HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnd of Cattle Creek Rd - 23910300009 - 0760ISINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N� 0760 P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631. Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner: H. R. McGeHee Address: Rt 2, Box 28, Marietta, Oklahoma 73448 System Location: Telephone: 405-276-2751 Licensed Installer: License Number: Conditional installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: Percolation rate: Inch in Minutes Absorption area per bedroom Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 2 X Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom - equals Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: Date: Environmental Health Officer: CONDITIONS: 1. All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended. 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage Disposal System to be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQ. FT. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: 000 GALLONS; DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: N INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: PHONE: SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR / AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: YES O PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: YES _CO COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: YES �f COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO COMMENTS: (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE (Final Approval) �� ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: Name of Applicant H. R. McGehee RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT Name of Owner: Samp Amount Paid: 50.00 150.09teceipt Number: 2034 Date: 6 16 86 Cashier: Gail Parker Check #917 & 918 White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Yellow Copy - Applicant / Owner ApaT TCATTn. FOR T',".;, TAL SF.�AG- 01S?0S'tiL :':S' P7' !T" ENV RON'MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COL"':TY l r P.O. Box 230 (r Ea., -le, Colorado 81631 No. aw PERMIT APPLICATION FEE: 8150.00 328-7311 PF.RCOL\TION TEST FEE: S50.00 NAME OF OIA'ER: ADDRESS:a �PHONE: 4-/&,5- a776 - Z7S'1 NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner): p ADDRESS: PHONE: DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (if applicable): ADDRESS: PLnJl1L4 IivSiALLATION OF SYSTEM: Licensed Installer (see attached list). ADDRESS: PHONE: PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: (� New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair /� PHO':E: A� 'h YES NO ✓ LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL =--AGE DISPOSAL SYSTE`1: Street/Rural Address: Lot Size: 3S G295 Legal Description: BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable cate;orv_): (V5 Residential - Single Family ( ) Residential Quadples ( ) Residential - Duplex Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Tr_olex NTTAIRFR nF PFRgn\TS WASTE TYPES (check apolicable cateories): ( ) Corunercial or Institutional ( ) Non -Domestic Ldastes ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) Automatic Washer ( ) Other TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SE?.AGE DISPOSAL SYSTE•1 PROPOSED: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: ;- ( +jj Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) ( ) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) ( ) Other ( ) WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE Dwell'. �( Transit, Dish,a r Spa Tu JUN 161986 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT_N Incineration Toilet Chemical Toilet Recycling, Potable Use Recycling, Other Use YES ( ) NO IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS T'dAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES NO ( ) WASTE'sdATER FLOW REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO ( ) (I6 Yes, see attached tvaStewat,_e-t S_tctu .teducti.on Methods) NOTE: The EnvZtojzmentat' Heae-fL 0��.%e�� mat educe the•tequi.ted ab.soAptcon atea upon appno vae o 5 an adequate Leas te<ca ten 5 oLu ned uctio r1 p fan . - SOURCE AND TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ( ) [Nell ( Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth of all wells within 200 feet of system: If supplied by community water, give name of supplier: 1 SIGNATURE- � yJ-- /-%1-�✓-% - - - - - - - - - - - - DATE_ - G// 'f6 - -` - - - - INFORMAT1ON BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Peneent Gnouizd Stope Dep-t.'z to Bed -Lock eh (pen 8' Pno '� �e Ho 2e ) Depth .to Gnoundzcate,t TabZe SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: i;tutc/s pelt -6LCh in Hoe.e n 1 ALuiu-tcs pen inch .to Hof-e # 2 I�Vi..%Li.L(.e/s pc,,. it Lck to Hoze # J FINAL DISPOSAL BY: ( J Abso.tptioil Tnejtch, Bed on Pit ( ) EvapottanspiAation Above Gnoujtd- Ji p�,sa2 (,..) Sand Fi is t ( ) Unde,tg.tound Dis pvusae ( ) Was.tcxat t Pond ( ) OthCft Amoumt Paid: C%C7 g/g �'D-- RCCCC�?t iVLU;1bC•t)03 DCLte: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to"application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4-07-83) A parcel of land situated in H.E.S. No. 275,"Township 7 South, Range 86 West, County of Eagle, State of`Colorado;'said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. l.of.said H.E.S.'275,,(also being Corner No. 5 of H.E..S. No. 335), a lava stone in place, the True Point of Beginning; thence N.50°11'04"E. along the northwesterly line of said H.E.S. No. 275, (also being the southeasterly line.of said H.E.S. No. 335), 1531.99 feet to Corner No. 2'of said H.E.S.. No., 275; thence S.37°39'05"E. along the northeasterly line of said H.E.S. No. 275, 1814.96 feet; thence N.81044'18"W.-2202.63 feet to a point :on the.southwesterly line of said SI_F_Q_ Mn 975• h},nnnn M Q70o7l5a"T.T. .1..... j.3 _ ..at___- ---i-- :-- 0760 McGehee �J .JOB NAME JOB NOS C� r ,106 LOCATION BILL TO _ DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE ^TA' MATERIAL S i J AV •�, i � 7;. '7 j, � Via. _ v • �` " \ � y !���i�Vlr��t ` GROTON, MA i in USA 04=6062,a1 04C3os3E i '��i_A�01DOS O4�06Cc= P0LAP01D3IS