & ASSOCIATES, INC., TIM PETZ PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 1 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, 489 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA CREDIT, VIA 26 ELJIN IN -DRAIN UNITS AS PER ENGINEER DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 8/15/03. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN IN TWO SHALLOW TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN TWO FEET IN SERIAL DISTRIBUTION, WITH SIX INCHES OF SAND PLACED IN THE BOTTOM OF EACH TRENCH. A PROFILE HOLE MUST BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO CONFIRM GROUND WATER CONDITIONS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH MUST BE CONTACTED TO VIEW THE SOIL PROFILE FOR APPROVAL. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS, AND DO NOT INSTALL IN WET WEATHER. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS, ESPECIALLY AS RELATED TO WELLS ON ALL SUROUNDING PROPERTIES. CALL EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR THE FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO BACK FILLING ANY PART OF THE INSTALL- ATION OR WITH ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE INSTALLATION. THE BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCU- PANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: VICTOR CROCCO DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 2003 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL, OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 489 SQUARE FEET (VIA 26 ELJIN IN -DRAIN UNITS PER DESIGN ) INSTALLED 1000 GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK LOCATED 0 DEGREES AND 13 FEET FROM THE CLEANOUT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. COMMENTS: THE FINAL INSPECTION WAS DONE BY VICTOR CROCCO OF EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND THE DESIGN ENGINEER ON NOVEMBER 4, AND 6, 2003. THE ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS -BUILT DRAWING WERE RECEIVED ON DECEMBER 4 2003. THIS SYSTEM CAN ONLY ACCOMMODATE THE ONE BEDROOM AND BATHROOM IN THE REMODELED BARN, AND IS NOT MEANT TO SERVICE AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE - INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL l7_ DATE: DECEMBER 29, 2003 ±<VUF 6iarx tl Mai 8fUd4UM i-340 F-0iAI F-642 ss,vy.L.L1_;C t_.LvuZ5 ".LJ..L 1VV 1 ze ttcceprea MUST be attached) YSDS Permit Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 Eagle (970)328-8755, Fax (970)328-0340, E1 Nebel (970)927-3823 * CHEDULE # PMU41T A.PPLTCA.TION FEE $150.00 * PERCOLATION TEST/SOIL PI SITE EV'ALUATYON FE $200.00 * SITE VISIT%CONSULTATION FEE $85.00 * REINSPECTION FEE $47.00 * MARE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: MAILING AI)nRESS : S APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: � � FHON'E ; COMPANY/DRA: RDA..cor, ADDRESS PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) NEW INSTALLATION (A- ALTP-RATIO14 ( ) RBPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: � -0 KY1 V 111 7 `7-& Tax Parcel Number; ." aq(v5 ��3-6 - Si Physical Address: HUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable cate ory) (9) Residential/Single Family +'t� Uw't", ( ) Residential/Multi -Family* { ) Commercial/industrial* Number of Bedrooms Number of Bedrooms Type *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY_ (Check applicable category) (K) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Surface { } Public Name of Supplier: Y A APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Q Date: AMOUNT PAID; ZS , 0 +-�RU�CEI PT # : DATE CHECK # = � .�., CASHZER : k ini l_ 4 3_of-.7fao TI IC Mi :) • -:��D6M Tf1 • CGF_'1 C r ni WTV Chll I Wr-'n1 TI-I mGf= • 4 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com December 29, 2003 David and Kim Floria 66 Crown Mountain Drive Basalt, CO 81621 EfNGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director RE: Final of ISDS Permit #2248-03, Tax Parcel #2465-113-02-003. Property location: 66 Crown Mountain Drive, Basalt, CO. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Floria: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, r Janet Kohl Eagle County Environmental Health Department ENCL: Educational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files, December 2003 Chrono file OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 .— LL W. VJ. T a--c3m J Lz5uri rumN uu, 1rIL;• 0 lU—Olt r—:7`t`tii P. 1 G LEti 'rs0G6 SPNIN GS. CO. Nover.�her 22, 2002 Eagle County Government ATTN: Victor Via facsimile to: 328-8788 Dear Sirs: Please he advised that on November 21, 2002, our company repaired the conduit and installed a vent on the well at the Floria Residence at 66 Crown Mt- Dr- in Basalt, CO T his work was done to -bring the well up to current code standards. Sincerel , Raun E. Samuelson Samuelson Pump Co. Pn Rnx 747 s C-_IPn"innH Rnrinnc Cn AI An) . (07n) QA-r,-AAnQ . Fryx (47f1) 9A7-OAAR Water Systems . Sales, Service & installation Mnl J-PP-PRMP PPT 1 M- aaOM Tn- Pa .;i P r ni IMT`d Flit l WPOI TN pa= • 1 m. ISDS PERMIT # PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEATLH OWNER- i7A-j M PHSYSICAL ADDRESS: 066 C r cr w .0 (l, 2- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I ,o -f 3 j C r e _ta MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: Vk A.t-\ 'Relle,444UNBER OF BEDROOMq• i TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES-1—NO SOIL TIME 1 WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE PROFILE LA (�Sl 2 �[ r � -7, 5 pro 2' 3 � Z i z 1 z u zz �t3g 114y 10. ' qo 2 Z'� 74.? c11 Z 0 Ll0 �A ti( tr0 ' ci r 4 V, 1L� �3 t `f 9' L- TIME TO DROP LAST,INCH: 71/0 DPERC l,3l)-R- iZ ;}Cc7 �f3.✓ Yc� MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE:C� �ptt COMMENTS: X. Gt N l vt r iJ ,� '1 -t � _ i V \ w cz [. N u .4n er L,4e,4 o,e�, ih0 5cnNse-4' V°e des{-,. bA v a ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST DATE }: 1 11 10 LD 44 .c DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE:800-225-6136 www.eagle-county.com May 30, 2003 Mr. Ed Church, RPE CHURCH & Associates 4501 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheatridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Church, EAGLE COUNTY RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director I'm writing in regard to the On -site Wastewater System (OWS) design submitted to Eagle County for our review and permitting. Your job number assigned to this project (the Floria residence) is 15498W. We became aware of Ms. Floria's plans to place an additional dwelling unit (ADU) on this property last fall and recommended she gain the necessary land use approvals prior to obtaining a permit to construct an OWS on the property. We were hoping to improve upon wastewater quality by combining the existing residence with the ADU and accomplish a higher level of wastewater treatment. It is currently our understanding that she has chosen not to proceed with an ADU approval. The existing septic system is believed to have been installed in the fall of 1980. We have little information regarding exactly what exists but believe that little consideration was rendered toward protecting groundwater resources and nearby drinking water wells. The site evaluation we conducted on November 14, 2002 revealed about five feet of a fairly stiff clay material overlying alluvial aquifer material. As there was no groundwater present at that time, we would expect this condition to change during the irrigation season as there are a network of ditches throughout this area. If system sizing were done based on installing the absorption area within the clay, we feel it more appropriate to use a long term acceptance rate based on a soils gradation analysis rather than our percolation test results. The design flow from the garage addition when compared to the area for ultimate disposal of the effluent appears to be 0.74 gal/sq.'/ day, a loading rate more associated with sandy, silty soils. Furthermore, the Infiltrator manufacturer requires that 6" of separation be accomplished between chambers when placed in a bed configuration. The manufacturer suggests shallow trench configurations render higher quality wastewater as opposed to bed configurations. Given the above referenced circumstances, we would advise that you visit the site to observe local conditions and discuss alternatives which accomplish our goals of public health protection and reliable, long-term wastewater treatment options for the entire property. OLD COURTHOUSE BUILDING, 551 Broadway, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 May 29, 2003 Mr. Ed Church Page 2 We look forward to hearing from you soon. Feel free to contact me with any questions at (970) 328-8758. Sincerely, �} / Victor D. Crocco Environmental Health Specialist cc: Raymond P. Merry, REHS, Director Kim Floria Chrono Files CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS August 15, 2003 Kim Floria 0066 Crown Mountain Drive Basalt, CO 81621 Subject: Revised OWS Design, Proposed F1oria,Barn/Guest House Remodel 0066 Crown Mountain Drive Lot 3, Crown Mountain Estates Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 15498W Ms. Floria, As requested, we have prepared a revised design for the onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed remodel. The revision is based on a change in the drain field sizing. Victor Crocco, with Eagle County Department of Environmental Health (ECDEH), requested the LTAR of 0.47 gals/SF/day based on his soil classification from the subject site. Previous reports should be discarded to avoid confusion. SITE CONDITIONS The 2.0-acre lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado, where OWS are required. There is an existing residence located on the property utilizing a separate OWS, as indicated on Figure 1. The proposed drain field area has a slope of 3% to 5% to the northeast and a good cover of grass. An onsite well, located 100+ feet away from the proposed drain field, will serve the proposed remodeling. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION An existing barn is to be remodeled to guest quarters. The OWS sizing is based on one -bedrooms or 150 Gallons Per Day (GPD) using ECDEH loading of 75 gallons per day per person. The sewage loading with a peaking factor of 1.5 is 225 GPD. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A subsurface investigation was performed by Eagle County by digging four percolation holes, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface materials in the profile pit consisted of 5 feet of brown clay, underlain by 6 feet of sand and gravel alluvium, to the maximum depth explored of 11 feet. No ground water was encountered at the time of excavation. Percolation tests indicate percolation rates of 20 to 40 minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 30 MPI. Percolation data is presented in Appendix A DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 www.geo-church.com 303.463.9317 Fax: 303.463.9321 Toll Free-1.877.248.3123 Revised OWS Design Job No. 15498W, 8/15/03 Page 2 RECOMIIIENDATIONS The installation requires a septic tank with an effluent filter and two Eljen In-DrainT trenches at the locations presented on Figure 2. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 150 GPD and an LTAR of 0.47 gaWSF/day. The LTAR supports the percolation rate indicated in Appendix A, performed by Eagle County. The installation must include one 1000-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and two Eljen In-DrainTM trenches. Each trench must have 1 row of 13 In Drains for a total of 489 square feet of infiltrative area. Six inches of sand must be placed under, and on the sides of the In -Drains, as indicated on Figure 3. The drain field must be installed no deeper than two - feet. No reduction was taken. A 4-inch perforated PVC pipe placed on top of In Drains and covered with a geo-textile fabric will distributes effluent in the drain field. Serial distribution will be used to distribute effluent. A test pit must be excavated prior to the OWS installation to confirm ground water conditions. The county and CHURCH must be contacted for approval. There is 2025 SF of additional area in the front yard to accommodate a second drain field, if necessary. Vehicle movement over the drain field area during construction should be kept at a minimum to minimize compaction of the receiving soils. The bottom of the trenches should be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of In -Drains. The surface of the field should be seeded after installation of the fields. A native seed mix should be sown at the drain field to revegetate the surface. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed over the trenches. OPERATION AND N[AINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service, and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tanks pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, the septic tanks should be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiode- gradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to "run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LIlVITCATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. Revised OWS Design Job No. 15498W, 8/15/03 Page 3 All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the Eagle County ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are questions or if we can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates Inc. 1 Timothy R Petz, Project Manager EOC/trp 2 copies sent Reviewed By j _ - tsa ¢ "i Edward O. Church, :1 r Copy sent to Eagle County Health Department, Attn: Janet, via Priority Mail F4 F, L _ � fT D a � O rN.. CV p N Ci _ N (U N m = N O Ol Y Q O CU • 6i_O -O L � 3 N O O N a_i (n N N " Q U N N O N N U p O U U .D v(U - C ¢ O C O .0 O U � � s CU O i, in a N O O' N (U �� _O C ' 'O U C •� 2 (U U Q J O O O a D C � CT O (U N N VOi H V O O _m Q a f- NLn o U J Z U O Cn J W I- Q Q vN O cn = Q U 2 = U U Z ZD = W U (n Uj W of U Oar wo O WzIr a - CD LJ � U Z a �n - W Li Cn =O=F LUn W LU W C} OJ N Ln O N 2 � O(n0 M CD CV CT M d o" N M a O CV N N M a cn M O C V � U C O O a o w C C ,acn CU CU cn 6 p a Li O U T oT 0) V N T O z W 0 ±2.00 ACRES LOT 3, CROWN MOUNTAIN ESTATES EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SCALE 1 " = 100' i 1 EXISTING i WELL \ EXISTING SEPTIC TANK TO LOT I BE CRUSHED, BACKFILLED, AND PROPERLY ABANDONED \� WELL i 1 DRAIN FIELD EXISTING � EXIBARNSTING ' WELL HOUSE ; EXISTING j WELL i 1 1 1 \ LOT 2 i LOT 3 1 THE LOCATION OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREIN AND THE WELL AND/OR DRAIN FIELD LOCATIONS STAKED AT THE SITE ARE NOT THE RESULT OF A PROPERTY SURVEY. IMPROVEMENT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DEFINE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES AND ENSURE ALL ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE PLATTED SITE AND OUT OF INAPPROPRIATE EASEMENTS. ALL SEPARATION DISTANCES ARE TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. VICINITY SITE PLAN AND EXISTING CONDITIONS JOB NO. 15498W REVISED FIGURE 1 CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS December 2, 2003 Kim Floria 0066 Crown Mountain Drive Basalt, CO 81621 Subject: Installation Observation, Proposed Floria Barn/Guest House Remodel 0066 Crown Mountain Drive Lot 3, Crown Mountain Estates Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 15498W Ms. Floria, As requested, we observed the installation of the onsite wastewater system for the subject site on November 4, 2003. The system was designed under our Job No. 15498W, with a final revision date of August 1-5, 2003. The system includes the installation of a 1000-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet, and two gravelless trenches each with 1 row of 13 Elj en In-DrainsTM and 6- inches of imported sand filter material, for a total of 489 square feet of infiltrative area. An as -built drawing is included as Figure 1. The observed components of the OWS were installed in general conformance with our design. Our installation observations do not imply a guarantee or warranty of materials or workmanship. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates, Inc. Eric R. Burns Field Technician TRP/erb Reviewed by Edward O. Church, 2 copies sent Copy to ECDEH, Attn: Ray Merry, P.O. Box 179, Eagle, CO 81631-0179 DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 www.geo-church.com 303.463.9317 Fax: 303.463.9321 Toll Free-1.877.248.3123 r \ \ ±2.00 ACRES LOT 3, CROWN MOUNTAIN ESTATES EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I \ 489 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN LOT I A GRAVELLESS TRENCHES. EACH TRENCH HAS I ROW OF 13 ELJEN IN-DRAINS(TM). TRENCHES ARE ARCED TO MAINTAIN 100-FOOT SETBACK TO WELLS. —� 4" PVd EFFLUENT LINE 1000-GALLON, TWO -COMPARTMENT, PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER ON THE OUTLET —­_ LI: N4°W, 17' L2: N55°E, 40' L3: S70°E, 52' L4: N15°E, 9' L5: N55°W, 52' EXISTING RESIDENCE LI PROPOSED BARN IREMODEL CLEANOUT 0 0 EXISTING WELL AS -BUILT DRAWING 0 moo, L4 SCALE 1"=40' 1� EXISTING WELL JOB NO. 15498W FIGURE 1 ISDS Permit # a.)_Ll �- - 0 2 Inspector Date / / - 0 6 - 03 ISDS Final Inspection F 1 e, r t G Completeness Form Tank is.', 0 0 D gal. Tank Material r-A C, V\4 / r e- c G s c r e Tank: is located f 3 ft. and d degrees from �, r s! Tank is located ft. and degrees from Tank set level. y S Tank lids within 8" of finished grade. ,,, so C s N Size of field 4* ft2 2 (o units lineal ft. Technology e s Cleanout is installed in between tank and house(+ 1/100ft). - e "T" that goes down 14 inches in the inlet and outlet of the tank. Effluent filter on outlet- Yes or No Inlet and outlet is sealed with tar tape, rubber gasket etc. V Cyr Tank has two compartments with the larger compartment closest to the house. Measure distance and relative direction to field. 76` So° N' & r,) � A AN'1, Depth offield1ft. _�� Soil interface raked. y z S Inspection portals at the end of each trench. �. Proper distance to setbacks. w e- i i c^ P` e P e` k- 1 I 73' wv (L 42, - i00'_fy "' .Tree w 7lU6, A, _jI e 5 Chambers properly installed as per manufacturers specifications. (Chambers latched, end plates properly installed, rocks removed from trenches, etc.) Splash plate(s) installed at least in first trench inlet. VA Type of pi used for building sewer line S0 Q 3S, leach field i i �erFe�c od o �eP, 1e�rdca,I' Da L10 u .CPC' c� +- Other_S �Y %vL t1.,ec O� ShtiC ttS�- T.v�rc. �n.+ bc,s�C�'(X o.%•-�i&� r-v 4*e(2rLc A-- 2' Y U" ParCvr— Led p.Y)z OjeR i...dr—;ed L.(, ('.0 v�eYl, 1e Sriberl 11 N Inspection meets requirements. - ye5 - " e � k ,-q S M e 4 �vP 5 . T�i, S reb� e�-.e } lties a b¢_ Cyr �v u �� Seel l h Copy form to instaleler's file if recommendations for improvement were suggested. ACTION TAKEN: �-, (a_ e (2- Setbacks `I Well S Potable House Property Lake Dry Tank Drain Field Water Lines line Stream Gulch Field 100 25 20 10 50 25 10 Tank 50 10 5 10 50 10 * 10 EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FINAL AS -BUILT SKETCH Flv�ic ISDS PERMIT # DATE 11- 0 6- 03 LOCATION ADDRESS 66 Rac 11 Y b� d -7F-- Iry se i �d A �toc O �0.k d, A coo co-, fl 3i¢`12 fi,f4� Ll2 Ntl { it W A\ OBNAME 2248-02 Tax #2465-113-02-003 Lot #3, Crown Mt. Estates, FLORIA 66 Crown Drive, Basalt JOB 'NO. JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED ! of � r°r p r %t�•e . 4 J O,. DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED l 2- - fj / ( () t f v` Cc),v .5 I S L C`. CI G(- I\ b to LU nJ C k WC'k1O ue rWX % -(a a v r cl u e C o b /� s !`�?-.! X CE; i .✓ I° _ r �'k e /2aGr IN �c)r 4 flu vtc-I' Gl vct., erc y Ll D c k �(Q �r01 �rM C ire �� r Flo—,P V � :M S- '(' l C.t C G E 0, ^d C. S ��2. C G. 1 2 C U NS 7- `\ a e. r 5 k j �0 rf�--,. r 1 c s h e-JOB COST SUMMARY C, lz& 9,e 0t e (,v ro oae ,-k A U. TOTAL SELLING PRICE 5-!u 5 c�>q.� e c�-, She 5 G,o-j l� �cs,,,�Q�� S-54T9- TOTAL MATERIAL j ` f f n to �L � eA nl G cS c i t vLt CX n✓ �J 'i vD 1) /-0 7f % Al .� Y TOTAL .LABOR C/V WA-z�� �, c�4c �• iR�Ci w l o t v ��r^-re �� '2All, INSURANCE 5 e t v (2- iv A--�L `e- e Sal S r., - u. c 4 " SALES TAX C 0 C,. c C[ 0 v d leo ct POfdIC% M ISC. COSTS J k2 I C vtgl��tbf�t 1 -, Lfbq/� 3 TOTAL JOB COST G4b&t(�(' CJ G%G� . GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT x .IOS FOLDER Product 278 Q® NEW ENGLAND SUSINE#SERVICE, INC., 6fiOTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. 4w .4 �_"Wo.� I 6 CD N) 00 a '1 a -MM 9NUSIXII z �iunold a�ISIADU SMO aDSOdOUd ❑N`d 1S�l1 NOIlb-0OUDd d0 NOIIVOO-1 ASN-:�QISA6 SNUSIXII M86Vg f 'ON 80r TiboS OCIVHO-100'J.1Nnoo A-lJb:zi SDl`d1SD NIVINnOW NMOHO `£ 10-1 S:�aov oo'z+ L 0 C) F -i Z o rr rq zD'v -Ar w to o o 0 oxmoom;; C 6 z r nnorn cno� N v�r M m D r D _ Ul �a o D of-- o II yr-o Z� o m -i m D z zo C3 a7 0 rn r O =j oD II m -u,ogyam c� z Q�DFi> O -n r r�T Z ZX�zm II D (n o r—z000 F m D O_ r rn Z r D Z o C P z Z yU, ij II D m Z 00Nz� c D z_a z >, O �_ -u Z I m� .< ma r o \ z `�\ I cn r n rn II y 00 (� �7 cn m V II Om Z 9 * Mom � I C7 Z r�oo C-)MI z D �7 O O II I V J rn r� (Ao -_I Z ,1 � I Z Cn Q 000mz Z Dr�ZW S Dz0�� O ;Qc'90 m >EDbm 'q ;u=nM D > D mmm = z Z �rn=Zcmi� z =I z 1 NIN Z m -1 AmN M Xb {' Dz II — z r m, N L (AN 03 m Z r. zm I xz DI zo V,I> a z o� m cn m� �0 <� A W =3 C, z-umom z-0 moa <0 mc�3rm m z (ncAi)m-Z m AZZ C) 0 C: O O a Z o D C o z O m ox u Apn Km I a(nz�C7 m m > 0 moo o z o II z -i 0 to I � m J X D O D N r $'0 > = Z r O D Z �7 r �l mO� m O r- r z < m m --, � o z c rn W �J=7�'ta-ii• ■r MI .YYRY ..Y IYI IYI�YIIA I�IRrI yY■iY 1 . =�IMa■ i II fl �xlo wrY ,r=r , l�li�1 2248-02 Tax #2465-113-02-003 JOB NAME Lot #3, Crown Mt. Estates, FLORIA JOB .N©. 66 Crown Drive, Basalt JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED // L.�oo9. DATE BILLED w tC'1-1 Over 1 i -(()ol 4c l tNc k !- rctue l Cobb eS -�, /"ij ueCC- L'L'I - cz S c. If r 1 5 - 2 d G r I N --Cc-) rh� flu vi 4- Gf v ct , 1. r c 1 T'C> L- D "A'1 t ro , nJ G r tv e tAi (,�X [� L A c o N ✓-2 f C, t U ,.. "Y'V r V v es< ti Fjaw S - 2 Z?y�:•4nT, rr _ F 4 JOB COST SUMMARY ��� �e�tet,u �� ��,��c� , N` `L �� '" ro oa�� /� U. TOTAL SELLING PRICE (;-zpt� S'ke d CO3,,JA,j, � Sr,}7:�-- TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR (� r GV t WA- T 5' rZ 2• e INSURANCE (Z- Aj A- re- C9 Sot 15 r.. aA-a-� w « a d SALES TAX D G c I t(4,1 G 0-^f g) a, c C l 0 v d (L M,ISC. COSTS !'C._ - ._ S I�� � G i a,' �S c% C nl �,�.-• � �.. b �c�. ��2 c � d,� d � � ��"Tbtic .- Ls (2- r �,C Q. >V\. Lt b q1 j - TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT �p LESS OVERHEAD COSTS. '/o OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 Qp NEW ENGLAND BUSINEW SERVICE, INC., OOTON, MA 01471 JOB FOLDER Printed in U.S.A. m 'V •- t emu" (,V —l�/V W ' V v t;Z i e.�A `' P-b .... /' 0101-11- ® ��3_ ���t.ve2 �t'����> L T', Cl a 0 r .� J'' z��� c SGr'Z '„ C1J S L r` �> t o l A �7 �J J �42v, t�.�� L rc_ v Ck 'r ��l b z. u.K�o�ei�e„z°�-E� � 1n..0 v r ("� i� toe Ceti re-, ccy(J 1�5 dew rka„�.0 C-c �vve�� �r`.�' ( Se✓� � �� �� c�tN�Q_rZ `� a W` (7,v �JaCEr,vS CC���� b a _ZC I(ec� Ivy Ct ," sa ` )- PL. � /tiC' �'�; �dY� S I �i S S� S SMew� �l �• i Ci 1NL. $ y' 2 c(� > ell, S o y l a e s �¢r CA eW 104 u' �� 4 C S< IA -A 1 'S p (. � � �, $ a� /� 2 b V J �7 O `\ C i' v✓ C (� S Cl,.ALA-'. iC- LM c C e eti v CO S 1 S c c• T C L, l � c Ct rt t h e I � 1•�Q ,N `� c c : 2 tL C: (c Z . T, 1 ` 2 v L, 4 `-' Y e.. 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C� ° � Q s-I A � , � tO �. � k � �,. � � � ('S � A 5 � e < < � � c � � � ts-� S � feu 1 S t crn- cfw � �.. l C-� c tJ a h v tt w n s o k 4. & SCG�SCIn. �;�� Cjrc3�ticttdr. -t "U��., �J5 D� `wK �>r S v LTAIL i�tG�1���� K S i (? Z �, �l c v F . u a •ti � ! '--�^ v� f � (mil � ^� ., 7y, .. .. _ C Lo- .YCY1.__,.� rfi(1's �,. G U 'i i r C V � lyv sr.-. (, ..j-" i c �" , t �% Gr V S f� `lam �. / .,.,L (,. U J v i..� v"'• �i7 k'� s C L : C - S e Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN`,'L HEALTH EAGLE C00 T •° Box 811 6th & Broadway PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT SITE Eagle, Colorado 81631 CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED PERMIT NO 473SYSTEM (this does not constitute i J a building or use permit) Owner LYNN R. AND VALERIE M. BRITT System Location LOT 3 CROWN MOUNTAIN ESTATES - 0066 CROWN DRIVE Licensed 9RRjLqkX Installer: Owner -Installed system * Conditional Construction approval is hereby granted for a 1,000 gallon ENGINEER DESIGNED SYSTEM XX Septic Tank or Aerated treatment unit. Must follow design Absorption area (or dispersal area) computed as follows: criteria specifications. Perc rate 1 inches in 40 minutes 850 sq. ft. absorption area per bedroom 283 sq. ft. # of bedrooms 3 x 283 sq. ft. minimum requirement May we suggest that you follow the engineer -designed specifications of a minimum 1,000 gal. septic tank with 850 sq. ft. leach field. Shall follow design criteria. Date October 22, 1980 Inspector Erik W. Edeen =, i FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Sewage Disposal Laws until the assembled system is approved ' r to covering any part. Septic Tank cleanout to within 12" of final grade or aerated access ports above grade. ��roper materials and assembly. dequate absorption (or dispersal) area. Xdequate compliance with permit requirements. Adequate compliance with County and State regulations/requirements. Date ���� �T '50 Inspector RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS AT CONSTRUCTION SITE *CONDITIONS: 1. All installation must comply with all requirements of the County Individual Sewage Disposal Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, CRS 1973 amended 25-1-614, CRS 1973 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County Zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structures not approved by the building and Zoning office shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3.28 3. Section III, gzftrequires any person who constructs, alters, or installs an individual sewage disposal system in a manner which involves a knowing and material variation from the terms or specifications con- tained in the application of permit commits a Class I, Petty Offense ($500.00 fine - 6 months in jail or hnth_ t78-7311„ 949-5257 927-3823 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH �t " B OX 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 PERMIT FEE _ $75 G PERCOLATION TEST FEE _ $50 APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NAME OF OWNER: ADDRESS: NAME OF APPLICANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM OWNER): ADDRESS: NO. Z7;z, PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (IF APPLICABLE): ELDogAbd EwG/NeetZIAXS CCU. ADDRESS: T-2-3 &AkEAAyr L r vwc%s4 $ToR a PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: Re I ADDRESS: C)06(, C tOW" tJ rr )-,,,,,n A PHONE: 27- 34g°1 / PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (L-7- New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: County % EL F Lot Size ACRES - City or Town, if within City or Town Limits LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ,��, %- C ROGUy /f 0U1L1 11y s Zi %S STREET (RURAL) ADDRESS: 02 6 C. D Tj}�/y� IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY? (L,�r Yes ( ) No BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE: (Check applicable category) (residential - Single-family dwelling ( ) Residential - Triplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Resident' uadplex ( ) Commercial - State usage # Persons y # Bed r oms WASTE TYPES: (Check all applicable) ( ) Commercial or Institutional (Dwelling ( Garbage Grinder ( ) Non -domestic wastes ( ) Transient Use (4-Ir Dishwasher ( ) Other (t,�-`Automatic Masher SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( 4Je11 ( ) Spring ( ) Creek or Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of the system: Oil - If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: (190111�_ Septic Tank (&-j" Aeration Plant ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Composting Toilet ( ). Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Recycling, Other Use ( ) Greywater ( ) Other WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE? ( ) Yes (�No Signature -- ,� �_1� ' ��� 1. mom If 4 INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent Ground Slope: �� 7— Depth to Bedrock (per 8' Profile Hole): i. Depth to Groundwater Table: SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Hole No. 1 Minutes per inch in Hole No. 2 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: 4( l Minutes per inch in Hole No. 3 Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit Evapotranspiration Above Ground Dispersal ( Sand Filter Underground Dispersal ( ) 'Wastewater Pond )) Other BUILDING. PERMIT MAP LOT 3 ' CROWN MOUNTAIN ESTATES EAGLE COUNTY May 7, 1980 Revised May 27, 1980 0 KKBNA, INC. 1001 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 F.. PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50 n�nT Tl�TT/1'� NO OTHER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RURAL; ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: # OF BEDROOMS: DATE OF TEST: TYPE OF SOIL: TEST HOLES PRESOAKED: YES NO TIME WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL RATE 1 2 3 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 1 2 3� q� PERCOLATION RATE: /66 1--74�rz TANK SIZE: 2 Cj SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: Mco LEACH FIELD SIZE: j Site has been reviewed and tested For percolation rate. We recommend: APPROVAL ,( DISAPPROVAL DATE: EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRON`IENTAL HEALTH OFFICER N Cr 0 r w cc D 0 z a J n W Lr- H W cc 1 w w z a z w z J z I z Q a 8 U z FE w w z a z w 0 Q 0 0 W 00 0 M 0 cn ao 0 Q cc 0 O U N C7 z R a 0 S z w J U rn S x m n: W D z W a W X g m M N C V 24 1980 t�VIAQNMENTAL HEALTH, November 21, 1980 Mr. Eric Edeen Eagle County Sanitarian P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Britt Sewage Disposal System - Lot 3, Crown Mt. Estates Dear Eric: Personnel for our office have made a site visit to observe the con- struction of the above system prior to placement of backfill. We found that the system had been constructed in accordance with the plans prepared by our office except that three 39' long trenches with 30" of gravel below the pipe had been installed instead of two 78' long trenches. These trenches were installed on 10' centers, thus the total 156' called for on the plans was in place. Please note that the trenches as installed met the setback requirements from the property line, residence and well, and that the owner installed C. I. pipe at the tank inlet and outlet. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me. Si 'erely f Rick Kinshella, P. E. RK/jlw xc: Lynn Britt EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 April 17, 1987�r,. Aspen Savings & Loan P.O. Box 8207 Aspen, CO 81612 RE: Loan Inspection for property located at 0066 Crown Mountain Drive - Lot 3, Crown Mountain Estates OWNER: Jim Owens To Whom It May Concern, All loan inspections are completed under the authority of the "Eagle County Building Resolution, Section 3.09.03-A(7), adopted by the Eagle County Commissioners on October 8, 1985. An onsite inspection of the sewage disposal system on April 15, 1987 revealed that the system appears to be functioning properly with no apparent problems. This septic system was finalized on November 14, 1980 under ISDS Permit #473. Lot 3, Crown Mountain Estates is supplied water by an individual well. Mr. Owens was instructed to acquire a bacteriological water sample. The following improvements are recommended to minimize the possibility of well contamination. 1. Construct a cattle proof fence, at least ten feet square, around the well head. 2. Repair or replace the screened vent on top of the well seal. 3. Pour a concrete pad, at .least 3 feet square, around the well head and provide positive drainage away from the well head. ; Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 X .. p Aspen Savings & Loan April 17, 1987 = Page 2 Enclosed is an invoice for $25.00, the fee for this loan inspection. If you have any questions concerning this inspection, please contact our office. Sincerely, Sid Fox Asst. Environmental Health Officer EAGLE COUNTY SF/gp Enc . cc• Jim Owens S � ? t \ L / I i i �i, 2 PROJECT 0473 Lt 3, Crown Mountain Estates, OOG-E Crown Drive Parcel # 246511302003 projwui utmuripnon PERMIT # 472 V 0 I D OWNER: Lynn R/Valerie Britt LOCATION: Lot 3 - Crown Mountain Estates 0066 Crown Drive 3-0�-00 3 - 66 C-1?bWV PROJECT CONTACTS r V6 i PERMIT # 473 f OWNER: L LOCATION: Lot 3 -Crown Mountain Estates -El Je el CJ Q (�to C,f Finalized: 11-14-80--