HomeMy WebLinkAbout208 Hwy 131 - 194115400003INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Eagle County Department of Environmental Health PERMIT N® 0722, P.O. Box 850 - 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 Telephone: 328-7311 or 949-5257 or 927-3823 YELLOW COPY OF PERMIT MUST PLEASE CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE BE POSTED AT INSTALLATION SITE COVERING ANY PORTION OF INSTALLED SYSTEM Owner: Browning —Ferris Industries Telephone: (� 713 870-7025 Address: P.O. Box 3151 — Houston, TX 77253 System Location: Wolcott, CO — Lot 48 in Sec. 15, T4S, R83W, 6 PM Licensed Installer: Scott Davis License Number: Conditional installation approval is hereby granted for the following: Minimum requirements: Gallon Septic Tank or Aerated Treatment unit Absorption area of dispersal area computed as follows: Percolation rate: N/A Inch in Minutes **** V A U L T P R I V Y Absorption area per bedroom Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms X Sq. Ft. minimum requirement per bedroom - equals Total Sq. Ft. minimum requirement Special Requirements: Date: October 7, 1985 Environmental Health Officer: CONDITIONS: 1, All installations must comply with all requirements of the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, adopted pursuant to authority granted in 25-10-104, C.R.S. 1973, as amended, 2. This permit is valid only for connection to structures which have fully complied with County zoning and building requirements. Connection to or use with any dwelling or structure not approved by the zoning and building departments shall automatically be a violation of a requirement of the permit and cause for both legal action and revocation of the permit. 3. Section III, 3.21 requires any person who constructs, alters or installs an Individual Sewage Disposal System to be licensed according to the regulations. FINAL APPROVAL OF SYSTEM: No system shall be deemed to be in compliance with the Eagle County Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations until the system is approved prior to covering any portion of the system. INSTALLED ABSORPTION OR DISPERSAL AREA: SQ. FT. INSTALLED SEPTIC TANK: GALLONS; DEGREES; FEET DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM: INSTALLER OF SYSTEM: PHONE: SEPTIC TANK CLEANOUT TO WITHIN 12"OF FINAL GRADE OR AERATED ACCESS PORTS ABOVE GRADE: YES NO PROPER MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLY: YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: YES NO COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY / STATE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS: YES NO COMMENTS: (Any item checked NO requires correction before final approval of system is made. Arrange a re -inspection when work is completed.) DATE (Final Approval) 11 84 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: DATE (Re -Inspection) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: RETAIN WITH RECEIPT RECORDS PERMIT Name of Applicant: Beck & Assc. , Inc. Name of Owner: Browning —Ferris Industries Amount Paid: $150.00 Receipt Number: CO213 Date: 11/9/85 Cashier: Lorraine Funke White and Pink Copies - Environmental Health Department Yellow Copy - Applicant / Owner APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT ( ENVIRONNHENTAL HEALTH OFFICE - EAGLE COUNTY P.O. Box 850 s Eagle, Colorado 81631 No. a o 3 1 PERMIT APPLICATION FEE: $150.00 328-7311 PERCOLATION TEST FEE: $50.00 NAME OF OWNER: Browning -Ferris Industries ADDRESS: Box 3151, Houston, Texas 77253 PHONE: (713) 870-7025 NAME OF APPLICANT (if different from owner): ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1413, Vail, CO 81658 DESIGN ENGINEER OF SYSTEM (if applicable): ADDRESS: Beck & Associates, Inc. A PHONE: PHONE: PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM: Scott Davis - Licensed Installer (see attached list): YES - NO X 303) 827-5711 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1171, Eagle, CO 81631 PHONE: (303) 926-7123 PERMIT APPLICATION IS FOR: ( X) New Installation ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair LOCATION OF PROPOSED INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Street/Rural Address: Lot Size: Legal Description: Lot 48 in Section 15, Township 4S; Range 83, West of 6th Principle Meridian BUILDING OR SERVICE TYPE (check applicable category): ( ) Residential - Single Family ( -) Residential - Quadplex ( ) Residential - Duplex (X ) Commercial (state usage) ( ) Residential - Triplex NUMBER OF PERSONS: 20 WASTE TYPES (check applicable categories): ( X) Commercial or Institutional ( ) Non -Domestic Wastes ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) Automatic [dasher ( ) Other NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: ( ) Dwelling ( ) Transient Use ( ) Dishwasher' ( ) Spa Tub TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROPOSED: ( ) Septic Tank ( ) Composting Toilet ( ) Incineration Toilet ( X) Vault Privy ( ) Greywater ( ) Chemical Toilet ( ) Pit Privy ( ) Aeration Plant ( ) Recycling, Potable Use ( ) Other ( ) Recycling, Other Use WILL EFFLUENT BE DISCHARGED DIRECTLY INTO WATERS OF THE STATE: YES ( ) NO (X ) IS SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR LESS THAN 2,000 GALLONS PER DAY: YES ( X) NO ( ) WASTEWATER FLOW REDUCTION PLAN: YES ( ) NO (X ) (I6 Ve/s, zee attached wa6tewatet 6tow teducti,on methods) NOTE: The Env.i Lonmentat Health 066icet may reduce the tequ red ab�5arption area upon apptovat o6 an adequate wastewateA 6Zow Aeduc ti.on plan." SOURCE AND TYPE OF ER PP ( X) Well ( ) Spring ( ) Creek/Stream Give depth opelaill w s hin 200 feet of system: 600 ft. If supplie by co n' water, give name of supplier: SIGNATURE: DATE: INFORMATION W TO BE FILLED OUT BV ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER: GROUND CONDITIONS: Pehcent Ground Slope rAID, Depth to Bedno ck ( pet &' PAo bite Hole) Depth to Groundwater TabZe SOIL PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS: Minuta pets inch in HoZe 1 Minute s peA inch to Hote # 2 Minutes pet inch to HoZe # 3 FINAL DISPOSAL By: ( J Ab6gvLption TAench, Bed of Pit ( ) Evapottcamp-itr"ati.on ( ) Above Ground Dizperzat ( ) Sand FiZtet ( J UndetcgAound Dispeua2 ( ) Wastaoatet Pond " ( ) Other � o 'l Amount Paid: 5-0 Re(�%p` Nwnbet C (7 a.13 Date: 11- 0(C -S-i • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: Site Plan must be attached to application. (Env. Health Department - Rev. 4--07-83) Transmission Report Date/Time 03-05-2008 10:49:55 a.m. Transmit Header Text EAGLE CO. HEALTH AND HUMAN Local ID 1 970+0000000 Local Name 1 Local ID 2 Local Name 2 This document: Failed (reduced sample and details below) Document size : 8.5 "x11 " E?%LE CC3UNi'Y FAX COVER SHEET EAGLE COLJNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTNIENT P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 P1t:970-328-8755 Fax:970-328-8788 Date: 3 / 61 at TO: S''tO..90A COMPANY: -- FAX 42V' FROM: T E Rik' . E nv:reme�MA (�e.tH D•(� 1 NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: REGARDING: Comments: If you do not receive all pages please call our office at (970) 328-8755 Total Pages Scanned : 8 Total Pages Confirmed : 0 No. IJob IRemote Statl on Start Time I Duration Pages Line Mode I Job Type Results 001 1641 199262680 10:48:44 a.m.03-05-2008 00:00:01 0/8 11 -- IHS I FA Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print TU: Terminated by user HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FA: Fall RP: Report EC: Error Correct Transmission Report Date/Time 03-05-2008 10:56:15 a.m. Transmit Header Text EAGLE CO. HEALTH AND HUMAN Local ID 1 970+0000000 Local Name 1 Local ID 2 Local Name 2 This document: Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size : 8.5 "x11 " Awd t" EAGLE COUNTY FAX COVER SHEET EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. SOY 179 EAGLE, CO $1631 Ph:970-328-8755 Fax:970-328-8788 Date: 3/ 5 1 a g TO:S'10 F 0 A COMPANY: -- FAX#: q26 FKOVI: NO.OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: REGARDING: Comments: If you do not receive all pages please call our office at (970) 328-8755 Total Pages Scanned : 8 Total Pages Confirmed : 8 No. IJob I Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Line I Mode I Job Type Results 001 1643 199262680 10:51:10 a.m. 03-05-2008 00:04:08 8/8 11 JEC IHS ICP4800 Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print TU: Terminated by user HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FA: Fail RP: Report EC: Error Correct Et\GLE COUNTY FAX COVER SHEET EAGLE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 179 EAGLE, CO 81631 Ph:970-328-8755 Fax:970-328-8788 Date: TO:S'l0 -1=0 COMPANY: FAX #: q 2 e . a'-'6' NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: REGARDING: Comments: If you do not receive all pages please call our office at (970) 328-8755 PERMIT #722 OWNER: Browning -Ferris Industries (BFI) LOCATION: Lot 48 in Sec. 15, T4S, R83W - Wolcott INSTALLER: Scott Davis SIZE OF TANK: Vault Privy DWELLING: Commercial PERC RATE: N/A ABOSRPTION AREA: N/A FINALIZED: 11/84 BY: Sid Fox EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 October 7, 1985 Browning -Ferris Industries P.O. Box 3151 Houston, TX 77253 RE: ISDS Permit #722 Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will find the final permit for the vault privy located at your BFI installation in Wolcott, Colorado. Our apologies for the delay in sending you this permit. There were some errors in our record keeping. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, I Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY /gp Enc. Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 EAGLE COUNTY 551 Broadway Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328 7311 October 7, 1985 Browning -Ferris Industries P.O. Box.3151 Houston, TX 77253 RE: ISDS Permit #722 Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will find .the final permit for the vault privy located at your BFI installation in Wolcott, Colorado. Our apologies for the delay in sending you this permit. There were some errors in our record keeping. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, Gail Parker, Secretary Environmental Health Office EAGLE COUNTY /gp Enc. Board of County Commissioners Assessor Clerk and Recorder Sheriff Treasurer P.O. Box 850 P.O. Box 449 P.O. Box 537 P.O. Box 359 P.O. Box 479 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Eagle, Colorado 81631 M D e W D GLKN.16' AND ASSOCIATES, INC. November 9, 1984 Environmental Health Office Eagle County P.O. Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 To Whom It May Concern: PO. Box 1413 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 827-5711 Enclosed you will find an application for an individual sewage disposal system permit. The site plan for this project is the same as the site plan for the work being done under permit #2745, the permit # for the BFI yard. If you ha questions questions or comments about this applications please call me at 827-571`1 �' I Yours ,t'�1 , Anew J. Beck Oresident Beck & Associates, Inc. AJB/ds Encl. General Contractors • Designers/Builders JOB NAME 1 2 JOB IVU, . gnu � nnertnn� n ._ � / Ala4 I U V Orff,4�V4V V C� 7 ✓ fh/� 7if/�c_ / 1 " (' (f d �S BILL TO i DATE STARTED DATE COMPLETED DATE BILLED 'A'o JOB COST SUMMARY TOTAL SELLING PRICE TOTAL MATERIAL ritrwl 1 Ap/lp PERMIT #722 OWNER: Browning -Ferris Industries (BFI) LOCATION: Lot 48 in Sec. 15, T4S, R83W - Wolcott INSTALLER: Scott Davis SIZE OF TANK: Vault Privy DWELLING: Commercial PERC RATE: N/A ABOSRPTION AREA: N/A FINALIZED: 11/84 JOB FOLDER Produd 278 ®® NEW ENO' 6 BY: Sid Fox