HomeMy WebLinkAbout679 Kings Row Ave - 239121401002 - 0928ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT EAGLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH`` P.O. Box 179 - 550 Broadway • Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE. PERMIT NO. Please call for final inspection before covering anv Dortion of installed system_ OWNER: George and Mary Lines 303-927-4681 PHONE: MAILINGADDRESpS: 0322 Light Hill, Snowmass CO 81654 AGENT: 1i��2j3L'iTrez—r1"` "'��-• ���- 303-963-9128 PHONE: SYSTEM LOCATION: I nt 11, Kings Row LICENSED INSTALLER: -J dL I N �`6.a� LICENSE NO. DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLATION IS HEREBY GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1250 GALLON SEPTIC TANK OR GALLON AERATED TREATMENT UNIT. DISPERSAL AREA REQUIREMENTS: SQUARE FEET OF SEEPAGE BED SQUARE FEET OF TRENCH BOTTOM. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: 1250 Gallon Septic Tank, 4 trenches each 75 feet long with a diversion valve., A a osing tank is recommended. �j ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: CONDITIONS: 1. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, AS AMENDED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT AND CAUSE FOR BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 3. SECTION 111, 3.21 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: (TO BE COMPLETED BY INSPECTOR): NO SYSTEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE IN COMLIANCE WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS UNTIL THE SYSTEM IS APPROVED' PRIOR TO COVERING ANY PORTION OF THE SYSTEM. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQUARE FEET. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLONS DEGREES FEET SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 8" OF FINAL GRADE, OR: PROPER MATERIALS ANDASSEMBLY YES NO 7_ COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY/STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO ANY ITEM CHECKED NO REQUIRES CORRECTION BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM IS MADE. ARRANGE A RE -INSPECTION WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED. COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH HEALTH OFFICER: ' G7 ` c/� DATE: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE: (RE -INSPECTION IF NECESSARY) RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT APPLICANT/AGENT: OWNER: AMOUNT PAID: RECEIPT #: CHECK #: CASHIER: APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUMTY Number: 3315 P. 0. BOX 179 EAGLE' COLORADO 81631 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823 Basalt PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TEST FEE $125.00.111 NAME OF OWNER:_' MAILING ADDRESS: ¢�_ ==,,, ` �' /`r!� HONE: '1' ,,_�° r NAME OF APPLICANT (If different from owner)k,5nUcVmC S� CQ Y_/&5 ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): ADDRESS: PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: ��Cea^�®���:�'�' LICENSED I STALyLER: (, YES ( ) NO PHONE: ADDRESS : �`�) (Q �C��,� �,� PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: NEW INSTALLATION ( ) ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: Parcel Number: L b Lot Size: Legal Description: W: BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check applicable category): Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (Type) ( ) Residential - Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: EI WASTE TYPES Check applicable categories): Commercial or Institutional ( ) Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal ( Dishwasher ( �) Automatic Washer ( ) Spa Tub ( ) Other (Specify): TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Portable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other e WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: ( ) YES ( NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: ( ) YES (/`) NO WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: (j YES ( ) NO NOTE: The Environmental Health Office may reduce the required absorption area upon approval of an adequate water conservation plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: (& Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 2 0 feet of system: If supplie ommunit water, give name of supplier: 1cLe SIGNATURE: DATE: ., INFORMATION BELOW T E FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent ground slope Depth to Bedrock (Per 8' profile hole Depth to Groundwater table SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minutes per inch in Hole ffi - Minutes per inch in Hole #2 _ Minutes per inch in Hole #3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: Absorption Trench, Bed or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration ( ) Above Ground Dispersal ( ) Sand Filter ( ) Under Ground Dispersal ( ) Wastewater Pond ( ) Other AMOUNT PAID: ��Jld- M RECEIPT NUMBERh DATE: 7-7 rurry wtmDrD n n. i nn N.0OA/7 rncurrD./7✓ h; NOTE SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION;. MAKE ALL REMITTANCE PAYABLE TO: "EAGLE COUNTY --TREASURER". (Environmental Health Dept. - Rev. 4/88) 6�1e-ale 6f�s 03,2,2- Z ' /-14111/1 e% Sf�.e� �J rfa ss c 9,,2 7-qG'F( =2-9 oy'57 J2=290' �= I'-! 7.9-0 V I 0 O �C\ w ae cj�+r0..4-vLo�Q� LV'V Lc�a�LovL ra `050_43' 0 0 0 U INOTES: 0--indicates: found rebar and cap There is a 7.5 foot wide general purpose utility easement on each side of all common lot lines and 15 feet in width along all rear and front lot lines. Legal Description: Lot 11, Kings Row Subdivision, Filing No. Two, Eagle County, Colorado. I hereby certify that on June 22, 1989 a survey was performed by me and under my direct supervision on the above described parcel of land. All easements, encroachments and rights -of -way in evidence or known to me are shown. This survey is true and correct to the best of my know) -edge and belief. t� 1� a By •-- vaney 6xncicome ctA PERCOLATION TES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Eagle County FEE: $125.00 - Paid 7-7-89 $125.00 Rcpt. 1989 OWNER:- George, Carl and Mary Ines (?) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 11, Kings Row Subdivisi RURAL ADDRESS: TYPE OF DWELLING: Residential - single family NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 DATE OF PERCOLATION TEST: <7 L g- TYPE OF SOIL: TEST-Ijo,LES PRE-SOAKED: YES V--' NO r (to If t , 315 TIMET1 1 2 _ WATER DEPTH II INCHES OF FALL f RATE I I 1 2 l 1 3 it 1 t 2 3=1 i 2 3 ? 3 �- �/ - D jam_ �� ZD l ``y` ! 20 '2-0 20 2 0 C 2, PERCOLATION RATE: G'C�rO/7�✓..� RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK SIZE: _ / 71� RECOMMENDED MINIMUM LEACH FIELD SIZE: / OO O S G2r f S /3 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE PER BEDROOM: SITE HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND TESTED FOR PERCOLATION RATE. 8 le Environmental Hea Officer Date COMMENTS: �'i,)? - 3 7 Z, 0 Sl6 i Rev. 5/31/84 EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. Box 179 Phone: 328-7311 INSPECTION REQUEST BUILDING PERMIT,NO. DATE: / JOB / NAME: TIME ❑ AM' CALLER: RECEIVED`. ❑ PM ❑ OTHER: LOCATION: , ❑ PARTIAL t - d / 6 Ready for Inspection: ❑ MONDAY ❑ TUESDAY ❑ WEDNESDAY ❑ THURSDAY ❑ FRIDAY ❑ AM (-n)PM COMMENTS: APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECT ❑ Upon he Following Corrections: DATE. TIME: AA, c'l,_ '1 ���,�;1'"(,,^-- INSPECTOR EAGLE COUNT) 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 Date: July 26, 1989 George and Mary Lines 0322 Light Hill Snowmass, CO 81654 RE: Issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit # 924 Enclosed is your ISDS Permit # 924 . This yellow.copy of the permit must be posted on the installation site. You must call our office for a final inspection before covering any portion of the installed system. We can be reached at 328-7311, ext. 530. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact the Eagle County Environmental Health Office. Sincerely, Eagle County Community Development Environmental Health Office EE:SF/ar xc: File Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ' Association of Independent Consultants 4370 So. Braun Ct. MMorrison, Colo. 80465 (303) 697 - 8903 President - Edward C. Weakly Vice president - Ronald L. Weaver Sec. Treasurer - Ramesh B. Patel Engineers Report Individual Sewage and Disposal System Kings Row Development Garfield and Eagle Counties, Colorado Site Location This report presents the design aspects for the Kings Row Development on Missouri Heights between Carbondale and Basalt. The 202.5 acre site is located in the S 2 S[al4 and SWIt Section 21 and th e NI-, NW;, Section 28, Township 7 South, Range 87 west of the 6th principal meridian of Garfield and Eagle Counties, Colorado. The development is subdivided into forty nine (49) lots ranging from 2.1 acres to 9.3 acres with the majority of lots having 2.5 acres to 4.0 acres. Figure one (1) shows a vicinity map and plat of the subdivision as developed by TR-CO Man- agement Inc. Generalized Geolo y and Soils k` Topography of the site ranges from gently sloping to moderately steep with slopes varying from 5% to greater than 200. The ground surface elevation at the site ranges from 72001 to 78001 above .mean sea level. s` -Bedrock is a quarternary age basalt whose depth below land surface ranges from outcrop to greater than ten (10) feet below ground surface. The groundwater table is located approximately 200 to 300 feet below the ground surface. In general, ground water flows to the southwest. Figure two (2) shows.the generalized geologic and ground water.regime inap as published by Colorado Geologic Survey and U.S. Geologic Survey. Preliminary mapping done by Soil Conservation Services (SCS) indicates -2- that the surface soils are sandy loam to silty loam. They are formed on basaltic material modified by loess, to a brown sandy loam, cobbly loam and gravelly loam. Subsoils are brown to dark brown, clayey silt to silty clay with a substratum of clayloam to siltloam. Ac- cording to the Unified Soil Classification System these soils can be classified as ML to CL and CH. Clayey soils have low to moderate shrinkage and swell potential. Several borings drilled by others indicated'similiar soils consistent with those above. The location of these borings and logs are appended. Figure three (3) shows the generalized soils map based on SCS information, field observations and aerial photographic interpretations. In test pit numbers 15, 17, 20, 34, 35, 36 and 38, basalt was encountered at a depth of 2.5 feet or less from the surface. These test pits were redug at approximately 15 to 20 feet from the first test sites. Based on soil tests for engineering purposes conducted by SCS and others, it has been found that the soils have liquid limits from less than ten (10) to seventy (70), a plasticity index of five (5) to forty (40) and grain sizes with 35 to 100 percent passing through no. 4 mesh and 32 to 95 per- cent passing through no. 200 mesh sieves. It is noted that fine grained soils with a higher plasticity index have low permeability _ and the results of the percolation tests as discussed below demonstrate this characteristic. Percolation Tests The procedure, as mentioned earlier, was to dig the test pits with a backhoe in each lot. The purpose was to determine the percolation rates on an aerial basis. Percolation rate is defined as the time in minutes for the water level to drop by one inch after the soils are 4K saturated. The percolation rate is inversely related to the permea- bility of a soil. These tests were conducted -to judge whether the soil was suitable for conventional absorption field. The percola- tion tests were conducted according to Garfield County regulation requirements. (Each test site was dug 40" to 60" Iona_ 2,41' to-30" wide and 30" to 33" deep. Before filling the pit with water, all loose material was removed from e-bottom of the test pits. Each pit was filled to a depth of 14 inches or more and the soils were allowed to saturate for at least eleven (11) hours. Vest time durations are shown in Table one (1). Prior to each test measurement a measuring stake (2' length) was placed in a vertical position in each test pit. Water was then added to a depth of 3.5 inches �r. or more. The drop in water level and the time to drop were subse- quently recorded. Two to three'measurements were taken at each test and percolation rates were computed. The percolation rates are shown in Table one (1) and Figure three (3). The computed perco- lation rates ranged from 45 minutes/inch to 351 minutes/inch, ex- cept for the test pit at lot no. five (5) which has a percolation rate of 788 minutes/inch. A percolation rate of greater than 60 minutes/inch is considered unsuitable for disposal of effluent by absorption field methods, hence, the evapo-transpiration system has been designed. M -4- Evapo-transpiration Evaporation is the transfer of water from liquid or solid (ice) state to gaseous, state, and transpiration is the evaporation of water absorbed by plants and used directly in building of plant tissue in specified time. Evapo-transpiration is the combined process of evaporation and transpiration from wet surfaces and transpiration by plants. Evaporation from free water surfaces has been measured by the U.S. Weather Bureau throughout the United States for a long period of time. The major factors affecting evaporation are temperature, wind, atmorpheric pres- sure, precipitation, surface area and relative humidity. Higher temper- atures and wind cause greater evaporation. A decrease in barometric pressure at increased altitude, increases evaporation rate. A large surface area increases the rate of evaporation. A United States map showing rates for Class A pan evaporation is published by the U.S. Weather Bureau. From this data we have determined that the annual evaporation rate is approximately 45 to 50 inches for the site. Approx- imately 75 percent of the evaporation occurs from May to October. Evapo- transpiration is also affected by solar radiation, soil moisture and the types of plants. The average annual precipitation and wind speed at Glenwood Springs (closest meterorologic station) are 18" and 9 miles per hour respectively. In general, evaporation from lakes is lower T; than pan evaporation. The lake evaporation chart indicates an annual lake evaporation for the site is 35 to 40 inches. Research studies were conducted by Professor Bernhartl at the University of Toronto for 1 Refer to the references given at end of report waste water disposal by evapo-transpiration. He recommends that total evapo-transpiration rates can be increased from 200% to 250% that of lake evaporation. Based on his recommendations, annual evapo-trans- piration rates of 70" to 100" were estimated for the site. For design g purpose, the annual evaporation rate of 80" or 0.137 gal/sft/day was taken. Design of Individual Sewage Disposal System Design of individual sewag e disposal system can be divided into two stages, e.g., to separate solids by settlement and stabilize pollutants through action of aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms and final dis- posal of the liquid effluent. These two stages of disposal can be achieved by first disposing raw sewage into a septic tank or aeration plant and then drainingthe liquid q into an absorption field, seepage beds or evapo-transpiration system with or without a subsurface sand filter. The design aspects and functions are discussed in the following paragraphs. Septic Tank Design As stated above, a septic tank is a watertight container into which raw sewage is carried to slow down the movement, so that solids settle at the bottom of the tank and break down by liquification and bacterial action. Effluent from the septic tanks does not lose any significant �. amount of pollutants. The discharging effluent from a septic tank therefore requires anothertreatment nt stage. Garfield County regula- tions call for a two (2) compartment septic tank with a minimum total �.m effective capacity of 750 gallons for a dwelling with two bedrooms or less. For each extra bedroom, 250 gallons of additional capacity is required, e.g., 1,000 gallons for three bedrooms, 1,250 gallons for four bedrooms. The compartments are divided in such a manner as to provide 2/3 and 1/3 of effective total capacities for the first and second.compartments respectively. A reinforced concrete (pre -cast or - cast in place) tank is normally used and is acceptable by the regula- tions. Precast reinforced concrete tanks are specified in the design. The manufacturer shall provide certification to meet the county regula- tions. Design of Evapo-transpiration System Evapo-transpiration is used where soils have low permeabilities or a high rate of percolation. Effluent from a septic tank is transported to a distribution box through which distribution lines are connected and effluent is discharged into an evapo-transpiration bed. Effluent is then disposed of by evapo-transpiration as discussed earlier. Gross area of evapo-transpiration can be calculated by: A = .Q X L3/2 'where Q = flow of waste water in gallons per day Based on Garfield County regulations, Q gals/day used 7'.No. of Bedrooms Design Flow of Effluent, Q, gpd 2 3 4 450 675 900 L = pollution load of effluent passed through septic tank L = BOD + SS x 1 2 60 I -7- using average values of 140 mg/1 and 150 mg/l for BOD and SS, computed L = 2.42, for design purposes, L = 2.5 is used. S = combined evapo-transpiration rate (E.T.) and infiltration rate (I) E.T. = 0.137 gal/sft/day as discussed earlier AW 4 I = s/ t (gal/sft/day) where t = percolation rate in minutes/inch Based on percolation rates, the lots were grouped to facilitate design. These groupings and computed gross areas are shown in Table two (2). Drawing no. 78-115-E2 and E3 (Figures 4 8 5) are typical designs of V} the evapo-transpiration system. The effluent is distributed through a concrete distribution box and discharged into prepared gravel bed through four (4) inch diameter perforated PVC distribution lines. The E.T. bed is �designed to store effluent during winter months for which the E.T. rate would be negligible. 5 Subsurface Sand Filter Bed with Eva o-transpiration Bed For lots where the percolation rate is larger than 169 minute/inch, 1F. effluents will be discharged into a subsurface sand filter bed and carried into a E.T. bed for final -disposal. This system is suitable where a large E.T. bed is required and would be uneconomical. Effluent from a septic tank is carried into the subsurface sand filter bed r' through a distribution box and distribution lines. The effluent is treated by aerobic conditions. Then the treated effluent flows through M< ; an underdrain pipe into another distribution box and eventually disposed Of via an evapo-transpiration bed through distribution lines. The subusrface sand filter has an added advantage of reducing BOD and SS by 97 percent and 88 percent respectively.2 This means that for an 2 Refer -to the references given at the end of report evapo-transpiration bed, the pollution load factor "L" will reduce significantly. Based on a BOD of 10 mg/1 and a SS factor of 20 mg/l, L = .25. For the design purpose, L is assumed to equal 1. Design of a subsurface sand filter bed is carried out on the basis of an effluent load of 0.95 gals/sft/day as per Garfield County regulations. The net subsurface sand filter area for a two bedroom, three bedroom and four bedroom is 360 sq. ft., 480 sq. ft., and-660 sq. ft. respectively. The design of subsurface sand filters in conjunction with evapo-trans- piration bed is shown in drawing no. 78-115-E3. Sand for the sand filter must meet the regulations and grain size analysis distribution as discussed in specifications and shown on the drawing. Conclusion The design of individual sewage disposal system has been carried out based on Garfield County regualtions and current engineering practices and principles. Respectfully submitted, ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS 94-f-4A4V q�O ?OK4 Ramesh B. Patel Colorado P,E. No. 15684 Project Manager RBP/mh zr W WwwfJNNfV tV rVrV NIV tJHHHHH.HHHF-+H OO WNHO(DW vW Cn-;= WN HOiD00�)OOn; -f= W"H0(DCA-7OCn-p WN H Cna)W -P r= W0)-r= Cn r7cnrn rnw-r= CT) rncn'-GZ-Pcnoorncncnrn-4rn =7u,-P ^rHcn CDCnCnONCD(nCn(n00(DCn O(DCO WOCn: CO-P7OfN W Na Na (A.) ND W OD-r= O N•>G MH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X.X X X X X X X X X X X X X.:J E C/)N N GJ N N to Na NJ N3 w N N W IN N tV N N N W N N W W N N N W N N N N x H M wHCntoOCn(nCT O-1)vIV COCn-4Cr) •Cn-4-r-7Cn W W CnCnCnNCTCTCl) Cn �d X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X `d 0 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WW W W 4:*.W w W W W W W W W H �TJ tJN0000HOO.WNO NOOOF- Fj -J HCDCnHh- C)HCDHF-J00 cn.. H .. w......ww:�.ur - - - - - - H Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn Un Crn U) (n CJ7 Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn (n Cn Cn C1) Cn b z 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I :1 1 I I I I a 1-4 HF-J-JHF-'F-JHHNNIV N "HF-'F-IHNHHHH HH H ­3 rn(T-3 Cr) 0Orn(000 W WCA) W wCTOo(DODw0o00ODCD M H a r U) a H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C F -P:J W HwcoHwwN)m 47-4mwCn()I'-PCnO"(DCoOD co W J V OCTCT id CTCD(DHrr(D00-r7HOCnO �3 W Cn(TO!v(DHNCDCTNCD -- Jcrn W CD O H GJ N fV -I Cn N (n 00 CD W W 00 O -) CA Cn w W O O w co �] 00 0 00 C, F-i ,;d O z (n Cn Cn.Cn Cn Cn Cn Cn w (n (n Cn (n (n (n Cn Cn (n'Cn (n Cn m Cn U) I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I 1. I I .I I I I H H H H H H H H N N N rN N H H H H N H H H N F-+ H LTi 0 a �7 'D 00 -_) (D J CO W -P7. -97 .r= � r7 v Co (D (D -P W W W W (D oo C/) H lTJ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H m cnCTSHCTJfV Ov00v -JM -74N W W C!)-,)-,1CTCr) CnWCn�)(T .`I'. Cl) .. *co O �-3 HJOCDOHO0L:, W CT�)CTH'(nHry ODHO W NCD00NwCn C a H O W OrvHHtv(n W ­7-)-)N W -r'Cn00 �)wCT-)-1001J-r= -7O)CO `id !;;o O M • ' *i N H H H H H H N H H OH--)HCnHcnCTH-3co(D wF-+-POw(.0a) cnO)ww-2mOpNmcDmw H W OH00H(TCD-= W (DCbL) OO)HOHHNCnOCn W ODHHOCDHCnoD 7 Ci) H W H (D W X7 r= Oo OD H CT W W w CO CIl 00 00 CD W w 00 H H z O 7 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H IH H H H H H H H H H H H �] �]cD--)(n�7W CnHHO(D�)CTO(T(D:CTTTOD0000ODOo000o0000(D 'M .. .W O z �'.TW COHW000 �CO C li W W 00WCn-) W vO) W CT W-r=N(b.�-;=00'(OOODNCDCnH-7CnH4-7 WN O 'T1 M• M HH H H HHHH HH HI WH H HHH HH-1Nd)NO)ODNHHO U7N-97000:ODCDCDH000O)CO W -1H00 'T1r CA H (D W Ofl000Hr7HO4�) faG,.,rV CD.rr,(n-r W 0000-r00HCbHc.D-=H 'T1 �H(DCnao (D i=(owcn(n cnoocD(n :rn HHOD-P HwHw w H:rJ z O • 14 WNNHNN N HH HwN H.H HPI) H v H [1rJC7 MN)mHHCT-P7Wt)CnNO -7 W Cn4=CnN'HCn0)(n(Da)H W OD00(D-r='H O W -P7 W w(D47CnCnCnH(T(DINCnUlNCn'OCT) CD-AN)(O-7ODHOD00CT-7 r Ha O Cn Cn W �' r] \ H H O b M C) O r a H H O z H M F-3 Cn H F- 03 H a r t*i H nn11T1 1/ 1 EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE LineA &=e.. LAMry me 33 ram. Date Routed 1 16( Application No. ocation Please review the attached Individual Sewage Disposal System Permit Application and return it with this completed form the the Environmental Health Office. PLANNING: Complies with - YES NO REVIEWED BY DATE Subdivision Regulations: Zoning Regulations: Recommend Approval: COMMENTS: BUIL^ING: Complies with - Building Permit Applied For: Building Permit Issued: Recommend Approval: —ENVI-RONMENTAL HEALTH : -Gomm i i es -wi to - Floodplain Permit Necessary: I.S.D.S. Regs. Compliance: Recommend Approval: YFS Nn RFVTFL-JFn RY nATF YES C 5 1�>Pe� REVIEWED BY DATE RECEIPT NO. 1989 EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 (303) 328-7311 Date, July, 1989 To: George and Mary Lines 0322 Lighthill Basalt, Colorado 81621 Account # Description Total 4521 Percolation Test 125.00 2191 ISDS Permit �1 Check # nonumbered Cash ❑ TOTAL -- A17- Origi nal-Customer Yellow -Treasurer Pink -Department 928 Lines Lot 11 Kingsrow 03 22 Light xi 11 JOB NO. JOB NAME. 2467-074-20-oo1 JOR LOCATION BILL. TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR PERMIT #: 928 OWNER: George and Mary Lines LOCATION: Lot 11, Kings Row A MESSAGE FOR: FROM OF PHONE AREA CODE NUMBER EXT. ❑ TELEPHONED ❑ CAME TO SEE YOU TIME P. ❑ URGENT E URNEDYOURCA L MESSAGE: fASE'CALL ❑ WANTS TO SEE YOU ❑ WILL C LLAGAIN SIGNED -�c INSTALLER: JOE WEINREIS 003-89-I SIZE OF TANK: 1250 DWELLING: 4 bedrooms PERC RATE: 20-30MPI ABSORPTION AREA: 250 sq. ft. FINALIZED: 09-01-89 BY: B-ob Fuller PARCEL#: 2467-074-20-001