HomeMy WebLinkAbout2580 Hwy 82 - 000000000000 - 0777IS�T e - C� INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N2 0777 P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner Address: System Location: Linda Nelson 2580 Hwy 82 - Carbondale, CO 81623 Same Telephone: 927-3400 Licensed Installer: Ed Dreager (D-Plus Enterprises) License Number: 004-87-I Conditional installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: 1000 Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: i2•� 9 X 9 X 9 DRY WELL Percolation rate: Inch in Minutes +++++++++++++++++++++ �L= i -C Absorption area per bedroom Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms X Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom - equals Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: Date: 1%XXXX11& 04/ 16/87 Environmental Health Officer: CONDITIONS: 1. All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage Disposal System to be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQ. FT. 9 X 9 X 9 DRY WELL INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 1000 GALLONS; DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: D-Plus Ent. INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: Same PHONE: SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: YES l� O PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: YES v NO COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: YES_1N COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES _I� NO COMMENTS: T_(i Aol tnr-�o-e jt_m � b `�f j C"r— (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE (Final Approval) 04/10/8tNVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT Name of Applicant: Linda Nelson Name of Owner: Same Amount Paid: $150.00 Receipt Number: 3016 Date: 4 16 87 Cashier: Gai 1 Parker White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Yellow Copy - Applicant / Owner APar ICa-' FOR ENVIRONMENTAL i:EALTii OFFICE - EAGLE COUN.7' Eagle, Colorado 81631 No. 5/O10 \ PER`SIT AP?LICATION FEE: S150. (�O 328-7317 PFp(OL 1TI0N rr. ST 50. 00 NAME OF O NER: ADDRESS: NAME OF APPLICA\;T (if different from owner): ADDRESS: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTDI (if applicable): :E:� �Q PHONE: ADDRESS: PHONE: INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: �cj�'L�'�j� _ Licensed Installer (see attached list): YES NO ADDRESS: Ap&) �j S Zi�k PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( ) New Installation ( ) Alteration Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SE? :AGE DISPOSAL SYSTE I: Street/Rural Address: U O L eb, ?/16 J Lot Size: Legal Description: BUILDR.G OR SERVICE TYPE (check aoolicable cate^o rv)• ( Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential - Quadolex ( ) ( Residential - Duplex Residential ( ) Co.,- ercial (state usage) ) - Tr_oleY NUMBER OF PERSONS: DIT IBER OF BEDROOMS: WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( ) Commercial or Institutional ( ) ' IhaellznC, ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Transient Use ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) ( Automatic Washer ( ) Spaastier Pa T Tub ( ) Other TYPE OF I?]DIVIDUAL S-M.AGE SAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: Septic Tank Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTL`i INTO ?.'ATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO (�j IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS —MAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES (X) NO WASTE ,7ATER FLO:d REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO ( ) (I6 Yes, see attached ccas.tctcate-. Stow ,tedcc,.ti0jT me.thcds ) NOTE: The Fnv.c tojunejttaL" Heal_-th 06 �.i.ect mail reduce the-1Lequ&:Zd ab.so,Lpti on a,tea upon approvae o' an adequate ccas.-­ea.te 5Zccc reductc oa pZa;z. SOURCE AND TYPE OF 1-7ATER SUPPLY: ( ) well () Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of t7i% 11 wells within 200 feet of system - If suppliecomnuniw��, give name of supplier: SIGNATURE: INFORMATId DATE: ?.— /- - - - -le - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W TO BE F1LLF OUT BY ENVIRON.'(ENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Peteejvt G.touad Slope r Depth ,to Bed`co ch (pet 8' Pto 0'Z&.e Hot e ) Depth to Gtoujzdxatet Tabte SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: A cicu t�s pe.Y -cnejc -ji Ho'.e �,1 Ali nu tcs pets inch to Ho.ee # 2 i•i (jtu to s pe%� -i.iicG'C .t u HoZe 43 FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ( J Abso•7p-tZoA Trench, Bed of Pit ( ) Evapo.t'cansPiAatc:on ( J Above Gtcund D.i,spena.e ( ) Saad FiUct ( J Undetg.7owid D.Lspnsae ( J Was.tctcatzt Pond Ajnau;Lt Pwi,d: ,z,C? -- Recci;?t Nwnbe'c `�/fp DcLter --�� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4,o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to'application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4-07-33) EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION INSPECTION REQUEST P.0.Box 179 Phone:328-7311 Q BUILDING PERMIT NO. DATE: 44 _ fO !> 7 NAME: I _ I l�_� ,n V �� SIJl�✓ TIME ❑ AM CALLER: RECEIVED: ❑ Ply BUILDING ❑ FOOTING ❑ FOUNDATION ❑ FRAMING ❑ FINAL ❑ INSULATION ❑ SHEETROCK ❑ VENEER ❑ ROOF PLUMBING ❑ GROUND IRON ❑ ROUGH ❑ FINAL ❑ ...................... MECHANICAL II ELECTRICAL / 5 ❑ PARTIAL ❑ PARTIAL ElS ID c�,3fiAlir-P- PARTIAL �Q p`z % p� ❑ OTHEA:.. LOCATION: ��. C❑PRAL cv- `- + -Feal- Ready for Inspection: ❑ MONDAY ❑ TUESDAY ❑ WEDNESDAY ANa 4,9- f e- �� c T ufL t z Q � rt•;. COMMENTS: Ier ? N ; jt-, r-i " ! IJ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECT ❑ Upon the Following Corrections: 1 � I t 1 DATE: TIME: INSPECTOF PEP FOP i'�OI :'IS .:1 c7:iAGE D-SPOS�i''L i A permit fee of S150.00 shall be char,ed for alteration, enlar•gel"ent or ar.y reoair•( involving al teration of an existin^, se°;race dis,,osaI syste-1. This `ee., is au- oriz2,41 by Eagle County Individual Se';"ane Disposal System Re,ulations adopted and ef=`ctive March 27, 1900. For minor repairs of less than $100.00 for maintenance of the individual se', -race dis,:os--1 system, no fee shall be required. A percolation test fee of $50.00 shall be charged for all new leach fields on repair permits. Percolation testing may be waived at the discretion of the Environ.rental Health Officer on certain repair cases where prompt action must be taken to prevent' a hea, +,, ti�"tea IF PRESENT SYSTEiM IS PRE-EXISTING, y0I1-CONFORMING, A N'E1;1 SYSTEM SHALL BE I:1STr.LLED, COIIPLYI"1G tlITH AL CURRE,`1T :cGUL.",TIOI S. IF A �lE l S°t'S1"ciI iS REuliiPED, ALL FEES ARE APPLICABLE. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEIM/ TYPE AND SI I OF SYS T EN PRESE?1TLY Ill USE: DATA PRESENT SYSTEM :dAS IPIS 7 A LLED: % PERMIT NUMBER FOR ORIGINAL SYSTEI.1, IF A PEPMIT WAS -ISSUED BY THIS DEPAR— - ^= SITE PLAN BELOW SHO1,4ING PRESEiNT SYSTEM COMPONENTS: HrrL11 AH I : /�69t�� ryRram DATE: z'r 7 0777 Nelson Carbondale ,JOB NA 2580 HWy 82 joa rya, �22.,2 JOB LOCATION BILL TO DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE L7,17 TOTAL MATERIAL PERMIT #777 ] 1` .TT �F 1 I 7 _ OWNER: Linda Nelson LOCATION: 2580 H WS'' 82 Carbondale INSTALLER Ed Dreager SIZE OF TANK: 1999 (D-Plus Enter DWELLING: gal. Prise) PERC Res' Single Fam. RATE: Dry Well ABSORPTION: Dry Well FINALIZED: 4.10-S7 BY: Sid Fox Nelson DER Lin • da 82 , CazbOndale 9 CO OCATION' 25g0 �Iwy es D_P1us EnterPris INSTALLETK: 1000 gl. SIZE OE DVV LING ell PERCTION AREA 9x9x9 Dry W Y . Sid Fox DSO B 04/10/87 FINALIZED d J