HomeMy WebLinkAbout90 Little Pinon - 246502301009 - 1283-93ISa..�. ti #` INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE, -DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. -: PERMIT NO. 1283 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER: Anthony M. & Barbara Brevetti PHONE: 927-4590 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOY 504 city: Snowmass State: CO Zip: 81659 APPLICANT: SAA PHONE: ` 927-3633 SYSTEM LOCATION: 0090 Little Pinion Dr. TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 2465-023-01-009 LICENSED INSTALLER: J.W. Earythmoving LICENSE NO: ' 27-93 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: NIA A INSTALLATION HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: i000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED 854 SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Trench configuration only, Place InspPet_ ,�nrt-iC at the end of each trpnrb. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE:99 �® 8 CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25- 10- 104. 1973. AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: �� SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK:_1= GALLON DEGREES 69 I� FEET FROM�- SEPTIC TANK ACCESS TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE AND PROPER MATERIAL AND ASSEMBLY` YES _ NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REQUIREMENTS: L, Z NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS CORRECTED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: �'/ v�'T� / DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVAL: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS APPLICANT / AGENT: PERMIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE_ OWNER: RECEIPT # CHECK# ISDS Permit Building Permit APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 - EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8755/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200.0 PROPERTY OWNER: �i-124 2'1 -t � � ,�? �/ �� j � � `�.s3 7 MAILING ADDRESS: E 0. `�jC �-p� 5;•�6�.5 S CO PHONE APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON:n ice( PHONE • 'S�iO rri LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: LoC—(1-3 9jtA S c9"i s7?eJc-n0"j, ADDRESS: PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (>< NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAI LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: 4-,Legal Description: 1-c)T �I, /-,4o9A. �T Parcel Number: SUL [�� C\Q' Lot size: o� AG S Physical Address: — BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) ( .Residential / Single Family Number ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number ( ) Commercial / Industrial* Type_ TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: of Bedrooms of Bedrooms Well (X) Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public ( ) Name of Supplier: *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: �. DATE:_,1-°� 3 AMOUNT PAID._ / RECEIPT# DATE: CHECK # MEW CASHIER: i�'"110 J t) ,-' S CO.V,MLNI) DL\LLOI'.VL\i DLf 1Ri.\1F\ I S 0 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO November 24, 1993 Anthony Brevetti P.O. Box 504 Snowmass, CO 81659 500 RROADWAY f-0.110\ I _9 FAGLF_ COLORADO 316, 1 FAX I.O_ I : _'3.'207 . RE: Final of ISDS Permit No.1283-93 Parcel #2465-023-01-009 Property located at: 0090 Little Pinion Dr., E1 Jebel This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your dwelling may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, _-M-/"Ud- &Ljej ) - taa6L_K Tania M. Busch -Weak R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 325-3730 DATE: TO: FROM: 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 31631 FAX (303) 323-7207 EAGLE COUNTY., COLORADO October 13, 1993 Joe Weinreis, J. W. Earthmoving Ent, Inc. Environmental Health Division RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit No.:1283 Parcel #:2465-023-01-009 Property Located at: 0090 Little Pinion Dr. Enclosed is your ISDS Permit No. 1283 is valid for 120 days. The enclosed copy of the permit must be posted at the installation site. Any changes in plans or specifications invalidates the permit unless otherwise approved. Please call our office well in advance for the final inspection. The final inspection is to be done before any portion of the installed system is covered. The deadline for the final inspections done by Eagle County Environmental- Health is December 1. Systems designed by a Registered Professional Engineer must be certified by the Engineer indicating that the system was installed as specified. Eagle County does not perform final inspections on engineer designed systems. Be aware that the specifications on the permit are minimum requirements only. Installers should bring this to the attention of the property owner. This permit does not indicate conformance with other Eagle county requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 328-8755. cc: file n f s r CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION BRIVETTI RESIDENCE _ 0090 Little Pinon Drive aka Lot 9, Lower J Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared For: Mr. Tony Brevettl P.O. Box 504 Snowmass Village, Colorado 81654 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE........................................................ 1 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS .............................. ....... 1 SITE CONDITIONS ................................................. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ........................................ 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ............... .... 2 SITEGRADING ................................................... 3 FOUNDATION.................................................. 3 FOUNDATION WALLS AND BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION .................... 4 CRAWLSPACE, FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR CONCRETE` ................. 5 PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS ................. .. .. 6 SURFACE DRAINAGE ........................ 6 LIMITATIONS .................................................... 6 FIGURE 1 - LOCATIONS OF TEST PITS FIGURE 2 - SUMMARY LOGS OF TEST PITS FIGURE 3 - DISTRIBUTION OF PRESSURE BELOW FOOTINGS FIGURE 4 - FOUNDATION DRAIN DETAIL TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SCOPE This report presents the results of our soils and foundation investigation for the proposed Brevetti Residence at 0090 Little Pinon Drive in Eagle County, Colorado. We explored the subsurface conditions at the site to provide foundation recommendations for the building. This report includes a description of the subsurface conditions found In our test pits, recommended foundations for the building and geotechnical criteria for them " and construction criteria for details Influenced by the subsoils. Our report was prepared from data developed during our field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis and our experience with similar conditions. A summary of our conclusions is presented below. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS Test pits penetrated 1 foot of organic, silty sands- above medium stiff, slightly moist, sandy silts and sandy clays. A 2 foot thick lense of gravelly sands with cobbles and boulders was below the organic sands, above the silts in TH-1. The upper soils were noticeably oi'ou and small root holes were observed to about 6 feet deep. et t�t�s # � e�day� f xcavaii�r►. _ 2. We recommend founding the building with low pressure footings bearing on the natural soils or at higher pressures bearing on structural fill. Maximum soil bearing pressures are presented in the "Foundation" section. 3. Floors will be slabs -on -grade in the basement part of the building, other living area floors will be structurally supported by the foundation with a crawlspace between the floor and the soils. 4. Vegetation requiring irrigation should be at least 10. feet away from the residence. A ground surface slope away from'.the building should be maintained at all times to reduce the risk of wetting soils below foundations. SITE CONDITIONS The site is situated in the Roaring Fork valley at the base of Basalt Mountain. The site slopes down to Pinon Drive to the northwest with moderate slopes at grades visually • • E estimated SIM"Plat. Vegetation consists of pinon pine, sage brash and grasses and weeds. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 0 A wood framed, 2 story single family residence will be built. An 8 foot deep basement will be below the west one third of the building. Basement floors will slabs -on - grade, other living area floors will be supported by the foundation with a crawispace " between the floor and ground. The exterior of the building will be wood siding and rock veneer. "Ice Block" concrete forms will be on integral part of below grade walls. The foundation loads we assumed in our analysis were between 1000 and 2000 pounds per lineal foot on continuous footings and maximum interior column loads of 10 kips. We should be informed if the actual construction or loads are different than described above to permit us to re-evaluate our recommendations. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Two (2) test pits shown as TP-1 and TP-2 were excavated at the locations shown on Figure 1 to investigate subsurface conditions for foundation recommendations. Excavations was directed by our senior field representative who logged the soils and obtained samples. Data from laboratory testing is shown on Table 1. Test pits penetrated 1 foot of organic, itiftymeamolvabove medium stiff, s#qMW mw A two foot thick tense of gravelly sands with cobbles and boulders was below the organic sands, above the silts in 11141. The upper sands were noticeably porous and small root holes were observed to about 6 foot deep. s s 2 r SITE GRADING Site excavation will consist of maximum cuts on the order of 8 feet. Excavation sides over 5 feet in height should be sloped or braced. Excavated slopes will tend to collapse and flatten. We believe the sandy clays are Type B as described in October, 1989 Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards published by the Department of Labor governing excavations. The publication indicates no slope should be steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) for Type B soils above the water table. FOUNDATION In our opinion, the residence can be founded with footings. The natural silts and clays are compressive at in -situ dry density and moisture. if the soils below, the foundation become wetted consolidation of the soils will:occur and result in settlement of structure above. The footings can bear on the. natural undisturbed clays and silts at a comparatively low bearing pressure or can bear at a higher allowable'design pressure on at least four feet of structural fill placed on the natural soils. Removing four feet of the natural soils from below the bottoms of footings will lessen the amount of settlement that occurs if the natural soils become wetted. The natural soils excavated could be reused as structural fill.. The soils would need to be moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to of least 95 percent of standard Proctor density test maximum dry. density (ASTM D 698). The fill below footings would need to extend out and away from the footing perimeters at a 1:2 (horizontal to vertical) slope out and away from the footing perimeter. The footings should be designed and constructed with the Jollowing criteria: 1. Footings on the undisturbed natural clays and silts can be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1000 psf Footings bearing.on at least 3 four feet of structural fill can be designed for a maximum soils bearing pressure 2500 psf, however, the pressure on the natural soils should not exceed 1000 psf. Materials loosened during the excavation or forming process should be removed from the footing areas prior to placing concrete. Organic soils are not suitable for footings bearing strata; 2. Foundation walls on continuous footings should be reinforced top and bottom, to span loose soil pockets. We recommend reinforcing steel equivalent to that required for a simple span of 12 feet. Reinforcement should be designed by a qualified structural engineer; 3. Minimum footing sizes are desirable. We suggest a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous footings and a size of at least 2 feet by 2 feet for isolated column pads. Larger sizes may be required based on the structural loads; 4. The soils under exterior footings should be protected from freezing. The depth normally assumed for frost protection in the Eagle County is'42 inches. We suggest the building department to contacted to verify the frost protection depth. FOUNDATION WALLS AND BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION Basement and crawlspace foundation walls will be ubject to lateral earth pressure. These walls are restrained and cannot move, therefore, they should be designed for the "at rest" lateral earth pressure. Assuming on -site soils will be used as backfill, we recommend using an equivalent fluid density of 45 pcf to calculate the "at rest" lateral earth pressure. Lateral earth pressure values do not include allowances for sloping backfill, hydrostatic pressures or surcharge loads. To reduce the risk of accumulation of moisture adjacent to foundation walls, we recommend provision of a foundation drain. The drain should consist of a 4 inch diameter open joint or slotted pipe encased in free draining gravel. The drain should lead to a positive gravity outlet. A detail for a typical foundation drain is presented in figure' 4. The provision of a foundation drain should reduce hydrostatic pressure which may 4 compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). CRAWLSPACE, FLOOR SLABS AND EXTERIOR CONCRETE We understand the basement floor will be slabs -on -grade and that other living. area floors will be foundation supported with a crawlspace between the floor and ground. The undisturbed natural clays and silts free of organics will provide subgrade for basement floors. If the soils below the slabs become wetted settlements of the slabs and associated cracking will occur. The crawlspace should be well. ventilated. Garage floors, patios and sidewalks will be slabs -on -grade. We recommend the following design and construction details for slabs -on -grade; 1. The undisturbed natural clays and silts- will provide subgrade for the basement floor and for exterior concrete.1 atwork Organic soils are not suitable for slab support and should be 'remover! from' under slab concrete. If fill is required below exterior concrete slabs; the fill should be placed in 8 inch maximum loose lifts at 2 percent below to 2 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698); 2. Slabs should be separated from exterior was and interior bearing members. Vertical movement of the slabs shouldnot' be restricted; 3. Plumbing below the slabs should be prassure.tested. `Trench backfill should be moisture treated and compacted; 4. Frequent control joints should be provided Jhe American Concrete Institute (ACI) . recommends maximum joint §pa" Ing' of 15 to 20 feet to control cracking. The above precautions will not prevent movement of the dabs in the ,event the subsoils below become wet. They tend to reduce potential damage if movement occurs. 5 I�i II a'R.'d Four (4) percolation tests were performed in the sandy clays and sandy silts at the locations shown on Figure 1 (P-1 through P-4). Percolation rates ranged from 8 to 60 minutes per inch. Based on our experience with similar soils we suggest a design percolation rateolMinutes per inch be used to design the percolation field. SURFACE DRAINAGE The performance of foundations and concrete flatwork is influenced by the moisture conditions in the subsoils. Wetting of below foundation soils can be reduced by planned and maintained surface drainage. Soils at this site are judged to be compressive. We recommend that vegetation requiring landscaping not be within.10 feet ,:of the residence. Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should .be avoided. The ground surface surrounding the residence should be sloped to provide rapid nun -off of water away from the residence in all directions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first 8 feet. Backfill of the foundation walls should be moisture treated and compacted. Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond,the limits of all backfill. Splash blocks or downspout extensions should be-provided;at all discharge locations. s Our report was based on conditions disclosed by ourtest pits, results of laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and our experience. Criteria presented reflects the proposed building as we understand it. We should be advised if the final design differs from our assumptions to permit us to re-evaluate our conclusions. This investigation was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the locality of this project. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. If we can be of further service or if you have questions regarding this report, please call. CTI.JT MEC P I 0 PEA'! V EC 74 9 ; J n e lin ; cc r ch Manager .� (3 copies sent) �sS/p N AL 1 BREVETTI RESIDENCE LOT 9, LOWER "J" SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ❑ P-3 ❑ ❑ P-4 P-2 ❑ P-1 LEGEND Test pit location Percolation test pit Job No. GS-1176 TP-2 AN A N NO SCALE PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1M_301 LOCATION OF TEST PITS Fig. 1 BIG PINON DRIVE TO BASALT VICINITY MAP TP-1 TP-2 EL=100 EL=94 100 M W W W Z 90 O f- Q W J W 85 80 n P-1 P-2 P-3 & P-4 EL=90 EL=86 EL=88 100 95 m a N O Z ... 90 000, rn /100 85 80 LEGEND T NOTES: �Sand, silty, organic, loose, slightly moist, tan 1 Test pits were excavated with a ~ (OL). JD-690 trackhoe on September Sand, gravely, silty with cobbles and boulders, 1 0, 1993. dense, slightly moist, brown (GP). 2. These test pits are subject to the explanations, limitations and Silt, sandy or clay, silty, medium stiff, slightly conclusions as contained in this moist to moist, brown (CL,ML). report. Hand driven sample obtained. 3. Elevations are comparative to test pit locations only not an established benchmark. Bulk sample obtained. SUMMARY LOGS OF TEST PITS Job No. GS-1176 Fig. 2 Voi E i B+D STRIP FOOTING P _ P P� — B P2 B+D SQUARE COLUMN FOOTING P P- P1 — B2 P2 (B+D)2 DISTRIBUTION OF PRESSURE BELOW FOOTINGS JOB NO. GS-1176 FIG. '3 10, ENCASE PIPE IN WASHED 314 INCH TO NO. 4 CONCRETE AGGREGATE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 3 PERCENT \ PASSING THE.NO. 200 SIEVE. ,MIRAFI 140 OR EQUAL :wc:p_ :0 O:o31 6:p::o.9.Q o'•C 12' MIN. 4 INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE.THE DRAIN LINE SHOULD BE LAID ON A SLOPE RANGING BETWEEN 1/8 INCH AND 1/4 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF' DRAIN. NOTE: DRAIN SHOULD BE AT LEAST 4 INCHES BELOW BOTTOM OF FOOTING AT THE HIGHEST POINT AND SLOPE DOWNWARC TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY' OUTLET OR A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. ,,,.,—BELOW- GRADE WALL REINFORCING STEEL PROVIDE POSITIVE SLIP JOINT BETWEEN SLAB AND WALL FLOOR SLAB 6 TO 12 INCHES \ PROVIDE PVC SHEETING GLUED TO FOUNDATION WALL TO REDUCE MOISTURE PENETRATION. JOB NO. GS-1176 FIG. 4 U) W LL O W d J J J J J V U V F- J a O o} o o z z z z U)� (n U) � F-F= } U' O Z O W .-. fn N 9 CMIh Q O N -4 %0 CD 1� a z w 4% LL a- 0 J N W J m J O o W W ?: _ N F-- _Z V ^ z W z cr W a o a ., z 0 y O D V Of) H r o xIL `Zx W w a CO OD �D 1- a ] •� F) CM F- a a t_ ,. z a o a W r4 z o J W a< cr- d o ON It o O c F- N v .t rr O — In -4 .t -4 .+ a o z g 2 � 1- CL W d l0 In h O W W .q W N N N J O n i- d F-!- 0 n S k WATER 3 err ISDS APPLICATION ." .. j GE _DISPaSAL ! SEWAISDS PERMIT93 The following are require to heKsubmitted prior to a building permit being issued 21 4 £A i pia `^mrk XvE_.;-'� -tSS'` .ip`.f �i 4 ra ; "'•� �#3�+.p-,g & '° •+�., ,ti, r 3 t .fig 'at ` r r z �r , '9 se'Ytt-� ���r,a+ x t ;eY & Y N. ✓may Y �F i.aSztma��.< t4 Y s a 'tZ; z Applicant contacted one R5 " h } IM j f�� r s t� i 4 Signed t` Datef *This approval a .. •== a ��� . applies to the buildinq..permit issuance only. V applicant must be aware that where anrSDS.permit is required, the final inspection on the septic system must be completed-pric to occupancy, rn addition, the applicant must understand that certain site characteristics may require the ISDS be designed bj .a Registered Professional. Enqineer. WATER 3 err ISDS APPLICATION ." .. j GE _DISPaSAL ! SEWAISDS PERMIT93 The following are require to heKsubmitted prior to a building permit being issued 21 4 £A i pia `^mrk XvE_.;-'� -tSS'` .ip`.f �i 4 ra ; "'•� �#3�+.p-,g & '° •+�., ,ti, r 3 t .fig 'at ` r r z �r , '9 se'Ytt-� ���r,a+ x t ;eY & Y N. ✓may Y �F i.aSztma��.< t4 Y s a 'tZ; z Applicant contacted one R5 " h } IM j f�� r s t� i 4 Signed t` Datef *This approval a .. •== a ��� . applies to the buildinq..permit issuance only. V applicant must be aware that where anrSDS.permit is required, the final inspection on the septic system must be completed-pric to occupancy, rn addition, the applicant must understand that certain site characteristics may require the ISDS be designed bj .a Registered Professional. Enqineer. 1 hjf� RAN OM T1 05*1 %N t arm tirrie pINCN I or g) hO�GTION Z TOIVNSHIP 8 *OurH) 04N&S 87 IVW OF rH5 SIXTk PWINCIPAAL.IAO$z/PAN) ,100MYOFOA(ilal'KATE OF GoixeAGb N / „_lam 3 330,75 A. GENGARO & ASSOCIATES, INC.. 155 SOUTH MAMSON , 'M -ET SUI TE 300 DENVER, COLORADO 80209 (303) 333-1464 DESIGNERS & BUILDERS q- 14' 1283-93 - Parcel #2465--023--01-009 .IOC- NAME 0090 Little Pinion Dr. BREVETTI Lot 9, Laura J. Estates JOB NO. " A JOB LOCATION 1 DATE ST RTED DATE • •DATE BILLED NE MAIN TOTAL SELLING PRICESEE •� �'1 so ,��+• .... -gip. JOB FOLDER PfOtlU JOB C ►� C m C C �' M C FOLDI J PO� Printed in U.S.A. r--~) ..... ....... . - -�- `-- . "