HomeMy WebLinkAbout80 Mosher Ln - 210924302002INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION P.O. Box 179 - 500 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-8755 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 1277 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS RANT/AGENT: OWNER: IIT FEE PERCOLATION TEST FEE RECEIPT # CHECK # ISDS Permit if Building Permit # APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8 5/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $200. PROPERTY OWNER: AXIS G/,(/ D V MAILING ADDRESS: 0O ads` f 4� � /� v4'YO�/ PHONE: 461< 901f C-0 �� APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ' &A►-,;efy PHONE: 5V9-1 LC46 , LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: 401vVOCr Ax-C4V,,1-7j0P,1 , ADDRESS: l/./ ppoZ, PHONE: 4-' /' 07%/ r PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (�/) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPA LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Description: ZO 7-Z IvIo r 504' de< Parcel Number: 210 q - Z4- :� - 00 -0/0 , Lot size: 9.09fkR Physical Address: eO 00S#6x_ 1�4VE BUILDING T E: (Check applicable category) ( ) Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial ,/ Industrial* Type TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well(/ Spring ( ) Surface ( ) Public ( Name of Supplier:F'o *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE:•SITE PLAN MUST -BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : -/69, 00 RECEIPT# k/ CHECK # DATE • / DATE: J_Iq�_s � CASHIER: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (303) 328-8730 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO August 10, 1994 Cindy Cohagen 0074 Elk Lane Avon, CO 81620 500 BROADWAY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 FAX: (303) 328-7185 RE: Final of ISDS Permit No. 1277-94 Parcel 2109-243-00-010 Property located at: 80 Mosher Lane, Eagle Dear Ms. Cohagen, This letter is to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit has been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a copy to retain for your records. This permit does not indicate. compliance with any other Eagle County requirements. Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system. Be aware that later changes to your building may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Jeff Fe 1. Environmental Health Specialist ENCL: Information Brochure Final ISDS Permit cc: files ...... Z7a Mal F4UV-Ot:F '94 12:2b Post -it'" brand fax transmittal memo 7-n I*wnandke . i t • Inter -Mounts Eng-ineeri i November 12, Ig Ltd. �/;n 7 93 To ca �-N�yC�y aPL . PApne f ' T 7 r1*7Z. 22 Fax N (7.. �v7� Fax Post -It"' brand fax transmittal memo etMaa . Co. v h t� P • Plana -V.JV Mr. Richard Ia r1ey 1 H & R Contra t ng, INC. P.O. BOX 2201 i wail, Co 8165 l RE: septic Sy tern Installation Inspection Lot 2, Pa oe1 Z, Mo's Subdivision on Eaton Lane Eagle Cou ty, Colorado Project N . 934690 Dear Mr. Herne At the requasi ot. Grizzly Excavating on November 11, i993, we Visited Lot 2, �of arcel 1,MO's Subdivision in Eagle County, Colorado foss inspectionthe septic system installation. The system wa I installed in general co System Design,%-4 shown on a drawing dated August 20, 1liance 993, Septic No. 93469G. , Project One thousand gallon, two compartment, precast concrete sa tic to Was installed. Total of nineteen infiltrator chambers were installed in t o trenches; ten in one and 9 in another. Clsanout ports were also installed. The minimum di4tance to the irrigation ditch was observed. If you have an) questions, please do not hesitate to call. sincerely, L�i ze7j f�7�v✓ Luiza Petrovska Project Engineer LPtdlk i Box No. J78 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-183'11420 VanStreet . L.ekewood, Colorado 80215 • phone. 232-0158 SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 2, PARCEL 1, MO'S SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO lN3Wd013A3Q AliNnWWnj AiNnog ganV3 cm. iy PREPARED FOR: ®3I0 MS. CINDY COHAGEN PROJECT NO. 93469G AUGUST 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS 1 SCOPE 1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 2 SITE INVESTIGATION 2 SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 4 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS 4 SLAB CONSTRUCTION 5 GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM 6 REINFORCING 6 CRAWL SPACE COVER 7 BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE 7 LAWN IRRIGATION 8 PERCOLATION g MISCELLANEOUS g TEST LOCATION DRAWING NO. 1 SUMMARY OF TEST PITS FIGURES NO. 1 - 2 SWELL -CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGURES NO. 3 - 4 GRAIN -SIZE DISTRIBUTION FIGURES NO. 5 - 6 FOUNDATION OVEREXCAVATION AND COMPACTION FIGURE NO. 7 PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM FIGURE NO. 8 CONCLUSIONS 1. Subsoil conditions are fairly uniform over the site with 1.5 to 2.0 feet of topsoil, underlain by gypsiferous, sandy SILT interbedded with layers of silty -gravelly SAND to the maximum depth explored of 10 feet. 2. The proposed residence should be founded on overexcavated and compacted on -site soils on conventional spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. 3. An area north of the proposed residence was selected for the leach field location. The average percolation rate within the selected leach field area was tested to be 18.1 minutes per inch. 1 SCOPE This report presents the results of a Soils and Foundation Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of test pits and laboratory testing of samples obtained from these pits. The purpose of this foundation exploration was to determine the various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics of the foundation materials, and to provide criteria for use by the design engineers and architects in preparing the foundation design, from a geotechnical point of view. 2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is an 8.1 acre parcel of land located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Mosher Lane with Eaton's Lane off of Brush Creek Road, also being located in the SW1/4, Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 84 West of the 6th p.m., Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed building is to be located west of the irrigation ditch, as shown on Drawing No. 1. Site plan for the proposed development was provided by Mr. John Railton, architect, from Railton-McEvoy Architects. The topography of the lot is relatively flat to moderate. The vegetation consisted of grass. Drainage is to the east. SITE INVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on July 29, 1993, consisted of excavating, logging and sampling 2 test pits. The locations of the test pits are shown on Drawing No. 1. The test pits were excavated with a conventional backhoe. Summaries of the test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. 1 and 2. Laboratory samples were obtained at selected intervals by driving a "California" hand sampler into undisturbed soil. Granular soils were sampled by bulk sampling. These samples were returned to our laboratory, inspected and classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and the test pit logs were edited as necessary. To aid in classifying the soils encountered, and to determine general soil 3 characteristics, selected laboratory tests (moisture content, unit weight, grain size distribution, swell consolidation) were performed on representative soil samples. Summaries of the test results are shown on Figures No. 3 through 6. SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Refer to, the summary of test pits, Figures No. 1 and 2. Subsurface conditions are fairly uniform consisting of 1.5 feet of topsoil, over 3.5 feet of sandy SILT, over 1.5 feet of silty - gravelly SAND, over 3.5 feet of sandy SILT in Test Pit No. 1 and 2 feet of topsoil, over 2 feet of sandy SILT, over 5 feet of silty - sandy gravel, over 1 foot of sandy SILT in Test Pit No. 2. The silty soils had very low densities. We understand that no overlot grading has been done prior to this investigation. No groundwater was encountered in any of the test pits at the time of excavation. Indexes to Geological Mapping, Eagle County, Colorado, prepared by Charles S. Robinson & Associates, Inc., in 1975, states that soils in this area may contain minerals in variable amounts that produce serious detrimental effects on concrete, metal or other substances that are in contact with the soils. Type II cement should be used in all concrete that will be in contact with the soil. These maps also state that soils in this area may be 4 subject to subsidence due to hydro -compaction in low density soils. The underlying bedrock is Eagle Valley Evaporite, which contains water soluble salts. Solution of these salts can produce sinkholes and general area subsidence. There were no sinkholes observed at the site at the time of the investigation. These maps also state that the surfical deposits are of Alluvial origin and are susceptible to hydro -compaction and possible recurrent flooding. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based upon the information provided by Mr. John Railton it is understood that the proposed residence will be a two-story wood frame structure without a basement. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical of residential construction. If the proposed project differs significantly from this understanding, a review should be made after the plans are more complete. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Low density, silty soils will be encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. The footings should be constructed on the overexcavated and compacted on -site soils. The depth and 5 width of the overexcavation is dependent on the footings size as shown on Figure No. 7. The footing excavations should be relatively smooth, free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water. The over - excavations should be backfilled and compacted to 100 percent within 2 percent of optimum moisture as determined by a standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify that the soil conditions are the same as those anticipated in this report. After all of the final grading is completed, the bottom of the footings should be covered with a minimum of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. SLAB CONSTRUCTION All excavations made for the foundations must be properly backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). The on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backf ill. Before the backf ill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber -tired loader to a uniform high density. Special care should be taken in 19 areas where underground utilities have been installed. The floor slabs should be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so that a small amount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American Concrete Institute's recommendations to control cracking. A granular mat (-3/4 inch gravel, with less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve) should be provided below -the floor slabs. This should be a minimum of four inches in thickness and compacted. The purpose of this granular mat is to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the slab. GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM While no groundwater was encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after a prolonged period of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 8 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. REINFORCING The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for an "active" case assuming a level drained backfill condition. CRAWL SPACE COVER When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area. BACRFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE The potentially hydroconsolidating foundation soils encountered in portions of the site must be prevented from being wetted after construction. The backfill placed around the foundation walls must not settle after completion of construction and the top one foot of the backfill material must be relatively impervious. The on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfill. Backf ill should be moistened or dried to near its optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Structural backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas W should be diverted around and away from the building by means of drainage swales or other similar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended. Downspouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. LAWN IRRIGATION Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall within five feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. 10 residence structure to be located on Lot 2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for similar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Sincerely, INTER -MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. Luiza Petrovska, Project Engineer Reviewed by: Igreident Spanel, P.E. Pi PERCOLATION Percolation test was performed within the selected leach field area north of the proposed residence. The percolation test results were as follows: Perc Test No. 1 Perc Test No. 2 Perc Test No. 3 37.5 min/inch 10.1 min/inch 6.6 min/inch The average percolation rate is 18.1 minutes per inch. This average is within the 5 to 60 minutes per inch allowable percolation rate, according to the Eagle County- Regulations for Individual Sewage Disposal Systems. MISCELLANEOUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and from the on -site field exploration. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and times may differ from the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the test pits may not appear evident until excavation is performed. However, only minor variations are expected. If during construction conditions appear to be different, this office should be advised so re- evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Ms. Cindy Cohagen for the specific application to the proposed Lot 2 Parcel 1 Lot 1 NORTH ,(rBrush Cree :!Brush Creej�Road____—I; s~ �! Parcel B' Lot 1 1,a 0 a-J w Lot 2 1parcel 1 II Mosher Laney \ Pronosed Proposed Location Ma p Residence 1" = 800' Leach Field — irrigation ditch i Pit #1 Perc #10 41P;3c /� Proposed Residence \ `. Perc \ 1 DRAWN BY: T',OS-a. LANE Lot 3 TEST LOCATION Proposed Residence Lot 2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Ms. Cindy Cohagen SCALE: ^-' 1" = 100' lOATE: 8/12/93 E R PRojEcr No.: 93469G CRAwINc Pl T NO. 1 DEPTH IN FEET O " DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL REMARKS Topsoil, very dry, block with fine roots Light brown, porous, gypsiferous, sandy SILT w = 9.8% 5 �d= 79 2 - pcf Brown gypsiferous silty s gravelly SAND (SP-SM) -200 = 5.2% Brown, gypsiferous, _porous, sandy SILT w = 9.8% (Y4= 82.3 pcf 10 — __--- - -- --- -- --�_ -- -- _ — — Bottom of pit No groundwater encountered 15 Relatively undisturbed sample Bulk sample SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lot 2, Proposed Residence Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Ms. Cindy Cohagen PROJECT NO.: 93469G FIGURE NO.: I PIT NO. 2 Pia 3c' DEPTH IN FEET p�v= DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL REMARKS Topsoil Light brown, gypsiferous, porous, sandy SILT w = 9.8% wtj= 74.7 pcf Silty -gravelly SAND 5 (SW-SM) -200 = 5.8% Brown, gypsiferous, porous SILT w = 12.3% 10--�—=—_ ii"c� = 7 5. 1 p c f Bottom of pit No groundwater encountered 15 Relatively undisturbed sample Bulk sample SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Proposed Residence Lot 2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Ms. Cindy Cohagen PROJECT No.: 93469G FIGURE NO.: 2 BORING NO 1 DEPTH 4.5' 0 0 J J W -2 z -4 0 Q -6 0 W z 0 -8 U y•. _ 1.0 LUAU (KSF) 10 100 SAMPLE OF 'sandy-gypsiferous SILT NAT. MOISTURE CONTENT 9.8 go % SWELL/PRESS, SAMPLE FLOODED AT0.5 KSF NAT. DRY DENSITY 72,2 PCF BORING NO. 1 DEPT-I1 9' = C J J W ?� -2 I z -4 0 t-- -6 J 0 0 -8 U 0.1. 1.0. LOAD (KSF) 10 100 SAMPLE OF, .gypsiferoUs SILT NAT. MOISTURE CONTENT 9.8 °' % SWELL/PRESS.. SAMPLE FLOODED AT1.0 KSF NAT. DRY DENSITY 82.3 PCF SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Proposed Residence Lot 2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Ms. Cindy Cohagen PROJECT NO 93469G FIGURE NO 3 BORING NO 2 DEPTH 4.5' 0 0 J J W -2 1 z -4 O d -6 O cn z O -8 U -101 1 I 1 I 1 I1.11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 0.1 1.0 LOAD (KSF) 10 SAMPLE OF sandy-gypsiferous SILT NAT. NOISTURE CONTENT 9.8 % SWELL/PRESS, SAMPLE FLOODED AT 0.5KSF NAT. DRY DENSITY 74.7 BORING NO. 2 DEPTH 9.5 PCF 0.1. 1.0 LOAD (KSF) 10 100 SAMPLE OF, gypsifer6us SILT NAT. MOISTURE CONTENT 12.3 % % SWELL/PRESS.. SAMPLE FLOODED AT 1 • 0 KSF NAT. DRY DENSITY 75.1 PCF SWELL - CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Proposed Residence Lot.2, Parcel 1, Mo's Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado Prepared for Ms. Cindy Cohagen Ppoir T w) ozi,i�oo FIGURE NO . 4 r w U-1 O a 0 S }L{t51aM Xg JOSJDOO ;uaojad O p 0 0 0 � U � O I O T T T T I I I _ T - I I I i l I i I I I I I II ( II I II — 1 I TI_I I I II� _I 1 1 1TT_I I I_I I I I I I I III�i I ( I T— 1 ( C—I L I U O O __ - IT O 0 ' IU o4 0')o. z O 1- 7_ U L•� U O U a tL h 0 0 0 0 O T U o � _ I4 C.)� O (31 0 d r � D b 0 0 co Co -H Ln U 4-1 ,L" o — Cl) -- O Cn rd t~ cd -0 cn O c--1 U �4 U N O U a; w w � -•rn� cn z W £ N c o r-i cl� 4-3 O o V bD I +J ri cf) C 10 oo Ln NS (!L In o II II II O �L{Dlah� CQ JOUTA IuaaJad v�i w r W W x O fC n �4�IaM �9 �as�oo� }uaz)aad 0 0 0 0 - III 3 I it i l 1 1 I II I I i i I I i t I I 1 I TI I- j_1�--1-•1 I ITI 1 � 1 � I 1 I II � � 1 1 I-( �IIIiI �iiI-- I ( ii� 1— (ICI ii_�li I I 11 I I I 1 liil�i I =1 --I.I---- —_L_1 1 I I I _ 1 _ �_ 1 i I I I I_I I- Imo! T—i—i— �1111 � I Il T I I_ _I--l�-�_- - -- _ U rn c*� (94 rn o O z o F-- z U W l_ 1 C � O Q: D U C It J 5 U o � ' Q O •ri Z ? t7 ;jo (1). N CO r--I �-4 bD llc�b Ua U 4-1-1 co o CL` N O To U CJ] 'ii cli 'L7 I Ull a ,y U O a •� i O r-I U �4 U CJ a. N P - N O U 41 m �1 �4 �4 r-1 E Z Cn P-1 cd bjD -2 1 W in c W r-I 4-I t� (� O o�4 o V � I J c Un q C� �r_:ln o U o II II II W U) {L{Dla,l,t ;Cfl �auld (ua�lad � Z Z C, H U cn P�4 P.O.BOX S178 311'' -SQ3� r33a 0910 NOTTINGHAS FCAA AVOK CGIO. 81020 i e. Ltd. (303) 9t9-5072d FOUNDATION OVERFXCAVATION '9% WHERE: X = WIDTH OF FOOTING D = DEPTH OF OVER EXCAVATION W = WIDTH OF OVEREXCAVATION D- FEET _W FEET SUITE 101 Sato 11ANcE STFFET LAKEWOW. CCLO. 80215 (303) 232-0158 ND COM Project ?*a. 93469G Figure No. 7 COMPACT BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION X VIIOTH OF FOOTING. INCHES /6 18 20 22 24 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 5.4 6.0 6.5 7. / 76 FOUNDATION WALL TOP ONE FOOT OF BACKFILL SHOULD BE RELATIVELY IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPE AWAY FROM 'BUILDING. MOEN M F``OYa•O Y� +fit. • . • ' . . �•.�o+i�"oi.m�arw � POLYETHELENE MOISTURES BARRIER GLUED TO FOUNDAT}ON VIA LL. MINUMUM OF 6" OF 3/4 INCH. GRAVEL 4" DIAMETER PERFORAT D RIGID PIPE SLOPED A MINIM(�M OF 1/8" PER FOOT TO SEVIER LATERAL SUBDRAIN `SUMP PUMP OR D4YLIGHTED. DETAIL -OF PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUNDATION Figure : 8 1277-93 - Parcel #2109-243-00-010 e� /I JOB NAME _ 80 Mosher ln. ,Eagle COHAGEN -�E� �l0 ! t 3 0 oq G ' JOB NO. JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED T q('w -7 a-0 ,' `7 /< 1'1 %t P �,,�� � �� `�� e at �' �� qW-: lcIblkeCk-p-�Wajnad, JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 277 ®p NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 61471 Printed in U.S.A. JOB FOLDER Id-Illf -3 1� 7 7 ■ I Building ing sewer line to septic tank shall have a maximum slope of 1/4" per foot. Bends in building sewer shall be limited to-45 degrees. - -- — -- =- - - - - - - - — ---_- — - - t clear insert access ' Septic tank shall- be installed level.` Tank to have removable cover or J SECTION- 2 extended to within 8 inches of finish grade for access to each j - � manholes , compartment, for cleaning and inspection Septic tank to meet all the ; requirements of Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, Section l 3 a 6° 4.07. 3. Excavate and level 3' wide trenches, 6 feet apart. _ 6 14�X it� 4. Prepare trench bottom and sides in accordance with the state and loca STANDARD INFILTRATOR CHAMBER l 3 X A g = 5'_10n - regulations. (for the Infiltrator Systems raking sidewalk and bottom 3° infiltrative surfaces is recommended to eliminate smearing { 55" 52" 5. Assemble and install the Infiltrator Chambers in the trenches according to the manufacturers recommendations. 6. Backfill the side wall area with native soil for proper support. Vv • Si i mu of 12 inch of compacted cover. \ ,`y 7. Backfill the trenches with a minimum m p C0 C�g 8. Avoid vehicle traffic over the system during construction. 9. All- installations shall meet the rules and.regulations of Eagle County 1000 ���. T WO Compartment Health Department as set forth in the Individual Sewage Disposal -System Regulations of that department. Construction of the system shall be G - inspected by the Engineer. '!------ Septic Tank DESIGN CRITERIA 1 Average Percolation.Rate = 18.1 min/inch SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS Number of Bedrooms = 3 Number of Bathrooms - 2-1/2 Pit No. 1 Number of Kitchens i - = 1 _ ABSORPTION AREA TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 8 SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY: 0 to 1.51 Topsoil A ax X fT MR. JOHN R41LTON FROM R41LTON 8 McEVOY ARCHITECTS 1.5' to 5.0' Sandy, gypsiferous SILT MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW 4 5 _ 5.0' to 6.5' Brown, gypsiferous, silty -gravelly SAND - DATE REVISIONS 6.5' to 10.0' Brown, sandy, gypsiferous SILT Qmax = 3 bedrooms x 2 person/bedroom bedroom x A = 675 X f18.1 - a1+++i::,;+u ` f — a o. Box s7a • sul>F lol P / �11 w/'•: , MA Mmmta_m 1410 VANCE STREET 75 gal./person/day x 150% 5; oon METCALF ROAD NO groundwater -encountered during excavation - Q�:••'•• S'l / A1roN COLA B1620 • . LAKE*VW, COLA B0215 g 9 Qmax - 675 gallons/day _ O;r+• F F; (303) 94s-son --�lYi�$Lt& (303) 232-0158 - A 575 sq. ft. plus 20$ increase for garbage grinder �� y■4 e - ' G DESIGNED BY - Amax NO. Pit No. 2 SEPTIC TANK Amax 690 sq. ft. i 6626 LP SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN 93469G 0 to f2.0' Topsoil = V ax. X 30 hrs. Reduce 50% for Infiltrator Chamber System for trench configuration •• �,�I �j:�• \ DRA►rr1eY. DA7FIssuED, 2.0 to 4.0 Light brown, gypsiferous, sandy SILT 24 h f/ ~ .�•• �� OPK LOT 2, PARCEL !, MO S SUBDIVISION, 8/20/93 4.0' to ,9.0' Silty -gravelly -SAND rs' 0.5 Amax = 345 sq. ft. //fy/�hll111111�11I 1S\\\\\\\\� cwEcr�ED e� /N TRACTS 72 8r 73, SECTIONS 23 24, SCALE. 9.0' to 10.0' Brown, gypsiferous SILT V = 844 gallons T 5S, R 84 W, OF THE 6 TH P. M., /,. _ 20 Use one 1,000 gallon two -compartment se Use 9 nfiltrator Chambers. Two trenches with 6 chambers in No -groundwater encountered during excavation P septic tank e h tench and one trench with 7 chambers. RGD BoaK PAGE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, stIEETNO PREPARED FOR MS CINDY COHAGEN I OF /