HomeMy WebLinkAboutR91-112 vacation of Hooks BridgeCommissioner �d(���j6 moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 91 - LA VACATION OF A PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY APPROACHING THE OLD HOOKS BRIDGE, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO WHEREAS, pursuant C.R.S. 43 -2 -301, et seq. and Section 2.22 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, 1982 as amended (the N "L.U.R."), the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, X State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Board "), has the power and authority to vacate any public right -of -way or public easement located 0 entirely within the County of Eagle; and WHEREAS pursuant to Order of the Eagle County District Court signed December 31, 1989, nunc pro tunc August 4, 1987, in Civil Action No. 87 -CV -507, the Board was directed to vacate a portion of Hooks Lane approaching the old Hooks Bridge in exchange for receiving a new right -of -way; said portion to be vacated is described in Exhibits D -1 and D -2 in said Order, and in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearings before the Eagle County Planning Commission and the Board to consider the proposed vacation of the subject public right -of -way was duly published in the Eagle Valley Enterprise; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of June 7, 1990, the Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission recommended approval of the vacation of the subject public right -of -way; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing held August 21, 1990, the Board determined that the public right -of -way described in Exhibit A lies entirely within Eagle County, and not within the limits of any Town, and that all easement holders of record, affected governmental entities and adjacent property owners have been notified of the proposed vacation, and have been given an opportunity to comment, and all such comments have been fully considered by the Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, upon the recording of this Resolution and the attached Exhibit A, the Board hereby divests, relinquishes and vacates any and all rights it may have in the public right -of -way described in this Resolution and the attached Exhibit. 465679 E -569 P -559 12;/26,x'91 12:31 PG 1 OF 4 REC DOC JOHNNETTE PHILLIPS EAGLE COUNTY CLERK, COLORADO 0.00 0,00 THAT, pursuant to Section 2.22(10), L.U.R., the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute and cause to be recorded in the Records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, a Quit Claim Deed divesting the County of any interest it may have in the subject Public right -of -way, in favor of Edward E. Dreager, owner of the property lying on both sides of the vacated right -of -way. THAT, the aforesaid vacation of the right -of -way described in Exhibit A shall not be construed as affecting in any way whatsoever any and all existing recorded easements necessary for utilities or other public services. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners unty of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting ,52'3 day of December, 1991, nunc pro tunc August 21, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: - By: er t to t le oar o� ounty Commissioners i44H We cl—ii, Commissioner Commissioner lit/ -e�dk seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner George A. Gates Commissioner Richard L. Gustafson c� Commissioner Donald H. Welch This Resolution passed by �C j tl/ ft&8 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. #87-23 -2- 465679 B -569 P -559 12/26;91 12:31 PG 2 OF 4 e m LL ro co LL a .a 5 m 5 o� i l.L ti W-9 m C0 U) r a I Ril LEGAL DESCRIPTION, HOOKS LANE R -O -W DREAGER PARCEL D (VACATED ROADWAY) A TRACT OF LAND BE1?7G A IN BOOK 126 AT PAG_ 641 CLERK AND RECOROEli, . COi TRACT 52 OF SECTION 11, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AND PORTION OF THAT TRACT OF LAND PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED AND IN BOOK 239 AT PAGE 585 IN THE OFFICE OF THE JNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, AND LOCATED IN ;TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 87 WEST OF THE SIXTH DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT POINT ON THE 14ORTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF THE DENVER AND RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD, ASPEN BRANCH, WHENCE THE WITNESS CORNER FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER (CORNER NO.3) OF SAID. TRACT 52, A G.L.O. BRASS CAP, DEARS SOO °12'00 "E 217.88 FEET AND N88 °53'.00 "E 17.16 FEET DISTANT; THENCE N00 "12'00 "W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 52 A DISTANCE OF 165.67 FEET; THENCE H83 "02'18 "E A DISTANCE OF '112.35 FEET; THENCE S86 °33'3U "E A DISTANCE OF 103.23 FEET; THENCE S72 °23'24 "E A DISTANCE OF 33.48 FEET; THENCE S45 "23'09 "E A DISTANCE OF 41.81 FEET; THENCE S71 419'18 "E A DISTANCE OF 6.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THEI4CE 35.20 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT ANGLE OF 13'26'44 ", A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET, AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N58.42'43 "E 35.12 FEET DISTANT; THENCE N51 "59'21 "E A DISTANCE OF 4.07 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF A PUBLIC ROAD (HOOKS LANE) AS PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION NO. 141670 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE FOR THE FOLLOWING TWO(2) COURSES: 1.) SW 04 *32 "E A DISTANCE OF 30.98 FEET; 2.) 24.66 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75 934'57" AND A RADIUS OF 18.69 FEET TO THE APPROXIMATE SOUTH WATER LINE OF THE ROARI14G FORK RIVER; THENCE S47 "46'13 "E ALONG SAID APPROXIMATE SOUTH WATERLINE A DISTANCE OF 4.28 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL PREVIOu" Y DESCRIBED IN BOOK 239 AT PAGE 585; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE FCR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES: 1.) DUE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 26.73 FEET; .2.) S86 °44'12 "W A DISTANCE OF 43.43 FEET; 3.) 1471'19'10 "W A DISTANCE OF 46.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1968 SQUARE FEET OR 0.045 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY:' COLORADO P.L.S. 110. 15242 465679 8 -569 F -559 IZ 26;'91 12:31 1; *,, 2012 PREPARED.FOR: EAGLE COUNTY PROJECT NO.: 11151 -411 FC 3 OF 4 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 2 1 u LECAI : DESCRIPTION E/, BIT HOOKS LANE DREAGER PARCELS C 8 D EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO BOULDER DROP STRUCTURE NORTy SCALE 1 "= 30 LINE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE T/ V5/'59'2/ "E 4,07' T2 570004'32 "E 30.98' T3 S47'4673 "E 4.26' O� yO0 �S ro CURVE TABLE NOD oob� o'-E" NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH T3� Cl 13'26'44" 150.00' 35.20' ` C2 75'34'57" 18.69' 24.66' Z9 "7 vF. FLT 6 (� 1 G . �� \ T/ `iL}ukv ' ri .`m. cP :C,ry S7/%978IF L6./9' r, 15242 51/ E 1+ •yl�ti e�A tCi`'`� � 1 ,gyp • 1 I I 1 Al i. ea I DIEMOZ PROPERTY A") )y � N. ti h� I 1 � R -O -W LINE- C/) J ! J / / Q O / NORTH LINE DREAGER PROPERTY PER BK. 239, PG. 585 ' b � / REV 8 -3 -89 465679 B -569 P-559 127'26,, "91 12:31 REV. 9 -30 -87 I REV. 3 -03 -87 vv b 9 Ctl V\ :ORWIV AREA =4442 Sq. FI 0.102 Ac. 1 �P� PQe li7 C) .ate OI b POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL C — PARCEL D AREA = /, 968 SO. FT 0.045 ACRES PO /NT OF BEG /,NN/NG PARCEL D S. R -O -W LINE DREAGER PROPERT` BK. 126, PG. 641 GEARING VASE: UEANINLS ARE NASIN CI. ::: WM317Trb -0RC UEI6I1,1I 11,L '♦116!1} Cl Nnla 10 CUNNCN NU. J OF 7 :AC I S:, A I..I.U. GRASS CAR OATCO 1Y14, AW IM[ S. 1;: A >1 CURULM OF LUE A, iASALI INUUSI.11, I'0.n., All ALUMINUM CAP ON NCIFAN, SIA'J'LU •" L.S. NO. IAIUY. SAIU L:6L I.L A.•y NWOS'38 "C 787.37 FEET. PG 4 OF 4 1'.t, a 11 i19 P.O. Box 5e9 obillard & Associates, "r7irec1 .:0.1.23 SiNerthome CO 8(1498 R Inc, Denver Direct 303- 623 04: 11151- 411 I:YWIQOT kaae 2 of 2