HomeMy WebLinkAbout1485 Hwy 82 - 000000000000 - 0940ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. 940 Please call for final inspection before covering any portion of installed system. owNER: Kevin and Tammy Tucker 963-2785 PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 28021, E1 Jebel, CO 81628 AGENT: PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: see description, Parcel No. 2465-031-00-008 LICENSED INSTALLER: owner LICENSE NO. DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must provide this office with a copy of the agreement made with Mid Valley Metro District. 600 square feet standard leachbed or 200 feet of 10" SB2. y r ray ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: / DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25.10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION Ill, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLONS DEGREES FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN B" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTYISTATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK #: CASHIER: APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY No. P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823 Basalt PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TESTFEE$125.00 NAME OF OWNER: Kevin and Tamw-Tucker MAILING ADDRESS: P,o. 28021 l jphel Al09 PHONE: o63-2785 NAME OF APPLICANT (If different from owner): ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): Kevin Tucker ADDRESS: P9 2 2 8-1628 PHONE: 963 ,85 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: Nevin Tucker LICENSED INSTALLER: ( ) YES (x ) NO ADDRESS: P o 28021 El Jebel 81628 PHONE: 963-2785 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (x ) NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION (. ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: S3PP dAncrintion Parcel Number: GiQ5 - 031 - OD - 00q Lot Size: 12 .999 ae>'O Legal Description: BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check a icable category): ResidentialTDuplex Famil ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential e wo ) Commercial (Type) Residential � a ' �„es. NUMBER OF PERSONS: Aw NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: WASTE TYPES Check a licable categories �Z Commercial or`Institutional (x) Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal (x) Dishwasher (x ) Automatic Washer ( ) Spa Tub ( ) Other (Specify): TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: x Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Portable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: ( ) YES (x ) NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: (x) YES ( ) NO WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: ( ) YES (x ) NO NOTE: The Environmental Health Office may reduce the required absorption area upon approval of an adequate water conservation plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( x) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: If supplied community water, give name of supplier: S I GANTURE : - Kevin Tucker DATE: 6 13/89 INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent ground slope Depth to Bedrock.(Per 8' profile hole Depth to Groundwater table SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: - Minutes per inch in Hole #1 Minutes per inch in Hole #2 Minutes per inch in Hole-#3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ( Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Under Ground Dispersal ( ) Other AMOUNT PAID: Zr76. CEO RECEIPT NUMBERc' NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION. (Environmental Health Health Dept. - Rev. 4/88) Evapotranspiration Sand Filter Wastewater Pond DATE: ^` r SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4" ORZICR "10. 89005120 A parcel.: of land situate in Tract 46, Township 8 South, Range 8.7 West.c,f the.6th Principal Meridian, being more particularly 'desrribed As follows: g�.;�rtning at Ingle Point 6 of Tract 39, Township 8 South, Range. g7 West, of the 6t.h Principal Meridian, also being a point on tile- North line of. s. .1 'Tract . 46; thence along a fence line the fry! 1.t tNin9 course:,_: S. 27 degrees 13' 06" E. -31 .00 feet-; thence S.. 18 degrees 17'431" E. 34.40 feat.; thence S. 06 degrees 51'36" E. 98.27 feet;.th=gin,-e S. 12 degrees 36'04" W. 49.39 feet; thence S.- 2.7.degrees 16' 2" E. 178-.15 feet; thence S. 02 degrees 46'52" W.. 23.73 feet; thenr_•e S. 1.? degrees 59' 22" W. 149.29 leet•• � the_nce S. 11 ,=te rees 35' 14'' _ g W. 06.2.3 feet; thence S. 1t3 degrees 26 02" . W. 84.30 feet tc_ a point on the northc-rly botinrlai-y- ling _of a parcel of lind more particularly derscribed .in Book 2'.4 at r1a,3r .57 .as- Docctiriernt No. 1201.07 of the records of the Clerk and Rc�c`+srdr�r's oEfice of. Eagle County, Colorado- thence alon,3 said northerly boundary line of a parcel of Lind descr' ih4•d .in 7oc7i.i tknt No. 120107 the following courses: Y. 6R it.; degrees • 06' 40" W. 136.29 feet;. thence N. 71 degrees 55' 34" W. 49.68 feet; then-L, N. 82 degre.es 46' 57" W. 66.15 feet; thence N. ,;..,.7.9 degrees'16'47" W. 75,58 fret; thence S. 44 degrees 25'08" W. 32.22 feet; thanes S. 36 degree-.. 4844" W. 63.17 feet to a point on the nc,rt_ l!c2 ly right-of-way line of Colorado Ste: c, Highway No.. 82; thonc:e along said northerly right-of-way litre ,< the following from a tangent bearing N. 47 degrees 0.3' .L7" W;. thenc -. 258.61 feet along the arc of a 3660.00 foot rad]_us ci1.vo- t:.o t_hu lr_'ft and h.v-i:!'rg a central angle of 03 " degrees 50.' 1.9" tvh; c It arcsttlrt� n�3s a chard bearing N. 48 degrees 5A' 26" rt4. 25fi.'fi f,�et; ..ther.r.c� 50'. degrees 53' 36" W .23.2.20 feet; -therkcc 189.07 feet a.lon+1 the are of a 5770.00 foot radius cur�.r to the left :arid having a central angle of 01 degrees "5-'2'-03" .and whi(7h arr.. subte'rid : .t chord bearing. N. 51 degree;3 49.'.37"' W.' 188.06 t'•_cat tea a Joint on the easterly boundary li.nn of a. parcel r,f l.a.c,cl being more• p rtir_ularly described in Bock 135' at Qage '361) Doc»rne-nt No. 81639 of the records of the Clerk arid" E?�rcurder's office of Eagle County, Colorado; thence alOny. said. Oast,:-rly boundar�� iita� of said land described in Drir_i:mont- No.. 181.4" the following course N. 01 rle3i•.-es 41.14711 rV. 13i.T� feet: t.:.r ,•a on th, sotitherly .boundary, line of a. Farcel of .land b._ing snore part:iru.larly described in Bo,�lc 122at Fa:J6. 568: <�s D=:,cu;r,<�:at.. No. 804 7 of the recorder of th�� Clark :end Reror.dars of f i ceog . Eagle Count y , .. Colorado; thNnr-e a:lon�3 R :1 sout.herly . h,_ru;xlaay, line of the -parcel described in Document No. 80-If57 the itillr_tt, .n,. r-oirr�se S. Br ,1Hgt•ees 21.' 47'" E. 337.40 Feet po L n t ,rl b011r11.7,-ry l inF' of Baia parer?1 Cont.intied .t:rn next" STENVART TITLE PROPERTY UESCIRIPTION CONTINUED ORDER N 7 .. :3 9llil `;1 _ 1) deseribed in Document. No. 80467;. thL�nce along said ear ter1,Y bounder},. line of a p..irc:el descril,ed in Document No. 80467 the -following course N. 06 degrees 14'47" W. 307.20 feet to a paint on the north line of said Tract 46; thence S. 85 degree:.,.• 21' 7" E. 795:44 feet along said north line of Tract '46 to the point of beginning. Y . , .. COUNTY OF EAGHIE STATE. OF COT oRADO . Yt•s, ems: is-. �TFNVAIZT TITLE PERCOLATION TEST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Eagle County FEE: $125.00 C7 �� — '� -7Cgs Ft�j %V% 01-INER: Keivn and Tammy Tucker � v� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see description, Parcel #: 2465-031-00-008 RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: Residential -Single Family ISDS APPLICATION NO. 3324 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: (i�! qcl TYKE OF SOIL: r%wl- L. TEST HOLES PRE-SOAKED: YES NO o�o 4t ra%lAP -0- TIME --- •-- - ��� ■ram WATER DEPTH INCHES OF FALL • PAU PERCOLATION PERCOLATION RATE: 10 1%p RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE:2`k-de RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE:cL��c RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: 200 SITE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. �el� Environmental Health Officer Date COMMENTS: Rev. 5/31/84 �2 0'-- ef6t,V0(e-7 ROUTE FORM EAGLE C UNTY NVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE 'a0- U C,6efhevin 4 10...mm J-20 -Sq Name Date Routed 14,wLt (Location) o w 3 3Zt-r,, Application No-., Please review the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form the the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with - YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: h -_me. rauti t"sud-—Lttyt, f AAuO 7.0of BUIL^ING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENGINEER: Complies with - Roads: Grading: Drainage: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Complies with - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: e -j , d p boo 5w c".O .1 ;�200 YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE \/r(I Kin MI IrTr11t-11 1%/ nA-, 1LJ 11V 1\1-VLLLCY1-1j UI Ui11L v J JP CL) I I 6 o o+j Crt1� _r ( /° dJ 1A L[ . r OS T- 1 e- a g W E D 1 1: 4 1 E N A R T E C H INC. AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this Of Q c f- 1989, by and between the MID VAI. day DIS erexnafter "the District") and KEVIN TUCKER andT MMY . TUCKER (hereinafter "Tucker"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Tuckers own that certain p ro ert (hereinafter "the Tucker property") described on Exhibit"A' attached hereto . and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Tuckers desire to construct fL water well and. septic system on the Tucker property and sewer service to one (1) inletofamily provide oatbr located thereon; and e WHEREAS, the District has agreed to consent to the issuance of permits for said water Welland septic system on the terms and conditions hereinafter. provided. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The District hereby consents to the Tucker's construction of a water well and septic system on the Tucker . property and to the issuance of all required permits-theref-ore fur the purpose of providing domestic water service and sewer. service to one (I) single family residence on the Tucker property. 2. The District acknowledges that Tucker is presently entitled to one (1) free single family residence water and sewer connection to the District's system. In consideration of -the District's consent, Tucker hereby agrees that when the District's potable water service or sanitary sewer service is available within four hundred (400) feet of the Tucker property, Tucker shall, within sixty (60) ,days of the availabili service, either: ty of such a) Connect to the District's system and.commence paying the applicable service fees; or b) Not connect to the District's system but. commence paying the applicable service fees, thereby maintaining the right to one (1) tree' single family residence. water and sewerA connection; or c) Provide written notice. to the District that,` the serviee.available is not cresired, thereby' forfeiting all right'to.one (1) free single family residence water and sever connection. - `�j. -0 S T- 1 5- 8 9 W E I} 1 1 0 2 E N A +! 2Y m The failure of Tucker to notify the District or 'to exerc3.se�� options A or B above, shall be considered an election by Tucker to forfeit all rights to one (1) free single family residence water and sewer connection for the above described property•. Any j connection by Tucker to the District's water. and/or sewer systes shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations -of. the District then in effect and uniformly applied. 3. in the event of further development o`f.the.tuck' er property, the existing well and septic system. will be.abandoned and all existing improvements and -all future development_ will be-;-_ - connected to the District's potable water service and sanitarr..� sewer service in accordance with the rules and regulations of the_ �- District as then in effect, 4, This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. MID VALLEY METROPOLITAN DISTRICT% B y %%%� ATTEST: ."A re e1.. of land situate in Tract 46,:` Township 8 South, Range 8.7 . P bleat c..f the , 6tYi Principal Meridian, being more particularly es,•ra.becl as follows: _ r Be.;i.nniing at Angle Point 6 of Tract 39, Township 8 South, Range 87: Weat, of the 6#.h Principal Meridian, also beinga point on the North line tzf swirl 'Tract 46; thence along a fence line the following 'cpurse_:,- 3.. 27 degrees 1<3' 06" E. 31.00 feet; thence S*1 18 degrees 17'43" E. 34.40 feet..; thence S. 06 degrees 51'36" E, 98.27. feet ; . t.hF� ice S: 12 degrees 36' 04" W. 49.39 feet; thence S.; 2.7 degrees 16' i�'" E. 1:.7E-c15 feet thence 5. 02 degrees A6 `52" W.::23.73 feet; then+•_ e. s . 12 degrees 59' 22" W. 149.29 beef;-; thence S.. 11 decrees 35' 14" W. 206.23 feet; thence S. 18 degrees 26' 02" . W. 84.30 feet or,a int on the northerly p boundary' I in,� , .oF parcel o tore harticularldesc ri bed .in Book 7�. � cat Page 57 .as Doctircient No.' 1201.47, of the records of the Clerk anti Re.,corder's oEfict- of. EagleCounty, Co.lr.)rZadc�; therice alon�j said northerly boundary line _f a parcel of land <'dea;cri bed in 7ocume,nt No. 1 "01.07 the following courses- N•., 68 degrees . 06' 40' W. .1.36. 29 feet;. thence N. 71 degrees 55.' .34" W. '49 68' feet; then­e h 82 degrees 46' 57" W. 66.15 feet thence N. , ":19,degrees" 16' 47 W. 75.5ft feet thence S.. 44 degrees 25108 W. `�32.22 feet; tht. nc 2 S . IF, degree-3 48' 44", W. 63'.17 feet to a paint' on. the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado Stal e Highway Nc:,, 8 '; then(:e along said northerly right -of. -way l.irr�� irhe 'fo.11owing c r:tr feu: from a tangent bearing N. 47 decrees 0.3'J_7" W;; -theric2 5-8.61 feet 1tlong the arc of 1860.00 foot, ', ft and i� :'i:�rg a central angle of 03 z•ada_u:� t:urrf� ..�, t:ltc: 1t_, !. der3rees 50.' 1 s:1h�.c li saran stihtcn�is a ehorrl bee: ing N, 48 cic�r3rf�cs 581 -;6.s W, 25856 f,?et; then' ~._rc 50. degrees 53' 36 W. .23.2, 20; feet; the_rfce 189,07 'feet along the arc of a 5770.00 foot. radius cur�T,> -tiD the left and having a central angle of 01 degrees %�S�Z�fl3" .aiat? which arr su.btend . a chord bearing_ N. 51 degree2 .49.'.37i' W.' 188.0f) to a r.e irit on the easterly boundary Line of- a.'parce.l 'nf. larid being mor- particularly described in Book "< 1:35 at: Qaq,e. 369 ?t9 Doctunent: Nc;. 81639 of the rer,(:irds3. of the- -Clerk anti Recurder's office of r.agle County, Colorado thence aI ny, sai I east.. t I boundary lineof said land described in et b6rl:mit Nt?.: :t1 .?n t-hr; fe-,llowi g course N. 01 f1egr�-os 41.'47" aV. k 138 V) feet: t a pi:i.r t on the rit -ierly .'boundary, line of a. parcel. of land b,=Lnr3 more Pear t cu.larly described in Bo-Ic 1221, at �{ P g568. :t= bo.c•u_;�e nt.'No. 80467 .nf they records of the Clerk and office of` Eagle Count ,1 � ..,.Colorado; thence a I'rsng said sut:he.r1Y hou-nd._ . line .ref thr_> parcel described in Dt:_)ciu►t•rrt N:�. . 611r_tr; 80(57 the 1.nq course S.' S5 de' reel' 2:1.' 47`„ E. ?►37.4t1 fe,.r �t,_� ,i pQL1'lt ?I"t t"', r a—sterly b+;)Yte',J.,ry llncz� of sac: id parcA Continued .on next STEWART TITLE . - 11 IT f D • W m W n�v... .. a. SCHEDULE A PE OPER,rY DESCPIPTION CONTINUED ORDER NO - described in Docurent. No, 80457; thence alone said eastbrly } boundarA. line of a pjrc el described in Document No. 8046.7 the -fhllowing course N, 06 degrees 14' 47" W. 307.20 feet to a paint on` th4 nokth lirzc Of 21�Iid Tract. 46; thence S. 85 degrees 2.1' 47" E.' :595,44, feet along north line of Tr:lct :'46 to the point of 'beyinnin�3, . " COUNTY OF EAGLE , 'STATE. oV COWRADO f s kid 1 1. STEtiVAItT TITLE MEMORANDUM To: ISDS File No. 940 From: Raymond P. Merry, RE: Status of ISDS i it o. 940 issued to Kevin Tucker in El Jebel On November 3, 1989, a site visit to the property owned by Kevin Tucker, (located along Hwy 82 east of the building which houses several businesses including the post office), revealed the septic was apparently installed without a final inspection. No building exists on this site and a trailer was proposed according to Mrs. Tucker. This file should be placed in the "completed" file for future reference. i 940 Tucker 2465-031-00-008 � qqo JOB NAME.JOB NO. JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GROSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product 278 j5gg?® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 Printed in tl.S,A. JOB FOLDER r Oki It, ♦1119 1 11 MC IJ11• fn a 4 0 Z a Z Q' �' Z o6 J M W LL. O _Y0 0 w m U g? t i f f Q� � R)Gy, _ S 85'21' 47"E 600.Od "X` P g ° FOUND A REBAR AND CAPu.00' MARKED RLS 4551, COR. 1 TRACT 43 WITNESS CORNER C td` PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN � /� ' DOCUMENT No. 80467 IN RnOK 122 . AT PAGE 568. 6 w m a) U) rn LI; r -1 to 0 W �D N 4 ao a r2 z � � AP w m 0 U.- <CL z Q �-\ CC JC7 47„ E North line of Tract 46 -- L, Al_T1)ESCRIPT10i'd * to pdre..ei of land situate it', Fra t 4t , Townstlip 3 South, Range 87 4 AP-6 r West of the 601 Principal ti:ridian, being more particularly des-, AP-,3 cribrG as fijilow, : FOUND A BRISS CAP `""" -- ueginning at Angle Point 6 of Tract 39, Township 8 South Ran e S 27013`06 g E 31.00' 37 West, of the 6th Principal Naridian, also Ceing a point on Rr"-s the north Title of said Tract 46; thence along a fence line the fol"lowing courses S 27" 13' 05" E 31.00 feet; thence S 180 17' S I�°i7�43„E 43" L 34.40 feet; thence S CE° 51' 36" E 98.27 feet; thence 34.40' 120 3V 04" 11 49.39 feet; thenca S 270 16' 32" E 178.15 feet; .ARM-e t';ence; S 020 461 2" 14 23.73 feat; thence S 12" 59' 22" W 149.29 feet; hence S ilo 3',, 14" W 203.23 feet; thence S 180 26: 02" W 84.3u feet to a point on tthe northerly boundary line of a parcel O of lard ri-;ore particularly described in Book 224 at Page 357 as ci7 0 Docu'.,rent 11o. 120107 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder's s e9004 ioo.00'-- office of Eagle County, Colorada; thence alone said northerly boundary line c,f a parcel of land doscri;)ed in Document 11o. 120107 the following wArER rANK EASEMENT As o (>J courses., 11 68') 06' 40" W n rr " ' 13fi.29 feet; thence 1 71 ;� 34 1 49.68 pEscxiaEo IN eooK 245 A-/-Z ° feet; thence 11 82e 46' 57" I! 6E.15 feet; thence 1`1 79° 16' 47"' W PAGE- 282 AS DOCUMENT. q o No. 14/450. �- --- o ts► 75, 50 feet; thence S 44° 25' LAP" W 32.22 feet; thence S 36 48 44 Q; 11 63.17 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of �. Colorado State, Highway CID. 82; the along said northerly right- : o f of-wayline the following courses: from a tangent bearing i1 47° Ig �° 03 17 W; thence 258.61 feet along the arc of a 3360.00 foot 65ti.e 0 radius curve to the left and having a central angle of 030 50' 19" ° S 120 36° C4" tigerish arc subtends a chord Dearing f1 480 58' 26" W 253.56 feet; TRAcr W 49.39' thence 14' 50' 53' 36" W 232.20 feet; thence 188.07 feet along the 46 - arc offa 577u.00 foot radius carve to the left and having a central tiQ ^' �' *' /oo.00' angle of Oil 52' 03" and which arc subtends a chord bearing it 51 ° 49' -- " W 188.05 fret to a point on the easterly boundary line of a par::el of land oei!Ig i°,ore particularly described in Book 135 at ° 1 Page 1r69 as "Document ilo 81639of the records of the Clerk and Recorder's s offic of Eagle County, Lolora(o thence along said easterly boundary line J said land described tnDocument tio. 81639 the foilowtrrg f �� sours, y 01° 41' 47" W 133.19 eet to a point on the southerly boundary h 'line cf a parcel of lard beinn9more particularly described in book 112 ai Pays 563 as Document ilo 80467 of the records of the Clerk / f and Rc:orders office of Eagle aunty, Colorado; thence along said cnut,,,rly "ounda-y line of theparcel descr bead in, ! ocu„-art 80467 uhe io1lOr:inq course S .3.0 21' 4'" E 337.40 feet to a point iparcel ari ttr( caste, 1y boundary i ine f said described in I)ocucient i10 8C467; thence along said eisterly boundary line of a parcell / r descrybed in Document ttio. 8046r the following rrl-rse HI 06' 14' 47" t1 307 10 feet to a i)oint on tn' north line of said Tract 46; ,;thence .44 feet apng said north line of Tract 46 to w cne pint of t y►rning, contaiiih" 12.955 acres more or less. Aao%s IV S 42 ° 46' 52" W 23.73Yli Ci"E N I CATS N {;ir', �+ OrAp s b, 0 � ,4 Al _ _.... \�$ 4 035 V E; E, t SCALE 1"=50' 50 0 50 100 i�pfemce ionurrrerL Hearin Distance `v, " 1 .d4' ;A romfpsay c f" Cti S u- CU 7� c , 1 49' C+`U 6 i S `a 4 .• C5 ,-; 0 '` 'rereth R. Wilson, an`emplcryee of Eldorado Engineering Company, �do y certify that in April and May of 1980, I directed the surve;;s nown on ..has plat and that the sanle is true and correct- to Ct' G7 the of my belief and knorrledge . K , ear, R. S. 71J enn� 2Wi 1 on C �i ' p ..,_ l' Date 4. pp 4ep/(Of ry 1 j t a V` - lndisates set r5 rctar with aluminurr..cap marked i_. 15710. 2. Indicates set , 5 mbar with aluminum cap marked r'�.. tl., L. S. ry ... 15710, where R. M. indicates reference mo;^;:ant ( gee reference t table} _ - monument _ ;tar with aluminun cz.p rear' ed R. H., L:S. 15710, where R. m. indicates reference monument ee reference - g t monument taolej.. survey shown or, this plat is of all that land described r ` '+► ,,ec. 110. 118006 of the records of the ulet and Recorder of Eagle ^ _ • _ -y, Colorado tying northerly of Colorado State ;highway 'o. 82, A 4. survey was :one without benefit of a current tide Foiicy so P,ay be easements of record affecting the property that are so ewn n this plat. -�y:t�1r r fh .-1 f r` 6e:rings are relative to a bearing cf S 8 " 21 47 E on the north a of Tract 46, Township 8 South, Range 87 West of the bth Prrcipal Meridian. ' r 6- SeEf-'ngs of Rec. alo. 80467 and 81639 were ra'iated 00° 45' 1311, c1.M1k;rrise to conform to bearing basis r got to=S survey. 7. Beaeings of Rec. t1o. 120107 was rotated 00' .46' 37" clockwise to cor.'orm to bearir:g base of this sLxvey. NO. REVISION DATE BY BOUNDARY SURVEY JOB No 80084 A Parcel of land in Tract 46, T.8_9. , R. 87 W., 6#1 P M. DRAWN. APM EAGLE COUNTY , COLORADO SCALENoted DAT E --- SHEET NO. C-Ps,"ANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS REGSSTERE'D LAND SURVEYORS P'40' tr l-303-9�#5-8536 OF tee.+