HomeMy WebLinkAbout42 Sopris Mesa Pl - 239128103005 - 1972-00ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1972-00 BP NO. 13156 OWNER: WALTER & DEEDEE HOOKER PHONE: 970-963-8854 MAILING ADDRESS: 108 KIOWA, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 0042 SOPRIS MESA PLACE, EL JEBEL, CO 81628 TAX PARCEL NO 2391-281-03-005 LICENSED INSTALLER: BAUHAN CONSTRUCTION, JOHN BAUHAN LICENSE NO.47-00 PHONE: 970-927-0290 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, INC., TIM PETZ PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 5 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, WITH AN ORENCE SYSTEMS 4" BIOTUBE EFFLUENT FILTER, 1860 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 60 CHAMB- ERED UNITS AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN.IUD ���� SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATEDI&" LEVEL DISTRIBUTION BOX AS OUTLINED IN ENGINEER'S LETTER DATED 5-2-00. INSTALL A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS, AND DO NOT BACK FILL WITH ANY COBBLES LARGER THAN 8" IN DIAMETER. BE SURE TO MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED. UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVALi ddy/(Lt.- DATE: AUGUST 31, 2000 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: 1R60 SQUAREFEET(VIA 60 TWFILTJ.ATAR-TJIiITS AS PFR T)FSTGN ) INSTALLED CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK: 1500GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND 15 FEET INCHES FROM THE CLEANOUT ON THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE HOUSE. COMMENTS: ENGINEER'S FINAL CERTIFICATION AND AS —BUILT DRAWING RECEIVED OCTOBER 31, 2000. THIS SYSTEM IS LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE A FIVE BEDROOM RESIDENCE. ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED.m ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL r; h (L4 (, DATE: NOVEMBER 7. 2000 Inuomplete'Applications Will NOT Be Accepted (Siie Flan MUST be attached) ISDS Permit # © k1A `" Ob Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE EAGLE COUNTY P. O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823 (Basalt) * PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 * MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE'.TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" PROPERTY OWNER: ¢ C�k� MAILING ADDRESS: ®oI C �^'� I 0 WI 03 PHONE:�`3 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:'LUJ�Q� oYt� 1-c�rt l Ec�Z PHONE: LICENSED SYSTEMS- CONTRACTOR: M-u4Ae,3 &c4yA-!7p^_J - PHONE: 37ct-0g6o "lCL- GCT COMPANY / DBA . ADDRESS: `fix PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (1-f- NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: Z_C17 /Z S®Pq_IS MC-s-A sui3luiviSio^J Tax Parcel Number: d391D'S 1 o2oo S Lot Size: _ ' 7c Physical Address: 000<::) YAeSN ?L- eZ 7�EL BUILDING HYPE:, (Check applicable category) ( Residential/Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential/Multi-Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial/Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (Check applicable category) ( ) Well ( ) Spring - ( ) Surface Public Name of Supplier: So?q_tS rnjcSA S�i3Dtv�5�o� *These systems require design by a _Registered Professional -Engineer SIGNATURE: _ �� Date: `f - / 7 o 00 AMOUNT PAID: �5V� RECEIPT #: ( DATE: CHECK #: CASHIER: JV Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO November 7, 2000 Walter and Dee Dee Hooker 108 Kiowa Carbondale, CO 81623 Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 RE: Final of ISDS Permit #1972-00, Tax Parcel #2391-281-03-005. Property location: 0042 Sopris Mesa Place, El Jebel, CO. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hooker: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at (970) 328-8755. Sincerely, r 2 Janet Kohl Environmental Health Department Eagle County Community Development ENCL: Informational Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com Date: May 5, 2000 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO: Bauhan Construction Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.1972-00. Tax Parcel # 2469-082-02-006; Property Location: 0042 Sopris Mesa Place, El Jebel, CO., Hooker residence. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1972-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Church and Associates, Inc., Tim Petz CHURCH & Associates. Inc. ENUINEEH6 & UEULUU15 15 October 26, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, Attn: Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, CO 81611 Subject: Installation Observation, Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Mr. Hooker, As requested, we observed the installation of the onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the subject site on October 4, 1999 and October 11, 2000. The system was designed under our Job No. 12227, dated March 8, 2000, and revised August 29, 2000. The system includes the installation of a 1500-gallon, two -compartment, precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet, and five chamber -trenches, each with one row of 12 chambers, for a total infiltrative area of 930 square feet (SF). A properly bedded distribution box and serial distribution will distribute effluent throughout the trenches. An as -built drawing is included as Figure 1. The components of the OWS were installed in conformance with our plans and specifications. If there are any questions or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH and Associ U, e C 72 Edward O. Church, P.E. � •,e /c> EOC/trp 2 copies sent copy to Eagle County Health Department DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 LOVELAND 970.663.2124 LOT 11, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SCALE 1"=80' ♦ 930 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN 5 GRAVELLESS TRENCHES USING A DISTRIBUTION BOX AND SERIAL DISTRIBUTION EACH TRENCH HAS 1 ROW OF 12 CHAMBERS ♦ . ................... _--- DISTRIBUT1ON BOX PROPOSE j 4-BEDROOM RESIDENCE ONE 1500-GALLON TWO CLEANOUT : COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER ON THE , OUTLET SOPRIS MESA PLACE OWS AS -BUILT DRAWING JOB NO. 12227 FIGURE 1 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1972-00 BP NO. 3 OWNER: WALTER & DEEDEE HOOKER PHONE: 970-963-8854 MAILING ADDRESS: 108 KIOWA, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 APPLICANT: SAME PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 000042 SOPRIS MESA PLACE, EL JEBEL, CO 81628 TAX PARCEL NO 2391-281-03-005 LICENSED INSTALLER: BAU14AN CONSTRUCTION, JOHN BAUHAN LICENSE NO.47-00 PHONE: 970-927-0290 DESIGN ENGINEER: CHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, INC., TIM PETZ PHONE NO. 303-463-9317 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A 4 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK, WITH AN ORENCE SYSTEMS 4" BIOTUBE EFFLUENT FILTER, 1488 SQUARE FEET OF ABSORPTION AREA VIA 48 CHAM- BERED UNITS, AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN DATED 3-8-00. LEVEL DISTRIBUTION BOX AS OUTLINED IN ENGINEER'S LETTER DATED 5-2-00. INSTALL A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE HOUSE AND INSPECTION PORTALS IN EACH TRENCH. RAKE ALL TRENCH SURFACES TO PREVENT THE SMEARING OF SOILS, AND DO NOT BACK FILL WITH ANY COBBLES LARGER THAN 8" IN DIAMETER. MAINTAIN ALL APPLICABLE SET BACK REQUIREMENTS. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALL- ATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE SEPTIC SYSTEM HAS RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: � / CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET (VIA ) INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: CHURCH Associates, ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS August 29, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, Attn: Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Subject: Revised OWS Design, Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Dear Mr. Hooker, As requested, we are providing this revised OWS design for the subject site. The revision is based on a change in the number of bedrooms, from our March 8 2000 design letter: The revisions include the`addition of one chamber -trench: This letter"should be use& in: conjunction with our'onginal''design. This' letter includes one revised figure, Figures 1. The original Figure 1 should be removed to avoid confusion. RECOMMENDATIONS - The OWS proposed includes:' one septic tank with 'an effluent filter, a distribution box, and five chamber -trenches with overflow lines, as presented on Revised Figure 1. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 750 GPD and a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day. The installation must include one 1500-gallon two -compartment precast concrete septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and five chamber -trenches using overflow lines. A distribution box must be placed to access trenches one and three, as indicated on Revised Figure 1. The distribution box must be bedded with gravel maintain level. The surface of the drain fields should be seeded. A .native seed mix should be used. These mixes do not require irrigation and develop a growth 10 to 15 inches high. No automatic sprinkler system should be installed over the fields. No landscaping or plastic can be installed over the fields. LIMITATIONS - An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installa- tion. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial' requirements; septic tank construction, and other specifications; which are noVdepicted in' our`repoit, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the county ISDS regulations and requirements. DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 LOVELAND 970.663.2124 Revised OWS Design Job No. 12227 Page 2 If there are question's or if we can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURC] 2 Edward l EOC/trp 2 copies sent copy to Eagle 66ty Health Department fax copy to 970-922-7715, Attn: Walter LOT 11, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION SCALE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1 II = 809 LOT 10 1 LOT .1 1 930 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN S GRAVELLESS TRENCHES USING A DISTRIBUTION BOX AND OVERFLOW LINES r EACH TRENCH MUST HAVE 1 ROW OF 12 CHAMBERS _1 3 ` r PROPOSE DISTRIBUTION 4-BEDROOM BOX RESIDENCE W PVC PIPE CLEANOUT .......... ' ONE 1500-GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER ON THE OUTLET SITE PLAN, LOCATION OF PERCOLATION HOLES AND PROPOSED OWS IRIS 3A PLACE JOB NO. 12227 REVISED FIGURE 1 A_q_cz ir,_i.qtlnc ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS March 8, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, ATTN: Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Subject: OWS Design, Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Dear Mr. Hooker, 3 As requested, we have evaluated subsurface conditions investigation performed by HP Geotech, Job No. 199-941, dated December 16, 1999, and designed an onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed residence. The percolation tests were performed on December 8, 1999. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed drain field area has a moderate slope to the east-southeast. There is a moderate cover of sagebrush, grass and weeds in the proposed field area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A four -bedroom residence is proposed at the location presented on Figure 1. In accordance with the Indi- vidual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) regulations, the sewage loading for a 4-bedroom residence is at 600 Gallons Per Day (GPD) average. The sewage loading with a peaking factor of 1.5 is 900 GPD. This loading includes a dishwasher, garbage grinder, and washing machine. A communi ill serve the residence well, 5 located off the subject property and 100+ feet from the proposed drain field �Q,\\ SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS HP Geotech performed a subsurface investigation by digging three percolation pits, 31 to 70 inches deep, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface conditions at Profile-1 consisted of 18 inches of topsoil, underlain by sane to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet. No ground water or bedrock was encountered. Percolation test results indicate percolation rates of 18 to 36 minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 30 MPI. Based on county regulations we are required to size the drain field based on the published LTAR table. A percolation rate of 30 MPI has a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day. Based on Eagle County Environmental Health policy, we are sizing the drain field based on a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day, which yields a slightly larger drain field than the average percolation rate. - 1� D RECOMMENDATIONS�� The OWS should include installation of on 1500-gallo, two -compartment septic tank with an filter on the outlet and four "chamber"a ditrenche with'stribution box and overflow lines as presented on DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 4! 0 Z ; 1 S U l S , 5� qF, 39 OWS Design U„ 1 1,1a mb Job No. 1222'7 - Page 2 Figure 1. Each trench should have 1 row of 12 chambers. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 900 GPD and a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day. A distribution box is proposed for the OWS design which divides the effluent to two trenches from which there is serial overflow to the remaining two trenches. If additional bedrooms are anticipated, we recommend the OWS be sized for the final build -out number of bedrooms. Trenches should be installed no deeper than 3 feet. If gravity discharge cannot be achieved our office should be contacted for details regarding pump specifications. Movement over the drain field trench bottom during construction should be kept at a minimum to prevent compaction of the receiving soils. We recommend the bottom of each trench be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of dispersal gravel. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service, and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tanks pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, we recommend the septic tank be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LIMITATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the Eagle County ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are any questions or if we be of further service, please call. The project manager is Tim Petz. �p0 RE,3 CHURCH & Associates o�Qo• • ° ° 0. . e Edward O. Church, P. -0 o 13 2 cc 00.. • Appendix A — HP Geote �V44 ; ect No. 199-941, Dated December 16, 1999 EOC/trp S�0 N A1- Ec' 3 copies sent Walter Hookcr December 16. 1999 Page 4 areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 fcct ill pavement and walkway areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. 5) Landscaping; which requires regular heavy irrigation should be located at least 10 icct from the building, Percolation Testtrtg: Percolation tests were conducted oil December 8, 1999 to evaluate the f-easibility of an infiltration septic disposal system at Lite site. One profile pit and three percolation holes were dug at. the locations shown oil Fizz 1. The test holes (noininal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch Jeep) were hand Jug at the botton► of shallow backhoe pits and were soaked with water uue day prior to testing. The sods exposed in the percolation holes are. similar to those exposed in the Profile Pit shown on Fig. 2 and consist of about. 11/2 feet of topsoil overlying stiff sandy silty clay with scattered basalt fragments. The Percolation tct results are presented in Table 11. The percolation test results indicate an infiltration rate between lb and 36 minutes per inch with an average of 30 irtinuies per inch. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered :roll the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system. Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this tune. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and reconunendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at thc locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolarion of (lie subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pit; and variations in dir subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. if conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our clictit fi►r design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review aitd monitor the. implementation of out- recommendations. anti to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recottirnendatiotls presented herein. We recommend ou-site observation or excavations and foundation H-P rV-OTECe-I 90-d u6Lsa❑ V 6ut.pLt-n8 n----S 170E=40 00-I0---i-W 1.0•c u6Lsao B 6uLpL!.no ne-Awas v0c=L0 00-10-ew PIT 1 PIT 2 PROFILE, FIT ELEV.=112' ELEV, 116' ELEV. D 0 ®� J WC=24.2 �L D0-84 5 I WC=21.6-200-65 r c b0`7' a WC=20,3 p a OD=90 i -200=63 L .9 WC=24.5 L1-37 DOm69 10 PI=14 10. LEGEND: rOPSOIL; sandy silty clay, organic, firm. moist, brown. CLAY (CL); silty, sandy, occasionat to scattered basalt fragments, stiff to very stiff, slightly moist. brown, slightly calcareous, slightly porous. 2" Diameter hand driven liner sample. NOTES: 1. Exploratory pits were excavated on December 12. 1999 with a backhoe. 2. Locations of exploratory pits were measured approximately by pacing from features on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of explorotory pits were determined by level survey and refer to Bench Mark shown on Fig. 1 Logs of exploratory pets are drawn to depth. 4. The exploratory pit lncutiens and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree Implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. No free water was encountered in the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: wC = water Content ( % ) DD = Dry Density ( pcf ) —200 = Percent passing Na. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Limit ( ) PI = Plasticity index ( Y ) 199 941 HEPWORTH PAwLAK ° LOGS OF EXPLORATORY PITS Fig- 2 GEGTECHNICAL, INC.' 11Q'd uBLS00 MR BULPL�nq ne..Aua� VT1v=L0 00-T0n AvLnl HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 11 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS JOB NO. 199 941 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (IINC 1 FS) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START Of INTERVAL (INCHES) WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL -IINCHESI DROP IN WATER I-EVEL IINCHESI AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE (MIN.IINCHI P-1 31 15 water added 7112 61/2 1 36 8 112 5 314 3/4 5 3/4 5 114 1/2 5 114 4 3/4 1/2 4 3/4 4 1/4 112 6 3/4 6 1/2 114 6 1/2 a3 112 6 51/2 1/2 P-27- 70 15 water added 7 112 6 1 /4 1 1 /4 Ii f 36 6 1/4 5 114 1 5 114 4 1/2 314 4 112 4 4 3 1 6 114 6 114 6 5 1/2 112 5 1 /2 5 112 P_3 45 15 water added water added 81/2 6 114 2114 18 6 114 4 112 1 314 4112 2 1J4 2 114 7 314 6 1/2 1 114 6 1/2 4 314 1 3/4 6 3/4 6 314 g 5 1 5 41/4 3/4 Note: Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on December 7, 1999. Percolation test$ Were conducted on December 8, 1999. The test holes were protected against freezing overnight with rigid foam insulation. The average percolation rate is based on the last three readings of each test. ?T'ci UBLSad T 6uLPL�ne ne-AtuaS vZC:/-0 00-1:0--APW CHURCH Associates, ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS March 8, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, ATTN: Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Subject: OWS Design, Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Dear Mr. Hooker, As requested, we have evaluated subsurface conditions investigation performed by HP Geotech, Job No. 199-941, dated December 16, 1999, and designed an onsite wastewater system (OWS) for the proposed residence. The percolation tests were performed on December 8, 1999. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located in a rural residential area in Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed drain field area has a moderate slope to the east-southeast. There is a moderate cover of sagebrush, grass and weeds. in the proposed field area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A four -bedroom residence is proposed at the location presented on Figure 1. In accordance with the Indi- vidual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) regulations, the sewage loading for a 4-bedroom residence is at 600 Gallons Per Day (GPD) average. The sewage loading with a peaking factor of 1.5 is 900 GPD. This loading includes a dishwasher, garbage grinder, and washing machine. A community will serve the residence well, located off the subject property and 100+ feet from the proposed drain field. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS HP Geotech performed a subsurface investigation by digging three percolation pits, 31 to 70 inches deep, and one profile pit at the locations indicated on Figure 1. Subsurface conditions at Profile-1 consisted of 18 inches of topsoil, underlain by sandy clay to the maximum depth explored of 8 feet. No ground water or bedrock was encountered. Percolation test results indicate percolation rates of 18 to 36 minutes per inch (MPI). The average percolation rate is 30 MPI. Based on county regulations we are required to size the drain field based on the published LTAR table. A percolation rate of 30 MPI has a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day. Based on Eagle County Environmental Health policy, we are sizing the drain field based on a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day, which yields a slightly larger drain field than the average percolation rate. RECOMMENDATIONS The OWS should include installation of one 1500-gallon, two -compartment septic tank with an effluent filter on the outlet and four "chamber" trenches with a distribution box and overflow lines as presented on DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 OWS Design Job No. 12227 Page 2 Figure 1. Each trench should have 1 row of 12 chambers. The OWS design is based on an average sewage load of 900 GPD and a LTAR of 0.6 gal/SF/day. A distribution box is proposed for the OWS design which divides the effluent to two trenches from which there is serial overflow to the remaining two trenches. If additional bedrooms are anticipated, we recommend the OWS be sized for the final build -out number of bedrooms. Trenches should be installed no deeper than 3 feet. If gravity discharge cannot be achieved our office should be contacted for details regarding pump specifications. Movement over the drain field trench bottom during construction should be kept at a minimum to prevent compaction of the receiving soils. We recommend the bottom of each trench be scarified with a pick, shovel, or backhoe bucket teeth prior to the addition of dispersal gravel. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The owner must realize an OWS is different from public sewer service, and must assume the responsibility for maintenance of the OWS. The system is relatively maintenance free, but the owner must have the septic tanks pumped. In the absence of a monitoring program, we recommend the septic tank be pumped and the effluent filter cleaned every two years. There are daily considerations, such as not putting plastic or other nonbiodegradable material into the OWS. Water use must be monitored so toilets are not allowed to run when seals malfunction. To illustrate the point, a running toilet can consume in excess of 1000 GPD. A loading of 1000 GPD could flood and irreparably harm the OWS. The loading from the backwash of a water softener may be harmful to the OWS. A separate drywell should be constructed for the backwash waste, if a softener is installed. Chemically treated water from a swimming pool or spas should not be introduced to the OWS. LIMITATIONS An OWS design requires installation by a contractor who is experienced in its installation. Our investigation, layout, design and recommendations are based on data submitted. If subsurface conditions considerably different from those described in this report are encountered, we should be notified to evaluate the effect on the proposed OWS. If the health department makes modifications to this design, we should be contacted to evaluate the impact on the performance of the OWS. All construction is to be in accordance with the ISDS regulations. Pipe type and size, burial requirements, septic tank construction, and other specifications, which are not depicted in our report, are to conform to the requirements of the ISDS regulations. The installer of the system is to have demonstrated knowledge of the Eagle County ISDS regulations and requirements. If there are any questions or if vie can be of further service, please call. The project manager is Tim Petz. CHURCH & Associates Edward O. Church, P Appendix A — HP EOC/trp 3 copies sent Study,• No. 199-941, Dated December 16, 1999 LOT 11, SOPRIS MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION SCALE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1„ - 80' ♦ ♦ LOT 10 LOT 11 e 744 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN 4 GRAVELLESS TRENCHES USING A DISTRIBUTION BOX AND OVERFLOW LINES EACH TRENCH MUST HAVE 1 ROW OF 12 CHAMBERS .................................1 LIE-i P-3 r PROPOSE DISTRIBUTION 4-BEDROOM BOX RESIDENCE 40 PVC PIPE CLEANOUT mr ONE 1300-GALLON TWO COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN !EFFLUENT FILTER ON THE OUTLET �jgl!> - 1 ! R • SOPRIS MESA PLACE JOB NO. 12227 FIGURE 1 Cq § E fr fa k '§ w § I§ K ka � �§ E )�� z § /o` § Q§A$ ¥ ƒ � 2 j _ / / Q a§§ � / OR and �$ ©r ® \ § §� §m kb M d « o < ` . §k @ �f § _ 6 a■ z k mF=,L - . §�� 6!."p d B mm2Q is 2� � k F= ¥ 2 \ 2 § .f/t § d § UU) § / % g � •�2z_k§2' <k . i § �■•�R�§§ §§ §2% ...P w L� CD ir m v (n O£ w m 0 W n LLJ W ('O 2 O. �C 0 m C7 a= 0 Ol O O O Ez uv E tv� cvi O c 1 _v U a V) C '� - +� G uy O 9 Y7 A N C G > y. > 'g .a_ 5 .a. c= 'O ir. cn R.-- Y ff v ti > W :2 a Fa f-- Z J W i o.-. V- O O. Z Q CD I U - 1— Q p V7 d CD li • CL Al2 to a a 0 c Dill in ¢ v u CQ» � z O Q I ( N LLI d W W J � ~ cr O Q 0 E w O = U O 's W `0 Z -j o o i �.. w o O ~ LO V z w — � cn ow zn Ln w Wo a� z v w zo aS•w w t Q m V R O ~ _V) 4 as � S U � iz ocn N w aL. z w o '- z = w N o <n U O Z O OCK C1 L O O LLJ cr.) W LL N N v � LO c E M u ti rNi no g N rn N M W U) � C 0 T � v ` W d L0— O APPENDIX A HP GEOTECH SUBSOIL STUDY PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 11, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 199-941 DECEMBER 1.6, 1999 December 16, 1999 Walter Hooker 108 Kiowa 11rp%1'if 1';Itthk- f�colcrhnic:d. Inc. 411211 ('uun1(fund I J (ale m4"'d Sletitt•;,�. ('ului.ul., K1&01 Phnmv; '1711-!r F-79,10S hp�cti(�' hp�,ruU•rh.cuut Carbondale. Colorado 81623 Job No. 199 941 Sub.jecc: Subsoil Study for Foundation Design and Percolation Test, Proposed Residence, Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, F:lgle County, Colorado. Dear Mr. [looker: As requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. performed a subsoil study and percolation test for foundation and septic disposal designs at the subject site. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geoteehnical engineering services to you dated December 3, 1999. The data obtained and out- recommendations based on the proposed construction and subsurface conditions encountered are presented In this report. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a Preliminary geotechnical study for the Sopris Mesa Subdivision and presented our findings in a report. dated Omber 23, 1997, Job No. 197 495, Proposed! Construction: The proposed residence: will be a single story wood frame structure over a walkout basemem level located in the huilding envelope shown (in Fig. 1. Ground floors are proposed to be slab -on -grade. Cut depths are expected to be up to about 8 to 10 (eet.. Foundations loadings for this type of construction are assumed to he relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. The septic disposal system is proposed to he located about 20 feet U.) the northeast of the: building, envelope. if building conditions or inundation loadings are significantly different. front those described above, we Should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in this report.. Site Conditions: The site was vacant at the time of C1ur field work. The ground swr face in the building area slopes gently to moderately flown to the cast-ulutheast.. The lot is vegetated with sagebrush, grass and weeds. Basalt rucks are exposed on the ground surface. :9itusidence Potential: Sopris Mesa Subdivision is underlain by Pennsylvania -age Eagle Valley T;vaporite. bedrock. The evaporite contains gypsum deposits. Dissolution of the gypsum wider certain conditions can cause sinkholes to develop and can produce areas of localized Subsidence. Sinkholes were not observed in the immediate area of the suhject lot. The exploration pits were relatively shallow, for foundation design only. Based on our present knowledge of the site, it cannot he said for certain that sinkholes will not develop. in our opinion, the risk of ground subsidence at Lot 11 is low but the owner should be aware of the potential tier sinkhole development. 7r)-A u6Usap q BULPLt.n» nn-auraS V6Z-L0 00-L0--AuW Walter Hooker December l tie 1999 Page 4 areas and a nnininitim slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in Pavement and walkway areas. 4) Rot)i'downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfili. ,) Landscaping which requites regular heavy irrigation should be located at least 10 lcct from the building, Percolation Testing: Percolation tests were conducted on December 8, 1999 to evaluate the tcasihility of an infiltration septic disposal system at the site. One profile pit and three percolation holes were dug atthe locations shown on Fig. l . The test holes (tiominal 12 inch diameter by 12 inch deep) were hand dug at the bottom of shallow hackhoe pits and were soaked with water one day prior to testing. The souls expoud in the percolation holes arc similar to those exposed in the Profile Pit shown in Fig. 2 and consist of about. 1'A feet of topsoil overlying ,tiff sandy silty clay with scattered basalt fragments. The percolation test results are presented in Table 11. The percolation test results indicate; an infiltration rate between 18 and 36 minutes per inch with an average of 30 minutes per inch. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and the percolation test results, the tested area should be suitable for a conventional infiltration septic disposal system. Limitations: This study has been conducted in accordance with get,erally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this. area at this time. We make net warranty either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations ,uhmitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at t1w locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolatiora and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. It condRions encountered during construction appear dificrem. ti-utn those described in this report, we should be notified at once so rc-cvaluat.ion of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client fur design purposes. We are not respon-ible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the Project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during cottstruction to review and monitor thc. implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend ou-site observation of excavations and Foundation H-P GFOTECH CIO -d u6Lsav -g 6ULPL�-nU nn..eu"1-O5 VOC:ZO Ott-TO----W /n•'1 u6LSOO R 6uLpLt-n0 neawaS VO£=LO 00-TO-aeW PIT 1 PIT 2 PROFILF PIT ELEV.=112' ELEV. 11 8' ELEv.=11 �' ! D�•-•-� r—� a r-1 6 _ J Cl t� wC=24.2 V' DD-84 rJ p 1 I 5 WC=21.6-200-05 s 06- 77 a O L OD 0A 0...119f i -200=63 WC=24.5 l • 1� 1 LL-37 DO-09 PI=14 r 1� .1 LEGEND: TOPSOIL; sandy silty clay, organic, firm. rnoist, brown. CLAY (CL): silty, sandy, occasional to scattered basalt fragments, stiff to very stiff, slightly l moist. brown, slightly calcareous, slightly porous. 2" Diameter hand driven liner sample. t � NOTES: 1. Exploratory pits were excavated on December 12, 1999 with a backhoe. 2. Locations of explorotory pits were measured approximately by pacing from features on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory pits were determined by level survey and refer to Bench Mark shown on Fig. 1. Logs of exploratory p►ts are drawn to depth. 4. The exploratory pit loctytions and elevations should be conslderod accurate only to the dogree implied by the method used. S. The Fines between materials shown on the exploratory pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. B. No fre9 water was encountered In the pits at the time of excavating. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Resulta: WC = Water Content ( X ) 00 = Dry Density ( per ) -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Limit ( % ) PI = Plasticity Index ( % ) 199 941 HEPWORTH -- PAWLAK � LOGS OF EXPLORATORY PITS 9- GEOTECHNICAL, INC. "n•.-1 u6LsaO V 6uLPL�nO nQ.AwaS VIC:!_O 00-TO--AUW HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 11 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Ju113 Nu. "I Uy U41 HOLE NO. HOLE DEPTH (INCHES) LENGTH OF INTERVAL (MIN) WATER DEPTH AT START OF INTERVAL (INCHES► WATER DEPTH AT END OF INTERVAL '(INCHES) DROP IN WATER LFVFL (INCHES) AVERAGE PERCOLATION RATE IMiN.IINCH) P-1 31 15 water added 7 112 6 112 36 , 6 112 5 314 3/4 5 3/4 6 114 1/2 5 114 4 314 1/2 4 3/4 4 1/4 112 6 3/4 6 1/2 114 6 112 a 112 6 6 112 1/2 P.2 70 15 water added 7 112 6 1 /4 1 1 /4 36 6 1/4 5 114 1 5 114 4 1/2 314 4 1/2 4 1/2 4 3 1 6 1/4 6 114 ---- 6 5 1 /2 1112 5 112 5 112 P-3 45 15 wrier added water added 8 1 /2 6 1 /4 2 114 1s 6 114 4 112 1 31: 4 112 2 1/4 2 114 7 314 6 112 1 114 6 112 4 314 1 314 6 314 6 3/4 g S 1 5 4 1/4 3/4 Note: Percolation test holes were hand dug in the bottom of backhoe pits and soaked on Decembor 7, 1999. Percolation tests wore conducted on December 8, 1999. The test holes were protected against freezing overnight with rigid foam insulation. The average percolation rate Is based on the last three readings of each last. 7T-,I u6LSaa T 6uLPL�-ng nv-ALaaS VZ£:LO 00-10--AeW CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEULUGIS 16 May 2, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, ATTN: Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Subject: OWS Design, Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Dear Mr. Hooker, RECEIVED MA`S 4 1000 EAULE COUNTY COMMUIV9'I f` 0FV%0PMSNT As requested by the Eagle County Health Department, we are providing additional requirements for the installation of the distribution box at the subject site. The distribution box was proposed as a part of our OWS design at the subject site, dated March 8, 1999. The proposed distribution box needs, to be level to. perform adequately. A layer of compacted sand or a concrete pad should be placed beneath the concrete distribution box to maintain the level of the box. If there are questions or if we can be of further service, please call. Sincerely, CHURCH & Associates 1-e�- 14 Edward O. Church, P EOC/trp 2 copies sent RE 0• Copy to Eagle County Health Department, PO Box 179, Eagle, CO 81631 Fax copy to Eagle County, Attn: Laura, 970-328-0349 DENVER 4501 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 CASTLE ROCK 303.660.4358 303.463.9317 Fax:303.463.9321 EVERGREEN 303.816.1455 4501 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, CO. 8UU33 Castle Rock 303-660-4358 FAX 303-663-1249 Pine Junction 303-816-1455 FAX 303-816-1942 To: gaa�6�-- Company. From: OCc.�tfi, &1,14, Date: Fax No. 970 Re: // 0 Urgent or Review CC: Fax: Fax: Fax: PAGESL ) (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) CHURCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Phone: 303-463-9317 Fax: 303-463-9321 -ed-- C---h i N8 /zZ-Z% -As Requested ❑ Please Reply LOT 11, SOPRIS MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION SCALE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1" = 80' . ag, ® LOT 1 LOB' °s 3 744 SF OF INFILTRATIVE AREA IN 4 GRAVELLESS TRENCHES USING A DISTRIBUTION BOX AND OVERFLOW LINES EACH TRENCH MUST HAVE 1 ROW OF 12 CHAMBERS p••3 PROPOSE DISTRIBUTION 4--BEDROOM BOX RESIDENCE 4` PVC PIPE CIL OUT mm SOPRIS MESA ONE 1 Soo -GALLON TWO PLACE COMPARTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER ON THE OUTLET SITE PLAN, LOCATION OF PERCOLATION HOLES AND PROPOSED OWS JOB NO. 12227 FIGURE 1 ® rn CO CYD cn E o OwC m }. o $� o w� LCN c • (D c c E- n 0 v p J E a> r p m `o. o E M N o+ �4 v p � E o [z U .�Y 0 O E C -0 N & v = V 0 yt�+ 0 01 ++ 0 C +p' � .`+ N N C Qj 7CL Q O L nw w E coo p c _o v n S N O_ ►ee m m F-- Z W J L LLL- �+ C mc LL F— �Fi �? TT Ig: Q E o $ Ln Z W O. p� c C C J III NON '1 W W us A U ZZ U a can \�J w �z Z _ Co v (3LU zQ t^ �/✓ � CV w w � Lu V im Q LU Of t ff O � a� 0 ® cn rVvf)/ O = .-� O N C tf) C� F- ` „� vi O� Oo p �:o al o 1- ;oE `i 0�Ct;�i+ N tot ¢O a� r�� zLU Fp- ww m (n N r OQ G V N ~' U) U cc S2_ y O Z w u v) CXIO o J JW o N rn r. C,_� CYl rffi+�a �n lL to 2 oari +% d> CO aLoO L 0 0 0C > n v c3 N �9II 1 1 ?A1z in Z iS> Z8.4 a >> Ul m N z z �An -<"SH :C9 i to g ;may z Q o 0 > > U) z r ig N O w Z 6v O S O �to 2 F 2-9 CIt =1 =j a a w mom'' z ,, ". 4. N v ,+1p'" > d2 z'9 z 2 � m m -+ v > m F > F w r- w to Cmpz N u CA icn jo m 4� z ° z I 1 maa � y Q Op 4 1 2 FTI �n N 2 Sg �Z c N I -In 1 - .)U-CVUV 17..31 r . UZI CHURCH & Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS May 2, 2000 Semrau Building and Design, ATTN - Walter Hooker 208 B East Main Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 Subject: OWS Design Proposed Hooker Residence Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision 1~ 4e: County, Colorado Job No. 12227 Dear Mr, Hooker, As requested by the Eagle County Health Department, we are providing additional requirements for the installation of the distnbution box at the subject site. The distribution box was proposed as a part of our OWS design at the subject site, dated March S, 1999. The proposed distribution box needs to. be level to perform adequately_ A layer of compacted sand or a concrete pad should be placed beneath the concrete -distribution box to maintain the level of the box. If there are questions or if we can be of further service, please call_ Sincerely, CHURCH & Associ Edward 0. Church, EOC/trp 2 copies sent Copy to Eagle County Health Department, PO Box 179, Eagle, CO 81631 Fax copy to ;le County, Attn: Laura, 970-328-0349 fEvitn 9907 YikOSWN1pUlevaio YneeY Ridge, iOU onwaea ("ASTLE, O/lf+tn! 9IwVJ _AvawA .AQu�9vQ vvN� 303.4639317 Fax, 3WAM-9321 EVEFkGF E-r 303.815.i455 APPENDIX A HP GEOTECH SUBSOIL STUDY PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 11, SOPRIS MESA SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROTECT NO. 199-941 DECEMBER 16, 1999 IWIwIPr111-11altL11: (�trticc6uic:1l, Inc, 41110 G('uun1% Itutld I �J may, �ftechI;It'na<..el 4lrt'itt •.. <' �hu:rtl,t Kll.fti 1'It,me; 0711-9J5-79?Ui December 16, 1999 hP cut `hpl rnlprlt.cuul Walter Hooker 108 Kiowa Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Job NIA. 199 941 4ub.ject: -Subsoil Study for foundation Design and Percolation Test, Proposed Residence, Lot 11, Sopris Mesa Subdivision, Fagle Cotutty, Colorado. Dear Mr. I'looker: ns requested, Hepworth-Pawlak Gci►technical, tile. performed a subsoil study and percolation test for foundation and septic disposal designs at the subject site. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotcchnical enginecriltg services to you dated December 3, 1999. The data obtained and our recommentlations based on dhe proposed t:onSIrtiCtlClli and subsurface conditions encountered are presented in this report. Hepworth-Pawlak Gcotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary g,eotechn[eat study for the Sopris Mesa Subdivision tine) presented our findin►s in a report. dated October 23, 1997, Job No. 197 495. Proposed Construction- The proposed residence will be it single story wood frame structure over a walkout basement level located in the huilding envelope shown on Fig. 1. Ground Iluors are proposed Io be slab -on -grade. Cut depths are expected to be Up to about o it) 10 feet.. foundation loadings for this type of construction are assumed to he relatively light and typical of the proposed type of construction. The septic disposal system is proposed to he located about 20 feet tt.► the northeast of the building envelope. if building conditions or foundation loadings are significantly different. irons those described above, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations presented in (his report. Site Conditions: The site was vacant at the time oil' our field work. The ground -Surface in the building area slopes gently to moderately clown to the cast -southeast.. The lot is vegetated with sagebrush, grass and weeds. Rawl( rucks are exposed tin the ground surface. Sobsidence Potential: Sopris Mesa Subdivision is underlain by Pennsylvania -age. Fagle Valley Yivaporite. bedrock. The evaporite contains gypsum deposits. Dissolution of the gypsum folder certain condition` can cause sinkholes to develop and can produce areas of localized subsidence. Sinkholes were not observed in the immediate area of the subject tut. 'Cite exploration pits were relatively shallow, for foundation design only. Based on our present knowledge of the site, it cannot he said for certain that sinkholes will not develop, In our opinion, the risk of ground subsidence at Lot l l is low but the owner should he aware of the potential for sinkhole development. 7"-14 4-16Lsaa $ BULPL�"B nv--AtuaS V6Z=L0 00-i0--Au'L'J 1972-00 Tax #2391-281-03-005 Lot #11, Sopris Mesa HOOKER JOB NAME 00042 Sopris Mesa Place JOB U-13-150 JOB LOCATION 1 DATE STARTEDCDATE OMPLETED DATE BILLED ' /OR.J —11 _ _ �. �LG✓L J/ Gruel_ I . Rr �ir� r L ! I ♦ • W _- JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING F I "m WE TOTAL LABOR fill IN Prof., III MW NAME �Iilllllll Erg jW _�J 11I1 /1�11/. �� / 11 ! t i111< �� I I r • / !!_ '�/i.! �� L� �' C/ L % /• girt!/ /. �r.��■ • ilk Irk / ,i��l / "1 l !. I[ < LIB .rt� a , TOTAL•B COST _■ •���. L 1�1.O la L�./L��1 �' / LESS - • COSTS OF SELLING PRICE 11)13o/66 9-h,ahC,W - JOB _FOLDEF �o ��Aeh�n G w� � % L) lqw lo.- 1 ✓1/ 1 /1 V 1 r W- 1 .401-\ 1/1 1 1 L/ \ 1 y 1/l 1 A I