HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 EMD Transparency NoticeEdwards Metropolitan District
Pursuant to section 32-1-809, Colorado Revised Statutes for Transparency Notices may be filed with Special District
Association of Colorado. This information must be provided annually to the eligible electors of the district no later
than January 15 of each year.
*Note that some information provided herein may be subject to change after the notice is posted.
District's Principal Business Office
Company c/o Marchetti & Weaver, LLC
Contact Kendra Nicholson
Address 28 Second Street, Suite 213, Edwards, Colorado 81632
Phone (970) 926-6060
District's Physical Location
Counties Eagle
Regular Board Meeting Information
Location Zoom option, go to http://edwards-colorado.com/board-meeting-information.
Address 450 Miller Ranch Road, Edwards, Colorado 81632
Day(s) Third Thursday of January -October, December 14, 2023
Time 12:00 p.m.
Posting Place for Meeting Notice
Location www.edwards-colorado.com
Notice of Proposed Action to Fix or Increase Fees, Rates, Tolls, Penalties or Charges for Domestic Water or
Sanitary Sewer Services
Current District Mill Levy
Mills 1.691
Ad Valorem Tax Revenue
Revenue reported may be incomplete or unaudited as of the date this Notice was posted.
Amount($) 340,406 through November 2022
Date of Next Regular Election
Date 05/02/2023
Pursuant to 24-72-205 C.R.S
The district's research and retrieval fee is $30.00 per hour
District Policy
A person granted the right to inspect District records may also be furnished copies requested at a cost of
twenty-five cents ($.25) per standard page. The charge for providing a copy, printout or photograph of a public
record in a format other than a standard page will be assessed at the actual cost of production. Additionally, in
those cases where the location or existence of specific documents must be researched and the documents
must be retrieved, sorted or reviewed for applicability to the request, and such process requires more than
one hour of staff time, the Custodian may charge a research and retrieval fee not to exceed thirty dollars
($30.00) per hour. The Custodian will not impose a charge for the first hour of time expended in connection
with the research and retrieval of public records. The District may require a deposit to cover the estimated cost
to produce the records, including the cost of the copies and the research and retrieval fee, prior to
commencing work to produce such records. Payment of any actual costs exceeding the deposit must be made
at the time of release of the final work product or copies.
District contact information for open records request:
Kendra Nicholson
Names of District Board Members
Board President
Kara Heide, President
Contact Info
Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Board Member 2
Name Joanna Kerwin
Contact Info kendra@mwcpaa.com
Election No, this office will not be on the next regular election ballot
Board Member 3
Name Michael Trueblood
Contact Info kendra@mwcpaa.com
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Board Member 4
Name Todd Williams
Contact Info kendra@mwcpaa.com
Election Yes, this office will be on the next regular election ballot
Board Member 5
Name Tracy Erickson
Contact Info kendra@mwcpaa.com
Election No, this office will not be on the next regular election ballot
Board Candidate Self -Nomination Forms
Any eligible elector of the special district who desires to be a candidate for the office of special district director
must file a self -nomination and acceptance form or letter with the designated election official.
Deadline for Self -Nomination Forms
Self -nomination and acceptance forms or letters must be filed not less than 67 days before the date of the
regular election.
District Election Results
The district's election results will be posted on the website of the Colorado Secretary of State
(www.sos.state.co.us) and the website indicated below, if any.
Permanent Mail -In Voter Status
Absentee voting and Permanent absentee voter status (formerly Permanent Mail -In voter status): Where to
obtain and return forms.
28 Second Street, Suite 213 Edwards, CO 81632
Applications for absentee voting or for permanent absentee voter status are available from and must be
returned to the Designated Election Official.
28 Second Street, Suite 213 Edwards, CO 81632
Notice Completed By
Kendra Nicholson
Edwards Metropolitan District
Account Manager