HomeMy WebLinkAbout1794 Eby Creek Rd - 193920402001INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N2 0894 P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 VA' 3 9.L Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner: Marc A. Churchill Telephone: 926-3544 home Address: P. 0. Box 1788 Avon, CO 81620 476-3082 work System Location: 1794 Eby Creek Road, Eagle, Colorado r 4 &o.rrA (e- Phone Number: �md Installer: � ��a�-=-=�}e�te�r—�f��ae�f�e; -EA- Conditional installation installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: 1000 Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: Percolation rate: Inch in Minutes Absorption area per bedroom Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms X Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom - equals Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: 1 nnn ga l l nn rank; 40l1_sT, ft drain field - Date: Z s� �/ Environmental Health Officer: CONDITIONS: 1. All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage Disposal System to be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: -- qc�O SQ. FT. I Z/0 'r�fio 'HS�a)•go C Ste 4-r LIP INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 12SO GALLONS; %S ® DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: Xr4 66Wrje. a - 9al PHONE:. SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: COMPLIANCE WITH COMMENTS: 4) DM "OUNTY / STATE RE f &_ 1,111111 l�' �-';17PA CL(7,kQ YES X NO YES X NO YES X NO TION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO /I i• / 1 A J e / f (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system is made. work is completed.) DATE (Final Approval ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS Name of Applicant: Mark A. Churchill Name of Owner: Mark A. Churchill Amount Paid: $150.00 Receipt Number: 4789 Date: 4/28/88 Cashier Check ll 2028 A. Rusch White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Yellow Copy - Applicant / Owner APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT � t3 � 5 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY N0. � y P. 0. BOX 179_ 1. 1 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 949-5257 Vail 328-7311 Eagle 927-3823a7al1 88 PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $150.00 PERCOLATION TESjpf(RFCor,, 32-,5.00 NAME OF OWNER: M.Aaa2 A,- C4uyzZ 4 jLL- MAILING ADDRESS: 13yy I-79r A-y/01 Co 010-0 PHONE: q7&_ 55W (fj) NAME OF APPLICANT (If different from owner): /1//,4 ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (If applicable): AIIA ADDRESS: PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTE LICENSED INSTALLER: (-)�q YES ( ) ADDRESS: p C v S PHONE: qg& - 106, a PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (� NE14 INSTALLATION LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Physical Address: 1794 601f O-Ae6k F-p ALTERATION ( ) REPAIR Cep Parcel Number: 2y7q 023 00 OI(n Lot Size: E>-709., A Legal Description: 6UI6D1V15101 BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (Check applicable category): Residential- Single Family ( ) Residential - Fourplex ( ) Residential - Duplex ( ) Commercial (Type) ( ) Residential"- Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: A NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 111C WASTE TYPES Check applicable categories): —� Commercial or Institutional (xl Dwelling ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal (X. Dishwasher (X� Automatic Washer ( ) Spa Tub ( ) Other (Specify): 1- TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( } Pit Privy ( } Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Portable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: ( ) YES NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES ( ) NO WATER CONSERVATION PLAN: ( ) YES NO NOTE: The Environmental Health Office may reduce the required absorption area upon approval of an adequate water conservation plan. SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: If supplied by community wat r, give name of supplier: --T SIGANTURE: �I DATE: 4- -X3-96 INFORMATION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Percent ground slope �' " S b Depth to Bedrock (Per 8' profile hole) Depth to Groundwater table 77 SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: I li nu tes per i i is h i n Hole #1 Minutes per inch in Hole 4 2 Minutes per inch in Hole #3 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: Absorption Trench., Bed.or Pit ( ) Evapotranspiration Above Ground Dispersal ( j Sand Filter ( ) Under Ground Dispersal ( ) Wastewater Pond ( ) Other CgfcK # AMOUNT PAID: 1150.00 RECEIPT NUMBER 4'7Sq 2028 DATE: L1129199 AR. NOTE: SITE PLAN MUST BE ATTACHED TO APPLICATION. / J � (Environmental Health Dept. - Rev. 4/88)O r�y DUDDY-VIELE CONSTRUCTION, INC. tx EC E e ED November 4, 1988 NOV 1 7 8-3 A+*P % of Comm. Bey. En!e v0 81631 L � Mr. Gerry Best Eagle County Building Department P.O. Box 170 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Percolation test results for Building Permit #3482 Dear Mr. Best, Enclosed please find the results of percolation tests taken at Lot 2, Kelly subdivision, on Eby Creek Road, in Eagle. The tests were performed on Saturday, September 17. The individual sewage disposal system permit application and fee payment should be on file in your office. It was completed and sent to you this past spring. Please call me at 945-8645 (w) or 926-3544 (h) if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Marc A. Churchill enclosure General Contractor, Engineers • P.O. Box 1574 • Basalt, Colorado 81621 • (303) 920-2687 W a Pal H I I 1 H G I rl I C I •rl I � I � I � I •G •� I •� •� I G Cw7 O t~ I E I E E �a a �i,�is'"' H •rl 1 M -4 CO O _4 O 1 "0 -i -t N I- M C0 1 00 LO .-4 O M CO .O `I- Ct; H \ 1 00 . -I d' ON H to I \.o 00 n N ,o co O 1 t CA .-i In m O W a iQ I •1N C •rl -M)^�dt ems+^ d pq a 1 v H W 1 NCO 0000 1 00 -It 00 wNw I m -t00 N001 NM a+ W I -4 M In CO I t\ M !- r-i Il- -4 In I t\ .--I CO r-1 In M 1 -1 AC4 1 %0-tMNC,4N i O NNNr-Ir-1-4 1 ll1j It I r� 6 I 1 1 I 3 I I x GI E-I W •rl I a. o 1 - W I CO CO N CO CV N 00 00 N 00 't co co 00 A A a 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ zQ 1 Mom. Ill-1-1ri rit\ r-I� rI1�I-,MM P-' W ✓ I - W P4 I CT-t-400ko-t M00\r-L) r-- "-4M00 Fq E-i W I -I r- r-i N CV CV r-4 ­4 r-i N N N � I x w •rl 1 HOSI _ W EIv 1 co co00N00N -t 0000 000000-t A x a ► \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ iYr E C -< I M CO f- .-1 r- r1 M r-I I` ri M E-1 W I N r I r-1 r I N N N N e-i r-I M N N N N ri 3 P z H 1 xa i i e I E i s E- > 1 Ln Ln In Ln Ln In 1 o Ln In Ln Ln Ln In 1 o In LO In Ln In Ln 1 o a H I 1 1 1 z I H 1 � I Q I n •ri I '2 x L wl � v a as 1 :N co 894 JOB NAM -Marc CHurchill 1794 Eby Creek 40B Na'4...'fv ' y00706 LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE. BILLED l/CPO A6 JGin.-A( / lP�r D�� U�ZA_,4— jf�l� �J � G(/ dI4 W avt l 76 e. �'� s a-t ¢� des d N - a 7, el %r�c��� is - - r �V ,� a s.�- •. 4., G EC raow J o w c �x �s s s a42 ,l�- r 1kl(� �✓ ,,, ' .S o� ra d S! 6 a -a� it ia_.To' a S 4 �,U,�� �� Ga�6 w irfi �vh-Slae�► �-�1- .s. JOB COST/SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR INSURANCE SALES TAX MISC. COSTS TOTAL JOB COST GRQSS PROFIT LESS OVERHEAD COSTS % OF SELLING PRICE NET PROFIT JOB FOLDER Product278 ®® NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC., GROTON, MA 01471 l06 FOLDER Printed in U.SA ., If � I Q 1 •� to 6970, ` d900' N O - LA - C D r� �m z� 00 c rn L: ti m LE m :. rTlco r co co i • i 43 ti ,:To y-p \ \ X / / I / / z 00 O G 9190, G9 80 697o, 7 69W q 150 q'qo' n LE iJ ,:To y-p \ \ X / / I / / z 00 O G 9190, G9 80 697o, 7 69W q 150 q'qo' n LE iJ Oo I 1 I IN UO N Work Classification: NewPermit CO Address Owner Information Permit Status: Active Project Address 193920402001 Permit Type: OWTS Permit Permit NO. OWTS-10-15-13604 Expires: 2/24/2016 Issue Date: 10/27/2015 Parcel No. 1794 EBY CREEK RD Private Wastewater System Environmental Health Department P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631-0179 Phone: (970)328-8755 Fax: (970)328-8788 Phone: (970)328-7751 Cell: Inspection For Inspections call: (970) 328-8755 Inspections: IVR OWTS Final Inspection 095 PhoneEngineer(s) (970)945-7988HP GEOTECH Contractor(s)Phone Primary ContractorLicense Number WY Construction (970)328-6641 Yes12-15 Richard Patriacca Patriacca Construction Permitted Construction / Details: Install the OWTS exactly as depicted on the HP Geotech design report and drawings dated July 13, 2015, date stamped and signed on July 14, 2015 by Chad M. Bringle, PE. System consists of the installation of a 2,000 gallon two compartment Valley Precast septic tank followed by a 500 gallon Valley Precast 500T-HH pump vault equipped with an Orenco AF 3005 effluent pump in an Orenco Biotube pump vault; with 1500 square feet of absorption area credit (prior to adjustments for using chambers and pressure dosing) via the installation of 72 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers arranged in four shallow trenches with 18 chambers per trench. An Orenco V6404 Automatic Distributing Valve (ADV) will be installed at the high point in the effluent line which will deliver alternating doses of roughly 100 gallons to each trench sequentially. Specifications on the ADV must be provided by the design engineer. Do not install in wet weather or frozen ground. The existing tank must be abandoned in accordance with WQCC Regulation 43.9 (C.). Access to grade is required for all tank access points as well as the ADV. Contact the design engineer at least 48 hours in advance to conduct any and all inspections necessary to certify the system and prepare the appropriate documentation that goes along with it. System certification along with as-built drawings, photos and documentation of tank abandonment are required prior to the use of the new system. Office Copy October 28, 2015 Issued by: Environmental Health Department, Eagle County, CO Date Ray Merry CONDITIONS: 1. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES BY TIME LIMITATION AND BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OF ISSUANCE, OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF AN ASSOCIATED BUILDING PERMIT 2. ALL INSTALLATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY GRANTED IN C.R.S. 25-10-101, et seq., AS AMENDED 3. THIS PERMIT IS VALID ONLY FOR CONNECTION TO STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. CONNECTION TO, OR USE WITH ANY DWELLING OR STRUCTURE NOT APPROVED BY THE ZONING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE A VIOLATION OF A REQUIREMENT OF THE PERMIT, AND WILL RESULT IN BOTH LEGAL ACTION AND REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT 4. CHAPTER IV, SECTION 4.03.29 REQUIRES ANY PERSON WHO CONSTRUCTS, ALTERS OR INSTALLS AN INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO BE LICENSED \4l�` a`�1 hJl DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaolecounty.us P.O. Box 179 500 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631 www.eaglecounty.us EAGLE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR ON -SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) PERMIT INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (SITE PLAN MUST BE INCLUDED) FEESCHEDULE APPLICATION FEE FOR NEW OWTS OR MAJOR REPAIRS $800.00 MINOR REPAIR FEE 00.00 Fee includes the design review, permitting and maintenance of OWTS records Make all checks payable to: Eagle County Treasurer Property Owner: —Phone:z� Owner Mailing Address: Professional Engineer: Phone: q70 ' �6,� ' %7PR' Applicant / Contact Person: Phone: 3 3a , r Licensed Systems Contractor Name / Company: �,J 631L 4 rL _ C1hV,0 Contractor Mailing Address: V,507, ix (U rl a/Contractor License #: `✓- Contractor Phone Number: C(noo zi- ' (;G t(( email: k-e4?1Iy :z MG.! k,1 C W� 441( ). bai+ikeCao ea4urj4e(� rlf� OWTS Permit Application is for: New Installation Alteration Repair Tax Parcel Number: al c C� (O U i Lot Size: r.rcl Assessor's Link: www.eaglecounty.us/patiel Physical Address: 11i cl 4 E b, C ce eyh - C.�: 1 C o Legal Buildi Residential / Multi Family i-nit 6t4-�-auo �-�'itid � pc7d 23--�o P�- Number of Bedrooms: _ Number of Bedrooms: Commercial / Industrial Type of Use: 'As of 06/27/2014, all systems require design by a Registered Professional Engineer Type of Water Supply: V Private Well Spring Surface Public If Public, Name of Supplier: Applicant Signature: VC� i4- 'rO� /ir,4-/ f�4CfSate: U //J-//J— OceUseOnly:�/ffiOWTS PERMIT # .10 -/5-13 (00 7' BUILDING PERMIT # 00 Amount Paid: Receipt #: Check #: I E-0 V Date: .Q Prre4 �X-E-"ek_ perm i�{ - t Z� (�4uausr� August 4, 2016 Mr. Richard Patriacca PO Box 4556 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Final approval of septic permit OWTS-10-15-13604; Tax parcel #193920402001; Property location: 1794 Eby Creek Rd, Eagle area Mr. Patriacca: This letter is to inform you that the above-referenced septic permit has been inspected and finalized. This permit was approved and sized for a total capacity for 4 bedrooms. Additional information about the maintenance your septic system needs can be accessed through web site links provided on the Environmental Health Department’s home page at http://www.eaglecounty.us/envHealth/ Be aware that changes in the use of your property or alterations of your building may require commensurate changes to, or relocation of, your septic system. Landscape features, trees with tap roots, irrigation systems and parking areas above the drain field can cause premature system failure. It is equally important that you notice and immediately repair dripping faucets and hissing toilets as this will certainly cause the system to fail. By following a few simple guidelines, like avoiding grease or other additives down the drain and making sure your septic tank is on a pumping schedule, your system has been designed to last for many years. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at (970) 328-8755 and reference the OWTS septic permit number. Sincerely, Terri Vroman Administrative Technician IV cc: OWTS electronic permit folder Energov electronic file HP Geotech – Project 415 117A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (970) 328-8755 FAX: (970) 328-8788 TOLL FREE: 800-225-6136 www.eaglecounty.us RAYMOND P. MERRY, REHS Director H-P � KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental August 3, 2016 Rick Patriacca PO BOX 4556 Edwards, Colorado 81632 P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 Email: hpksummit@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Parker, Glenwood Springs, and Silverthorne1 Colorado Project No. 16-9-107 Subject: As -Built Evaluation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, Existing Residence and Garage, Parcel 2, Kelly Subdivision, 1794 Eby Creek Road, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mr. Patriacca: H-P KUMAR observed the installation of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) for the existing residence and garage at the subject property as required by the Eagle County Environmental Health Department. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously designed an OWTS for the subject site and presented our recommendations in a report dated July 13, 2015 Job No. 415 117A. Our observations and recommendations are presented in the following paragraphs. We performed our As -Built site evaluation on April 27, May 31 and June 2, 2016. The OWTS components observed include: sewer pipe, cleanouts, septic tank, dose tank, effluent pump and pump operation, effluent transport pipe, automatic distribution valve and valve cycling, soil treatment area and the locations of components. The installation and locations of system components were verified as shown on Figure 1. The effluent pump was tested prior to the system being connected to the existing residence and garage. A 2,000 gallon, two chamber Front Range Precast septic tank and a 500 gallon single chamber Front Range Precast dose tank were used instead of the equivalent Valley Precast tanks recommended in our design. Photographs of the OWTS installation are provided in the attached Photograph Log. It is our opinion that the OWTS was installed in general conformance with our July 13, 2015 design. The observations and recommendations presented above are based on our site observations and our experience in the area. We make no warranty either express or implied. H-P � KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 Rick Patriacca August 3, 2016 Page 2 Alterations to the system or improper backfill and site grading could affect the operation and effectiveness of the OWTS. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this letter. Respectfully, H-P KUMAR Max J. Tyler Staff Environmental Scientist Chad M. Bringle, P.E. Project Engineer Attachments: Figure 1 — OWTS As-Built`�Iq OWTS As -Built Photograph Log H-P ; KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 RESIDENCE EXISTING CLEANOUTS s t L® \ 56 I I i I I I APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 INCH = 40 FEET j L � fJ �1 CLEANOUT I 2,000 GALLON FRONT RANGE PRECAST SEPTIC TANK FOLLOWED BY A 500 GALLON DOSE TANK EQUIPPED WITH AN ORENCO PF3005 EFFLUENT PUMP I I I 50' SETBACK TO STREAM It TREATMENT • CONSISTING EA OF FOUR �= ROWS • •'i • •DAR CHAMBERS 16-9-107 I H-P.� ICUIVIAR OWTS AS -BUILT SITE PLAN Fig. 1 OWTS AS -BUILT PHOTOGRAPH LOG PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION, 1794 EBY CREEK ROAD ADRII 77 MAV 44 k nimp 9 9MQ is-a-in7 �Y IIr i. AP J .Y- - G l 0 It IJ Photograph 1: View of STA with Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard Chambers. hotograph 2: View of TA with Infiltrator !uick 4 Plus Standard hambers H-P � KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 OWTS AS -BUILT PHOTOGRAPH LOG PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION, 1794 EBY CREEK ROAD APRIL 27, MAY 31 & JUNE 2, 2016 16-9-107 1'0 Photograph 32 View of STA Quick 4 Plus Standard Infiltrator Chambers and end cap. Photograph 4: View of STA Quick 4 Plus Standard Infiltrator Chambers and end cap. Photograph 5: Detail of 2,000 gallon two chamber Front Range Precast septic tank. Photograph 6: View of 500 gallon single chamber dose tank with uninstalled pump and effluent line. H-P; KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 OWTS AS -BUILT PHOTOGRAPH LOG PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION, 1794 EBY CREEK ROAD APRIL 27, MAY 31 & JUNE 2, 2016 16-9-107 Photograph 7: Orenco PF3005 pump detail. Photograph 8: View facing south showing effluent transport line. Photograph 9: Detail view of 1.5 diameter schedule 40 effluent lineI Photograph 10: Orenco V6404 Automatic Distributing Valve (ADV) with effluent lines. H-P � KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 OWTS AS -BUILT PHOTOGRAPH LOG PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION, 1794 EBY CREEK ROAD APRIL 27, MAY 31 & JUNE 25 2016 16-9-107 F . v Photograph 112 View of pump floats during pump test. Photograph 12: Orenco Biotube Pump Vault in dose tank with Orenco PF3005 pump during pump test. Photograph 13: Contractor photo of sewer line cleanout north of septic tank. Photograph 14: Contractor photo of effluent line with two forty degree bends entering infiltrator end capI H-P ; KUMAR Project No. 16-9-107 H G4 kAech HEPWORTWPAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL HepworthTawlak Geotechnical, Inc. P. O. Drawer 1887 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: 970-4684989 Fax:970-468-5891 email: hpgeo4®hpgeotech.com ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGN EXISTING RESIDENCE PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION 1794 EBY CREEK ROAD EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO JOB N0.415117A JULY 13, 2015 PREPARED FOR: RICK PATRIACCA PO BOX 191 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 (rick(a,ncivail.com) Glenwood Springs 970-945-7988 •Parker 303-841-7119 •Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................- 1 - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION.....................................................................................- 1 - SITECONDITIONS.......................................................................................................- 1 - SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS......................................................................................- 2 - OWTSANALYSIS.........................................................................................................- 2 - DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................- 3 - SOIL TREATMENT AREA.......................................................................................- 3 - OWTSCOMPONENTS..............................................................................................- 4 - OWTS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE..............................................................- 7 - OWTS HOUSEHOLD OPERATION.........................................................................- 7 - OWTSMAINTENANCE...........................................................................................- 8 - OWTS CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION.................................................................- 8 - LIMITATIONS...............................................................................................................- 8 - FIGURES FIGURE 1 - OWTS SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 -USDA GRADATION ANALYSIS FIGURE 3 -SOIL TREATMENT AREA CALCULATIONS FIGURE 4 -SOIL TREATMENT AREA PLAN VIEW FIGURE 5 -SOIL TREATMENT AREA CROSS SECTION FIGURE 6 -DISTRIBUTION LINE CLEANOUT DETAIL ATTACHMENTS VALLEY PRECAST SEPTIC AND DOSE TANK DETAILS ORENCO PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE Job No. 415 117A INTRODUCTION This report provides the results of an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) design for the existing residence at 1794 Eby Creek Road, Parcel 2, Kelly Subdivision, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of this report was to provide design details for an OWTS in accordance with the 2014 Eagle County Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Regulations and the Colorado Department of Health and Environment's Regulation #43. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION There is an existing residence and detached garage on the property. Eagle County records indicate that the residence is five bedrooms. The garage has a %2 bath with no living area, but the upper level is currently used as office space. The OWTS soil treatment area (STA) will be located south of the residence and garage as shown on Figure 1. The OWTS was designed for a of six bedrooms. If proposed construction is different than that described, we should be contacted to re-evaluate our design recommendations. f.YY � D[K� ►11 �3�G� There is an existing residence and detached garage on the property. The ground surface in the vicinity of the proposed OWTS soil treatment area (STA) is steeply to moderately sloping to the west. Vegetation consists of grasses and brush. Eby Creek is located to the west of the proposed OWTS. A 50 feet setback from the edge of water is required from septic tanks, sewer and effluent lines and the STA. Water service is provided to the residence and garage by the existing well located west of the residence. There is also an abandoned well location southeast of the residence. No other wells were identified in the near vicinity. The existing septic tank is located north of the existing garage. The tank must be abandoned per Eagle County regulations. Typically, tanks are pumped dry then the bottom and lids of the tanks are crushed and the void is backfilled with onsite soil. lob No. 415 117A Gec�tGCh -2- SUBSURFACI•; CONDITIONS The field exploration was conducted by H-P Geotech on June 9, 2015. Two profile pits (Profile Pits 1 and 2) and were excavated at the approximate locations shown on Figure I to evaluate the subsurface conditions. Logs of the profile pits are provided below. The soils encountered consisted of about 6 to 12 inches of topsoil overlying silt loam with gravel (Soil Type 2) to the maximum depth explored, 7 feet. Logs of the profile pits are provided below. A gradation analysis was performed on a disturbed bulk sample from the assumed infiltrative surface of the soils from Profile Pit I with the results provided as Figure 2. Log of Profile Pit 1 Depth USDA Classification 0-12 SILT LOAM TOPSOIL; strong granular structure, medium stiff, moist, brown. 12 -7' " SILT LOAM; with gravel, moderate granular structure, stiff, slightly moist, light brown. • • Bottom No free of pit @ 7 feet. water was encountered during excavation. Log of Profile Pit 2 Depth USDA Classification 0-6" SILT LOAM TOPSOIL; strong granular structure, medium stiff, moist, brown. 6"-7' SILT LOAM; with gravel, moderate granular structure, stiff, slightly moist, light brown. • • Bottom No free of pit @ 7 feet. water was encountered during excavation. OWTS ANALYSIS Based on the site and subsurface conditions encountered, a conventional STA is suitable for the proposed construction. The sewage will gravity flow to the septic tank for primary treatment, then effluent will flow to the dose tank where it is pressure dosed to the STA for fmal treatment. The STA will consist of a four trenches with Infiltrator chambers. Effluent doses will be alternated to the four trenches by an automatic distributing valve (ADV). .lob No. 415 117A ��h -3- DESIGN RECOMIVVI[ENDATIONS The design recommendations presented below are based on the proposed construction, the site and subsurface conditions encountered and our experience in the area. If conditions encountered during construction are different than those that are described in this report, please contact us and we will re-evaluate our design recommendations. • The treatment system will consist of four trenches with 18 Infiltrator Quick 4 Plus Standard chambers in each trench. • The STA was sized based on an LTAR of 0.6 gallons per square feet per day. Soil treatment area calculations are shown on Figure 3. • The base and sidewalls of the trench excavation should be scarified prior to chamber installation. • A minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 32 inches of cover soil should be placed over the chambers. • Backfill should be graded to deflect surface water away from the STA and should be sloped at 3 Horizontal:l Vertical maximum. • Disturbed soil should be re -vegetated as soon as possible with a native grass mix. No trees, shrubs or other plants with deep roots should be planted on or near the absorption area as this may damage the system piping or chambers. • Four inch diameter inspection ports should be installed vertically into the knockouts in the end caps as each end of each trench. The piping should not extend to the soil surface and should be screwed in place to prevent slippage. The inspection ports should extend at least 8 inches above the finished ground surface or be protected in a valve box at finished grade. The portion that lies within the gravel should be perforated. • A plan view of the STA is presented on Figure 4 and a cross section of the STA is presented on Figure 5. • Cleanouts must be installed in each of the distribution lines in the STA. A typical cleanout detail is provided as Figure 6. Job No. 415 1 17A C1 -4- OWTS COMPONENTS Recommended OW IS components provided are based on our design details and our experience with the specific component manufacturers. Equivalent components may be feasible but need to be approved by us prior to construction. Septic Tank • A 25000 gallon, two chamber Valley Precast septic is proposed for primary treatment. The septic tank will be followed by a 500 gallon dose tank equipped with a submersible effluent pump. A copy of the tank details are provided as attachments to this report. • The tanks must be set level. The excavation bottom must be free of large rocks or other objects that could damage the tank during placement. A gravel road base bedding material may be necessary to prevent tank damage during placement and act as a leveling course. • Install tank with 2 feet minimum cover soil for frost protection. Maximum tank soil cover depth is 4 feet. • The septic and dose lids must extend to fmal surface grade and made to be easily located. Sewer Pipe • The sewer line from the residence and garage to the septic tank should not be less than the diameter of the building drain and not less than 4 inches in diameter. • The sewer pipe should have a rating of SDR35 or better. • The sewer pipe should be sloped between 2% to 4% to help limit disturbance of solids in the tank and potential sewage bypass of the first chamber of the tank. If a steeper slope is needed, this can be accomplished with vertical step-downs in the sewer line. • A minimum 36 inches of cover soil should be provided over the sewer pipe. Paved areas, patios or other areas without vegetative cover may be more susceptible to frost. We recommend 4o inches of soil cover over the sewer pipe in these areas and the pipe be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick blue foam insulation board. If adequate soil cover is not possible, we should be contacted for re-evaluation prior to installation. • The sewer pipe should be bedded in compacted 3/4 inch road base or native soils provided that the native soils contain no angular rocks or rocks larger than 2'/2 inches in diameter to help prevent settlement of the pipe. Sags could cause standing effluent to freeze and damage piping. Job No. 415 117A Gr�teCh -5- • Install cleanout pipes within 5 feet of the building foundation, where the sewer pipe bends 90 degrees or more and every 100 feet of sewer pipe. • A1190 degree bends should be installed using a 90 degree long -sweep or by using two 45 degree elbows. • The sewer line location shown on Figure 1 is considered conceptual. We assume that there will be only one sewer line exiting the residence and one line exiting the garage. It is the responsibility of the owner to locate all sewer line exit locations and connections to the septic tank. We should be notified if there are other sewer lines exiting the residence. Effluent Transport Piping • 1.5 inch diameter Schedule 40 effluent transport piping should be sloped at 2%minimum to drain back from the ADV to the dose tank and from the ADV to the manifolds in each trench. The ADV must be the high point of the system. • The effluent transport pipe should be bedded in compacted'/4 inch road base or native soils provided that the native soils contain no angular rocks or rocks larger than 21A2 inches in diameter to help prevent settlement of the pipe. Sags could cause standing effluent to freeze and damage piping. • 18 inches minimum of cover soil should be provided over the effluent transport pipe. Paved areas, patios or other areas without vegetative cover may be more susceptible to frost. We recommend 48 inches of soil cover over the sewer pipe in these areas. If adequate cover soil is not possible the effluent pipe should be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick foam insulation board and the design engineer should re-evaluate soil cover prior to installation. • The effluent pipe should be double encased with larger diameter Schedule 40 PVC pipe underneath driveway surfaces and be provided with at least 48 inches of soil cover and be insulated on top and sides with 2 inch thick foam insulation board. • A1190 degree bends should be installed using a 90 degree long -sweep or by using two 45 degree elbows. Effluent Pumping System • An Orenco PF3005, 115 volt, submersible effluent pump with a 1.25 inch diameter discharge assembly, or equivalent, will be required for effluent pumping. Job No. 415 1 17A Ge�tGCh MIS The maximum effluent transport distance from the pump discharge to the ADV is estimated to be 138 feet. The distance from the ADV to the STA manifolds is estimated to be an additional 33 feet. • The elevation difference from pump discharge to the STA manifold is estimated to be 15 feet. • The pump should be enclosed in an Orenco Biotube Pump Vault for effluent filtering and protection of the pump from vibration. • An equivalent pump must be capable of operating at 12.9 gallons per minute at 26.0 feet of total dynamic head. A pump performance curve is provided as an attachment to this report. • The floats should be set to provide a dose volume of approximately 112 gallons. The actual dose volume will be about 99 gallons assuming 13 gallons of drainback in the transport line. To achieve the desired dose volume the upper ("ON") and lower ("OFF") floats should be set approximately 11 inches apart. • The flow differential between the first and last orifices is estimated to be 2.7%. • The high water alarm float should be placed approximately 3 inches above the "ON" float in the dose tank. The high water alarm must be wired on a separate electrical circuit from the pump. • A '/8 inch diameter weep hole should be drilled in the effluent transport line prior to exiting the dose tank so the transport line can drain after each pumping cycle. Automatic Distributing Valve • An Orenco V6404 Automatic Distributing Valve (ADV) will be used to alternate doses to the four STA trenches. • The ADV must be installed level and must be the high point in the system. • The ADV should be installed in a sprinkler box, or equivalent, such that it is serviceable and protected from freezing. We recommend the ADV be equipped with heat tape for additional frost protection during winter months. • We recommend the ground surface be graded away from the ADV in all directions. Improper surface drainage could cause standing water to freeze and damage the valve and/or piping. • The valve has clear sections of pipe that should be inspected at least annually to ensure that it is alternating doses to each trench. Job No. 415 117A �t!eCh OWTS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The OWTS will require periodic inspection and maintenance to function properly. A properly designed, installed and maintained system can greatly increase its lifespan. The level of maintenance will vary depending on the complexity of the system and water use habits of the residents. We recommend that an OWTS Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual be developed. Depending on the complexity of the system a contract with an OWTS maintenance provider may be prudent. Below are some basic recommendations for the OWTS O&M. OWTS HOUSEHOLD OPERATION • Use of high efficiency water fixtures is recommended to decrease the hydraulic load on the OWTS system. • Fix plumbing leaks immediately as this may cause a hydraulic overload of the STA. • Do not irrigate the area on top of or directly upgradient of the STA as this may cause a hydraulic overload. • Do not dispose of household waste down household drains as this may clog or damage OWTS components. Examples of household waste includes: dental floss, cotton swabs, coffee grounds, paper towels, feminine products and many other kitchen and bath items. • Use of kitchen garbage disposals is not recommended. If a garbage disposal is utilized, kitchen wastewater should be screened thoroughly. Many kitchen solids are not decomposed in the septic tank and may cause increased tank pumping frequency. • Do not dispose of household chemicals, greases, oils, paints, hot tub water or water softener backwash in household drains. A separate drywell, if feasible, may be necessary for hot tub water or water softener backwash disposal. • Limit the use of bleach as this may harm useful bacteria in the septic tank and STA. • Liquid dishwasher and clothes washer detergent is recommended for households served by an OWTS. Clay substances used as fillers in powder detergents may result in clogging of the STA. • The effluent in septic tanks can freeze during extended periods of non-use in cold weather. We recommend that a tank heater be installed in this system to help prevent freezing. lob No. 415 117A ��� -8- CPa _MWOoM►M MAP • Inspect the septic tank, dose tank, Biotube pump vault, AD and soil treatment area at least annually for problems or signs of failure. • The pump vault filter should be cleaned annually by spray washing solids into the first chamber of the septic tank. • Septic tank should be pumped and cleaned every 3 to 5 years depending on use. Longer pumping intervals may increase the amount of solids that reach the soil absorption area, which may shorten its life span. • Pumping of the septic tank should take place when the level of the sludge and scum layers combined take up 25 to 33% of the capacity of the first chamber of the tank. OWTS CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION The Eagle County Environmental Health Department requires that the designer of the system provide an As -Built certification of the OWTS construction. We should be providedpwith at least 48 hour notice prior to the installer needing the As -Built inspections. Prior to issuance of our certification letter, we require observation of all system components prior to backfill. The number of site visits required for the inspection will depend on the installer's construction schedule. LIMITATIONS We have conducted this design in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either expressed or implied. The recommendations provided in this report are based on the site conditions, profile pit evaluations, soil texture analysis, the proposed construction and our experience in the area. Variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations Job No. 415 117A Ge"c�tGCh -9- have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to our design. It is our opinion that the designed location of the OWTS components does not violate any setback requirements of the current Eagle County Regulations. Below is a table of common minimum horizontal setbacks to OWTS components. Refer to the Eagle County Regulations for a complete list of required setbacks. We recommend the OWTS components be surveyed by a Professional Colorado Land Surveyor and verified by H-P Geotech prior to the system permitting. Table 1-Common Minimum Horizontal Setbacks from OWTS Components Water Lined Lake, Dry Wells Supply Occupied Ditch or Irrigation Ditch or Septic Line Dwelling Lake Ditch, Gulch Tank Stream Absorption 100, 25' 20' 20' 50' 25' 5' Area Septic Tank 50' 10, 5' 10, 50' 10' - Building 50' 10, 0' 10, 50' 10' - Sewer Please contact us for any necessary revisions or discussion after review of this report by Eagle County. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Jason A. Deem Project Geologist Reviewed by: Chad M. Bringle, P.E. Project Engineer � 4115 j �; - .`ss/nmm E� Job No. 415 117A RESIDENCE 1 1 GARAGE ,1 \T\ � I PROPOSED 2,000 GALLON VALLEY PRECAST SEPTIC -TANK FOLLOWED BY A 500 GALLON DOSE TANK EQUIPPED WITH AN ORENCO PF3005 EFFLUENT PUMP 1 I xI 1 1 x x 50'SETBACN TO STREAM „ ORENCO V6404 AUTOMATIC t I ! I DISTRIBUTING VALVE j / \ SOIL TREATMENT AREA Rest\\ CONSISTING OF FOUR ROWS OF 18 INFILTRATOR / \ QUICK 4 PLUS STANDARD APPROXIMATE SCALE: \ CHAMBERS 1 INCH = 40 FEET ' 41511 HP ch PARCEL 2, THE KELLY SUBDIVISION FIGURE 1 7A Gec�te HEPWORTH—PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL OWTS SITE PLAN SIEVE ANALYSIS I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS U.S. STANDARD SIEVES TIME READINGS #10 #16 #30 #50 #100 #270 1 MIN 4 MIN 19 MIN 60 MIN 435 MIN 100 90 80 70 Q 60 n. z - - - - - --- U 50 a - - 40 30 20 10 d I d I I I T I T 0I 2.00 1.18 .60 .30 .15 05 .037 .019 .009 .00S .002 .001 Grain Size (mm) Sieve Size %Passing 2.00 #10 100 1.18 #16 98 0.60 #30 94 0.30 #50 88 0.15 #100 82 0.053 #270 73 Grain Size (mm) Time Passed %Passing 0.028 2 43 0.018 5 38 0.011 15 32 0.008 30 28 0.006 60 24 0.003 240 17 0.001 1440 12 Particle Size Distribution Sand: 27% Silt: 59% Clay: 14% Classification: Silt Loam (Soil Type 2) Location: Profile Pit 1 Depth: 3-4 feet Total Sample %Retained on #10 Sieve: 10% Note: Hydrometer and Sieve Anlysis was performed on a bulk sample following screening of all material larger than the #10 sieve (2.0 mm) per USDA guidelines. PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION USDA GRADATION ANALYSIS FIGURE 2 OWTS ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS In accordance with the current Eagle County Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Regulatlons, the soil treatment area was calculated as follows: CALCULATION OF OWTS DESIGN FLOW: Q = cF)c6)cN) WHERE: Q = DESIGN FLOW F = AVERAGE FLOW PER PERSON PER DAY B = NUMBER OF BEDROOMS N = PERSONS PER BEDROOM PER DAY CALCULATION OF OWTS SOIL TREATMENT AREA: MINIUMUM TREATMENT AREA = Q _LTAR WHERE: Q= LTAR = MINIMUM ABSORPTION AREA = 75 GALLONS PER DAY 6 BEDROOMS 2 PERSONS PER BEDROOM 900 GALLONS PER DAY 900 GALLONS PER DAY 0.6 GALLONS/FTz/DAY 1500.0 SQUARE FEET REDUCTION FACTOR FOR DOSING TO A TRENCH = 0.80 REDUCTION FACTOR FOR CHAMBERS = 0.70 MINIMUM ABSORPTION AREA WITH REDUCTION = AREA PER INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 STANDARD CHAMBER = TOTAL CHAMBERS NEEDED = NUMBER OF TRENCHES = CHAMBERS PER TRENCH = TOTAL NUMBER OF CHAMBERS AS DESIGNED = TOTAL SOIL TREATMENT AREA = 415117A C�ecPtech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 840 SQUARE FEET 12 SQUARE FEET 70 CHAMBERS 4 18 72 CHAMBERS 864 SQUARE FEET PARCEL 2, KELLY SUBDIVISION SOIL TREATMENT AREA CALCULATIONS FIGURE 3 NOT TO SCALE T o4� T o� 15' DIAMETER SCH. 40 w NON -PERFORATED SOLID PVC PIPE SLOPED AT 2% MIN, TO DRAIN BACK TO DOSE TANK 1.5" DIAMETER SCH. 40 SOLID PVC PIPE SLOPED AT 2% MIN: DOWN TO EACH TRENCH 1.5" SCH. 40 PVC DISTRIBUTION PIPE WITH %2' DIAMETER HOLES DRILLED AT 4 FOOT CENTERS ON TOP OF PIPE, PIPE TO BE INSTALLED LEVEL AND SECURED WITH 120 LB, MIN, TENSILE STRENGTH CABLE TIES AT EACH END OF EACH CHAMBER, GLUE SOLID END CAPS AT EACH END OF EACH DISTRIBUTION LATERAL ORENCO V6404 AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTING VALVE 4 INCH DIAMETER PVC OBSERVATION PORTS INSTALLED VERTICALLY INTO KNOCKOUTS PROVIDED IN END CAPS. ALL VENTS AT EACH END OF EACH TRENCH, REMOVABLE LID TO BE PLACED ON TOP OF PIPE. DRILL AT LEAST 12, i" HOLES IN PIPE BELOW LID, PIPE MUST STICK UP AT LEAST 8 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE, PIPES SHOULD NOT EXTEND TO SOIL SURFACE AND SHOULD BE SECURED TO CHAMBER WITH SCREWS, INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 PLUS STANDARD CHAMBER. 18 CHAMBERS PER ROW. DRILL ONEY" DIAMETER HOLE ON BOTTOM OF EACH END OF EACH DISTRIBUTION PIPE TO ALLOW FOR COMPLETE DRAINAGE, ALL SPLASH PLATES BENEATH DRAIN HOLES, INFILTRATOR QUICK 4 PLUS STANDARD END CAP Notes: 1. Chambers should be installed level on a scarified ground surface. 2. All piping should have a rating of Schedule 40. 3. Changes to this design should not be made without consultation and approval by HP Geotech. e Ptech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 415 117A G PARCEL 2, KELLY SUB DIVISION SOIL TREATMENT AREA PLAN VIEW FIGURE 4 Infiltrator Quick 4 Standard Chamber Installed Level GRAVEL DRIVEWAY 4" Observation Ports 12" min. 32" max. Cover Soil Graded to Deflect Surface Water - � � � UndisWrbed Shc BeN,•een Trenches Ground Surf � ,.^ i ; i Scarify bottom and sides of trench excavations prior to chamber placement. Notes: 1. Chambers should be installed level on a scarified ground surface. Concrete sand may be used as a leveling course if necessary. 2. Care should be taken by the contractor to avoid compaction of the native soils in the trench areas. The base and side walls of trench excavations should be scarified prior to chamber installation. 3. Fill placed over the soil treatment area should be properly benched into the hillside. APPROXIMATE SCALE: 4. Changes to this design should not be made without consultation and approval 1 INCH = 6 FEET by HP Geotech. H PARCEL 2, THE KELLY SUBDIVISION 415 117A Gec>tech SOIL TREATMENT AREA CROSS SECTION FIGURE 5 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Install 6" valve box at ground surface Ground Surface Backfill valve box to bottom of cap with onsite soil APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1 INCH = 2 FEET HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Insulate Lid with 2" blue board threaded cap 1.5" Sch. 40, 90° long -sweep Notes: 1. All piping, fittings and valves should be Sch. 40 PVC. 2. Install distribution line deanouts at the end of each distribution line. LOT 1, RED CANYON ESTATES DISTRIBUTION LINE CLEANOUT DETAIL FIGURE 6 Item # 2000T-2CP DESIGN NOTES • Design per performance test per ASTM C1227 • Top surface area 87.75 ftz • f'c ® 28 days; concrete = 6,000 PSI Min. Installation: • Tank to be set on 5" min. sand bed or pea gravel • Tank to be backfilled uniformly on all sides in lifts less than 24" and mechanically compacted • Excavated material may be used for backfill, provided large stones are removed • Excavation should be dewatered and tank filled with water prior to being put in service for installation with water table less than 2' below grade • Meets C1644-06 for resilient connectors • Inlet and Outlet identified above pipe • Delivered complete with internal piping • PVC or concrete risers available • Secondary safety screen available with PVC riser • Option of pump or siphon installed ALLOWABLE BURY (Based on Water Table) WATER TABLE ALLOWABLE EARTH FILL 0'-0" 3'-0" 1' - 0" 3' - 0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" DRY 4' - 0" C: 2000 Gallon Top Seam Two Compartment i`I �20' Clear Access TANK CID 157" Digging Specs Invert Dimensions Net Capacity Net Weight 15' Long x 8' Wide Inlet jOutlet Length I Width Height Inlet Sidel Outlet I Total Lid Tank Total 56" below inlet 56" 53" 162" 78" 68" 1559 gal 507 gal 2066 gal 5420 Ibs 15530 Ibs 20950 Ibs (719) 595.6764 kkk Item # SOOT=HH DESIGN NOTES • Design per performance test per ASTM C1227 • Top surface area 23.4 ft' • f'c ® 28 days; concrete = 6,000 PSI Min. Installation: • Tank to be set on 5" min. sand bed or pea gravel • Tank to be backfilled uniformly on all sides in lifts less than 24" and mechanically compacted • Excavated material may be used for backfill, provided large stones are removed • Excavation should be dewatered and tank filled with water prior to being put in service for installation with water table less than 2' below grade • Meets C1644-06 for resilient connectors • Inlet and Outlet identified above pipe • Delivered complete with internal piping • PVC risers available • Secondary safety screen available with PVC riser ALLOWABLE BURY (Based on Water Table) WATER TABLE ALLOWABLE EARTH FILL 0'—o" 39— 0" 1'—o" 4'-0" 20— 0" 4'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" DRY 4' — 0" S00 Gallon Top Seam with High Head Pump _ Top 10 view I`. �200 Clear Access C�. Wires to - Panel Flexible Boot } \ ._ Minimum Height Butyl Rubber Sealant Section ew Pump: • Lowers TSS and improves effluent quality to field • Easiest pump system to maintain on the market • Complete installation (wiring, panel, mounting and start-up procedures) • Complete warranty Digging Specs Invert Dimensions Net Capacity 7' Long x 7Wide 56" below inlet Inlet 56" Outlet 73" Length 58" Width 58" m. Height 92" Lid Tank Total 522 gallons 1,340 Ibs 4,100 Ibs 5,640 Ibs rr _ (719) 395-6764 • Systems Fax: (719) 395-3727 � Vista, CO 81211 VALLEY . p��� PRECAST Inc. •service WebsFWII www.valleyprecastc0m Emall: frontdesk@valleyprecastcom Pump Selection for a Pressurized System - Single Family Residence Project PARCEL 2, KELLY SUB. / EAGLE COUNTY, CO Parameters Discharge Assembly Size 1.25 inches 300 Transport Length Before Valve 138 feet Transport Pipe Class 40 Transport Line Size 1,50 inches Distributing Valve Modd 6404 Transport Length After Valve 33 feet Transport Pipe Class 40 250 Transport Pipe Size 1,50 inches Max Elevation Lift 15 feet Manifold Length 0 feet Manifold Pipe Class 40 Manifold Pipe Size 1,25 inches Number of Laterals per Cell 4 200 Lateral Length 72 feet Lateral Pipe Class 40 Lateral Pipe Size 1,50 inches Z Orifice Size 5/32 inches F- Orifice Spacing 4 feet >3 Residual Head 5 feet a1) Flow Meter None inches = 150 v Add -on' Friction Losses 0 feet E Calculations 0 Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice 0,68 gpm Numberof Orifices perZone 19 12 100 Total Flow Rate per Zone 12.9 gpm Numberof Laterals perZone 1 % Flow Differential 1st/Last Orifice 2.7 % Transport Velocity Before Valve 2.0 fps Transport Velocity After Valve 2.0 fps Frictional Head Losses 50 Loss through Discharge 1.2 feet Loss in Transport Before Valve 1.5 feet Loss through Valve 2.6 feet Loss in Transport after Valve 0A feet Loss in Manifold 0.0 feet Loss in Laterals 0.3 feet Loss through Flowmeter 0.0 feet Add-on'Friction Losses 0.0 feet son Min ONION Olson liliille iiiii IIIII MIN INN MINMIN NINE NINE MIN 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDII11111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 �1�1111111111111111�I1111111111111111111 1�lQ�e11111111111111►11111111 1111 1111 IIIIIIIII� MIN MIN IIIIIIIIIIII�111111111111111i1111111111 ]1111111111111�111111111111111111111 C:DOCIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111\IIIII1111111� IIIIIIIII�CIs111111►111111\II1111111111 11III MIN IIIIIIIII111►11 MIN IIIIININE IIIIIIII1111111111�1�111111111►1111111111 1111111111111111111 `►�11��1111►111111111 1111111111111111111111►111►1111►11111111 ��111111 11111111111111�111111111111111 �L�sISL�111 IIIIIII11111111►11111111111111, IIIIIIIIIrIICI�1111111111►111111111111 1111111111111111i111111111111►11�11��1_1/1 IIIo0G110I01®Io11111011®�CIIImI..®�i\ III l 11 IIIIIIII1119�11� 1 kill1111111111111111111111111��� II111 NINON 111111111111111111111�:��111 111E I Nil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I:I11111111 IIIII 11\1 IIIIIIIIIII III ■■■■■■■����:.-�� IN min I 11I 5 10 15 20 25 Net Discharge (gpm) Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line Before Valve 14.6 gals PumpData Vol of Transport Line After Valve 3.5 gals Vol of Manifold 0.0 gals PF3005 High Head Effluent Pump Vol of Laterals per Zone 7.6 gals 30 GPM, 1/2HP Total Vol Before Valve 14.6 gals 11 5/230V 10 60Hz,200V 306oHz Total Vol After Valve 11 .1 gals PF3007 High Head Effluent Pump Minimum Pump Requirements 30 GPM, 3/4HP 230V 1060Hz, 200/460V 3060Hz Design Flow Rate 12.9 gpm Total Dynamic Head 26.0 feet PF3010 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 1 HP 230V 1060Hz1 200/460V 3060Hz • PF3015 High Head Effluent Pump 30 GPM, 230V 1060Hz60Hz, 200/230/460V 3060Hz orenco Systems• Incorporated C7 Tftgdx Wq dx MddD a.11xa e 30 35 40 System Curve:. Pump Curve:® Pump Optimal Range. Operating Point Design PointO