HomeMy WebLinkAbout1255 Bellyache Ridge Rd - 194122305001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: (970) 328-8755 COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1967-00 BP NO. MI-11519 OWNER: VAIL RESORTS, INC. PHONE: 970-845-2351 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 959 AVON CO 81620 APPLICANT: PETER SHEROWSKI PHONE: 970-845-2351 SYSTEM LOCATION: 1255 BELLYACHE RIDGE RD., WOLCOTT, RED SKY RANCH TAX PARCEL NO 1941-221-00-015 LICENSED INSTALLER: LOGAN CRAIG INC., JOHN CRAIG LICENSE NO.43-00 PHONE: 970-926-4010 DESIGN ENGINEER: ALPINE ENGINEERING, GLENN PALMER PHONE NO. 970-926-3373 INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FIELD OFFICE 1000 GALLON HOLDING TANK, WITH A VISUAL ALARM TO INDICATE WHEN PUMPING IS NECESSARY. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: INSTALL AS PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN REVISIONS DATED 4/8/00. INSTALL A CLEANOUT BETWEEN THE TANK AND THE BUILDING. ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL INSPECTION. DO NOT BACK FILL ANY PART OF THE INSTALLATION UNTIL THE ENGINEER HAS INSPECTED AND APPROVED IT. BU •DING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL NOT BE ISSUED WITHOUT THIS APPROVAL. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVA DATE:_APRIL 19, 2000 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED TANK: GALLONS IS LOCATED DEGREES AND FEET INCHES FROM COMMENTS: ANY ITEM NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL DATE: Community Development Department (970) 328-8730 FAX (970) 328-7185 TDD (970) 328-8797 Email: eccmdeva@vail.net http: //www.eagle-county.com EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Eagle County Building P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631-0179 Date: April 19, 2000 TO: Logan Craig, Inc. FROM: Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.:1967-00. Tax Parcel # 1941-221-00-015; Property Location: 1255 Bellyache RidgeRd., Wolcott, CO., Red Sky Ranch field office. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1967-00. It is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please note any special requirements that may have been added to the design by this department. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Your TCO will not be issued until our office receives this certification. Permit specifications are minimum requirements only, and should be brought to the property owner's attention. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle County requirements. Please notify this office if you have not been contracted to perform this installation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Health Division at 328- 8755. cc: files Alpine Engineering, Glenn Palmer SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION RED SKY RANCH FIELD OFFICE VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO APRIL 2000 Prepared for: Peter Sherowski Vail Resorts Development Group P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 970/926-3373 4 4-v- INTRODUCTION: The Red Sky Ranch project is currently approved to be a 425 acre golf course with a clubhouse (per "Jouflas Ranch Golf Course" Special Use Permit). The project site is located approximately .75 miles south on Bellyache Road from the I-70 Wolcott interchange. A Field Office is proposed to be located within the project site, approximately 1.4 miles south of the Wolcott interchange on Bellyache Road. The Field Office is to consist of 3 offices with 4 to 5 employees (weekdays), and 1-2 employees (Saturday). The Field Office is a temporary facility, and expected to be used for 4 to 10 years. A water holding tank (cistern) and sewage holding tank is proposed for providing water and sewer service to the facility since neither service exists nearby, and facility is temporary. FLOW QUANTITY: 5 office persons @ 15 gpd/person x 150% = 112.5 gpd 2 — 4 visitors/day use restroom @ 2 gallons/visitor x 150% = 12 gpd Total = 125 gpd HOLDING TANK SIZE: It is proposed to pump the holding tank once per week: 6 days of use/week x 125 gpd = 750 gallons. Use one — 750 gallon holding tank (it can be a septic tank without baffles). If shallow groundwater is a concern, it is recommended that an AMCOR tank be used, or the buoyancy should be checked. SOIL PROFILE HOLE, PERCOLATION TESTS: Since disposal of sewage is not proposed on site (holding tanks), no profile holes or percolation tests were performed. SETBACKS: The holding tanks should be at least: -5' separation from the building -10' from potable water supply lines -10' from property/right-of-way lines -50' from streams, lakes, irrigation ditches -50' from springs, wells, suction lines ISDS Permit # /?& l - n Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.00 PROPERTY OWNER: VAI L A SSOGI AT ES I o G MAILING ADDRESS: PLO, CsJ?l �J�J Ay0XJ , (V ;;I %ZD PHONE • 970- 8-15 - Z35 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ±15TE12 t-WEPOW ,V_ 1 PHONE • 97b - 0415-23s1 LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: _ 04" Lo&v(\N L_ G I ADDRESS: 3906 50VAW WIC Z P r:,- P PHONE • 170 -7L& - y1010' *************************************************************************** PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: N NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: 2t�D 1�Ky VzAWe H 5EC(- 22 -14 5 R c p C � P M Parcel Number:_ gqqj- ja I -b0 -0 ( 5 Lot size: 180 ^GeES Physical Address:_0j5 BELT VACFE" eG BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of Bedrooms (� Commercial / Industrial* Type t=IE'Lb eFF=tc& TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: G15TEIEM (X) Well( ) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: 4W DATE: AMOUNT PAID:A RECEIPT# I/ Q Fi DATE: CHECK # (g6XrI CASHIER• R 83 W BASt: USGS 7.5 Minute Wolcott, Colorado Quadrangle Photo Revised: 1987 Map Location COLORADO FIGURE 1. Project Location Map N Scale 1" = 2000' Contour Interval = 40' u c j a. E O �3 Qv s •:� a a O .t, / 5 J �• Y y lb 714 141. W.4 It l �gr`7j'�' a'P �'�i• •�•, .. 9 ����. mot.. _.J l nlk t � a a� P if' r ' ,rr ook .. • ' ta.x u. 1. t SON 'a•'`, f �r.�e ` � � �� � '; 1 � -_ __._- __ ' - _ _ I i i i i i I.. a al • w�, '�9=�.�,�.�Lv��� � ^�\ ___ iO 7l -i, 'i- , it J i XISTING GRADE (TYP.) 74650 PROPOSED FrINISH GRADE 7460 MAINT, 7462 PL GE +Y� a� . i ��/;' � s��r �<x' � rc aJ:. ��'l�� f t'+. A� r.." t � - j�dK rtz y. i e - sty -s r• s �;� .1` rY� 's� y.,�,J A�.f 9> a „� rb °ter ��✓ ti. y � a � r �/�, \\ f x�i � ..iy 91rs 3�rt/( 3•� .yt� ).c ��. "" fi �. M,�Y �i t r. d .5 sj �' .. t iG �a_''e✓ ,.1 �sI'Ni%>.f.. :nrsN.. ,_ .....,3..rr.... s_v�,w'`'s._fX� � ?'..' % '`{`..i. x. . 'Y.,",.'. "s... Y... T .. .. .,.,:... ,. s... /IIl\ 7460 — i',; o,I _ I / Y Save Existing -s 1/ Tree \ Y a \ o � fro So�4 x�nq Tr o l 1NV- fob.$ ph 7466 Tarn \\\� +70. 66 2 G.O. I U RE Tree / p � �Q• / / / / (o710 p� / 68.5 / \�. �.--7468 �.\ 69.5+ x �v �9. TIMBER RETAINING WALL 69.5 TOP OF�WALL = 7470.0 69.0 \ O/ \ BOTTOM `QF WALL = 7466.3 Sw 69.5+ \ � 7470 0 r- u u IL tj 4 �2 F GENERAL NOTES: 1. Contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. at least 48 hours prior to installing any septic system improvement. 2. Compact sewer trenches to 90% standard proctor density or per soils engineer recommendations. 3. Provide risers on septic tanks to finish grade. 4. Comply with all Eagle County and Colorado Department of Health regulations regarding septic system installation. 5. Provide minimum 5' horizontal distance between trees and sewer lines and septic tanks. 6. Provide cleanouts at bends. 7. Sewer line to be schedule 40 PVC. 8. Do not begin any sewer construction prior to notification of Alpine Engineering, Inc., Glenn Palmer (970/926-3373). The septic system is also to be inspected by Alpine Engineering, Inc. prior to backfill; contact Alpine Engineering, Inc. for this purpose as well. 9. Provide two ties to sewer cleanouts, septic tank, and absorption trench corners, as required by Eagle County for as-builts. 10. Septic system approval is conditional upon receipt of as -built information. Sent By: Kemp & Co.; 970 926 1686; Aug-30-99 9:20AM; Page 3/5 "PRAISE THE LARD" COPELAND CoicrETE 28803 U.S. Hwy. 6 & 24 Rifle, CO $1650 (303) 625-1112 Ton view 1 i �� I) 24" 24I dia. dia. )I ' ty.4 -1V 0 Q 4 4 f 1" D, inlet Lv- IVO arrci�re T +4 V� 5 a 4— 4,� d . b•�- �3.� . • �. sa Side view 14" 1000 GALLON CREASE TRAP OR SAND TRAP Compressive strength 4000 P.S.I. concrete. Bottom & side walls reinforced with 6-6 10-10 wish pluseb 4-rebar in bottom. Top reinforced with 6-6 6-6 mesh & 6-3/8ar om to Digging Specs: center iof inlet de x xhole g4'1.". Sides sinletot &outlet 15" from end. ht Drawing pass 86A AUG-30-1999 10:02 970 926 1686 94% P.03 DIM 'B' u1i 330 - 5000 GALLON CAPCITIES c rAojK DIM 'A' CLEAR ACCESS OPENINGS 7 GROUT BOTH SIDES — PRECAST DIVIDER PLAN VIEWSLOT BOTH SIDES 24' RING 8 COVER LOCKING, AIR d GAS TIGHT ARE AVAILABLE TYPICAL 2 PLACES ADJUST TO GRADE .�/y o DKu�Y _ t —� INLET --_--------- -- r�T- b O T s.00 — — --- —�11 I I °- I I ° I 't ° DIM .y I I DIM 0 DIM 'D' DIM 'C' WATER DEPTH DIM 0 1'-8' 1 0 0 GROUT ALL AROUND 1 I SLOT BOTH SIDES 1 2/3 LENGTH 1 1/3 LENGTH SECTION VIEW AA GALLON CAPACITY 330 510 750 1000 1500 1800 2500 3000 I 3500 I 5000 MODEL No. ass -GI 464-GI. 4113-6I 4114-GI 4116-GI 4117-GI 6126-GI 6127-GI 6157-GI 6167-GI DIM "A* 6--0' 6'-0- 11'-0' 11'-0- 11'-0' 11'-0' 12'-0' 12'-0' 15'-0' 18'-0' DIM 'B' 4'-0' 4'-0' 4'-0' 4'-0- 4'-0- 4'.0- 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'-0' 6'.0' WATER DEPTH DIM 'C' 2'-0' 3'-0' 3'-2' T-2- 4'-7- 5'-6- 4'-6- 5'-6- 5'.4- 6'.2- DIM 'D' 2'-2- T-2- 3%4' 3'-4- 4'-9- 5'-8' 4'.8- 5'-8- 5 ' - 6 - 6'.4- DIM'E' 3'-0' 4'-0' 3'-0' 4'-0' 6'-01, 7'-0' 6'-0' 7%0' T-0' 7'-0' DIM'F' 2'-10' 3%10' 2'0' 3'-10' 6%10' 6'-10' 5'-10, 6'-10, 6'-10' 6'-10' WEIGHT 10,200 11,850 19,5-175 22.500 26,100 27.300 33,025 34,450 42,700 1 63,822 DESIGN CRITERIA: UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE - APPENDIX H NUMBER OF MEALS x WASTE FLOW x RETENTION x STORAGE PER PEAK HOURS RATE -TIME FACTOR Colorado Division NOTES: 1. CONCRETE: 26 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH N; - 4500 psi CAPACITY 2. REBAR: ASTM A-615 GRADE 60 IN GALLONS 3. MESH: ASTM A-185 GRADE 65 4. DESIGN: ACI.318-83 BUILDING CODE ASTM C-857'MINIMUM STRUCTURAL DESIGN LOADING FOR UNDERGROUND PRECAST CONCRETE UTILITY STRUCTURES' 5. LOADS: H-20 TRUCK WHEEL w/ 30 : IMPACT PER AASHTO 6. FILL w/ CLEAN WATER PRIOR TO START-UP OF SYSTEM 7. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY 8 INSTALL ALL PIPING 8 SAMPLING TEES 8. GRAY WATER ONLY, BLACK WATER SHALL BE CARRIED BY SEPARATE SIDE SEWER Copyright 1992 ISSUE: AUGUST. 1992 PAY TO THE Ea le Coun Treasurer ORDEROF g ty **150.00 One Hundred Fifty and 00/100******************************************************** DOLLARS Seadry . features t included Eagle County Treasurer Details an hack. Karen Sheaffer P.O. Box 479 Eagle, CO 81631 MEMO ------- - _ —_------------�.._.._"�'. vo i908?a■ 1: 10 2 1019991:3535003 25311' ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. Eagle County Treasurer Reimbursables:Filing Fees ISDS Permit Application Fee 04/04/2000 19087 150.00 Checking 150.00 ALPINE ENGINEERING INC. Alpine Engineering, Inc./P.O. Box 97/Edwards, Colorado/81632/970-926-3373/FAX 970-926-3390 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION DATE: ipp JOB TITLE: 2 ��b g Name: �4Vi�R �ltbUCe Name: 5�5 Name: Compan1.y Company Company. Fax: Fax: Fax: Name: Name: Name: Company. Company. Company. Fax: Fax: Fax: Number of pages (including cover sheet) ID a TYo1�t i REMARKS: PI -ref 'Cp "'( f ip .. kc''(. fiv T-,5Ds P vwe�f ofci S v s Vail LIZ 1 M SEPTIC SYSTEM APPLICATION RED SKY RANCH FIELD OFFICE VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO APRIL 2000 l��vt5� �4(8[vo Prepared for: Peter Sherowski Vail Resorts Development Group P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 970/926-3373 if:73, R EC,. 00 3 ; ,��a SsID NAf INTRODUCTION: The Red Sky Ranch project is currently approved to be a 425 acre golf course with a clubhouse (per "Jouflas Ranch Golf Course" Special Use Permit). The project site is located approximately.75 miles south on Bellyache Road from the I-70 Wolcott interchange. A Field Office is proposed to be located within the project site, approximately 1.4 miles south of the Wolcott interchange on Bellyache Road. The Field Office is to consist of 3 offices with 4 to 5 employees (weekdays), and 1-2 employees (Saturday). The Field Office is a temporary facility, and expected to be used for 4 to 10 years. A water holding tank (cistern) and sewage holding tank is proposed for providing water and sewer service to the facility since neither service exists nearby, and facility is temporary. FLOW QUANTITY: 5 office persons @ 15 gpd/person x 150% = 112.5 gpd 2 — 4 visitors/day use restroom @ 2 gallons/visitor x 150% = 12 gpd Total = 125 gpd HOLDING TANK SIZE: It is proposed to pump the holding tank once per week: 6 days of use/week x 125 gpd = 750 gallons. l vo0 1 j�,,� vroi ai +r� v,ti, } I`�v�s�r 4�S �oD• Use one — wow gallon holding tank (it can be a septic tank without baffles). If shallow groundwater is a concern, it is recommended that an AMCOR tank be used, or the buoyancy should be checked. PraVt62 -Pva-I SwAc l Q14A t,M hq-1 - cdovw, a+ tt,V ivI C6Ltd14m., SOIL PROFILE HOLE, PERCOLATION TESTS: Since disposal of sewage is not proposed on site (holding tanks), no profile holes or percolation tests were performed. SETBACKS: Tile holding tanks should be at least: -5' separation from the building -10' from potable water supply lines -10' from property/right-of-way lines -50' from streams, lakes, irrigation ditches -50' from springs, wells, suction lines G GRADE TYP. r XISTIN ( / 74650 Vx PROPOSED FINISH GRADE 7460 MAINT 7462 t PL GE 1 63 _�f-u••'l{( ryit/.f '` -r- if Jy r° ` ',.0 '"• X� ✓K_ t r? J tx' ! i \ r�^ /i< t T e�.i r ✓ ,.r"y :r aE v rr r. >i, j�-� * A T. ! •{ J _ a x . J F r/�• �I ,/ �a [�. 1-'"ma`s ✓r��.•v � rr,.R .•'✓/':� ''' � ss• ✓.� r � , J '� w ✓i ytrrr> i tf xr>f J i..` (� < c x? }� i s xs shy ,f ti✓, ''�<t .l ,.i �ytri��S s�', �I� <�L� ��� i 4t k>{;i /s✓,✓ xl i-s;� _ � J r ._'.F % \ ii! xr t 3) <k �s sJ>- ..%,� >a "i # *v,, sx rp >k•rs: xa-'•0.:.. 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N -,i 3S rrC.,'. l.r-. v< i+. �<: JJ �+� v ; r ^ta• •" ,.i., "+.'� :.t r"• J". - �-r . �;^^w • �•s 1.'J" ' a (ate a- r s rJ r s' �r st 'A ^.� "t✓c.. `CY[ '., s „ b..•�rb` < .�" .. ' 'fJ f 4/•. ..t i1'. �y: f:"�v '.:*Ed .y J a ��. Y� iJ.�y+r>i � •'.` iJ. / � ro'l �'�j.l ' < .i - ? EY t-J Y. ✓ � �, . t .• .t S r 7 N •t � y_. Ji f'Yt7 <Fi s � is'r'i't„.i%- �..'F v� tfr+rJ �s"",fk✓ 3x %r sl�lfir J-•, / .. f"s .,✓..ti. r � t 47 3r� .i ✓ �'�F J y J J- Y pr ✓/ J J .� ' ar•'`G+c}%7 .x -✓ .s• r "� yt.• h� .�.< ! !<^r .! _r yv 3 yf„ 1 EXSTING DIRT 7460 DRIVE y)- .rf Y .%sl i ^ 1 ,� ? i t t = .y x t s x •'a'- '%-1 j;,,J.s /.i'''c zr3 J> y 'r. r !' z - .': s. ✓, r ,( • f ✓. i.r� •x ' ` -ti+s•✓+t� � . 6� y�j i`>''x. 4f rt J t 'i. ` � ; . 4--- yNCµM 7-466 .f-ti '-+ �' rGG•• ,,{{ ��;-� Sa're Existing \ \ % »:7''4.U��i:,` -• Tree 1 / o o / \ Il u \tlrx / z n _ / 3 o Tr E6 468 \ f INV bb.g 1 i / 746 6 A 14oldii Tat4 +70 1 TU R E 69.5 671 o 68. +69.5 O 7468 �\ 69.5 x t�� 6519. TIME R RETAINING WALL 69.5 TOP OFF WALL = 7470.0 69.0 \ O BOTTOM `QF WALL = 7466.3 69.5+ \ \ r ° �R h i PI?cV l 'I= 1= u-o , rl 6 irc TAILI ;t I= V L U W)1110, La t 0� 0- 4.09.02 VAULT A vault shall have a minimum 1,000 gallon effective capacity.and may be permitted under limited use occupancy for water carriage sewage systems on property which cannot accommodate a sewage treatment system. A signal device shall be installed to indicate when pumping is necessary. Vaults shall meet the same installation and construction standards as apply to septic tanks except that no effluent outlet shall be provided. 4.09.03 VAULT PRIVY A vault privy shall be built to include: 1) Fly -tight construction; 2) A superstructure affording complete privacy; 3) An earth mound around the top of the vault and below floor level which slopes downward away from the superstructure base; 4) A floor and riser of concrete or other impervious material; and 5) Seats and covers of easily cleanable, impervious material, hinged, self -closing and fly -proof. All venting shall be fly -proofed with No. 16 or tighter mesh screening. Effective capacity of the vault shall be no less than 400 gallons. 4.09.04 PIT PRIVY A new pit privy constructed in soil may be permitted only 1) Upon approval ;of the Eagle County Board of Health, and 2) For temporary or emergency basis not to exceed 14 days use. It shall be built to include fly -tight construction; a superstructure affording complete privacy; an earth mound around the top of the compartment and below the floor level, which slopes downward away from the superstructure base; a floor and riser of concrete for other impervious material; and with seats and covers of easily cleanable, impervious material, hinged, self -closing and fly -proof. All venting shall be fly -proofed with No. 16 or tighter mesh 52 Edwards Business Center1P.0_ Box 97 ALPINE Edwards, CO 81632 PSI: (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390 ENGINEER, ING INC FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION: Date: — v — 0 o Time: } /� ,rob: To: 1-AV To: Co: Co: Fax #: 12 — . Fax #: To: -;>6TIS --Slifff To: Co: Y V,DC- Co: Fax #: 2q!$' ^ 2 3 5' $' Fax N: To: To: Co: — Co: Fax #: _ _ Fax #: From: S )35 L{AV'5A'?-- (If there are any problems concerning this FAX please call Marian at 926-3373) Number of Pages (including cover sheet): Transmitted: for approval as requested reviewed for your use for review and comment for your reco�i or Remario: W. t-onzwenuallty btatement: ibis Tacslntlle transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging; to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whore this facsimile transmission was sent as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken in reliance on the contents of the information contained in the facsimile is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please call us collect to arrange for the return of the documents to us at our expeltse. Thank you. n00_74 - OMMM C'MT 4 4 . -ZonK4 Tn. cnr_I C I-'11 II. ITV Ck11 1 U=nl TLI one_,. 4 Y� z� I hold8CIL 12c3 �vl x� rcQ•�s� 'o �`+ks to O i �, CL s (fin �`'•.co � y '�` �o''$ i ~ n, LE 3$00 , 1 noo_01 _OMMM COT 4 1 • -7OrlM TM- cnr_I C f'fll IAITV CAII 1 LJCnI TLI onr_C.'n Mar-14-01 15:29 Due West Aviation, LLC 9705249795 LC! Fax Cover Sheet I Mere Logan Craig, Inc. P.O. Box 376 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-4010 (Fax) (970) 926-4012 Date• 3/14/01 From: Paul Colwell To: Janet Pages — Including this cover sheet: 2 Comments• Janet, We have received approval from our client at Red Sky Ranch to install the 2500 gal. septic tank shown on the next page, with the caveat that it must meet your Eagle County specifications. Could you just let me know if this is approved? Thanks, Paul Colwell mar-14-01 15:29 Due West Aviation, LLC 9705249795 P.02 -To 2600 gal. septic tank OEM CX 2' M @&Hen titters pbw "Par- tabs �"trwr 6ateettt attd aid � �rw =alufitad w� 4i t0-1A tttarh IIn a Mkor In ow hstat =max Top n with 6.4 5.4 wits rash •ni well ss Al rshar boM DIGGING SPCCS: 13' IonS x I" C"wide. boat Mta ou%ldo beft -v to the we r of *0 Ifthd halo is S�A" sudit Is 30 long • page �5b Mno_a A_nraraa 1_irn ran. A72MM TM. rnrri r r+ni lkrr,J rAll 1 1 1rr,1 Tl i Ray Merry From: Donald Odell [DOdell@vailresorts.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:58 AM To: Ray Merry Subject: Re: FW: Red Sky Ranch and other files Ray, I am working on your list of outstanding Red Sky items from your email to Deb. Follow up on Item near bottom of list which was as follows: ...outstanding permit is ISDS #1967-00 which was issued for a holding tank installation to accommodate a temporary sales trailer. Deb has written to me indicating the trailer has been moved and the tank is no longer used. The outstanding issue is whether the holding tank was filled with earth and abandoned in -place or removed and disposed of in an appropriate manner (crushed and land filled). Deb - please e-mail about this as it does not involve Tom other than his awareness of where this may have been. I have been to the site and located the tank. The tank is currently not hooked up to anything. The tank does have +/- 2 feet of clear liquid (my guess is snow melt as the lid was half way off the hole) in the bottom. It appears the tank had been pumped and cleaned and then nothing else happened with it. I will schedule it to be pumped, dug out and removed, crushed and hauled to the land fill. I will keep you posted, my goal would be to get this completed within the next 2 weeks. I do not want to fill and abandon in place as this will be close to future lot 33. I will start working on finding the status of the rest of the email this week. Donald Odell Vail Resorts Development Company PO Box 959 137 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Direct: 970-845-2937 Facsimile: 970-845-2555 Cell: 970-331-9057 e-mail: dodell@vailresorts.com Ray Merry From: Debra DeCrausaz [ddecrausaz@vaiI resorts.com] Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 7:25 AM To: Ray Merry Subject: Red Sky Septic #1967 Hi Ray! Nice to hear your holiday wishes on my voicemail last night. I've been teaching skiing on the mountain this week and trying to keep up on business in the evening (more challenging than I anticipated .... but fun to be out on the hill.) Regarding the sales office holding tank, you are correct in that it no longer exists in it former location. We have relocated the sales office trailer to the Guest Clubhouse site and it no longer has a restroom, they utilize the clubhouse facilities. I'm going on vacation tomorrow and will return back into the office Jan. 9. Please feel free to call me on my cell today if you need anything before I leave. Hope you had a very merry Christmas and I'll see you in the new year! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Deb DeCrausaz, P.E. Vail Resorts Development Company office 970.845.2937 1 cell 970.331.9863 1 fax 970.845.2555 1 ddecrausaz@vailresorts.com 1967-00 Tax #1941-221-00-015 1255 Bellyache Ridge VAIL ASS. JOB NAME -fir Sky Ranch Field Office Wolcott JOB NO., LO ATION r DATE STA TED Z10v DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED WOMAN W -0,44.6 m A �04 NINE 0 Jill Wit �j Jill i Ki / I 70 1 11 WE � 1 - � is ' � � .1..• JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE I TOTAL MATERIAL Plorlo 0 0 NOWNINAr �mm MISC. COSTS W -TOTAL INE JOB COST GROSS PR FIT LESS • COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE �■ JOB FOLDER Product 277 JOB FOLDER Printed in USA