HomeMy WebLinkAbout3408 Upper Cattle Creek Rd - 239122203002 - 1121-91ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE, PERMIT NO. 1121 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. OWNER:_Douglas L. Grant PHONE: 927-3201 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 1027 AGENT: _ PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: 3408 Upper Cattle Creek Road LICENSED INSTALLER: Grant Brothers Construction LICENSE NO. 10-92 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. Install inspection portals DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: In each row of Infiltrators 555 SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Trenrb Configuration- 427 ft — 50% for Unfiltrator = 713-5 ft 213.5 / 18.75 = 11.4 (use 12 Infiltrator units) Bed Configuration: 427 ft X 1.3 for bed = 555ft - 40% for Infiltrator- in bed t _ use 18 Infiltrator, units ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE DATE: MA CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTA ATIONS MUST CoeLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10.104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED' PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: Il SQUARE FEET. VI al 2n T- i 1461" in Q ��CX INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: � GALLONS f • DEGREES FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY N YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTYISTATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: / �1?2_— ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK #: CASHIER: ISDS Permit # 112 Building Permit # 51b APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE- EAGLE COUNTY P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 328-8730/927-3823(Basalt) PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $125.00 vcYc�yc��c���c�r�cv�vcwvr,rvcv�vc�r�c�cvcvr�cvevcv���rl��rvc�c��rvc��vc���vcvc�r�c�c�cvevcv�vrvr�r�rwvrv����*�v��rvcvc�c�c�r�c�vr PROPERTY OWNER: G, VOL P1\ MAILING ADDRESS: Xf)ai L0.Sc,l7` �cD,. '3—/6J/ PHONE: 1�43 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: ja,,� c,& Ca v PHONE: J 'LICENSED SYSTEMS CONTRACTOR: G Y r 0. ✓� ` �'� .� C 7` S1 h S i -tea r� � n C, S r. �� i \J ADDRESS: PHONE: vrYcytvcY��*vc�k��kyc �kwvc�v�vcvc�vrvcvc�r�rvc�c��r�r�vc�vc�:rv��r�rv��r�cvrrcvc�cw�vcvcvc�c�r���vc�vcvcvc�r��c�rv�vcvcvc�r�rv� PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (X) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Legal Descripti c.. a7 �? S Parcel Number: ` L �� ,�; S �� Lot size: Physical Addr ss.-i,40%- ( ) REPAIR BUILDING TYPE: (Check applicable category) GX) Residential / Single Family Number of Bedrooms "N ( ) Residential / Multi -Family* Number of Bedrooms ( ) Commercial / Industrial* Type HOT TUB Yes ( ) No WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: Yes ( ) No ( ) TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ,Well(>0 Spring ( ) Surface ( } Public ( ) Name of Supplier: Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: 0�,1,4-A,;z-S-o' *These systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER" 1 y SIGNATURE: 0 `' d DATE: �veycyc�Yyc�x�r�Y�cvc�cYc �ycycvcYc�c�r*���*�cr�r�vcv�:vr�rvcvrrr*���yt�kYc�kYCYCYcvcvyrYtkycyt�k�vcYckvck*����r�� AMOUNT. PAID:� 9_7� RECEIPT# ✓ DATE: CHECK # CASHIER: < TIME LOG Travel Perc Final COUNTY,EAGLE COLORADO April 3, 1992 Douglas L. :grant P.O. Box 1027 Basalt, CO 81621 RE : Final of ISDS Permit. No. 1121, Applicant, This letter j s to inform you that the above referenced ISDS Permit lids been inspected and finalized. Enclosed is a e,;ov to retain for tour records. axis permit does not indicate compiiance with any other Eagle County requirements, Also enclosed is a brochure regarding the care of your septic system, Be aware that later changes to your dwelling may require appropriate alterations of your septic system. If you Have any quewtions regarding this permit, please Contact the Eagle County Environmental Stealth Division at 328-8755. Sincerely, Brenda Henderso-n Office Ass.Lstant Environmental Healt2. /bih ENCL: Information Sheets 'Filial ISDS PernBi ISDS PERMIT n PERCOLATION TEST EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT. OWNER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO TTME warrrD nrprru 7ATr1tr 0 P%V VAT T Wrenn 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 visa L 1\Vl 1L1 0' Q5 30 , I, ' r X X x x x x 11 'lN 0,10 ° 75 1.a5 5 6.7 21 "' i L A2 3 v ry . gyq I v 1 75 - 05 • 5 U /O 141 is 0 /a I® 16' L 3: 2a'l �� ' �. � '��, g75 � a5 5.7 /� aD 7, Ll 5 3:L1.o 3= q, a '1a a 3 a L-I .05 5 5 g to 8' 3'& p, 3 q 1.0 liq j 5 5 375 Time to drop last inch,)_ 43 PERC RATE: USE MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: 1000 1� MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE-: 555 W in , beel COMMENTS: Nqa sf L PERC TES ErkvironWnta rev. 6/90ks ►BY: For lAy Al-,k DATE: 3ealth officer la x 675 4a7 , 1.3 = 555 333 ��.75 / O 1 c. co ' SlJacG �� Wp" G 441 34/0$ (J�)�er /5.- !�� r2C���3 ti Lod 2 , -or Acc, 4 p O`er, eY \ a ea.s e fheh \ ON -..._ A wafer t�We•� Lal 13 RECEIVED WRJ-S-Rev. COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCE 'MAY 2 2 ISM 818 Centennial Bldg., 1313 Sherman St., Denver, Colorado 001fty 1 0 1989 WAYER RMOURM UA78 a Application mu he complete where applicable. Type or print in BLACK APR 2 71989FOR INK. No overstrikes or erasures unless > initiated. eati� oft address PERMIT APPLICATION FORM am mmom Oct A PERMIT TO USE GROUND WATER �� 00 A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A WELL 00 A PERMIT TO INSTALL A PUMP :. -t 1 _;)u ` ; 01B; r' ( ) REPLACEMENT FOR NO. ( ) OTHER WATER COURT CASE NO. ,,:;_ it. NAME fJ- - .� STREET_1/tA�..►1C-1 -Firth S)+r CITY �Sa. 7 cin. %�% a I (state) (Zip) TELEPHONE NO. 303— 9�? - i2--O 1 ;2) LOCATION OF PROPOSED WELL County_ � e 5 E '!a of the W 'le, Section _ Twp. -- -7_ 5 , Rng.17 W _—__12—P.M. (N.S) (EX (3) WATER USE AND WELL DATA Proposed maximum pumping rate (gpm) 5 a ► m Average annual amount of ground water to be appropriated (acre-feet): 6&te- S4 Number of acres to be irrigated: &LAua cx Proposed total depth (feet): 300 �-+_ Aquifer ground water is to be-Qbtained from: Owner's well Mae W64- ... D) HOUSEHOLD U NLY - no irrigation (0) OMESTIC (1) { ) INDUSTRIAL (5) ( ) LIVESTOCK (2) { ) IRRIGATION (6) ( ) COMMERCIAL (4) { j MUNICIPAL (8) { 1 OTHER (91 DETAIL THE USE ON BACK IN (11) (4) DRILLER Name _ Street City (State) (Zip) Telephone No. Lic, No. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DO NOT WRITE IN TA.tw. 1� _I• , ' 0 1 Receipt No.- r�. Basin Dist. This well shall be used in such a way as to cause no material injury to existing water rights. The issuance of the permit does not assure the applicant that no injury will occur to another vested water right or preclude another owner of a vested water right from seeking relief in a civil court action. tllf<ktcJ41,4 1)'.FJi,:i.�)�41 (l(A))AS�THEONLY pPURSUANT WELL { ON A RESIDENTIALS7TE�OFI}� N09 ACRES DESCRIBED AS THAT PORTION OF THE SW OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 22 T7S R87W OF THE 6TH P.M_ EAGLE COUNTY BRUM WME PARTIC— UUWLY DESCRIBED AS "LOT B" ON THE ATTACHED $IT "A". 2)THE USE OF GROUND WATER FROM THIS WELL IS 1!>�l►lITED•TO FIRE PROTECTION ORDINARY HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES INSIDE A SINGLE V ILY WRIL SING AND THE WATERING OF THE USER'S NONC0015RCIAL DOMESTIC ANIMALS. THE GROUND WATER SHALL NOT 3� THE RETURN FLAW FROM THE USE OF THIS WELL MUST BE THRU AN INDIVIDUAL WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM OF THE NON -EVAPORATIVE TYPE WHERE THE WATER IS RETURNED TO THE SAME STRE44 SY7TEM IN WHICH THE WELL is LOCATED . G VC, 5/ Z5 J APPLICATION APPROVED PERMIT NUMBER i `, DATE ISSUED MAY 2 5 1989 EXPIRATION DATE %MAY 1991 (STATE ENG R) SY COUNTY •(5) THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED WELL and the area on which the water will be used must be indicated on the diagram below. ' Use the CENTER SECTION (1 section, 640 acres) for the well location. ! F4--'NAILE, 5280 FEET — — i NORTH SECTION LINE ! 4- NORTH + f x ! 2 + m — 4- j ! a y E i - + - - -�- - a _( n oca..1Vn LnYc I� -E- y y m n _L_ — (, J T 0 2 r_ rn m (C) THE WELL MUST BE LOCATED BELOW by distances from section lines.` 7 C) 6 ft. from r t 6. sec. line �rrl(north or south) �_ftIL;�.si. sec. fine (east or west) LOT BLOCK ` }} FILING # SUBDIVISION Q �'` k'sF�� br1C: •,�Cc�� (7) Tj3A9T ON WHiCIfWELI WILL BE LOCATED Owner: 17 L ,&MJ �L. $C9 No. of acres rt*� Will this be the only well on this tract? "r%;s yr S (8) PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM Plain Casing 52� in. from _Q_ ft. to dZ (o ft. i I in. from ft. to ft. jPerforated casing -� -i- 4- 1 - + - + -- + - -t- -- + - + - -1- The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = 1 mile Each small square represents 40 acres. WATER EQUIVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figures) An acre-foot covers 1 acre of land 1 foot deep 1 cubic foot per second lcfs) ... 449 gallons per minute lgpm) A family of 5 will require approximately 1 acre-foot of water per year. 1 acre-foot ... 43,560 cubic feet 325,900 gallons. 1,000 gpm pumped continuously for one day produces 4.42 acre-feet. (10) LAND ON WHICH GROUND WATER WILL BE USED-. (o — in. from -2(e O ft. to o O ft. in. from ft. to ft. (9) FOR REPLACEMENT WELLS givedistance and direction from old well and plans for plugging it: Owner(s): 3�0111hq 5 I- C r!tk w 4 No_ of acres: J, $� Legal description: �S_f O %J s c } 1� U-7� f. PM - 0.1) DETAILED DESCRIPTIQN of, the use of groundwater: Household use and domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. �, (� �»ec s [ L. lk_ e� Rw.9. L�� t �,. D.rt4e. w (12) OTHER WATER RIGHTS used on this land, including wells. Give Registration and Water Court Case Numbers. Type or right Used for (purpose) Description of land on which used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) STATE(S) THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. APPLICANT(S) Use additional sheets of paper if more space is required. a _( n oca..1Vn LnYc I� -E- y y m n _L_ — (, J T 0 2 r_ rn m (C) THE WELL MUST BE LOCATED BELOW by distances from section lines.` 7 C) 6 ft. from r t 6. sec. line �rrl(north or south) �_ftIL;�.si. sec. fine (east or west) LOT BLOCK ` }} FILING # SUBDIVISION Q �'` k'sF�� br1C: •,�Cc�� (7) Tj3A9T ON WHiCIfWELI WILL BE LOCATED Owner: 17 L ,&MJ �L. $C9 No. of acres rt*� Will this be the only well on this tract? "r%;s yr S (8) PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM Plain Casing 52� in. from _Q_ ft. to dZ (o ft. i I in. from ft. to ft. jPerforated casing -� -i- 4- 1 - + - + -- + - -t- -- + - + - -1- The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = 1 mile Each small square represents 40 acres. WATER EQUIVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figures) An acre-foot covers 1 acre of land 1 foot deep 1 cubic foot per second lcfs) ... 449 gallons per minute lgpm) A family of 5 will require approximately 1 acre-foot of water per year. 1 acre-foot ... 43,560 cubic feet 325,900 gallons. 1,000 gpm pumped continuously for one day produces 4.42 acre-feet. (10) LAND ON WHICH GROUND WATER WILL BE USED-. (o — in. from -2(e O ft. to o O ft. in. from ft. to ft. (9) FOR REPLACEMENT WELLS givedistance and direction from old well and plans for plugging it: Owner(s): 3�0111hq 5 I- C r!tk w 4 No_ of acres: J, $� Legal description: �S_f O %J s c } 1� U-7� f. PM - 0.1) DETAILED DESCRIPTIQN of, the use of groundwater: Household use and domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. �, (� �»ec s [ L. lk_ e� Rw.9. L�� t �,. D.rt4e. w (12) OTHER WATER RIGHTS used on this land, including wells. Give Registration and Water Court Case Numbers. Type or right Used for (purpose) Description of land on which used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) STATE(S) THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. APPLICANT(S) Use additional sheets of paper if more space is required. (C) THE WELL MUST BE LOCATED BELOW by distances from section lines.` 7 C) 6 ft. from r t 6. sec. line �rrl(north or south) �_ftIL;�.si. sec. fine (east or west) LOT BLOCK ` }} FILING # SUBDIVISION Q �'` k'sF�� br1C: •,�Cc�� (7) Tj3A9T ON WHiCIfWELI WILL BE LOCATED Owner: 17 L ,&MJ �L. $C9 No. of acres rt*� Will this be the only well on this tract? "r%;s yr S (8) PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM Plain Casing 52� in. from _Q_ ft. to dZ (o ft. i I in. from ft. to ft. jPerforated casing -� -i- 4- 1 - + - + -- + - -t- -- + - + - -1- The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = 1 mile Each small square represents 40 acres. WATER EQUIVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figures) An acre-foot covers 1 acre of land 1 foot deep 1 cubic foot per second lcfs) ... 449 gallons per minute lgpm) A family of 5 will require approximately 1 acre-foot of water per year. 1 acre-foot ... 43,560 cubic feet 325,900 gallons. 1,000 gpm pumped continuously for one day produces 4.42 acre-feet. (10) LAND ON WHICH GROUND WATER WILL BE USED-. (o — in. from -2(e O ft. to o O ft. in. from ft. to ft. (9) FOR REPLACEMENT WELLS givedistance and direction from old well and plans for plugging it: Owner(s): 3�0111hq 5 I- C r!tk w 4 No_ of acres: J, $� Legal description: �S_f O %J s c } 1� U-7� f. PM - 0.1) DETAILED DESCRIPTIQN of, the use of groundwater: Household use and domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. �, (� �»ec s [ L. lk_ e� Rw.9. L�� t �,. D.rt4e. w (12) OTHER WATER RIGHTS used on this land, including wells. Give Registration and Water Court Case Numbers. Type or right Used for (purpose) Description of land on which used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) STATE(S) THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. APPLICANT(S) Use additional sheets of paper if more space is required. - + - + -- + - -t- -- + - + - -1- The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = 1 mile Each small square represents 40 acres. WATER EQUIVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figures) An acre-foot covers 1 acre of land 1 foot deep 1 cubic foot per second lcfs) ... 449 gallons per minute lgpm) A family of 5 will require approximately 1 acre-foot of water per year. 1 acre-foot ... 43,560 cubic feet 325,900 gallons. 1,000 gpm pumped continuously for one day produces 4.42 acre-feet. (10) LAND ON WHICH GROUND WATER WILL BE USED-. (o — in. from -2(e O ft. to o O ft. in. from ft. to ft. (9) FOR REPLACEMENT WELLS givedistance and direction from old well and plans for plugging it: Owner(s): 3�0111hq 5 I- C r!tk w 4 No_ of acres: J, $� Legal description: �S_f O %J s c } 1� U-7� f. PM - 0.1) DETAILED DESCRIPTIQN of, the use of groundwater: Household use and domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. �, (� �»ec s [ L. lk_ e� Rw.9. L�� t �,. D.rt4e. w (12) OTHER WATER RIGHTS used on this land, including wells. Give Registration and Water Court Case Numbers. Type or right Used for (purpose) Description of land on which used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) STATE(S) THAT THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. APPLICANT(S) Use additional sheets of paper if more space is required. v —s— . — Colorado Department of Natural Resources J1. ealJ4) IQ1-iI0.�a Colorado's Well Permit Search Well Constructed Receipt: 0299661A Division: 5 Permit #: 154254- - Water District: 38 Well Name / #: County: EAGLE Designated Basin: Management District: Case Number: WDID: Help Last Refresh: 3/24/2013 12:01:10 AM [=] Applicant/Owners History Date Range Applicant/Owner Name Address City/State/Zip Unknown - Present GRANT DOUGLAS 110 W HOMESTEAD DR BASALT, CO 81621 [-] Location Information Approved Well Location: Q40 Q160 Section Township Range PM Footage from Section Lines SE NW 22 7.OS 87.OW Sixth 1700 N 2600 W Northing (UTM y): 4367098.7 Easting (UTM x): 319679.2 Location Accuracy: Spotted from section lines Physical Address Subdivision Name City/State/Zip Filing Block Lot Parcel ID- Acres in Tract: [-] Permit Details Date Issued: 05/25/1989 Date Expires: Use(s): HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY Aquifer ALL UNNAMED AQUIFERS Special Use: (s): Area which may be irrigated: Maximum annual volume of appropriation: Statute: Permit Requirements: Totalizing Flow Meter No Cross Reference Permit Number Permit(s): Comments: Geophysical Log No Receipt Abandonment Report No Description [-] Construction/Usage Details Well Construction Date: 06/14/1989 Pump Installation Date: Well Plugged: 1st Beneficial Use: Elevation Depth Perforated Casing (Top) Perforated Casing (Bottom) Static Water Level Pump Rate 260 220 260 215 5 Lic # Name Address Phone Number Driller 1193 CERISE, DELTON BOX 1059 BASALT, CO 81621 970-945-2994 [-] Application/Permit History Well Construction Report Received 09/14/1909 Well Constructed 06/14/1989 Permit Issued 05/25/1989 Application Received 04/27/1989 [A Imaged Documents Document Name Date Imaged Annotated Orioinal File 12/06/2007 No Colorado.gov I Contact Us http://www.dwr.state.co.us/wellpermitsearchNiew.aspx?receipt=0299661A 3/24/2013 1121 Douglas Grant F, n alf